ritten for This Pap Tb*. homesetof Govu EOhw ththe ra ïl omm k b tsl s ea e l.oU Tel td Ï hoto n ldlm as lh. ormias 7, bm olmvaem closlb.boy am omiedforth the' ~uunrs ha§Omo or t. mOMM7om s 10MO teitlhe «bSIe e oZhe b.tber, vith lis hbearlooings liat prompt.d tisa- ne wvas Alom. la the churb-t é aoaItbheo.gan-aloua, hi thougt.msud the great Instrument of aw.ewan md passion bls oui yCam- panise. Bis tboughte led hlm far ave* 9 e.the renmoadovasnd 81W ag Ie OUe =g nsrosthe mEcs;l d=y4. pa City&aul lorl &M p t1 hlm oeo' 10tuhie boy Irb hmlof hi toOrob Amerlon. Mwaearly Ivelve 7.em &go. So-u tbff l rou cr letters, brlitg vtt ltutiontboltercua hctefuln..m, bad boigm me scuga nithe 1&saMnLbî to the e bce&m. ilThe jeea bai pr4 ,but ne Word 01f14hi.by hdr«sele <.or- ~' galaishome. The ec mas fao. vas wrlakied aud iurrcwed, tb. paelilps th embicé feebiy, aSU tu the big broya oye., boneatb tb. buaby white browa, glowed the soit la la 'Osé lee. a- a1be $al-. a"Ibmts. r ft oets sui si ho masee Ibs lo- à msas mr lIsilc peailsatm %ae, "mi te tiru-- Me& et l te veeIe-. I& e mir- sos M.f-e ,tubas- bdi aetie me maimil lea&s asb We.« blD raibS m -= lie , v- et BOW*t os.ata [oradsm ada là mov -lacvm is iw@lmsrâa causes ltet cfpatisee mmd ortltude shMel "4"dets-o tg Time bal besn oves-- &Mpete dau Re MItiseora line" t mu'00m99-sibile Mbedé callcd forth lie barions aIrais- as by tlis 0« vthliln, andi la bis mInhoApb. tus-ed that on wbo b.d gene avay ad 1.51hlm cisildibsawmimd ensy-e brave, "aPploglusy iasd.omu lad, bsowa nsDe-sy vwlieallb sud yautisiui alraglbvi hhime sy, curly bain, sud ils o Ue eà pair _ejblacki gem.. Bey prend ho isad benueft Ial boy! Wi siwbal ea eavy boas-I be had con- eted te hhie vsuiarinu otnh i late fuaum or etIhe fan-off nov venld, tiers 10 eek hMfortune! Fortune! A tIseorus, mus-dore-uftian'm bol- lt hsdl, porbaps, laid hlm te10 roa bu Matisthe broya svsrd of tho eoii W tlie BOcileS, Or mordileas dis=ae oanst famine - vis eaw? - d snallobed that young. a-amy lîfe i ronsil&s petb et hope sud bai not aven u etishe1 tracefcità ap reviens auffoning. As th ise01 mn* sing dreasa ho came more. palpable te i mental vis ion* bts linriastrayed, sud freintise sualetc Palofe a Gregortan anisons ho aubstded ite thse mollifluene, cootis- Ingarains 0f "014 Bundred. * Anuin- pi naecountable 7and nnaccennîed imaie hlm tus-n hie bead wsilhulis banda til r*. slo uethe Ireyhoard,0 &Md lier.,alhe othoreofet is ie, 0 ri tseAur a fma nu s!ad lise eïVen do r-fethte chua-hi, salas 11111111et cfgray evealng igbt. For a mms- beartbhemis spoce tise susicia l*mindlaît ho sMWiIWO figure thoe,t bueteon 'aalajsodsby viteraft inho0 lie saelbov dosmm ofethlie veulted s t ùi.,or se b.longir, bis veaki- euod sgist ad p1ayed ta-lies vllbhlm. Ill ingeras tili vent oer tise ieya as ho lcciod, sud "014 Huadred" sasled .tftlie. amny; bat en a sudden hoa etopped, veude-iimg wvi lmigist bho theiociuneh st thal heur, toi-lise flg- t»'w» slie gemoloyheased, the o icaet munebhlm f rom liseeais ns-e -»Will yen lesse ploy that &gain, ais -ro le hHunadred.'and I h ave uot4èllet erai-long time.' TIl "WegaulaI haines-ta-beora iseard f lia vo"-e - Thspeecis bai lb. bsrel 0 **auaulmhbl.«enofa tuneducatei qfpkén Western« Amenican. The '61 cfIl nusesi' tise mualclan's -U B b'fo alà a.lanaultaus rjt sud I 'Wpc. BEll cu, hlalad,liitd ore o t*0os-tcm. sud la memory o e l.[ct oea &Mp ter' the sase of tisaI ueaory h. B lUl-usito bIa. former position, sud tidls- ba tise esgan onbuned '014 UubIdv Its greater itatohinesaoai- WMéà the. last notes baildi4104 may à la, a bas-nniona vhIspea-, thse oid maI lieaa-trou bis oye. i Tmk yentir," sald tise mon at tise0 doe., 'Jmu devrigist bllged te yen. A d uyen bibe Ï oitedas lecorneai Foiimusoara quita doue, sud w ba a , I taal 'ho giad le 6i voleolonhdil >kmranmlutia ua.w per by Henry Hermar Ho gonl(loa.d the organiida Bd habte thonuhobenookhiaold haies 94 iethdl vith bieaia, sudhi. stis id OM hlm tadai ver. old blsek giove 19 &M md vl miliag fangers ho a range 1. hi& vbite cravet, vhli5e o ug] or bai homeaa ttloloss Es.à ly écneud I vtb slows"d rick.ty mtop se a ansd lieu, for ho Vas fa of àS oel emotien vhich reudered ei )h orties dîBenît. le, Ibommet the o"ci'red hi, ieatLl. H valsud la b.pria soS muaaood-ftoll ,parha.r si, l11e moe. A gremt, drk-row , baud st-enaued &round ie hlmsa or baam.sd tace. Thesdeep, gay oe. com rW viuotag wllhbsfbor hocety, thI r. "w7v ceu lozai th snd wvuy, but brea sla lie ebet SiMshixilderudenote 4 streuglim"dpover et endurance o! a Il oriinae-yICId. 1 -7 an themlustcianapproucbed -ý helmuagtd that he tav a secon, le figur dart avay tate the gioom&ai Le vailmh therge. B3ut the tbougbt Win I- aoeoly mmentars- ho b.kuev b. bt eyolgbt tebesno eaheroui Ibat hi la Mutleait hblasa!!for be:iovlng too e )f hat vas net the: e. 1- .01d gntleman, - ssld.the atm-ange; *tho .l-rthet rood 014 tune oa d made me shile as ellov-being deva ii ie murderous rage. Oh, don t ahy off. I ktasm mai a cant, ai-y effoot nov. Yom yvwhea once on a ime 1 heard a eomiadi 4si nggtha word. of thal hyma, godm-or a pliiaxe iste o hia u d vs bglad t, be'lave that I hsd killed hlm. d "Wist couli have Impelly ou tg 0 ncb s dr aiiul crime?" ,And the ol ô r MaaËU41 ell e 0 ealalMy sali c olly m em *t iengd hlMa ovuguilt. But tise sta-anger dld Dot looak iii assaasi, for hohaî uax oye. sudi akiaIl volage. ,, "Tt hma gvea me grasi piossura, air,' asaisi the Amerin. -te hear you plal 'thal god aId palm se beautifuhiy. havenol baeau lon aEngland au 1 mmaetraager lthese=past.,bIfes quite at home vlth anybod hvo ci" pis& for me Ihatl ovely raeloîy. If yoi vil do me tise hangar, sir. te comae i th. Georga, vhere Ieam staylng, and tc di ilrai bctle et part vlth me, ao 11fntpodimau fiaterad. "Yen am-eon0ego:od, air," theoled mai, repiai, alter- a mnxmsrafoctioa amiling leebir. "I limai'yen, eod a vuI MeepI yeur ose." Po:-mvwhgethey vlked ia alioec along lelmy Janeé, vith It.sm-reh of beech s&d !m sud ni mml lts border of forna sud of butte cisp%, vioi led fi-om th. oha-oh ltisthevu agMmd lb. oic mm.lumtt s ec=me hn bs cam- peulon.lock bici ansi se'hlng foi ombody vbWvh olW@,110i=la lo. it iM»tt.e ael ta iMm. ha tiongbt, anc w hoover th. lsgesFughl be he eaeg=t. LM7 r .tathlm ao4aalat- mssliagb cpled by0sepour a pusmea an lie village =rait "Youruame la Spencer. là. h net?' asked lh. Are nas lb.y îim-olle ailong. Ile old men atarad and ehopped short "Boy do yen kuov,"ho laquire] imatliy. 'ikuev it." r.terted lthe bearded Mau v.tb asmUle, "becanse I ekod ai the U, 0;lse yed notlmoastonled a' my tullne sof Information. Tisai ie a fine ar-gon that yen hav-e thore, Mr. Spencer, amal a ioveiy chus-ch. Such. s ircei atai vuld be vorth a loi of moroy If il could Ibo laken out West a"dput u u the 1lace vhere 1 have boalving. - The timp'e word "Weïi" vibratied belIl yil the olsi mia ari. "Yen moan cut la Western America &Mid the prairies sud the mountaina; la tisI lt?" ho asked. diffideatiy. YIAIo -tlst ii mmy* eli the other. In ioatb thelre yhome, Ibo h yearsVont, off sud on. and an aid 'Nor- mau churcis like youri ber. vhy. it would sel thse tolks crazy-the wvemen. tisey'd îles the groun4. But it cen't eo f course. These thiaga don'tgr.w lna soin, years, aur more thoan a s geta ho boa mlghty irao ln the caine spacaetflime." The erganiet gazod lunrnild lnqp.iry- and e.ioaisbment at the Amaniean. 'Whaa' oeosithst 'on aseilame, aid gentlemen?» th. stranger aoked. "lt seeos trange toi me,"* Mr. Spen- cer r. lied, afto a tingle moment e! lhongbt, 'tbal ane man could ho at the atme limesa lover et music - et chunches -sud a slayem- of a tohiov-cr-otnure." "Ah! but 1 ar n ot both et thosn thingsaththeame lime. 1h vos Ivelve years ego that I comrnitted the crime." 'Twe vo yesrsamga!" Mr. Spen-er criai ont; -vhy. il vas twelve years &go tisaI my ton Chsarles died la Amer- Ical Youew mvmny naine! It va. h. vhom yen rnurdord."ý Theolod man atagred sud vo'uld bave fallea if ho hali not been caught la the atranger's ar-ms. CHAPTERIL1 Tho Ame-ican anpponted Ma-. Spen- cer t a seal genhiy sud tondem-I, sud fsnned hlm vlih a bal untl he bdne ooverod. hlusoit. t Waitll yen bear rny loi-y," said the sîranger, "before yaucnndearu me, a~~~ ~~~ ('-Ni" ts monde ha4boën r.auo;ed. Faxi "va. MAX AU s'.. o amvn on ad anoîher is sibho ives vith hi are out Of thse City et proesti hi eavisi- tisa hoîr pociets. 0014, yen se., isnI loýbe round just liii. cela, 041i KulieSWhit. e %k5uR Eeue. avor 1h.p lace. Ycu maydlg or ve. At Calao, 111., Bob oaderson abo hora&",d asfortune, and your nelgh- and iilied-gh-&iisy Curtis duringà Ybor maya l;el ougb tanetfor hlm quai-roi et Hedgos Pari. Tva ytaa Iboard- It'a &Il chance, Ud t tjikoa a * Cu rte killed a a"near tlie cama kee re to si o t. *pfiLce sud Hender son va. 1he pri-lai B t He«lace 1are .ad ths ruan msiy ilueaaagaluet hlm. Curtiâ vas an. a M ho ipoke, sud lb. musicien IhougimtqIt' d, but held a gru4ym againât lu ho baiiboard lise noise ef a&vemen, eder§on lever sine&.lie attacied Olike bsaI efthlie udden oçeung et0ahlm Sunday and vas iiilld. Henderî ndoos- aad tise ahnttlng ef t î glu. mon vai arre tId. An>tber murderor rT acrrzm lâalaso n jail. Aloi. Oibseauwovas. mas o~~ascn.isonlied by John Henry at the Singer tact ry Wednezday and baimai oveo 'n Ponmsded Gises fbr PouItry. tise head vlîh a club. Tise altack vas A corsespondent of lthe Toxas Fai-ma nprovoked and uuoxpocoed. Oison'i Iard Ranch witea ho tisat palor tu saculi vue c-used and ho dled. Ail '0contradirt an aseriton tisa pounded thse parties ln both crimes are coiorod. glass vonld prove fatal tae ciiciena,N.LiefrCo% sayiag: Pour yearsagao a lady frienî eLit1 ~p of mine iemas-ked ho me liaI cisaWlthjn the pat few days tlrnely and dgave ber ciicieni pounded clia thie Nortbve tom-n and CeairaiSale. -cure choiera and paeveut diseame.1IFi-anaMichiga, Ohb, Indiana,. lii ,r isad mucis thee ducat lock of chicken. nois, Wisconuin, lova. tbpDakotaa la Is e comImuonnty, but lisey voe dy- Montana, Nebraska, sud Mifiori had 1 lagvs l hohechoiera. I vent houe cosse reporte o!severa droughh. but sud ponndod up a lot of vîndosi glassaili have bner.hierod. Tise i enefits ouilulis puhy yard. My ciscoaare enermous. Me eoe ei f cmhig eater hechange vas par- r came srouud sud pîcked up Oves-y tlinarîy velcone te is->sem-a partiele of the brokon glass, frein the ___ aise of a gra'n 0of sieat dowa tg lise croye Ueriageagl.. dueai dust. I have kept Up the Ireat. About 2 o'cleci Sunday aflornonn i ment., poundlng np a big lot et glass a terrifia cyclone paéd ovor lise north- eemy fous- os--Ove days over since, Onu part of Bond Coua'y, deslroytnj vllh aplendJid reaulla. A nelgbbor tise bousoet James Maeri-s, twista5g of mine ovned a large dock ai tur-1 trot into splite.-s, sud nuinlug eîbeî ,piorery. Ben-y 1 erguson and son, 1ieys. He reiuoried te me: 1 who fri-edniviug lan a wazon, vers t 31y turkey. are dylg et tise rate'as gisi by tho cyclone and carr:aid hall ci Ofvo ana tbs-eo pers day. Wisat do a mile, bots su-taiuiug injuries. The "3on do for tsen>?" sterna loted about tventy minutes. I laid: "Taea orock sud a hamrnean d BeRord oft he W". Potud up a lol oi glass for lisent" FRD»RCKBULI'qGS vus struck by A ewyeoks Jeter ho laId: à bridge ai Aurore sud illird. FRANK M L ER, a Shiisind boy, ac- «Weil, I lhoughst yen ver. crazy, cldontalîy st sud iilled hisao. 1but I went te vork sud peunded up a JNY id2 eis loi of gîais lua m urkey ard, aud I AES BRADBUJRYae 4ya ~~, s n of Supervisor Bi-adbauiy, ol Belle haven't. ot slui-koy ine. »i îwer, - deadi. Tho glama enta tise food up la the Tevdlgfas ISfen*le crep sud preparea l for lise gizzard, John Macori shah and kiled twa men, tison it grînda tise food as dune ai ths eni iue!ofan aId fond. posider, furnî,bso.siicic acld for THE Supreire Coui-t af IllinIs de- digestion, auddonena lise glzzard out clded ti'at ht bai ne jurlscllctlon in the perfectiy claa. Tise hemi thlng 1 Senatertl appotoament cuse-. bave lovetriitd fer giIland cgg-shei M:CHAEL TeOMEY, sged 82 yeari, production la pouuded crecbcory and one o e!itrfiaI abmn o locale In îchina vare. Bicemingtea, dltodt W aluesday. ,Ci=IA'= op'ation, scam din t1 Foau- Vestu a Barber- Shep. the sholcu us ut c1!ee,0l. "It la raîbes- a curions fact,» aud l5t, Ina.l 1892 it vas 1,43,010. a promîneul local s-llroad man whîo COMPLALNTS 01 a lsu'k of vater have sports a -luzurlous bord, "tisat eanc caused Chicago nuthoritie i te conalder a! tise ew occasions et My gaîug ta moans focheciîu;the immense vaste, cisurchIn laroceat joale responsileî MAYOR MILESl, o! Poia, rlgldly en- fer my grovlng Ibis hourd. The loi-ced tise Sunday 1mw, to tise grea, minîster happened lu tise course or di-guât of the majarlty a! t-. cIit ons. hie sermon le ay Ibal a man spent a C.v' Hi i&.iNE Ri. visa vas hT yeers ibird eorbIsl&ine luasloep, aud tisat od wvishe loitiIrelsud t10 keek s co living te tise age of Ibreescore new homo, dlad Ia Cnicago, aged 107. aud ten vould pats tveaîy-imree years As-TER broodlug aven his dl charge la auaihr. A thesoi-.n as or oi a yesr, Hour- Vaughsan ai Chicago In sumbe. Astheseriýn ws ntutaiy shut Frederici P. hwaln, bi@ a paaticularly lulereattla eue, ny former employer. rind vandoa-ed svay fs-omIll, sud 1 AT Ainabora, I ould Collîir vas began calculating bow mncis 0f Ofl' stabbud and fataily voupded by a 1-oy lufe vould bc @peut lu a barbher'%tsop. named Traite-. Cole.' vsai fightln;, Allevlug a roasenabie lime for walts vith Trail3i-' fathen. sud for tise actual pi-ocosa et shaving Mie'. DoRA E. BECREn, vife ai Chas. dally, I soon dIcovered tisatinlatbe J. Becker, Jr., of Lexington, attompi- years loit le me, If I abould atisin ail 10 commît suicide by drliking cas-- lise pts-las-chaI age of 70, I would 1 bottlicsId. 8h. viii die. sp.nd aI toast fous- lun abarber'@ îbop. AT Chîcago, Gm-ce, J.ib Gerber oh- Tisii niofIl! Cendemned tg four jectod ho the lMPOUm.nug et hie pet yoara Iu a bai-ber shapl TisaI settl'd' peodie aud conseil a tmaii-slzed i-st, l, ad, tiougi tisat vas ton ytars for wblcbheavas ai-iea:ed. aga, I bave noves- shsvcd since."- A WAGE-SCALE vas adoptait by the Pbiladelphisa Record. Illinuois minera, ila esaI"n aiSpinAi- fie1d, sud If aaasptabe Iothie oporat- Two Iterpetatons. ors, venic yul b.e t once reaunred. A voun Iutremr t ad ea con- DEPUTY seonffsa ttempting ta, A ynngfmimervis isd h~a Oians-est st-iker., ah MeunaIolive, wsie verted at eue o etes-vvais vent drivon ont ci tise place by a mob of baere lb. noît conferonce sud askced sympatizera. The 7'tis negiment le fer a llccue o hochoa5preacsea-. "Il out. knev I ara boru taeioais the vord," BER emininga belng Insui!!cieut la said tise applicant, "toi- I isaye had sup, ort bei-elf and bulb.ad, Ida tbs-oe visions, ail tieseaima, and It Martin, et Cb<cago, secured cradit by lias maie a îasîîng Impression an assumlag the narnea et aociety vemen. me.» «Wbal vas oui- vision?" aied bs.i nov lna Üil a biglsap. "Wal, I sas a blig, round-, hMu. Lucy- S. LOVELL, s pioncer oi bIne ring lunlise aiy, aud laside, lu Elgin. in deaci, eged 88 yemnm usej gi-cat gold loera, 'P>.CL' It se'ant vas the methea- et Judge E. C. Lovait. 'Preacis Christ,' aud I vauttalejotn BUSINESM ln Judge WlInde il court aI tise conteoe." Thie agumenou Cicgo w s. nddbecause Coecf about lt a-s-ry, vison au 014 pastor te jurosha.elevators, vilh s alty stoo up la theback pan-Iof lb 1bi POZ and mid: *Yonuogmua, we doml et10,30000 biash as.10be od t liis s"mes- on lie âkm o ctalté ad àa- ,a el ne bu bd a- dle ad ýi. )e e tn il 14 aboutt li e ve ye have b)00i brokn l 0"mai hlvolces ea h< arm o e nt o.,~ ~ ~ b bWh eIhm o enteutu thora e s gsau - I -1would ltOetOow raone Who hm. Uved there what soit oe a "il a& "e ' àgood pluce enoub,* eawed the big usa, aaad e rici plue. God hmbas iosed it with mont lhtags. You ecau lad gold tbere If yen am lucky, o- atones, if yen ame BOL.But rut cm ga-o.v m-mt aaythlmg, trou vheat t3 tobacco; fi-m potsoe to a pes.Andt you bave your cooe- I&rllad,ilf you ps-e.lb.helevel, or 9.rt mountatua, iyeIn Uketh rOugh. Your oent th.rel> ho aaked, ansu amsei-ed by a Dod of th. lbeai.Ah, Mr. spencer, we iad ofthesuvn ekvt rhat AUL OVERTRE STÂT] ILLINOIS NEWS OONCISELY COh DENSEO. 9ee.r Case ot a Bell. v iel. se-%Vu Quarrel. at Caro-[5m. uby st.ow, Bond Cousts-Au,,,,-.A,,thoritiee Ma1 Pante lua &Tbeeter. Therp.m one mon la Beleville vi viii pirobably not b3 @s3 Ira, vith h roice la the filture. A big chunich e tertalumenl vas ia prorama la lb opra houke, and tisere asas s il1 l.e pi-ograin one pnmpii-hoad4 sud leatiser-lnnged Idiot la the and euc. was'î conabat te let the i 1rechofo!the showv mn ileo ho ga rallani londly for Mies Nil. a pop, elar elccutionitt.His beloving v aistakea for an marm of Ia-, sud1 b e panieIbat ensned maay peop nrrovlY acapod demIs. en th. Tre;k et i.lmorâie. An erre . vas made At Aunera Sati day t a-my 1.14 b lthe approbonsle eth li l ebuga vho destroyed D. M. h Rabbins dvelling lut Saplember. TI bouse vas burned te the ga-ound wi the Docteran sd hie famlly ver. ah Koý ley Laie. It va i thon ghl lb et al ith OeLtenti of the hoesto era deatro e( Sorne time ago Ma-&. Campbe'l notice tisaI thselicou uspîlue o the cake baked by Mm-a. Paxon bore Dr. Robiai luitiaie. This excited Mn.. Campbell *aUipicions, sud led to piaclng tiseima, boa- lutho banda of Chiet ai Pol; Lemmer. Ths reaiuited linlise arr. et Mr&. Paxon. Mra. Faxon vas vos, iag oeeoetMra. Robblam' dr. as aitth lima. ah. vasarrosled, sud Ilahe bise vat found nomriY aia'lboftheDocte,' honmehold quoda, luclidiniz fine silvei vas-e sud jevoiry. Inu a ta-uni ws thfrty-eeven uppi:..IN PME doa9troyed Prop3rty valueil At sli1,C00> ln Ro.k Islami. iN- ANJTHONY HEMPEN, of Carl>!. va, AN INTERESTING thrown fi-ou a cultîvator, 5ucitalnlng TV 101 iaterna ilnurlei. IELBM IAN effort la boing made te bave the tai Governient esals a navigation &Laaetiel. ,u la hool at Chicago.anmu ti. T us nic a M a ab e ron W or of ai m oi W Molle were sold to. Il. Deere,* the MtbeBiw"L Plw Manufacturer. -a Mme'. JICRRY BROWe, ut Broadland, ,h gavebrth te trplets-two girls and a -9-0»m er uair 4- la@ ba y o f lg h t P o un d @ a e c . T ebel v m s y a ff o d a cu- W. W. WIwRTas been elected spr b Vwma foreae i Intendant of Ottawa chools, o uccoed GloldV en ot. e ln D. R A. T orp, decea@ed. hG ~ o e De t . 32:6. ld Mxs. HffNRY NEIPaAGEN, vite of a LemnIJaoa dil- vell-known realdent ef Blooinington, ,ela. 32: 911; z~4_30. di- fell dead f rom heart dissse..mo Un ARUmna ARMON vas .etzd with Gol*teu Te't ' u-crampe sudl drowned whlle bathlng ln 9g0, exoopt tho i bleu mu.* SWhite River, nemi fockiord. e r t pe JO mUX SOTHAL L, su Indin po a en. 37: 111. negro, and Della MMnny, a white Me-"r Verse.. 4 vomaof Terre Haute, were m-s-<ed Gold'au Toit. 'Be.that in Marshall. ont h'Ithé va.M oea, ir- C ICAGOocItizens are aked 1ta c o ea.3:i i -3t& J seh1u.ap on tribut. 150,000 te move the baile shp Moan. 7:2-38ee. 6 M- 1111-1ti front Jack- Park le Van Bu- God e rsTets. t&2K le i-flUl-sîle. gant me, but God emt4 leJtUGE GaeeaCUP, 0f Cblcaro, ruied good. Cea. 50: 20. 31 that LtIr Carrier Palmser oould net tesson 4. Joseph RaIer ft e ho held for stealing a decoy latter, and Cen. 41: 3f-lp. Id ho wai releaaed. Mmr es. 84~ :s MRS. CATHERINE MANDE4 ,mother Golden Toit. «Thom th"tb le of the mgmberof the fiermo Mandel I vilhouer. * iSain.z:30 Broher, hicgô,did A br hme. Leson5.JomaehFogvr ShO vas 89 years o:d. Brothi-en. Gen. 45: 1-15. ce EDWARD F. HUGHESQ, prominent ln Memory Verso. M5 st LhcaO labor cicls, attmuted te CclIea Tot. 'Il thy oo~ -- Ioad a moving train sud waa killod. PUBs eglain thee rebs bc He was 43 yeara ef ag. n epent orgive hm. e JOHN BUaRNS, Who ha4 several alla. * ph>*J'nt -2Eý "al o, w a s a r rig n od ae t S a le m o n l bh e e mrW :' er14.-2 .t . ýr- charge of having ai ted ln robbinz a M eG od e T o T e Fa ic as @tore at Juka, and bold te appear be,- lde 1. n ng mghbbof. d fore the grand jury, hie bond bing lmor te iai Kr ght t 3h fle i a i (1, 0(. '- oJ r e, m e. l'il. te - SAT Paisley tbe graves ofi-the Odd Leasen 7. lerael la Egypt. 'a fellow,' de w ero docoraied by tbe 1-14. Lincid and Mozart led gos and by the Meoy on. -0 Or phans' Home Lodge of Daulzbtem etc Me-. »y Vrses. 20 Reekh i<v. C. È. Sehaible delîs- Golen Teil. «I vil deUvar a b. heoration. and honor hlm. » Ps. Di: 1& rs bFPY Coxovitea sei7ed jsfat frelgbt Leaon P. Maososnt aai letrain at Falrtiold. United Statos mer. Ex. 3: 10-20« si hale ventio aiiest thon>. Striker., aI Memoryero. 012 Staunton st epled fr oligt trains and Golden Toit. aa- b t stbroke t -o es of althe Car@ te feeilam with tee.* leai.41.-1& ýd ceaitsAas bolg carrld. Les ea 10. The Pusover r- ARCHIBALD MCKru.p, the Chicago EiL 12 1-14. ýr Street ci- conductor wo as shot Mmory verses 13, 14. a- Tuesday Moi-n1 did not die aet tk Golden Toit. -Christ ou, r bad e of f otpeAs v- s tho u gl t. H o is sarificd for ue. - L OC . v r was hot down by Ca'vin Kotiey, th. teson Il. Passage of 1h.- faitei- o! a Young oman tiwhi ha EI. 14: i-20. a htd been engage a &-d then rofusod te MOmory vers. 27-211. i maire hie vite. Golden Toit. Bi fai thai 1, GEHADTSRyDpthrougb the Red Sea.& ob « GERB RUTSCRYDES a ealthy Lemmon 12. The. Wouo0f b. citizen of Damionsville, Cliaton COUn- &rd. Prov. 23: 29.& ty, commiltedl suicide b! mShoollng hlma- Golden Toit. «Look noltiu d Poiltla the ha"d. The daces ed vasteviebe ila d.Fo i uP vrd Of 80 Yea m-of &;¶aand baâd r o- t Or: T h w eAn oIi s rdK . sdd ln Clhton CounI or fortyoa&r Or heAa. - Rne 1F He Howa.aa tive of HoUland. The Golden Text. "Ask ofm cause for the mot ie unknw.saî vote bbaa. it J. R. MABON oommtted suicide byiheritanoe." P&.2 8 *s tak ng m orp bine ati lr akitrt. Y e N. e mo T e B nl f ,e h ad beau drlaking considerably for NextLso-i it - aoMe lime aud thii la thiughtto ho one -Luka.2-: 1-16. rommo o-the rash *et HlotI ttht fA P WNe oUloing note 10 hvi le: TAP ANID9 '"NAIS Wuu.-Oeue by teye-so, Bury M, & Cmever meàe mta SBUI a luthe n.. "Meterjr. Pue aothlag on Mr -body but a &brou& LIv. and love me se b Vo UO Joue as 70n lire, 1 horebï laer 1 came go Whab ibolgis am 1 9 M mdouth bs-Myove leaed Have Do In. !00aooompiah rlars g q«1 e0 « 0 o er o rm e s ju ry . 1 ir e a d b .- o e se d é d i n b r i og l ' a b o u ta r queah ute ilhave o.u irh 1 My r, I.ou s fe111 lc Mame kNeeatedo uddispose et boaerd. H e noeorthlb 1 510lft&Btpr&ldbehave cOutraet.d la Franklin Cousis-. IIIL« L1. o h ; wybteaosli, and Do otheru tg il I &AaILEe rse r -yn ka& U îni,î, . aLABO su ad fermera, hh b a T h e fo llo w lag n o te 1la u p p o q e < t - o p , w o a ~ r u l w e ha, e ben rtten &fier ho had lkn £ainst dogi sud n the drug: dy o itupou a plan te Il *cLLc-Good-by, dear vite, You -1thOet.H ot a5 Jotu have turned agalst m ; 1 am lxbinomo, a uge boardi, on vhicn ho (aun write ne more; 1 am gel:lnt bllad censpicoo, lettera: od bloc, sou. LIve a gond Crîsîm&anlit,................................ Iam grbwtng a is . ... ..n... .. vTWOToumÂsa GEORGE P. BLow, iu charge of theo nANaS hydrographie o!Bas at Chicago, and ANiais1 Who bas started the movement for a ..................... school-ahlp there, sont a latter tc he h onle the sigu betvau. I Board af Educmîlon, vhich vii bho trehi-osa that stand At the oeny read at it its noît meeting. -I have b teIl place sud avalted btse out propomcd the school-sblpv," Mn. Blow In the irose (fiel place, out cfetg seld nbcafO It bu en broughtsoelu>haad a big pile of forci ly tCm wtieanetaigpvivd r. y for the ltiret appliout.î the work (nltMe laies. 1 have me.oive long a! 1er the sîis vWà as nel Up nîLmea-ans louera fi-nparenta m.kag iattered waderora came slomsg. If their sons couid ho pt on on. et the siga cugbt their attention school-shlps at NowVYork ai- @orne oth- gaed et hIt n mut. admlratic. er seaboard eity, or givon safaoing in- rubbed their banda. But on f struction lu the n%%aI service. Un contemplation the or idencea et careful Inquiry, I have fond thatfan te dle out sud give plaoe t neither ot these cean be doue toi- 8y ngaot approhenalon. Frm a living "n lba Wemt.As mter 0fconcos ment, Fermer Duys expenas lie schoal-abip l11 00.1 muchthoir movernonta. Au aue basIha an scb nsttuion on shore. cuealon vas taig plae. Y ' Thore would have te bu ne building arolet alvert of tbe narty aa or building lot, and th. OnIY expenFo the boune. Ho came up ce" ta th. Board af Education wouldbeo osp!clouily scamniag ove" là, fuel]ing t lbahi.)and koeplug ber lani-e- the gmound and the building ah pair." As ho nearod tbe honste, TIEE inhabitants ai El oado & vil- Duryea eat out sd greetei lage e'ght ri!es north sst of han-l- mv w la sn b c 0i-dl'i y tîh e,ý bum-g, ara xeltd over the ttempted was baw'derd, but dun-Uj ro1Lberv of C. P. Burati & Sont' tore. up ecuraig e sougb te Aoski The mn ho made the attempt wu thng te est. Marhing iru Judge G. H. Gcodwin, a lavyci- of hat rosi- Of the ousoe, Fruer D plac e. Go d in m a i. k o vn hie lns h lmru o sien a i the vwcodp le. te Chailes Mooeransd enderoon Tet. 1ev as se vereme ith ton and aked Ibsmn te bcore hi, con- ment hat ho tooi up lb.he tederatea, te vhich tbey agr.od. They started ln. Ho vai kept a4lt, wre te maie lbe tt mpt Tuesda h ou, sileie bsanîilona oms'a morning about 3 oclock. Goodi a the rý ad vally cand lte acomplie betrayed the hole mat- fr Borem signe et thir toer teh inett,vwhomaie arro g .Panllon. W hou th . ouc e . up m en1te fr the rcepti n et the trio t ai- Duryea called the a l the appoiaed ime Godwl, Moore hm hie dnnr, but oud and Tratton knocked ai lhe door oet l.hePO1ni-iy 1athing &W&y. et or UF- or or