'MIT p li w res îmnl o Iia ou m-seaaIagIber b1t115me. - b. - palroUsa b Im ebidre. Th pao AI.bU4 OPliUW18a4 lu tbeisr diii rOunDi aitr "o bobidantsM lai i-" ls~t1in _0a t: aiszw b" o çuto ur» with b us fb»em e rr e rr iii xFl l iebý8 oaliy àby "y 4ot"Aet> ljj Wbae turc the s SUIbe easi t for assry fractlan aboa IM On II ii a for teeàotl t.I&oB fuitawm e4 OuNSU, bn.goone Oontsut ib. an0td*u la ea, la UniWom 1»M tto b. out.&dons the4111r atButi "woris re LIae o raoa. o2dleabo 9ty1 N ue Otiraad OfLer kuaomr.io al &Wi, Il au»1W bra 1 lg Oaasa sa Osi lest 16 ber ftb0' W' i eeuc.DrOW-Snsotl o ~ Je" lostlg ove 1s~1itempl uàt b;4aD WWsltin nauMmersand awoqnthtk e Tihe lcerBoe1111 ck r. 1 s te. Republ"on Ciunty coniventonl. of M he Iinselau nereoat m us. *Utr aslwal o'lfttboushi.PUA tepUldla n ossty C'arauan sho sut bl1é11dwiIII tu auhm4b "r eci ît ilaIbeautitutl wopider * ý. heid in. thse Villae of UbeMylik ialbo »U ea à peiteswam b. MWsdoma grace. cou lîlnoVsia. oc T .radw, Jane21«aI, l0ik ~~mhi ~ ~ m *U~ O1~>flgesmord l VUs de by Yoa'i bns bins b bit tssa o#grays. t lm Weo'lock p. i».. fer the punase of @Wu* r nmsk. and t vil) ourlng s «mli S4WuIIIfO « eeat thse TIse othr uebers nn uage,11 cg in dekýtegaeof thse OBte CmawaUqnp.th $*IY té ttb rltid. eltertolnMeflt glui t 110 "151Wi- if, aay asuisaabd.your snsth li vahedn S>tufed.muetk u1bah lN ter. A ploudld #polo'wu andofswedhe Walb 0dlon oft eni àwo % by thia Vemabie dîretora wbo am And ummotbrtiu s weiy rev il ti theSe n.toWI*Convention of tLb. Nabb lavas Vli-Dgto#iveUWrald u sy 1- gVtyM rmais, teUte pisliceye. Seastaril Dltrici.. lu be beid at Wcodatuocb. I oorceod ust aiysWI.gs ndr aid W 51517 porN IlA*à»@, of smaiscèsfaile, Mctienry Coussy tl.iLboimuiaJuy tlm 1; MM Unai 1$t akes b ' h OlI eim.l uty ia e bAMUlel namne. ~ s pep t a tl rsllng day liad been awalted laUwonIb .Ilot!fLHor the purgose of aelecling dlegatea 1te h b fa i stmg nilaol;ai .aonj Fort eaaHmi' w, t>jflucngre%àaaiJona onvention ofutheb. Beenth J atat ae niiato;ad L«Du»s ouowut h « -C)gtesual Diatrict heeaf« ic tlie caiteal; evty bi e y ~possIble nielas e mpioyed b t ber 5W11.u u h lx-o taGul eultm ~P7 flhlY.<~>P7 mû. t peutent andai osjoyabie for ail But therelRt. Lsd,4 Ou bOuld nt ba a forkteeleUs taCam. eulca &M e Ien Our huda v*hobal atteilid. Thse Interlor au 144CosniLee biedy Roo, eu vo vlasl ti,e exterior of th iheooil ia svery .imprper tg> .peul, out go bold. The revreeetatiots et thee everai Tou» .i a-yto ttng up thQ bouite vas deoked wiit labotIsde<i- Then tberes mm utina ,ý»ye>*the tiî1mer tlut e n votil Oe . tra tfhte for Oca "t ýnttbo Norttonssdfoyrsa e arof sion of t8<> SMfar awny.our repter eu)uldnt re.wb ,candidate for Prealdenti l 4 2ald une dele- Say Xgtemorncu80golebitatisg addwr eeam ds ber, gatat for a fraionlf uurteeu or mure ;)ver diion the Friday tastsflllY tisst it 1 vo aw tIse dîssplay But tru, former knuwýitýegofuEwm&Ls ducb multie of tacot> .cven. Tb@he ateral could but aay, "t 1$ vol." asil. ui. iiie>laentillueadeegsr _____The day turnes] ontt be a porfect We bousber pupll tei bi tnl§willi né eful;ova: Vut.eJtDel,.Votsel.i Oote bumtmm e 10and OveilI thl5 5ist ee icliied W aitb al ',0,tui, WxA, a ind. li5ttut.T..6 ... 2 Lberty ville, .2t.5 . Sit Ruats. tAi plirsue tihe prôsaeVocattiotsof every Biepful uin laag a il.s trunir mid. %epost .Vrà.1 Fremust ..1 i! ireiditiî iKt 720 daY lAie, ve stomaPted to set ast0gO x liabel libtibe UI ailriid uwr Atl:àu. 'tue.,ndla. l. .19.. 111., isfhred SL>apeb rplgt isesppl d we beuer fli dons seils thoulber »avhuoiirat....- 42... Cuba . .. .. .... 4 au frOver egitapeb rparugI heaplotddon*t sit bir. A von .......... M.. -àil Ma...... 1.. ..1 fplacegant do boqsaga suth ebletn f Ha.?pupls cantchber[put i1plus case, arn -445Vro ýsorilI u tîeryour gloiolas m About 1nous) tIhe ywu thnk aboji be g.ar5 vu enbrwk el.sat..aI.1 Waticitd4. te~ Uhg Varions o plebegmu t» flocit tagistlisezfrinim t5,,Iî . 14*tetstUeduce.l±15.. ildedby ftltemds, and overy direction and b' tite4tiMe -Aqs- u ieesinaaou. ut remout ceuter'rti ..0> lf lplt ictau>5. Asbut re 1pointes for the beginnig of tihe x- Lata lir urk 511h .5,rit duo q eu ter.it s I eu t i - . j , # omw - 3f rs, it 2 ¶~o êtak P. aw. a.. ted a ëoealeLe cure. sary to torsabe te 8ciwol rooin aislI ba5.. umtaesuts.aaiterrur a, - by potias al lier requet, as i 11 tithe loe. okrt.ieuse i" Alieu 1>5>0e, outhUe -14lIhuru tiren ie. D Jte4 U si arl fllcted tu utr, cvîkhcistu WIl.n Alice nsahaud 111.6 Hattie 5ii-. oinI. J li, gcue. ber Fr slie l'lemi*1 1 teIelAie three achwi msaa'm*ail love ta greet F;êCKaalta. Ç. W. Jhs.s.s%. Uuumie ber.b Forsae t uandit ti'l, ffarld a grsteful hituruîwiuir wije"r friende tu meut. rns*ily. ai ti si oliîg sabatte, lise folluwili$ Pro- %,gter it, i M çi.vr 500 cale" e a dminiaàtrator's Noticé. gram Trvts rendered: Uas.~i $on, "inoîct...........ir ahan laneit taiPuay bett. sarulor,>ol. tNu làs a erety ien liat thetsub tobs to MOIK#nleY. Lýn.....riw.......... ...e.. . fîîy sbI l lealn evbIsduws, ite armnilsbt. ><.ribr, Adtniltr fthutte iFete oc waldeu lrayer..... . - . ........ lev. X . 13aley %%eudin bis wy, *E. Hou liraisud [melitE.ed. toIlse aus. wil iLttem thi aluuut Weoesat.Led Selcoase.....y elsb. ht l. 10>5 sudisla 'ru Lbheacene ut bis laltors. ttLbgtal quit,". courto t iilkattnsaaî$ t fa tla eraaf tr, bt Ris firona J Pl itJi otation -Our He.ros....Rery Bandnan pmrtesauru. USith. atsus.bcer youuog tetubc-er. .~, tUe(ulhItSl s5ea.l <96 paea), pb evttioa"*Flagof t le Frea" B..ertha Laube la am. great il euit=" s a.>enty t'arald 5nt.a Ielrilodyu l iksneritu it i~ ve B"Yig"OurConatr......... .S.oo *cstis8N, bca anal shere ail persan havi, a rcvAad Bsmy"OrPln<........Anie Newmoan Tblrea imffislaitoltt'llit btnot le"t exa.uwala u saea.aotla ia e ajiêt beceided iqi D,111I . ne fosrteen bnoamosigirls 'Toacheas K at JDeydosnaimoait e.>.. 5~elai ta rag dEnsète aasiaisd or u [t sbould DlIn ith ise "Colutmbia the Q.msof thse Oeman" &os i kassbUtltuber Iruti a baIeltit)re.th"ae1)<e. ortu po0i51i it wo 51ý*8 blect4Ulo»i xist lalitg. L-asîle r 'lie mnasoutber paistu ww s' dajtditiàtiokm. aAblliFoamoin smge4W sui nu .i.... w&4sr yu'uuad ber ove yy alautas soae, N. Dusata lsssrao Sstitto ls! sddesu nd'ilagdrii y flien lirtgrade ptjplk Iough the raa duae fWi, or the eaueWitibet.an.Nma), T. 5454 &4t WIibsr Ir. Tali is u ws nras Pdlthse»Air rang anal dueashbiae, ti eeVtt<y, u. 85 tliesia w otils saboat sud re.eroed sîitb e WiitI a her s"ioui houw eneut. b~~sw YorK.nu "Tro bem sfor Io fgî TIse atbool thea Liatenligfor ithé, iunal outthe ehldrtat', o iose Ow e Oiiselbla Ii Vostt nwllçh sysmalteal 01 test. T os w es %cgaa"Our In is T ......... beboobl This> cotpettOourlilet out- teksea *UIA&A~~ tiectation "Why ilalàebue agA mle KousAsa 1.150 l duo sudlia t i t albl' '" '~ I~ÇA4f "TIse 01<1Pta Forever': Care> Ow r ear> bndamaMWausquite tiraitl, Wttsaeso. .A a featIng osir effort.> wons, te admire,1 I 0WEacl îîubsivIe ell i edred sand ThmiSore for tht. tinte se vili close. refieceilciedît on tise testcler's i But se my wvaste ffag aîn se is he TjiuttUsi cilîdreis bail becu tauglit tu Butta.s .ordew e lhtugy maitins MP lcva sîitidfaÔnr tlte*r CslUi stty aîdFnlo i t-àW i m ore rse î u am .f FOR ITUNE," on y iitffipit n Ipal If Fou do't aireadi tkeuai.spsiper L (> FORU NEu" iQuw mimetili,-*Mh eyrt erit- Yur ibu"ata Fou @'bout& rigbt qasllY 'W 0f aime I saida. ton andil8isiR WBS t ilw'e .sta bain, el de Stpt. )ltlvn wà.pfhMmt ansd 554ud Andl subievihe furr îîcous quitsra e asS - ebcairical. Tise spekers out tie Ere tIse close of thse .lay. itsIS îb"" »P êfl 1...---- l- l.. Uwüaîlv- - --- ORIINAL ibgiosn n.sd O.t,é llpun« q, gy51is. ludimaCI lra. tto, whsuaspoba i Im ltIfnetl-4man- ~ 8~aOk lb oot51.1liuer aboout b am g tIiilho Or omtry, US5I1BII&u~ er <- ber dangersl, relatt*«liit Mw@ ib Buelbimnula.rot0fr5 N t<.solsuad mt.te, IIDPutmi of Osur IFvi elIffot mur*LW 85.10 a aîguîeso tflugavermeboola s«wm omufumlalbmasr sd tise Impoatsim et Our achoola, *~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Bt «mvnsdtahrfr sr&g kI steu»tcîare pimnd id apmicere ~ jbs lslm samie af snd hsld tise attentiono(thtie audiences ~il bsmal syeI su blp lte. iougisout and vere greeted vltis1 k~~nat f e USOon vwrapplaumes. ~~ Alter tise cluof e u Lexercmuua tise t.su &m'eork <wUaa sasemblsage pssasd bu thse djolnlag bW5.f »goa dosa iq ut MY 7timia.grave sud tiser. toubd s long table.- Ijta eaiutoen« O 4O u lu t aitiy gi'lsig under t. ld s>01edl 58e tuait au domscig autteae bien sîmicishart been pr.vlded ay tise Lbmalil boiransy reputatlon ans1isles ut Wh" IcIs ilpartouïr beartlly. Leonade waa aime aorvsd, Alilen- ss ii red msella m- fat la joyed a guod piaule dîtaîer, and &oWttet,4wvitblmeemulie of tUrougitout lt vas asî mij<yabl &"aT, sud 1oia.an ,aly IIIbik be ait vaspervadhi ilroagisout by gent fertIs suit ltu.>' ~feling is<i trietsdubîp, aud eveI7bmid r U 4a0. 1mivee iie »MM usa bippy becauseever>'boly siea- * <ui 4dtw jb fgi.Ior smbof tAlter dinerthtie youg people In- on..eiIyrigbt " .boue. f«r .ulged hu varinua gaine.> silO tise WpolvotIsupleuty et wates. uWpr ones cisattedth tiselme avaywT anis tebave a a lIdur ma rater .layapff l ium cireldInustise abade1 bave s~i emfor thtie éyunj oltending visile thse id mentaoiron l u ail Oniers survyed.' ~~WîL AM .Tise daywwaeisl t, and abadea lit 1sdbis uoyed ad tbasîhlug Ur. '.okuoley. thse, toaer, f' .1»Ise mpaina lis took Id saab.theday stIb.ilb m OhIdoe au! tasie hve tisir achoo .wmek oew #4 aibàvlng done a gSd ~oe isI 0.5s mou awerk semmd pleburo U ndrts mausieent of Who doens yurprIatAng Doos t look j"sb ami ssl & Olathie papel' utityau wac Ü "DoMatonte up b "Ir OXpugmf Cm Oaa ttS Imfflvesi UPoul Itla .out rule ta do-neat, leai, ermhb vork at reemoble Prces. Xao w %o" ws ortwtuunesiout -t loir pricea. Try us and be econ- Trust? Nol Par s e eu0GO Mayof aur cotu ea, via voulsi »t ba" ~ etloI t s for-"rouiatsi O m~h «te ar et every.geturdai itiuint.We'**adeoui pris»s fo »b l porms a v.rya"sij K1os ta write, for a novafpa: let Rave waSmthiflg to stiteabout Und Write Plain, dot youri'As; coàas 7011 Vas; point santenoca: bagIn vits cap- îI"I. $rd, Write short; ta the point b *top vlien you bave donc.- 4tli. Write f on ouly one aide ofthtie tesf t. 1 Beea ltover. sbridge and colint It 0 ouin you getl t Auto the shorQmespaae posIble. Pubil Library and Reading Boomi. The LAbrary and Reading Boomt wAll soon be open tIltise public, Wss s.Iready have qulte a number of suis- soribers, and oxpocbt tobave many9 more ne soon as the enterpriéte as tboroughly îsndersbood. Our frienda have greatly encouraged i§sby 1het1 Interesan d entisuslam, ans! se eel sure that many have long peen sait- lng the opportunity to get te laie1 magazines, lterature and! boke,bat1 have been deterred bot by tse ex. panse and jusonveoienffe of dolng se.1 W. propose ta gire you the use of thse ibrary, lucludlng tise u"t papuW j magazines, and! the readkag room, for lam than a yearly sulxscrlption tea ay aone magazine, ais you vil! »e by the taîlovtns rates: Subaoriptloss, ans ye#r, $W.co. SuboMtpt4an, six nWontiha, $1.75. Subeorption, tlsree monthe, $1.0 Junior subseriptlan tdr aI ud« er1, one jear, 82.fO; -sx montlA, 18 three mont"..76 cents. Seniar sud Junior subecriptlon lu one famlly, orne yesr, 05.0e. TransAeil rateli, 2 conta pet day or ie cuetsper veek. For farIbet partieulfla plto 0. F. Wright, the MlaaeaG. i b, or editor.' OUR SPECIAL CQ)NTrRACT With the Weebly1 Inter oceant expiresi June lst,'94; but;*e'arg pleased ta infonn the public thÏf sC have made a ne**ugWie wth the publishr, bw i are authorise<Ité take sbc4 tions, dwring the t e lît li camupaigu0, aI 3 cents for tit Inter 1cm sia smontho, orw will send bath -theItrnter Ocçcap, laàd liPirnUPTtl.s'ix ommont Many bad habits of hoses have >een caused frùm their teotb, that bas been discovered by Ptof Y. 1). Hinebaugh, V. S., Pressdent of the vetinary college at La- fayette, Indiana. Such as siober- ing gntwing mangers, %veak eyes, stoppîng suddeniy, ioss of flesh, driving on one fine, balking, tbrowing the head and bad breath has been traced to had teeth. Many young drivers bave beesi nearly spoiled bc:ore the direct cause was discovered. Rough edges and s.har 'corners lacerate the mouth, an dproduce nervous- ness and irritability; uneaven and elongated molars and incisors prevent the proper mastication of tbe food, producing indigestion and general debiIity. Decayed mnalars cause necrosis o the banc, absesses, nasal gleet, fistula of the jaw, etc. These causes should be remnoved. Decayed teeth r-hould be extracted, sharp corners and raugh edges should be srnaothed down, and elongated molars and incissors cut off, The common float or file, heretofore deemed sufficient ta accompiish this, will not suffice, but, special instru- ments dcvised for the purpose are necessary. Sanie Vetînary Den- itiets, say it is of no use ta confine a borse ta repair the teeth. Can a dentist da a gaad job on your teeth when you are waling around the raam? Have your horses teeth fixed, there is a man at the County Farm who has gat a goad' set of tôols abdkunew&how ta usethem. Clip This Couposi.. Thtis Coupa ud JEntities any Subscriber of ti Independent, T» Obs YMr'p Snlioriemouta MW, Preparied Psiiftst LeaWmdW. Prices to Fit your Pocketbook.- A~t LoMIS 9IQ* LAPES 1 Keep Cool, WHIL E COOKI NG TIIZ 0884 H. B. EGER, Libertyville, IMI 2~'r~~ON BR'S~* $tOdetd Herse and, Stok 10 WêinubimbomSquali Ufwuim m amen orIbouee - e frai.L apaS eàfalleemit sLf GU mIeu CW LIEPietmralencycelopia of ?rmotlcs i rduMi a Insecteinuin Fut.Gaimt. Tise Secrets af Tmmlng, Controlin MgEdwastng UmbMbkos sd vd Hlormis, ithe bmdelaIls af bresking up a@àSa! Ms labl "i " subjsct The Aburne ar Blindera, Poudin. S5sbB@egColars lbe â, k h tIons ou Shamlg, mbodytisgNews sudenlallaCaru cr OsMWOMI6s- FielQuarter Eba.Corna, etc. AlsohlatNS e~lm.JhSOw Injurla u d lamefu, Aal&ngmamy valushis-o rnel 1 ithusb k groat»a«crots.Csiktoh*vr i1248 pac 1 SOI1764 JUbhiUi Tb*. recuit of Meghlan yurmof pracllem imlum bY Prof. ila l'h. suthor et Ibis work A vla y k»ou» n esest - - - - - i- 1 la thmArt et Tsmlu ns! d cslng Rorm mser belon Ibaerii Ha la eudoeau.by tihe mont einsut suthorities asud haromaaaul wWthouS a ,eor luibiâs specW JlId. la tUn depttneut of Ithevrk demIes!to thie aSut w sel i4 Isglatn Woest 0"SIcila rat thsL UnsuerbaS "I nma sluet vueMnary mnth n tbaalaUn mtry. Mmd na pd.olm bau bem a parel ta moa te nwert âcrouy nabe Ilem nUE mil" n v la l "& 8»" K? S ri uI E t &Md a oktelan0"ym ta Iolfy arnstsu l s 110 YW lRAY TRII vm 10 OMMts»W. U dmi yen 1m&8t 1 thes puutsme W" o u Oas artmb. ma *âcnwok,1hBm la Ja.y Lake County Ind nt, Liilertyvilli I henbg msol à*aoeIlcuta fer Part 1 of .aers514m Sud StWek Deob(mi 01»forthe OoM)Plttf Serte>of 18 Nulmberofu IWt Slend oume M lNllews: ........... .... ... ......... .... Town ........................ nom g--a noms ~0llt' oe~ b Dos Tarit ~Iitk boA c, bus 4.1 Fi m#t, M