~rnIfpm H. C. PADDOCK, Ernieo. -Vo. 2. No. 39. Sund, Il17 soi1 521 50 5 34 61 56% bol 'a te a a5 ie 54 M ,41 loit 6.0 P., tout 8.8 p.ma b Table. 3u~ Lake.+outy.+Independegl WuVuoonda iniePondont, Lakte Zurich Indeisendont, "Ormrvlle & Wh.eling ltltons LIBEUTVYILLE, ILLINOIS. 41h. e t- of I4ake Omeay> for tWor seveeal *mm. sud voltâ2n. E ie &Ul*9 CmayNIews a"d nefte their .trength t .aboe eshand aul A@VRTISIN RATES lVwiti wJimionmii1 lr LM*e1 131240 a sl1a lads ltom &ol10 h i 26 um zizulwlo Sl o :(r. t tala .i tait, aiti 1. i 2 titi t: amt îuàt ti îî:atm - tîpin t2.4 al ;,:35 pi ---4:1:5 plat own hore n."- Moral-- iu'.-ertae or ieand it Win f' Q('R A/M.-T> /-L<.4N îO TELL TIE TRUTI AND MAKE MOLV/>. Libertyville, Lake County. Illinois, Friday, July 13. 1894. SUSSRlPToN TAUSEGEORGE R. LYuON. One-. enta ""h ittivante ... ...........1.5 8i. montbe, Casâh ta adranS ............... 76 ihree iiontim. cashin advance ....... e The Republtcaisls ae Nomîia3ted Three ()U@ year,'I' flot Paid wltbin Sainonth@a ýs"S 5 StrOng CanddatPsi. ant Expett ta Elect One yeur, if mot pui tS ttiflI4ioftb ....ru a«Il hree Reaire'srt Ives tb the Ail ,ettiements Kt @top~ ema" Kt the rate of 1.00 per yeur. Statx Legiiature. Tie Reputbliti sî-ualrièal cotuel- COMING EVENTS. tou for tite e1ghttb diestrict met at Woodstoek, JuIN 2, 'Iî4, îad nominaL- Republican State Convention ut,edtrecndaesfrrîeet- Springfield, Wedtiesday, Juiy 25, '94. cî'..ee two of WIiOM, ticerge Reed, a Detnocrtic County Cionventiont at.1 fanmer of Bi)one, anti Robert J Beck, Libertyville, Saturday. Aug. 25, 94. amrlti fMHîr.rîrsne Lake County Fair, at Libertyvîlle, 1tItis district aceîî,ttîl3 in tb. ilîsl two Sept 18, 19, 20 andi 21, '9)4. giaur. POLITICAL POINTERS. do Ico aSUt PolilUes are ripening. foui Il M 11811a0llUlle ~~ More candidates are blossomilig. or26pr Oetaddtuonafor Front Pas" or Select your candidates witb cure.k IdmlNote tn ietsfir in fi m u-WhIt Lwililthe political lkarvest s? il deitioti *Wd vecOnata ver ine cor sacta"md- We are not ready W af,îuouuce o01r1'71 tionai insertion. Timo Cfam w>'tngssa" Scandidates yet. LZ il 10 per inîch for aeIL ime and îfty The Denforats say they are gohîîg oeut. et inh for esncbsuimeequeninerion.WnominaLe a-4/1 ticket thîs full. LTbe above rate& include advaertWlun ailo h lave piperi. No extaiciiarMfor chaita.s madl Every botiy should Lurn OuttoLe ilwI->outýà.rnigbyte3e ath ltelco penimaonau i oris a -îk-tî .'~t nuar- BileZetilafi.I Uaeawrh3hîeifo ii îwtiidmni-,lcle Lulacel DadJb A iia am aniat, Laiiîty o t tiveos inieîtt-jnjiîlît-0 ieLk poreantpouLile ~' reithi at o otviltna ile ii- Jolihe people-dowtCon.r1). and irerlith. George R. the oit1)vaN Torîtlut hVa - it niicke rakealii 86,atili- fia tîgten <Mot' ihonil . pro.2e5as i,$im.ar5 Subscrption rice, 1.50, et Yea. date of 81 parti,,-aarit bleeiligoeal o! titi-4 E.oLliti,&Il ah NuISPis Sbz (TM 140 95haeI or sa- letc, 0fibeiatd satlaib-fnestm'. Lkeaoiîlly, H. Cr. -LDis[DOCK~, 1.0 o ,0 Prk cadIat fr uet! fiL 1riîgtersec îtlcnltieo poUpeywl av i e rt-il l ebUr5danIil Mr.l'onis1. a 11ra f h d lePbleGo li Il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ti full.n teifIZ 7heemti h if yuDrezPr%, oa lieas-oIlle l iet- mth rtd llie 64t candt e. is il anou tamet Lise ioi tliatmu -b of te Lar, Othets ani hos cdgly.Ilat lsditi art.set adLo ert.-bîu s-i it Sherr ' uLi lt sa lejIs' Smhke Cfl $.1terh, .85 dîi n!the Republican Conln 1e46,rad is oas tohreenter a Gloas P- 04 ounvhmntioniA. W. lchessreo Hihla sath ul sindssien of Late vni -as là pr. -Li 0fdSos .0 e 10 ak addaefrSirf fLae I h , jt ettoiiîvi eo rie l i o CiI lleil iN bNa, 0 FL. DwMBor Shndd Cocoaint, 24c boisb Crats, il, PJ34 SU StOu PoIlSb, .042k Andi other Goods on sa[nie i~ Ctz' Betwie Paits, 40C to .30 per quart, andi other Painti, auîl Hard- ware down at the sanie rate, J. 1 S. iiDm FrkPlnusteiL IVANHOE, ILL. 3450i SPROTOGRAPHER, 116 Sens...St. , Waukegen. Tiheighbes ctitis f wrk dMe. nets of that convention whether ha lie uns of tora or not. Ve admire lus atraiglît forward metbotis. He says tbat under rno cireuttm'Laite,, a-îlil le rasort tW any "Mud sliigittg."buit will conduet a cleait catuvass aîîd cîîcarfîîly acquiesce iii te resuIt' W'e hear hlm weill ajoketu of ,V ail. andi many sn3 lie la SUe,îrî 0Ile "u)ml- tiataîlanti alec-ted. Supervisors' Proceedings. The Boardl of Supervisors have ieeît iii session ai Waukega t tiis a-eek. At te fir-st sessioni Montiay afternoon, Abner W. Wahdo, the able suîuervisor of Vernon townshit, wiiu electeti chairman by a vote of 12 WO 4, wîulch shows hie recognizeti abillty anti the respei-t in whieh ha la hetId by tha other members of the Board. After a live-ly discussion, te olti mIes, in- Satifacionafferedt veryon CI iudiug the Publication of iternized pauper bills, was adopted by a v.ote F.BRIWo13 to 3, theBoatrd adjourned ogv Mlanufactrer <of committees. Tuesday moruiing Mr. M'aldo reported te foiiowilig satis,- G1rI ra Dite leoyasgieto STANDINGttMITE MONUMENTS, RîAIAL' A.t .twt 1e tt Ctmtuly fort of ~ t~,Wt BEI7 yDecsrlptlo i Eqî'Aî.îzAtîo Ai Wright. Crmnau. Esahie C'îîpsde.e îI<l~d [PunitANI' PiStU FAitu itîrtangi. Thoînlag 116S. UIS S., VAKEGI. STAECHARITIff-CarmLf, Coe. Adalts. _____________________________FIscNýtNC-Ansiereon. Biodgtt. Wai. EDCCATII), -Harvey, Miler. Wright. LcNsmt oontaek, Eatoni. Ttioraë. ~ FiaEs ANS)ISAiLARIES Thotnias.Cotk, Iltut- Itgon. TAY I&KuNiNu-Miller. Harv ey, Cook. POOK FÀAum isu Ctt4)iiiTEE-EýtAson. A sk Your * * Kennedy Carmait. G roce r for PU19LIC BUiL1)INS-BIodett. Str»ng, W right. The proceedinge will be publlshed 1 à "iftin thîs paper in full, as soon as the clerk can geL theni wrltten Up. M uzzle your dog and keep bu nuLou of trouble. 'rite plant of drawing 51,000 ait te Mil iend of seven years, after lîaving paid fi olv 30,which certain organiza. lias tiever yet been realized, and neyer will, flou Cati be. AiltLtte saine, tlîou- satîds ot îtew victims offer tîtenselves as williuig to make Utne trial. A gentleman lîad ilivited soute frieîîds Wt dinner, and as the colored ~ (T.DKW (Wservant entered te reoni lie accidernt- POU "nE OTARTAR-POWDER, ly dropped Lihe platter WbicblIeiti a turkey. &'My friands," said te gentie. .Màn im4a mo.t iseîave tonq, t'never hafoa hiva 1wi d aaevant Bo 'ITORS. -ai. Most reilable- n the lapa. »< w.- proiuoeu y bicycte&. Qab rmer pinta. IS92 he was lteeîtuiitncanididaite for pru-sitential *leutor tuf te Fiftli district. Iii lis ofhitual., as weii as bis btîu-sinlessrelat itns, lii-sitotor iast A. W. Fletcher, for Sherlff. Erurua IaDEPKiIDtcÇT-111 ) our laSt Issue, you 8ay a few words aboltt A. W. Fletcher for Sheriff. He la late lu the field, hia'f4euads ail kliow. but te strengti of lils candldacy isleiti bis pre-eminent qualifications. It the firet place, Lake county le itot what IL was Lton year-t ago. Thun there was ranch l,,,,bstlucs Wt bu dune than Dow, andi most anyone cotîlt do IL. Kow te poleulation la greatl> Increak§- eti, esîîeiali la i these lake shore towUs, and te population la iargely taof matiufaettuiig towns, jusit the klnd whlch mens businisas for a aber- Iff. And te sirifrs office calla for a different klud andi quaiity of main In office now. than a few years ago; hetace while en yeara ago we could safel). give thIIs and other counity of- ficeeti ordinary men wbo were *"gooti fellows," today we eaii't do It, and anybody recognizes that tact. We are iookiîtg for flrst-class meni; and IL, iiare the kiîud alked of for Iliese off.k-es ail oter the county. Now A. W.- Fetce e ,- tlinds out pre--eMittenti3 l piaiiiied ii tiut.,e respects for Ille office of siterif. Highland Park, dur- iîîg te tw.euty.-fN-e ears of lits bistory as a cil'., itî. lad malt y gooti men as l'lirs.t1,11. Fietchter,ilu bis îpub- lie, set'. ltt, ,ttstiis iout above tîtern ail. Otie of lii nitti-ked quîalificationîs la hi. rare bzignclt'., le sees just wbat nef-s to bc doue before most people have thlougit (of the mater, and lie doe iL Lo. 'rT-n again, lie utider- stands mca. He caui't be tooled by any pliausi bic, smootb.tonigted kîtave, or frtîud. His courage every rasca1 kniows andi fears. In tbese respects, Ut la a kind of Andrew Jackson, and ail IL needs liibis ptart of the courity Lo stol) a row, is to bave A. W.- Ficteh. er corne arouîtid. Mr. Fletcher ilsalmais mailtof first- rate business ability, nio mani iii Deer- field lis hies tîîerior linttis respect, and tusse are imes wben Lake coun- Ly V%1tfi me" of ablity asiLsit publ.ilc officers. For twenty-five Years, the. couîtty lias[loi bad sucb a eberif! am lie wotild makie. Ilu Limes of disturb- aucee aiso, su-.lt as pre'.ai i uow, thte vallie of 8ncb att offieer as lie, will be of itîsîîeaktt ie imp ortanee. W iti i bis aiwau s becti mtsullieu andulreîtutîtimnîi lairge 'xlerienv-m, his acknuua-iedgad aboya reîtroaî-lt. Ha is il stala-art lie Sagail'., kîowledge of men, tera is pubiii-tn sud a btard wtorker, aii h" tt UiteLd tone, otiter tiret-clas quîaluiia- st a ndus S,.u a-t-h Ititha peoeof t u!Lut k . ttitknuuw's liti Inti s ci andtit-i vluty thtua[ili -ndidat-'.' tili tut t- tiit %Vhat to (u0loiiiait umergenvtu IouhLadIv rastuit in ltriuîgivîg alri ta iti tiot hluit,,c t)tait to tintk il inureaseti vota to lte ticket ilit, i iOr go Stuia liera andaîsk aome- The reîublicatas liave-matiltl te Ild ic-itc woîuui acdiut oice. salaction. Their actiton ias puiitti"',- tuttI o thte rigbt ihitgtg oo. Witlîtesa strong candidates iii thefe lcd I r n'uak and Ilncomliteiut mne sitaiiug tbey tan e datt Lteairesiîttt .M.ttitawtling, wastiît ime, aitti put- froni this district, titis combilalioun tiîg ln peril, properatîtiudbuineitss otîglît to carry teni tromîgh. ,o- tti publie ortier, liLîtese Chiceago theŽ temocrats wil bau-a 10 puit il i ota, anti then ihink uf what it man gooti man, if Lbey bope tu cIi-ct lit like plain olti farmer "IUnele Jerry" minority. canditdate. Rusk, of Wisconsin woîîlt have done. - .~....VeI i now, A. W. FleIlher la that kindt Annul Teches' istitte. of a man. Ha knows ait tht- firsL Annal eacers 1ntitte. glance juat waaL o do andt doas iL Tfhe attuual lastitiite for Lake ctu.. 'riglit off" too. Ill thase rouhloîîs Lv teaehers will ha helti in W'aikegan limes ha la the kinti 0f a man ste durinîr the- weak beginniîîg Mouds'., waat, anti that, Mr. Etiltor, is wii3'al Jtîly Ii'. Deaetid waîît lim. Vc know It ls 1hiethuit ail tviiiî-tran tilmLtev.ast importanuce o!haî'ing -andtlurates for eachara's ril'tit1-' ie rigiît naitu iltît office, one ini vlii ai-ail thsmsch'.es 0f titis oluort t-is-lti LItamillions o! manufacLurnîg nity, anti arrange te attend diiriiig lit,' iîîeresls linWm'éttkegaît, Libentyviliet entira week. Atteiîtaiiee at tetlti~ uîi even'.-aiere cise would hu'aeai- iutittttes,teaciiars meetingRs, tht- r'til- ilire -oiîftient-c. lenca lis fricidus ing club. and th ie regnlar rautiitug ori l'lt i hm ii. ETH%'N Ani.\. ait least une gtioti educationil joutrnatl I)erileid, Ill., J i13 9, '94. sîoîtîtiiic-considereti necasear'.1 i'. t. - Liiose wlio alia Lto teat-hu lu tii- Ativertise your business. eouiilty Wood Wanted lin Exchange for Prof. Frank Hall, Mrs. S. Miitaei tatd Miss Ânîîa 1 Davis ail iustituits- ut- strue tors, wili leati us litititis sttîr Teachars are requiesledti bring ii FifLli Reatiars and ti sce other lbook ' as Lhey ma3' wish for referetuce uttît ravisa-. Tîe3- abouiti make tijair osvu arrangements for boardi titritugthue week. The reatiing cirlce booka for thue year beglnning Juiy lat, a-i lus- on sale at Lwo dollars for the set. Mcfm- bers of te InstItute will ha askati to îrny seventy cents for a book Lu Uc used ln Prof. Hah's elags dung te week. This book sella for au dollar, anti le one Iliat you ail neeti. Be on hanti Montiay morîiiug ai 9 o'choek sharp, anti corne îrauar-dt 1 a-ork liard tlI Fritiay nîglît. M. W. MARVINu. Cotintý' SIIîl. Ativertse-ra anti correspondents etiouid remember that IL takes ime to set type before a papar cati ha printoti. Yoîî aw.11 gnoati>- oblige by handiag ln your cop3- early. ('oîy for ada muet hereafter be-In our itands flot later titan Wednesday noon, ewe can devote Thuraday to eetting up th't iatuît »».wa Vaaïm Î..âet .*uv., Subseription. Card of thanks. l)IA'M(iNl)LAKE ILL, .JUly 9 ,1894. IL la witliîprofoutitigratitudae Utit -e acknowledgeLime Chmristianî ktidesa tif friemîts aindi ieighbors in Ibis hiotu- of Our hereavemeiit. 'Tisvalue oft'hie suithing bau o!f Éliai !rismrdship la iîever so kesmlyfet asa'hen te hmome ila suadw y te pall f deatît. Especiaily do ste return Our sâiticere appreciationto it te yîung people whto were (totipanions of our beloveti son anti brther, for te respect sltown in te Rift of tose fiow- ers whicli covered te bier of our deati, maid as lonmg as nîemory lasta, we shahl feei that liî lias a place in tLleir youîîg lisart8 as well as imi ours. Mr. atndiMma. ROBERT rLLnd atîmily. Found a Cure for Sciatuc Rheumatism. Mis. A, Iliveeiu, residitmg Kt 720) Ilemry St.. Alloni, Ill., sutlyareui ait scatie rieumnatisim for over eighut tanuttis. Slite toctoreti for IL îîearhy Lie a-lole otu titis ie, uagimg vitrous remneties recommentiet hy frieiidu, andt waasneaied by te physiclans, but ne- celved no> relief. Sue tiien ttaed onîe andi a hait bottiffl of citambet lai m's Pain Ei., whleh efeoted veomplete cure. [~iuj!~1hia~e loT somitas PRICE, 5 CENT8 PUE 0* $1.50, in advai GRAYS LAKE. Frank Proctîr lias beemi on the sic-k lis, lately. C. 0. Folizanud G. Timayer of Atiocît were itere, fTiesday. Mm-s. Jolinti Cuk la vîsîiîîng lier danu- gliter, Mma. George Frktzier. Miss Mtlbelie Wood returtîsdti lulier, borne ut Oak Park, Friday maortiîtg. AIlert Tlîom8ot was quits, sick Élret of te week, but i8 ables W work again. The hiî<teilibas iLs usuai inumber of Chiicago hourders, but stili ltas roûmn for molle. For the lai est hiirit about fiaiîîig, conunt Eugeuîe Siîubart at te (mayti Lake hotel. Among Waîîkegan people at Druces Lake te past week were te Lindsey's andi Prof.liîaggett. Will Bradway baï;te fratîo a ls cottage eret-ted andi will wKoit have- a nice building ctimpleted. Marlyouf lte y(îmng peuple attlled tef barri dantce aut Oliver Ihouksa ti a île-asenit ime is relotre4t. Candidate for S~f candidate for the office of Lake Counity subjeet to tise of the Lake Coucity Republo 'ventlon. A. W.,FU Highland Park, Ill. ,JttneAS,1 Canidate for County JUdB< Irespecttuirv annonnce m 1 candidate for the office of O Jud-ge subjeet tW the deoilon tI1 Lake Cotinty republican onv--â W4'ukegan, Ill., Jîîly4,'. Stakce Race Entrl«. Entries for the Srd annuaIobami stake, tuaIs of 1893, W ito trottedai annual exhibit of the Lake Côa Agricultural society, Libertyvql 1895, will close at te office of secretary Aîîg. t. Sendlu '7 entries promptly-. M4 0. E. Clat tCHILL, Secrotar A .cotnsltutionitrain basttîs l-i tare fle past fev ilsys natali a rover l1i;alt-et ' WANTS. FOR SALE. gTQ. bilait foi fli uik îpiîtfouttii. i-.PlîNî FOR SALE OR RENT-..,a C, 1,. wu(iti.Culttity Sni a -ho'ti . Ailes sitîtateti(omit mile fsouth4s.u nîissi.uîttîî t ahi deliver a lectie stuîttîî' of Giltuî-r, La.ke Co. , 11. Guud 1%ta fiotitei g ;a GrsA s Laîke chittlt. Gftîii alid DairY Fari, tnder Qrltei a iriiber front Gra)ss Lt ke ""Itiliq ilit] i e soldu t a ",u attelded;a flle oncet atthe ages itie îtiici- ,at ilerai ternis. or wtilM itîtitîetit he cîteei a Hu Gtgesrelittei lt t a tmnp1oîsibie îîarty f«, I.ake M. E. (Iti'lt l titrsîlàty e'eîîitg. Ltrîtfi e,îrs. bApîply tb Dý Airs. McGnîl h Ias pircItased tlot liilt-le-r, soutiit fC t'tt3 ilt Lira)~s Lake ttan ii huiltia i ututLlett 3vii,,lut 'iS. .wheel for lier datiglîtar M rs. Neilie Bildutî. preinise"-s Miss Miabel Faîrîiai visitem its. E. Fr o ae B. Ne'. île aststeak. Site a-as oit lot [. frn-2 ara i M.ay L to ertornte ai lleiedict, Nelurit.4- ig,-9 tai 10ace, 1 ,, kit. 1ii i ta t ti-it Wîrrrettomi(J 0~ Éta',i Lan id four niilIe north çd l'le i.ad ta Ai soctetv villilîteet aiteLl'.i1et we-i l iiîîrved, imder goo4l Mis. Eigiite lieiudes, Wedite4sday. LuIti'atioli. No matie laitd, gond s~ J îîy 1 S. )cil art cordlaly tîuvited to duiry!fanli, îae'a r fîiliin0 iprng atrtend. enasils-rai Appiy te2e attettî. li~las ,Adut'r.. ilîstu-il. II. E.il. Slterlitîai, lte jea-elet , 1s i riveti and heilig tiîlv settle i ut itet- Fritschi cttage, %a itii op-en bîtsittess at Hotai for Sale. J. S. M un lesatoire. i A.la19"(tut boumse aItl furîiiabc4 e11 Mm-s. goîsI conditi, îioimig a good Ns. jnlîîî ilook, Sr.. ailit was se'.-- twat-,eeytîn cu erely imjureti a short iineas go la rec-ov- atedal t Norfa>rk, Juuacio, ering aslowiy andt il la tirouglît site l ntiir-oai devWsio of tour be aImat iti à few weeke, ftt of land ~aua-e, l100 (et Owing to the cotndtion ofuthLie rail depot. Siekitess c mse of aelltng. ronds, te sommer Iboarder busîiess 41.E. J..PRaOU iii liot as iîrisk as îstal. AbouitLime tîstîtl tîuinier îuf caitpera tire ttte iakes. 1 Three Rare Barrains! Who Wardms Thol Il was aMtRi titei regret te peuple of 1 faviîîg etub.)trked inthte Gr4an . titis vlcinitty leariteti of te ieatli of 'Feeti businiess, 1 wiii ssi a,i. S initiai Fuller. le halli itaily Irleuttii Iitîftttlltw tSeparator r,îî tilt"m y l ie-e Qui te a itii Uc r frontt lisictaviti t- ('oi tics Sîseker andi Squatre 1>eai iL3 atutaeidlis fuîi i.î t Libeti tville,aitre, lrîattwlausetîsoms. aiso china wegeÀlisty. ii 3Pies a ti a PIS 10fitorua p Look luttheducritag on youu' palier, Elitgiîti1t141Huilai-, ail lit gooti rms=~ trder Lîuet-s tarins matinl relo, Lt shows the date Lu wbic-iî our aub- scriptlon la paiti. If n ow, plastil,- iii ci..judîrew $traU pay up and we wiii furnaish you a bet- sîîvL ter paper. IL requirs money as weU ast braîns Wo produce n gooti newa. Adminsîrators's N otice. pap«r. P tutNîrit,: t bureb> gcivet-ntuai LhegÀ Mttiffay ecvciitiîg ,i 1ly , I S4utailier'Inli"-. Adiiiiiilstraîor of the ematiut 0f Nu toute inliaiants'. le, uc-cmîredîthie AfnHOughîitri. ducemsed, wili atteud Il deatît uf Mrs. AriltiI(Harvey) Mac' oli.%Coutioft aheCounty.at a ierm4qW o b oid ttt he lCourt loutie in W" Milieu. Site wasa lady greatiy respect-[ gan, litsaiid cntoaty, on ihe 0i-at bonday eti by ail wiuo ktea-liter. lier deti 1 septemix-r netxi 154, wbeun cd whee &U~ a severe binL It er fainily ntltifristida soita havlîug elaintaisantîta sid Emate, who lhav.e te s'.mîatty ofttf eusentire 1,notuled anid mretited 10 prisant ile, san.1 conifînullity. "lie faîterel aasiîelîl at' tni <uuri ftur ttidic-attîii. Ilaîtmcs-viile, Weduîesday atterticoithelis tIr~Stt iSitits Atunsi Iîîrti at te Fort 1Hill cenisîary. Watkesan, Jittît' 9, 1554. The originlîttanîd gsîuiîue Kicktî>o< Adminstratorse Notice. Initihait Meticineiiitlaiiy aboît u -t PuBi..c NiTrIt',:1lheM-elt-giVaen tWhifastl a-e gava ait exteniiedtlitce o)i l(irai, tni- d,,lii.tr-ator of the ctate corgs ptage if last s'eek's INDEI'ENDF-T, naind Magmerl. dcu'.siaed. %Iltattenil téaq a-ii ptiCth th' rtelItiS ii Gra) s Lake court of Lait-u-C .ii ut -ai atortilla fuir utne a eek Iegitiiig,.juîi'lii. 'T'he ti-' ithoiden ut ai Lie Couit Iilîst iiglit is free aitil Ili cets ail)l tu- l . ai-'m.ltsaiS ,oiat-, 0c11' situlu e'ery itîglîtiet eeafter. Tuîey gise ' irslMuIýn'ay. uof Sepienabennelt.lm*.] iiieitertîitit-iu wurti sv-el Lies til wheru- tilt lwst-on, having clamai 1 aulel';iileI wo' ,. e uessalt iEantii art- itottfiiS andS Nquested b. iuug f1ie t iiilC.ltti ils551 WtHeaANK IFTz, ALoit:ad.idlth = %Ve aui(ui ouIt jutbts'urk ase qîtc-.-tai ttttait 1' tas a niy tfficlit i thle couititrv.- G s',- w"autiikeun[ti, . teil. 1814. lis ai<l c-a obltl oii t îî 'rk.Ii Exeoutor. Notice. Thelitqiior bill outhtes tited sai-es PUBLiC NOTECt- la hereb>- gi'aen Uhat1 for one ycar les aidti Lu s iuie-tenthi tf sutscriber. Execut-ix. of the ILut PWin Lhe ttal value of te farina 0fte cout- Testament of Joseph Clarke deeaî,wi1 tlny. Eveî-y terniyeare Lime people wsste tn teonyCuto aeCu~ lit i 'uk the tutal valineîof ail te teri-mtheneof La te boiden u ae tbàmaî1' farina. tiitclîdiig te vainîeof te huilai- tnt Waukffln, lt aIll Coutaty. on tb i 11gs. Monday of Au-'aist next, 1lad, wileas Md Ait exelîmîmge 5h35 iLt t.kes a rich llerson aaIng ciaimat alfainsit@Mi arcnotifieS and requiieiestu wo tiant ti raw a chîeck. a pretty gril to usaintltt iS tCourt fur flallSloea, -- iraw attentilon, a iîors to draw a cart, BARAH NOMita 8xUt~ a porots plaster to draw te blood, a wattkegran Joue ISth, lU toper to draw a cork, a free iiclit 1 . ... - tiraw a crowti, and iait iutvertisenrent in O PCA O your bomte japer to draw tratie,OU PC LC NT If you want hantille, If you-want envelopes, If you want coloreci work, If you want business carda, If you want neat bill heada, If you-want Lasty letter heatis, If you want nice vlsiting carda, If you want weddlng invitations, If you want any kinti of job work, Leave your anciens at the IIIDEcpNND UNT office, Libertyville, andi have theni axecuted Lu te ahortest tiale poaa1ble __ Ju.dclous Adverth.lng Croati;s many a new husins. Enlsumesiuay au old bua&e \Vitb the Weekly Inter expired June lat,' 94; but ' pleased 10 inforni the'pubi ive have made a new arra with the publither, -by w arc authormzed to take su ions, during the present caînpaign, at 30 cents Inter Ocean six montbs,-~ wili send both, the Ittot and INDEPpêDENT.-,91' for One ='r, cash in Su bscirtions will bc re -thi3P pncetilt August that the regular pnce restored. & tostu" meartea Mdi alamere&ra Payes O OU "78 17 ud i aee"wW >1 ERS. i 1 1