CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Jul 1894, p. 4

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rêYnC *yfil~ eiê~ -t WoP~Ç~ LAN 4 THE OCTOiJ$ OFCO*ALLANO AND RAIIRQA D MONO'POLY. Isl no cure for the periodWEÈl cai mimnaistrik«o except the natio nalilstion of tte ecool annn Indue. lry,tiid iae operatiom ei cout by sud for thi people. W,8e FOn TE PEOPLL- THE COAL COMBINIL OCTOP US. a5poposition te nationalise coal mine 6" o4made mas He told hi. 's1 aassls1;:; Ca N- osaeofommnslaughed out ofth eoéd ithe' sweat of hisa vb5r Opr..Iat au lt ue hOakiffu'ilfort*j*olinsw«itMo d'1i k4 terda>' lis the other felîow's tjbihorta pros a itod.d In reeeni iInterviews with a Times r-. Dtalthough it did flot carry l com- th ti. onits-y enough fia porter. Henry D. Lloyd andl P. W. Ad. manded retpetful consideration snd j» UoI&Oi ithe business 0f the &m, ex pi'e"ted noeu.rmsall iewsq. V"ýurââtdiseussed IL lengtb. ni kIt aouttlieh, sud aiikes garding the coul minei-tastrike, wbch; 6As mines are operateti now w. are et cill lb. appreciated by ocar i-adets. tl he rcy of the foole on both ade- Iit ife-blood of business. froat the fait that bath tes. iutie-! es 01 icaialandgfons'ofgve rliTe- elatitulMd businss menhave au intimate acquaintasaceew crs gv14e Te nt moreadevervt! ngWlth every detail of the situation, en- ' PlOYer crowd is adivantage, - jabling tho. te speak mitviediy onthe' the aaanmert-ium ntinct la nover satis- ataljeet: lied. The wiorkin.-muau ieeks lis per- t. a'speai thetx nc tt fsiied of passage Inthe dut"si I.Lod Imc n aia n ao mu.No wild cat currency îwoi h areen echda C.tret. aical in eiaberdes. ILTbey ~ oethan a brie( re-apito fronm trouble t coie Ctofetiier. Teel in theikind of monev amort oÏre.t roataimol. or as -arke aud other industrie.t PM , il oomman every "~~î ~ ~~Ouron ly hope a ha the gi-est tui-a sy, tiaiavii av eba aalday remimbles that of France for th .Party will interi-cue; that the govoru- 1*,."er prierorteuthe reoui n ent wi 1 take th. e ai mines sud eb3eqm the.American Rail w&Y * t 'crinir thorevalutio. foperate ihean; puy living avges te tic, kt é IM onvention, indor-aad the Tho troubles i ieaiigdistricts mnt, uisaiieouptatc.U kbr*addeclared unanllnouai cetteare smivtserauro & ht pr-, "hatlwhat in catied sociaia.l ý cati oe teaor. r«Thse agreement of! it not? i ~t govrnanet awnrship ! ~ oeratos ud the repre'aeutatives .a ~dn aewa Ll ala.I IMSb laborlnqamen ad"re '- f the mnejas May cieste a 1111, but as 1dntcr htI nclu.I £» rn la D i eceaaary for 1 - c vWlie, but teusjv)rry. aeurt% pence: h maniaa settiemento ~Iarnieetion."'rir intettectuai plane hanflot ne îow i e anninlt troublies. ',h. preast coa- ~b,* l hi existence is a asYou GMaYimagine. Minoraare a u- Tise aalin iyaui of stiem.Irentrford 1110teWegutltitt lie bet- pei0r clam meatalîr. lu saylug iithLi"h uywy fstlm Irefl popote have ihes., prom- 1iknaw ir goagaînit the general opinio ýmin. ecr> t,- Iiialt-stetos) -lurtter sa.0[a n*- MW replaned by gosernment le- but mY viocs aire the re'.lt of personal mini an o eri-orizeï t:ackwine- êles. made recelvable for- eus- Ivsiainsau ie'main ltsdTretenlatkma d tszna? Ineyer couialrecan- is tander ground snd alone much of ted aVe' !tietlai ' hil a 4* my ide" of rlght tb favor liane: tiere is uotling ita diit-atba18 -' ataiunitier - ,to se r j'uUi Il cadet whieh men coulai get attention; is labor j', purely mechan- foil or for the ia'- t bcipa Ms viat iliey owe.-'Star soid lcal. andalhe has ime te think: silence other indluatria,-la ta forax' a fair rate a nalsolitude are conducie tetore flection iiof aisage.Itkfre atte o! ita- imitpenet democrat k s pop- nuit develop the powers in that behalf. iuta uia-aar iitts Ita Ilqunder taIse* colora, who as iThi. minera as a clasa have encllotA iihq suailiasbeen footing the peo- clear minci». They are whaii 'aat, bren sotaglit t4) slaaagiaiir soaenaauars lmo * lis btes te Rive up fooiing Whitman desctribeai as tise patwermuî ia raer 1 ta-ri-arize otaIler,, but tisa: Me liolleves &Il that populihse aîaaanperona'nIl v.)tsetle lle ater pdr e*,4 wants te let bumeif As oýp iztion, îîwmîilin ut, ii . 'et : . N')cae-'t %vI ta- er tae ther woris. lie lai a sort do mu, tfor titea. n.l Engianai their caîlea th it va- sinue tLaMe a<. Thy r go mn union in one of the strongest ten fIerqhà gieter inite,-eit ina-olv. O~,but aili not do ta tie te ableil thean te wlu Liieir trikeiere here tilanthat o01îauee.,auninia 413.-U1aon (City (Tenu.) R Ij tea. u '.ac.Lvitji ý nerma. lTise peace af the people- ia iu ~i~uiÎi~iagr ian~îg~uî-I ~Vng atel :ay upou which Lhey paeso lt otty unteMsilkeai 0fth# dei- cotulId support Liseur fatuilien: or, as it la 1"Antier point Îw thia eau nection 1 ès ori lae dfiulisl iepres.sedaunal le!raaaded anal in a serv- iMpoilt"Icprostîtutes. a h aiainaegfle hni nlnigcondition, anake protesi Iv way 'of parties, than the leader- as the presonce of the varions national- antrsa b -aa lih »Otwo élt part_ iethe f j»-aitii..andtise differeut langageai spoken: te offer but te senal ont armiel troopat ô. ne gloties lu the ine ocicôipicate the situation. î.agis theiaemin,n la in a retrog-tade rto juLf ' 1 U !g er q 11utq ho nuiver)tia nlf suai barberoc;%eldl i- n. The atate- waua pinipIb 1, n7- Qes Je p nci ~r Both aie like John a-sa pi clp iiirin;îalrE l -Ir oae mand-uwerte p< iye ta bu ,a ' rttentn.eýkerels--hlne and ..-rsttdS l'A iy uiuer'a of onesei thi .itdsonna ie ihn ~lk sahane - iu irpl mgaliltittha,c ô ofaather anUkl ection ,trit sudToersates gvnt-1Vki.aminut a: takesd, ofd the ne. Tisettate of oine nethlif uece-aaîtaes as aue set o! j ar , ration the en W é.u d oflquéer atather set labor trôt'a- the ws eari t adial 0w TO SEeTTLÈ 1T. - le:cs aili nea'er hlie ttle.i by traates; rtiht of bullàli'ut dalnti he Poate t unin. i- pllays'evialenL t. i.tisu t pi¶-5 aa iertih te life niui o! s Kasadcu n I ins.aalaI. h-a'iaaiilis t1 proportion af thea-population- thrte o tw. ot Mi« ad con nal1.ere th u lt tha-ra-are 2-%000 miners iu this ti' at, aÀe.d Tbdl OpWh wiuith their !amilv a-aaeh i50~ l *"body l:eiieve that with g-ov- bas been saive-I mineamaner. As 1 said betaire. Wvlen,4ishese Rtw orship of the mines there Frol; haw iànîreafîteir work mnr have ha-en oppresseai untal thou".tik t-a h a strike of 180,000 Min- hiave Utan paricuiurly sailject to " tise owlters avant the militaýire i ptry1 ani tbilt IrOI p ression. t'i--îaanoues lhae mad tie h te state te flina 5-c fMmbinlooly riais t<e p-tble tV> wrt ib anailIgimalefor nîss-j1 il xËfsla i nne sastes asudiIes l tc saitrict tiacteis noiwsac petho anlUo1aaryigta5 whoesspe5lU~hier Th, oic la not aIiltiUamenace o êiïeu~ila1tt-and ui f ther.- ware j rea!tt il. , .-la*i > .iaS]oe- loiiétiôn <lue tOe kate Owir- the aineria-- oti l., Othéia-vbai-i. 1PnI te CS)e'-îthit à . - th iýâ liOpoticiTesý Doe- not A inu aît'ha, ,rke~ ina II CY -lîîfl tlt. g raîtîtI- X" iwth ttif the giesttti-ite iylni7uaaaaîk. or ilua a lif atIotaL ru ,iô 1 g-ti.l nothin101f1,y au onti ,5Wé 'tee armeal foi-cs = ,-." heeinn t itiou for as ew yers, iItil a)C ein o t.lè tttI~d.Lt awr u W fi breakiug ont &gain t-moi-- nrot lo' aaii h il,. ii- rain- th Ï 'vàltbîa'% beating, brutaliziug. ~maaioaritl wotd et er ou last aiten tns atlîy theite 0«$,owobeobip woul settleat ite *Ainu. The Île ak u a.ser i n 6ol, avoivcat forever. ruprarn iai)atier wair u l * "VOM doaorus-etr<lisd carnicorpratIns su coa wags p~ii miera ill nî ý 7ýk4bufoti coal. Oui- forefather'a loi W,ý MI orpratins ud O&l age p4d laties wll nt KÏ%tlu Ife -tly ihappy sud pro-.peroa-a ives 4mleisetî'oen vii i sasiv-<i edtwt iaatnw a-ttout coal or siean engiues. %Va. sli.neintatta- aine th a -*7heftatistatt f lilinois l'olkat coutid do tise saine. But Lier. laince *0 'Miuëtral. am 8tlîeae ma-n haIve licou 'darvelIsan gel. hing we cannai do, that l1a get alonuZ Iiapoe aud asftd i i oîg stae. Prof. P%al-ct t,l tim is, tf ree mou. 'chat la marally loye a" l&mied 4mi-o! the ('IiicAtagainlve-i-aîy, SAabî9)n3 or sud oconomirally Impossible. If MIn- i wi ef p l ie auide.fts: umetaa le-eaet auarsa-aiare slaves &Il aLlier industrie% wiiI Vz lwngwl o ud: political economista. eeuntly cam tri- oap.TefedmtaiIsnc- 111018te lias pa'ase*d a blt fixing butediasu article La Lthe Onul'i C. [le oospte. th xiteneo o heNaltecei .naeof raiisvsy postal clet-ks. Sis froua reporats ut Springfieldl tisat -fam the eiSca ite o b s th = b1entat h.y %allItlho dividea thse average pay atf tniaîer'a-ieals o!f 1 uae prasalonLi the bagel isieftat Wmaeu lasses. Ti. satarios for familie-îuIllinotis lm atSper neeki. ware sois ca-g, o! ha iesthîr a- glistl not exoeod tise follaw- uî l ib his Lt ias bronigît on tha- nd ocnIilichagle, sucis s chue s'- au81,000; tirt l. il.lO: ru adbrouarl it in lu siu-h bitter lnq o! 'hisiLanity7"-2or. Cic-agoa *Ao fuh, 8.50 ai. "'l'h. maaauaitiou o! thse pie-eut ystean - ti, 01.800. Tii. P0%imasbet- 1of aoaiety analtindustry alapa-nal'aon Try lits Ceai "ad& authorizeil eix salaries in this: Ilave we a public opinion su!- Wonder chat aur houa-ar!oe<laliia' i lss, acoording te the icîoutly powerfal ~te settie ibis queéà- ien wouid bave te do If uthe Ne-av Za'- or.Provision I lsm= tiSaeLin hetween the mines-an sd mine onu land syntean o! taxation was adtaptaai. rierkn- of! dat- neveu 1anor' hi aausL emanate f ram the Midle There Lie lai-g-etthe amount tif lainad ja divisions."* qamIs-the clas lyiug In lateriest sud owned by any Individualishe higiser lta- ,-éve-hs nation employa, opinion betaveen Lb. unrestricteal powver rate o! taxation hae bas te pay. la4 tis.i- - s.t* giest nining lu- o! privite pi-operty on te one issal muci kckîit by tliad owaial-4! * national deug-ht and anal Lb. mineracmthLie other. Tisey don't have te kick riy isaral. for çýl pointa te iL as it aines -At tise anti-trust conv'ention ha-Id a the momoent-they say their praîpertY li oo-wlLh prid.. fear moutha sf0 1 lntra-luva'ais atu- vatued ton, higi the goverument tinals -*w*e Ip of iailrad la tiatitpioviding that thme statoeandanau- reaaly te take Lt offthtial hands ut tisa lu national oaana-- tiouin h#.mhe ceutrol of! cial mines un- appralsecial ice. Tie purpoelaixils.- te lieb operateal aon tie der the laiv ai! national doittain sud ns- courage large holding-a and pa'event ia tionalize tisam. Tiie reaolution aras monopoly of Lbheilaad, and It le belnit - ikmtest by a vote o>! 30 for ta 41 agaiuat I. snooarnliy accomplicald-Star saita *.tv.rd i al paita of i1avasuprepareal foi-sncb a vote. Tise Kam' n. NtauomaPri-ha gvernozoi'o! tiese tates huit seleeteal The princîpte of ti an$glo tax ap- lie f-rgte dorera the delMgstes tu tisa-'conve-ntonutairau- pied t oso.llands wcoulais »" aika- .nd transaporta- dom-4iere bil beeu no ccauaing. no SU»a.teiseanlnideataryitheitany dusonewtansd yot u.srly oue.hsl* lIn "emtx«tdomaid" - feolluiem a.Au au- wgt IWO thit wa 01o eamumfayomt i.rsoiu±lon. **a tax e-utal i$40 s. .amatinle for i>ll ipFsBaat v Fiv' ll- laa i i ways te beat. tG. H. '-i 1e,;j r& 'ý b, ts. Buve 6soMcuia.g lbývie about. 2ad Write joJatia, ao pour s; cross your t'a; poaint scucivt-eý: boglu wlLb cap. ltals. 3rtl, Write shiort; wth ie point %toî> wheu Yotu have cloue. 4th, Write on oniy on" Fildeofo!the iêafr. ftl Rend ft oaauraa sd c),raet it autil you get .i lidtha ,ao space BELVIDERE,IL. LIGIIT.. Paint your Buggy for six bite. Best Buggy Paint Made..inn&~ Lt-kovel'ls Drug Store, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. aufflsal o2by 1% H. B. EGER, Libertyville, 111. A COMPLETE STOCK Lime, Drain Tile, Farm Wagons, Buggies. Agriculturail Irp!ements. Etc. Wc have a new Stock of the Farnous Weber Wagops -And the Bloor.Ington- Harber BroB. Bugis % Carrnages. Wright & Sont, U-eare always readv to suppiy ypur 'oints i our hn. Libeortyvie. ls Evia, priv;,te citizen ahould 1.4 bla naine asdd ÀPem prlnied On th* paper and eav'#l4ae aviicis he uses, » t I savea mauny mlatakes; and If ho geLas a reasonabie number prinied. hn cm g-et paper, prlntiug and aH Ibo is Lix, Coum rr Ixnmmil? U.. L!bertyvîlle, as choap as ho tona bu) tise baak ppern. .!.DiAN . RUNNING F lIN ,f.' Imm.. Ply Wieei lx e Maoe la 80-11etmso Bow v" 1au4 aCE-Idy suts es. wum wt MW liittîtu a aivetwsg.- flaen.e.... - essaiï oa stant odveruioin brou.s 99l 1 own.-A. T. Stemna...- - aessj épen & liseo fl seor wmin'es Astai.. -.. Ho0W Ma th. wod uw a B a «Cod thlnt nu Mma of iP-Voniewiî....- yXseVdeI 5 'olil -e wio advertue. Yen iasyelem by bL-Frnmkllu. BINDERSI MOWERS. H-EADERS. 00. - »- THE LIOIIT'RUNNINO PLANO BINDER, cý# N mw"bm Ww IT tifOVItRWUELINWOADVANTAG"« e imaie Or TS A>OVSVI WKELLEADIS ALL COflPETITORS. pLr. Pinano wr la rue e o. ahtier grau éi yetewt MIsé,. aler os cin. larth*e unid P tm1ieu sfb ' t. ruelihus-Ee 5, ét er Dinden Wealdmite the MP ianmser ta rematin lu nmmes h.ttMk7a emns- "d . atLgiler sud btter bonumibunde&0 ho e ade lt la posible hate veIiti &Dy other findur A der. auDo extra Pull On the ltru 84Miimoment lthe bundîs sleboum. uFe i, ta è..ýd, blud aud dWeiaMe a bund le ahi- lb. herses stop. ______ r =i îsl h l. g_ _ _le à Nola undeonbevy -tra-tiou englues Thisproves fia trength. fheo oi iwe avaihefrmrwae IEXIE PLANO MFO. Co., Manufacturers, West Pullman,- Chicago, Ili. FOR SALE AND ON EXBXNWON &Y' 0

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