enti ftiîngOffce ~i uuippe with thie tStyles of Type *-Iew machlery. 0 poq god saltries t etet Workmen mi4s. AND MAINTAIN FRIDÀY, JUNE 22,,1894. g Repu blican County Conven-I tion. The delegates to the Bepublilan1 County Convention assembled at Hotel Spoor. Libertyville, at 1:30 j'. pi., Thtirsday, J une 21, 91. E. A. Willilams, Antioch, ws elected ohairman, and Geo. W. Chaudler and 'Will Blehop, of Waukegau, secretary and assistant. (U motion the chair appointied a commlttee of! Ove on credentîitis. During the interînt whlle the coin- mittee were makiug up t.helr report, the convention had thie pieaeure of iistenlng to rouslng patriotie speeches by Edward Taylor, o! Evauston and Prof. Aifred Baylias, 61f Sterling, ean- didaite ~for State Stîpt., o! Public Inîstruction. Theso addresses were timeiy aîîd received wlth etîtusiastic Preabyterlan iburQh. pre4citd a goed sermon lait Sabbath morning; but as the audience vas sasaller titan usual, and belie'vng that a majority of aur readeis vould have been greatly pleased to have heard tWai di8course, we pubiish a synopsis of the game. Mr. Maicom le a scholiar who keeps hie theology up vith thie tintes, and each of hie sermons reveals the ideas of a progressive mmnd. He evidently bas no use for narrow creeds; is re- ligion le broad. In accord vlth the general tenor of hle remarke. vo vouid suggeot that the Presbyterian and Univeruallut me. eleties both drop their proseut organ- zutions and untlLe s s Congregatto»uIi churcit. Ne4ther la able ta support a pa@tor, but united tbey could'min, tain regular services Independent o! outside help. "In union' there la strengtb." It seents a pity tbat there shotid fDot be, a more united spirit and Ti No or tif fet pe 1 fi bo eu go be fwrtuwng out theé applanse. the i)rofessed elirlstlans of Liberty- The credentlal committee reported ville.. rertise the followitng and rîîLa ~uAJty wr (M nl cuupO leulttg reïffuî ie. D t-onteeta. Oun motion a eommittee 'q prlectcal &apIull-atioq q the saine; ~l~u raIvm o f o!cne froin teh t__ .I tNÔbsts 0F TÉE s"PRtfulg. CX1two fo ?îmAlitihuth end îlree Prewhed t'y 1ev J.. Maleota ut Pm-ceter- ~r.~fi ATfront %'atkegaîî b report dele-gates un (hurch. Itund utîa. îtelittî I2I.t ËýftlcIAL WORXK w the seeîatoriîil, cougreesiotial aind Text: -"h Christ livilet?" 1 Cnr. t. 'q'.-1 ' state ccnventioiis, wlich were tes- 1. 13. ýid BaR rn1~ for Henry1,Vuf fur state treestiter, the "tbody of!lrs" okn i w Airredti ls% o State Suiteriteiffl- le liiversal tiq.eet, she steoi À ~nut; E. W. Cooti furretiigressmt'ti, aie hnI)y eî-nmpretiet? ling Il i~oncfol- UpSiGLJOeo, B. Lyou for reîîretjut tii), ), Iwers 91 çiîq Lterî.l m t-. at. .(u.WhltiieS1 , C. T lTeýdec'kîr, itlgR a1lttl iàw ot nW, she iompîî.c se j ~i g ny- j. J BUnrke tîud otliei-u> verecalled for hefl'ls al (811 > inits el alotalitv, li ~ rro~ - ý.&Ld rspOuSdLi iîfervent temarks New Ttestuimeit t l'hirîh i o-ftlly ,Is ilii "ý-f!girma Mn e WtIl eau ily a1îjetded. Btrke viliiitétrv t5OitOti f ;pro f.'-eîlj lse tireeent <oivert ftom Demo.I.aey Clîrls.-tiiiîîs. itilted l Iy a toven,11t, fr <4RT D'E ur.. 'SJTxý 4and1 spoie iatntiseoi d the admitnistrat- 0LwIi'siiil1iio! Go,], thîeOerleuratioui of TO A ~~ti un and dileuoîtîcd (, rovetior Altgeltl. HIs ori ti iif5 tt11tii tlie ex ten~oî TOAHeý detIared lie wold shpport tje His Kinglomt. Iisedioiltoe Lt: SE1ET POSTER entire rcîuilieiiin ticket *wttll his Cliristhiits o! tufs llae t leirtg cet 111 mlht iito 1a itmtîer of î]enominations, tiley Ahi, OR IN 100ORS jThe conventiot' wi45 iirmoniotis were unite litn One commurtlty eand i ,4 JI; to their advantajge te oh. and entlhusiastit throtîlgout, andte Lt'alled the Chtîrvb ut I.itîertyv-Ille, th,-nq followlig Ivere elevted witlioiit. a we would realize more neariy teNi-w bd léatiatos for and bring discenting voto: Tesamenit idea o! a Churcb. The ,Ibeir Job Printing teate $TATE DELE jATES.-10 groliflfttdohiis tilon among Christi- Rirý%titi, w lother lo a ly or i niversally le t-.u A rr. M ~t1iit tO! a commton lunion wlth Christ 00) elot j . oi<ani. ithey ail may lie oîte, as Tiit J. M. G rd4to. oFstuer ther art lu Me and I lu Thoe, tlitt jkbbcka Hardware Store) l, i emte. W0il tatî (îI ?it eOeJu ~ Wbtto: Live and let Live." T.,.. trottP. D . A. WillaUts. tioeeso!heCurlde it à, W. %% hitteore. .1 Il leciier. oolistt in an outward rtii!orntilty to _________________________ iChat. Wiue). C. >A. Tuti. .ome î-rescribed ilite) îlîeoty, or creed, D j uaý jnt the hnfopi- Te'a -en ,,. -Wel bletttte îefsOnal tnionî of eich merm- tb a thsblng for lue- î leF..Ktitt icnýrhrt i. bier o! the clîtrvh with Christ. Thtis is itemxet or for doing up pack- J.B. MaFi,. i. W. vI Wîutni t ilustrsted inluotr Havior's Alpgory or " aaociteap ut the. office o!f .MuntgOuary, the vine anîd the Iranea; t1ue one- COorX TY Nsrzurozwr, OVe kIISATtIitAL bWE&Ei.'-N tsies of Liii'branches econmIste l, their (domen 16 cent. for 560,'r q Go0 Ctauhae Poliek. taing uîîited te i," stenlt; 8o titUbe- W. M. Net.ke Jus.. ?'it4. ev't4 1Ilu Jtiati% ire Itiltted it Christ b. ritah. 4liceir Wbuimore. Hme! h rt Ie.lo on C. A. Purtridgre. iHiumer (vote. lfethtriVle.As om 1. 2otunnett. J. J. Haiscy. iviritîg the chîtreit to a temple or CI1TAIIlT EDeivis. Geo. H. Birown, house wlth its varlcd stane andi Ma- 1 Hetîr">' ltan. Frank M>icti teniali aking lep thte one structure. I~tI1 iI'lJX . 9 in. J. Af L. ]85t. Ail pars are nt chlseled or ahaped 2 F .TdrCTRAL C4. S.ITTid. iike, btit cacitone Idtted according te, ~ _____ COUTY ENTRL cMMtrEE. its use, make up the building. Beton-Thos. lopiey. Agi.cmiil~lt hîc e %LIilements, ýs, e4 rns rse :Goods, rber, ctbkl, Orain And Seecis. e4,Flour, 9Ekc. ýWr & Warren s ers and Cook stoves. uS W PL@WS. R &ABBOTTS i, Carnas, Carte ÏID-MADE Harnest. ÂADLEY I~and IHarrows. Newport-Geo. B. Stevens. 1 1 Jas. Pollock. 6 1 ant-Fred Bowe. Avon-David Frit.sch. WVarren-W. D. Washbttrn j W. C. Upton. Waukegan- 0. H. Burnett. SS. D. Taicott. j Shleds-G. G. Frecili.1 LltiertyvWie-W. M. Hieath.1 Frentont-W Ltîsi. Wauconda-E. A. Goldig. Ctba-Lorenzo U1hu el. Ela-J. F. Clark. Vernou-. M. Foote. Wý D"erfildo1-C. B. Easton. E. Deerfeld-Ë. 0. Rvaii Public Llbrary and1 Posdtng Roem. The Llbrary aud Reading Boomn vil modon be open te thée publie, We alteady have quite a number o! eub- srîbers, anîd expect te have man>' more as soon as the enterprise ls tlîoroughiy uuderstgod. Our frieuda haàve greatly enoouraged us by their luteresa sd enthusiasnt, sudwvofeol sure that maxi>'bave long peen vaît. lng the opportunit>' te get thie late magazines, lterature sud books, but bave been detorred both by the ex- peonse aud inoonvonience of doing m. We propose te give you the use o! the library, lnciudlng thie Most popular magazines, and tbe reading roont for leue tian a yeariy suit.sription to any eue mag~azine, as you wili see b>' the folevlug rates4: otîbeotlptlon, oneyear, 0.00. Mubsorption, six mntht, $1.75. liubscrlptiou, three montAis, $1.0o. J uiuor aubscription for ail under 18, one yesr, $2.50; six montha, $1.50; three montha. 75 cent.. Senior and Junior subéoription lu one fa"yi>, one year, $6.00. Translent rates, 2 cent. per day or le cmetsper veek. F * jather pautcu 1 ~~ ec. F %t*httMis" O. EY'I y o househoid or famiiy; ve know that the true hotasehoid lIoflot beid together b>' a conformlty, but by the sacred union o! hearts. Christian feliowehlp la Dot bssed itîton creeds or lams, nor front eaeit ono valklîîg lu the asme groove, but upon the!fact that "our!fellowasilp is with the Father snd with RIs Son, Jesus Christ." "If ye walk lu the light as he 18 lu the light, we have !clow8sblp one wlth another." Nov, it la because thig true grotîntiof Chrisian unlty là flot rementt.ered sud acted tîpon, thaL so mgtai denont- InAtiôna sud secte have arisen. These spets sprltgiug up front questionse of smail moment anîd unessential to Christian growth or Christian life. What a spectacle te professed fol- lovera o! Christ presents te tiie vorld te-day? Fectsansd divisions, sub-di- visions anud divisions agaîn, with al narrowuess, prejui dces, nonsense, blgotry, rivalry sud strife. The king- dom o! Heaven has visîbi>' been made a kIngdom dlvided againat Itsel!. One denomination la satlOed when It la building Itsef up at the expenseof another. Prosperît>' la measured by by te number o! sheep stolen froni another denomiuational fold. Thus te onenessansd beaut>' o! t ho Ciurcit Io des royed, jealousies sud ibord feel- ings engeudered, thie vorld iaughs. sceptîca mock, Christ la dishonoreti and tAie devil tickled. 1 What God's people need Io te have titeir mlnds aud bearts fOued vlth lu- toreste doar te titeir Lord, that tAie>' viii have no tinte te spend ou secta- rien nonsense. The>' ueed to have te Spirit titat Inspîred Paul vhen Ae saIld, "Ood forbld titat I shouid glory save là thie cross o! aur Lord Jeas Christ." JtI ly ui' hen the part>' spirit shall rcosse, sud part>' nomes ad slde, that tihe cturct h aoilbu able te kuov add Mou le truth tAie vrd:- ,Bléàt té ê tie that blutAs, Our heurta lu Chrlogt ove; The feliavsblp ef kluidred minds îs lk. e t tat above." judiolous Adv.rtitng ~mqw4m Oa w bashmss. la Dow inaking wie115 ujtb bis Dira oust The <'WHEEL 0F FORTUNE," sa bo caltIL t Now. If vou are tbinklog et balvtng a weIl dug, Dr an old one repatred. 1 amn quite _ ee I e plame yen, If you let me dig deep euough for tbat le the faiture tlu mcate e. My Prices Are: For vls about four feet tu diameter. tiret si set 75c. nex t 10 teeSil 00,nmot 10 fret 81.1W, elt 2i feet .0. next 15 feet 08.0b. por foot. For weiig six feet ~ diatieter. tiret 20 fret 1.25, ete. et&. for weits eigbt fret acro.. 82.0( per foot Partie@ batiojç work donc muet funigiboard for bq1p, Lirjçk fer veli and timber for curbiu., I neeied;o'nî>' on jobs witlxln one mite ci home, tuh1n I lt board myaelf and belp; like- trien 1 «111 os'a sdiscount of of 05.00 on ever> bome job i bst 1J lEna rit>eet r ôTer ithoul urhing.wori tobedom lu agoud workmanlike tanner and iheousft > go down ln at any time prefer thrantIf the owner telint lntipect mi work, thiut he mend a Bman of cottmon-oen@e tu io uîwn asandge ttat 1 am dortm i &Itat car, e dlotie, and that wli belp tMy reputatioti and i have îir gand repalred 2W5 welh;asu fir Ir Lait, t'o.. and out of 4ti job&s within one tuile oi oume 22 ar-e tw wels. and 1 realy thl,,k the) i -rt al ~ tIitttkfqi fgr th1 Itmail ttlu wblkh il i lin foi. ny titue.T1 V n igve t he nuine, f c.on t1yi[nt ive doue a job) for Filice A ujt e* lt-t. .îd i1î&tîî pied 1 have pout hitrelit ut .invei'*e. eswviah01y right atlhote. foi i u i i> !)bett e t vetiret ptlet)>of tir .t 11 Ntvu imhlIng t4i have ia wVii dojt i t1rtfi. i h th.. I o tit hav e 2M tric<A f- 1 h, -n i-1u -lad il. Attention bgirenti a>il li i r- i. ailtin(,r aiie J. P.WILLIAMS. For tnfotmstl'oaunstn thp begt hunttiga end tiehing gi-oundt; l Illinois aud Wia- cnmi, appiy 10 JA& C. POND, austlPasssr Agent. 10011OONSIN CINTRUILongtsl. MILWAUKEE. WIB. To Hoisle Owners, Many bad habit-, of horses havi. been caused from their tceth. that has been discovered by Prof T. D. Hinebaugh, V. S., Presst!ent of the vttinary college at La- fayette, Indiana. Such as siober- ing gnawing mangers, weak eyes, stopping suddenly, ioss of flesh, driving on one line, balking. throwing the head and bad breath has been traced to bad teeth Many young drivers have been nearly spoiled before the direct cause was diseovered. Rough edges and sharp corners lacerate the mouth, and pi~duce tiervous- ries,; and iriitability; uneaven and elongaLtcd molars and incisors prevent the proper mastication oi the food, producing indigestion and general debility. Decayed molars cause necrosis of the bone, absesses, nasal gleet, fistula of the jaw, etc. These causes should be removed. Decayed teeth sflould be extracted, sharp corners and rough edges should be smoothed dewn, and elongated molars and incissors cut off. The common fleat or file, heretefore deemed sufficient te accomplish this, will not suffice, but, special instru- ments deviscd fer the purpose art neccssary. SemeVetinary Den- tists say it is of no use te confine a herse te repair the teeth. Can a dentist do a good job on your teeth wvben you are walking around the roem? Have your herses teeth fixed, tiiere is a man at the County Farm whe has got a good set of tools andknows how to usethem. COLOR, HDE N Prepared Paints, Lca(1 and Ois. Prices to Fit your Pocketbook. ,At Loveill's Drug store, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. LADIES! Keep Cool, WHILE COOKING Ilere It 10t, THIE B Gasolene STOVE! à.f v~m tý o Z7,7 H.B. EGER, Libertyville, Ill. Stanldard Horse and Stock Book weM Ws en"- ff seolai araapm" wun 9e set la espffl etof. .laPe'. paf hatiesteM.p cor seu's tM The Entirs Work at a nonomenalle Low Gosi A wlmz mI t rwEn*Cyclp.iaof petetici oer; oracm and Stock Owneru .ibmaong a Trestis. on H«rme.ý Cattlo, SbuqN swnPouitry, Bos éé,Birda, tegrowth snd mmc t FuitTrsq.ý Inoects injurions to Fruits. Grafting. etc. The Secreta of Taming, Controihng and Educatlng Unbrokém and Vé Horses, wltb thie details of breàking up &Il Bad Hlabta to wAicAiH Eor e mbjeet. The Abuse cf Blinders, Feeding. Stabllng, Canocit the T"eA, 1sno.o tiens on Shoelng, ombodylng New su" RoliJa Cur eor Contraotlon. Wuak Foot, Quarter Breaks, Corna. etc. Alec the fuilest trestuont la Slknmsý Injuries and .moneus, inclndlng many valuabie reosipta hîtherto bpt m great secrets. Couprialmg *er 1248 pages.s" 176ll liutratim&. The resuit of elghteen yeos of practical operimnce by Prot. D. Magner. The author of this work la vidai>' known a4tAie moot sucosfuli niftrotor in tAie Art of Taming sud Educatng Horms ever belore tAis American poUls. Ho la ondorseil b>'thie muoenent suthoritie.s d bogue owner as .ês.IuieIV soiMouS a peer ln tAisopec"afield. la tAie deportment cf tAie work devoted to thie Horas s% mvol) amtàM mn latlng t tAie co f Stock Lu genoral, tAie autbor bau had tA iestmcS of tA. niost muiet tvetOintI7 ithorl«ntha u e contryn, ami e isor m«pu»s bau bhein upardtoe sA.tAe work thorughiy roliabie. HODRm OUlR, uq., ?EOIEIETor m a HmUEWTOe L aeDO à»" ASTm STO hÂT ON Yvu 1 -I 1aamomoeutloasIy ay that It la by for tAie bot work of the kWa* 1, no fors I kuow, boas mu bossulssusd from the p u"ryhome *9 ~ land oeght to hem ao0" of i.' flow YOIJ RAY OSTRIR TRI& VIILUABLE WOMK. The ontire Sau. il) ho oomploslà 13 psrta hsiid WusbY. On eI$tt Io coints we vil) nIai)yen Part 1. Parts 18ino"Iwsvuiyb. ob044= l Rlko ma»ne, or on revelpt of 01.28 vo Wil)n d i n te u iesss. tA porta ae lsued. One part ta be lued masch osk. bsglaaig thes *V$ in JmmwaS. Cep>' or cntAis eut sud malito Clip This Coupon. il Lake County Independent, Libertyville, 111.1 This Coupon and la Ociqs Entittet auj> gubscriber of the I ndependent, To One Year's Subocription tu tihe Fwmrers' Monthly, gditer Independetit, 1 bereby ItaciiWi bu lé cenu fbr Ptrt 1 of '.,agner'" 3taàsdxrd Hbim* and Stock Book (or $1.23 lr the-Complete Se-rtes 01 13 Nllml>ers, a% tssîed). send tnie a- iollowR: N am $ . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Town ..... ....................- -H Xc te imto for s nevepape1t: lI. save rtbing te wfite about. Sud -. Wite plalula dot your 'a; come Your Vs plt stoemt bee a ith Cap- 1-81f_ VLI " ma -Ws tfrt. uct