nbue la om r ou"e condk Sale sHNew MM#". ute .1i IbofD5 a et , 5 9b e g lb. appro. la lcieltri ibm lisone sen- Iâe mrelmais. wionm ài to niete .. sW e em mat"1 le *0v m e oS iD g.e foreski ob** cf lime, "te 8:ais ont et Cet- lue vas os. h- b tatiff P.a Cautonm ovea liser Israi" âie anonI eslio o" si deciaiuo voe pome" expenees et 11oue vor» à* leus. tout rouilez essions on bials. fa lie taritr the IMtanle en panaei a bill m oa briig. at Lexington. daetion t-allinc for reports r.e- Aa brmet ss- te levestilate loureed notal '~ asres. WO r Ouegr r ht No on. la =Tu docr n feel vitLi. inigil have ro, oude rien anotber ahoult! have to do i,' bolit the OR- e 1 01gW as lis>' «% J. and! thon.ý ;, 6, but -un% ' Aufffs l muo 4IM.àD . =04 ouricig ewo bill WINDS* aJreoommending the use of boii 11 i1? PVf i gold aud silver as msone>'moisst*alaaf UimraU Mr. Trscy, preaidlent, and Mr. Hum- U- - FIIRCE CYCLONE DOES DAMAGE pbrseray vrusnnulyre- IN MeNNESOTA. ce. One vice prosidont fromneach istte league and an executive commit- tee, consisling cf eue. member f nom~g esch LStte league, wero elected, and te Greatet trike Ever ICnown in sevesal pee5 Kile i ud -erUsd17 tihe executive committe. vas loftithe Bart by the ?vtoter-H.uýs.s roke dut>' of selecting a treasuror sud Railway Crcles. sa" rovil.g cropo D.trey.d-Woret the urne for holding the next conven- Morem This ITeer. tian. The committee apgointed te se- lect the place ai vhich anexticon. WoreThre sud me senvention shal be held submlîted a re- Soubwsten innsoa ad atrnport recommeudingr Des Moines. This NO TR A IN S MOYING. Souibester Minesotavasthe signal fo: s sharp skfrmish. gouth Dakota suut.red Wedneeday e- 'Th. report of the oommiutee vas 1<f- _ ____ fieroly frorna serit« of vind storm 4f uored and a number of citii w ere pro- cyclonic tendeneles. The>' trsveled poied. Fuially a vote vas tairei. the fron outbveet to northean sd there resuit being the choice cf Cieveiand, Freight Traffle Suspended on Reads vere ihroe o! unusual severity. Ohio, by a vote of 813 te 781. Thé The vestemamosi &rose lu South Do- convention thon adjourned sine dis. Aftected. kola sud trvgtsed the oust end of the_________ nwla, iaking AI. ena, molette, st. CRE FCIE LaveuS., and Aberdeen. 'This starm CA"ER0FCRIE Pa~u Bl-mok ie Vn* Pu- did no damage 1011f.leor 11mb, but con- MEMLissieE Raii.8"9««ed ta Dis tu. ms SI.iur-nobil.s&bd Ohio WMUmet eidrWo toroparty sud crepwt.th lcleCor nfoePu a1b .,.. as first hoard cet bi a.ga ralass.Nrb, . at Pipoutoue, la the soutbvesi corner The conviction sud sentence ta death alle Beoivre. okfr H.ig front th* o! the Biais, before 0 P. m. Its record by electricit>' o1 Mm .Lizzie Halliday nt >'«Li"sâtsaaoa thoes aso»ekiUsd, (,n3 injured aud 51 Montt l l .Y., ends one o!f thett.-JI. 5.. Rrbl serions damnage te, progeri>'in lie most remankable Disjmteb.d te Aidu m- @-a Ira lI. Rs- canoin. hpsssd Tracy sud Echo 050 011 er iii h TsCIeg hqls e vitboni srions efecti end vasl Bout ieb ater of iecnl- 5vte 55b.,, "Ar. ubIlABL board 0f ai Renvil e, viere hva ero cimscou fot> risvie udo!cor& espondiug miiteuDby tbe con- '0estyo cto.thee as anotber victed v o m aua. The American Ralvay Union boy- vloimbes e yie.ma *uured and -To.ar nu'sott of Pulm asbs eutdl a~~ reod0fdvstto frbidings i ho be.ieve ber1hm srdcordofent>'. Litcbfdva or nx i - i nsaneanud In tact hecet videspn.ad and comploe t e. lino, but apparenti>' the cyolone thon. ibis vas tbe de -uof rai"la'linos lu the Waal 'u the devoloped several hours laten. Tvo -1 enhe. It la aiment butor> of railroad operations. Chi- ver kiledsudman' ujuod.TÈt iL .i inconceivable thal cago la the grosi conter of the sinike. norihernmo3t point ini the.centra! part noum ave cin- prtos( eea ie etrn of the storins petit vas Collegevîlle, lu cano um av eing o peain eerlha etr Stearne Count>r. LZI LIA iiait the crimes The. causera seit!startod ln Wîudom, IZNKALDT Mm .HaUîdcay in Mlnn. abouihaif-psstsevon. Il touche! cbsriwed witb, crimes so brutal sud op- Sileepy Eve shonti>' before 8 oclocir. prnlcommittedl for th.eue pur- lis inten It' vs incalcula.-le. At 106t asipos m! aiathug ber itufor blo-d. w fv ed~anmerjir . ~ao3tthisper viii recollert the '~Saissfluc alncoe, vhe,.e iLs 1.r main delala of Mm .Hahllday'a ]Ife, vas desti-de ling. and the. crimes of vblcb h s accused, Minneapols csugt the. tai end of hov mie lu raid ta have kîlliet!one lie blov, sud ih va. sîlil wi,tîng. Il husbaud, alincet poisoned another sndi - - ivepi acro.. the city, dlpping down marrled a third &fier he bad t! nven la ti. <oundnearLakeharnet is vife te suicide; how sie commit-- viietaasneand vhndmIliis vair -ted aràon, causing the burningo! vrecked snd ibis debri tumbied int> nearl>' a dozon people for a fev nun- the boulevard. Tii. cyclone dld not dred dollLnj viien sbe vas ual more . dim dovu ote .groun I agsLn untUit rescie theii.outet iris of Nrthes t Minneapolis, wie.tle bous. 0f a gar-- douer named I emkce w&4 liftd coin- ul0tely froin lis fouridations and us- rw3!ed.Mr@. Lenko snd ber daughter ver. badly bruiset!. 1ortunatel>' the cyclone dia not d p te the. surface, ex- raptinluthei.ouiskirta of Lhe city. Hsd the e dips orcurred in th. more thicit. IY ulated portions gr, et losé of Ille INCOME TAX STA NDS. SOMBOMe. Deft4 RaIi M Mlo. i1ke A OsI the setLos,. TPh. lucarne tax rection of ithe tariff Taus ALLIDÂr rAnx Bougea bill vascompletet! by the Sei s:a about kd 1:0ou Thurdtay. As tho end vas than 20 >ears old, sud fialy boy mii caered, Souatora 'v1estud lFarrnlj grev rrarrled old P-aul }iallida.She lockd DOy laervoutaly anxsuulo. Senor lýrice bis idi it son lu s hara sud set t ire te NTERALOI V»s ln the. osair. snd Senator tb. building, iuarnlng il te the. <round. tien. are comploiel>' paralyzed. on Barrs qjuleuygAded up ta iim and She admltted afterws-d te, ber bu@.- otiier systins trouble SI th. terminais aM ise ued hlm te habten the de- band ual ie did ibis to get rii of bas made. h impossible ta baud).. oui- aons» of questions as f"ta . poe ube ycung mnu. Then came the crimeiso icmn tansu oa ilei. Senator Hillicalaeod a motion te for vbicb h. bashmbeeau victel. ngig rlumngtan, n oa etrike o,. the income sui provision. the latter part of lust AugatPau traflc in suspended. Onuisill other Ut# gavre notice ln a ver>' empbatlc Halliday , dtsappeared, sud vblle 'mode trains are arriving aud depart- ssi.er thai if the lucarne aubouid sercbln« r r b in nolghbars founil the. ng from suburban terminal stations bocomo a lav Ii, alidity wvouid bc mundoreil bodles o! Mms MoQuillau sud aIl are more or leu delayed b>' ths. --tssdil b.heoourtî. Son ito: His suad lie daugblorilu the. Hatlda>' barn. stnike of yard sud switching employa&s. motion vwu detested 1ly a vote of 24 t0 Thisvas ini September, and s fev days The. roada mer ras affecteil by the 1 40.' HUI Smith, sud Murphy, Demno- laten ithe nenino!of nd Halda> vers boycott, &Sccrding 10 tolegrapbic ad- meats. ZQ o tmrike oui- Mteberson, found fe&rfuli>' mulilated,sud ilu vasvies, &ne the folluving: Who vns absent, vas psired t) vote yos. cbarged hie vife vas guitty of bis iluteurn P..cil. Mx BEepuulloas votai sg&inst the mcL- desth. -bic*8o and Nortbvsatern. tie. 1 hm. ver.: Itanîbieugi, Mitcb- For a lonir tune &fier ber Inuprison- zhica4o. Idtlwaukee and Et peut. ell, of Oreon; Pettigrev, Power.Sboup ment lire. Hahlida>' refusi te est, and 41l1is 051ral. sud Teiler. Seustan Mcrlii ancounâceà il vas neoesarr for the jolil pysi c mai Rie OrtadF& tut bc vas paired vitb VcPherson, te foed lber viii Denued fodt.ILaGranoe. "b i s boti vouid vote tii. saine vay, vember @lie tried te strauigbe Sherif i.on PcS la favor of stiklng oui Lie income 1 lkecber's vif.. bcn h.settfine te Union Pacter. tir, h. vonît! vote sa o. Smith tien ber bedclotbeesud ila Decemben trid toDenver and Oait . snh7srred bis pain vitb Luboie te kilt hersaif b>' cuiiing bar liroal vîith isconsin central. MoPherson sud Smith voteda e'. The brokren glass. il basbeen necessary ta CbllSifO "d Watt Mcigan. Democrati is&y tiey are not surprise], koep ber chsined te tie floor fur mcv- 1 BIg Four. IChicago Great Western.f Ms ibe> bai lie assurance ail alon g o!f oral moulin. ChIcago a.nd Western Indiani6 al leael six Lr e'ght 1Po. ublican votes"Cbicsgpsand Grand Truck. for the tax. Insu1t-d. Chic&"O and BtRaI.,,llinois i~ecnt1 lu ari a pneo vhas .Louliville, N« Albany and Cbirago. REPUBLICAN LEAGUE MEETS.,ciol ses Pri ssen aprison fo er Buth eom Pandl. BýcsdwaY Theater lunIDenver vaî erovded ou lie 5ssemblîng cf the îRe- p ubican NatiantL Ieague convention. Te theaten vas bandâomeiy diicorateil. Fausdbuutiug van. draped incua lb. ser>', vti portraits a! Lincolu, anM Ust ai the near o! the t tage, su boivween thoin a representation o! an Imm=*ei ver dollar. Tii. coulen- lion u ,calledte taorlon b>' Fraudent Tq.Alter prayon, ProsMdent P. C. Cle I thc ue Coorado Republîcai wgas eleomel lb. delegatos; t i. N sqaGI.. Club sang a taking nov ~pIusong, atten vnîch National --- utW. W. Tac>'y, o! Sprngllold, dhçereil iis annual sddres& Ho lagool doal o! bis speech Lo 9 &Man the fluanclal que tlo:t. 'ral cail,wvilci tllovai lhe aVe aaIlrossa, siowedth atfont>' sud Territarles wero represeut- heget lathe hi Itn>' o! lie o.Sain, o! tue delegations fti71&t-lage. lova nenerlet! fifty- tams.IltVoe; Minnemota fotar>- jgm iP!,tf Wyoming. fi>'y sMd ixty visieos.Wbeu vU oeal lia heciairman an- ýIHere vIti 11,000 iajrit>'." 1ssee: "Here vili i0,.o0 *lobnnoan the daine von. osuta ithe public aftar tho vers sesatet!. The veuerable M.Eackveil, o! Massachusetts, "0 vaman suffrage resobution, -git. to lie Cominmitte on Remo- Dooate Harngton, o! Ani- meua sfrneecoinage reoa -*4ex-C ov. Prince, o! Nov tubnutted niolution@ deutsnd- *dmieslan o! eMeMxico la "d fAvo:Ing s bimetailie mspti. A numbon o! other enO varIons tapies von. a liL Thunston vas oalleil ce hecair snd vas 0-bart.0taa doutant for a *les<regret vers tien ~s L4d an sd Csam- a, ~uis .Re*dHon. aOthersYJ.a isln la i au ... ,,. wtitent tu t,, ,JtAt.t amun- ruFabnlf. 'der, aud bis Case recalîs liaI of su- Union Pacife.- otior pot, Chapon b>' naine, wio Mobile and Ohio, about rbe mlddle o! lie p: esent con- Cncnnati. Hamilttnan ld Dayton. tur>' euded bis days lu prison for thefi. A Chicago dispatch aye: The inbt Chapon véa, udeod, an luvetenste passeng~en train due ta le&% e East o-- th;*,, aud vas appraeeded mono than the Balimon. & Ohio Thurada.v coud( once. bot leave on accaunt of beiug unable At tb. prison o! Saint Pelagie, dur- to couple ou an englue. Foni>' police lng bis Incarceratlon, Chapon once eesn;tthyad.Aterout met FeuLx PYai, revolutioulet sud con- cf Lb. railva>' employes in tie East, vbitWo vas generaîl>' in prison tvenly -f vomou ver. sent oui by the for oe~ political Offense. As polti- m Rý lay a~uunion 10 day 10 cal prisoners von. generaîl>' seutl o aid inorgauting lu Liai part or Lie Saint Peiagle, aud as Chapau vaas cauntr>' Thes3 m3n are bound tor 8omevliatProectious sud voil-edu- NowvYork sud vili begin vork arn ng cated p.-rson. Pyat supuoed thai hoiii. empl a eso!fthe Nev Yonk ton. bai been senteuced for smie rev- enra. }In'gneors sud fireinn on olutionar>' attompt, Sa, ste inu p rail road 3 centernig lu Chics :o arej te blm, he cordiail>' sutendeïcg iegreati>' inceuseil ai thedisciangzet bauds snd sald, viîb a frieudi>' sil. of the four engineurs b>' the North-i- 'We, sir, politic.L1 offeder-" .westenn Iibd, sud decisive action o 1 «I beg your pardon, citizen," said thetrerst in aiing the. genonal atriko Cbap ýn, etrightonlng bimseet up sud l18100e for. K A. Fancraf t, ne p ne-1 looingdow veî oldï o ý>t, -' sentlug the Sauta Fe systein, app ied ilng dovu ver1goldjio u ;at, tuthe itedStates authoriies lu the in fr sealugI yo p as. une o! the recelver for protection to laaee Enhie r,. ai against intenference byt Bae mringe coin. e ts>y? Lb. stnikene. Four engineers cft Earrings an. again fashionabie, aud Lb. Chicagoansd Northwestern jevelere are shoviug hoops, pendants, Railiva>' ere armstel, cisrged emrw.eclitauî-es, sud evor>' feu-m vitiiidation. Tiie Amenicun knowu. 'Pie coiservatlve voman le Railvay Untbn engaged* attornr(y-i La vsitiug ta @ce wetier the tasiion defend thou. Owing ta the stri k 3 of viii io geno-all>' sdoeîd betore she the mitchmeu ou Lheie Pehaudie, thet @poils ber Vrtt-y eans viti ibisn relie o! traîne o! liai roal bave been brought savager>', or, vans. stibi, calis atten- lu ovor the iracke o! the Fort Wayne tieu to ber unshapel>' eues. Dismouda rond. Tineats ta til up the. latter are the favorite geins, but the wvein road aud even the. anti.e Peunsyl % anisi vho canuet afford ibese can oinfort mstein grew larirel>' eut of this fsct. berreif viii Lmaha Bernhardule ver- Action against tb, Fort Wayne wili dict againsi the diamond: lso iuîoitre Lue uucu ait A ,.f@ "Mou Dieu! the> are horrible, kili- rond, as bath came intothe eity aven lngr the besl expression et the ae the sable iracke. Lverythiug va putug out the fine of the eyeg pina blockod after mudnlut last nigit ai the ear tintL,, sud mkltgaîLes th le Western avenue ya-ds tif Lie etoti k. ponei>ln sdthe otiers 1ke Nortbvestern, Miliiiaukee sud S.Paul cbalk. I might vearClas b ad or and Panhaudie reads. EyptianCoin, but diamonds-noer!» Ever>' Pullman can on the lino o! Lie Cbicago, Miwaukoo und St. Paul Rail- f Legend of 1he DaIs>'. rond vce id-trscked b>' the manage- Thers la a pret>' legeud counected ment o! lb. rOat! aud ProîldeutD3s vlh the ds>', vhiob la an oid vonld Of the Amer"ca Railva y Union S floyer Anoienilst. Wheu the eanIY marked dowu vicier>' No. 1. Soand Chilatiamof t ainwove.porsecuffl a trthChicago, Mlwaukee sud St. 19 sud put te, death St ro persuaded Paul d given lu, a report was ne- d bis serS.011%, ta fiee viLhohecocivea t 1 eadquanters front St, Louis ti majièsocmç:uionaj Uerperte -ihai thse Mobile sud Ohioe Rasroasd ail et, Dithop s Oebdgvenin sud vould sids4track its Pull-I mnsoms,, 'he.ivormnmd, teesUoam àle ii l'h sair d "lm uson.the. 1<11v. kz. s t Paui and Pan Haedle rosds have qnit vork. and ihere lIoflot a vieituning under a u>'pesnger car on eltiier rc-ad liai sla o maboed b>' olffciais.The mon asre in an 11<17 uood and violence la prodicted. There are said tô be onu>' tvo Pullman Cams on the entire Milwaukee and St, Paul systein, but the uwe of theso cars han been se effectuai in týeing up the rosd, eaibaut et the Chicato end, aà though thora vere bundre4é. Strikers are threat- ening to thjùuw these tvo cars Icto the ditob. Elgbt hundred men emplo)yed ln the Northbestern shop user West 4Oth etreet have struck. The Chicago and Northern Pacifie Road sont a written cel for more po- lice protection et the. Grand Central sdeoai The message Intimated that the compan> f eared violnc both as to ils mon and the patrons at the de- pot, The extra detail vas a# once grantod. About 100 policemen voe statloqed &long the tracks of the lii- note Central and Rock Island Rtaliroadi Lin the City. AVice Pre3ident Howard, of the American Railw!sy Union, said that th. situation would y et ho more var- 11k.. Hoeadded: We can tie up.*Ven rosd lu the c ountry If necessar>' b beat Pullman. We bave shown that vo wene abl. to fuill every promise, made, sud w. can malte good our word ta Invoive the entire raivwa>' ysteme of 4h. Weat. Ever>' branch of organ- lzed labar la rov bace fr t ibL struggle. Presîdeut MoBride of the Miners' Union, h&3 telagrs Led us thsi he viii Cali out miners v on coal la supplied ta noads that u»e Pullman cars.Tha vill greatly aid u&» BULLET-PROOF CLOTM. Hklaveailea Jeljte mRa b. M..na brini Tatlor 511. Dowe, the Mannheim talion, necent- 1>' gave au exhibitionu ot his bullet.. proof clti befor. the Surgeons' Cou- greseiln session at BerLin, snd Lb. tests eve emlnenlly successful. If the reparte of receut tests of ibis mna- terlal are to b. relled upon, and Liere le no reason for doubting them, the Invention la cextaîni>' n vaiuable eue, snd Herr Dcv. la Justlfied lu baving refused Lie several princel>' offers maie ho filmfor lie purchase of ils rigits. A tev days ego Lie Inveulor, euveioped lu bis bullel proof coat, ai- ioved iiseif to te siot ai b>' Count van Scieuvaloif, the Russiau Ambas- sador, sud recelvet! ne injur>'. Cari,- rldges taken tram the saine box sud fired trom tie saine berman rifle, ai lie smre distanceplerced a block of solit! oak. After tiat Dove permît- ted another test upon is bullet-proerf coat., vicii caverai bis breast sud bodY>, leavlug the arme aud begp, as veil as the beail, vîthout protection. Tie talior vas alteolulel>' unhurtiut TI THU uRIULLKT-1RsoOr CLOTs. tic tvo bul.Iets ftpbedded themselves - lu Lhe colt -A serles Qf expenimnacte tobiaveil vith a borsçjacketed viti ------Lie bullet-proof cioti. The animal, a vclI-trained cavain>' nount, gave l'is attention ta eating oals tram a box vile the steel builets vere being * fired. With Lie exception of, being startied lilghtiy b>' tie report tram LAA theLietalsiot, lie ion. cntluued eatlnu sIf uatig out o! lie ardi- ~-~- nar>' vas golug au. The nov mate- rialI h dcsrnibed as lookiugilke ondi- i' ~ ,... nar>' arn>' clati, Lhe secret or Lie re8istlug or Impeucîrabie substanue - - y 'Ing placed neut Lie otido clati. - ~. - lnntLe Streel. of Phulîppopels. Biesides Lhe uouai open-fnanted -.shaps vilci are taund lu ever>' bul- ganian owu, uni viere ai Pilippop- cils you mna> bu>' aid armes (sud uev cnes, for LiaI natLen), suci as dam- ascened yataghans, kuives, etc., et s ver>' ressonab!e pni e, a peep mb non or tvo stores of a bottoer description ives one s ver>' tain ides nf Lie foaod industries o! Bulganîs. Tien. >ou a> sechiese or native manufacture YARDS AT CHICAGOQ packed lu large sbeel s'ils, tsait tram BULETI:§ N TE BRIR- - Boungas, ver>' fair soap miade lu BULLTINSON TE STIKE. Phlippopolus, ang ail more or ions Where 1h.e ailway Dey,.ttin luBig oceutd, fon toileL or houseield use, Pauhud biD.heUnio. . ldigenolle grains, paprika, etc. lu Minneapolis, Mun.-1'ie iccl em- the eineote you meet meu calbed plcyei of the, Mou-hem Pacific quit «Bozadjl," vie sella drink made tram vark socordiug 10 affroeunent. millet Tho>' carry a Ira>' at tbei Lt. Paul, Minn.-Tbe entire Ue o! valna, ou vhich stand mugesansuLn lie Nositen Pacifie. vithithei. oop- vesmeis conîaiulng lie drInk referrai tien of tie Pacific division, la nov coin- to, Bouza. Thie sîreets, tee, are lu- pletel>' lied up. terentiug ou account o! lb, costumea Detroit, Mici.-Ti, Graud Truuk, of lie Varions natîonaltes on. ou- C. &W. M. sud D1. & N. are lb. uner.Tic Bulgarasde atr oui>' ruade using i1uI1man cars. aud cueter.an nana r drstl ratlier the>' are uuuiug us usual. mauiet] the, aud dr i"tetîugulai Emporia, Eau.-Tire, bundred mennar letc klk, e ia- ione, emplo, es e! Lie Santa Fe, bave d e, but tie Tunkisi mon are a a beyed the A. R U. ordor te stnike. miarvel of brigil coloa. Here le anc Nathing but mail trains are le&viug of tien: Ile vears a red fez mur- bore. naundot b>' a omabi blu'si Lurban, a Orais-At 11:20 &. n. ail vas quiet pnint jacket wltbout sleoveo, colorai lu Ornaia and hhroughoui lb. State, ple piuk viti a havwenet!pattern o! ne Pullmnu cars3 baving bAon inter- Lie saine caler, but darken; lirougi ferud viii. Trouble, ioweven, là an- lie arniboes is arme clotie! lu ticipaleil. white siirt-sîeeves protrude; round Nashvlle-Neier tie Louivlle & is vaisttla avery inosil ecanlet Naahiîlle ucr Lh. Naghiville, (ltatta- waisLband or tibm siavi, lu vilci ueoas& St. Louii BaiIvay ha ae Our is kuiel afcneld akbu rieiicd any truble ln connectian 1 1 tr If. l ie al!c nled d u-e lh, b ycott on Pullman cars. tdauserof s, ilethe kige, and cou- Hlelena, Mont -At 9 o'clock lasî as etna Lesusuecn nigit. ail A. B. 1U. mon on the North- çerned, Lhe urder o! nature la re- cru Pacifce Roat! vent oui on un order versed.- Look etthLaI Turkîsi vaman frou Preideut Dois. The entire lino as sie noiîe, tA alLil>' song, appar- lu Ibis State, branches sud ail, an. cut>' afraid cf bclng accu; fronithe Lied up. top of Lie iead le Lie siculders, sud Pueblo, Ltolo.-Pueblae tva lodges 1a utIle va>' dav Lic besoin, oie Is cf the A. R U. have veted to cirny ouI wrapped ln s Liick vitLe nulin veil Lhe boycott on Pullman sîceepens, malt- or siavl, viii ouI>' ber eyes and! nose iug iL appi>' to ail roadî entering her.% i ale; tic test of ber bad>'Ioua black Exnpboyes refius. t cou ple lb. micepers. sack, parlaklng of tecaatro Tb. shteiiff vas appliod le for aslt- tccaatne unce a barnîotenos govu. If 700 mecl a ha unven Au injunctlcu grauted b>' rurkish voman on Lhe bugh rond Jul e Hallettaguinut lie Sauta Fe com:!ng freinbeion ied !work, mie employes rcstraîns tien i nom interfen- draNvo ber siavl or auytilng e h. h in. witi Lie operators of trains sud con la>' bands on over ber face until en'oins them Luo obcy lie ardent of Lhe you are pat, sud oo depnives you of ropresen:ativou o! Lie receivers lu admirng s face, vilci, 1I un tlId moi-ing, iiuu*iiug, sw.tching sud oper- (for of course I have nover been pen- ating ail cars anâ trains a! Lhe Santa mitlet ta 500one), lu nine cases ouI F'e ar under ils contril. cf ien, Is more attractive conceaied Topeka-The. Sauta Fe Bi-stein la Lhan expasedl You ses utile Turk- novi thle bauds e! the United S tales lotiîao3s, Loa acting as Uootblacks lu Court in fact. (du the applicationeof tii3 reeli-ens, Judge C. G. Festern0o!heie treets o! Pillppopolo, but no tie United States CourtL hua merning beggano. _________ sigued an order directing United Hlard ou the. Lion. States Marsial Neole> La proects5el AtMdamn 1enty sud trains eof the Santa Fe ln A ada L s ime ago, s valu- Kanes. Marbai Neeley leclrdered to aile lion, hisni Incaulious>' aliowet arrost ail rensons iu'erfernug vlth the Il a ta o tra>' luto au adjoluiug tra'n i orproprt>' o! the compan>'. cagf2, te Lie 111as seized b>' au cvil- Indianapolis -The Monon train tiat dispoord learard, cioie t he lian's toit lie clity t miuight bas nai y t bot!>, vien as lie lion attenpted ha, reacied Cicago. Itilemate up o!fiv.eiecape aImetthLa viole cf Lie kîn P'ullman nîcepers, ansuthle». an. beld ofis tail vau strippe! off. Ti's utear Hammnnod. The train tiat left as aliovet! b>' suci au amount of (hl,nrynThtaidq.av uleit for Liiiq etclI *t*t.&ttattua,» UUté, andtt IOtA laAto 3tll ofit HametjandLie t h n t"_ -danger. Sungeon Maor Miller, trains beld aet mm dare United bmotieofaitLe isîtProfesser Miller, istaies malt trains, sud Conerai Cocu- cf Edluburgi. hie surgeon ta Lie sei Fields telegraphed ta kuov If Judgre geveruer et Madras, voîuntoered La Baker isl lb.thecaL>',as 1h. comnyu>' orm namputation. Tie lien vas prop-os lto ed againsllie striiense oized luin hiecage sud is beat! afoi nianf.reug vti lie malle. coveret! vithILn cap cantalulug a KCan -as Cilty, Mo. -No through trains conelderaibe quantity o! clroonu. bave lefithere lu anj directi unci lhe lie vas tien dragged to tie edgeofo Santa Fo road to ja>. Theïn train the -cUge sud tie 1811 passedt!hrougi due bore et i9 a. ru. tram Nev Mexico the tbars hr r ilrcee ce sud lie West bas bee. abans, viirenebis r.Mîlerat ci T eî nia loued. The Californielansd Mexicopoore!ispral.Tcani tr-ain front Chicago, ls iled up. nade a goal recover>'. l'is train carrnei tva coaches frein Tae 0Osage. the Estisud take3 on a Ibjrd cach l t ei hop,-. 'he avîtchten refusai toa s- TiaseWho tiik liaI u s1 el dleue ti rd pûimas car Md i i kobs lut the elre uuSt4uhesSo! ln ail ulce forelgn Meanvbule tic long, e are Rold numocrousi>' for sticks, sud lie yellow-gralae4 la ID grreat deman 1I tir ta - Lune aud Inlaid vork. A vatas laaiDedtrom the floyers tIbi la1 to disgulse the taite or! medici-e ta flavor cooker>', sud suotier value la ylelded b>'thes nd. Ocholarehlp for Coloreda . Harvard University recentl colvert b>' Lie vii o! Mri ]Haydeu Lie aumaetfS5,000 10 sciolarship for coloreil s There are nov a number of- eludents trom. varlous part@ of country' net ounlu li te Côefls, alec lu Lie professional ecbools. besi kuovn smong theux Io a lav student, W. IL Lewis, «f gluis, vie for two years bla center rush on lie uuivezsltq hall heain. One ofthtebeat!log bankers of .i vien vlsitlug the Menagerle Pau atter a particulsel>' copions 1rq vas luduced la purciase a yonSolf vlc!ou*-1iou, of ici tran4ci bovever, lho tallai subsequeaiIy retain an>' remembrance. Tbh* . rival et tie lion tirst slarmcd tien lufuriated the bauker', vite sucb a dopre, liai a dispute e su* vich has nov resullet! lu a suitIa divorce. About F-]oowvos,. Amenican vorkînginen are ligiti>' siod ou tie average thosof etEuropeasd nolbing O more &oan sdasetonisiment j counlry ti8n lie j>aa sboeu bro gil aven 1Min Shees Liickly mludded wviithbob. Issi perhaçu lin.. limes as long,- thic liguer focigear, "but, lb. A can vorkiugmau wouid feel bà clagged sud iampered b>' sncb Among Lie Ainu tmue, lu Japas, a beard la cons!dered s10 ucesar>'-le, esui4ty tiat the vemen 1810e iisS faces ta maire up for thoir beardle neso. It'a Ail Fol-de-roL Tic popu Ian belloft ual Msayla -Iu unlucky menti for marriage daigé& frein Poman imes. Base-Ball la 90 5-A bols for the shor.t op,