CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Jul 1894, p. 3

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~'XeCounty. rs SERMOb SAWDo utl time, edmioas Ccvii fou ato ad lis. ml, is bibis La l Thse bub », loté loa! ettune .m.loe Kas te aui o tise e- âd ota«- stek "il- 0,-ils a1tlm eat île Cas-a b% cou- ting Sts ma: Vend t t PaUl. huai' vas tise etiesi cosatact la nimis- appsePti- Istillatisa sopel&tlca aD" om thea F imatmt- rail duas bib Ltev- ses ver. pint51 on matic aid Nis Hou-s mts te the a' imas. v ,etlnnm mules. me-- FmDida, àmc. buisl NI Commit- imm* ut os- mnsar bibi $buse and Th. Dlouae itere OR it miase E. Tb*are- ntad ta lb. Althougis m u »asad veo.- outl ee l th*b a blla, -<h. lotis- il is. DiW 4 or by tise b'ut f006 considered adry civil iiy th* fira 'Ib. Oow- cadeau ap- The flemme. k maion Nous.ckr. muent and as slaie- attise. The. peut in ln rapc7 l. à Lài ruail liei on tise tadmhis- 0 àllg for tise, rCocotte'. tisa ai- ths offo.d sa 81.000.- ha Resais. r.- A point ,y Mr. Cocis- n order. and Lués painS icy blih by a tSa* remaia- roported Onir Ivo of-on lt tc a ciuber asi- orporation. s. ciiitena ef poi> or loto nt reSoed perat xrs in t plucis-an le comman 'elaled tise nt and cut- r dlamnala L ion ever r, III., atbent >tt -apgillz ompaà vere iur adboug4 cent. ver. rartqago. tise other hein home;s ere vwu W) uilia The - ras &Ui right, T'her bell jw' but 8"~w rithfa=-i'I , La liu» a THE DIVINE DISCUSSES Ab OTHER UNIQUE SUJB>ECT. B. e s isEeel AUl OsPeMi pom Who W. aiff ut aiWho$m W. 5*.qhAbt-th vlIi'.*mai* t, i Saaiss (7eeiaim ]rive vai'srrai Wi.u.s mas aàiag. Roi'. Dr. Tralmage, vho la nov .Australie, on Its ro.und the vorid oui Dîey, hbas elocted as <ho sub*ect fornhb sermanthrougbîthoeproes 'augh<en. the tort hing takeuîtrain Psam cxx v 2, I"Thon vas cur mou<b fiiled vit laughton," mad PéauliIl. 4, "Ho <ha aittotsh i the houvons shah iaug h."I Thinty-lght timon does <ho Bi b mmm. ereferouco tb4s econflgruraionc ' thea bur.. a" quick expu sion( breath vhicb vo eil laughton. Som, tluuI ea l aban»of <ho, aunsbîne au aonwtlmes thse midnlgisI. Sametime 11;tit athelb.aynputbleu of anceis, au oci"Imis he achinnatian oi devhli AIl hslthy I:ocple lai'g b. Whethe It panons thse Lord or diapleaso. Ri tisaI defonds npon vhon vo laugisam at vhus vo baegb. My themo lo-da à» thse leurhtrof- tho Bibie-narnelj Sarah,'a lana-b, or <bat of skepticlan Dauvi sa Iugh, or <bat cf apiltui ultmîloa the fol'.auios, an <bat c sInfui mormont; God's laugis. or <hs 'o! InSulite condemnation; isven' iaugb, on that o! oternal triumph. Scene, an, orientai tout; theo cc plontad Ahbraham and Sarah, per hPis vn l id ad docrepît. Thei trogueula ame throe anges-tb, Lord Almigbly une oh <hem, in ns turm for t<eho hepýthI1t>' aun by th, old poop o God promisesSarah %bateh, Isabîli xme tho anostruor ai < Lýord Jeans Christ. Surah iiughs ii the lace aif Cod. She does net belle v Il. She la affngted at what ah. ha, dlace. She dentlea il. 5h. smym, , Idide't laughII Thon Cod retorted wltî an emphasis <bat sileeced iii disputa thon, "But <hou dîdst laugh!" Mj fionda, <ho luugh o! eiropttclaqm, ina- 1<e, inami>' tho echoof Sarab'ls lauga ter. <Cod umye Ho vîliaccamplisis a tbieg, mnd mon aaY lcananaibeo dne, A great mutitude laugis at tho min 4ado.. They mu> they are contrany t< the lavs of nature. What la a lawvco tiatune? Il la a ol'. va>' afdolng i tilng. Yuu odlnarily cross a river ai one ferry. To-morncv yau change foi -one day and yau go monees anoîber ferry. l'ou maie <ho ule. Rave you Dot the igst Le ohmg oI1? You or dimrilhycornelein bat doraif tb -cuc.Suppose <biat neit Suhhill -vou mbould came le at <heoathen don:? It in a habit youuhave. Rave you ono a ight ta change youm babit? A lus oi nature le God'a habit -Bis va>'co doteigthIngs. If He mîkes <ho Lawv halHonot <ho nlght ta change 1< a' t, any thrne Ho vante ta change IL? Alas for <he fally of <hase v ho laugh at Cd vhon Ho aya, I viii do a <Ing' tbrespadlng, Y ucn't doit' codsays <t ho LBie la t'm-itlà .aI truc. Bisbup Cobenso lxughÉ Hr-i bert i pencer Isnghs; Stuart Mill iugbhs; _,grest Germen univeraitioa daugs; Hami'r laughs-mot'yt A vreat mmny o! tho boarned Intirutions, vitis long nova cf profeumons matod on the fonce betveean Chnlisnlty mad le- 1deity, laugis soî<iy. Tisey amy, ~"We d Idntlui"l«atlt"Tlt1 That vas Saaah's tickt. God <hue- Idera fronthe boavens. "But <bou didai laughl" The garde n of Eden vwuni> -a fiable. There nover vws any are builitor if fivas buit IL vas taa sralb telbave <vu a! every kînd. The pillar o! lire hy nlgbt vas oniy <he o atbomn lighta, <ho tan pazues o ai ton brilliant specien ai geyp<onhe soi parte:bcauso <t1aggwr>' be violec<by a great vwhie from one di- rection. The sun mnd moon djd not uth<emeives ont uf tbe va>' for oS.hua. Jacoba hmadaer vas cany honi- zontal mnS plcturesckue clouda. 'The destroyinz angel smmting <ho firatborn te Egyp& u soely choIera infîntutu hecome epidernie. The gullet uf <ho wbmie, b ypositiveo maunement, vus t40 saa1 to svaiho'o a orophot, the "tory ofI <ho immaculatti conception a .bock toa li deconcy. The lamo, <ho demis, <ho blilS, <holiaht, cureS hy mno b umain surger>'. The reurrec- thon aI Cbrits irionS oeîy i beautîful tanleitu, Christ and Lizarus and Mary -andI Mathi acting Iheir part veil. My frlends. <bore i8 eut adoctnine on lsttment of God's baly vord tIbat bas Dot< heen denSdeS by <heoskopticistu oI the dîy. I taire up Ibis book oi King 'James' trnabtion. I considon i a per- Yect Bible, but bore are okeptlcs 'ho wan< i< torn <o pleces. And nov, 'ith ibisi Bibile my hanS, lot me tur out MI Ibthose portions 'obicb the skepticistu ,of thia day demanda shah be <une out. rWht saholigo lInat.? "Wei,"gamys ,nomeoune lne bo audience, "'take out rll <bat &bout the croation and about <ho final seUtlement of <ho vorld." Avayiz'oGeenosls. "Nov,"msayssomo eue, lftekoout ahi <bat jabout <the pilraculous guidance af <ho childron a! lsrmelinluthe vilderneas."lAva>' goes Exodes. "Nov," ms>sma ne neose le the audience, "<bore ara thlegs In Deutenonomi' and Kînga <bat are ual it te ho nemd." Avu>' go Deuteroeomy and the Klue. ",îov," mavi smre one, "the book 0f Job le a fable Ibît ougisi te coaeou." Avmy gues <ho 'book oi Job. "Nov," ays soma one, 'Zheo uPssaiges le <ho Nov Testa- tuent viichIs mpi>' <ho divinit>' of Jeaus Christoungist ta came out." Ava>'&,o tise Evangohistiq. "Nov," sair some Iono, "tise'buak cf Revela<în-hov prevoilisterouel Il reprent@ a min Witil tho mnon aeden bise100 muana 'vood in@WrIbnRib ran eS aIhu ana ~'f oy e hmoi, o w lgîhaeGod a 1 h and HeRils Hiatils miy SATe roule, 1d veWvo.l Z 9ath" bhalun aeternalbelatitude. Hoesrniled wie.i AssAssiN 5- -N E der the doluuione of II consolatIons, David sang, and hMriam, ciapped the An I.t.p..tI.z m torf of. and wv isg9t die,and we wouid want cymbale, and Hannah maie garments RI-um N- the deluelo f the exalted rosidonco for ber son, and Paul preached. and SLAVER 0F CHICAGO8 MAYOR Apropo of the ýroooSnl unpleasant. of Codl rlght band, which it men- John klndl iodwlhapOcalyptic vision.AY TPNLY. nosla the raiiroad world is the ap-TH. tiens. Oh, what an asiultblng it je and when any man bas an th l PYSTH PdoTY pearance of the sixth staiz;tlcai report te laugh in Coi'sface and hart ishand Goes it welL fils smir o! W hy, it al the Interstai Commerce Commis- Reveiatlonbackat hlm. After awhllo le the l5th of May, the apple orchards 1ion, coverlng the year onding July 30, tbe dy tri i corne vhen they viii Bay in full bloomi It ih mornlng bmreakinz bliii@ows soude Patriok z"es8005 " 89,1. On the abâve date, thora were A Piesat latrn. *-theydd netloiaugh. Thon &Il theonouaîrippling mca; it Io Heaven lat high dega ooEtonIty-fteua.ukabi, Te- 873602 people in the emptoy of the hyercriticismo, ail the caricaturesnoalth eî itng the mer- I naloýus %fi Wght to s., isielàf*. railwaya of thl0 country. The cl- Lii ~ E tonly reviowa viii hoe brought to judg- nevr fulon tus! I1<lisa condamntion la o l Ci.. os tie: menear ar taI i.dsi adi )l ment, and amid the racklng of ovory. for our @in; it la a wasting avay. We Conluctint trmasportation..__il_ In~ thing benoath, andd id the laming May let tho satinaistlaugh at us,and Il Hanhisoa's S(rd.r Okvenge&. Mslnensnc-,of ways a.diltructitrem s .. lj Lesso. fer' J.W 32. r- 0f verything abov, God vi1i thundor, ail Our companlons May laig ai us, Without aivord of Frotest or an ut . .....at36,3" The flilght filtaEgypt h lthe Ls"But thon didl laugll I think theoand we may bc mado the targot for the ni rasistance, Patrick UncIsasifledL .. ........7,62 under conýhderstîon i ibis 1euo. , otfascinati laughter it Christi- merriment of earth mud lhou, but Cordfoe teetrm otI--- subject motter being found ln i nlty 1 ever rememerb wu a min in îorbid <bat we aboutit ever coma e the Prndergi u-1 m teexrma Tt&l ý..... .....' "' il- thNew England. Ho mado the oron f ful8ilimerit of the prophes.v azainst th. penalty 0f the liv Fridsy for th. A portion of the re*»rt relatei to Eyil h cn f* lo G<,d Boom idiculous, and ha laughed rejectora uf the truth, 11 wllii Lugh murder of Cartor R. Harrison. H.ethl arning capîcities of the dividen- hegopel llt h hne cfinhe.. on et aur holy religion until lho came at your calamity 'W"va.hAngedi t 11:48 ocloak, in th. Payig tai s.Upar c,.ut. of the a hoam <oe ponotrate the der lec to die, and thon ho sId, "My file bas But, my frlends, al of us Who reoct count y i In Chlicfl He vake tc total btook pîid 7 ti 8 per cent.; 521 tho fer land uf theo Mie. The cf beau a falr-& lalluro dameatlcmily Christ and the pardon of t.he gospel the saitold vithout support H.per cent. of the t ital 6 te07 the Son of manfnrection it Of -1 have no cbildrnn a falluro soclîly. muat comouander that troenduus ban- shoved no alga af veiknee tilt ecet.;he2prcet I h ota uteet to tho Gentils&. Lié» ftok sId 5 to 6 Der cent.; 5.25 par Joseph vas soylgTeach C~ le- fo amn treate i i hoetreot like a bordaient, Cod vantit us &I i 10 e- moment before the drop feil, vhon cent. orIthe total stock pald 4 to 5 par IlloGa, m Une h nscause 1 knov but one tha ha Heimportunes, andIfie dies for us.hoeoi t heas butcn.iteil2iorniatoedntefto nid adoptai il senhtiment."IlForaiquarter Ho cornes down out of Rosi-en. B i ectHvlt adenv rap.cent. , hoigrogate stocks outatand-famlly to the domain out ho le of i century ho iaughod at Cbri ptsaltho vorld'iiin onoanashouider,lng i fou», hie féot and »u ing.pald na il vldond vhatsaever. But God vas <bore. Angel erna n d ever @Ince Cbistianity bas Ho pruta mil the worid's sorrow on tb. straPPel togfether, bis arme fasteuied The railr.sid capitil June 30, 181.43, by the vmja angol volcorne ~beaulugig thlm. Now, it je a othon aboulder. and thon wlth that 10 his body, and the vhite caLis er was 010,503,W3,410, whlch on i total 0hr.h hmudi lbi ___________cap______________ eago 0fi11,0,4611 miles gîves a capi--lad of the Lord-Thy vatchmaa' avand tehie soodi, but 1 tel vou tbe <ho other Ho tarts up the bill bck of 7lof tthhoie. ayJau mon giante brglryevon lnvented Jerusalem te acive ur salvain.a iecs f84.-wyao aya gptho n itho propamition t a he hoe troai-He puts the palm o!t Hia right foot on tccs,~,5,7,anIces f*, he vtLhmon sing <ogether. nes 0oaur hoiy religion. Tho ean-l aneonirspike, and Ho puts the peinm 10tîng er tnose mofu1n. The e82,ul- ~u'f~oiei onn . ost laugbter evoir tutterii lthe lîugh of Hie loft foot ou another long spiko, ai. 1h db i.ntd oeIî "I o< f the akeptie. and thon vîtti Hie hands spotted vith 29il, on B-.,923,303 more than th e pro- 12 1: s 'a ~ ol Th" ..lUga i v bodB esiuae, îîg vilous yeîr. The Income f rom invoat- Points In the i..... Doeit lsuotear montioned in the -Look. look and [ive! Witb the cnrimotai-ntdU U9thti1.vhi Wanned of Cod in a dreamn." Bintii tmt1 sa a poui of id the son Vil of -My sacrificg i wîîîcaver up the deductions on account of ixed the wl.. mon and Joseph ver. s foi' laughton. or the expression 0f Iaioursaris.Wlth Niy dyinK groin I ciarges and uther items of a siniliar <homenos eniy intimations. eXI u- inful morrnirent. Solornon vas very iii îlvu i orgon.Loi-- *nature wveo$*13l,42).l5 1. The) not ie- ntcub nsc nalac Squick aI a mile. Whee hoe makes a LiveY' But a thousand of you lura on vlab o dvdnaia 11 hm owuddcIv or desfoi4 1n companisan, wvoIl catch it. What'hiyour hmck on <bat, and then il obc e O a8,.i4 ,9i. les. rthe pals-8In od ho r s -hxi. ho a ats O helugte f fllie- e avof invitation turne te i toue divinely The mtnontfrood.e" frum ho pas-u i '1 l.< e the crackllng of thurne unfer a oujînous <bater hs like a aimoon g sa al lkeaomontenemafi vas,8301,4Y1.frie exproess ne fGd" Isrutdl le ot" The klltte savung, a bunch of Ithrough'the tirst chapte, of IProverbe: .- h al 2,-~,)i rmepesthought of 1IL Joseph and Noah w le nambles la put under it, and the "Because i hav-e called aud w frelu Matter, $23,631,349; f rom fi elght udndvn ueao uhaah 16 torcb yârsi ,ped. rau.SInd3,Ii Imser dtvined us b eSChtàa Inplale,<o 1<and thene id a I have s:reti'ed>o n y rhght band .' treAdiponine rep rI Whatetciscareunthe Cris dt al,* 6 puter, and a quick etna: elt t agh i flcu he'ave ot dIsthe flure of <hoe- ailroi1<shta keep ets? The moek, à uosot ? hent il la darken <han it iras bofOrc. none of my roproif.1Ialso irii lî ugbh îeui<ouch vthe cho wtmoailu roae-ad 1ho laone cf <ho muet beat hfit a SFol'. aughter. vour cilanii<y" h. , bat a iaugh eupinohfar ihai nks n iail <he Nov Testament rl ih The mont mîseribie thhng on carth <bat is a deep laugh: a long, noaver-il'TE utamatic couplers. Pîrtially owlng Bore heinlg arned of God, v-thoil 10dlieu.dmanas fun. There tIlyProe beratiug iiugh: an overwhelmîug iot<lm the enumber of railway employes word, hie ai onlly arimssmad depivl Tton mon Ines harrocim: <bey bave al Ikii ded <ote h)ramlAness t a u g h . G o d g ra n t h it c m a i n e r 1 3 m hve re rS n obcnillc e d db o bins c c m olytu , iomu1 esm intsatun icrer-oTheho ea ionButindyoîheurt o Mristthlb.proviouî year; 433 omployes 100< faith, nothing mine. ie hanom. ncl,cacmerofcthe <b1at vou my scd ail yre C lires ooupling cari, and 211 voro Outuf Fgypt have I called m aigls li ar u d n 0 su t g i- ea th un e Hinmio dcolfr-lisions.m n m O nekilo < olis on . n h nd ed m d i < la oc andy pI <b t1ho o r-avame<bore us eut one item Of bapi- over the <bonder of <ho Iaugh >aa ltyîre rah do<oavîshingl9 mta C> neos. Tbey ailil be nand if theY indig"nation. gave wiy. Bis kile trembied ndm onte, 44 are suid <o bave laition from Chrspirit le lwuys comi. have mv hememangidesor cars, 73 wvo o killed h lover- Of bn ,~psc fhaeajcosineleoft. Rave noth- AuEtma li vry me.rned <a mlnk undorbihl. is bneutndsb A o aIlng <o do vith mBn or vamen wvbutelli The othor iu.îlter mentbone<i iii cime in gis s and bo gie convulsive whe acotulfor byachdetsof a-oEplcs teoinomteoese ut ai IImmoral @tories. I have nu confluence the Bible- the on ly one I shai 1spieak II911 btsbse isrivoaBstm ns natures. The numhjr of le- coming. Or eiher le <heIn Christian character or joî i. heavens laughten, on <ho ex- v as breîking. Ris pul e asuboatig jurait employeseoxcedod <he pro- They ire demd vhlch soolguli ir <hein moralîty.So ailmerrlmeutatpes 0nf ctcrnai triumph. Christ ut10ain iute a vasowuon téuortiouî 0of <ho United S ails otng child's lifo." Ivor l spnlngs oof h o etsofote sa li <oHof pdlscal com.- Blehesehe are caricature of a lame foiorona curvod <at epni, orsai hscl ufyrthn3,2 lg<oyung child lires on.1 IL naabldoyo eien Thît mîkes me know positivel thît ,1lintbisneckvpsnumbor iujured je 1892. The mortility In Hama andîelsevhere ln viii hoe met vith <he judgmeutso f ve are nul tospend ur .ysina vnbrueb holii. To <ho eryla bm :nizpaisengors vas 299, a faliing Ott d aettin b cno. Cod othor iponyou, on upon cur -ourur di's n , . out e ~ xpected <o te5svf ilîromnft a-aat<hndeio laameutneu tChit iio dThe h It chldren. lo g n og meter psils.The fior- mo II th rvos er utjasCrit&ies n h ff Twnty ears go Iknew manwho a tic and t:fl notions of biomvon ithe acaffld hy ome puor. Five min- <ho injuro0d just ovortopped imts2's ilmit <bat lbvas mought ta "uonch Il if va a<iual klfu nim<< mime eoplehave would mtmameutea hefore lhe heian bie valk te the hy %2, numherlng 3,2.9.. burinson atrongen <han even. wupârtiuarysklfu n mtaig ierbe.1am gimd te knov tho ghe il lie oesad ho cxpectod <o heur The total number of pasergeraCar-disChstnvr Realb- <hgo ammnofesa o a fol bhoilit alongh i eaven of <ho Bible !s notonîy a placo acoan rorn tlb' Governor. HOe md.e O eil during <hoeuv u<svs~ Nazarene. A klnd ai on tell ar utat ofr the 'env dofect of holy worahip, but of magnificent sp-ech on <ho gahuowa. He bal 51g,t1i2. The omîengen miloîge aNazen vas <ho vord aia n oiîmlt. ntended <o do su, but vas dis- was 14,22lll01.108., and <ho journoy par consacraid son]. It did tm vhln il lmh r ad imckd yan wîit' myyou, "wil the nînging b zaa.nlulaîsn capi ta 24.947 mI.Tho froigh<tonnage inhabitant of Nazareth, buýt i bob'.. Ido Iotia y vsea fdlr-faug h aosoud<e ice !<oRev. Father Barry, vho pleaded wlîl Vwas 45,111%,482. and <ho ton mîloige <oaen fbsio-e ment. ai (od. I ai-ayuo< mte .theoltacondnt l,îîof..etheae 1mrle, teicosIfhifIgýo a as 1aran Beec~oe au? ay yes.; pure imugb<or, bim ta ubmî< <a >in ýltbl ad>t 3,88,1>,U.The veag hmer lng a <ove whose nome îîaeîjii So Ilmerimnt or ofdisiptincheorieg laugbter, boly laughiton' ta malo a scone. Ho accoPted th. af tons in a traie ai 18i nd dtho si toastauggosted the chmracten o It mlithennimenî o! dissipationu1<Pviiiobu1a&Wamglesf con Ithai vhlch starta as, <ho c@unter f wiibc0aj fcn-Mistrations o h net,0avr i-rg mlco o 20 mls ie ratulation. Wben vo moot a vlt bhll to <ho lant, and lhe ncelved Psaner train Mileage vis 35,lr'-Hilnd oiltistvtl. t ha drlnking restaurant or frurn thoefrind vho bas uddeniy coae aoufor- ti mirtso h ibtcCunh 7,a fug1tanmlao50,1, svt emn cvt vineusain <ho home circlo, tetu< rwoho ' oernoedie TqI7 ,-%f gtrimlae58 swt emn os nudli1<neorvh asga ae mrn dr a mt=mhfn oaope u5 _________one, thougbt voli-lodgel almpen, th. mininglosoke, alcknoss, do vflont shako bande, do vsithe atl nm h npeated <hoemIa! oxymolrnltha~ t ntbng hic rn Adwhnveotment thehIlseaf ton mad-that 'T COSTS A ROUND SUM. Wbahbottr thuughttanb lb.matnnala bbnîm, te laitna Ifilvle ni- tho leamn-tho grâce f0 Od o yu sofmtheabout no fhinaie< ovnad80orfhed brh illM.Harrison becaume ho baid ipiof the Mui ta e<he mi.., orable ta make ail grîce abcnnd yo smaims eclnth fshonbl t Ravn ndos Or rind terta do sa and <bat there vas no malco Illinis W« 065.000 * n.I. yuuldi Paut. But suppose, ciubroom an the exquizite parlor it12 soms uf <hem baving Coae u ofinftle b.mot.This vas practicaily bis <bsce h tt lIlnîsa budh o duepce nalcice t nlgh<. ire <ho cnckuing of great tribulation, vhy, ve vili si>' <o dylng declanition. wThe executlon w3 vassotteSaeofIlni nabudlezwan n e e one f t em, thelut i e1 sa vot m ntse " e o! h moe II of hem "<o hst irn I a.,00accomlshd bwtout accident. Wîth- onormous sumi 0f money tu proteet <hoe ot?~egv< uegie ti mdmunimin er othSo. uhtryou b.d beeu muEering for six WO5l be iue le rnegs eiproiuor<y of t.-,o nailva,'compainios and mmes. fid, se<an no o ublagtnmlee i d covorn oe Aurider loysintermitte fev-er, or <o bis oeil holie u winging ait<he o naa ta eaune <he maie transition of maillhie contlegency, <ho Lord 1 thn as being i hoBible ie the Iugh vre lim Ing ih reunitimm, and sirpoatessm.1 iienge mslelht trin. he masare rc l s moenTh eîtla ghon<bt wsa rcunmuonnvii mvOwYo fr ouyar ctiensodinsar îal oiyvh non Hoabaui ll <islulhuris r0f God'mcondamnation. ,'Ho <bat dit-. y00 vene fil 0f complainte vhen v Sawo t *~duty, but it suehhVines <bey are more the ounthl>'ie of Jeas. 2tetb l e <hlbionsshal iau h." aw yoi hbot. 1 coeg,-atulate 300 ou The crime for wih bPatrick Etgen; expansiverctnan the rogubans. Your <n o ho mairabus plctured liAgile, "tho Lord yl liaubat hilm." <is enl recorery Prendergaist va> exccuted vi, One thrnodrgulmr in the nanks fh§paid bl alyo h a ontEy 3 "Rin, v iii augh at bis claul We shah laugh. ý-es, vo shall con- <he mll cuid hiooded and uuproroked at <ho ratl of $13 a moeth <hoeyear adpuigai i dltml sîh uchbeo vato iii God gnutulate al <home who have corne oui murders lever commrittedl. On Satur- round. Youn pnivate lne <h imlîta a. D<oshedaafun iI -greet eiery kind o!greatsilu md wic.k of great filumciai omhirrassmeuts lu day, Oct. '-8, 18915,Carter IL Harrison, duning troubiesome limes get.s $2 fnom grisât, open mmc<uanles or aid YM todeesa. But mon buiid up vilIainies <bIs vorld bucause Ibo have becomo thon Malyor of Chicago, mtended <he <ho State fir oach day hi la on Ihl Mary le stt<ig and nursing theaSil! rhlgbor n d highen. GCod mue amost Mli ie nlu Houen. e shah closlng of <ho gnou Worid's ColuinhianIfid. tChrist, at <ho teiselime icokirlg pity God, bucau ie hole s cemcii augh. 1< shail bc a laugh of reasso Exposition, and iu hi, capi yam The iStatelhait a total of 3,CIOj Mou vl<b a strne, vondernlgight Il '~ aZainst hy men. Suddenly a pin dopa clati on. I<la just as naturai for ius <o Mayor delivered one of the addresses of îi0er ammi, tu colunand irbomtu<bre oye, at <ho goddesa le atone haRdIl ot of <ho machieery o! vickednesa, or laug h iren vo meet a finîd ie have <ho day. The Mayor, irod aud womn iroro about 35) io vr.. These o'tcers ber fab'ed suneranrms. Even Il ia secret i8 roveuied, ani the foundation not acen for ton yemnsas auythingih out by <ho performance of bis many are pahd at regular alrmy1ate , rang- in the rude Cushite figures she cteh 5 eguls o rock. Finaiiy <hoe'obole possible <o bc naturai. When ire iuet otjl duties, returucd <o hi-i home ons ing f rom $il,51Oo a 3ear ion <he Briga faint sonlecit mes'iaem and plciid thing bogies <rok. What s <lieouer fnii from vhom ire have lecu Ashland avenue ait au eariy hour ils dien Genorai comnianding, tu Si,L<X, a o s coming Deitier sucb as k.ophe rnatter? I viii teil you 'ohat <ho mat- partea ton on t'oonty or <hrty years ' <hoereningf. Pendorgas< flr,,t îisited 3ear for <ho Second Lieutenants. The heant a neig tote la. The crash of ril !s oniy <ho 1< i not bu wi<h ininite congratula- <ho bouse at 7:30 oclock and vas In- average of utcr~s' Pal can safoiv bu Somethile or <ho childnen. Jési reverboration o Goi laughton <'ion? Our perception quickened, Our formod <bat Mayor Harrison wira ln placed it the rateofl,0 par surin vas, ire mmy bihoo liko mnyotb le <o mooy anke <bre ac nkno'oiedge impnovcd, vwo viii know guigcd. A hali boum later hoe re<urnod or $5 par iem, Sumdays inciiided -uncidlubsouriudpyscirw groat min1 good mcnaud agneat immv*'a'-h other at a flash. wo viii have aud ira let into <ho hallli-y <ho serv- alaries <heu <ho oxhîl 1< ii approxl- Into manbood. oniy <bat mailo4w 1frauduiont meun. A iraudulent man t ik oven ail <huit bas happeued aut girl. Mayor Hai-nis n iras aýIeep mateiy <ho foiiowing for Pach of <ho <he man Christ Jesus. Wbat novi thoreamys: -1 Imoane <ohure mv mi I- ince ive have bucu sopiaaed, <ho one la bis armohair, but vas uiwakemedl by days of wanimrc, so lour .proiong d: <bilt'final congclous recolloctIe lion." Hoe te o iork neckless 0of thit huis boon ton yemms ln fleavon I'nendemgas<îa v ice and vialid to-a- .o offiers avergeof l.a day..... Iltîr <ho eartb pilgrimai'Wmsi fi honsty anohe8 gls is ire $10,M. eiiig us al <aba h hmed lu <ho yard <ho main i a lirai-. As lie did se I ,,,O mOe, f2 a dayý.ý........... .........7,») probahhy connecteid vit h ti Ho gels aler nwhile bis $20,00 Af- ton 3-emns of bis hemveely residenco, l'rendfieât astdvanccd, nov iver ln Total....*.... .... ,-. îourm alEgypt-wurd? Look ten awile ie hogels bis 15W0 <XCIIandvie <ehl hlm in rre ali <huit ha. ha-id, and tired <brou shots t MnI. Han- The tt.o $,5 ady efo.aa-etytmof y ovrehe.Wbt al "Nov," hoie s, '1 have onîy 'one jhuippened durhug <ho enal so! hie niîon. Two tif <ho huliots <o k effeot. ie aone. Wha0! the a dof heforsab-es tofmror' Mretu moo-l to makland I shahl bave ahsence iroin coih Ye shah iuiaugb. 1une piorclng bis iglît haud anti <hoe itec rarl utb dtutey mthes nsidm"t'or e,"mdatsInu emy million." He gathens up ail bis ne- I thiuk George Wbltetleld aud John other enteril hi-i tmuch. T1le knonutltecil r e d. dbut ln sources, ho moaes <batoloutrast Wesley mli have a laizh o! contornpt îî-unded min sauk to tii ' Il or ayid <lo, otilho1,1ngrenudjourney vas <aken tO somte more, ho faisand fbecs ail, and ho basfor <hein carti 'caliiiors. aud Tops- jtirent1 minutes later d cd ini <he arme t <b a Iy nt>assuai lwsntli lc.Thsldo us emke flot onougb moneo f bis ovne it o lady sud tCharles Wesley viii have a of hi. son, William l'i-e.ýtî,îîHarrison. cstte-. o$, Qat bidayte itasnd tvst1 h c-hr.Js uy be coutl <ocar <o bis hume. iaugh of contempl for <hein oar<hly Immediately ioiiowing <bu mîiotleg, cs tt o wUaay< e i e have mscued hlm foma itl ~~cpi cnnt ndrsau <isa pas- misundcnît.andings, d<o<ofr-P dîgsif h iuem nd tbeiiriiu pni)vidftefrslis, bnS lofemin! oren <h ie save a mil revulsion. Some mid 1 eis rs, Who vere le<holavsitmil <hein hi, m'.im utcpahe 6 tain <bs e d <seof hoslaries $1,1bi10 oc vatfrup<usad n isudden I<un uErie Reiivav tock, on dîys, viii have a feuil o! contempî i1bere lie gave bimffehf ut,. iroin Itos' <oopno !tegadt il bis ankles. The accaunt ho remdt lu Western Union, or n luIlnois Cen- aven <hein eurthly diatumbacce about a Iplaine> street station thl murdu-rer v* un>'. Toee l IIc1 dally OXPOfises bis mothen la to <ho effeet, trai. Borne mid one <inga m hue feuc. Exemption fnrom al anmoy. aken o<tho ity hall, vhe:-e ho md ui ad mSo a h cie oniy itemsvas sonour<o ho hn' Al noh unoher Te>'lh uesedvrag ina.Immersion In amligladuesi. j e - statemeet concernîng the sbuoting. If hccote oen a-I ionlal t, he dietAknosew anter h i <but rng a" eprsare iled lu tho office o! <ho nover o gton expemino teth in IÉe heavens lhughed." tiUMnh.Oh! 'obat a pheasant <Ilg t<:aek elevation and vas mmx ousito hb. Jutoan e ora pr oser, <ho nui- I~l p dove <o Egi î< mcad pnesoat ir maddecornîmuies iboseCproiiiy Si'5 ho-te0Judea and 1amare<h. boy l4 A mae le Now York soldlho would 1< 'oIible <o stand un <hoe iWoaldlC1aio ounsellii ud..r u îarded dilnotbai> the soldions soeet o hochilS Janus? Il lati e ho the r<cbest man le <he ci<y. Ho left Hearcu, mnd lookt dam at Satan, amd <bat l-e miht ca"nv 0out his doý:. on freochig.Toraee1 ât apasn ubltfr mgatl ibis bonest ivork as a mechanlo and gut huni ettfhim deflînce, and sece him i le buuject. lie sid MNa or lia rîson o!i hare. Te ran catneis Ictra Into <ho Cit>' Councils some vîy und cageS and chaieed, meS vo forevrrlha I proimised to mpp lut imrn(k)poa mnie aS mitiae c o IIsrvod aistsuocl fe or mst of la ton years sto'e *,00,000 frntm' the free frnt mishlmcut.res. Aie!i Yca il ion tounsol, but ha i fa luSt,80 ie. 1<may ho saeysumdtt lk-1405 City Governeut. Filteen million dol- viii ho àmiaugh o! yoya gl gooir.' a nd ifor <bis reuis n lhothoughit hoie i whj 'conilud , Ch, fiyago ued bital k 4-S lins! Ho baSl <ho Logilature 0f <ho A Iuth or spiritul Exltatio. - justtfied le takimg <he lo Nia i>:slite. IG.îmrd 0051 <ho Stuite ià,i a day. Wisea nd Otli. State of Nev York ilte ogrip o! bis 1 prai God<ha< whbin vogel thnrougb h ~ r~ii..ii .f. îE i ae rdcin i rigb< band. Suspicions vere anoused. with <is vanld and ar o gieg out oni 1 uV oi h stcPrid,î irougbî 1) D 1OyMany Ctcai. <cm><ui iko l io The Grand Jury presented inidjc<-wvoMi>' have mrne suob vision as <hoe ca-o is vithout prece1ýdont in tlie his- No c,-u:itî-y lu <he or i ffens deith. meue.Thowhle an stada ghat.dylng Christian huid when ho saw tory of -rhumiail. la. Nover 1iooeagreaten faciiyfo to-droede H nyv>'< o bua The men whboAcxpcted <o-putb1llf<ho 'oitton mlae <ocnuini h myvoescbpmfsht u iguou bn---AgnimluSuh me: ahielat-eo ar-1nyl

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