sur, meu.du7 m as c unBYKRAN-J. >7(Uelt P.toe ~àw r~ it imeto -conitract for CU m ir, for Pickles.' R. W. St .iu 1Jpay, the bighest price in cash., Contracts can be made, and seed bought for 50 centsa pound at IM. B. Colby & Coî,. Trigge & Taylors or F. C. Smith & Son'l'q. Cali on them at once, bc1ore t is too late. 21-3tf M you wautbandbobi, If you want envelopes, If you went'colored work, If you want business carda, If you want iqeat bil heads, If yfp want tasty latter beade, If you viat ic. vlitlng carda, If you wat weddlng knitatlona, If yon went eny klnd of Job work, Lftse your orders et the. Inmuw Mm oflice, Libertile, snd bave thomiezecuted lu the ehortest Unie '~- ~own hore the. anme .11à1 fot hblo61wn."Moral- get. oit c f the ruts and abvertise or yen wlligetleft ln the abuffe and Itull erve you right taoc. SMITH & SBWIF-T'% 9l0 the PigS e Bi UZ.2 a=d =Id Fý'v-B Ladies and @hldrn'a MITTEMB, Fancy Work Materiais, ritÀMPRO LINENS. Lai.. Nockwear. Ruching. etc. SMVITH & SWIFT. Now is Yollr Glalloe, TO BUY SHOES CHEAPI 1 lot Baby Shocss it25cts. Worth 50 Wo th 75 Chidres8hoe8 ati'l5cts. Worth .o Worth $1.35 Ladies' Ton Shees ait11.75, Worth$225 là. t V .50, Worth .11 A few places of Haif 19001 Chales at l2cts. Worth 2(o The above arc not uld goods, but new, just rectved. 1,0.11 &11& n9 USBERTYVILLE. Obole. Lalser. M LN *t4Wh m ti "wwu ILI~~Imw2.18 Prices aS LOW AS THE LOW EST wili close out My stock cf *BLANKETS 0 AN) 0ROB ES* A DIAOOUNT, .ionblgty iQuiokIy Don*. IPIDUTYVILB M.0KEM . . ... ... Oa oii WOWa Party, meWSkl or "OMP, Ue, or uhea TouT dwvd& hor .n.ege coetemplaies asn poeedig, or .den ,pous sai, bay or change your rudnes or 6",,or your Snu or daugliier ùo mar- 'wd, or sran yoer ighbor mtaaa ne baby, or, in a word, if ou knout or hear of ang item o inièret to the publiC, brna<jor stnd j! in, and MUe IxDzPmNI> £NT WÎU gladly pxbl i . 1~ For millinery, ceil on lira. Hurlbutt Strawberry Ice-cream et the restau. * For mufilîn underwear caîl on Mm. Hulbutt. Premb breati alws on hanti et the restaurant. For Priuta and Glnghams, cali on, lins. Huributt. Waukegen bas 19 saloons anti prospects for more. Buy ycur cake,,cookies, îles andi breati ut the Enterprise. I. B. Ray would like a few custo- miers for J ersey milk. M.w2 i Piano for sale lit a bargalu. M. li. Colby & Co. 1 Butter solt f-r 17 cenitslier IL, on thé. Ligitu Board, Monday. l'illglur) s tcxxx Flotîr s a]- waym bhe best, aI (G. Il. c:nk. L'lildti-'s day at the MN. E. t-Iiir<-h viii lie -.1mserved Suutiay, J une 24 '94. OIIIL Wanteti for general lion-se work. Gooti vags. Alliy'to B. M'. Stafford. . Ve shall bolti the INDEi'ENiENT a 1>-w liolirs teiglve a report o! the' von- ventimi neit week. Romemler the Repliblican îvalîcîîs Il next elesday anti Coiiuty --onvein-1 lion Tiiiriay at Sî:oor'a H1all. Eî:worth Leagne(logajli - Oc!- aIle lit Thos. tofrlett',3 to-niglît. Train tarte at M o'Clotek, liarju. S'econdtl lant! s:îrrey for sale dicjai.. canolîy top, s-ddt-,-irtai:is, jump sent. M. B. Coly & Cn. Stuer& AîlotI carriag.-s anti b)uggie.î lu teu differeut styles at. C.. H. Scbanek & Soms. We rail tun lit .l bwork s. îilck. Iy am àsny ullce li (ie Coulitry.. - (ve- uis a chuet::a1'blîmi Voir w'îk. tf Dnirlng bhe wmrm ,itmm.-r mo:tbs w.' wilii ieliver lt-e on ui ,eiavs andi Fridayï fo)r .54)î»n ts per Ib:înirt',l. Trigg. ,&-Tay lor. We bave mast received a car Wash- ington Redi Cedar sbiîgk.'sBest sbingles in the world. Wih -Sn W~e have a large stock o! Granmite sud Bitte anti Whit.e Tea Kettles at thie f ollowing low prices:-.Nt). 7, ( 0 e; No. w,.rg *1.10; Large Size. No. 9, ke $1 25. 0. H. Schnck & Sons. G. H. Scbanck will teaet Staver& Ab)botts, 3m3 Wabash. -,ve, 3 rd floor, Thur8aiys !rom Il tw 12 o'cloek andi will make very edose Itriea w eus tomera !rom Lake Co., who wlsh wo seect carTi-agea or buggies f rom a large assortment. Cholce Buiding Lots For sale* luInltheC. F. Wrnirltaddition w Libertyville. Inquire o!fP. P. Lymod. Repubàcan Town Caucus. The Republican votera cf tbe Town o! Lihartyvilie are requestedti t as- semble in caucut aI Spoor's Hall W,3dnesday, June2t,'94 aI 2:.31>p.a', for tht purpose o! cbooslng elgbt tielegetes to the Bepubican County convention te bc helt InlaLibertyville, Thuratiay, June 21, anti toelccl ai tewn Central Commtlee te selve for S le entulng Ivo yeitre. ý .C. Knigbt, Commîlîe -j John E. Ballard. Warren M. Heathi. Admlnlstretor alae. Pursuant te a decretal order, I shail offer et prîvale sale on tIhs Waltiea E. Hougbton !arm coemile west o! Liberlyville, the followiag property. 5 cows. on. black berme 5 yoar olti; single cutter. Treand Power, Feeti cutter, Windmlll, belng the permonal property cf Waltisa E. Huughten, deceameti. 34t Clarence N. Duranti, Adm'r. Bllous Colle. Thme who are aubjeet te ettacks o! Ibis diseuse Wl buhalsilerestet Inluthae upijunce ef Mai. P. Butlier. of 22 Plilleurs Street, Fairhaveîî, Coins. Sh. sajo: 1-1 suffereti for wseks wilh celle anti pains la iny stomech, causet by buiou.nea. Oue-hait asapoonfal o4 Cliamberlain's Colle, Choiera ai Diarrhoea Bemmdy eflecteti-a cure. For sale by Frank B. Loveil, Liberty- ville, anti L. N. Penne, Wauconda. Georges Cafe. saanot down cller, but un tbe uadl Mer, the bet retaurent In ecouaty-the beat meale, the buet eonftgonMr, the hast sda, the boat Opgrs Ibe bet le rge uade- of pure cran. e are on top atid man to be. Olur place lu oceceded ta tbe best la thoe itJ ani no weean t< koopit. Don't mae Rnn UTlaitake ansi4 b e he elan placesfer yoùi wylad liMe Alveu C. ,Pa ohret tooik place at thée residence of tbe brida' parents, Mir. and lira. E. W. Parkburet. As theedoek struek elgbt, lirs. C. N. Durand, sister of the bride, stepped to the Piano andi playeti Mendelssohn's wedding mnarcb, when the groomeman aidbrdesmaid, the groom andi the maiti of bonor, foilowed by tbe bride took their Places at the aitar uni er a beautiful bower arranked of feras, and rostes, when Dr. Cantwell pro- nounçed tbem man and wlfe lu bis benuitiful and Impressive way. The bride watt dresaeti lu white a&2 crepe and carried a large cluster cf white roses. Tihe maiti o! bonor was Miss Mary Daviq dresseti ln white andi carrylng a cluster of pink rose. The. bridesmaid was Miss Helen Bond dre,&sed in white andi cnrrylag aý cluster of Pink roses. The beet man was Mfr. S. M. (îalioway, brother cf the groom. After the ceremony and congratula- tions, the giieats were invitedto %sw large tiing room te partake of the wedding dinner, wbich was one cf the tîsîtal cries get by E. W. Parkhurst and bis estimable wlfe. The tables liter- aU]y groaneil witl: everything that coult ibe purchâs-eti. There were a vpry large :ilmbe4r of elegant and eostly lireselits that sbowed bcw pop- ular the ý oting r-otjle are among the elile of Lib)ertý-ville anid elsewbere. The bride l the ymîiuigest datighter o! Mr. anti MNr.'. E. %V. Parkhtirst, and was raiie' lu our village. The groom it tiue vorg-,t ston of Dr. Samuel (ialhewa y, a lîriglit okIn M. D., who waàs alto rajised lisotîr village, and a mpember of bhe tirm of Kniglit & GaI- (l'wav, î.hîs .,ians & surgeons o! Lib- %e:tyville. Thîe wt-ddii)g was an aIe- gant or>-, andtin i -very detail perfeet. Tbd-12l guiests jtrouiounceti It one cf tiýe graudeo.t ver attended, and ail joinet inl wisbkng the happy couple a long, hal q)y and lîroapero us lUIe. Mir. anti lrs. Dr. (ialloway rock the 12 M. train for Milwatikee aud lroin there statrteti for a western trip. On their returu they wilI resitie here, wbere bbe Dris bimilulling tnj:a Mite urectice. W. E. D. Bischoff Factory Closedý. The Northwe-tern Sbeet Metts! ant I 8t.atuary works, at Liberty ville, aie! now in elistody o! the i'lieriff, who ievkul on aundl lok cPossession o! tsae wetinebday eveîîiig bo sabisf y tundry judtgmfent, agaluat the llrm of Fred F. Mi"coff& C.o., aggregatlng between $10,uw0andr»25.)OobU'ined by Chicago creditors. This was the inievitabie resuit or bbe prevailing bard tdemo- Lcratie> urnes. Thbis entterprise loeated ;here jinst at tbe beginlng of tbc Panle, laest year. They preparedti w(do a big bu nt rom thje start anti ortereti àf eOQrge TÔW1éP Mne. H. B. Eger &»à son Franklare visiting two weeks wth hier parents ln WisconsIn. lirs. Laure Kane, of Diamond Lake, visited lier trienti, lrs. George Vowler, the pasî week. Mir. (ehlnge entertaiîîed ber daugbter, lira. liizer andi family, o! Waukgan, over Sunday. Fireman Canary bas returned from bis recent wedding trip and the new famiY wlill OCCUPY the cottage reeently vaeated hy Chas. Babcock. C.' S. Winn, thei local home mission- ary, has airaady orgemized eighteen BlinduY Sehools in central and west- ern Lake eounty. Lot the good work go on. Frederlok J. Sherburne andi bride, of Bing wood are spending their bon. eymoon ln Libertyville, gelests of bis siater, Mn. O. E. Chutrchill and falhily. Mmr. J. C. MeGregor andt sons, M-as- ters Henry and Leslie wenit to Es- canaba, Mich., J::ne 7, for a two wemeks' visit witrjîlier sister. Mrs. 01>Po. Young. Enginieer Lee's nieplîew from MIIj- W'atikee, wilo is vis3iting ils îînole here, wat; takien seriously iii with aîîetnditeeîi>%, but Dr. Taylor w>.s a ed andt soun got the patienît on the> rond to hiealth. Warren M,%. Heath who bas berîeri- ousIy sick witil peritoultis, :-Onkinedj to bis lied two weeks, we are please-i to state is«tiow oonvalescing and w,-1 hope to see Ihlm uow;î town agaii i a few îlays. Mrs. SOl. Kelsey ree-entiîy tlîowule cool ju.lgPmezît and perftrmeîl ser- vi e-î'lal a whole lre brigale an il thus averted wn at might bave prooved a terrible conflagration. Soi was lucky to) only lse tvo corda of e-hoîe tlre-wooi. Our station aet r E. L. DuBois, andtifp!., are iîrouîd parents of a bouriving daîîglier, born Wednte6day, June 1:1, '44 E:l. is alreatiy manch enamoreu] of the cbarming young lady. who arriveil in the time dear to every girl'$ beait-Ice cream andi strawber- ries. J1. P. Wlimwho is saidto te h one of the 't-rv uiW6-t sheep shearer in ftie Coin:iv, is riglit in town t mortiilng not bt-an.,-lietis gondi workman, [but the n)ti-se.SaN s kiil wife anti son Jat k are doing well as vo:îit be expeeteti of a ljîrtfiday arty tduin îg suub hbot IC. 31. Davis bas beeri lettering, Ipoliiblng and resething momnments ln Lilbert3 ville eemetery. As to the <juality of work lie dues, he refera wo Messrs F. P. Dymond, Jas Dymonti, Eli Trlgge, John Lawrence, Mmr. John Austin and others for whom hie bas recentiy dons jobs. beevy stocke of steel, buyiug ut whlat 1C .Wn aseeue on u theyconîdeeti erylow luies, but work by takisng views o! -a few o! our tfle tii nl deaino! he errblevillage realdences, alto the Hait Day reslts c! tariff iukeing sud benceasehool bouse anti achollars, -the M.. E. other concerue who bougbt gootis 01 parsonage, the Muibàrn Cougregation. a depreciateti market, were aile I ai ebureb sud people at the conven-F maie a protit white tbey hiad to meet tionl thorai Julie 12, sîso the lwelveC compelition et about coct. Besides voung ladies ln costume, bliat teck business being at a stand al part la the flag drill coud ucteti by ooulti uot turu thelr goode ito cah Caipt F. Grabbe, et the Unionu churchi. fast enougb te mccl ihelr obligations P rof Artbur Edwin Bîîlkley, the hence thecnis". Wbat wilb e b re s u1t famous, woni-renouned tiramatîst nne a cell. Unies" the Érin eau tragedien anti senlo--comie aetor is make e settiemtent or gel an extension ruatlcatlng at home, alter a succesa- of lime trom tbeir crediltors, tie plant fui seaseaiOn tbe stage. He la better wlU be ativertiseti anti soldt satis! y known andi. more famillar te bhc the jutigementa; but it la too valualule people of libertyville. titan Boothî or te lie lie, bence wu look for the re- Irving. anti ho bas a laudîble ambi- sumption o! work aicou. tion to stand on the highest roundi o! fame andi eclipse thie greatestat sor Lestons ln Artistic Wood Car'.iiîg, lu this wonds history. Modellng, Deslgnlng, Drawiug ai Mr. H. Hlrâcb, a o! graduate Berlu, 011 Painting by Prof. H. Hisch, LibMncadohe emuhg ertyvîlle. sehools andi aoadeunies, alto baviug Our readers ulîl please exeuse aliy taught four years lu bobh a seliolar lack o! localnews tuis weck ant ii:ext antinaturel genias. He bas couîciti- wbile the editor la kept so busy rush- edt t give plivate lassons ln Artislic Ing eut 3000 copias of the Lake Wvood, Carvlng, Modellng. Deaignlng, County Fair Premium Liat. Drawing and 011 Painting. This la The Jane' anti July caucuses antI an excellent opportisoity for stutienta conventions will ha held inl Spoor's o! art te take instruction vîthoul go. Raill. et Motel Spoor. lit la expi-eteti ng abroati. Atitresa hlm at Liberty- thal thie aew tewa ball will ha r8ad y ville. te acoommodate publie gatherlags The people cf Lîbertyville, wbo are la Auguat andt iereafler. acuainted wth C. W. Mnanicb and J. P. 'WIlIam., the veteran well tilg- family have learnedt t esleemtherm as ger anti genera.l bustier, eu shear a cîtizens and nelghbors anti regret hilt few extra lots of sheep as-ste o! bis unfortunate conneotîca wltb the tac. regular custemera bave disposai of tory and ti Ilfnacial emtbarasmeat. 1theîr foceka. If you want my services We can'l sny as mucti for bie partner iandti Ont clama work let me know whc ropediti aIe Lîbertyville Syntil- quick. J. P. WILLIAMIS. cale and bas playeti lest anti bose The Klckapoc Medicine Co. bave witb Iben for over a year pat. The arriveti, anti bave been most favorably Syndicale wouid bave beeii much bel- receiveti, anti on Wednestiay nigbt ton off lieu thon neyer known or hall 1gave e magnîliceat program. Every- ftIY business relations wllb Fred P. body aya thoso 'cloud pîcturea" weî e Blechoff. Wbat they gave w silcte worth severel limes the admission tee. bis tacterY would more titan buy the Don't imiss Il Saturtiay nigbl a heu a entle plant>. 'Tey they coulti own anti fine gelti watch wîll be given. operate l anti dispose of tbe Iota et Oblldren'm Day wss observedt by lbefr plessure. approprIats exercisea anti a large The contractera are rusining work D audience et lhe Preabyterlan cbnrcb on thie new Town Hall. Tbey expeot 1lait Sabbath moruing. The Uni. te bave the atone anti brick wcrk tversalists vill serve up a fine pro- finlsh&l witbln e week. Libertyville gram nexl Suntiay anti a week ]&ter cen point wth pridt tha next cen- the Methediat wyul endeavor to eclipse tury te tête motiel etiilleb rhich la a tbom ail. Thus tha public in turnlsheti wortliy mono-ment te our patniotie tlîree entertaiements, out o! the. cit4zens especieily the building ocea- iordlnary obureh srvices. Valetyle mltt>ea anti Hon. A. B. Cok stuc isa ithe epic. of lite, aiwas appreclaled given so much lIme anti m<nsy te d&s êven by ohutret geera.. tewnu vithout hopte et reward. *Wshbup's SuperiI Arountd And we the men that wear UPBPP!I home" 10tsIIIq. lt's easy to pick tbem eut. Thcy're brigbter, fresher, more cheerfuI than thp 4tat ,wÇ'ar gu'co;,çury - tie dCothing for which they usuafly pay more than we asIc frit these rdliable guaranteed goods. Why shouldnt they bc?___ Is niade f ait wool nafterl, prop- erly sewed and triimmed eî that one %uitwMl outwear two of tbt!wy We control the sale cf thesegond in this îcinity. me B. COLBY 4 PAINTS, QILS, VARNISHESI,,,A and PUTTY, on hand ail th. tlie. New line of.._ Have a few of Mc Lean's Patent~ Rockers on hand. Corne and see thési on earth. Fullline of U ndertaking Goods, a hand. Embalming a specialty. ISAAC HEATH & 'SC Libertyville,- -Illinois." Cail and examine the new S a-,j. No Cernent Required., Punctur". Five ta Ton Minutes. ThWý on this-Machine., $85 Shermon, Ié anm "mi MW. »Mm0 :vaga ,s me - 1 1