CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Jul 1894, p. 6

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i q W~A~~"4#fr~1 New Psychological Romance. Written for This Paper by Georges Ohnet. hut bren a diunet. parI>' at Pâîrizl's aud f rom lie salon beautilul villaou the Tommes et Cariensueti sounis oetmusico ogiter sud an ovonpoweriug etfviled flou-ors and Icixco Bobo" w as weon rapt eseuteti. vusa cigaretto ee ry o>'ni e belveen lthdiluy lips oethle ladies whose promena. lent a -teate teé Ivil>'. Opposite the - mat Dr. Davîdoff, a ceIeb: atet phkysiolan; near hlm Pierre a wel-knovnFPmeuch artlst; l' î~e fuarthen aleng hile frend liraum, Jaaques do VIgnes. o n wére physîcaîl> net unu- b siothet., liaI Pierre mo.1srve and vitlUt', wvile an lie prodigai sou, hbît eaten val liaIt tcok aI hlm one aor' &"bier nehumu homoeu-ould emaIi>'cameor. wus a wîidonîburst et marri- ti Ir. 1avidolf s expeuse. 'ehad enougi pbjsliogy." h 'r ore 10 drinir, amour., sud mmnd lie Doctor; ho'. off hl% ua ot atilssecting roein." miles are hared <o death." tlb lnie- there*s a nuit>', molnIthe rooni." ma bave a dauce." vo ire goiugte boive yen," liehé ie -"in i Ingto .*Mbty on ail pice.," criodthie %oeY bu quiet.: liaIs ail <e thle ladies had loftithé'" rooni, turuedt lath.etoctor sud said: ou'e, Doctor; leI us bear more about vanderful the ny cf the Iranifu- 1. fpsyohlc payer."» Davldeff ralked i bs omben, bearded U»acesareplied: "1h la net a li.cmy, »yduPice, but a sclentiflo tact. eu-IMI-,admit liaI every hinubelug W - wti sud aulmîateti by a N pu-or aItcbvo Cailli e w i NowI maint ain Ibat liaI foe a>' bu urrendereti b> ti.owr and sooont-elled byhis Jhf r-e?"oncenrated, intensifi -dand anuuaste bo f orced 10 enter Srevivît>'- anotiem's body, abici, naturaIcasuse@ or othIerwise, ia wU ith It Is ou-n spiritual essence ,1 t'rnng tethie condition of luerh fl uai apreati oeor Jmoque3 ê Vign.' ad. emicialeti ceunte- m hoi C".nefa1 tolie dep, le- -V volce of the. Rusilan doctor. 1'tlhig iappenea latel>' lu my ,» ooutinueti Dividoif, ai ho Ciioui graje'e0 De Vignes' obesud bloc.d"ss lIp. "A WladmirA!eievch.solng adtrhhu, Marie Fedorowna, withscrute Insîdions dises. wmwaaacly but urel>' appnq angegbsd permuatied liaI md- wai powerboss 10 erme Ai is h da4eeninedt t sacrifice bis eau laàd id up ta Marie lie fuît i;ot 14senergywauibtIbrobbeti hbrtbeirt. Wlhb a faili ~e*1as sitwas lisnseua)par- esWladlmir nov engaredinlucon- bêvith ie soSul unlil by Îhoct fora. 5pib!per il becam oebediet toblhi tieu, ho net il fre.1 mmediate- girls hesili bugamn l e od, sud we eeba *hiellotIber *ickbebd -Mo trace eof uerninluber court- saéve sorca for ber lest love."- Marury agin?" asked Pierre 'pletDsritioff; alîbengi sun *Iemly sweel sud comoby permon, 1Mn - eougbI alter, mie remiînod 1111=10t Aloxievich, and, strarg to S£vftapoire of' berseît ai bis language nuli manner ex. <iandst demesuoi hersait luke a ~woldymàn, naiug lb. plural 'Iwo' Ê'00 te dual seul aere nimllxg ber 5'genunoesie et 'te-e muh <'11ht *Is asinglo thougit,'"IImnrmnred De Figues, yltb a de silôrawn igih. "-Anti, atrange to say,» sdded Dm- idrnf, net net:cing lie ooerî muoor, ms onds oa tfecod, mch as caviar bobInas: narcbpane, wahbhmd ts aoîes v th A!exevicb and lu- ~idsliked by Maie, were nea sin bler wilb exrardiuary relisi. *'Ah, ni> dear Doo:or," excîairetiDe figues, "jeu nia>' bo sgreat scientisî, a*jou dont bnew <emen; tjl&î'm ver>' A baud laid geutly ou bis should ors »aueIWJacquos 10 rause his hoavy ojes. "Aib Pierre, la tuat yen?" ho mur- luacuea,", ssdly, ,Off loe ]lUe, yen doligil lu ail Ils iilsjPleuro&m-wine, vemau, seng,; yenu-ant 10 lire, jeuvo ibalotuIne fooing anoli mon as. ot. ~uIDaY14Off bei-e àmis, poor greo re, Ir*kmo emore tIbm us', yen ong hi gltenough te t ilheb.gani- tolea the henuts, mîngie iu ce, Ito he lielm et s yacht, t5h.ejomeuleof tbe race- Now ail the.-O are sai tool's yplkan sd shoveL. I losîbo o puru tlman sd ret, Jacquos a- epul îiaii nilgcI aiîieud $ PeOCCIing, Il la tmue, but jeu am loir s gift bomse in lie - Ti". il, Jacques; ain jou SomRr, l Ie he anLjg of eur ide Jont to yen; My the vord paint nI silence emub upon of lriend . JeequEs do doa Pierre, Y wan, te lire. whie, AV b day-na>', ihe,-a l 4ing ava>' - g o vItsno much a ;0 plac-,"oreutmieot j Bundle up warm!" cmied Patilzzi. 'The nigil air Ie chilI>'." Pieoreoiehp.d hus friand on with bis ceI, sayins', "Remember, Dow, Jacques, my seul la yont.sI" AI a signal froni lb. Prince a servant entened snd iensuched the mick man te bis carrnage. "Hoa longdti>yen give hlmu, Doclot.?' asked Pal%~.. "About lire. nionthe, alihgoc d tuck au 1 pleut>'of etdlver cil" «Wbat, jeu oeig, te- crlod the Pi lue. Ahfaie eame, My preli>' fi>'; Ibmi's a dagouâ wb wbich Yen are buzzlug r ound. Keep dean of "Impossible 1 »îuurmurel Pierre Laurier. "Inipomihle "ecboed Paîrizzl. "Wall, y ukrencimo i atenlsî meol Why, flt îe emie I lbIngluln.e rid te I a a weman-afteryonb aedone l"hleddd, witha laài.glh I kncy whereet I apeab,» ho cenlinuoti, sui- deul>' lowering bis voie.suad Iaklug the paintet b>' tie band. "Laurier, dou'l bu s fooi. Came, go w'lh me te tho Casino, sud keep away trom, Clam- once Vill.*" .«Impossible, my Prince!" cnlod Pionne. ,Weibthon, gc jour yîy, sud gocd- nigIt t, yen." excamnout arizzi, sud theu Iurnirg te Davidoff h. added: "Doctort., le.are some dIses oes whlch csn'l bu cured. Tii.j muet rua tudr course." » <ehowe-lai. Yen ar a sevaà.u, sald Chemonce VIlla, a si e laid ber. noret dean on the sofa ou wiob mie <ras 1iyng êaietcbed, hem prelt>' mmi er r er- lie ansd yawnod. "Ai Patrizzi'm? O0i Ihalo thal min!" "Why?" «Because lho hales me, I suppoe."» "H.s weuldn'I ite y un If yon woul J ouli ry ta mabe me happlor." "Bah, the sanie eld lune:" And lhe dangeue 11h11. soroores, more tssci _alrngha'n ever lu har filae!ofauget. sElt l. novel sud Itung it acroa tht roonitheu turneti her face t101h. walh sud lot. so.e anser te Pierre's poasd luge kicked a daiuty sllpper free trou: bar te; t. I'Ccne nea, Chomeuao," entreatoè the artisî; "let'@ maire np; ltls Lt frinds." "Yen buowyeurrot," crled Ciomence lu a sniohot.d vola., !or ber face yms stili buried inlutlb.pillea. "liat Ibis Patnizzl pabi courltet me lîbe ail lie reat et Yeu, au I taI oui> afler I re- tiised te ta!re an y notice et iu did ie begin hi. exhlion et opîte sud ma- hevolence." .But amy er. You se bard on him?" qneniod Pierre, witb untelgued sur- prise. Wlhh a bcund lb. couchant tîgresa mprang upon ber foot, hem ojes ilsth- Iug, bar pretty face dlatorted wltb an- ge, an sd poion inglb.thdo"r she ex- claitrod, in a robca qulvering mith rage: -My 11h11. man, if yen came here le inÈnht mi, lierea the door:" "Oh, 1Ikmo u' lut jou dou'l caro any- thins' fer me," repied Pierre, sadl>': "jour. ialwa a talsben gooti care 1toieI me mmeltat. "Thon wb7 don't Yon go?" repbied Clemeuce. -11 jeu <ere sIil ind ta me, I coulti und-' ratand yeuour eiacy; but you 8pn jour lme ainslug me te jour tried nt ilutig me in M eau honse, sud sa p'y booms. I don I jiehilte jour wbims sud abut niysehf up witi Yen itou.. Wbal a cbmrmlug prospect. Andt You are an Ingrate, te-. Oterisare oui>' toc hap)y ta ul;t up wltb my caprices. I Ioved yon once, and yen knewIt. Ycnuso= te b 3 m cis. miug fehîca, but fer 1h. last, Ibm.. mentiseyeu've lelt jour hoad. Good- nîght. 1 deu'l mev iiow ta taire car, of unatica; go ta an asyluin. » Nover iiad Chemience locbed more besclitul, more f aso uallug, more se- ductive than allihe ver>' momentl@mie ai em ryinF lie riais oftlhem wrati upon Pierresa devoteti heati. The ~M nier gaaed wlihmati doigit upon o. ax ulsite boaniy et ber forci as she ttooti heauing igainsî lie manlel lu an attitude of Circesu scom Pierre walired slowly 10e-antiho. and meating iimsehf ou a biseciaI ber teel, mur- mureti tenderî>': ."Fürgive. I am suffet.luF deephy, for Ilove y.u n d amjealona. Sie lixeti hem eye3 upon bu <ith a cohd star..-Se muoIthle <orse, for T bave no notion te put np wah your suspicions and brutlt:oatmenl, an> longer. 11 ahail over yIth. I eîy, ati over wiIi; yen neot net itrouble jour bael t) olagile ' A palier mpread orer Plemre's face. "Yoqi drive me a-a>'?" "YO., I drive jeu away:" .Bécanes Yeu love soma eue eh,.?' aikd lie antisll 1w aud moaauWe houes. "Wbat difforonce cm tlitImabe te yen?" rephieut Clemence. *1 doat' love y ou su>' more; liat'.ailU You aeed le buow." Pierre fait the ict bloo ti igUngi bis cheeks. OU my stw»eeas redit to me?" bo ab.d Lua b,ýt.louie. You know cne'ms elf-respect - «Oh, cale joursoîf on liaI point," lulsrrmnyled liehe oid-blaoded enciaut" rme. I ahaun't haeanything b>'the exoisuge. Be la Young, ho i riaIt, ho ta handsonie, yen dinout witb i le- nigh t; yuhavAJuitlofet i m." eovuiolf?" bIurteti out Laurier, shupeffeu t aihe aoman'acooh audacli>'. hlb" crled Clemence, wiii a con- lomptnous curl cf ii.r. hp. "Thal Rus. btan cycle vIte de-pires aomea; abo wouldn«t hesitahe ta an e knout cn oue! No, ne; My b-y la a cbanming fellow- golitle, semeahal gîoorny, but entlreiy devohM ed ome,-" nOwn ligues? Well. thon, 1 ahafl f rre nr orase be himmd nlyfor jour make. » 1bok a.loyel', lad bis uadneia Uttod "Infamyl* buret from a .uriae. p. 1 for a met a ber eyes follow.d tbe s ho huried lte yon woman trom'tlU, grâcefulwillowy oeoature &bout hlm with sncb force taîtaho toit teck, the room. Màme, de '%igues b.d kept hait prostrate, on Ibo sofa, "Go on; ber word a&M eubanstod ber ingenuity in dremuing, the youul girl beoomingly -a oharming .lmp loty lin attire, which diOp!âyed the exqulslte delicaay of ber fipgre, nltied with a Greek coiffure wbich, lent a moet piquant and arch expressioa 10 ber face and tead. The dinner was not very gay. Do aill tat hie conld, Jacques could not aroie tbe painWer fremts tb settled melancholy whlch seemed to have fastenel itdelf upon hlm. At an erly h our Mme. de Vignes led bier son Ib m the room, ramindlng him Ihat the. phymiolans had reoommended, a mach sloop before midnigbl as.possible. Juliette was t.ated st lte piano, en- r gNa i lmprovil'ng a loir, bweet meloY, a talent wbichehoposaored 1 ~lua a i-bel degre.. Laurier mat near I bler. Ever and anon lte odor of the. 1 spray of >asmino wbloh waa pinned f np n bier corsage reooedlthe aia, and an almoat r.u¶ocating mensation 3 came over hlm. The. o-nflot wltiio "TOCMUANSAQUS DiTîON.~' hle mOIul sterrible. On one aide, lha __________________________ eemod te s*e Jacquos' almet rosi- worbont>ourabaetul~.., ~ le.. banda pro*eotl1g above a blsack wori ou 3 , rhamoul lan wrtchand stagnant pool, as If Lmpboring hien th&a youae;bt l'ilbavemiy rovonge. 10 reacli out qn'ckly; on the otber, Ia You shah ue me &gain, Clemeno. mx!den ef angollo mien, robed 1. .Vîlît yon shall oee me agaîn." And t-aillng robes of white tastenod W r rwlth a maid plunge ho threw himLelf. Ple-'iing oe.e upon hlm and wbis- aga!n.t the dcor and wa < gene. * erd: ' me, 111l blosje your lite CH" RILL And th. beautiful enchantress rmes before hlm, lier oyee hhled wltb that 1 On the deligbtfui road wbloh rune savago gleam lait bon by hlm. from Monaco te Nice, a 11111. beyond Hr maing laugb broko bar bly In Ez., and juil before reachingt Ville- uponlmlWnpie tbsfin 1franche, la a listle bey formed by a home, and hoe board bier cry breakr in t li cul, wltb the bIn, waters out: "Y shal taire hlm, and only bstbing ic '.rrâaoe on wbloh mimocsas fer yonrsake.» Wilt ibtis Lau- and orange fro.. are bloonrng, thore rier's bc art i est bard an 1 fast. H.- stands a piak asud white villa, beU bld- <ualhid to mmnd ià Ihr«4 ~"ypa &hall den amon#,rod-tru edph*b% . r -se. mne agala, aes liotaited th la bine juniper-'i andblflk thuya. delgbttul cup wbicb revenge *et t10 bie Ue e for two menths Maame* de lîjp, ho ciincbed lmt banda and mur- Vigueg bas been dom*oied wltIt bermrdImu-Imsdo " son> Jacque3 and ber ward Juliette, the -"%Iuet do what, Monsieur Pierre?" dîugh er et a distant relative. inqulred Juliette. arehly, ai ah. Jacqjues b.d graduated withbhigh whe 'led ber seat around and tîoeilbh honora; but, (oniog1to posessiOf etsohilo uizing artiat. a fortune upon at n XE bis ma>orll, «Muet mave Jacquea!» uaid Pierre, b. bai thhrewn aide &il bocks an 1use- slowly and so:emny rions th nybhta for a litsof the emptiest ">7aveJaquem9 Oh, Monsieur Pierre," pleasuros- a course wbichb Iaileue- cried the fa.r 7< unq malden in a trem- ceeded in dralnlng pur.. and besltb blrng voi.e, clsspig lber bands and wltb agtonluhiEg rapldlty. fix<>z ber large brown eyes on lb. art- Botb Mme. de Vignes sud Juliette- lit, -wouhd te hea<en that y on a:nld -now a girl of eJgbloen, and giilng save our poor Jacques My [lut word. every pr. rnis.eto rare beanty ana cn earth moild invokre a bleâshug on sweetly sympathetie abaracter-were YOU. at this lime maklng the Most pationt -And if I do maa éhlmn, Juliette," con- and earnest off ris loocheck theoMaady tinu d Pierre, "you will become bis wtb whlcb Jacquei lied beonstrieken, wife, yul YOU not'" and il was wllb ne.svyb aartis tbattiny "Oh, yes'" she oxolalmet, joyoualy; noti(ed bis apparent ieboillion of laie thon blushling deeply, added, «you agist t-e strict regimen prescrib,d know marnawisbes [t, but I fear hhal byh bis physiclans, and bis frsquent re- Jacques love. somnebody else. Ho tun o e ovilla alte..- henlght dew doesn'ti < o 0cire for me. Imuppo3e bai begun 10 faIt. h. loks upon bis lif, ai m nearly over Mme. de Vignes, net only In view et that il would be tlly-8 the tact Ibal Juliette's ample fortune; ne vounir girl beallated. would Dow ci... lu mcml Oppertnneiy "But," porsisted Pi irre, "if 1 should te swell ber son's .adly reduced reve- Fend hlm to yen some day, happy and nue', but also for lbh e e@u lia Juli- hearty, yon will makre hlm love yen, et e wai an altoe ba hum armlng and won't you, Juliette?- doiigbttui girl, certain to mirkea noble Tearà cboked ber voice. Sbo beid wife aud devoled mother, b.d dreamed ont lber band te, Pierre, wbo preased il et a union between bier and Jao ,nes. 10 hlm lip.. Noir, how.sver, an oppositit n aistrange "Wby. Ibis la delightflV ho tbought as it slbborn hadl arisen te tbwart te hlm oit; -sa eJcue', maire Jui' ber wlsbes, not, as Mlgbt bu roasdlly e.te happ and pnlhber by one and esupooé.d, based upon lhe tant of lhe mime 'biow." Jacques' ilîneai, apparent.y Peal ail Mme. de Vigne. now entereci the human ald, but upon a rozantlewbim room witb a re,ne.t tram or entmenalnotion Of Jacques liaIstbt Laurier should peus.heb. nbt hoe mus%, ou%, of gratitude te Pierre for unierthbeir roof. as w.. inlétct Often lb. long yeara or unselflsh affe0tion for bis cumiom. and devolion ton hima, "give him Jui- "But b. yarn. jou, lMons. Pierre,' ette * si ho phraiod IL. crled Mme. de Vignes, langhlng, "flot "iie must bave bier, mether," wrai le mabe jour appoarano3 st breakfast lb. sick ma-o's oft-repoaled words. "He wlîî the same visage wbicb la worthy oi hor 1ton for wbere, pravyou've worD Ibis evenlng." te11 me, oa you dit nob! hm o, more un- Ti.nght was burpassingly beauti- ëolfiab, more industrions, mo. e talent- fui. and Pierre, lhrowlng off bis coat od man than 1-ierre L aurner? I'd be-en and voit and oseoning ies abrtat tb. ton limes over nai b. not watcbed neck lo-get rid, If possibleo f lte feel. over me, nuraed ni), savea me f rom ing ot suffocation wbiah welgbed upon mv self. Ccd blosa hlm." hibis astî. at down by the. window. Mme. de Vignes was eniy toc, ready He nol ced that bo wsln jacljuea' le aimit lie justice ef Jacques' Oà -room, trou wblcb, on acoount ofth. tion. chili air f rom the water, ho b.d been "But, my £on," urged bis mother, memoved 10 on. on lbe land aide ofthe "Juliette lov'es yen. Juliette bai ai- vils. ways boved ycu. I can't say le bar, stop loving Jacques and Legin 10 lov "Ay, Jacques là rigit," muted Vie Pierre."» artmt I, ii 1>only lie affair et a Min- For bis devotion tb Jacques, and for-ut", andgive. n0 pain »maete the bis watcbtul cire oer bila weak aud spealator. Thon wby nol to-niglit' errlng friend, Ju lette was deeply sud Tt raymla ftqfutio boart,Ï]y graitef uit te young artlat, lte terrace, and lb. tal.nt, sad murmur oui e wo alays ure oethe ses as ltbroko on lie eteny mi o w. away mue e a Most cor- abore were scunda in swoet Itarmony dial wolcome, from boti bier and Mme. wlli l'lPirre Lanrier's tbeugbla.4 and as de Vigne. Oevenlug short ly if er hi breakmlpbilfaItinsemdUky C ) corne 10 hlm, ho rose bal uncen- wilh Cleineuce, Libr rcceivud a oiulwt h neto fdsed irecial invil.atl n to dine wltbhoheD, com~,wt oiininfdsed Vigne.. Ho tennd Jacqueos aloLs I in ln te b.errace. As hoe gazed Inte, the alo. &i he hartsan wihinth i nrror lhe shuddered,sî a.)ben pale b1h.e <sen. mi9 iter in bnwum bieface, and sncb a mysterloos insidions ailmeni 1 ai rmade 0f bhtheulight shone trom bis eyes. Ho bad mappig lb.hast &dean o e ins'nver seon bimsoll f Ittai iIe. viainthe I mab NquickorDe uinel -Suddeuly lho gave a start, bis breath the arisa, "or Il will be u 3 lai. "» cme in puifs, aud co~d drope et le s- piratica gathored onbis brow. Jacq nos' The. tact là Jacques nid wlthl tbe platol wu Ilying lu tront ot hlm. Grai- part loy weeks experiencel sncb a ually the tearful siuking sensation oeil ofe utter hopeleesaansd de- pasaed off. The. lainIer lookod imb air n isi atrnggle for Il t tt the mîrror und smihed, theu reaobiug cul, dail ng project of bhie collae day., to took up the weapou. tlimatit I ltc bis wit, the bu towal efthle baud of lhe pookel aud passed. nisloely cul ofthb beautiful boires. Julette upon bis roocu worhy ,and indu.lrious friend Pierre, The. dollciouehy cool uighl air Boon 8en groksd bis@ tbougbts liaI Mme. rld Ibo painter's brain etfmlllse pban- .e igne. ylding te lhe whim, lied toms, and ho mat dowu wbera lb. could prcmbtea on thus partiaular ovenlug t10look out cn lb.he s ad bear.Ils vola mabe Jubleth ook as "radiant sa the more planly. piorning star,» en Jacques iad ex- "Suppose Davidoff sbould bu wrong," pre.aed. b. whispered 10 .Iimself. "Supps "Whero's Julte?» asirel Laurier. IbIs hhlxw called my @sonthIis breatb, "31don t ba impatient, my boy7,» re- thI betdow, shou'd nol y 0d ulance peld alues, rubLlng bis thîn, trans- te My wyUl? Wall, abat u ? A tew parentItande logether. "Si. Ih b. teas. & fe 'ah mAe",suIwenld bu. LAD ~U WU.4 ~O U VJJU 8ERIOUS 8SUEOTS CAREFULLY CON8IDERED. à Bceiawtr ExgestUe orthea Iom- Thouglta WortethfC"m..Baubboe- EaU a.ulio.Vs ladyet te.scmtr»- Les..,, for J51>' a. This bison la fonnd lu Luke 2: 25-M8 The. baie Christ agaîn. Laut we.b Il w&4 the Christ of lh. manger, titi weok lth. Infant .Jejus Iu lhe temple. Il lasa beautiful scone, suggestive et muci that Is blemsed snd boiy. TIte devotion of cildren tte *Lo-wbo sbould objeat te U lv' Tiireognition ot domeutliaIlte In lié ahurai-why nos more oe t? 'Glv:ng the 11111e one" te £Lrd wltb priser and praise, ho tg in publie or in lie chos, la lier. anythinagaffinil Il? 3& And bMhed. shoe ws a i in l a Je- roitelets uhau cima vas Simeo.; sud flb @me mmivujuas$aid devet alluisi tO, UNI consolation etbui; and gaBm 501 Uheet vas sPena mi I.L And Itgvwu reveaimi maso hlm b>' the ROIYGashaat Iho h.abould n ne a.doui buor hoveh baom sa.h.Lord,'*. bri. . 7 Ad haoncame b>' tb.Spirt loto tbe temple$ aid ahan lb. paronb. broughttlu the childitasses. si do fer hlm ifttr the ceabomn et th. lia, 2. Thbo t h.hohlm up ln hla armi, and blesaed OGod. and sald. U Lord nov lettesIthiou tha>' servait depait la peia.m ocording te tii>'word: bc. For mine oyes have ses lb' s$a- 8L Whlch thou hbut propared bafore tb. facse 09aIl people; U à lght su10 ilte. the Gentil., and th. alory oft lb>'people lariel, sa And .Jo..pb sud hie niother mer- voet! ut thosthings whkh *oe. poken of blet a&. And ISmeon tlb. aidl - st 'or ~ efai udrlxieaila of ment lsesai:zlSd fer a aigu vhich &Ihallbc mmcii sa isitemt; U (Y@&. a @Word *hall Pierce tbrouib th>' oaa sont aime>. th&$ the lbought4 et mi.>'boueaia mibc rov.iled. a& Anii there wu% oneuAna, a prephet. cots, lhe diablter of Phanuet et the tila of hier; thb wuaofetirant i;e. and bail 11,04 % ltb a beaband savon yeam frein ber YIi'4151t3 31?. And ah* ais a wldow ef *bout four- euors aifour 1Jea. vlch departeil nos tromtshlb.tempIO6 but serrai Ood wath Lia- tone and pra>'ers aIgu iand de. 3L. And the Celoi la tbe% Instant Cave thanseIlkeaha. aeto hoLord. and spike ef hI.,go ili &heim IbiS booksd fur redemp - tIen, la Jaresiemn Goboix Taxe- -A lihîbI te llghtea the Oeantilean d thé globof'>'peep .el l.raet"-Lcke 2: 3. poisla t he LeS... 'Bebold amaa"-hisaime "Slimeou." Simeon meaus beaird. Fittlng ap Pellation for a man of prayer. And l tIi tesson bis prayer's boat anseor. ".n Jerusaeru." But Jerusalern a large city. How ahould li man in Jemleni bubronght te tbe temple, sud mat aut tItis tme? Bore la the. aumEonto answer: "Ho came by tbe Sii nto lie temple." Tii. Holy Sýpir1tin l a great appoinîmnent maker. "ýansd devont." hirbt5aIwordhIas retereuce go the outward Ilte, the second 101th. lnward disposition. Tic lite-aI meaning cf lie word'jnst" la rigil: tie ti meaing of lie word "devout" la careful, llorsilj, laklng g-od bold, I. e., locing on &il aides. Tue world doem net do so- t ilàl vemy one-alded-tbe eartwmrd aide. S m-n wu@as walllng for lh. consolation cf lIsmeL" Mon geueraUly g et wbat lhey d.llqently watt tor. Te wor 'conso'alico la la the Greeb the sanie as paradai.. Ho was v aittla for th.e1<1if tlb. heoi>' Spirit, 'and lie Bol>' Chotsaas upon hIttm. A sure p r.iot-tbere, lu a mensure, already. How came ho ta Sud the Christ mc readil>' and deet hlm amld &Iilite temple throug? And why sbould. b ave plcked out a 11111e baba lu il& mother's mrmâ,and tha" molier sa humble lu ciroumýtanc.s 1ItaitsIte must n. _ds bring Iwo dovea lratead cf a dcv. aud a la ai? It was tie rei-elation of lb. Bol y Gioat. The Bel7 Spirit ie tho Christ-Ënde.. 'Ele esial glori>' me, fer hlie asllrecelve et mine sud shaîl shew It unto yen."» A beaulif ul bison lis on tb. wunk 0ethe SidriLt Se. boe hrbm..hinge thît the Spirit dc.. (1) H. 1< s comuter. Simeon was "wsiig fer the consolation e.>.- tort) of Ion el sud tb. Holy Spirit was upon hilm." (v.25M) 12)Toamber. "lb Wus reveahed unto hlm by the. Boly Chus (v. 2îl.) (3) Guide. 'Ho came by the Spirit into the temple oic. (v. 2;). Coutorter, Teacher, Gniâ 0- t st the Spirit. Glanoe a, Anua. Ou"bt women te spea In luciurcbes? Well, here was oee uho began and nlgbt forcubiy, s long way back, even very close t) our Lord. utght wcmen toespeakin lurt churche.? Let them 11k. Anna sce our Lord snd tbey conut ireepailence. The. very atones would et.y cut, if lb... boldlieoir peace. AyWord ai ta çutb altendinoe. Itlai.a Wood tblnri( o bL. always ilthurch, aud p-oupt. What If Auna had slayed awav Ibis day, s bat if mome 11111. disabliîy, and mie hid more than bier &hare, bai been ai- ioed ta come lu sud excuse attend- suce, or whst l fhaie ad baen lite?- mie wouhd hai. mismed lie Christ. Hlm;, and I'lutrtons. A entai oye-su oye te uesaîration, Ced give it ta us! Wbnt do yen tee in lii lemmon? Does it speair agmin salvallon te yen? Hoe- few thome are te catch thette glimp3es of e'ernab blosiedues! Put the two v-erce3 to- gother ta bring ouI theur slreng sug- gestions: "Mine oyes bave meen lbh: malvaîlon, wich thon bael prepared betore the face et mIl thy people. » A greal throng moving ah-ut, enly oe Simeon, and prosenli>'an Auna ta dIi- I4EADS THE IL.LINOIs o*a- ORATIO TICKIET. ti stasaprlugfield Cha tt» Cm. , mma-puatwm 716»» i imi Slalls md I.iesanomsclue. iand'à *bd Siig.iétu Adiab5.alb. < DeoasChue aTbptr M&S FranbklinMac)Veagh, etof hspW'5VU uominaled tor UaIi dstabes MO9mt b>' hieDemocrataet ioisla onvee- aspriafiebd. M. )&Vq wae nomlnatadbl a vote etf561 ovetlMa compelîlers. ge accopiIta $ Dnoa»a lion lua aspeech wbth Wb, hodiy aP-. plaudeti. T. are wa nublnig to lheoomveang@ muida froe. the Senatcriai ot". .1 wonl i n éiasbut Il11eMoMe bm. lieu. heurs. The momlmatwuma * Sa SlaSe tiebet veaMa" e biaeobmtO andi asoutel vuelther rivejr Mon-e. lhulmsaz Neari>' en-tl d e dolustasloft the hall after lb. Sena" tot a i tho een omoiuded a" 41 ne tram. The -palormwuaott without dien. Te llahe àpeeso wa re tenltIyls Mete inti londly obeered b>' lie towrs et the OaadAles Candidat«s for ciher ocs. wre omainatei es foliows: l'or State Treas- nier, Bernant J. Cbigq;tt,'aupn- tendient cf Scicoba, Heryuab Trusteeofethe lIte ..Unlversi1l, Dr. Juli a Rlmea 8mith, Calvin ln oa- aniosud T. C. ÇlsnMe"a PLAm»jxXAOTD Olevotami end Alsoeuln mamu Thé orroeeaa"l of t1he Pemou& arw fi et hidi la acm - tshlM Jieba. mauds l 1h.J ' e 1l - a mmilb. I. au tbe a,9 1 .55a. th et tet bib..Md îe à Watalosethe b. maet prasMGa ad Md the pubU. maervisa eti2s = Oas . la exeate.Mmd !=mlv~asbe .lbàmmUNAlhy bavadatefe devavasltt" vu eemdaom lb. oamtbl mtm à tebaaakapssra. rams vhib bau be c dlisaS- -as of nuahgsua 1011818s11610 the oooo of Danccs ulsmne 'Union lot r o ata.t puMia the reea ofet hé burinaa m lem'uat Thurss crl mth et 2 iho dirmumla" ami T"bmejatu lais ba Mdn uslsasita bh a elmal.~ _ z-a. Jru 01t hatij. oaoeemul LEADVrILE (cet) alceus as .,tcaed on Sundsy. SuVERAL buildig. <wre.blev bysa tornade at Por.>, Obla MONTREAL JOWeO6M ere sW by ayongman wItore---, sets. Put Armour, Jr., ctVIi FRnEDrMOic Ba.R, et New wicb, N. J., kilet ius vite, hîiself. FHa la bullev" eu 0bv Tie armer plate traude nounced aI s meeti ofc! lb. Poil, G. A. R, ln Omaita lien efthle Camnogleplanat MARY.O'BRîiew tSprinleiti,Obe round at 1te ,slul> ae. -

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