CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Jul 1894, p. 5

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7»« 1etExtr;cted wthout Pain. %.ALL WORK WARRNMTEU.%- F.C.KNIGHT, M.D. Physiclar j'PSurgeor), Office Over Drug Store. Uw:1PROU 1 TO04 P. M. L~ErgeUI ooe. Ils. Dr. Charies Galloway, Office In Lovel'e Drug Store. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR, office ever Triage &£ Tayio»e Smore HFOUES: s b loteM. 21o4 p. Met S p . HOME: At J.E. TR1005'. LIMTYV IL.LE, - ILLINOIS. DR. E. H. SMITH, =3-- Te8T. office over Lovels Drug Store. I.Ibertyville. - Illinois. P.J.BOIÉM N' TONSORIAL PARLOR ln weIliequIpped aîit. Tlonimol %%'d Arti'ts te ltandk them:. Wigen )nu wai a 'Ni»e taoob Shu:r. n itlioialle [fuir Clt or Stbqrn1o, ,tlwa>'l Conte tothie LIBETYViEBARBIER 81,1p. Jjj* 1 F F ks B uggies. riages. PRIDAY. JULY 6, 1894. Church and Soctety Direoto;ry. NM1tTODl8T-J. B.. MoGuSO, Palor. Ber V1es enerai clie. 10eILem.; Prece Mn Utia.w;88.12 m. *. pwomth LeaWue atU F.~. rahn.~Up n rejerMc>t, tng.~~~~~u 7,dwd>e:nn :30. PltB8nrTEIAN -J.. F. cl. Paater. Srie;Preuching 10:39a.-m woaa'.;m pZ Bn.B...12 ..: Y. P. à. (c. B.. 5:1 P. em. Pner Meting, Wednesday eventng ;:15. UVERSAIST-Dr.J. 8 Cantwell.Cbtc- go. Pssar. servie.: itlrat undayewb mont1. 8. B., 12 n.,. ec B unday. L ~ IMENo. 492 F. A. M. Megulr Comunlstlon fus «ls O ak- urdaya -et ascii onth. Viluit. breUiren cor- dlally weleomed. j. a. Leu, W. M. 0. m. Cmnem0ii. B. O. tYr I 1. B. Ray would lîke a few cueto- Mers for Jersey Mill(. 35w2 Piano for sale at a bargala. M. B. Colby & Co. Seeond han:] surrey for sale cheap. canoî:y top, side curt&în8, j ump seat. M. B. Colby & Co. 8t.aver & Abhott carniages and buggies ila ten différent styles at. 0. H. Schanck & Sons. Letssons iu Artîstie Wood Carvlng, Modeling, Deslgnln)g, Drawlng and 011 Paluting b.y Prof. H. Hlsch, Llh- rety vil1le. For bMacinoe (1,g:t., F. Ji. Lmvaîl, the Libertyville l>riggi4t, who aise i*lls S.:gwa' and 511 the Kickapoob l,îcha,î rtmedies. Ilig Jttt Miiiw5eota liard win- ter wheiat and Diamnond Pat.ent Dakota wwhpat are two standard] grades -' fine paient flour sold by Triggs& 'laylor. Try asack. Wv hbave a large sjtockof Graniite- and BItte aî::l White Têa Kettles iit the followtng low prices: Ni. 7, e '.5:; No. M, iit81.10; Large 81ze, No. t et $1 25. G. H. Sclîuuvk & bons3. ____________Tupnauts and Frhqlti% - rre the om:lv Hlavint"hd imuai tei4enta it A uetti't-.r da% I;oth whih we .oper. our ibu house'. 11 al ut Bmnetué" 1 Iam PpeePu.ite oIf 3you wislî a sui)y of iee, 1ba4ve Îj&&InA £5lb arn part of Lake xi:d ijo insi emâtim ut very Low Rat«. your ortiers ln timne go we eau deli\'er S5tSFaCTION .UAflAUtbO. *IVE *8CmAL . early ln tîhemorming. We don't cat.'r ____________________________ to m~ail order4, for the wait- exeeeds 1M T i&~the jirelit. Tuwos & Aiot la the Plure to fuy- i . H Scnock *fi1l I* ut Maver& sAn4 =d Z>ZCM A=b ,ts.3m3 WNilabah, AVP, 3 rd floor, .Zdaeen Chldont M TZN ,r s froM Il tD 12 o'elock sand Ladis an ChidreB MTTEN, ailmalte veI ly .e riees to cils- fui Jug ZfIKI ~f~flfl1J.f y~tooersfre La,- o.,who wis4h FancyWorkMatelW6 -ledct crriages o(irl:ggie~, frorm a STAMPED LINFNS. iI:is-rh fr heh'elkET and LBliéee W.ekscar, Ruchlnlg, Ittc. r w-e:e .ekly, ail teil. mewa froni ~MITH £ SWIFT.,r sutui in11gtcounitry. Advertlae ____________________________in the IpraPrNIF,rjc a nd let pepple _______________ -km:w vou: are alive and wl:at you are Chas. Keiser. dLîg. is the hast local ibaîwr and advertiing mediumm in Lake Co0. ~a BEALE n... IOLD )apers JUat the thlng forpic 06vbse. eFUrnlshlnfg e Coodein1g o- the pantry ehelves, laying Itou@ul. ULNIUTa. wrNws. under carpeta or for doing up pack- ?51UNK ANO ALISie ,.ge, for sale cheap at the office of LAd aIl gooda usually kelît li a first- thie LA". Couwrn LçD"mi'EDT, five l«as Harnsessa 8h01:. cents per dozen, 15 cents for 50, )r !%)0 for 26 cnt-4. thitlclâ Bullding Lots For Sale. **âlln. U£~I BWWUicky Do Inluthe C. F. Wnmgl.t addition te L1B*Elm I.LLINOIS Libertyville. Inquire of F. P. l)vm::nd Lake Gountj Bank Wright, r-ti4hurst & Co. Liltf*-tYVILLE. ILL. r.- lounae.... y» Jalng brus m rikoa- mU Win »eV« laem Hay Rakes and i4ay Loaders.1 Deere Loader, Keystone Leader and' D. S. %Morgaît 1Loader, Bradley one and two herse Itakes, sud D. Mergan's new jiakes, for sale l'y O. H. S*hant-k & Semis, 1,11a-rtývviile. i On@ end One Third Fare. la ibè I nterest-Bearing Cer- Th'Ae C. 'M. & St. Il. RY., Wiii -cii tftOW s Payable on Demnand. retimd-trilb ticket., ut oeeasd onte titird tareo emuliefoilowing ocsion-s Menons Lake Assetbliy Jaîl'y 2.3 te 140w is Your Chance S. ogV.tsiiii.tmtiutiEîcarnîmment ai TO BUY Davenl:eît, la Aug. lm-Di. s HO S CH API Norîliwestersissiigei-fest,Juil> 12-15. 1 loi Baby Sboes ai 25c1s. J. P. WILLIAMS, WoI-th ~ The Wall Known and d à d a 49t iliperlenced Well Digger, Si. )ERS. 0 wwy *M i pm.à s- Woth SI75< Worth $L35I Ladies' TYan Shogs al$1.15, Worthi $2.25 ~gal a a$1.50, Worth $2.i4t à few pbeoes of HaÉ WOOt Ghalliî8 a1 12C18. Worth 26! The above are not old goods, but new, just rectived. LIWYVIL LE. Weddcing Carda. For Weddlng etatbenery ef thse liem Vualtyandworkmanship always cone 10 th$e IIbEPKNDE2T Prlnting Office. 'Wa 6ballenge competîtien lu fancya *Q plain prlntlng. We can fur- &Ml aayhlng engraved work a on 84 aeow termaane can b sub i e, Own outit The "«WHEEL 0F FORTUNE," Now, If t-ou ar tbiunmg of hsving a vweilidus, or an old ene repsired. I1sam qut. sure I1eoa pieuse You. If you ]et me dluit p nooui for lta s le t aitura u tg) Moselle. My Prices Are: For wesel& bout fou, fel lu.diarneter. Iret 2L toet 75c. ncxt 10 fuel Si1 M net Io rfel 581.50, oeil E20 feel 112.011, Dcxi 15 fue 8101, par face. For welis etz fret la diamutre m-t 29 ftet 81-15, etc. etc, for sell eiegitt fe t-rose 82.00 per font Pas-tic. having soi-k doue mutftrliro board for heip). brick for wel aud timber for eurubteg, If Deeded: Oely o ob etes ithin (ele O f iote..lim1 iili board Myseit and itelp; liku- lae 1 sili make ls discount of of 5500 oni etery Iome job (bat I c»ao 213 tfel or ever silimout curbingwork Ioebhadoe .ls 9guod workmanitke nmnnerSued bu safe te go dos a euay lime. 1 preter liaiif ta oster cannot luspect My work. liai ha Send sama" of common-sensa te go dovu sudsue lttaimntdoing &Ili usicao bu donc. and tai t iu but, uy repulattou und gailsfy hum. 1 have dug mmnd repaired *2151 scia go furlut la&kuCo., sud utcf lijt ieswtiu eue mite ol homme=&MUas-cnesss, ud i ruaty tltlnk lte, wure ail tiankfui tom-te &mail san m ilit il cost teêt for MY imue. 1 eau gî-ete lUmie@ Of everY OnueI1ibave dunesa job for slitmte A tg. 20, 184. and I anm Vlad 1Ibave guiterdit et amosi uvury one, éepeclaIjy nigitl aihome, ter irylns My et to iaavatem pleul, of et aer. Any Onu wssling tu ie ba w lsodug eaoum-tfer te time above. I do ni tbave 99 pri;es for lte mmeied di. Atenticongiven telou-loder, Caion or edtim-esa J. .WILUJAMBI BR 14. - iotial& eIt le! BEST, solene 'OVE! . 1 y - @ Is JVopey EajTp There is no surer way of saving mopýey by buying of M. B. COLBY & e. at the foIlowing Bargain Prices: I'e.determlaatimo f thse people te Do longer wat upon a hnmbut govers- ment to grant relief la shown in the moTement et the Fairhope celenlate. ef Oskalooea, lai., U. R. (lemens, presil dent. They propose colonlzlng in the south and upon a baalaof set-bp issue to the mem bere upon a caah paymeat tu îthe celony company. This la a move in the rlght direction, a co.operative colony in distribution, but emulative In production; thus elîminating the dronea andI giving the real workersaa chance. The prasent social order le eofentiallydroniastlc, and unfortanately many colonies heretofere hava been een- tabllshed on the pincipile that tha droe muât likewlse be cared for and Kupported upon an altruistie proposi- tien. But May we Dlot devise a system of asaociation whercuu the actuel pro- ducers would always be beneftted and the drenes alwayb tarved? That ln the only perfect social order. A ny communistie oolony muat be of extra seleeted materlal or the dead beats il land a aoft berth. And hu- mnunature in eo ccnstituted that wOrthle"s people with a pull may fiud their way into ancb colonies wth eans. But upon a scrlp Issue plan euch oue la dependent UPOn hîs own exertions; and who eau ay that with free archange It would be impossible or unlikely that proserity wold be thse normal aiud1 fielf-exlstlng condition. But scrip IW ues may be prehibited by law,.and. be- sidesq, many reformer» besitate when1 cash payments are denîan:ied as the tirst rt.ep lu coloniz3tlon. Therefore.1 ywhy not adopt a elegrnig hon.e f.<q- tem: 1i-sialng blank notes te ttue (to lel valne of 51011per month upon a tru1 decil ef 8200. with re-luue moutllyof another senies of blankh. the blanks te be merely prt)mue.ory note4 when slgned andl opon in.lor-.emer t t-)Ie tnrned iuto the tlearjng h:n.e a, bHIbneý, are now. matde and molle Y (ecoii,,iuize-d LYte rt-gttar clearings. 'Ihis.. aivtçm - It'î ) l.v çoulftlp>-,hi,it no:w uer hereafter ani Ônie whleh rlaià monev et env 4nm$-rts ,not even the offIciaI., Wgaf ha ndie tone cent o:f the peoplcg ~mone'. Fe..ieuI. il may be ebtabli shed Env- w.h:-re when t!i:~ proper adju..tment ot worker.,of ifferent pursuits habaieen1 Maq.. A couhty in whiclu only one- hal' of the people (ant d Wlvepsk- raietl euld te inunced imb bbc organ- ization woutl maure succes& Ih lx net neceary te Msaifice farets or businssa proerty t e aouregSaelna ad<istant land: but al May co-operate at ne 'rîthont settiinit in a. compact body. Thç clesring bouse weould bc sitnated in the.hbuinessa enter oif the connty or coontie'.. alaS that I., ail there i. about it. 'v 00e furnishing a trust deed or bond would bc f ree to assVcïate. andi if he le, lazy Boil improvident. ha would have only himacîlf to blame. for lIfhi. had re- tnsed te attendt tahie crops iu season. or hi% worle in shop or store,,ha vould have ne large values toexcchange; but if he had produced $100 of values par nsonth he could eaaily and ccrtaînly exchange thei. -[le that wlll not vork. uither shall ha cal." There need te ne fear tIsat a note 'vill net cîrculate, especilly as eaah member has pledged a property agrelang that it %hall, but it May te well te quote frozu Social Statles, by Het-bert Spencer: "The mouetary arrangements of any coqsmuiuîty are dapendçpt on th " emor- aliyoitiuirZIe. Am ns4g a-peéople sîtogether disjhonett a mercantile transaction Junst te eft'ected in Coin <'r goods. for promises to psy wilb net cir- uijlate when there la ne pnobabiliiî that they will be redeemed.' Then. convemsely, Spencer agrees that nots- willl rult wlu3n tIse s a prttlta. l)ilitN that they 'vili te redeemed. Therefore. as wre expra8tily pr-tvîle for te solvency of each note, w.- lutte the eornnm.:n sente tO ktow ttaittv-v %vili circulate andl that tv il: effe,.t have tbhe te'ti'nonY of eue of the tnt-t pr,,ftound thiuker-- the world ha.. eti-r pri.tncetl in favor ef tbc clearing, lous.e etcang syteu.which we ..y t-rîf the order of emulative-e t-operat.tîiott The hanil writing i.. on lte waii.te ootti er is doomeil. an 1 it cao 'ci -ee- IY he' maintained even dIi govei-nment e..tabaiiit one avery plan andi.prÀ tikatj:tn :f tthe popnlu..t proglrmme. l'lutoe-rae-y vill vel hi. Nviliing an gramme ea. a eotuprmts.e againt t ,ttr volunlarY soiai oruler. Spread thet light! H. J. Wiu Fu-i_ Tha King Me. Amoug ail the monopolies thult are crusbing the many te fatten the fw. the mnopoly of mney la the k; g hee. Scîfishness bas mêler founil an""'tite- instrument equai to the eontro:i f money. Toli gate4 hava long aine been aboiishad on our publiceIigh- vs. but tIse toli-gatherer atiii conîrol. te meana by which archange, are rniate. do evervthing te facilitate anl nothing to hiuder the free exctusnze ut the product of labor. There i>. ne more sense or reaNon lu giving a ftrie men the power te control tbe mitt,-v of tIse nation, or say how mulh tît, people shall have te do busin.-t,%ti t ii, than there would te lu granting gtt-- 15F Our Rusting News Oatherers. Whea Itou go a-vy from hosti, or have frf.ends tioiinq you, or you are poinq te gsve a Party, muâicale or rmoep lion, or wheia pour chuncit Ur societt cenienplates ony preceed4rêg, or Wite yo- -11, buy or change pour regideioe or buffness, o: Yme:r smn or daughter is mar- veed. <e che)à Ymir eighbor gets a new bcbg. i. (t -Ord. if '/ô:: knSr or licar Of «J'Y ie:i f to î te tpublie, bri».Y i, nl i ej,: ttdl te INDEPE14D- yk ti .ihdbîpubjliait i. Hot4 dry and dusty! ('roI)m ?s:ffterng for.Water. Oh, Lord! Send us rM, pIeRzse, Corn aud potatoes wlill bu cwell. if we get rain 8000 Froni Rev. J. B. M»cC.uffin'ls notic*e elsewhere, we jîudge ha must lhaveo w-tîîessed a picole last Sabbath. Milllnierv t'heal>, te close Out Our suimmer geods. We want to lay ln our fuil and winter stock. Smlth & Swift Clarene Mîîirray's wlfe presented hlm wth a--charmlug datighter but the mother is very sick et their s,îàm- mer resort, at Fox Lake. A felIow Who Ross t) ses a pirltwice a week suid tuike8 lier te entertain- menti ces IRull, a egally eng-,ped to ber, aceetrdi1mg lu a recelîa court decisimîn. Edgnr Jonos, age 19yrs, who workF:l In the wire works at Waîîikegun 'ras aecideputlly, drowned whiie iaatliing lu: the vatou tueur the unortar 'rik.., Cita-S. EiSer 1- figt[îing 011 Mo-uîtg! the Jas, Triges luotîsc willeh lie r.. etlv lu:tught, le-fori, LeBeaii and the- Bank lýgJiît the- cri'tioji of their new .'ow 1.4 the Urne teaulaeribe for Clark'i§ Horse Review. The Indepen- dent is local agent for Lake couuty. We will send both papers one year te any address for otily $3, Cash in Advan,-e. The 1:41 PENrtE,,-r 'mil Issue aà:lally durbng the eonlng Lakte County Fair. If you w 'li>an ad vertlementt bsarné:, Yeu hud betttr engage you1r spae âoon. Fir.t voirie, firut serveal; ternis reasona hie. Presbyteriaiu t'iur.-h-;M. Vttlu:g , vice 10:31-subject of Sermon -s&lv A'riel corsets. - - o 1 Hoka and eyes - - 2c Fnmbroidery silk- lc Sullpenders - - cc Fine suspenders - -2;c S*traw hatîs - 5 lîp Overalls - - - 0 lackets - - - 0o 1'ants - $1 up Boy-S' 'Uit.. - I 20to Knce pant.. 2,C te o Mlen's cuits zc-to 11600 Shirts - 2;C11 tOnec alloniu1 - ti l'ail-, 1i I a.nd l i c ftod - - f,- 13C Crackérs - -5- c Kerosetie - l(e, ',,a. 4IC *Compressed ~ti't -2 Coffce -8- l. t> c ,3 cakes ttilet ..oap ! CC 1L'ge size 1776 warýhing pow)%der -loc * Magic Yeast, larg- 5' Shoes for everybody--aI sizes and n Straw hats-fine assortment. Clothing- prices. lng Sotîls" Eveuulmtg-7.30 An eei * l* D ~D T ~ tide serv-ice. Stib)jecI lA Nationu:Ilà Servic!"e" cn8i6uing trniui.-i readigs antI s1nýing. Yoin very ikely did itot tiltil y our favorite magazine ut the regtiastand, r % - tQoclz o~ it this mouth as ail tho8e'e whtuhve beexu P1 cutting rates Lave bacu barred out. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. GL4SS Bumi ou will Iid it as ustal oitth llal>ary table. Cailers a1way s 'el- anid PUTTY, on hand ail the tirne..p> Rave yot seeti %Itaiiomi Crawford's New Unme of~....... novelette, and a Baciielor Muid h3 .Ars. Humison), beguil the jutly Cn to-r%? If iot,,a liv dont yo:i hecome ..~ u tR ci s librury subscriber au: whIjle a'ray utRcN ami lîcur on so, tiiese bultry dal s, 'it gýoand pmdlleuttit reading. Have a few of McLean's Patent Swing 'Tlie tsnaiservices wll L e heid imthe. Rockers on hand. Corne and see themn, fi, M IE.:'iuur-chnettnday. Thecami nI arh meetiig laprope euîough, but It 1Onea tu dii'icuit te keep it front beimîg aSkn Full Une of UndertakingaGoods, alway'-- .Isý l:lcuc. When're wish te'ror8hil 1tGod, w.-(:an blnd uo better place Uusmu hand, Embalming aspecialty. t10 i)] twu ch. rit rle lieuse :of tii'îo m Lord is etîr refuge and strength. j I SAAC HEATIH & SO>NS Misis Alice Davis is entertainiiîg lieu frie-nds, Mrs Mixer aud 3-year-ol soi), Libertyvi lie, - - IlIlinois. alid Miss (.iurusey, both teachuýrs li tlhe Chicago Consenvatory of mîl- 'rite have ceo Libertyvilie as s tiesirabie sud iieaiîlîy summier restîrt- we have puire air, pture 'ratai, îpure food, sud fredont front itrikes, riots; an:d contagionis.i Are you keeping ý ottr.elf î:osted out tue topies of the the tintes? If mit, why not? You wili tiud a sketch bý Steaul oit 'Coieyi8m" by Allithlie Popullet sud an interview wlîh Cen- i)ters the Labor Leader, as well i asii- utumenabie articles front poîtular saud Itrominent men u te progress of the Worid, lu the July Revie'r. Cill ut the liltrar.-asd read up. Et rest Selioeuoman, uig<d 14 ) cars, a hall boy ernpioyed at Lelimatt'e hotaI, Lake Villa. was drowned lu:i Cedar Lake, Wednesday. H1e amni sete etier boys rowed ont 4ite tuet lakte 'hen lie dived overbouirtlantd atternited te swim asîtone. Cerouci- Kîtigth beait ai itqtte8t, sud the jury reiidenud a verdbî-t of accidentai drowmiug. The romains were taketu t:: Cicaego for bhîrial. Samuel Fuller. Bormn li Paradise toewnsipi, Kausius, Oct. 9, 1872, (lied ut te omne of ils paurents '.u Lîbentyvîlie, July 9, 'x4. )ei'eased was a poptular yoîmng mati ini iîertet liesitit but had auddeniy growmî disî:oidenoiuteu accoîunt of ai ninfortîuate love afftaur. The ceroier's jury returued a verdie-ttUnit ha camle te bié death front an overdoese oetmer- lîblue, Laketi with suiidéill irtemt, ahle oîder temî:ory mentl derange- ment. Ve refraint front glvimîg tritr I)atsrîiul&Ïs oethIle sad nfair ont ef respect for kils reationîs and num8reuis fremîds aind charity for thea erring. The fîueral took place fim thte house Wednesday foreunon and tAie romains wee itierd at Iv*nho. J' I S 'e it 'ne ,Sc Call amnd exammnethe new 9. J*CliherTii No Cernent Required, Punctures repair, Five tetTn Minutes. They are on this Machine. Shermain the -Jel Yard %vide sheeting - lrnts -44C Light figuned prints - Sc Canton flannel Sc- Ginghams - - - 6c Ch:ld's, summer vcst - -loc Ladies' Jersey vests - ;c Mcen'- Balhriggan Shirt-s -o5c Men s hnse -5- - Ladies' black hose - loc Mfensq British hose - -18 Silk Mlitts - - 25 te 75c Figured satins and Pongecs 12, 1; antd 2(2 4V. MM" $85

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