CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 May 1894, p. 8

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-W t WYanabuW...gr9. du, Q-ê I wwom e4adver".. Tgqa WR isor ilm IVANHOIL. Far ner r buay plasting corn. littieMIdadChamberin, or Wauks- jgem, la vlitluîg but grausdpastte. L. K. Byran&>aud fanilly.t gey Allison, wofChicagooeupled thé puilis oetsat tabbath. The IPeople won muclx plimd wlth hi.. -Themsh"oliedaalParty lau lis. D"10. Wou:ladt Hatswhlgy, Il wua atènffl by turiy the visols Society1 mta ud Use se aropocled hp ail. 'the sabbatb mohotbi wu reorguled laait sudgy and thUe followlng ducat e0 ' ed: Sopt, L. -Hl. Bryanît; Sec., s4Tma., jamse Swmin; Llbrarlaîs Miblarsi Duddiea;40fflnla&Vue Dean;1 -ClhiSter, Chartes&Becwitli. *utowu s la ot et lois fur a uu#dser as 1ev. Tracy tae il boe and bobai t:iyt lasweé . he enlies a Most Itmfty velcome. *~Ail uho vasaI Fresli .iicis Cow' eau buy ienl aI privaI. -sale of -Rarry Romta, me fmile Souths of Rock efeller, HALF DAY. Myr3sl Moore visiled son bis Chiia. go -ver Suii1Iy-. 5. T. Foule aind Franak Foots went tu Jeffersos Tuesday. Ersiest Ltsmpsin fi; visitlîsg is parents tafetetisas week. ira. .J. M. Foots and mother Mrs. J. A. Wall@ weîit 10 Chicago, Wed- seday. James Mania Sr. accomxpanied by lus sons John, of Chicago returîsod homet Monday after a lonag absence. E Lait Sabisatla morning the Germasr bad speciai services. Two, Hermanf I>egasiow andi Eda Witt, were coxiirm.- a.i and seveli partook of tise Lord'sf aupper. Miss Dora Foota vws presentesi witb rftine six octave pisfltuh antique oakd cc la woe, t la of the Lyon &f oealy make, <wliCh we t le i iuificieisl evidence of ils gousi work-d manablp; quality and durabillty. Grand Opening. Dansce Tise tiset annual danace of tise season wiii b. gîven utI.tle.Park Pavilliosa, Diamond Lakte, Friday, June 1, '94. Uuder tise auspices of lues T. B. club. music by Friedier's orchsestras. Ticket& 75 cents. B. H. Biows, H. C. (laI, geusral managers. Com g4sy good i tme. Çv ...r1'naissof John Cavainaugla wso died utaIs bIsIoulelu Evanseton were buried brlentlaitonday vils Mascate honora. Qulisàaniawber et maime nsud other fiaIoa fbilowed lbe reotmasto titir lest restiAg place' hyi rail to Higislansi Park, Useisce by car-i niages lu lise Vernosn dsastary. Hei was a brothe-in-law i Leuter andi Peter Mowera, of this place. 1, A Sabbat sachool, vas organized1 lait Sunday afterpoon by the lste County Bible auint andi Bef. J. B. ,McGuffln, of Lib.rtyvilieT4e $WIr day scisool 26O Qo~W 44éld -ee Aus'I.SupI.lia.A.; ,ecy. and Trent. ia ~ *giO A supt.iyet o.~ .Thse houri for laats ~ft rwlii tt 8 ccilok P. a4 & p urgenîiy re- que t tW51Ud Jolhn Meyer liM*sht iL apr44 gwagon. Hurrah for the Aptakiale omnibus. WiII Buck's speeder was broken by smre onte nsaicousiy indined Monday Uqg L3laisei tand vite, of Chicago, hOue beeauguemîs At P. Busch,& the P"a W"Bk. - 1 TjboUlffl At <Buacb and iLizais golden have epase home tor a vacation A.' Ri5un'a'uo »vina guis? Buy A.,Rezltù* x ý'% gun ramDe. Its alwaye lb, Itioky nuamber. -A4antu«drafl5Wàtheid tM Wle d &a ilait Fntday evening vblda v»,u joyed by olsi tnd yotng. Aptaklmk 1.1k, love fun generali! but palil5nly. This provesi by thse maay surgelas parties, rafie andi dances. jl aI S.., 'Bartona sdrcuaraklnlg clisa huod. We shal l i»tiaIsamia- be litIle lady, butvili aven liolsihoer - liain uvirsg renainbertone a brlghtlit1111 spot lua unr lves. Tihe reat eveailo!iet e soULvas HAVE - a may Party aI P. Buschb h1. Mou- day a'esskg vai port oct an ldeal nigist ýq" and for,* bah 1. brigist moonligisl and tlie aitjl sicoleneugis lu ie enjoyable. !uve*-tihe lisunden cloud as- stayesi at a itapmtttd: dîstadle. Thse maids 100 vare allured fanesr faM~Gier d a THIELI w- E - 'PLANO f a ébogw 0 ari1vý M, > solé0* «M1 e, r iespur rswIoor muhw tu MF, kw or "98 ~yor "sia or julmso; r jeter wou or dmou9m#r <as imar' rvu& or io&en polir ,iebor gelâta meno b. j, or, in a wd, if yo nm sror Soor of amp ty «tof i,îters< go the pwbUc, bslssg or ase lit iii, <and Uw IKDurtWfr EIIT W<U glatlyPebUa41. - DEERFICLO. -Cons plasstlng la about lluisimed lit thefe parts.' Crojts -of *ail kisare lookisg litse thé proep$cta for a gud uay crop wis Renry Plugge la building a brick miedmênosthe esct aide tiait will bo a credit t sat; part of tow. SThe Docrâeid literry uoclcty raow om in l the uppor roma of tihe ohoul botamsuad under tbe piesidesqr of Lewis Allartdt la doing Oinely bavimîg a gwod program cvery 8aturday cesau- log. Thse Comloos aof lgtways met Monday to make thse final onter for lthe iayiîsg out oftheic sew nsad .wuo~ veretdepot, and vamtissg the old lemming >st that place, tisereby dolng away wtthth ie old aeati trap at tise ). B. crousssg. Chsarles Chrosîke, of Chicagolas. si iocated a barber slsop lit C. W. Pettia' iaw -offos and Irons a conversations wlth hlm, tliîsk thse people (:f Deer- tiWd appreolate tie opportumsl tX ie a 0 blh ielas beesapatlonssed. ce,up m. ~~~m utb oM. 10 wtilwaimsubob" m u Itv* a~.a. oo THER PLANO MLFO. CO.,. Manufacturers, West PulluanImg FO LAm NON BxImflON BT OST -BROTHERS, DIP W NI L KE IL Saine Park Whao wit8isurt in tise1 moee Witb the strikers May 1, liasi o' WHILE fur recovered tisat lie weist t(4 wark Monsday maarîssg in thet Alslpyrd CO K 1 T( againu. lIis,Bita. JamesWh wisa ss asis O OK IN hurt ait tise saine time, liais gosse ta Chaicago to enage ina tise nilk busi- C. W. Pettis lias jusi completed a tsuslair Weil fors Bit. Mulalke assailias' obtauîssul a good flow of waster ait tisej devIs of 145 fest, 5 feet In lthp rock. Pettis is liasvisag good succesm slîskiiag tisasWellas, laasviisg conapietied (mise foar Geai. PfIster 1805 feet 10 cieep feet isi thae rock anid one for Fred Sclswab 144 tet deep, 4 feet ia te rock, either of wlaicis wil lasmia 13 taarrels per Isimîs M, Iloreuîberger, osir popular mer- chantt, la lsuiitîg the fiuset rosi-, douce ln town. It w ill Se of brick, faices wilis Milwaiukee pressed brick. iiTyr Ober, of JHighland Park, la duing tise maison work. Il vs liad1 more suds entcrprising citizens as Mr. llorenherger, Deerfieid would Booa become, as site go ju'tly deeerves by virturs 94 ber beautiful location, lias finest ffltle Clityin the caiPura4, - F EBRETT. D. R. Carr la aporting ian a e w raiad cart--osac of Indianai's best. The Tuliy boYs have laad ai liard turne of itîle pa winter-tv.a boys, tvo #triran d only osns buggy juAl big aenouit for two. Ent Freulto &'Co. are takirsg limes asnd ueaOla by tise foreiock, and alncadyhaatock of tan machinery tsè-bsid wftb more comiîag. 1isàit Gore la bornes froim tihe city fa*rtbo0fiuer aI leaiat. J ual nov be JO puîtlog lai lis tsae cslivaling a baaitls oit of suisburna '-> "at»bipring a young mn's fancy BIgh#.itulSs 10 thoughtsout -bicycles. Coônfsqucutly Joe Redmond Ioaik hi$ lu Ibhe .1.17 villahm Mosdasy. F. S.Bunrcis, of tise new siaeep farmi, la liping badly vîtîs rheunsalism, but Se mliitboW a caa u fnilk acrîass lbe palforia wlth grace and @Ra. The many friands eit our jol ly sta- tion agent, J. M. Woodnan, wiIi las iorr% tu heat tiait thse Sprinags are 'lat helplng hm swas buped wvienlise lait. Mr. OConnor, one of our largesl milk sîsîppers, is nejoiciîsg in a sel of new cana painly marked wlihlis full nanse and asddress. It isaia goaid ex- ample 10 foliow. Those grent iilac bushies on Me. Lancaster place visicis have been ioaded wilir blomeaonstise patwIo veeks, bave cauWedtise decalogue lo be braiken itlu aIiuat vo Places. Wedneiday meranngthie air vas fu of barbesi vire andi garbiesi quot&' I"ou rons scriptflte, aind nov tihe sec- lion ganag have tise ferice ina its nov position, aaid tise roai ready fur éradingi Uncle 3an's raiiway mail ciîs by long aiad persistenit practice have lie- expert týhtthey eaufbit a ditlài fuai of valet vils thé mail sacks every lime, and n11w lbey.are tr3 irg tISsu hasad aI itng a 200 fout platform with vely poor succese Bai far. Everett lae W hase.a park. 04r, toatherweight potmaster bas decreed il. Tise tocs asd abrube are already in ,he pronai. A easerasof waaerworks for sprlnklfng 'the lawvransd floyers lma beSuput ia d nov lise workman are erigaged Inai etting pons for tise tance wlaeb la lntended t,)kecp Co00 île, bicen mui tlaer nuisances f the grasa. Get bere, £Eli C.M. &S. P.,l T" a .' i t Ni l t p n. shes-m.,% file m 2> il, 14 ti s q» Deerfili a.t4 1 iiiii Evurett 842 1C 'i4301 Ott Roudout m,45 104% 3:4r 636 Lsiaa viiu.îE ... 51043 .. Ouruseel 9 lMa 3:51* Waainwortb 9 10i3d S iaueibarrire) i- 58 3 4 Rumeil14 3 Wadoworab 9 50 Osroe si Il Warsnton aV 17 LsauaTYVvLLs 610l 39 ... 110 Koisdout ôGai 7 ;4 .... 55t 19verstt sA ? .%4 .- t4. Deeeid 5sa, GnS.O..1 M7 Sleraservile aé, * k s *. 1 CbleNmg. arrives, 15 50 ): BU iDAY TRIN»?4.. Lv.Libertyvtle t: ana.. .A,. Ch5egoq4 LV.LShsrtyvi5e2-:M Sp as.Ar. MoudogOl@j«. Lv Ciaiaeo, 2:M5 p. as Ar.lsertyvls0 N.,ltraaa t'r CfiIc>,5,a f rom iod>out 10 i i i 1 *1 Winc.Cent.R.R.Tim.T (*(o,.o NONTR. tu, , 7..4 *. ;b 1 - à 141 - ak~k5t~I.r2 21 $aà M M5 .Atll ti.ktu fi9 4M Pr,tiri-» V5' . ...VS4, 9 -' .. Apfjkiýi. . t. . 159tin . .. f týj ~5~Oui)' un IIumiI. Askit.ait about 8un4 ay trains;a: a0 (relKril,4th« sr7isaoa&tM Elgin, Joliet & £ se Tins TABLE. OM Bs OBTE. @TATIOUL soO & 4:30> pnî arriv.e i!.'ukeçaig dep'rS 7:00 art :0 Ur ~Ilondout. .4 r. 7 - 80~ 2 A .pion....Leititon ...8:0 i - :45 pm ... Maiaîosid Lake..8:7 1i.: 2:35. pin.... (ilner .......9 2:20 pln. de .. aseZiiiil.. *:0s 1:40 pià)... arrisiton. l080 12:45. pm .... ig,~..13 11:00 an) ....iurer... .:50uam ...Pllsîeld ...99P 6:40 au)..... Joliet........ 46 - - ~ ml W" * wifiï minýqto -I TOA or Md bime Pïbàlnglo lbe. Liv, kid jet Liv.. li o f 5.d ~ uSsftsqosIl~ê kl'al.d, L- rni~pi'. .9- -s...- Qocer for. -z- A'29ZOmS11~ H B.EGER, Libertyville, Ill. By Spoclal Arrangement with the Pubilshor 01 the INTER OCEAN. W. are able to offer: The WeekIy INTER OCEAN BOTH ONE The Weekly INDEPENDENT, YEAR, For oonl $1.90, Cash in avne A COMPLETE STOCK UnDrain Tile, Farm Wagons, Buggies, Agricultural Implements, Etc. Woe have a new Stock of the Fap'îous Weber Wagopls -Adé the Bloomingtoh--ý Harber Bros. Buggies e, ariegs CQai and See Thebw'...- i hr Sq~ [üLýM'ý

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