'sPtThey >ayed la ru ate. i lcow what rm tclklag abouIL FRIDAY, JC.LY 27, 1894. Tbe P of Hu A Âît 1gt in la hac? à.rll .I V N O.Millie Mitchell was oniy six years -Wroflg? Obi go ralong vwith your r' ____________________ ideawae mrchnts50. tht ewed for lier living ln two smaUl giye me eiglit dollars a week to danes X&Waty Puiebasd the celebrstCd Adverttsing pays. roots of a dingy New York bouse not Ily about a half-hour every night lu AK AN I I L 0011wl5d la d ai kndeoillaledAic 's i sei frfomEu lodwy ne briglitthe new pantomiême? l'un tobe one e of i -, LLNOS 1 llast sabbatil Kt Milburi. day in summer. a day that made ,even the Mloonliglit Fairies. Why, Kate, ________________________ " l u Ze vn .the shabby and dirty litnetseu t think! My dress'll bec &l white- F mu wOk. I llîM m . Blias La geil, of IN îth Evails- ple arant because of t ubree.ze d l ace and silver, and a pair o' il er1 pied= =Ust adLas Pneu toi t is itilig lier niotîjer Mrs. L. sunsihine that were blended there, Mil-1 wings and spangied siippers and a *,NEPAYNE. Ivanhos. . Decker. lies& mother said to tihe child. wand and ýa big hitîf-moon on the topVeaenw hvn a rV il M r . A ' l m î ,'i it î g l e Y o u ' e b e e n v e ry g o n d fo r th i en or y l e. edr!"w h a i g u dn lîter tr .hait is rtli 1etr hoedays, and 1 promtised you that "ontgo u&sh!" nrged Rate. "Itîl B UNi i Muitrose.if you didnt worry and fret me the brîri.ug uio bdcmpn UftfIllftfIfl ~leest bit for that length of time >you 'c cornpany. n os hnm ,dteîîdee tie Salvatili nArai% nmeetinugs the fourtir day." -'Vour mother needs you et home," S e m i Ir V Nu a l ou dli Lake iluff last Sabliatii. MillIe jumped for joy. Ber bIne Rate persieveri(i. "it would break her A. liarris, ndth rd lpeouie hart for you to rmn ewcy and lia,. BW rcS.àt .5afi e.S. urpstr Rv W . Y" il w'y from lier tiy white teeth ina lier." Ibs, [om31,O t ~ essi.tou irsto, )ibleglorions little amile. Even ita lier "But ele wont let me join the show N » ,fron 1.40 .95 lt the sevic'es ilext Sunda3 coarse gown sbe was- very pretty, and If 1 keep on living et home," said Sutt. Mr. Hiiîy I. &lis atebillion iiiisetl ahi one ofwith an obstinate pont. LIhs [id Shots, 1.50 to.1.0O f1c'bena81e1k. jf i ;she's righ* C leuring.S a le nile ati-tpbuggy do give th up aIlhothethee s! ig C e a r ngaree P tu i a" o .4Gab à iwsi arae in the np-town parka, watched by their sa.dogv u i ti! htar u Si relu ilîîw tîllecirriig±.careful nurses, vilh lier yellow lomyour little brotiiers and sisters going 8 -rI Be i Tire Ladies Foreign Missioiary of hair neetly combed and dalntily lie- ) do without you? W~hy, they can't -dnl.Society Wll Meet Sâturtluy afternoli ribboned. you miglit even have pansid neyer groout at ail if.vou go. omr or Boots and Shoes acco'ingiy th itMrs. A. A. Paynrue 11150 tire Bard nd saud of lier: "Iîow beautifal a, play for theun-oli! sael buse-" on f' l de ocula starcb, .032, Of houe tire saine tifie lit fhle schiool childl" wa tti! hered I' ut then Millie pauuued sud lookid. 46 , bue genhtti!aared 'lwlti lier Infantile candor, full into, the M. . )eke lis liliul brierges p dicIereenpies!"and "l'ai going ho have green pisesfor People desi ring ta buy * h1I~~4 Si.0 silo[)îuinfilîe aite-îooi of tire schol l "e, dlirmtrr ad dinner to-day, 1aiI c. veI.een gond. oaf net soohelle cood n the'lan l I be po-scokgtiegre ,O flaIod Cocout, 24ec litËsewlîere lie îîll le gladtIi t shonelled ted.ndon thely'cn teyil adm ohr okn u re i utoiîners sairdil(ay 3 lusts uiena ntl heatnto o h to anE r Siiuida% foi-enooiîs. tatos, too, wlth morne meet left over peasn. froinyesteday. ire met wiI ~Was caugurt by ilechild's confidence J t-a StOv3 Polish, .042 Mis-. Eîîgu'îe Smîithî eeletil lier cold. for 1 bavent got time withrmy cu euy »d other Goods on inia jhîa -,s iia vlî~tîgiloi einusiuotit l.tto eo vg "Aintshe afunny little thing."'saidlLo te fi riie iuds luilierl l(ion' ho etables. Metillie, think ofit tit! And' ItEExed Paints, 40c 10 .30 1peîî luetire ftertîrsuîî ali evelîlig. Dow yoU eu In ont iloth ie Street hate,luîîceling beside tirechild. li-ats or J:vrpshjpg G oods, 1uart,%I rn te 'it îîu aî-Aleporit a very pileassîît tilne. for a little syhile, and dieu ou conegrma ly îar d'l't11 am id- ie -O.Th. ît n11hveeeyiiîgrad.Bt 01 Iguesa yoii ain't evcr very bed,..an " u y wae o ili hesale ae"iv T 1.iIv Thslay mii yooon tl tay long. anrd reieul a ur-m fu ul afteîîiouîiah tireu,iîuu' iii ilis, E. A. ber not to pess tire corner." are youT' saltd busie. looklng down, UcyLftII u SThe 1 hm Fnnk IUW era. lis . ai Inîuf ('lîrag()r v'as Tpesathe corner îurant tri invade w-a'rlier disposition. p iiieselirt nauloilîu'sseu l lue ailes "[entire great hustle and breadth otftre îiî sive IVAN HOE , I LL. ; u uc îîîu- f lu-:î lih -poridereinîthlis seriotiîly for! ' '~ln ýIeilte(to-oca litl thoroîirzhfare îîear by. liilie Vîoild thru'e seconds. di a Dlot have uarerl ho dotirit, even if chu - rediueorv uv oau, sr momc ucd." retr-.1 oîî,iitrrusl. n d moh llin job 18 fieraicf neya Impressedi me, a eiei S'e sîoîply trrttcd along ej1, vnc ItoulN a ukg aswalked bock to y OG RnE tire pavemernt,, of lier particirirr block, l1,o,îî witIlî%hine and waourler whether n the sceners cf tht terrilbla ~jiî'.t as she hliedclune courtiesn times lieu liders ivould hpeak te) lier aftr op*ufeifl¶ came up tome ln eir. riscufsi uilgirls laucied us ltbe *mnl degre., alihough 1 ,,,t we'eîîîkî. ,Nî îîevîîîg 'le dry vîd bht b luîesutere chîîrîcigitin Ai cild pety smh ercen.-es thnrhescenqt.ty fleass tonlis years glae t lexicee. ur below tire raggerl bricn of lier buit, pîir'itY. h__h___equ ltyo oo sH udandI vw.. seized withhanuIr- IAli jîîv:ljd Suritlo Il. Kuudes' lia-r with its one old crumpied scarlet rose 'It8 very wrong for a little girl ho1 biinatuuion to open the pick- I teeti î;îkeilu a lî ii)ital ho lecue odngo iecov.fret her mother - thats wlet M becmv odn ntecovn a eh da y h r le ilibîreid the lettera. for'. She was goiugu te have green pes mother seys," sajd !iillie, stoutly per- a ehda y h r le liat harmr theughy, L aiiint- for dinner,aerd she asmanfetl sisting. vau the lutiof hIs race. Thora Su"ir'iiiIrn lipu l i-e attii'iiiIt'l he heppy. And wliat if you wag a big girl?" ame 10 hom I cau lever dslivern <tlance rit hlEi mArti lai ii andn reporit i Certain residents of tire street knev said Kate. not looking at Su-re i i. Xither 1 muet destroy trien fait- tuie. lier, and smiled ho lber froun their N matter if 1 ivas as big-as Ito-' candiic. Vêt rendtug them, for in te cage dooerweys. To mone of these. as ac asr n e y~mynfî ~ f U ffII lA 'i'i r d.ith the letters would fui into le ourr urg he, bl ut iiine ulo- Qieui- tîpdaon.sr oudsy v tli ilIie 'as adlir e engluer a Lake hodadîigh ot àblon hm tui rilesvritrii iutiguellosv ittle larigli: "ie'egoing <> liîîîe,-' sieended, surîîrliî d blier i LIJLVb0fti u' er or 1akInl on th.- Grlme her-have green peau foîr i nner!loîi ingîation of ertainiug usucirr i p deuitying tileul and thugspos- 0pinoii Me fer hlaitNeii-'lire wîîciîe ii nu onne answhered liereIsug ln retire Temperance Temple, - Vaukegan. isas' up the awfnl tomiry cing- le îrntlh fialcli d clcrl-Iclly hrrsaseedi ni inn nartlittie girL luisegirl boit Ohaieu SalunrGery. I wae c)diniithîe affair vliliidi îestilted in irife humener way. Stlothers gave lieraaevii"said Suie, ir;ing houcîitel dif uy powver to keep iuy terrible ticOlitusîi of -veill f Iris facialI sigli of pity. They were &Il poor peo- and li:s irechld. r e " ibmghi b.e dscold by the eaîiiuîgspie, but there seri grades lntîIl luit ui thte toile (f praine al Nlillieâ ___________________________________ candi MoL elio liguudiiu i nicnn poverty, selft-iimporteeandsotpridi. jrycrnme rusîiirg iuck teo lier Judg ~bea1eforevrae,> 5,Soon clii reaclied a griun. ramsleckli '-];u i nuw m goncrin ait in giing pI n»tofu tt e wnof îua nuîlî lî Fgrigurneeer ta tavern lu tire miridie of tire block. tir)tiave green pee- fuir dinuer- criediLk 27 a, 1 f l ldO U 1ler a iefresl drinîk of waier aid l'rom it% door a bilg uani with a puffed.ill ilivl. skil) Inuî iî hh uelight past L erg~reak lu the floo very a1-tes liii fronaituecl eon3prhsrfc c oteegn.1eSsîsr'atsdteîsritn nK Ile nefsmale me tart ixé diUklee T1W t 1Nprpihfaetrc us megd B-Sl ech n te srtin criminl at the aourd of a t!hisli -vie rilit ihaC eiair p1itiiiiity tI side hlm sas a thin.fruit boy, wltli portanuiy away.~~ID J~ tedom, kaob. At lut 1i see tlis tuaii serned il11wthe îïrao-sunken cireeks.Th'mrireinnhar gripped Am tie girl, watcbrilier their face% resinton nouli 0 er. Ituhî ia tne fltO Il os sireve, cin hi-rfruiwn des iere usweet rithir eis ruf religit and and as 1 did go the- and nake h ti mocre iieîgl I rlii tre 1 fril of threteu hunur-smiles tliet gave tient agai1_ A .-,lewliboning ohuroh lover ttjfiihîe. itye aul ir ye tire Lirti Il lit tell G1o borne' lue gruiwled'nd. îutell for s few morments tire looks of tirer et ail li'lehourefmidaight. Itwu t is -"vu' feint-l ieit unîtîrIlire. 1 Vormothertliretif lii- seiîls ye lure iess iroublertciildlood. ~Ihen lilat, u cug oinciieaoe, cunt as I j . rî{ & Co<. agin whlrcuFin talciii a cuncible glatss, huring, caright tlis look o usi'ls .cl 101ha golem onaMy flesh ll'il senul ge hliirtu lier %s itiî tie lite face, s deeper satisfaction raine roîtorf. ..01 i fere e a Iibeat iaif Ontho' yoi. sei Sii! liem owsn. liL lfKIrne hast aa ~ th. Th bl.%. nu gave a faint eiy of pain. Well, lets go huome, then'iaiU Ji11 Jtrn theS p abe o rt ure s G able irs fathers an r l brui cirieribruis- Suse, as Nliihie disappeared "NVasn t h paiisîerremd n uale tingly wvu lilt tel hr vs(ube erltl hn? Libe Vifh the h bis fragile miai.n Kate wes too Wise ihomIsk any ret- pe ý4~ Proposst issue a Daily Edition ÂL H.B U B KERstareri inuuocentiy iniltirfle man's face. word of argument or moraliztng miglit OXý GRAPRERq C.M. & St. P. RY Time Table. lngring ho ]lave green pesn for havi thmown ber leck ou lier oh- d rn ie .iL o .t a ra Wouklcon a. il. .M. . ni P.I nithree whole days, and Fin going to monotony of home and tire attractions Ga St. WakeSC hicagour. tes 7 W ~ < nP have 'l" I le non ieof thje Bowery î'eradise. Ail tuiet Kats .ietrile et 8 1,2,&2.tY'1 ugmtai twrdee Shii-unrvtie 5828 i1 lm2 ;16 6i OPi2TU Hire Millie pt ir ea n nedesid was: L b rt- d e t 1 ,1 , 0 2 .cit enaardtevroeDerl M 5:14 i 22 2 40u 6 14 7 27 and critically aurveyed tire wsan, "Lit ris have green peas fuir dinner. Th im tingauéit vroeEverett MS42 i,2 '46 6.0 su2n1hike7l 'h3f3 l lThboses wMl be a rare opportun 1y Itondout Sue 10iV i _1 ' 6a4 narkeun eek by. -Iguesri hed uste, Iftire an ilanyinthebos LIERYILE nu45 ., nre6 Ta hk3m5n anpes for lus dinner. 1 l'Il run round ho hîulens foir sone' orA 'v ris r, h IIyl zr1 F. BARISTOfW s rîr Il rguesu ieunt gorng Io have eny. id"lfo. îm good. too.asotheKete." sud as ULSIA A dI Wsiwrh s9unl r 1:rwishholewas." busie. witlî e look< of tears and siniles Mauatrro ksci lr i ileH- As ahe dancid away, with a fint -And l'in going tni have greenipes fohvrF e itrb to f u a s r,V i ' - Suridéry hum of song on lier lips and the breeze dinner!" mite cried, iuitating the very ha eF eeD srbu i n f urly I hiZIri ii R. ruune. ir blowlng h er Iriglit lair, thre îyes ,Of accents of Milite. skipping lu lier fesh-a d lied mabe Grnt unrigrl s8:5 17 5u tire bloeted man foilowed lier. Hia ton and then trutting se-ev impolr-an a copy will 'be inserted as anu GurIt iîn 4 527 I fr, hend dropped from, tire flinusy sleeve tautîy ly Kates caiie. s p le n n t " su s rbe s o MONUMENTS Leas'ii.nii.I! ',i' of ijlboy and presenhîy ir siipped Rate smill mid nothingr u p e e t t l u s rb r fT L-S Y'l1. Itlî; I 1 :I n. r 110into oni of his own peekets. bucidenl'Sosie stopped adloe IItsy oM 211eel r ai54 12 46i 5is, ru 3i "Yon auid there wasn't enything earnestly et lier triend. Evee"tuilt 3 1 î22 homei toeset? le de n,- fadl IowrvPrfi I aeour several w eekly editions of the Déry Dotcsiuutiv. seirer i-ii 66sr8i ha ... 61 6 06el41 edgv 1 etrely Thairta m e forea fairy, if Voir want hn owl Clicrlagrrive .T i3unu6ii9 n i40T0 l6 a61r adgv tt h o.I d p n e Sh'NIA'îTRAINS. l'vi got lait, lut t'il buy somethitng. ate' Creîuusdmc Slîîr. v. I11«iuryvil le, 6 10 je.ni. Ar. tluuriott r.2nI I non't taki no more drink to-day. 1 "'ill, Inn just as glad. sictle! Andl LvLitertyvilleg:10iu.tii. Ar. Chlugo 11:26c.m guaesa 1 ean work off thIt spree lîtore we'ne lotir going tri have green pes Lv. t'hictégo I:311s ru Ar. Liertyvu le 9:40ua.oetemrrow mornira'. tohîea'th o inr"- LvKEA .LietvIP:0Il Rnot25 I D E T S N RATES. JI Lv. lubvI 1:4ril. ni ArLionotyvil 3:0 .2 ermoher 1 id tiret. llurry, nol, Kate's feilure ln atternpting tho imi- Lv Clnioin5p.ii t iiesu'ie311 .7Ilimtde onu feir ye.i tati Milies toue madi bugle laugli 'A The pale boy, with bia coin clos. more thusn before. and the tIl went-it Wisc.Cnt.R.R.Time Table. graspid in onei week band, liastened happily ewCy siiti rmeu round eacih ~ f~3 GoNoNRTdo hBsr et.Heknew too veillothem'a ista. One age, ispla , 3 ays, $2().()o- t'tnnîgi i ii u u. î.uîau i b it a fther'. good resolvs-how serin Meanwleile Mlillie ent.-red the littie p LBE ~ . C ucwý. fri n, 3Ii*1 2à 3 4ô 5 W <Si ited lu air. But eat ieast tire kitchen where lhem motiier stood with sk Yaur tu* AphkImu il.-T @i» 45 . .. 5 rilà .... Hmo mi- Pa lyJI PrlleiwS 35 Ii bIs' ...Il 46ewfrnl vaut froun which ire and lits lit- the ftushod face of e toilful yet tri Leibto- i Simii5452 11 2 - sn te aste cd ls ackmother were &I umpliant cook. Q atrP g .< -Grocer for lu u 14 2 5635...ý 82 MtIre. nftertng would bie appeiased for -I guerre dinuer muetuite ready IlQ a trya e70 0050ScsH.ealhort time. thia time," Midi Millie. 4 e.INi. .u..puupn.p Fifty ceta meant seounucllTn , " i.1 s lier mother, ad poin -.,ne iolimn '5.00 6 rt :144 aT 12 -10 mt ý 7ý1cents would bIy lotsaof bead. Tweaty t h ir alwt w ltsm 44lmu4&0 al e fk d hîer. @5 MI8 '77a23 16 1 56 1 2 m54 s oa.awoîd bIy a «ood deal of mest. three dishea gleuaming from 1ItelQ warsH -Pnr5riiVieWllsi T3ti7 - ....t118 ... =ii Adthon tIere would b. tweuty cent& cdean loth. M-a-, Wit g 1laeifun Auiile .a.S@84 T7M 1 lmi - Mleft And thret for unlecioprb5lgi001.er vach1r '6 0110 7 00 Io ou 15fr I 'u I ' etlict u- oauarerhaiir..0 Quai-ter1.00 .S~.ith Trin ~ ~ ~ othe day.waik, muidharvaohall csui tec onegc,