CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Jul 1894, p. 7

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hui biLàbg#. la bofn" for III buy. plve cows. Jhat the dafry à the qu..Miot ru. Il maY be mors prevu3.aut n1a and on th. bat It de mmt t prtaemora Bt But station the ln-bro.dIng la Lat zmahes the ý. If thsaibu thon t roe t. in more "e. b«cau»n thora in-bred -o o-day. Auoag *uat olonsump- «loua. Notic, et th. station niprIamA thirty la. Nov l la Iduaha. About, wami added to nOWn t. havo st tinte. This de t0 twOUty- herd. Whou wero bte" injcton or imse uq0i, ows eh owod a trature. Thro ; the dimue,. t vero -imgh ad a part for estlgattomu, Au mssae s hovod that had »- m that shovod 4,one b.d tb. 04. go inuth. ternt of tqRboe- De failed in th. te ctondition of Lulon ot prof. culn test ta of nay fail in rare ertaiu that lt in :tenaively. He r Whou stock- oi tubercuiu- lwjUl ho fou"d Dr. prodmet the enormous product of the ry Gienlema. lan l ever via e taI noyer in so large B Pro- vear woolon et lte prenant departmmeut in the yodl pro. ountrie., froin ime lutercetng D~ol product or w#A 60,"4,91& dion 85,3,876 ici produet b"d unda. and son- 0 poundé. la wm 244 M0, an ineream lu S7 per cent lu per cent in report iayu numbVr of 28, 732,558,maud ho vool clip la ()00,000 Pon& G. Tisi pointe to improve the ho welght aud lu Iseo the IWau 955 ,000,- as 1,686,O0000 aà 1,950,000,000 esaung 11. vool erica lncraed lin 1860 to 830, The largeot -lis, from Go,- te, 450,000,000 La from 48,000,- Sin 1889. Thos lngr, -for they 1 minn vool- But it la prob. pribes of vool 0 Oitecked the ywhere. It iu rY ltait largo have been sont Of belug kopt mr for».. r ide of the hero sooma to eh wui eaum B uer dera.n4 la r. The bloyseo Of muy more ««e prolnie t'O siluem revives. o, au Incram nesé horuo Of ieure&. Wltb ia< Ioeal A. W. ZÏiÏLKR. D. b. a UN ChapgaIuiàg, CW .StaS i Nad moSs. J& UbtpiII., Saturday only, uci vecI. foe. wlit Dr. Taylor. Oves- Trlgg.& Taylor. tore. Extracted wthout Pain. ýwA1LL WORK F. C. KNIGHT, M. D. PhysiclaQ ) SurgeorQ. office Ovor Drug Store. Liber#Uwdlie. Bi. Dr. Charles Galloway, Office ln Loveli'S Drug Store. a e,21 01îooekf.A.Mb. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR, flloe ovor Trisse à Taylor's Store HouE»: sio 0 & M. 2 te 4 P. M. 0to 4P. M. HOliEi At J. E. TRIOGO'. LIIIIIIIITYVILLI. .-ILLINOIS. DR. E. H. SMITH, Mquar. y OffIce over Lovellia Drug Store. Ro m -.(1&~'l 05:P": '.:) D ù 1 Libertyville. - Illinois. PJ. UOCKEILMANN'& 114E INDEPEND)ENTr. H. C. PADDOCK, Eimnoit AND Puor. FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1894. Church and Society Dlrectory. mR7HOIST-J B. oouffn.paator. ser Iiol:8a M.: 9-5..12 m.;Epwortb L7ue Proaching.i1UP. nm. prujir e:F. IVed ody een ne ut ý:7Ài. PREMBYTER1IAN-J.V. maloiln .P" kr. Seve:Prmsduing, i030O : nd aflO M çz S 8 . .P.9. C. 9.'.8:161 P. emetnWoduefday evening ;:.5 U NIVEItSALIT-DrJ. 8, caDtweh.' .- moCnti. . .,12 mi., eowb Sundàày. @ o~B f .scb moatb. Visltinir botbren xr dllywelcomed. ... LR@. W. M. 0. m. CoenevoMaL. obsc. -rI NEWSY NOTES. PERSONAL. Particles of Information Oathered Ms la eis'Ile by Our Rustling News Gathorers. !Sherma,, lastw~eek. WInela ,,ou go urroy frona holne, or MI1S. t' .* qîermai sid dlghter: hsare frienisrisiug you, or you a"rSta'ted sOliih, W'edlie.«ay , uig poing (o lire a party, ,.ausiralt or ,-cP- M119- ~ LY Blkley r-tjtîied from iono Orh,'it roéir chus-eh or socrety 110 hDessap etîîg iie-davý cantemplal.i amy procading, or hm Joe :Mr. fndlM. S. Taîylor loft Sattir- yol. sel, bh.yocaiky~e yourn8ieneo ii',to aitle,îlamimeeting at Plailles. busness. or your son or daaghter inMar-- ,Yor ,trhcit onr nightbor geM a 111 E.,1W 1111il aJ .1soni A. 1H. arie baby, or," u la a ro if ayou lam- o r e o auîy ilea ofi èi#F .te:o hublc bui, or ,.eeul il i,,, oo the 1INIDEPEN- ENT iril! gl,îdf q pulil il:. Seasonable Remarks. (lit flowu tlio.e burdoeks, tîistIe34 and olifier noxils wPeds be-fora tLiey Drop items iiu our plvate mail bx, 1 pn ed on the door aI. foot of lNtoe'ýE-îDET A niimberof young people attended ~Lalri the Salvation Arm: meetinîgs at Lake, Staver & Aibott cars-luges awi Bluff, sunday. buggies ln ren différent styles at.i 0. H. Schanck & Sos Go tu Attlndge's Ive Cream Parior Lessns a Arlstc Wod Crx'ngat Sinoor Hotel for uIiviiousis e reus Lesans n Ariste Wod Crvig, nd lemonade. Modellng, Deslgning, Drawing sud 011 Painting by Prof. H. BiAli, Liii- Read our Sibsc-rilîtioii Terms and retyvîlle. govern voiîrself w-e'ordingly. You H. B Ege wil mae itt4) ourw iii Save from 25 te 50 (cents l'y Py- interest te , ali 0ou hlm n-linou igl daio want a êtove or funai-e. Read lus P hysians will thid a notice ubish- ad. esewîîere. ed eisewhere ini thi8 issue, te bld for Big Jea 'Minînesotas hard wîn- the job of doeritig [lie,îuoor at the ter wheat aînd Diamnotd Patent Coiinty Farm. Dakota wlîeatare two standard grades Chas. M,îIillke and daîîglier of Cihi- of ine patent flour soid by Trlggs & cago vllted aI. C W. Slermai's Tues- Tio. ra sack. day. NIr.3ulilke lias retîîruîed but lor 'Âryii '.,,iitt-r nl î,-mi,î a fem --,s.. doili it arenter work la (cigîîfor R. W Stafford tîji4 week. NM i,î M aitha Wilso nî, w lîo h 4lîl r speniding a few weeks at .J. P. Williams has r.'tîriied te lier hîome, ut Hait Da3. 'Miss Gruce Baîîmann lias returned to) JefferioriîPark. and will sponid the summer with lier s3ister 'Mrs. WV. D. Price. MisDeborah Cooper of Palatinîe, who bas beten vlsiuiîîg thse Misses EILIs anid atteniîîg the Iiistitiite rcunred home, Moriday. Miss Ala MNacguî,tfin lias lier frlend, M1i" C(lara ( '4otper, of Yorkville, as gueet aîîd eom pari n i'i nring herý- mether's absence.1 I ~ i A HOTTENTOT! isome M'rien ci aY QAk'lh u~s "Is' It Hot Enough for You?" Do *NtKi He may flot be to blame- He may be vearing hi last WIN-ni TIR'S suit of ci thes. TakC compassino n him and scnd ___________ to him us.\%'E XILL FIT HlMI OUT WITH 'ONI of the SUtMMER \VEIGHT SUITS of guaranteed Mr-s. .1. Frees, of tliç-ago. anud Mrs. _______ W m. E uaards a udl ite dau gt er c 4 & W $ Y g 1 * ei I -hich w L.ake Vilîs, spent last Satnurmîay w irtIs @ M OMJ*~I i Mrs. r.'d (roker.I make himn coet Arthiur Edwin Bulkley ks homne ýv 'ith Oid Mercur%-' !oomifi againu, (lis time lie l.reught lis alfa (;L FlfiG via> up in the ninetis. te sho;w t'slie elave that t-o tilem is of! more intt,'-ut thani Stratford.ei-A vomi. Pale li,.'kç-lmaus, tuhe-tensorial astist, Fromn $7.50 UD. lir- W. .!.Il. ..1 ugj- l ,. m-us stiii iuuirls-rîng aI. tha 001 staifi. TO SO AL PARLOR Il-e lis' a large stocuk of G'ranit, (>ly te'î l] lN, mole in wilich toi He says lie liasi -ngageI hlharters lit lx cr11 eîîtltppt'ul wlu.iî firmtl-dA ~T.>os and Bliîe and(] Whte Tes Ketties lat reimaîr or Iuilli to'.- îew sidewaiks Sillet pp lle,,s retreat, lii 'ase traiel a,,i Art.t. to anadi t lirre. the folowing low prices N . 7,' ( fu hefore tilie moui iiil iis'trusuts the gets too di iiifor ai) hliust liv iîîg Wbn ouwsta Nier. siuooii ha aNo. m, (g il1.10Large Size, No. , ' wil Yle wnt -mrshal to Mi teJohai Y1117 lt , mi Me<iffuifiaise T F.tiuwoia'ide Iuir tut. or '.lixnuixIpo". f_*si25. (;. H. S,'haiîîk & Sorts. parsle Mti. a o ir t' a iiaîlBil cifl Alwaam; colIoi ttheus-M . obv& 'scm e xpense.lmi 'al lmiRi.1 m-Gifl LISEUTYVILLE BARBER Smop. dM . Cli oscmeî, NN'îire ij'. ie it s t'pi iiikler? If aiDr. 'laO or ttended a pienli. Ieon t wether tlîs etk. inita- tisere a i u'-Ileteam'.tvr il)i LHert>y- gi'.eii , v W\atikegaiiî frierols at w-tI sndfr ottauo vtlî rstorei..ii'fille, ie coolîl maie' godwages IDrtive'> Lake NWemdilesday eveîîing. tin orvo t "si-'30 rstre sloriil rs. meroii agdTaottluout' Harnnmocks AUCTONE ER, court )your Iemstom. NWe r- ~snlngti ul 3. To Ot Mr.Eesn gdao 1let endorse them. yoi paper for sibseriltioLs yeîîrs, i verv sim-k at 0. 1. Lie's. Lernon s Navngh mub1xpeief~ ls ,uciî,.~ N.u-oE 'iise liosmi.,rileîl~ %Il thosme vho wvr.' served with have Her liiglite-r'.Nrs. Howard, tif Clica- Ravni hllmull peienoI e, i \(Ti PlTiote wocre am at tilte cliijroom imav luave tii. o ' -ais o' h ndldynekGlass Water »jàj milplait ake -ud îiînlui8 ward theueuîw Town Hall are remiliie a h esI..ii. ltt)lieti.,)iý h cila.tem i eB5 IÀ R*Us meà AL.ed to pay tfiîer several amoonuts to med a u esarîit , of.,.e wm-to.. 'teTwnCekl ( tit le,([ mcliIclto ftu kStraw Hats SIll %r a u. e d themorst o e n work-a> )l i . 1n1M sou-i, E 1i-.VU liF ly P a p e r -IR the Psakea te Eus-- hais-maof ftle-Bld g. Com. ti -.da vam I..e- LxliiSmithm, Maria Bse- Prn s~z.a ~ ~a ~ (. H.lSelaac'kwiillie t Stsver Ha ph Darby hlus oîîjei la Iluarber toni,oie 1ev. - ifiiand J. .B. Pi Abbutts 353VudL =1aA- .',i r ilosOluoes-ritue î.o-t flive where lie Aý rîs iii"et )e-'llliki:es -5amni. mnec!- S te Ladea and ChildrenU MITTENS, lîirî' rmI .,1 '-o- ndfhopes t .i) - ls ~fIrmei -hol1 iîg tliIv- .' FUI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I Lei PII i UINIIII ,ill make % er) do,.-Il-1 1 s- ~mates ui i iii.Me~.Hattî-i, and -l iiAila! Ginghanis to e, rm - 1 lo .l h tmisuirt, of t4 lwciVuii. la., ai,d Sie teiui, ut~? (liil b-, V'er,- gus' F'ancy Work Materiais. 'lt't crl l ii ,îr, W1 m i.-11 o a .lI-)nif a yait ie ilaN tht,îNI . E u .iiiuulge tilt,-Iiu.' STA M PD LI NENS. large îîssortmeuît ai Vdiiîesulam wiî h Frank 1)uIsesnl iu' rpuîieltii.' culer siîîil lis Ladies Neckwear. Ruching. etc. p ilim' .--. e-' mrrý anîd fîîmîly S',tewmîs-t & Iu1) if i>Me,1e1lunB u . m Mecî SMITH & SWIFT. 4îiiggilug we1llstlieu'e îlîuý s. Hîs work l.uruî lii'.. titius ortel ,.omne îf tlîeir Tiie-I,îl' iei. Il.\ it uns r _____ ltlJ'eers te give '.listatietî as vfasI t-kte &i t) elweiuî, te train thlem week. -1have uever lîcard aiîj - omîuîaîuts oui tiseIrai-k anid l,,ner Iieir re.'or'i. J. A t iagu e lIîî, it iu.d liomlu Ch s.Kase. ý,ti ,à jg jil.llltil Iis'-ce W Wolrouonr forenatiî, ik liue-motit tri m. He is.-pirtd ht iiuîî- Ch siaie. ntierl dscniî t lilS u,. rau.-.'n ro hedotti h ~ lisI. lu siiet-her ,-elîimîu It ake eu, u.- o'. îuuig a lwo wu-,'ks vacation tr auîfiîgro IiedîutîtieJS , C Ji AND VrALRiuN -ý te keelili ' 'Vlieel -if 1-ortiiiie'«ithie MeOna 18Lake Asseml ial'la.ui -.amealIllinois. 'The smatll 4ruiîs a'e I AC I Hors. a Furnishing al Coode, roliiig. 4I-44 (1 .i.j aîid iitîîg Ili,-paruenits auj id eir1:, an e'.stl-d mid a fair cs-np.B ii..ii Rouge,. LANNETS. WHIPS. Fs-dCili.imket, tise 'la ilo r, ins',othler fitendul, ut Horion aii uîm e~i.guenl r .r LIBE TNNSAND VALISES. IrI l I,'. ,< a alî nulle bris, VIs.We .-xpIc-t- h.' wili retuiris a i.ojrvatiNm-Ie li fig fo rfiîr s And ail goodsuusily kei>t in a iirst- i eat I - * e ~ ngemn a' orwr 'km-iiî ai~ olass Hariuîess 5S .lhessta.v mîiolm-ut îrt o m Iiulav,. Wisliithe ie 'itor ,ouîldi Elugisever J. S. Loe-ii(.'11 l C, r >~ . '~. Fraf's tmc F1 iny * i~ tiier tailors alîd brifîgs iii i'olîs.iqle-take ashor'iiit re-.t sî,'u'nd iiue vîltraitl s nu.-,miiiI-omniale I abie work anîd money frem 'lilc-ago (ie.rý li alrlm îea y ie mepîria Natl adOuckl Do..and otiser towns. We besî,eak f,îrl Wm. F ' ,te stute tliast srrved 4 ýrs. 7 mes;. aîîd 50 lau -in Ropirie Nstl ad Qicky Dne. flm a h beriel patronage bv mînrifotr informant n as mistakeniîlaioit the 'same ,'emlasy, loithiall lemit mut L5BERI'VILE.5LINOS reser".tht item fast weeck. He says lie u, for 29 years misutl Lu-e'iarn,- isem Choice Building Lots For Sale. teîrndftle uds- oie iwîkel'tnitraslto i. flus wife. }',rtiuer it', s --sm-iî î L iI.ert> v illces-uîiî. unîintv ~ ~ Ii the C(. F. Wrighit addition i iess wlîeîi or wiier thie weddiiig looik aBe n,i M'j. 1, B.NlIi-jiî Lake VVuIIUJ B n ibry il.Iiqir fF.1.uvv l (.11av'e and lieni-,li,'s otîsur ii'iiîui. neuIt Tric.',uayte tii.-l-,'luî-- fl~ 5II.K .lt-rt ~w 0tild uat.a itend t lîehir o%% tu ; i.h1 ca-usm p' Meetiîsg, nu,-:.- îîi.-N il I, Wright, Parkhurst & Co., M W A Picnic Aeaeie'eltiak'ti îî misnutlStidval.î l., c LIBER1'VVILLE. ILL. lf. Ai nia i auum, é I 7h,;t niulid gîu e leî îorretlti - vwil îetisîîîte flshI, i, li an i %ie n -1 I -riilaN , .1ig 3, '94. For fîîrtlîer liai , H -el-nîl. s. g-tig t. . 'vllii-clt Io iituî ts-~ Issutes Interest-Bearlng Cer- tticîas --e s tel u,,iext ' Iulte'ka laîuliorii. H. la- uî-iuî utwo weeks vi',itiîig lii lmsiit-r,îu tiia e a a l nlmn .1Nu.,EI'-EN DE N r.i: lmuildiuig'e, ie'.iie the îu't ulIi.otl:er relative.,. ati iei i il. tifîatesPayale o Demnd. ~. luli ardiware 'torv, snl ail ie'. itoi-Di. H. E. Jami'.iu i i. rjii-ii e1 Hay Rakes and Hay Loaders. thlic irlitig <filie. tilt h .,ii .t.îiluît lisalpoinitmeuit éas floîus '.elký ,imissîl flj.~ ~ Dere Loaeucr. K e'. -ton,' Leader asnld s ',blaulk,,mith hi iop iiibat~i ier! ahtise E ugiewooiH i-.î i u iali.i-I is TO.BS. Morgahi Loader, tDavid BradIm-ý-stiol . risc fast. tliree iiivýe Il'le1sstitanî a blie-k fiîirn iii, fii-- Now iS YOll > ogai:Chances îi-rcîrig moih oi ii-td1> ' "--ou u' gi i' U ndetak n SHOES 011EA G. H. Scliae(k & Sons.'. Llb)ertý '.111e. ic grev.tli ailicontinue lieultli'miand 1ailirctce ,it ailsetelî,ls tii ext.'iiil J4E~fG thttlie l)iii ble woîît itslliîte ti,)fastt lus acquaintaiicc ami to uitai g Ilus Bring on Your Pickles -aund bust ike many et-ber towi'i Ilivate îsra'tiee. 1 lt Rbg hoe ai25cs. a red),to eceve ivilesas E. W'. Parkliurst. LilbecrtNilles Henîry Pi-ane wilo lormeu t' n urkîi W o r t h 5 4,e a 2 5 1 s f s t a s tr e a y v ire , re c e l '. ; i k s n c a l uit t e f o r o u u it y t r e s i r e r , ' i s fo r E . . r w . u in -a s a ir e s te u l îî îî i ~Qp$q the mornuîg te -d 1). m. lst-tîuî is lusspur time î'îuîivating banc haI. pr g,,olfessed tv> lI.iiig ~~UULO. B. AV. Stafford.1 lis fine gardeni. Ha re,,orts te arti-aiacmulcluthmrdrfMs, Wotth-7.. 1 ficiai irrigaioto ma Ill) f6otr tfie McKendrlek at O(rauid Rapids, Md. nia- -ouru-î-,-- 1-1, "f i.y.- uiuuuj,,.1 Uru . . .fai assntne1'e.1 ay/ti ùlhildren's 8hocs al 'Ibct8, laShOP Worth *1.ewSe îop mpposi te îOde mleilleett idoi ido1 j aaelouse. 1 n sli to siý t-o t-le 1" -, people uit Libertyillie anud %iciit', Worth $1.35 niat 1 i ahi(1oail kiuîds et geueràI blaeksiiiitliiug b onnor entire sati.fac- Ladies' Tlan f;18at.75, tion and prie-es nil l e reassi able. Worth $2.25 4-4A .Uî-le G oal $il1.50, Worth '' T rIumph No. 4 Mower. A few places of ilf Wool Chalai 12ts Worth 2to The above arc net eld goods. but new, ju'.t receuved. Fa. Ca SIllthll& S LIBERTYVILLE. Evxuy priv;-te citizen should have bis name and addresprinted on thc pafer and bnvelope& vhlch lie uses, lm aves --ny mistakea; and if ho igo kreqaonable number prlut.ed, ho - -=4th mgnat the 1 Forme.rly k5i wun asme u uu- AVe haive soid over 250 ilusthc hast ri yuars in Lake eoqitý., glv-ing tire best satisfactions Of any mowcr sol aumnîîit lt iasi troubîle anti aXpense t-o t-hose n'inig them. useOt verusgingt- t'ents euch for repairs, annuially; eut-s any, kiuud of gîass witlî ause te tean.) and man. Do)N *ouî aut tire lesb Mowar made? Caiii!auîd seathamn. 0. H. St-lauck & Soirs, .Agts., Lake Co., 111. Wediding Carde. For Wedding stationery of t-be finest juailty and workmanshlp aivnys corne o lte IMDEPE7<DENT Prinbing Office. We challenge compt-ition in fancy az ab aaythlug .(engrave'id work a UWtI1~flmit pow.- ton.,84 "a weli dry lailbis woît-by enîlcavor te 1prodtice a vtp. AVe alis hlm ,sue- ccss whil l le >'o just-ly menit,,ansd hoîme lue n-lji Le able te taikcthe lst premiinim onu lus cxlibits lut the Fais- and show lis lrotiîer couity officers thbe pîîtutees ever guoi nIl Cet Vour Pcture Tak an. A. iB. Lewis, Pihotograpmler a uS ini towlî lust Satirida ' \and eontemriplttes iocating lucre î.'u'mauieiult-He ex- hlblted soru-ebuuidsomcr p-cm-u of bis wou k, anxsuog atui-Ili a.- leu large pulotografflus of tIh es-ýiuiene's r E. W. I'rkhtirst, tOo. A. Wright, A.B.t'ook, and usim,rois familiar- places lu l.ibertyville iand viiinity. From abat an saw of tise manl anud his wos-k ne judmge he ail Io le u .'miiru busIness audîmatlsfy the public. His speciaits uîow is views eoflbuiluings, huim-es, stock, et; u'tli if lie (-an arrange for a galle-y lue v.iii est-ublî lslmsaif ut Liierty ville, the litiîb of Lake Coîuaty. Hie exiiects t-o lae here vtth bis outflt last of t-lis week. He cornes blghly recommended by J. B. ('Btgioy"j Masos. of <ClbumePark, t-ha Michjigan peiiiteustiary for lifeý Chuas. Macard bis par(l reu-uived s lika senitence. Tisa general oîîiniou tseems te be that Prame Is unt a bail man, but made an awful mistakel whnliasse associateil vith Macarîl, n-ivo is salu tto be a vile crinAinial. George Jamisos A,. B. Nortliwes'.ruI U iliversltv '93 lias beeuu ulecte, t,, tiie positioni of Irinelluil of tlîe Sadle Higis sclieel. Besida the genîtral sipr- vision of tflublible seiool s, lie n-ili devete luis tima t-o lus cieseu wirk ofteaehiuig Lanin andl have spevial starts lu witi a salas-v. of Woos whili us very good for t-he tirst ya" work. Ha lias t-be sî'holasslîî, grondwe-k) for rapd pîromotionî atnd au- expect lie wiil soon hoid a coilege ilîrofessor- shll Sandwi'h lias juîst pisovlded ample aceomodutions for b-r svhool of -six Iliinidred iiftv piils by erectinig a twenuty-li-e tlsossaîud dollar scliool building wll l fomrteen rooms, maid tise hoard bave shuown tiîst t-bey are uip to date in ediieation- ai malt-ors î,y putting a t-boroughiy qualifled college-bred man at lise -hb". HaStbe h.d*y wheu Llberty- mther Goods: ýr Sets Croquet Sets Bananas Fans Gauze Underm Lawns Muslins Pongees Stippers O01LBY I& EAT-1 & SOjit1 RTY VILLE, ILL., faipts, Oils Varpishes, Furpiture, etc,1 Embà-rn,,ir )DS JUST RECEIVED. LOOK OUTP For a change of ad. iii tijis spaee next wei Sherman the ý 1114 .1augilivi ým . - -3... ig ;4ýp

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