CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Jul 1894, p. 6

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~~~ils. Nsye-fatoa. Nev- ~~ Iluigett, .AasShildrs. Cube, ; x Wat:1- »e,.uîl.&etDeerloi. Ares, iýhs,3M Lest. -Ira" v'ssrs'legoceoriginal question re- OSISI fêlous:Ay-Bontae, Newport, V..rsea leuieet. Adamse, Shids, Cuirs, Ver- là$% Weet BorfteIri. SaDeerdeiri. Nsys- *alooh, Grant, Aven. LbrtyvlîleFremont, **wéotd, Dia Ayes, 10; naea, 7. Carrie&i M.s'Inq lunp. Strang tiret the levy for. SÉIilag perpases be extonded over a perled o tbsseyOsre. Csrrled. 1 cb>e by Sup. Bîedgett tiraiSupe. Waîdo &ZouiIle be sdded tu the Buildinag eommitte çïn apiml la matters.pertainln« lu building ut 10-'* propsed i Shrif'. recldence sud Jail. »»»uvd by Sup. Strang te adopt tire foiîow- lit. 0irsses adOGelemenof e Board of 44 0oI VW 31 oe mmitte would ber leave ' sthelovlng report on matters tott., would ree.oonmend trot tire um mS. aeo igt thoursanri 2g.0001dollars te NUEai, ouftttas for lire carrent year -B ei o an Munut oft taeive UeiAliellrs ire leviai tor' building pur- 'Ct, oifetwiieh la rsepectfully mubmitted. JAMuSArNIRasora. A. Z iiuODOeaz, GIoBOaC WAIT. Avm -Seates, Newport, Autlocir, Grant, Aâ,Warren. Blorigett. Adams, Shilelds, fAIuvvtU, Prnuen,-cuda, Cuba. Ver- Sot WeaDeerfielri, BosS feerfield. Nays- àp Aes,1l;B ea. 1. Carrieri. Id.e v Bn p, Anderson tirassire location aborti8reri'sresdonce.te dilreetiy veat ut tý03iure Heures Moveri by Sup. Raston tu r metieaoetSup. Anderson iy triking d. tieword vomI sud inerlng tie word *W A ies:7«. rant, Avon, Adam11, roment, eedCube, Vernon, West Deerfisiri, 'be.cfltd. Bys: Bouton. Newport, An- Waren, Blorigot.Shilds, Libertyr- Ares. sNays a. Csrrlod. Moveri £Bâtonaurtoa dopt motion sau eadd. 1, aseSon. Newport. Antiocir. Gratit, ' irera, Slodgett, Adains. Siellds, iib- É Ple ramont, Waueonda, Cuba. Ver- ', Weel Dserfisld, RosI Deenlisîri. Neya: $IiAiea 3. Nais 1. Carrieri. ;.àêv"dhi, Sup. Strang tirat Proposition of ýeWooév.,d Jr, Actt. e aecepted and led. Champion Iran Co., of Keaton. Peb u'e furalir aIl malerial h- naeaeesa.ry for tire coin- cl ouir eounly juif seoordlng ta Slia, s&loi the qtngfor jail sud teou 1lte eaui"e at naction of tire for the surat et 34.00 menu et:f2 per Bont te dedueteri ~atpricesfor auporintondlns tire Tac CHAMPI t'o n C51<<o. Peu A. WOODWARDu J13. Mon. M esago.peenter tira following and ~Os ~adoption. ]For thre rurpoee o a rl tseto ime tn pagient ot bilas '~eek ari labor au tire von in n o thSie eanteinplated Sher- atafuaor authorlue %Z oIse rdera Payable sI or liMes as ircunustsOe ay e- Psero 1 cOntnset ardinish rmiri 9U1méon. ,Newport, Antoch. Grant, ,Ws"Fren, Blorigott, Adamo. Shielda, Lii- O.i,'s«mt. Wauconda, Cuba, Ver- ~ liemLld. mntDeerfilr. Nsim: 4a . aya. Caryleri. 890%S4, Cu tiraI the Clerk te author- ~ vaprantu paymenut fail buill s'etieg, Carrlod. ffl -i Su. Cola ropeal resoutlon . 1 _fa trk ta pureirase ruai blanka. s4 by Sap. Strang Sa amenri by setier- -ér tos eisanu, ordera lu payment of W roid bleu"e pureirambS r itowne for mi Si Bp. Wslt as an amendîmenlte îîadsmeat AIreaolution authorlelng é <8pst'ehae orasIbleuis e te ros>aer bha ibu direeler ta lamae erders te tire e or e ai ae net reeivlng 91»om lis eouuty for 85.00 lu lieu tirere- ïï Sire -ava etAnioi $10.00. Ayeeý- àIs.ý 1Eevport, Antiocir. Grant. Aven, m4 lodgst Adamas, Shields, 'irremont. SiCuba, is, Vernon, WesIt Deer- SDeerfilld. ays--Libertyville. IL Igys 1. Crrieri. ansd Qanteleueaof the Board of ~"~~intts laviom vas retonreri ioeeoo.ot Olee:rm vouiri beg loae ste ~o otli n thie matters tefone qtdreecomend hirat 1he Countg W"aâowedas al.ary of twelve iruadr 0#,ailry ofthtirsCounti r on h 0 liomddolaers (S2») ad ad- oo vçesn irndred dllars eamy of tie Srenf te flxed nt dolâea 1SW) andi tiat hire t coate a day for board of prie- fÂb tirealryoTreseurer te fixor i 5 biuludred dollasa($IWO) and tour bnn- hO gai bre. lWe1arapetfulIsubmitted, RANK axTouAe. AnRHUuaCoaxa. Mdi hiSuap. Cee te adopt report. *Yes- M. Nwport, Antiocir, Grant. Avon, Wb, 1Bladgett, Adama, Shields, Lberty- Premeat, Waucouda. Cube. Vernen. gPs'ed asI Deertilr. Ney-Bis. St ayot. Carrieri. usolgnamori Supervisera certif>' g bat* gives nid ltire peuple oet tiri Mo" towshvuilpsau fllove towit îk 141t, Sup. Grant. ta Mrs. Pinneg, lrw,tSup. Warren, la Mrs.. Sngdsr. x».LsyoCharlet, 81.00; Mr. Nelsan, EJ t.Snp. Waukeran. . ............r os auos.....................es8 ......... .. ...3 85 ... .... .. .....1 47 rc....... .... ........... 2t9 .u...........:19 m .................. ..... 4 1 n...... ............... 997 Mor. up Litenlyvî l e, te Fred Mil- , u.-hels o r. ry Sup. Wuffl a o Mr*. etd j epVr on, to Richard Mur- uuereedau.V7.18; Misa Dickeon, bW sedsy, Nov.?, rai Carrieri. ALsear L, HeaDu, CerS. *A pAU, ILL., Sottember 24, 1 91. u'a-2 r met lu spostal somaien bon tA. bous ors at h0ea»m u g bir u ioteinter, 1554,deure-ineglth e ontIof texes te be raia fr canh puposssud levying tihe saine, :sud .tif mIdpe fedilsare reco,,mld- ered, ta deterunesthes snoutet ofali taxs ta ho~ railed tir Cunîy ppueansd 'o ocause thre ame to bo lsvied secor gte kaw. Dated, september 11h. , 0 18954 A. W. WALÎO. JORNt C. CaS, HRNRY . .WRGHT, TmomAa STEÂNu. A. Z. Baanaaa-r, JAoaa AsuussOu. Meuniers prescrit: Beuton, Newport, Au- tioeir, Grant, Avout.Warren. Biodgett. Adam§, Shields, Libortyvilie, Pruemont. Waueonda, Cuba. Bis, Vernon, Weât Deerfietd, Esurt Deerfield. Thre Finance Comnuittoe snbnuitted tire fol- Iowing: To the Honorable Boar-d of SuPeviser. Lake <basty 1111001*. Tour committen on Finance afler duîy non- siderinc tire tax IevY &or building puirpose tiud tire smea nov made ta, te insufficient ta fulil tbo roqtulremeuta oftheir law. And irellevinj il ta betortbo bout internats ut tboCounty ta make air sdditlonai ievy for building puipo@msee vetherefo re eomuiend tirat anasdditîenai ievy of Pourteen Tirons- 'tnd Dollars te maoie for building purposea by tisrHonorable board. Now hirerefore tire Board ut Superv isurs rit [Lake Counuty ilu peeilisessaien assemirmvd hersby make unadditions>i evy utf ourteen Tiouusnd Dollara upon ail propertysubjeçt la taxation witin sairi CotuntY asuesaine la saesaeda sud qusiiaed for the currentyear for bilidîig purposes. AU1o rit vreir larespectfullY aubunitteri. JAMwS Auvniusffoa. A z BLOuoIArr. Meveri by Sup. Baston traItirhe renom- mendation made iy the Fiunance Commutte. bc aecepted and sdopted. Moveriby Snp. liralinglon toa mend Sup. Baston's motion b>' atrîkiar out tire vords ,-accepr<d sud adopted" aud insertltaidi upon the table. Vote on amenduiont. Ayes-Antioch. Grant, Avon, Libertyvllo. Freont Waueonda, BIa. Naya-Bonton, Newport, Warren, Biodgett. Adams, Shields, Cuba. Vernon, West Deer- fid.,aut Doerfieid. Âges, 7; usys, l10. LueS. Vote reeurrtnc on original motion. Ay'ez- Bou, Newport, Warren. Ver. non, BladÉtt Adamns, Silds, Cuba. West Deerieii, SEat DeerSeIri. Nays: Antiocir. Orant, Avon, Libertyvilie, Fre- mont. Waucondn Els. Aiyes 10. Na>'. 7. Carried. Mueved by Sup. Couitc,adjoriun. Carried. ÀLB&BT L. Heurusa. Count>' Clerte. FIOMTING WITH A SHARK. A man Ont Saim-InIn % ttacked by a Blit Van-later. Milton Siane. rot Pablo, Fhorda. %vas recentiy swimminZ sround oulside the surf snd enjoyirig iimsetfibu le vater aî outy au expert simrmer nau. Whoun ho vas about six huridred yards tramt the besc i, fioatiug on iris bacte, ho vas allaceed by a siare. Shane immodiatety resiized is dan- ger sud exerted every effort tu fighl the fiait off sud aithb samne time reaci shore. But lire shark vas feroclous, and as otten as repulsed would relura &gait thlb.atacek. The young man by clear-headedus sud bravemy vas able lu some degmee to ovoïde the. mon- stor'm attaces, but nol altagether, a at every diah of the fiait part ofthtie nforbunate svirnmer's fiomi vas tomu saa. But It vas a slmuggio for very lte, sud ftnally the younig man reach- ed îsitlov vater, sud then lb. beach, almoat exhasated, front exertlon sud tocs of blood. Il vsfouud liaI iris thigi bore nu les. than tveulv-six sepitrate vourida maie by the sirartes teeli, wbich, oviug te lherr peculiar formation, tome away lie fiesh aI every incisiun. A mes captaiu, vio examiued Shsrie's harte, said liaI judgiug trorn tb. martes tie share coutd not have been lee tisu ton feet long. 8hsne'î vounds, thugh mariy aud paînful ver. nul considered dnager- OUa. Eelîpses. Every year liere muat be Ivo octipses ofthle suri, sudthier, may be Byve. Tiese are partial ectîpses, bow- ovr,except lu lie compsralivety rare case luvhilch the moon passes nearly ceutralty over the sun'a dise sud ps-o- duces s ttaliobscuring of bis ligit. Sirice the invention ufthtie speetro- acopa ln 1860 lier. bave been hareiy s score of total ectipses, sud mariy ut these couid nul be observed because lh. beit of tatalily fell aIithe eartb's polar regiona or upori lie uceans. The bell of tolality lasa narrov slrip-uev- or mcore than 170 miles vide-vier, tb. point of moon's siadow taill upon th. earii. Total ectipses rarety oc- cur, therefore, ai, lie samne point of lie earth. Riollandud Mlsirexas tneen. Younig Queeu Witietmnina out he Noîherlaudsansd lie queer-regeuî ver. ou a speclal train belveen Munilchaud Wuerziurg receritty. Sud- denly the. signai for tire omergency brake vas putled sud lie train halled abruplly. The guards sud chief- eugiueor hurrl.d ln alarm tram car- niage te carniage. aatinig members ut lie suite viat the trouble vas No- body could amy. The chiet-engineer tien approacbed lie ruyal saloon. Tire youug queeu leaned ouitrit lie viudow, snd, vîiti lie blusi ut guilt aJIt over ber face, exctaimed: -'tr' yon came here; I dldr't duoit!" The You1119voman ha4 pulled the signal mrely ta aee viat voutd happe n. Tire mace eithte houa, of repre- acutalîvea consista ut a buudleofuthIir- heen ebouy roda entwiried aud bound tagether witi sîlver banda. Tire thirleeu ebaiy stictes represeril tie thfrteeu origiual stalea ofthle uniioni. They are surmouriteri by s globe of sitver upon vhinaitire iemidpieres Sm, traeed, vhile asilver eagle viii outmtrelched vinga la percied upori tie sumsmit of tie gtoe. Il vas made ilu1tB", sud aeigis tventy pounda. _______ Wiat Hassinirg lniOei, HIs.lug means -diffemeut thibgsacs- eording ta viere you happern to be at lie lime. lu West Africe tho natives îles avin they are setonleed; lu tie New Rebridea viien liey i.e auy- biriug beaulîful, Tiec Bemulc»asp- Ple'4 a popular orater lx tbo> emainu. 9- N ouly daugh- iffA ter comprises the famity o Mr. Pelte r jPrinceton, a r.- tired merchant and a wîdowrer. e Hie la a very important man. and uow, se w. behold bhlm, lu f hiedinUlar-mom, r awaiting thre ar- rivai oi hie daughter Char- lotte, to beglu dinner, hie importance and hunger have no overunastored hlm that he is holding bis evenlng paper apside down, and probably thiluki ho rla reading it. "Here, Gertrude!" ha. saps out st lait, addreasing his servant, ltalke away tbe aoup and keep Il warm. 1 cannot understand what han detalnod CbaçIotte atIlier music-lesson. Bring me my boots at once. 1 &in goiug 10 meet ber." Gertrude, stili trembling, removes the soup-tureen, and la returaing wlth the boots, wben the door-beil peals out joyouRiy. "That la Charlotte, at lasti" 01 claimsg the tather, who has Juat takon oiff bis slippers "It is the young ladly." repeats GerIl trude, who, in lber haste to open the dron», drops the boots on ber maaler'a plate. Charlotte enters like a miniature whirlwînd. She la amati sud graci.- fuil with lauzbiug eyes an~d fiully hair; ta 18 yeara oid, bas litto ftst witb arched insteps, and pretty heads perfectly gloved, besidea a tbousimd other cbarmng detaila; thone are dimxpies in ber checks% sud ah* hm a dlean-eut little chia, sud a acftly- rounded form. In a word, ah. la an adorable bIttle creature, a buttr&, atl ribbons and lace; flowersand fiLr- belows. "Yubave corn et atst," aunouno.. the father, irunically, als ho soas ihm. self at the table, and unfolds bis uap. kmn. 'Oh, papa, 1 was just going ttellU you!" "Sit down, ait duwn first; yon eau oxplain while eatiný,açd 1 wilt undor- stand you baller then. Gireat. beanal I have waited long enougb, atromdy. Gertrude-the soup." "But, papa. you can't think I rvo hail a real adrenture." "An adveuture?' crie& Mr. Pringe. town, starting up in alarn. 'Yes, papa, an adventure, in lira omnibus, wîth a young man." "In the omnibus,with a yong MaM? Great beaven!" At this junicturo Gertrude disero.tly. retires, tn obedience toaua imperl..a gesture froin ber master. "Oh, papa, au advenure with a young man wbu was allogethor bt» utce, I assure yu." "I woutd have yuu know, my dear, that a you ng marn who la nlce nover bas an adventure with a young lady«l- above atl, Iu an omnibu. Expl"i yourself." "Oh, it's a trifling malter, papa,: and, really, il irit of the leant use to make such big eyes at me, and taik ho me in such a voice. 1 had torgotteu my pocket-bouk-a tbtng that ta lHable ta bappen any day-" "Oh, yes, yea--espeeialty to tiras wbo haven't une. Go on. "I didn't diacover it untîl the con- ductor demarided the tare. What wa 1to do? t turned red af a peony, then 1 teit my face pale. l*appily, as the couductor betd out bis baud, a youug manriat my aide pisood a quar- ter tinlt, and said, 'F'or two.' This gentleman bail un'ieratood the cause of rny embarras,ment, and paid for me."I "Su, Young lady, you accept a dimna from an untinuwn mari! ietter a tbouard times lu have explained tire cîrcumstances to the conductor-the driver - lu anybudy. One doe flot forget unes pocket-book when goixîg ini au omnibus; or, better suill, une doea not go "IT 15 VERY BAI) MANqEIt." iu an umnibua after havirig torgvl- ten oue's OCeket-boolc. 110v do yon propose lu retutru tiadine ta 1h1& youug mari? l.'r I hope you dounot lutend keetiing l?" "But, papa, 1 have bils card. Seo. irore: *Mr. Wilam Mabun, No. t Wili 7toav atreet, Mora.'" The fatier, vltbout.volllug tb beérf mon, anatthes tir. bit oI rW tis is .ieta Iriguer, the iowest of lb. iov-your FARM DEI>ARTMENT. nut. dit d PSY lbiN l Young man who lm altogethe o a n ndedicWUI, "p 'INow, papa, bc reasonable. To r.- bIter te aay tiraI the land bmwtah6t turn the money, il was. of course, USBFUL INFORMATION FOR 'iri value at promeut; it la Ôffes'O4for necessary tu know bis address." 1 AMERICAN FARMIERS. sale, but lew or none vl buy. The ex-merchant ln rda no imitable1 A fBord etoroemptiVeCoewe. reply lu thia irigenlous reasoulng; but Bonte tI o *bet o fnoagiflg thet&isitlm hed vitb a gesture Indicative et decided Mode,. Vaini and Ostdon-LIVe I t la O dafry ti ilt-bumor, lhrows bis napktu upon the 1500k, Poutiry, Dairy, Splary "ed wortd bO roused Up on th. qUUUM table. d, ar. t onnumption iu oowa. It May b. "I arn fated riot te dîne to-day. that th imsam le uo montprevaimut Gertrude, go, engga me a cab by lb. The ren.b Versu. nov than lu former yeasra. and onUwtr tboum.' 1 wtsh ta returu thia Young ad- A vriter lu Cotemporiry Revlew other baud il May bc that ii<deflMM 7venturer bis mouey at once, sud tell gîvos the roaite of bis observations on l'revaleut. Âmnong tire profoià=alit hlm a tew plain trutis boaldes." the French fermor sa, toltowa: The the Wlscoumlu oxperlment station tire "Oh, papa. papa, yon wo't do that? fermer le a mun vho route land to des la expreased tiraI n-breoding la It woutd bc hase ingratitude. Oaly tarin, uot ou. vbo farine his own laud; on. 0f the causes that I me heb tbinko ut.lTis young man bai ex- lb. latter corne. undor tbe bond of disesse mone provalent. If thttire tricated mie from sa very upleasaut taud-owuer (propriotaimo). lu a tirne, se ht doubtlin , thon it 9go« tb ailuation.", French parimh tiere are mauy big prove Ibat couumption in more pme "Unpleasant situation! Let me ferme. The average acroage lea&bout r aient than ever befone, beesuse there alune! Shut Up! I don't cr. te bc 350 aces. lu most came. the.farmer neyer a lime Wheu iu-bred oowa lectured, especially by a matte-bralu, llvem simply, but le uot able 10.»v. cere ad intimerons sa to-day. Aua< wbo Irises ber" mouey, snd soma aveu become bauk- u ca.ofct se. e U&t oni- The trate parent puts on hi. bota rupt. Tweuly years ago tbe saine tion l0 extremnoly coutagoe.0 lla sud takes bis cane and bat, ail the fariner would bave £200 a yesr.1 for iustauce, tbe bord atIthbstton vile growlng more sud more morose,. have knowu loverai vwho died ieavlng nsmed. Receutly 't comPrlemd thlrty Gertrude entera. £4, 00 to thoir cidren. Thou îî vas bond, of differeut breeds. Nov itlal "The cabman ta beiow, but bie ouly not rare 10 see lu oue parlshn four or roducod te two individuel&. About promises ta take you tiere, flot to Bye farmnera posseeeing fromn £4,000 to ibre. ean as go s cow vas addod 10 walt for you." ;£12,000: but nov, owiug to the agri- tire bord that leno»w kuown te have 'Very veil, 1 can gel suother cab culturel depreseelon, mout of them hall tuborcnloelm at tiraI lime. ThI te bring me back." 1have undorgono beavy lancs; yeî (30w bh« ivou the dismiee te tvmty- Mr. Peter departe, alter Bîammîug thero le, the curious tact Ihatrnt bas flv. othora ru th. herd. Whou the door. whiie Charlotte, blushing boau but aightly dimdihe& Tweuty lvouty-eight cava won ton" aud trembiing, recounla ta ber old j05fl 5ago the fermer@a ve.tire king& vitih hypodermic lijctions of frlend Gertrude, how she ln muchbebt- of th. pariahn; a certain prestige atilli tuberc b a sort hixie ag ter acquainted with Mr. Mason than 'attaches tu thefr tille; they were lweulyflve ot thre ove air owed a elle dures ta, coufens ta bier father. callied Maître byoverybody; ou. apeake markod rail. of temIperatur1'. Tues That for a mç,nth at least &aie and ho Of Maître o-sud-sa. Mauy fmd ît gave no aigu of havlng lire dleese have taken the omnibus et the. same bard t 10m-ai tis prestig,snd sa r.- The. viole tweuty-olght von aelaugh- '%fne each eveniug, snd Ibat, witirout Main lu their ftarma psyiug 100 much tored, part for .stoty and a part for seeming ta do so, aie, Charlotte, bai reut and loeîug money rathor tiran the sake ofascieutlfic Investigationa. Au uoticed his evident admiration of ber, give theon n. The ent ofthtie amati examination of lire carosea o w"v oe., etc. farine bai leaaened toa sgreat exteut. that lbe twenty-five tiraI h"dlm- "A fine aff air, tudeed," exelairna the A fermai rented ton yesra ago at £ 140 spionded toe m ttad coumnptlot astauiu>ied servant, ait iin a tremor of le nov reuied ut £80. On an average Of thre remalnlng three tiaI mhirevd exctement. tbe eutbsa decesmed about une- no imise of tempàlature, oue haldtire William Mason la lu bis bachetor thuu-d. The saine tact le observable disease, bal vas not bud. Salu tire &partiments, aud. lu a sentimental vîh tb .111snaller ferme. A tarin of twenty-elgbt case. lhe bel of tubai- YDoud, lagaztng at lie baud îhas etweuty acres ltlfor £20, nov le Culîin JectiOon oly Once tailed la thre Cbarming neighbor in the omnibus lt for £16, sud very otteu the land correct.d iagnoele ofthtie condition 01 bas tauched whtte taking lhe card ho owner dues not recelve bie rent. lite animai. Tii. opinion ot prof. gave ber. know psrîucutarly outaa amati tarm the tienry le liaI lhe luberculin test ile of Suddenly lier. cornes a knock ai rnul Of vici twenty veara ago vas great value, though il may feu l rare the door. wbici opena abruptiy. A £32; nov it lale tlfo.r £24. But 1 bave case& Il le 50nearly certaiutirai t le large man, out of breati. bis hat over beaun bld by competent judgesl that tu Practicail t O eIt extOluively. HO his cars. hi. cane in his fiat, entera make auytbiug out of it the, tenant betreves h iel near viion stock- uCeremofltously. . ~~~Ought not lu pay more thon £18. ît le men viii adverlise andoeillteberculln- "Sir" bcexcaims 1ýo mytheno wonder thut by tis arrangement tesled cown. and thht lb will h. fou"d tsaiut fil. your cariduet la unwothby the fariner talle lulu bad circum- didiieni ei ayother. of a gentleman. A gentlemeu dons @Utnes. It le s tact Ibal rente bave Tewrdàwo rde not tako advautage ofthelie nnocence, nol decreaaed lu proportion tota o h . va poperidalize thePo cla lie inexperience, lie arttessness, the. Prevailing agicultumal depreasion in,.remie lu lie voot product oftheb embarransment ut a yonng girl. To The farmnera vork very bard; they worid'" amy. lie Counrtry Geutleman. profil by lhe absence ut a faîher, sud are the fBraIta orisesud tletsl lgo 'Wuot is ciemper nov than I1haoir wva a pockte-boote, lu brutaiiy offer la a ta b.d in lie bonsebotd; tveuty years before, but il is also true liaI nover ln Young pemaun who is atone, nul oniy a &go tbey bote no active part lu the ariy previaus aâge did ao large a pro- dîme, but a visitig card. may b. a vorte, onty superinteuded il; but nov portion ut manklnd Wear voolen goofd irivestment. but le very bai tbey' vurt as bard se thoir uvu labor- cioîbing as lbey do aetlire presfust maners. But here is your dime, air. am Tii. tarmner'a vite rises et 4 s. m., lime. re treasurydopartmont ie MY daughter and& 1 wleh uoîhixug suPerintends sud avortes ilih.heser- cump;iling stallgtie un theroyo, pro- furîher lu do vihryou." vanta; aire aiea attends lu lb. dairy ducnelu inte varIons counurle, t ront And lie large man, alter peroma- sud pouiîry yard. At lbe first giarice vhîch we condens. tome iutereting tlug witb muci volnbitity, begina 10 t would appear tiraI lie farinera bc- fade. laIriS81ithe vool produet or sourci luil bs puekets; but beforo lng obllged te vork au, bard do nol th. Uu'ted States vsm 00,304,oia Manou, via le ulteriy durnbtouuded, bave a muci more agreomble lilete Ibs pounde, sud connmnptiou 85,339,87?6 eau utter a word, a riev actar appears the taborers; but spart trom i te pounde. lu 1870 tire yoo produlet had on tie &Cane. Il la the cabman, vbo 'vorkte hey bave mrnuy sdvsnlages. grown lu 162000,000 pounde. snd cu- aolnes lu furiousiy, braudishing bi& Tiey bave ptenty ut violesome sud aumption ta 209,0w0,000 ponill. la whip. varied tood, poultry or butchers meut tS92 our wool product vae 244,M0,0 "-Thi in alrIe tell you I ailI bring ut every meal, vine, COffe., sud pounds, aud consumption 439,M:,t0 you here. sud nul wait for yue, sud liquora, baside the produce of pounda. This shows su lacream l you accept the terme. You even order gardon sud dairy. Thon, of course, thirly-lvo jears of 387 par Mce nl me lu rmake taste.wireu ve arrive you Ibeir children have auperior adysu- production aud 415 par cent la shoot, tike a zebra, as siippory s tages. rernstning longer et rbuol sud carisumuptiuu. The report amy. an cet, wîho,,t paying me, sud Cati' receiving a beiter education, being tliainlu 1891 lhe numbVrr of iug out la me lu wait. That wunt 9gofoten sent as boardema ta lhe neareal shoot) snd tamb. In Chreat dovri, t tell you! linean vhat i Iay. lycee or cottage. Tiey do not otten Brilain vas returned at 28,732558,aud One trip mearis une trip and nulhilg become farinera ou comptetirig Ibeir lu 1893 ai 27,240,334. The voat clip lu .1.. Crn. hrryUp ifyuuplaout educahion; ou. sou viii probabiy re- 1890 va.s placed at 13S.00,0 ou.d 1 aant rny dollar, aud be quicleabutmain athome lu assiel the tatier; if sdi 82a 5,0,0.TCpo-inte il!" ler. are more sans they obtaii guv- la a Profitable sttempt ta improve tire Masori uid nul undersiand; but telaeermnt employyieut, enter commerce breed ut animaleansd lb. volght sud large gentleman. wiru bas precipiate. 'or different protessions, quatuty ufthlie Beece. lu Iteo0the iy dived ittu aci pocket, thori suc- cessis'eiy turned them ail wroug aide 1i'erhaps lie amati landovuer in theworid's produc t ooi vas 955,000,- out, withouuîappreciaile resu it, grows happleat outhle iniabitarita o atin- "000pourids. ir i l'80 il vas ,628,00oOW pinte and white, thon crirrson. thonu lry pariai; lier. viti be, periapo, p9unds. and ilu 188il vtws. t950,000,Ooo violet, anid now shades uff imb green tblrty ru a paribh viose population je pounda. Europe ls decreaiug ts yodl -a rainbowilua %alit bat and over- one liouaand. They possense 80tu too production. North Ameries, incemsme C hvefugute -acreset aIarougi calculatit Th yfrum 1 10,(M0000poundu ln 1860 te 880,- -l hve frgoten-m-pocet-cullivate thirirferme by lie týves, O3l'.Xeupound luin 181. Tire lergout mboou!-'et teir expenses are tev, aud tbey are inereases vwere In Aust.rsLa, tram Go,- ..T hal's su otd tricke," roama the sure, et any rate, ta maite. enougi to 00a130K0 pounda ti 1860 te 450000.00 cabmnan; -bu you eau tell tiat ta the liv. on. A veit calthvated tsrm ut5o pourdinl 1889; tilO Plata from 48,00,- police. ît vont answer viii me," acres cari b. made tu support six par- 000in1loto l 360, 000, 000 lu 1889. Tise aud ho prepared to seize lie armn of sons, sud tie ovuer la able ta put by aàtaletics are, lnterestug, -for tb.y theunfrtuatema, wo, n dsparabout £30 s pear. The arnait lanid- show whtcompelitlun Amrlenvcat on the vcrge ut apoplexy, meekiy ovuer farminei land hîmself, becase gravera have ta meut. But it la prob. submits. But Masn. a veritabie ho let il vould nul psy hlm, lusoýunci ably truc liaI lie 10v pricea of vool providence tu îthe fain iy, gîves lie as lie bas to pay the taxes for île landthlesat year or two have ecfked tire Otbman the uecesbary amounl snd and 1h ash aveiucreaaled mure increase of sieep everywbere. Il le orders îim away. than 50 par cent lu the rural dretnicts, Inot atone ln Ibis country tbat large "Permit me," tie yoirng man gays, oviug to the. building 0f coaîîy scboola numbers of good she.p bave bean ent avi exquisile politene'.s, to the ex- lu ue&riy every psriah. Like the to lie butcier lnÉtesd Of h.lng kept marchenti, who bareiy biaâs treugth tafrmer lie taudovuer vorks verv for breedlng."1 articuiste. bard; hllves under nearly the saun COMIUSDsmand oDe. "Certainiy. my dear sir, vîihpies.conditionLaodiie at tire othv , or lioenf tire, but give huun onty one dltar-not about the »aMe sdvantagea, but îi&le kg e h te ieo h a cent mure." position lasaperior, inasmuci a s i probtem, the demaud, liee soemet The fauirer ut Miss Charltte. vio lie le freer from care, andlie la abe hnotblug lu sigbt vici vIl uee a but recentiy conld nul uriderstand ta loave at hie death bie land as wvolt cras The@tatM madl tL.t s persun bs lot aiways i his as bis savings te hiem cildren. praclicaliy dead slready. The bicycle cari flt take the place of msu.yMos-e pocte as muci as a du'i l u py in an On. of the causequericea ut agricutt- bora... Etectrlc carrlagee rmie1 omnibus, nov admniis that he is very ural depreasion bas beeu tie depre- . s e'asie urnl 0 onenot happy lu have some une ta advarice ciallun 0f tire laud; mony1beomasas hoe.pasve.andbmno go -ovea the aum ut a dollar lu stop lie rnouih rarer sud raxer iunlb. country dis-' sud ail expeot It ta do go, On lunasem of a pililees cabmDan, stricts, sud lirose viro poasail gen- ir b esdfrbaua ommc Tirus, notwitiustandirig the diverse eratty invest Il in sumething more ail ctases £ae& mure& Witt, Snd uuusual emotions leeha jru.1 ex- profitable. Nobady rares ho buy land' grester business prospariîîy ntumaiiy p»erinced. iltanwti an .1-us - g - ----c--se.1h yllA- --s em sa- - cre ele ra.l o la 4

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