CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 May 1894, p. 7

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à Mil Ms moiné. iaV la M4 bultbvqm e tsssaa lia sigiv. ya ftoxficamia. Lydia . Plnkham's Vegetabie Compound OIJSA .L AllIf olt f W@Ifl0I Ugl~lWakn ..tjlua .ntaii eate it u he Subu syi bovu. aoeh i Ildw mim mauY5R evuJiil. chucks ~ij IàIàOIOdfOO hmus. iTh oie uatdngd@wfl Feeling - painVt, veilit4, sudbookWIMbalà la. m"iy sisv Jet dpemantticuisby l i.UnditaitOITaom UImuainl W"eivu l. ava-that gVsa<tho & mi% » -l aabama vS. UIJIL DIOIYRY lia dloeWedlueuepIOur commu evensa rmedy 4ut cur e ve Cof-aim«rnt hes b.wort Sciofu = Md Dneyer faiw iexc¶ luIntwo cas hun hor>. lme as nos lu hi ovrtwe huWd d ilat, " Il 1 a n tvmnwty miles 9oýos, Send pdsal card for bock. 15.5 enSS e y wa srDo s - tnm a la li façadet vS.m OuquaE IOWA. New oIMP&wii formsrly an l~~e qg~~, the. oeen Cam lae ase --~ .No« itlà raokd lth M'jaWed Mliely The test I o1A évd êVOl Sacst Du- tuins.Tbb femlly vhlch m basle uboo alog the .lôdagembankmçDta nS?51S stlut mamth Vse- ICI harbor tovitnsgorbulauob.- « iu tiitoisee~i~foth the 'r~-~egulr br eq bnt eshsofthe od fogyand'comam- ev 411t bte Uited StatoaGer. plce' y"h W'tel Ne opsu O t Il " e4OII5e - d 'Jý" ebigren, but vo ie hm uar basboee boflo. tulà reaIly i<1,lan tho diinesd ahie nelghbors en â»Bides Cusbin« la sltnpiy a yacht alterod over .ctred pir. &M ùfted with a torpedo tube. tt mwth Mma Chales Jobest-f, * $ S oIcle shaM>nDOgtraide th. vldow eo!-the* lovuIIeadSngj*h- fornsmoi tubout W <Wor, abd witii bérW&'t1#Ve, Mca' vafr4r JolûàbaLon The. vives of Constal building inwivh thera«Iyeof!elew Bpnuit.andUMia. Ezara Bal woristLe xmon vhobailt the oSnt 1 ifeil into lune a fov dave laer, vith a orafi, tookaleadingpêrt .Capi. Usher, pair ee, aIl Iet& Whou L rd who wiU coiiit*nthe vessel, s&MISmA. J. Se omu*tof the. Faiale< j) Ushel-, withb esdlugoltizena, lnlud~rtrtboeUoohr.elgs thé venoaWablaex-Sonor Georgee . th ryuo!Ii, nI4tlp joué, rodain ocarnage..The exer- eaugaelaelobI*ilM wloebgu 11 a speh by M. M. cre oais àhe~ls vr q"'Vaiernoteb.Board of Trada.The tbekeo.M. onM~aad Don't the C( If a baking powder is not uniform in strength, so that the arne qaiantity will alwaiys do the sanie work, no one cari know how to use it, and uni- formly good, light food cannot be produced with it. Ail baling powders except Royal, because improperly compounded and made from inferior materials, lose their strength quickly when the cari is opened for use. At subsequent bakinga there wiIl be noticcd a falling off in strength. The food is heavy, an~d the flour, eggs and butter wasted. It is always the case that the consumer suffers in pocket, if not ini health, by accepting any sub- stitute for the Ro'yal Baking Powder. The Roy al is the embodiment- of all the excellence thatr it is possible to attain in an absolutely pure powder. It is alwavs strictly reliable. It isnfot only more economical because of its greater strength, but will retain its full leavening power, which no other powder will, until used, and make more wholesomne food. -.W.Zzdama i tfrpoehstM Md w lm al.1 tb i D»tIIC0 S eOa l I ldn1 irp ibe Job. ()Ca ve» flac for otve Po la.Inthe fom mm lea Yorkshire village lhe. - i Il lapropres>& tn utilize the power of sutto. b. etbo treo brothors, bachoi rs: tb. OniY ocean vave. sa achlnery motor. bseicAi.UPjI other lomate of theirhouaeboldwvasa itvO UUel= d houaekeoper. The brotheM' retiriigTmigs k m ng ouIs~bi :1home 10 diuner one dal, found the la wy tui rem aua.utaaa OuU ~~~ ~~ houftkeeper mlsng. Counsmking ln- if uo be Ton M& aa gabelumatemiesby Il bigYmUt**U ____________________________ qurleo they dlacovered Ihat aho had seub mounaatmOUi vve tIb ait sa t".vui- dot s*05f - -- ~ who gaa bull s~aata bwalYto4O lstis ur PrOSqtfl àamsi D o chance of gettkg beqk î6eir rua- ida @0tghfà "1 ~ hby aveinoe one. 12 manage sbipwrackhaaaasayou. Weu1t-otf bonor yrp'fil Ihefr donestie affaira. tallasbat ore t S mlifU 7« aa Prolisd i séà lu WC0 1 o TORPELO BOAT ElCWwON. The eider brother said tiat the bat .vth l HOSIOII* Stemach BIit . a & tft ufactursd by tb. >5 _________________________thlng vould be for on. o!fhehotarei 7fur aidpreveuti ai01Ski »um saOf Co. only, Wb e i l Fret Rogment Baud thon playod «Tba the vife of a terni band, sud the bel- marry, but, he added. 'I shall lot ha traviersby ses.0or1lad, ne!veuueMMOmuSsipackage, "aime Dmn Star Spe.ngled Bannr, "and an addreda er-bai! of Rev. Mr. Gray premztod l tai c ne; I amn ton o'd ta marry." by thlbtUo9 01tha scrOw Of 6uisiuis-tbi imd being voweu nl vai made by J. CLonguovilll5. ina 10 their huabands wvhhlu a' ew *Nor 1,» ailithe second oam, vho lairila et0 Il lviy tndu, sudMUi aa atl te aucepl aDy suaihtou 'Mar-chiug Throughaeorglava tIses houra of cach ütier, and the physielans consldered himseif aomethhng of an le- bowel. Uvar and tMomablo tMsblOO caugai tr renero tyhe band. à udpe ODon- wvIse nded them annousiced liaI vaiid; «I shalh neve. tiinIL o! marry- bi "w8W 8034 UnaStOdisf»&ei. ha neUl spoke, aud lien eyerythi Wouvask 4mis.Jamis Batile and Mra. John ikg." illets a a»imoutermbeb effcté et ftiu rondins» for the 111%). boS. MimaPeterson had doua. likoe..b! adteyuglrth,'Iatak is 'l l<leue brak. thse bottle over the stem1 Thea.additions te tIsep:ýputon mehviayou are driving at. Il la jut ottheboast and îFaid: had scarcely been recorded wien MmS vhat I ae.xpectd-l! over therela a THEBE le more help kn an ounce of "la the naine o! the cittvof Dauei Irin Heedrlcka n, wife of th. propri- job W doil la aluays lotfIo~, encouragement tisou thera la kn a ton and in honor o! the Un' led State3 ai etaofewo Hoese big paper mili, anî 1 me. 4yjb _____, _ci_____e of our glortoita emblem, lise Stars and Mra. Fred Siabinger ao o oulributediul oslmaC. l odo StrIpea, sud as a remembran0ce Mof ne twina t) the throng. Mr&. Joseph In China. ruarante. it carOa aciptens (oooemp- who won imperlisable renowvin l our More, Mré. Augustuî ud Mis. Michmil The Emueror o!Chlna'5 proper name ton. itioa b. bialOSOius ae1609or. var for the. presrvatlon of tuae great Gornian, the ro.3y cheeked vif. o!faàla nver mentioned; ta pronounce l le 5o Lentie-d SJ and graun.ine I chriaten thoe ýica- plumier, have aiso come t te front a criminal offen-e. On aoendiug tise son.1 ot aproahed henthrone the ruler of tise"Middle King- As the men parahd in _- _ .dm ake anaine by vhlch ho be- lie1ma srok va 1 kgisOD1h5 icimes knovu ta his reopie and h vould iet the veasol Ire, thora a tory. Taoprmt oipe lo silneo among lb. vaît c-owd; thon raonai nainae teTs»l-tVisnhbuton* * as Il çraefully gliied nta ithe vater a=g laP migb i 1 vent up snd thse g__ lai aed n tse ti oKn Inou, thuisdere a wh. h U ~ ilchinkEnglilabsignifies "iiluatrioua th. lhitib h 1. ork o!launehlng sucesn.» ss. and the boit ettied lu the. vator,___________________ _________________ macoly d!oturblng 11. The. boat laa beaut m i vldellghl lbe oye of àI smaman. It la pronounced byslhe aa~,a~si.-,l, ofloers present a moeel of Ife kini. P ¶ U4 The bids for lhe contruction o! thlm*W U bvesel were opene 1,he 2ChofA t. ~ ' W 7 IMt'l. Biao r a Not dlterngu fr..n this one hmd been called for beo te PIOC IXTGmo U E tEEEUc5s0N. plana veo chauged; second bld 3 wvo i vti e quota, and the women of aakod for and the cônract vas awarded Nov Hope v ho have twins nov about to the lowa Iron Works of Dubu oe qual Ihose vise have not. the vork ta b. doue for S8113,0)._____ Wien the annD-incemntwaa imade OrWof. . Wf t hat a firn lu the interlor o! tise THE shaft erocted at Cambridge, country, a thouasud miles trom theMaanme.yoftellEdn seahoard, had thse bhldnoeStW bld ou a)d-,l eoyoft a3Ewi vorkof hm mgnItdegns~ do Booth, lhe acter, vas dedlcated. vr preasbd bv the smahr l- HNESNFOT 3br i.rm dors,'.Thyad th. vork cnid nothbe mitted suicide aI Beatrt".. Neb., hy dote thora. Offciais vere, therefore, haugilng. A quarrel vith hi intended -sent teJuuque ta ohiaa a Ihorougi wle la mpposed ta have caused l e SMR&. CLARA NEDERRVELT teellfrein a rovboast ah Grand Rapide, NMich. lier foot caught auder a seat and bser head vas Iseld under vater until she drovaed. TEEIowa Supreme Court )has sus- s lainod the sentence o!f rank Pte rce Wo Y lmprlaetaqint ln the peultentiaryr for four aud one-baif year-. for ki llug Si Officer E. P. Wlsasrt at Dos Moines on on ~June 30, 18011.f. ry MEM MINNIE SELIGMAN CUTTINt, da the acnas, Issu bogun suit at New Yonkaaalsl BrriMiner for 810,1,it)I id i r or bregoi mtloac. T-e1po<ieed -es Is Ms tes DR lxsg la thé -remUt ô! th. trouble ove: Oaov Tan xacqsoirtzm lbe production o! «L dy Gluly&. ucdertandlug of the malter. Tbe* Evidence fat te 1arwtn Th"er. reporeato very facilitl for bie A man living-in Hastlui, B. C., lug vesseis o! %his descrîphion exlaled l augit a pet mcnkey W ,drFink a gin lu L:ubuque sud 1h. 0O urQc10is ver &ud boerhal!-andb511 ey ori authoriz'.d 10 Proceed vith thl -ka. vorrek fast, S ry morsnît - saa1,d 1.a 140- gsm, the mathuropod soqulred a llking Theii.Etse.' la kilt <o! steel phseat hù liib.veaag., sud vien fiwaa thirS.olxteeflhhi O! au incilu tlie-sop e b.monkoy took revengc on naqýis. l lnghlal150ICfeel; he-1it,151 ts mnb iîug off on o! hi, eare. fost: doplh. 10> fot 6 luchev and a dia- On. thtug '.01 tai another until thte placement of 120 tant. lu shape it ila mohkey vas doad sud lie mau se badly rk. & cigar. ls engines are e! enor- oa thsaI, vo doclo oiee aled lu. mena pover, lmiteto10(10 Ohee- paver. The boliersa re oeualruted tW Oomphmmenary- gie the groatest possible amunt cf Mm s.Newcomo invtted yosug Mra. hotkpg surface. Tien. are Ive eta Smtihoe lop int 1dinner. o! fo"ur &ldr qusdrUPI"-xllOiiIOl Hadn'I 1btter go home Mud mak@ enIeaof01tIse vertical lnverted direct- usysel preltyl>" aked Mm .Smith-i acittype, opertugtvim «sc ieva i 4i0hiLe, dean--cen.jusaIa s e. ! aasof M 4revolutions arnMnule. ie.nlimier dlamolors arem 1 Il *TP 21j ïa o incIes, TIse stroko o ai platous la 16 luches. The"meuegints inaga 42revolutions a minute, yule oix.y802. TIse .<uimet yl k o the Wstiso st effetive faîbion. lkSl:bgVvdedth a dynamo of 1 peor au ontut 10 basn tv.ntY,-els naudaeaent hli ung aaaroh-, 84«0g8a1%, e.T* îliol-houge la viiib. mdahlp f èor oua e o aPla gwqo to, ele n - li tr a ; dns oh, ml to frup neo uuua o o mi>9 030,I~ 1%Md. .BIaselr 0& OfrICle JIL Ond U labeL vOlositw ri'.71- - « - àmw6m, tws wm

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