CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Jul 1894, p. 4

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JUlA ,JULY 27, 18m. X leathee Urne tusuhecribe for tt1NZ orme Kevlew. The Indepen- ___nt la local agent for Lake cou nty. *91 si eni brth papers one year A* »Y address for ouly $3. Cash lu ?b OIN<DEPEDEýNT vil! iitiffe a daily' .-duag thie coming Lake (Jounty Fair. 5 jeu wlb an ad vertisenient ln arne, jsbad better engage your spae «On. Fir8t corne, first served; terme Qebecrbe for the 1.t4DEKPENDENT and »ede, weekly, ailthie news fron Ir surroundlng country. Advertlse A lte I»upENDENT, and let people *aow you are milve and whst you are 4#bg. la the best local paper sud Wallgmed jin in Lake Co. Adminitrators'aNotice. PiOt;ý,XT&Çglehereby ai en thaât the au b- Autem AtmIiI&I1oT of the csitate of Mary AMm Uugloa. deeaied. twill attend thc 0*OUA»% o1 f LskcConnty. a a ternui here 4UgahOhuldOS a the Court Houae la Wauke- wàd 0*4ount!. on the fi Monda of or minoxi. lui. uhen ca" wheue ail per- gNflbaving agess asuant satd nate, are aWOU M i ,quegtsin upoceetthe sine to MM Courtfor adjudication. flMwîsouuHUNTylsovos. Adminestmiaor. Wsuhoa 9. IM . f;e- 44 * Adlmnltratora Notice. ifagoL Nonicz la beby given th"i Uc .utl A, oe.admnotrator ofthUic ouate of Ferdi- aNau.deoeaed. ii 11attend Uic Cuety eleof otLake Coun. at a terni beucof 114b ho hoden ai the Court Houle ka Wautegan. ln @&id eoitaly. on the l m)ondai, of September ueXt. 11511.chon MWi vho aili Persons bar ln edaime againsi ýaw elite are "Dlfed and requegted tu pire- 4U hmarne w icid Court for adi uduesl lue FUAngsDiuT, Admiunlctu-auro ut hy tolamn l »Miooand. Waukous.June2l. 1014. :4 Executor'a Notice. PUBLIC f40csCu18 hereby gleen théât tht 0111111riber. Exeutlix, oftheUI AsiWil- d OUM.u f Joeph Clarke doeaved. cliic te"nitbeCounty Court of Lchc Coýuiîy. ai Ou@ihcb~ to tie boldon Rit the. Cou rt Homise la wisutea, in Mid County. on the orst 111111170 ut uut mxt, 18%. eten and chere ailOMI posoa viegdaui ms g fanat aaid liglate AnMoUlai and requestata wpneceuthîe- Ou. to Rad Curt for adjudIcation. SsItÀuu Moui..Exe.uuueix. Waukean Joune uth. ('e 4 J. P. WILLIAMS, The Weil Knowru and Ixprienced Well Digger, la nov mnr elngcli, *wt bhis ove outât, The *WHEEL OF FORTUN E," e as.lhe cclii t. jb«I vot are Uilnklng uf hsvleg a cuti duit geasold one. ucpclud.l1 am qute sure 1I cx VW Fou. IlF ou lt me li deep enouxil foi il5lethe tclur la lact Wells. My Prics Are: 9@evoila about fouir feel, ln diameter. tira-iu2( ~1SC, Doit 9100,foet 1 0 i I>foe li.310 Mw grvtina six fot le dimmeter. rgt 21Silte, dI.S^ for veillo elgit frtw-sinis2jX PU having couldunem mî,îturulili lucu *tholP. brick fourcWe il u timlber for curbIng, Uotmwoo;onlw ouiJoute .ithln une alle oi 11111111Mthon 1Itwill buard myseif and bep; ltht 1 VII %s ale a diacuunt utotfSof 6.on ever bMjob that ougo2n' tot or ove, cllhoui OWlMg.vrk taub doune inaà god orkm.ltik, "-;ad lte mate tu go docu, in auianYlime t& IftUicoweresticanni nuiffl ai haodm an uf cummon-suuuu- t4 '~devas i aeethImim dîunx .11 îhéu -e am Uat li i p a., i> rî,ueiîn am aBd oui t49 jutaible îîuule o u. tm *~invWellsand I ruai> 1uh i i -h rý ' li *asbwàkui fte unul e..nichkb ýt Wýfr gy t Ur ne.I iN e lthL-uamuie uà" i have doune a joli for inore Aug Md mm uglad i have g"ithe cr"t oi 0OveY une. oe$PaliY rat t bo ule, t, Miy est 14)lemve t[hein pleni>yutfcali- Moastqmter 1 .111 alil, c a dilwcuult f il',e u ~ttOUau.c irleeui for lu-iehue jul. 4WO. Ifnet puld shbe crk ilu. 1 ko tui »M àtr pur cent te labuve î.ri,.ý aqu a éiseofor sa.tlient. 4M »zuc clsing toave ccli dug an mre ý Sla -bv. .do Dot ave in pOe.for tib psfm» oiudwcou. Attention gîvte-eawiliorder cati lon or madrenas. >1 J. P. WILLIAMS. ~~14L Utertyctîle. lIt -t~hBest xxix Flourrnlai Pba.G. Il. Selialicla & Sont mm waut hmadbille, me aut ouvelupes, mm vent oolored work, wmvat budls eucada, 0P fmt tuaI blAhil d, O*w ta""y louer "L&d, " »M MuluevWatag carda, omeddlaq lng nvltatoas. M wM&mmv friAJtob waek. 'ramur pie= si1ismt I1h bave - ~ . , toever boeatuexe1d mrymA4vWO&M witwt it.Lesotite elbleu. but tolowed hki ud* iQUMuonx MAIO'Vl iaSablsekcamtb t of ith mquole. mmiiitbey euergedtintaa huIs le id. whu determlioed ta quit It il dertu1 Ior elosriag ouîuruy ftlée trusplues. MIL. Hidden airay front the riotoua woa'Id sud cuvered viti a ahort, amoothb urt. j Runasa wona.educated by i 'notheir, laruallo littho Mousivillage. Every- The. mooD %allait overbead. an owl omat C ta whom ho attributed ail hiscam .body la là* Otawva vlley kalov iL a alantlnu shadoly qon lb1Umma« as la Ilile.The broya river iowa alowly pa% as if avept up mtinta height. la ie conter Vàiu Lunam peinted bh i rsI gresbaowryMhobe" it; the llubabltata amre fthle glade woasamother camp fire, sud peture, thel ut St. Hlubert, et lthe 5<0vont tu remark hI*t ohiug but &round ths, yoeitu" four ladisa ut tweive yeara. destih or a beur huntway b.eo n ýmrvsum iaint. scalp 1loi. veapua- 1 TtLstWeD'plcturea vers cdmitbcdtlu the.nation." osa evor dwaw thema away; &sI ver. there.A 111,0 uo u ne aide ut the Royal academy beortur h. or" &"iidtest, but DO% lea3t, vhtu -"laina Iâ he ire wa, a pool sakubla the ground. woa Ivelve 7ev.olti. Jo." 8used op his wigwam on th.el van chipped &M asurred and alained CRa&ER pailnlodseverai of hls hoat i Point, althOagb ho dldu'h hnow lbpeo- wlîhdarkatve.ko. Couldthey bebluud? peturesa tler ho had pocaed eighly Pe eonciudod %bat ihey miglt reekon Barney luwned to i .., but ho toit yeara, and dled et elghly-three. ou hlmmas a permauneney. The Point that ho wu% eoveired. 'Il didn't counut Vo.-q prcat bas nover bous urpumd via &bout hait a m'le saouthalieJil- un Ibis yen plcotbe.gonte," heoua, idvtb lu abllity to drav IM eturessudai1Iand ~lp is ver sainds a along reeleesaeffrutory. 'Mobbe yo're bandea ut ait ters. Titere la àas oeauciwy out. luit iLl te extrelae edrs. neckonin' un a van dauces? Pas ot character n ba h h uin uhie 10AL ,wlhhn a ete t et uthie lappi ater, ttjgano lu spoilta. Go ahoad " RÂrIIAELs piclurea are ctes i su ed aholteued hy one, a= able saar Tlira vit ahlead ln a mont un- Iy ~ ~ ~ ~ «O l psmadta tepe lobocmb , Injiun Joeos qula t Iae toit piessaut manDer. Uaruey lvas draggod c ana, mae pe amh e dr<w he rl.attention ut vaadorlng art.- lu the poost sud lied tlu it lh de.,- cointermae visblethe gidbnclera1teitat s ey vent dov lla . hheIboat kîn thonga lu aaialting posture, Tiie paite amviibl txigb heloyr%01AUlsourta ut trim wve.Inventaitlndiana roanneed thhir caas amund point.te about Joo., but noue really koew tle ire. Iisrey boula out hie pipe, PAnwifitÂIIo etvorla o where ho had beeu dremggd ua: Homo sind bogan bu cumula. A grun% ut sp- "Vision ot Nt. Jer0an" vhen RameII waa id Ihal ho wvaau anIdien sceof utproval went cap from 1he grily forme stonîncd by Consalei'lourbu ila 1527. lb. Iroquois corne talu 1agalu hoe- by the ire. Thc soidiers hural tintabic studiolut cans h oitdmiscnducted hînsîtlf in -Ikla walt if you kilo, gentlemen," were ao attracted by lbe pieliere that th. happy bnnting grounds. This, »Id iBernay, hbinblo ye. dancing b. asprtoced lowever. va. genorally regsreld in wlth fua. "Mebbe you'il make op SALVATOR ROOA la hi. youth associ- Mller'* stone as an elabor*te fiction yu id htyur Qntd 1 tdwlth brigands in lover Itaiy, and lavented hy that blonde young humor- witr m.a" atyuro(i' ud thus gained nany subjects for "bi lI arne! Maguine. "Von e, boys.'awapaedwt altl brillah. Sonie uthie pointinga vere lu- Ihal worthy vuuld obserrve bute. Tchebaskcet, andearchdienth a 1111a otu'oduced ln evidence et the triais of c rowd. -its this wvs: Thot lier. ln- blrckbebau lto ILec nde cs the captured brigands many Yecrfi jun'a buen ]etl buse bhy one ut then.a "yMneae t Intn"si _______________s wh go about dlgring lI injun Joe. "hlim coule heap soon.' le VARIOUSLY AIMED. the uouatalus for Indien graves. Au' louched tho handie ut hie tomahawk now tbcy'vo lot hlm out, of course ho lu a sufficeeîly grillamaneer tu bue ln- A eiax. uuaaiy vears tho expression pio't goin' bock tu a plae where there i pleasaut. on hier face that la muaI aiaî ou whisky. Von but your boos It suddeuly occurred tu Barney thai Titi mene-ho go to chnrch ta please that's about the sire ut itV' sud Bar- , t casat a jolie, and a cold bhiver ren 1 their vives are cnjoying theunselves. ny b enlly takilg a Plug ut bis * î<,cen bis pine. Tirai ought t0 bu a lev eomPelliug neiglbru.. tobeeco. weie out io thei lnjun .loe weatched him keenty. evcry man to read s petîtion betorelvey ume night. Th CVblure French Lefebre?' lie said. bigning it- itewon aildtel! danmcingbk helle tiýot hirn euap' ie.produce'i a band- Awox A Ns hard e-ork la dune lu buy-wai e-a d w led ih dnanng t tre f ui of black hair. clotteul eith blond. tng Ihings. a ms'shard e-ork is to weling end wndinging nauoIte It e-as increible! llaruoy remeni- 1for thiern m. eint aprbak theng gas.ern walyofgoses. làe bereel that FrenchLtefebre hbid sud- Hy te tie a astepape basetsud out. iheir litIle temps veut flick- * îeuly dsperdsuemuh g) bas buen lu use bi monthhu lit relire- eriug îthrough the night lnu ch lest , but as everyone siippod he huct gono lieut* au many heartachea as a grave. I iapno'mcîIa i bt te lumber campa nu one but lhie livfisingindmtrousl a mT u taippy a ere. tAl ane creditora took any intereat le the mal- HtlsigInutiu sl n f topped t okettv.Al h ortu e reaoitdlt leeln -t the lattes ucar tue-a, a man may by a vas full of fireflie',. He aeenied tu b e.o pwcae isdpruew bard daya e-urkîted a lah te-o luches tediev te, n ith dr bu nthe hlailtezn or %0 of uiserable lu- I îrad ng în tene ae drekeni uians we-li iîgcred ont tlhsir lives lu long. gravity bugan to iftt lisa fot hlgh flot hlnes and~ cornera ufthte lOtteaai- A covpLEý recenlly divorced et Atehl- to crubh thein litie lives out. At Ibis 1:VLiIsre haul utten bought bas- son wereuregd ciyecrs le order lu moment a bligger liiht ;lemume u 9>be- keerom tuIl cquac. rnud1 u . ehe get reai ceeu acquainted butore mer fure hlm in tue Jisiieièi. iT seeaed i lmte ostiIL l a u ber. e hcr riage. 1-lbuau enormous firelly beckoniag hlm . bd - i wn hr 1Wila agirl gels marrled and has c o lo h the vuiaaa m te *!eu heuroycil icuen hr u lrUg umer -s if cronhseàki h baby. she turgela 1h51 chie ever lance- .oula lcn'us dcptlîa . i'- - -- ta liiiofa seKton lits clueek or tm%- anybody butore the baby arniveti. But nighl. cloîse bv -the river venderculraiui ts une etlh rnch yueferes aiter &i ah ha bd vo or three, andKt i a Is wove vet ii.'-(>iy thé- voîea cld ang atruk hlm. rech letebre they coauc ou cloue Ingether lhev cela nt the rattsmeuu. as îhe-y made tor the bcd once ahunganis very oan. vear each other's clothes. abc begin a i tll, broke thic iîiînesa. lîarneY e-as atiyoa n gu-okn. ta recll oceasioaàlly. whitoe-ashing1 pulted up sutl tueeneel tu tiieni. %Vas il possible that Ihese romuculs îut sud iruning and mendiag, the triends- uI«,s su.le uaid, ce ttb îrunken their race 'ba<f'l met lu aveuje their %lhe used to enjoy bufore she had ho gravitt - v i rut-kuu youtrve about id wvi - ewiidve eao mauy cres.-N. Y. World. it Row, vbrocthers rue-. the - tream ruie cuch a thingz. They e-oiil doff their test The ireluesare u. Iatspoialnd go siouchiug abouit in their MARRIAGE MAXIMS. ittrîuug. [bats eruuig. iarnev. 1 sy osutai noisetesà mauner. andi cusnare ____ li wruig ît 1-vn .fresh v-ictime. And Ihere tees the NEERt~en eit aps mstke ti t'svong.If Vn îî't beiie ve me.' judie'à laughter. lau! NEri atn wt apt itae cth n at akhim -- (jobt(n ay. say hlm 0uielcsalut ln- NEyvER boi bu angry et the mare [ lie set ofi iunea idelouîg liLd utf . u n-ring i ute with an t imte. @ut lwnoun iithlnguLie8m. suddaudden- jun .00.grig i Neyes mu met cithout a Iuvtug e-el- ly coi)tlased li the midldle ut the road atci rcso rbcuca utnc corne. -Vvie got vou.- iîe sld li triumph t lu-[rlesai. yuv md p o NEvv.R aituue-acreijuesîta tu e re- au - tlar frefiy. ".Excuse me it- Idr ete men.if Raid ve m eule up ynn hO d.1ti*oui yuu. but you are suîch sippery lnusey ptuIiseetter. LET self-dental bu the daily adm cud *ittle crittuirs. 'iouc ouly got tu p oug- j fpiln ti yr fnra practice uf each. gise. an' Iii1gii."' t trjun Joe spracnwut hlm e-tth the Neys lt he ongo yuw vponcn I The firetiv didtl c potogze. for the kifle. andtilirney lhought ufthlIe anger tir grievance. 1i imple reason tiut t ceas a iueîîdred iJuuigeaduhtrcl iedcitl NaVeit talit et one anuther. elther yardn ae-ay. Tbis suuidenly dawe-nui praver. Ift lie bcd logo unuer ta &venge clnI rtecduar erî usdsupou ilarney. sudt he totlowed itl the rongm îuf tlmisttrernnceofu a loe .oT ih oeny throngii the long grass. hi race it as n use ettempiing to - -ethri.(he uuu nutie r beid Therippieufttlowiir tide hmunnued argile the malter ceheu they heldcai "Y > each one cIi-ie lu tieloi oftenentmurioey< ncsbyIetant..e madie a stight gash ln Bar- drew hlm lu the river shore. ilight quit iuîu.1 i to the wishce utf the ,ther. <ion the point. the big firetly glocved nry'. arni and drew bacla. The other te Nmvtselueale a r*iuark u t the expense bteadiiy but uot ike lbe othera. Itfour Indienu uic1tue carne. Then. the of the other-it is uîeaunes,wue-a efixed igbt. Ithen the otherg 'woman raule fre-ard. bound up bis Nicvs. sigb uver e-bat mlghl have elose<j thij tier -in~gq tte ights dis- arun aud cnt hlm lloose. Mbucu - but make the buct uit ehallsà. a - hui. t this nionstrous dfily IBurney couuittued smokinug eithunu- m -v pr ortece ihutlv as visile ail the turne. disturbeul greriiy. It 1usd ait flashed lng cost', uthink of duriug absence. itarney folloe-ed uoî. leepntr ln thce upon ilui c aecond.i This e-as the NF-e >-it finitfultuil nleus it li perfect- shadueru. ut the vutttees eîuie tringed indien uucthIu't uftstuucsing apprecia- i v certain thett a nît bas beu eom- the ehore. lio ddît wcesut to go on. tioteouithte ece u '.in ucli lue luai saved luntted aud ateeays speak lcviugiv. but horneirre'ititu power îepelied te vac.leuu iernebuo THE .vcrv neai-evt approtich tii domes- hlm ta do> su.. Sudteuly tue tuund blm- brother ofthtîe last outhe IrioquotsR. le tic happlu 'es,, on11esrth is lu the cll- self witluin twefuty yardsr, of the point. wondcred if the v ev.aut1 expect hlm to atino bt idau bstte ut-cclsolier: se liIndien toc-s in Irurse valley or lu vio.u es... eso îout le luuk duw e-e iie hiee Lushes lant1cut It tic * r.' tri mise themi ishr.ýaeazcment. for the llretly viiclà lie fde cenit pie, -. ruitlUtI r, t . -r D 00CQRNERS 0F THE EARTH. hlid uctuel e- as Ille ltght of lIne j-Ilin liraip lrate.* said lujue hic. s lie upn thcyv ont throwucv er r.Ytes camp tire. csutuInjun .10e vas with e puihtt l isrparul itflenirnoret e-retlis- ~ r tIrl;but e<t the mmm Joe the iau«li Coopers studuedi andlgrammatti'al d retp-ctan [br Tey gîte i mcaand sv-rn and muock ouit he village, but phraSes. >iiun Ieap lbrave. Hlm dro-crinAA. 1oaglileal nîther butng altogether - a full- vhiie 'nu, er FSHIN'AJýK oun Iaieeiapan, bleoded brave- lu bis car pet. e-ah "An' lire gchor t. 0cr'?' sked Ber- weeheu tbev desire tu look very attracl- tomieshawk andl rifle by bis ucde. aud ney. tretching himseif. '[he others Iv ee gild iIheïr lips. 1 his copper-colureti eheeks glowing inluied disappearcd. (>nly Indian .loe and IN Austraiîa ti the teshiua ta keep the direlight witb vermillilua. A long the squaw remaîneti. They feu mbto the bcolieti ut the del titi Sunday inI scaiplocla hung froun bieschaven crocru.1 Indien file andi marched down lu the urder t<î insure a large attendance et "bush. whats Ibis?' sid the par- beach. tbnough the long somber ranla the tuneral. plexoti Barney. "The boys yl ,thinla of limepines. 'lhon they enterediL t Tutu Egyptiang wer. berd drinkens. l'm dreamingi" the littie calioe and paddled up tu the Their firsî dish aI the table e-as boiied l'ie 1ludian diti eut *tir or glve on. Point. cabbage. serveti vith sit meat tte- aigu of lits. He iuoked acrosa tbe Barniey met lejan hie in the village ulate their thfrsb. river et the long rengeofu the Lauren. ucît dilse'.]'bat wortlîy we-eu luug IF an Egyptian deires e divorce ail tian hills. as if marking the darla round with a string uft Bah. Berner ho bas ho do la ta repeet tire limes cwecep of tbe pine vbicb croatoti Ibeir thougbt he must, have beenu ireming the word. .'I pul you troua me," and xummîts. Ho seemedt lubc veitiug. andtihUat il vunîtbu btter tu avuid Pt the legal separabtion te complet.. Brne! crept a 11111e nearer. Davis' pain killer as% s stimulant ln f u- A TOICL acuthera Atican bonne- Sîîddeely a birch barla cama. chut ouitore. i twe-s a i ittM. tun pueertul lu Jbubd descntbed by Olive Bereiner troni a litîle Islandi luthe midltde ut thé itas afler otfcclm. hit as be mt ou the ba an Engllah father, a hslt Duteh river sud glided aulselisaly Ihnongh verantis that erening witie the judge«a mother e-tIi a French nome, a S-oieLh 1h. nighî. Ilvapaldlod bye squa. dauglater. elle gare a litte ebniet and governess' a Zulu coula, a Hottentot Bbc vas lat inl deeralain, aadie taque hurueti wehite. bousemaiti cudiacKaffir stable boy, ut engle ftesîhers rusa t'ram ber long, uSeOa mouse?- eskedi larîe.y. try- e-hile the little girl e-ho waiteti on tbe floe-lng tresaes. tng ta reaseure bier. table e- -- i--asalauo "ae n -ile brot.he, -1 I V-...alee1 ---- laed.-ced her- i. 8N EVRAY VÀA1UTY 0Vo JOLOR, BHADES -AND TIMB._ Paint your Buggy for six bite. Best Buggy Paint Mae-.mi ,At Loveill's Drug store, LIBERTYVItLE, ILL. Prepare for OOLD WEATH'ER. Lay in Your Supply of FUEL flow. When You Want to BUY YOUR *"-HARDWARE,*~ Stoves, Ranges, and FIJRNACE8. Juý,po9 r H. B. EGER', Libertyville, fI. A'COXPLETE STOCK, Drain Tule, Farm--Wagons, Buggies. Agricultu rai Implements, Etc. \\WthlI a new SI( of the Faplous Weber Wagons ____And the lloomnington- Harber Bros. Buggies % Carniages!. -nOCaI and S8e Them.b.- Wright & Sons, lWare aawî srtadi 10 supply jpur'wantsa;ncOr lino Libertyville. MI. For Informnation as to ihe hi-pi li,,ntn cand tiahin e grounds i n linuý .1-t WW coualusppy tu A$5. C. PoOlU sel Pas., g*aM, OAILWAUi<E«. WIS.! "He wFo blowetn flot his own horu the saine shail fot be, blo vu." Moral-- get out of theu rutse and uîbvertse or yau vlýget left in the ruhliflie and il viii I serve y ou rlght ton. WEBSTE.R'$ INTMURNATIONAI, jýlàMimCTIONARY ww Ueeuesons Snerybod>t e ~ ltiuns. It an- U. cal etiax4 Sad WA du". liroixi d v Waeki Board um OQ114 Ave on. Wem prov.d L n'ut 13 rendt ai bagne c t Ion trc terredi rieil. dauMe i coumi soiseti oceint Couurt tbic ea adIo -ouh ~<our r matie .laCe Pl&ai iaud ( Andt th" It WIlli, thora and bh of wh aunRt Corlne milû the h baole Pt.ou loueé M. o. ithie Pr le$ ara fer TOI 01 1 tocl pet La Ge, W. lue Ch C Ge H (if W W - - - - - - - --- -

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