il OI,~. ~~UiSf5SUm5S5. mbmOUms~d 1h51 i #ma - vms* 1k5 K flalbM~ AUn ,ng'dm n vie »K "m Ob « odp& MU M dm aWses i. Plnkblei' Vqptabl. Cooepond OUR"S ALL of Womona ai1~buua5.Z-56,es calOnaiéeaae Yeasaillet amont- oîpmg Umm Wai y, "Mis, Tis.minéra &bd operatôra' conter- et% at Coumbus, Ohio, hem reultid là com romle egmmeut, and tbe et tIhe Cm Atcoai trike le user. V tr b. agi e ment work viUlis. r.. a4 ithin a veek, tha minera ide- *g b»gt have the rameinder of the va* te subuit the egreement tu the varloedistrict&. The IPlat committa. on oie, com- Lr'»M01of )e tt "m nei, vnt the mornlug. Eeech id..exprened -a feelng Ihal ch'çu Debloas bidplaood mu *«remsnt la J.opsriy. but ench vou:d try, t> aefect au agroeent If possible. Before gotug Into azacutive MasoluMa ejoint oommitt ýe the minera houd a privét. conlée nce cf about au louedurellion. 5cm. cf 1ha opera. taaw -à" nid that tbey proerreil to 4nè1 uitb org*uizai rather tha unor. geadloeor, ai more unlform reaulte aus b. aoeucd. A failure to &Croie meoa, la their opinion, a resumption cd the trike ut some lime lu the nuser Oet W. P, Pend, vho w&3 matius 10 liffeol aeWoment, mrbittad a propo- 8114tou mhie ovu ec--. unt tel agl-e. tuea swe'*etteO9 onts for PennsylvaeaMad 0U qintsfor 0hio, other lerritory tlae el tek Vlon. the pries te bol.! goci 4lc 1", vhon th.eret a tobe la- " et t 1079 centa in Western l'enn- alr.ulea andlu other districts lu p.o- ork.The iopisltion mde 1> Pr4dni Me Erlie. and opterai of Ithe 1hage~emeitlibai boen reoshei mai vZ .oing drawn up. The comn- promi a «. a ûn a bmils cf (0 cents for 4hio and dut cent i for Wetern Penn- oylvanla. At à joiLt confer ncecthe. agreement vas ratilled. A. A. Adsm3, krosudmmt of t .. Oiio minera, whc was a mouibeo f the saet committe., refuae.! t) igu tje agreomeuit. The ietlment, howrevor, la final. The waei.&grcolu onuia, folows: Ptiiburg, thIn velu. 69 conti; thick velu, U cent&. HOCklng V' laTl0 cents. Indina itufn us, tio cent»; Inaisana b1c , 70 conte. Sroteor. Ili.. ffl cents for sammer and &0 ocents for vinter. BIc. uingten IIL, 1.74<e(nta for aumo- me z aud P>5 cnts4 for wlster. La Salle and SpriIlg Valley, III. 'MI conta for sunimer und W cents for viner. Othe.7 jecttonsin Yorthern Iltinois fialds et 1 r.em relative 10 th.eb~. Coai lu Plttaburg district, going ost te tide vater, shaU pay the a seau- tug priceî.as hat pald byt' oPenmyi- vantaGas aadWo tuoreànd C ai tocuiaea. The scat. of prie.. VM icontinue. unit ma-e1, 1896, Pro. rvidai the. miov-nmaed wse o f prie. fer the Pitburt district * i b. geveally ree r.uized mt ob- bsoel.The operators sad riner. absUooeratab inuhaîr offorta tose. tus*111O ervance o' 'sald 1rice, andIil during the pMriod oovered by tha acret ment recogniton or the price * bren named cannotlib. ecured elîher parto tht. àagrocment May eall s wa.lg of the oint he-irdo! arbitra. * ion ami i termnte viether the agi ee- iront ha. been sufficiantly compied vith te wrarraint il. continuance. Wbieit ham been annoanced thsl th. agreement reached by the. clerc- tors and minera iu their joint conter- once là duinai erect "çon the minera reamsns to bc Ken. The operetors ara ceaident that the agreement vil] bu-lng ai»but a apeeliy settlement of the *triha.E. . ent cf 1 a Sait., Ill., as a.of the opinion thal the sttem.ns lu Northiern Itlilols vo ild Influence the suuth -ru part ot that State 10 conte lIe oUns.. HORiCE GREELIEY'8 STATUE Néw vares m* om.TrIbute thel Gret Kito-. Naw York honored cns cf lher mo3t illustrioua sonist weeyak ahen à statue cf Herse. Greley la,;uuvelled et Thryhird sait atf :d, I>oadvay. The ýae cL era cfau Impreusive chareoterani e.ati ent tributis vers peu te the memn-ry cf 1h3 greateditor. Amas J. Cummiugs w - 15 he cratl of the day aud Ditrict Attorney Feilowna actlng fer Mavor Cilroy. acceptai the stitue lu bhiit of the. <ty. The stastue la of br-inze, savon fao' hIffh. aMI rlrnts Mr. Greeloy ait- tilis la eo=lm'ellv.eattitude, -vltb a uewqap'r lit ou. band and sreA&tat ln. the éther. The P6dastai la of Qulory granit&. On cam aide is the.ta. soiltIonu: "Eraatnei edthe auspief cf niae eGrée!*e' PoMi.4 I.L. R NO. I77 New York Typoil i~cat Uniou Xo. (%, and Brocoklyne Union, NO. g.a Tfm Be-. B. Pay iMi la viii preach te Dr. Thixaes cougret" viis .Dr. Xagia bed. lýOU l'BNzIff191 years od, vas er êa KwYorkidq Ieaning trou ýa biuungtenaimenl lire. ýýluoAb hi>W. ' 4Axàse et . Kaeaeè Vo"l,.- g ts me Imm M.. M .ga.The rappootabie citiset dis- pari, btabout »OOminer$ Mm e ii vaut dean the tkite mUlsau. Icit ias, b. imberas ud rocks ce lb. treok, th. tr.mll buung Tb* lraak va.elzaired, and! the ire ex- tbuiulbed vitbout interférence- Tho ec coenlaing the sotdiira vas fred Merln Ferry. -An unaucceaal effort wvàimaie te rua two ceal train on the Clevelani. L»raine sudWbeei Iug Railroad, aller e a es lia-u P. Tl. er. plaocd cn the trock, 41um Imitevanai a revolverliai kuivea exhbited. Four dep *r - shaau.! Ivto reportera the train. Thair livea, tglher vith t hcs of tha tralanxen, v<re thrcateueil If the Wunwai uet run beck and Ibis wudn.The mob, inc. uding vomenc lnersaad frow S5ijto 4W0in ton inI- utec. The brigo est Whisky Rua o breand troops ha; e benu ordévrai tO the faId. OclIWbns, Ohio.-Shmrill eott, 0t MoKlnleY IaI t emirait Wbe.llng Oreek bürnai e brdge ta lhe 0evm laul, Loi-aine sadmi el Reli.&ros sud tbetatout ove bunivai mon au~ in the mobwmai ve .stltbrealeaing livoisai property. The G>vormoe Guéra.y Cblatl, ith lrcop., te ma5 Dmo0f the uilwylunhie comm&Mi 10 DemutCulO.mty. The Goveauor alo virai]loy. thal If more troopa ver. ueefl ha venuldcali eut the 71111 Régiment at Cleveland. .1.0.Ui.. 0*,Agrvsts Peorla, 11.-John L., leader of tha strlkIng minera lu the atteek au the Lltie mina Weiaesauy W»amw tulablshcme st Evdwa -it Geh*W i lotr:ttPresidoeulof "lIe-;, kin othe lrA tr In. He insistah* ha dii ail ho culd te prevent the mon frocm attaeking the mine, butal aute' tnat ha vent with theni aayhov. The' Sherl '. oeI ti na rasi dors. Sullivan, IniL-LasI nigît et the mil- lmery camp vas1 oue of tumult. Numer- owmia auta vllh atone; ver. ma". 1 ipon lhiecmIket.-lines, sudoi caroiult the cr7, Pcrlo the guari. rang« tibreuh tecamp dteu, sad vas1 mU iyfoflowed by' firing lu the diree- 9 tion Imomvwhch the store§ came 80 1 jar a% kuovu, howver, no immaga va. I loma. lIongih here vw. fear that the. Minera might, a.i hay thrasieaed, burt dynamlite ea the.adlerii. Tovar ,uoruug au effort vas Bmaiste buva the trestle-vork et lb. EvaumalIe Md Terre Bau -e0Rosi uesrbote, but the laceuiarlea vers drivon av"y by the Twry t, Wffosk c TisSu. UnioutovÉ. P&-Noar Bens aleisa on ths e timos- & Chio raliwa> a deampiste effort va. maiset84esra vrecklmg. ' A yeung man valking "X th le teck d'acovered part of sa frg lghly ceds te a rail sud pîhe maarll piaion 1he lrack lu sncb ~ ~ Ju ahp htl.n eproaching frotalirdIet o venu ertainiy b. throvu f rom, tbe rels. The oh- @lructlonvas removai. Tm@ Up the 5r.lght Tar"s W'heelng , W. Va.-Striklng miner@ et B.uvo, belov thIt oity, creatod a biockade la Weit VirginlaCe1aind havne lied ut ail lb.eo"alinuthe Balti- more ami 0hIo yards. About 20i0 men are enSed et Bouvoci Junction vlt th lb. Oh detes minallon of pro- ventlag, comi f rom moving. FIFTY THOUSAND IN LUNE 'à Gren a amas et lthe. ýA. IL at pntta- bWe geNazieSmtmhr. The N19oa Enoampuleut of the. Grmd I4tal et be Rapubtie te ho hea lua ibrnuezhSeptember wil ha more aualau], eccLrdlug lepros- ont iiieons. Iban the Momlsa n- guine frIenua0f1the 01>7Lfr th. aunual muâter plac 4Madanticipetei. Estli wAtlag Irmnt i.aumber o!frte ai reedy beaidImm &% achuis t.,is con- ailered certain that oe r 50,000 cern- rides v 1 arede ou Tu*iay, sept. 11.- Il J@ bolievei Ihat Panumyi"lvaul i bave fiîtiy si may lin., 15,000, as thero vera la th. great pa-ade in Wa.binfft.n tWIvOM airs Leci. 0h10 bai i0,w Ol in Hmat lIaItîtme, but ih là mît Ukoly, niuIse l.ret iru.i are de- fellîo, thstLIo e iii turu out moe than 7W% sltbough Plittabur q t. se la theugbl, vl turn tut -V 5G0 trong. The Alleghany Ciuril Ipose vilI hav e 6,000 Ie. la eue co"Ma. Frqequartai-a baNe tslreïdy hena- algne.!d t 1.OcontraiMoSt of the'M M in fetiratâdtant points, al- It. l ]tlae morethanth~-ae mentis befere lh. liM far'the. nccmi ment te meet. PhreT iha i0-t,OOu mounted mon la lb. procea,tk4vhih l II, il la juigea i la e thlhouri 1 paus c givn pintT». icoorallons.adil1- [uW"om~ by ulgît, vU! lb. upon a geai. f magulflcaé neyer haloeaseea ix Western auaial.Lellers ne- eodb be (h Coasitimeon lBanions inaiâat lIaI he. vit ha aremarka- bka gstbertog cf former Peunsylveul- aou, who alter hhey caeu back f rom the ver *Ont West te eeak Ihair for- tunes, sd vIe - bmee- e frmera ou gep imanlMade-as bomtaders lu Ds mahinloNebra'K.Mis- wa>0, ,an.! ether Western States aud Terrllories a.nm ocf lhom vere et 10.1 lime. A larme cacaber cf rot. erSw te rlglly f rom baryWansd Wcs1 Vitginle, vse loft Il ci Stiteç lu the m le vay, villattend the au- camulmaut; # iseouaphlaCuecha. SEYEISYESNYEÀR icust§ haro np- paraI li Maryliand. MOUBAN Wauin vus exaculei et Ce- lumblu, 80.C, for munie r. 7OEN WIXaow, 113yee«m cli, vu, dt9ouaihle bathhing et Anieneon, Tua NegroNational Ilemocratao - fat 04~â~ o the, ri andCake?' It is conceded that the Royal Baking Powder is the purest and strongest of ail the'baking powders. The purest baking poiÎder makes the finest~ sweet- est, most deliclous food. The strongest baking pow- der makes thé lightest foo& That baking powder which is both purest and strongest makes the most digestible and wholesome foo. Why should flot every housekeeper avait hersel! of the baking powder which will give ber the best food with the least trouble? Avold anl bek »M 4e.u.*wlth B gMf or pd, Gor Bt a IowS »"th=tiuthe Royal, m th"y IaYaZIBbly enta. mm, li e «aîl. plimul i, i& mSè is à". od hwIome. Certain protection from alum baking powders cas be had by declining to accept any substitute fo~r the Royal, which is absolutely pure. DYNAMITE% INVIENTOR. a ne Iankn W.Fa e Unmte Prov nt iIl ulIb a Wti-DetMeig Cumevoats Mr.,N,(bela l the mi!iasl-mennreliy hore diacovèesiamn eplosIve. 0 w~a~ an ex-, e mln ;a 4srint the récent n lie galon.dalia la isunufy - l esaceful villa et Ban Rewo, se ther. i tu the lap cf luxuriant nature he openi. hie time ln dosigulng aaful cmpounds, cAdeu'ated tedeatrcy vholo nations and aiter the face cf Moîher Barth ut a single disehargre. Tis, lu- des&. la bis ambition, for then, au Mr. Nobol pertinently pointaeout, ver muat tes. He toathes ver, maya Ble di White sud a, apasaicuato deaira te mlmuou e epoabily It onca let bhîttle menu ab@3'nte sud cer- tai deai h foreverybody ou bhaida. aid the nations vt aado er We hop. Mr. Nobi-l may 11% a te prove tho t truthoe bis assumptlcu. But hlgh or- I PIO.ives are n.t f or overy baud aud t ebould no longer ha a'icved te romain wlhhin the roacci of the mch. (Tutil a certain br-acoh cf tao peIqnt office la tI abat agnînst tha public, bowerer. sny man from Ihe strool may consult the f9mula for e ;-er, hlgh explosive as rat dlscovered, It lo tisse th&%t1h18 braneh cf buman knowiedga vas reu-t derai a 11111e more difficuit of ap-1 premc. - -t ukwrs, Ns<et mde Weàk hi I a sai@tom&"als Psay peule bave a.IvniaBy. vosk Oatias. Thm robes$ta à rat st mttanly Mdsadit- tatae Ihoji 1te0. AmaltuulISI sk aom*ab. cu eua thit ha. bausa thomahcet su ailta- aleî noival amueMi 1nd trams tht. thomwua etoasaohe. Neatattees stamaah Bittora.The restagaticat aur tge tahebmdeticala la tha prompt fifect t fa rom te th"la Ibispeton-t aily BaatOUai sud uslver.aly emtmiapro- moter aofhamitia. Nerouaue«-a-m ptom of ebygala iniustion-la arons eby M .Bo art liter complatât and ocustipatton. laripi- i ent rheumatmand kldnmitrouba le tant.&U thareughiy. Mad U coutlttussa- eSaeal dm. fea.. agnMat imalails. But la aidai <bat Ibm f ui benoit durirabtr lot s uslà«aboul ha ZvaItsd of. It Oskita aib. ummi Ana alip- Iazard wmibut coutluusly. Them@me sug- estiona haisie o a a t.adsrrememdi.. Evi, t irse Dathint. Batbiuig la cftia anuerabia for aurai disoase, Whou ducking the. heai la prise- tlced. The omr là intoierant of ccli wat.r audinl addition te thusthe. etlmuling pïroperties cf Ess ater renier It irrli=ng to the eax, sud lia- ble o, s0et up inffammnation. T. 0 esa Fteel Buokles. Steel ornemientsanam buekles are quîta fa.blnmkbia. h.t th.y tuaiab emly. Brushing thom vîi unslsoked lime, u lug a amail net[ brush, vil me them, almoàt like nov. Ir You Travot on th. Dionon voit 11mev Tb&& ls la lb* test route blasea Chteaga. Indlnaupolls. Cinusatt Loulsrile sud the 6euth. Clu 1ctIekmL01«c. 232 Clark %îremL ChicaeseFrank 3. esd, Omneral Paesgr Agent CANON WiLniERVoncE, Itlelanid, thinlu that alms, sa voit asmail. have soultAMsud*111 onjoýy a future lit. EaIA's oelrrhoVu, la a occasUttiocel a.Ms-, Pels f a ns, Timganermi Who undïqrwiiuta1dée tho r rate*s vork pjuxaflygai. uek Eau )., a c iss aetgirl, with'a cou- of «~50Sella lavslam. rau a asIe ,aaIitas lepousseah.ouesOlma'* bel- phur @os> WALL RIBSgantblera vear lambs- yool geriMuta, Tuag10 Ask for TIck# L0. Emobowlgl, et. lPa1 Park-A Nvil. alo O Qmd i , .-- ma Ptel Park ৠlocated as morta. ilaî$mueq t Rut «..asgn cic.a- L =0es ailmICI t lom .O Icb. etek Som tl~f a M et tants mauismlb the a f rla asic ultai fa om-belL »,B plea10 orreat la Ibm vmeafy tCbs.Ia For farthe Inform at«gae. Sme. ap- ,Iy ta I.LE. Lgit, clip' Pmsaer Adma. t caego. Utlvaubsoand a51Peut Bailaay. 107 Clark stroot Hocdwtuked th. Juidge. OFiLE U i l Lord il-non, the istugulmbd En- a L.« lsh judga, va. nover kii.u 0 . lscveoihoii icazei but onuoeeoceulo..A jury- p<ae hlwme man, dresad la deep mounaing, merlouâs iOd of IllOi and dovneasl lu exprassion, stoci up do h 1101 and olalmed examptiep front service on He ba tht dey,sa.hovae Gbeply juterist-<bCl' 'el duim in e funarat of a genlempa et wh .-..... wa; bis dasire te ho prament. *Oh, of i oerlalnly,» va. the courtacu roply ;1l ho jige, and the mas.!nmen ut. "My So-" o1,1 ntarpoasihe lbclrk, sisoon as A b. J. the ex-juryman bai gona, Mdo you h kmcv vbc that man lafi taityou ex- 'I1'IJ empted?" 'No." "ne Le au tender- Wbeihi Au Bobo froenthe aWoe-lQa 1feu. 0Ii lita .rho LaticsShore. Sa br« m.up' gai-stopped, and mvs tas out a roi-jbaudeffl tho-vaie ler Ota, mt 0f lb. *Esit ss im tpe«-.ah. ft twesy..bomstrain, lt nfvlasbelwnemSe* yack and chiasse uplaif lie "ata Auna e~ t"m usai Ordteil &aemvmof th eet b b big t Olritap'e bsbaMho as théwIbgM bu y col~ la*qulwb htas itrou *ap sua, bolide DamsOp t0» a ent a ieama" tseap«Yanceslet- b I wartb framing Tases eie'le 4mUoas .11Wermsousm te CLILK. Wlber. Wmstaa Pas- .CWW 9affl wA80316 ChLICag. aI mmes,. «16Ow!NIm * Couuamezp la te marria¶ vwha the m a silver mnis va airoi on inthe aun- ahine are to the unkuovu. depths of - the ocean. gawss osomC u amid n IFthls souid Tbayar tuIau el"!tshéa afei t De~ . * culS àIU a- dame~ bâd a0 W ""1, e ot t e s p 13. W.'W Br~ad te b«e a= tb us- des g on-. 'l" e bl l de "Neufý e