- » ý i.theb«4 ui lum &a 4 -vIai ndi * ~V~0..bat qi* 1 110 fI tee t Absis 1*0 b S» osng mui nous rtislad %wbtVet Agel&is douita M Vlle»*9 s arios à **m. osu mOs 1bsoA~ 04 ts ealoimm .k*pu sl~4.Tb. CLebeuf.x 6 O51 b lr ulât4o~4os bba1ast a c ou V.Iam I"th vpepigaI os eaut lel uansd A Woame uiha aulieunst bugli mauani separtodad uSitaoct Rqng f"or ibth e nuea signala oàes. Tbs lt lliu t caiealtioeuAl] s»w Ison t, evsial laya, U0api t.eak Aua» trou VcY" @Bslsead hine Trail. *wa Iet. Wyo, spoçinli TisCc u 0k a train tann i iltaalunkAi at montpetiet d"s w a sudmais a eqiat 1Ioh. vu abalf11sfembla rl NOm dsporas. e u.ret n'Irais ubea mmai ala llaalstrou Mnel Plai ý 4bom.>Thy er lor el and lainai, l ob.-.Ihhme. et tAbs19 ltabyt Ilsaebl b-ralt v5.Ja' iuebof tablnz end c~M ro ibte vouas pralie "Ob.epehe 44 Oio a4*4 br Bt~c bailb.dfer1 &bu Y«"r ounrs l an tUllugBook tuai et, »i-1 esmiles or cfPmAuaon. Ky.. atumilaY - ucesin lt-a -ftlghi tr*in u n 0X6 Ch eamo et VodamteW Klnile. trasn 1.101* la so.b lt.o olcoM ildMIa! "vu lslb. tuao Cosincior BAUl sud iAx gravai lmS Wolf uere ki111.1 onriabi ami soeral ne1 etoir I.y aol . Bimler Jou& oethAe ou- est rshgt. mAw h. lanser just la' tAp.m Ils le jump sudmyi vsbis At Ta. caUse 0 14Ils vt«ak va% d. itéd sAih e Aite455- lemeasiof Abe gBaunaanorthils ork 34-train or 10 Conuuia.,MIII. uoua kllle& ffl The slau as nilot ti a lu t ue@le avay. l@it@p trimBumatU h*Abo uoktrain-.A >18 oAmi nombateWtAs sliduo oub.dlias ho b« gave ordor A a'hoevu i reed. When sous sacb th» uorb train vas baeying ibrosgh the tuneml ta make a suinite suymdi Lyoud. Is 'extra f r*lgbt nuntaing ivesty-BtO ii. mu hotto. dashel am sto 1% I.compWlysi» uleIng Cour or ffPi' carsf thies ork trais ndmi Al nglie sunti gale ueral Cams et coal et the frOltA., MaaY1 * at et ths traiom 48 Al miaelc.*acames a_ le trou dostbt. and h i fl Iet bappeiw se Ibo quloie bl me etnunnsave Ibo e*aoer and illii bis temim loft Ibir irain. FTsurNais*O« amis b train bstote îbsy aav At andi Aboli os- smuý U la Oé XW$a l l» d RMte Th lur of TouAi bai goos Atseun o but HallAbs Nnret woee a out- obot. Tb* wan- *lido MIon %is ea la the%, fr@. me- 1mot 'rar- uied atie tboul iubm. te lepnelaioa .smm visi '45A bissuel IsMs»powi. Itle emenlet deeolpllua et lai *aijs b»' saiesg MW*, te: ttIsaswhe dd l e itbff1 peraffl »staos Abe tAin b~ea a. lt ould ha iw As evilu te boslcon- m B06elm1io Athiunost i45fullat a itfs r mslta Aal uxt11045 0w îliAi. bave. Ibo. sl* tmtbxAIaa. Ois If liabelhdilut1 tu*""bs wa fIsPROeS t ootm f Ils wusil *0 .ertaaaiasal 0 e0 pOture.UneM.uî *15d i cg e 1 ~sdsu %b'5m ,ciisrmonutw »"ar kt «MsIWÎI, >XAn bel les te "bltioa th".»Yi09 ber 1 0" bu %0takea a i rami- 01014 bharsveen extremol» A Mdl WbmoainheSr. dbiUl illeO î.orer Mn- list e. imonaTmem.ay 0 mal sqe" dm0ab e c»- the - aeu r4iIby amIhait. lai icl ot up at dlAspour 'et rtaa -*È- maiotailvu Ibmreby mas w i ~meoop 'AboIs- elbnt i somun iêts Land Tits aui TrunstOap*e iu Vi!anda ihnnk rou.s. Sile erdls'sttci- mai'. £ltbosgh thecéas"0 ar stamfl te b. lmah. ueghbeoai etof O05 AS%,tAb lilstim aid nos bu appmoxAratl Prosi- dent Ctauanbai ex, ectud sebleu, %ahe.. avon blén letiom Ate epreal.lse. lme 14- tan te examAne tbe lim» sab 0f bos bh- bIs. lie oundt bat tbe"c voie 8NOS9o f maturmi 'Cortificates outainlg. ulAb8 agitéssrapidil a ppruabtntmalumit». sui ultb no ecaah tc Parthoena ulot a Irat os ASie aive tumd. Hoen Ab héan Soe yoans bsovIn ,voul Le catai uPue t casAlii vjouAi b. la have lM0O 0t Mont thS demanI Tbeo ouais allutmer »SaA a l&Mar eennt vouAi smoi tal Ibo tesA t IBu. sud s0 iheMumPrenas ecani ettdmtPtecidal %bat bs 011ntite 0 d uite mait te bmo aesmenm ITRiKE DEPREU MT Tel Tudise m» sumarbable Smainei lanoSpt et TbeaB. R .Don & Ca'à Weskiy emvev of Traie maya, The obstalesta Smproveuoai do not l«e... 'he inmstr ot ofai minrera and c ilma % oriters bars s& c sesl. "b bgac thé stoppage ofxanaioge uowribd m. m bammtnant tte a r rad %e 1%e ocon- fsrenca at cIeVe:aSisexhibiol mch amati toultua ogiVider difeouettSIA bad b«isu sulaM aoa te reüal t arai- muaI more disiat. PrceasiAs. la Ah, semate do mot ladicaté Sihat »Ibsilt tcena cf tariff ret aisbm nas anêal a.- tien mors prabat le, TsitIo pepnalv force et Stes enit»S %m ba a a«1«0 a0 toeat thnl'ans 4Ae vol- um«ot basaese rnnte.A torn&*$ huit straniorswl. thi um s tv romis etAmiag eperalionu% smd Ike imaua oanu' ne.. of Irous. noalbgtsoding Waimufaca ubieb As asy ohu lent Weald prolae dira disantez suluilesuWllg& Tisai DuI mes 004. Nau %bât 1. K. ieseiiust ua a 'risai 04 ta §tes Aimole. Te»% .chars"l mth sI fors*er01cfthe WelwyaPrto Exress (500~auy pony orduea, t bas o* learnel -lIa i AtboAoi uldhliAngpm et 1 rond. SinAil &Icststha« bonsa- led a tmm dors fM m eu bar. saPsd 4a <eru."There a abusA$A80 rStltereld ordlnar» 7maillotc- teste itAs OS,. loute potoilca adireaig te tbà gris, sadituéos lettms or. be menaedraits a»4 curaacy amoutlg ta e,coo. bat mot oa a sa delivèred. Tte fondsetai bs PuoteRMaarmttisc». trou, bonite te ib thé iartsment lis forgti mener criera forr iclio& .Yebustoua l io afla The resertoir tu th. Aile Souy Meuaial ai KitRiu»lus Plt six mâls. &bov* AI- tc.. os Abe main Ilimeet Ibo Peasilva- I, Eahhoa Irak. cmrly MOlle» mofi- tu&. sud Ahe oedporel doura uon Bl- lida»'ebisg.The break la à" 46la 1S- ton»u teal *tls. A mibi volutue une tu hubnlotýteb uat. A à,Panoirania lomcotve vas $Sini doae e Bc Udr- bue it ies. te uara the vep4Istresv a vl.Arace vihlhe àood.Wb" the po- pis 0 evomal toun ati heirmmos *boes uni a poste. An eesller report o danger l ai puti bé e talstqou lb.s leekost Thsy fiel for ats y an aiteï!l evoP- monte. Thrbesrvoirle «O ntet uPppty Cl»' et Atema a ulAbvala muirAs breaki Sa la moasfta:Aa Io& _ % inre lanieu York.- ire aAtlNeu TOIF. L artinlanone voodeu :baillAIN r iemadoiq oues sptead oesur rbloeIs. butsse 1211MInul Uot gwooe t mI A eA a"l lIe ive grosM&SSed" pge nid*ms Ilsaud- l«a*Oumi lte w tSuOr«ved. tep Wor4 e s e.Abù ubse e OMMs u s$"làeissiel IssastaIfiBBWas a u. iestamie a eo01<0*0tia Iïâma. ré- lWospuatuttos. dMo ilpisot os .11m -l.q4 b wêletMvu bo el k artman4uq moulWu# 41Wla8ite «»p4a îise sf54SbAb5O bai 1,: î;: vKiodi»t a WWPD&Bf. S WlSe Smils * ulf peitmNbi 1 otsiet Use t*~ là Wal. Ch$"a y"Te wo- buings vrs lAsmbseelas Io chiet )e W4 ZA. tau$or. beratse Il bal boua I"Wtas Blho bal»uo anhorlity over the bWWh. Ibo reapoakdeutausremot lancourt' tout â& tMr .o mttoev ia@ ai qinca 1 usu i l m$ tg erif GAlberA. tmas ct- i aiv tewetées bsO"maolouCou-1 W'oftheAbsCoaul aloe. tfront ths 1 oowtflivu i itestionel. Thor iIos t i4ear bIlasa -Ahet expaclsianu nfavor- i able i.eis'oot emdiuffnte 10b& arresl.1 D~ ~ ~~~col teltrcouel.»04a once maite appicaioqfortstaieo-i xauriA of babou ii meu iIe.h= t bois caies hififre thbs Court of Appeaala PENAL? i LSViRny KBAVI. Aumeunwta A te at;t. 0. . e y..La . Nàake It MexoaslngVt.ySiet. -, eb-commnlliOê ethAe sonate Cou- àuteIllsmonlatesisale Commnerce havAmg la cboxi e ll Ihfor tbs negnlalloa t of0pool les bas suhnltlal nDowaasuduti huerl affupon ale eintsuments unie b»u saliber bppen or raitl cou- Paultes or other commun calptriaul D providies tsmaittis fer tAboistakiiu-c of the lau. Thise' amntmnschasse soeil. 19 of -the psemtIniersoeso- $nard* lava Ibey lImposea pet ah» e0 et.000 upou &Br letion %bo $hanl deliver pmrty iWfor tran aporattaUan 1a comun retor, ndl bytales bIlling. talas clasât- catine. talube oihim taisn repro«See- tic o et bscontente or by a»I Bsofetde- coit or devine obla or nuit te obtlaa tiraumportatton for mch propori»' ab lai han Aima rein, rites Abs. salabhiaba on th geoft he rafinijaior otber commn '#.s . t c u.'.ndicarrier whoaaaiai la sncb daos. ___ DE LUES 19 rINDICTED. Visel Ceautni id 1Su.mCanal DIresers Ae De Prouvent@&. A crIiaall Andimict ba nlagel net Paria on hihal otfEgyptian nobles agalmet CoatAFerdinand de Leaieps and Abhesarly direotora of the 1, ues Casai Comapany fau Atsenatnappropriation of mouoy. The claims amenai ta movoral million poani anti are basel upala documents given oder *a sea of taiti P"asb. thon vlceroy ot ugyPO6 by ublab. Ala acortanca uAihebsactaeto e.aucs«Ios. b. coatorreti charepots ths nasubema of bis arnty anti baushad. l'h. came laexpeciti taequal tbe Pmana canal scaudal luImportanace, Iltibengbs ithel» Abat Abs caop&ny ultdisetoe clolimi on ths graunti of lapse of limna Tbe Natiosu l Oins. The club» of Abs National ani Wutér. lea;es stand as tollouse la Abse aupAcus- aip races W. U eutl. W.le neraom.1d à.118Ws1rela.11 Il A" :14 y i.sU. 1-t louis...î.. ilà.Ait l4d Iu ail 5 i LntasIib0a13 ie1 Botn...'10 .ra icumle... ejIl Ms 1 uamnA.i I ol à f23 .1M NiiEl uLCUB5GVi W. Ue@Mt. U L0"t MoCuy ua.màob4 lit ae> «al aaim Abo Tuo. Trams m nade &aatimpt te ureck a -»#Ch& exposai train an Abs Boéion ani AI- hoq. ManI.oneriCordaville. Maiu. 1» plSug a bet«Bbpltieon Abs Arack. The train Vu geint ai Abe rate of tny admta Sbourmlbo Ai @trnck tA s tirue. Uoi4..4aa4ut tbrougb wltbouA seriansIAn- Jir". oi Abs lacomoaiva boint damagati. KhAled hy tbe Cars Ben Kluman. agel I1. a son ef Lois -Ritma.. a conductar on Abs Chicago amd Norltbaoetu RBoad. tell hiiuaem tuo ceau on Ibs Milwaukee Roudati ai Wona. Mina.. andvs unct latac dying inîitatly. Dr. Meoyer Feaond G.uAhy. The Niew Yark jury lnabsh cama of Da kBoum»' Meyer. wbo la aceusoti of bavilaç epoloncel Ladvg Brandi. romdered a ver. liai of naurlenlA Ah.iscond dotrea. Cburmd oti ulA b u zsig. Clareoe chnlte. fathen of elihl ebil- gran. %asi rrçsAed ai Of. Leuis on a charge et enib@la; T (.0iJ ftramAbe J . ILEots- 'Ob" Diallius Company. DavIters tbppes Repent. fa«ness bakmbo.' convention ai Mers. pbiAqpaiisd resolOioaopp ïIaZ the repa oet Ahktqte bank tax lau. MàAI= 9Couoox VThh-Outn7e ... mo. 161M Bla ~oe-bj1giE Graes . 40 de WUWM-o.Ms.. .........do e ......l~î ....0o 0 .3w. .300 1111 &-..... .............1 j cmI 10 480a WàNfx410 -go@ B ... . ... 62 mVàut>.asès lawimsn l 1 Owbiet-Iasa lut aws.. Arthur Frgankin. living *MW arlvAllik.l l.1.. btu madestsaî.umtas Io ths prob- ~ able eauis ofAe théeiaage suicide et bu, je-in rani-oh idaugher M9nd. de sayne, csiç gi bod a treatmaba.lot naieg aul1* ber choloo litératre vuethé no«spu*a « For hc uns aft t h.ettnml17 voldtire '«s Ilis girl conli bu round labar si pea"slg «Ch Comm. of a Bo*i- pape& abc uss aluayiBatentive 5.00Mb sa ber ichool hopistetoad bue a@%d e j l wsa Wenl notusi ad sxce.Ity @mout SI t one et ber ai. A yeat &go Ob* a, tbrenîuim e t laber lir.ele buerat i Aid no& cease reprAmending ber. A feu 01 unibu "0 ab* &i<5pea ite exseto hbu fg làreat AfIn aghib"d tabou tbe fatal b doas the courtas. ud dvanai te b. %avec. lrvIE DAI@ Oiff VLOOr. P Ulu t W.asi, P svaul savon luchos of 1 Fer ive lara nad notâbes Western Penu- $rivent& vuistar n-asep% *Ad lia batsa Aime a svon Anchiaot nin foit as soins 1Place Ibmocountry bas basa delugod, clondburs m bave rnpsaityoeurwsdY et dufforen poinia. Booms bave basn iora te piseteasnd lumusa" inantstla, or vabuable lAnabet aca&t- ber" . -maur comy and ralromat btidtelt bave baseau ai au&vie Mlles 0f c 0*111MOMl tracks bave baea isatroped-t it lonue camse0.oirboiSai anler extensive 1 ImLadeldem, u othu ilstcoos snirely Ob. iteraisl by tbs îrsnienllous forcsof thbs DOnp t jtear.ubS*mM aurBld &ve reF &IIî tiroir ornteotaRmsrvoiri lame bea ou bslaneWDO& fortme valleseanol DeifW- %Y cultivaied Malle and farms bave bien 'dumlnlabed of top sitt and crotteand burnal r entier simd. The inhabitnls ormiely C vllag*4 ad ar;e portion s otescitAis in bave been tmmcd 5mb o iablo taha dwlolsrs. Abeir born«i nie, oatl'ng palace% Pirai hare lent added terroreate flod. and bonmmn and liemen. 1 oicemun àmdcAmA- tena bave tagrethor turned *out la tb àoad of night te .sccuelt.i n'adsavoDroit- or17. Ton destbi ore reported.a CONDICN@BD CESUs ]REPORT. Abstrait et lac Pige. thelia Am TotaI11. Naarl Rend7 for Pu biisin. I ho renui c f tbé uork of the nleventb Canis u li be sutaneti np lan au tract c wblch bas biom almoàt conupletl si athbme Consus Bureau. The publication& uviigive 9 ail tbe total* for ibe difforent subjecta fou uhicb figuresn ue.complidby apecial B~neanti onomatora. Canceaing Ah.b mfl5cial broctâ u. Colonel Carrolt D. Wrigbt. 1 muporlitmismt of Abs Cousu@ Bureau, »Ad:I: *The prsparatlos of au abuiract moi ex- 1 essiSag US pagoiea vwu autboniaad by a re - Ms dcf etOoagrmThar. utAt b. 100., 110 cogs pablliehsd. la hte bc tbe pope- Ami condauiuMon, et Ah. tuaniy-tour vol- triant or "bscaons..smd yin contiAn aSl le chiet total. by f tits. Abe acts te hi brouit Auto somparlion with ihosfor tM b80 ftras populiation la cooSo.îd.A ut» amhoiy the totale for coumirte and i cAcos&. Figures et mnaufacturesa spcuA- 1 are.tansportato& tAnsuinco4 eurehai and ueabth. debi andta xation gAlA Iboi gAr e b»' the Bloto,. The abstract viii hi ln reedint* f.r distrAbu'o t baiveen July 15 a= ]REDS PUT TO DRATIU. opaniibAnrbit WeTri"l te Km i«te.. De Campai NemI Their Daim. Thae nîauchisCdn.Corezual- la. boats. Bornai Viiîarbnaý. ami Mire. ubo uer. ondenassi te deatb for complidit tu1 Abs attenpA of lPallai go antaiinate Gon. j liartIuez de Camapos. wers @but Mon. i dey inotrnint. Tbstr Conpanioma abountotJ ait hini of revolotlonaîy cris vuileon the var te axecutio. Troupe vire draun up outaide ths Mont Jquich vallu.foruln4 titras aides or a square, The fooarihaide uos closed la by tbs wallu of Ahe citadel, The six an- arcbhis ste ebpslaf tanding Ana alimo with Abeir faces te Ah. umIL Ftandin: ai a short distance hibiai Abs eodonaneti men u nhAbstrinl party. AsthAbs8Brtivol- ley ouiy fout of Ahe contActs teti dea& andA a scond valuu? usni eceaiary Ilathe casai of boga* anti Codimta teomnaplote sboiX etacutAsa. Thornas as no diiortier. TINTBS in AN 0H310 TOWN. Cti., et Woosrar Being Robbed au a newur Ogffrl fer AbseLavbvekera. 1 For tb. puti feu useks a gang cfburg- tara tbongbtIo bc hieAbsaies ou. îbp operatai la axismaAvaiy ln thsi vlciaity luttefal. bas hiesai twork la Wffle. Oblo.et thAesreldenco of W. J. Mnuinasa usaltby ces[ naies oporatar. The Abhîes matie a big baut. metutronnrt»' 1,003 vorth of slivatuare. cblfo proient&sgivaa lira Mullins a& ber marrtno. The Allouai pAchat out Abseso01M vare a.d lofttbe plate&. Ma mnies ofte sa renard for the rosea etot Ahipfoperly and capture of Abs tbioves, mam Sme aRqpaiattm tAs venue. Tb* Frsels consul t aI Bamkol bui oh- $&acs efaparatiou mtrh Ae $Samsse Gev-. emnamiteesr eleeasAattack of Abs lat aie apos French inilers, csey G ea aJan atua coxal. Braose0a"IJeu ia5wrem aiencei ýby J511s mil te laAbs Washington Ponics sin i &herbe" a taaao t .Ausi yeéAn àJan te vichltag ibe 090?ta t t he Unîied sii" pramblease lisier et parisn, bwnuevï la AbsCaptalgrounluand Vexer i r«tOampmnine OSthe Limai.- lIe alterna. tue ain bse SUMto ar ay n AIL Joue§ vu * cqulitiau ontât, lait charola Orat exaeitamO t Vais over th& catr t~Boeil Salamitrait b»er 9011 etAb elAyol R id, or - .- .1.1.0- lsu boc Atb 8straty 0" * Il oia. qzpeg.,.ed a ans adopte&. Anctidim tbset0 tnlnais. a b»i-thé propos"i au amenimea i raillai te 10 oet Auto, '1mbth abe ubortut IsOrées thé abroustion ormoIatn 'bAcI mquitéecailte menit DOCamtr ou 1hb blasgbtsrel aI t1hé»po0f et sala thanatroua s lat4 erti Pockler offered it nau«aua 9" appropriation ffleuusMs ca<k11 a. I dis ribt = e SUd. Mlva p1thénbsfterbIS Isitb» bySentiers ÉsudRe osais Comgroit. aiso e ei tes.. thi aa. sembon. basa suppliadIlbl, partient - aey. laIl bactl*e.ýgbt aor etet. atmeinAiAah. billete opoied inluthe tilsae u& 0es bhtchit. 0 ew sYork. trou Abs, mte. on Baut, aand <JanIee fo Ibm fsaniblit o iatrucs Canal frona Abs Umison River te laes. Concra t thAbsawriniur uriAnAon hAll Repréenativte offemed anau mnaient raisinStAb pnation for irrlgalbiu Invesatins amendmnart uiadoed aouborwxin * Fecretary oftisa lt ilcultmisIo lavesi~ hi nuirIitve vaeetoftoodti roduces le au aMnment provldiag for ibo lut ian of ranA.. a (binepAeai renm ebik; &ac, anu mredmn. purA- $mo Ibat portent %ho aLould baou- ,,"I ngi publinhaitafais. vrether t r.- eutm or traminots abouli te ouensil et* ewceod 1500 or Anîialoumotot cxodia« , aini»'das o bah.An emendarâst u aisea jiapted ti hoiurlng the lecretarjet AgrIltulire te AnquAra sete the feanibAW 'A 0f iîap'ai'in* uatbor sitnalit ramPostal, Cura Al. oce.ccuidraiosutlbo bill ume conciudei sud. thé Coemmisest the uhalbalalet; rten. the hAll uni tévou- ably raportiei to theonne.as.4 mi AIe.e- viens questioan bt-i ordoed tAb bIvue >aetIAn épila or M. marab eetain s secommhit Thé Fmnst lo md&i dedddtInaugurale onger boum. commnenctig Mouday. &ni bons seAtied down ho #col uork osubthé $o- 19 aceodule. il SpCsan xof eleveuitpeges more peagr es. han bai hui.nmade ta ibrino raesa. liho Bouse tenodaitBhîibeateo iso bande. conseil by a moction 6 s coneAboe appropriation binle runnlsg oester ta va- raile lt..1%0 lârllative. judil an id or- ecutive appr iprimiios bit s voie toiles op. &ie1r an égresnaient taei0*05général débue i à o'clock.nd te adjoutu oore Ual undny. wai robeàuie But huist pro rate vos mais lia real to M r. Désirer. or Loulsians. gare notion bat ho uld iter sa nteund- ment te deduCî pay et mombehite fr mi[ time they w r. absent ultblm ouve. es- lupA In ce»rs taicknaia Adjourment nu laken ouil monday. The Semais on M-nday onubbbel a sImi- giala vessigatiob ci brlbsty chirges ultb lie sarAf llti. amine wvat ucdans or nuch Importance. Aluost immadlatly mpais saembUicz ie uus eaImuocoun- milic*etaiths aoihon uthé loXistaUve ap- proprIation bll.M. Baye§ ciffeitian snaeDdinent shihbdeclnred Abat Abs une- tAon uhicb illuiued the docimg ato uen,- bers'estlsry bai! hien hsritotore pealod. U. Dearuond. of Mgtà%ouui. maie a point et ordr r aAnsalou técsdmtni. The chaininan (lai.llttcbaniu<,m> susiatti Ibo poAnt of order. Mr. Bayas an- paloi t rons Iébm isitn i- Ih. Oihr anti Ib-i caimman s dedarr tb. Rays bâti Il. Omîit a bars quorum voir&. Roil-cal wus demande&.and Ahi doee et the Chmair vasovorvulcl by Bau1ta les The qustion Isu tIbm pet on M. layo.* *eeiusnt doclamlug Ath. @tuAnie repealt vilch anihorlizedIbo e et -at-amnte doducit rois te salat yet iniiohra t r absence. XItvas metd10-1111 te St. Mr. Durcicry guisnotim tliai a îya andi nay voie vosl bc damsondeun the aentnirent u theAbsillusa nported lae tbs Bouma Thé Bouaseadjourooi The, tenuto liaposed ct seven pars- grapaut iae .1tahchetinle Te sla, af- bar elaii boute of dehatc6 Thi ltai us.. marfl b! quis &ammI or cf lu- tureing claihles beti a.. Abs Repab- licaai anidlieuornaia, Th* quesiou et civil service rsefvct vas orivaifNil lmnar An Ahé Bouse. lbs oc 1% nx 1 0:lb a m.ndncmIo b irAibislb. ar pli An Ah. legisltioneappropraion tridinq for thé civilt amttldo coumlniiom.tb gave opportoutty fêirsous elrrdng sud net a feu émetitg petiea1%0o. muaet mas sioptol hi a votéet 110 7,amid atcle Demctattc app1&one and B.publioan cris of WSp. Ch- go olber amc#pasuAîet aur a 1 heoSiI.la thbs 4O.elaip- coeedieAbsthé »olnu" Dovllmfl an invesigation et Absémllee nirmor plaIS fraudme o e lo'i, The Dgst Do« lartthse Vcvi, dbhf~tjo à ~ow g ati alee i lime 0.*11 1oSUt h'P as a prosllttepo i ifs O$tâ4- lUatt