I tif ~SAINhLiLifY w ,qj mOan a Brave Man Be Afraid ? Written for This Paper. By Guy de Mau passant. CoAVVEE IL-Ceumoa weo avek or ne for me te recovor haiue omposuero body amd M,~ ~~ sd spyfor ma, my regl- wsne1yafier tels oritore t w dhs.Iitsruted P[100, and thera- ~ad Up.7 md thal 1 vould telluoyer tixhiinbut 1 tfwU e s llnbm et I vo lthdt eleliores ub- ~>bsedrbut voul in no case wbuuptoan4y one eh.s, excepI bsvll.amthoelallUm ~wUs ~I freot P Os eveal à mutre y«. uy tfiends, ltat a iosvsaivss utenoh My rotera f rositAge sMy albvu go1 oIredby Abria- ~er ibal i de neit W resiga frein 11el'!a timake a tour Irugh lbe w.vat1t. For many yaa i heart wiop2n!d for its vasi rivoes ta ond- pW5 i w anmd pompas sland an BibSéa nohaîné, lhe Rookles udAu- ssfodit l aS whila I1vas gotl for Ibis extended trip that I Mowna upon the Sainmilatrybtera awln say nmie books and I a 1vishod b leave lI mornsolincldace, thal t a nther colle chumn alfemd me that Sain-Gery vas sthâlt he bail di-apearoit ibst ietuly fron HeifeZn aud that forh.lapse of seversà years 1the Othoet1es hait aocidenteliycome upon ce! hich couvinoed thon that ho a& oomlled suicide. 'Thia P800.o! newa lmpremeod me as 1 vaiked back tW ny the scoues of that terrUble W ferig eeuponn roef reool'ected every- lthee aalleal dogi-se, allbough y eal~ton yearn ince ih had sud 1[vas seizeit vlth an Ir- beIintn te lop 1h. pack- kt* M reoal the lers. " What harm?" thenghît. L "Saint- evy vas the lait of hla race There F n o Wvhomen an ever dliver' ~,Blîher 1 must destroe m fe et regding thon, for In le. case rial iteth the letters wold tllU into OWr bade, and might bbakeu bis Waory bjy making hlm oui a self-cou- =i mYrerer, or I may r.ad themn jdeosr. ying thon, andt thus pos- éyleer up the awful myetemy cteng- Ê%bout Chsteau Saint-G.y. I waa iefmy power Wo keep any terrible t'St mi*1nght b. disclosed by the Wiboratei for several heurs, vom-k- I I~efuploto such a tate of timd ieoycr.ak in tho0 m, evevyIl 24:o=76 lir.e meatrtik:e cn1minga aIthe sundt e!f -l t e door knob. A I l it 1 ~tbeenmd as I di! g0 the nlse ehborlng cburch tovert LOU e heure! mitnlght. Il vas ,at-geconcidenceesuanasI t0h goem lones, my fieah 40> c-amy It le nda ieal bodoit*y !os'head, the sohadcoome bock upon me; I wai mmgthe keenealtenoture. Gratu-C ât ipassed off,aendt1was able te satvitelte seadtng o etlekot 4Tb.y vere one and aIl love lot-t aiT «r.ased b Feint Gem-y tel wove*' lhey vere vildhy, atneeti 4*stueusiy, pausaonate, sud moret gieogr vas I oonvluoed that Saint- reason bat slvays been more or unfixot. lIn every jeter Ihere vopae rofereuce te Aurores glori- loiai of bain, eut I nov fet sure l bad net ffeen Aurore ber,elf,r ý*rep1rit, Vt a he b.d been foul«y =1 'Sin-emyin an ozes eA" jeabonsy. Upon unsealug pacag, fouud a hosvy a tidnhsîr aI least fOse 10.1 f Im1b t bcd beon cul f rom OeiP ahead by Saint-Gem-y, for Ihet1 i w»e noed in bis handvritiuig, giv- ,«eS theeboum, day and taie. A mgerisen vitb Il of the ew haire 6hâd cbung te tbe buttons sud goîci @oft my ecat on thal fearîub igbl qol te ouutlrm 0eue of my strongebt , $eb taI he spiite o! the dead un-i ces-bain conditions have the poweri *8torialization vhen they walk theq Vall, yen yull net ba surpritet viten1 [i you that I didn't deatm-oy tbise kwa, Ibat an intense deuire 10 ferret ibis miyatery seizot upon me, aud bi 1 ârmly rosai yod upon rny returu mù tbe ne o vomteho met anoutîbe k, anud if voasible, to learu the ex- fte of lb. heautiful Aurure. Yeu h wbathapDeued. lu Rio 1 met a lvditer, married ber and set- Idown Ibero. t vas tvonty years Iy I as deslineit te se 3 France 1n I va then an oit man, nel lu ry robuet healh-a childiess vId- rer. 1 b.d corne hoine lu dia, but a mlhl o! oà friendesud native land me me a uev bease o! hIfe, ant it mnte tme 8auifI Ibegan ile ahi over »Wn 1 vas passiouat,3iy find of Mtlpg, and on. sulumnu about ion on &go ishile se engsaged lu the Pthe" o f F nue., Ivas overtakou *teWriic storm. I uigad my guide lasd a sholter as sieedily as pousf- R e assumed me thati lite. as baroo! vîthin four miles of us4 and ieiyoe Ie vords out of bis forb eln I caught slghl e! wbat qued te ne te bcae charcoal buruem-'s biathe edge of!thb. bm-et about hall 1edistant. eyMy lord, net there,' ex- mjthe -man vith e g ume of jLlt mlgbt meeu dealh te us ~abte un boh?* I echoed. ~Isrtum-ued the man. "lb. cetlei by àmait mmn, or eue very 11e torin vas nov imreaiag lu te seek shelber thore. As eallfoth no response, the lb.doir. lan1the conter oo a mam of 0w stature Mlb.edrive« mmc. At a you both dovu, you infamous mnions of the law. 1 kmow vhat you've coma for-to arre3t mo for murder, and yo'erghl, ioo. but b'm resolved Wo foure the fdearly; des, 1sr, t frt.plesanre o!fll?.H,ha bal" «Nay, air, you mistake us entlrely- 1 cri84 outinlas frienilyvway. «W. are ol oOcera, but merely travaeoss vho crave the ahbter ot your roof. We vUi do you no baru." Iu an instant hle fury loft hum, and he belit out bis band t wme. "Saimt-Gery," I cr18," old friend, itonyeu codhsme-your 014 But my worda made ne Impression upon bis disoritered mimd. He vas 'opeles3ly insane. Bopolosaiy? And' Ft hy? tbought 1, aessI gt îng apou tbe evfui mental and physime wreck b3fore-ino. If I couldb ut per- gado bim, litho as I beilevediit rny- mif, IbsI Aurore atili ivbt, thet I b.d 5eeu ber, touched ber, tlkeit wîth ber in lb. old chat eau noar Rouen, posslbly [mlght b. ahi. to cuit bis vsndem-ing ealon back again. My miud vas madbe up aI eue.. As I contempiated runstniug lu ihal region s long as the untlng meason Ilauted, I vould. seud ho Psm-is for 1h. Ibre. packages and de- vor tiotenthim. The sigbtoetthose iLetons, lhe toucb of Aurore's beauthlul air. Ugletber vitb the sound et my ole, nsight gradually make Salut- Gery's reasort vbele again. Alas! Man preposes, but Cod dis sib carried ut my progrem te lb. latter. 1 cor- rtlaid lb.eIbm-e. packages on ain.t-tGery's table eue eveulug and beon boIt hlm abone wih thoze remind- rs o! other dave, The o nImoming I found lta door lcked. W. buret it open There mat autnt-Gery aBth11e table vtb bis bead uppom-tad ou one band, and bi@ oyes appareutly miveted upon sonatbinir held i te oth er. 'Saint-Gery, oIt Iriend, boy are -yen t-day. b lalIot cheer -ily, as 1laid my baud onabsa~uldom-. Be vas dead. He had tî,d sittiug tbere vilh bis eyos tlxed upon the etr&n~d cf Auror.'@ baïr. Pnug a spoody eud tomny sport Un the wood 1 I batened to Rouen, le- solved to Book eut [Roger, Il be ver. e1111 alive, and, with the proof I bcd, extorI a&confunsion Iroru hum. Tiseold chateau b.d been sohd for taxes, sud had pasaed lute the banda of sveslhy mcunlactu-er, who e hd cempletely trsnsformad the phacc, destroylug ite auciant carvinge, panel ugeand bang- u g s, and replaclug thern with tapas- tries. 1 didu't kuow the property. It made me heevy-hearted to gaze upon il, me repul ively !reih sud now-look- ing vas the renovated castie and ite garish and 1 ratnuious surrouudlngs ut, thsnk beaven, lHeo vs t il sive. b came upon him liko one Irom the &éàtl, and v'Ysou i b.d lstbéd .th tbe acceunt o! my tlutiug Salut-iery, sud o! bis strenge desib, wltb the mirant o! Aurores@ bair etutcee!Ilu is grcsp, the eged servitor wopt bîtorli. <'RAPTERIii11. But Saint-Cerysa death bcd accoru- llahod ono thing, at u rt.It bad fumuished me with C.juOnlrm.attbon troug su holy writ that ha bai murdered Aurore, and thal Ut wus bar material- izot apirit wbom b bad met in th. 014 catle, vboeicy.cobd bsir 1 b.d cont>- ed, whceelow r îinlg o!fmelief 1 bcd histened tesa I yent. atout the avful task o! pbsyiug hait-dresser to the dead. "Saitt-Gry" bcgauRoger, vitb s igb, afterr h hademptied out bit grief lu tears, '"was froin bis ýory childhood poaseised et a wtld aud un- governahie lamper, <bo-,ely bom-demlng upon a dlsordared intellect, He bail fablen mailly lu lote vitb the daughter u! ou. of bis tenants., Aurore, as beau- tiful a creature as aveir hreatbed. but the &,tri feareit hIm, uay. sirnosi loathed hiru. b thiuk, ait linos; sud vot ho ex- ercised a wondom-!ul power over ber and vben bor lather died aut abc wa! loft Mlous iu lb. vorbd, Saiut-Cer-3 burd hem-to Ibis old chattau with i proml-e of marriage. For s year or a( tbeir bapines eeued lu he cDmplete but gradually Aurore grew wearv o: >bheMlon,, loomv corridors sud vast idisimal chamb3rs, wilh 1he repullve i ooking Salut-Gary for a jailer, su( > uade suvoriti attemplu te e cape. l'ail iug lu Ibis, she seerned t) becomo des perste, aud at difforent limes lured ai o14 lever o! bora le the castle. 1 kuev Lof Ibis, but b.dl net the heart tle l qSaint-Gem-yof it. ludeed. 1 feareo rht o igzht kili berilua fit o! rag> if it shouid con, lu bhis eas-s One day hevever, returning unexpectedly, b.E fsurpriteiltheboyoung man iu Aurore' ecompauy. 5h. vas meiiug ou a nefs aud he kneeliug baside lier, as bi b.eu bts cualoin beu she vas a chili bul ber father*s home, and cemblng an> rbrabding ber vonderful baiin. Saint Gary 1011 upon the young man like a 1 » risted donon, and voilbd certainli l We khllot in If 1 b.dl not provi 1d.ut!ally beeauin the chaleau sud m-eu oued hlms froin y master'ao clutches 'Nov Saint-Geryns demeanor underven ba allil more sauiter chang0e. He be Cme= ei>t an sulen.Il vra ulytoo la!toet he vasploltiqn 10«-»-terribe rimeap uffl progu botvait bereha"Y" Ib fo td.C Ibo. eîtalsof ber h ir 181aufivdïswlMgIn 1he, Wall, loftIber tarve Ten aav a! Wr, vWhou 1he magfiel Ihb 1h tevilleh vork bcd geffetoDe spur- pose, he suddeuly Informoit me of hie inteul te louve the coatse. and nover again W ocs itethreabolt. LId aît 1e hoed tW bis vlld vends, lot1. hum 0o vithoul a myllsbl. o! dissent. I a h 18MI y ye upea hlm &Uail ang. Fortuncieby thors vas a secret underground pasag Iedig tW Ibis tungeon prison kuown opiy tW me Ite existence bcd been madobkmown le me by my Isîher. l'bvough Ibis 1 vistd Aurore over ulght with foot and drink, Impressing upon ber mimd s9LEr! ana TOSAZVX the neaeaait.y of slmuatlag doath, la case Saint-Gem-y sbould enter lte dan- geon. This ho 414 on the lenlh dey, and hearlag tb. clank of the bote Aurore oboyed my tejuntion te the boter, rolled over ou ber face snd lay stretcbed tark and sif on tee etou.. flor. Saint-Gery attereit a barsh hreatblng of relief and turneit avsy After the demon'm departure I id haste tW elease Aurore and entred ber tu botako berself 10 a couvent in the negbborho, but se unfixed vas ber mind by the terrible experiebhe. ah. bcd gone tbrougb taI @he refusod to obey. On differeut occasions the. tenant. eaught esight cf a white figure viih long foving hair seatedaI the. vindoir In the moonilglt,mai the cbsieau meon acquvirei theb reputation of biug baunled. At Ibis perli-lt vas about a year aîtor Sant Garv'o de- parture that you came for the Pa- .Tben il vas not a beiutiful specta- cle?" 1 cm-ed in aitonishument,'but Aurore borseif in bah mmad iblool?" "Y.o, 'uy lord.," added Roger. vith a nadi amibe, "lu flash andt blooit he beantiful Aurore hemslf, thee li-fateit mistress o! Chateaui Salnt-Gery, vbe by chance vaudere! laie lthe room visile you vere searohing for the Pa- pers. "On. day," conthuued Rloger, «a curi- ou, ides itashe 1 Ibreugit my m1üd. Il vas that IfI1cnld oniy sucq.ed la cut- ting off that glorloua bho&& of hair, perchance Aurore iight recover ber reamon complotel V. ' Tii,, y de. r fre ide, Roger nov procodo W o. aving adminiterel sr sepnpotion t- Aurore, ho11eoared beetbegbrl- ous troesn vth a bold a.4Pitti..sahaut hile ah. aIe lt. RUsbug 10 bis foot, the Marouis un- locked s pantel cieset and teck eut o! il a alvyer caiket, frein which he drev forth a long braid o! golden bair, ma". up of fouir nîranda, ealone !qut. thi ck enough to eatlafy 'an omdinary daughler o! Ev.. "l'hmo are the radiant tresses/' gen- tlemen -*nWt lte Marquis de .s Tour- Samuel solomnby, "whlch helouged t t tbe bosutiful gboot o! Chalean Salut- GorV, wbich 1 comteî ou IbsI ev«nh- f ui ight, sud vhicb I veen wouid bave mcdo Lady Godiva bide ber bestin ebitter onvy " The Ivo frleudm e! lb. marquis drew near almoal mevereullV, 1.11 the bm-ad sud esre-sed il. pressing il irsItae their cheeoks and thon te theiir bipn. This doue, tbev bot ixed Iuquirlu< eyes upon theo marquis, and as one man ipronounedbxe.vordsr . "And Aurore?" "Eeger's e aperimeut vas completely Isuocesaful," repiied their boet. SUions ef bem- ill-starred glory, Aurore acon recovem-ed ber reason and was eaiby pemsaded to enter s rligicu3 bouse In enother part o! France, where uo doubt aho bas long ince f uliy atoned for ber transgressions, if auy she cotu m ilUed, hy prayor, contrition andtm- L"t-eace, Aurom>, o thy bruisetl .hesit, if thon b. living, and rest. 1 teruai rest, tu thy pure soul iflthbn 1 art tesd, » murmuredt1he army offiem reverentilly. "Amen! Amen:" rospouded the two M, others, sud thon, ase with on. impls êtboy stretched ot their lof1t bauds aCn ïjoined them in a triple clasp, wbilh .with their rigbt they raised their eglass.. tetheir lips. Alac:s r Copyrighit, by lthe Athor' Alac;& Silghts m-eerved. tWhat Thos Lack 3d. 1 It bas been saad, vo beleve, that *"a poet la buru, DoL made," but oven a poetic birlbrlghh does net prevent Ils owuor frein occasionalby encoun- terlug adverse criticisin ou bis early e fforts.- Whlle Thomas Cambpelt *wss proseculing bis studios ah lhe If Univeî&Eily of Glasgow, be occupied eapartmnuls vîhh au elder brotber, >wbo, hough ne pool bimaeif, vus -mî et admirable critie, but a severe -one. Mr. Cambpebl had gune dowu to cthe breakfasl-roomi one mornîng, I eaving the puet tgZfllow at his eli ure. Afler waitilg for sonue lime, e ho began bis, meal n solitude. He bad nearby fljisbed breakfast vheî bis brotber enlered wihb a copi of - verses lu bis baud, wbicb ho laid on ithe fidble as an excuse for bis dlai, i ah tube saine ime requestIng Mr. d Cambpeli's opinion of Ibeir meit, -Tbe reply vas quite cbaracteristlc of 'bis brother's pecullar dry humer. -Your linos are admirable, Tom, my boy,"m said the eider Cambpell, alto: ealmly perusing the verses, it "but lhey appear Wo me 10 vint ire;0 >and suitlng tb. action W 1the word, la the.usrelleen Criuiecoinmilst bq 9 pager Ip 1the lissesThs pMt bais 116 ir Uâf mieAS nwmw ia Im1* NL SUGAR SOANOAL MAY POUlIBLY TWENTY BUILDINGS ARE IN! neAuhWsMeé dils" d#*M FU LEAD TO MiREBTS. RUINS. mm e WusM*@W*$ aI P.rjani T Pslv.sa h' Bgola afflue ~s la ted Wlahb 1.15West* Vide, abazbam ZExpiarè. et wet vi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~h Mgmi-sl triia '»' m Usa. D~5iste etthe Tewm-Aàm tfW05 <1S~EU tien Mmd mUqmue.UImmS TownSoe.bod.T.TBislW.I* Obutp-..dê7 a won a&" Eniey man. suar Ub May m ur Border. raa Sr the£ m6wmcpm.) It la reported hors, on what inWd Maff . aPaie Ml'. he people of lUcbH il,i:, and e to bo good authorty, aya a Wsahlng- El PUall bas Tad a disastroua hlstory cintlbave r.omtl= ebaa t*1edibye ton correspondent, that, despite the wlth regard te, ires, but a conflagra- endngutmirai.e of 'halg. For vear 40111811 of speuliation and tha avora lion whloh .wept ilis busines portion one <J the boat-knoln mon in Baes tatemerite of Senators who had boom Tkureay was the severe"l blow it basand Varnum Collationhme beau Mark caiiedl before the ivotgatng aoin- ever reoeive& As a.resaui more than M. Woodaon, DOW POtmat at Pana- mutte., It would bi proven that ln twenty of the imest buildings l tein,58 other @f ex-StaSe iuspsof " etor tbre. Instance@st a ni bauspéculation place are ln ruine, many fine ,stockn of Tc____ RtBlk io h). Wl& ho tor- had been emgaged ln, and that the gonds deâtroyed. and a loe of lIlly ,or s résid,and et big prenons three Sonotora re*erred W blid been 030,000enta4led. About 9 o'look ln home vusmber *69 t ibmi bofei%, guilty of perjur. t he mornlng a deef acid dumb bai ber mlashapen aineistfront the semblenc Au intereating *tory in golnir the nemed Taylor, Who b.d sa@hop in the , Ma w hba eaflsbot" ed rounda-a .tory 5nosttling blia 4ed- bassnent of Chris Schaeffer a building, hem adaU t e rtit aa*»abued m'nl- t" athat Ih In elmodt pat bellef. It in on the orth aide of Front e 11.lk. acron the wahe oa.atr ss- sald there ie a mon In Washington wuho llghted a* inste bo hat a 508u W,5Md Whou one daylaI .th It bas i bispossssiocthrlriggalnsraihten.il w ilsfn» )ighti, tbrev basla is osssson he rIgnaltru. he atc brkeand the Aval the beavy butto ea". w"ofor brokera o»tract whereupion one.off iamlng end j1.11 mb £aveisel con- yams had been 11f cuir oupeifreon the Senatore-a4promiflelt one ai that taininif gasoline. The baize coin- = alheiplesne.anad = M4604net -contra-ted Wo buy sagar wben mutcated antonces W a partition irmiy, unbeuitlgly about th. tvo it was dovn Io 89, juat belote lis phe- a.jolaing, aDd in a flash broke througb cîties, people ioo0da"i vondered. nome"a rie. Il la saad that Interet- Inie the conter of Schaefer's grocery. The nierz of tbe reniarkable cmme ba ed peracas *short" on augar, and who In the room vere s sred twenty bar- bocmme the marrailof the lwo oOeatl. had n "squezed the retobcOI, o rois of gazoline and hal(s many more Exaetly sa Mr. Woodson told it ti, e nanlulslmgthemaretor ecaseof keromene. The barrein caught tire T'h.., reporter, ti li er* publisbe: they d14 not have the« inside tip, *b.d and ezplolod one alter the other. @cet- "For ton y«" 1bave asfereâ the l an immense amounit of money, and lering lt.efdames Un every direction tormenla o1 the dsmned and have beeu hal determnnoa break the sugar and starting a conflagration that In a usolos nvaiid; to-day 1am aweii and achedule at ail baze rds. fifteen minutes vas beyond contral. hearty monfrais trou aimont every The mont interelstin art of %ho The Schaeffe.- store la in the conter of touch of Pain. 1 dont think man ever &tory hà the vayIn Un wichthey lntend the block between Conter and Elin suffed more mete andcoonstmnlagony to &et thîn achedulo suld. t le by no atreet , sud the lire raffel lunb.tb di- than I have since 188M. Th. rh.uma- othor Pm eu s than hv the arreat or a roctiun@ f rom that conter. Goode voietit s srted thon in myvlight kn. certain Senator ou a charge ofen irv. In a criminel (mue of thîs k1r- hastiiyr removed and piied up 0on th. end alter veeks of suffering in bodit la aid stck okr> ou ilt. ~oppoite aide of the $triant, vhore they wu at blut relleved aufficemntiy to pl-i ad, tockow toi bos Un coti- vore damaged by a shower wvblch came arise, but it vas enly tw gel about on ple oso hrockths Inchemt asdabout 1:15. crutches for fOve pewed the &Ialimnt th 3 persona hack o tY aheo In rmspouse 10 telegrams. Bloomlng- havlng nttledlun the joint. J.epieb tLey can pra)vo, not only by lbhev7? ton lent a steamer and Lo je cart snd constant treatinont of the mont ami- den,, e they 110w aim to have, but by one lra compsnry. The run of nimie-Dent physiciens the rhaumallsm grev what tlzey could ttius iay boire, 1hs1ten miles wau made in îwonty-on. verso. and for the ladit tour yoas h1 somgbïdetebuly in e2sdoing som k minutes. ?inonk andi Urîdloy sase nt have beau compoield lego about boat lyigbeor th lt eliatig ommt-asalstanoie. A% the J.loomlngton mon half0bisa>the grOumd.la the vinter It la thougbt this particula- Senator, arvre t he largo tour eiery h ko 89-t !1e h bumic . rater han.ublt 0 scb roeed-Eal lock, the pride of 1he.Wwa, sottled imb in mont chronle for>., 1 rig., wo uidundotokil uh prcai- hols jabroakimg lie o liaes. The went tW KansanCity uvon edvice of ny ing- oud4 hewr tinsi oBIoo inne >ine iwuajat once put b.other, and for .si eeks I was Ireat- asmi*dini dolng, aud through the oiW vek at the Illinois Central vater ad in one of the larfstsud best-knowa b3nleced n ho risaid t nd 6urmenitank, and pwnpelwvter lntW the dspenartes of thai clty. but wftbouî bi~~~~~~~ picdo h r. ta h o agl. Block, but it vas ton, leté the siightebt improvement Before 1 "short" of lhe stock would recoup thoir to<do mc ri than protect tb. De. camo home 1 sacured a strong galvamio capital dropped wbile they were on the 1 al Hoiel. A Une offtaim. or battery; tbis Ineed for mouthà w.th vrong aide of tho market. ahusniled walls exlendod fron11thesaine minuit. [n Augusl, 199!, 1 OUR FORTY F.FTH STATE. Central W Eh» atreel, and the best 1vent to st. Louis, and thore conferred part of the Wown was going dovn in red l t he Ib ely known Dr. Mudd. of Utah Adda Another 8Swta to 0W lrys ruin. Tbe'craoh of falg valle wa, bospitli practice fame, a"d Dr. Naie, mou,. acocompanied by showers of sparks that o f the city hospital. Nome ef thale By a 1 etrokea of is pou Grover' îhreatened tW consume buildings te- vouid tae.my case vltb 587 hope of Cleveland made operatito the billmto frcm tbe bur"lng di,tricl. By 1 affording me more 1ha8 tourmrre- whicb providods for th. admission of goded management lbe lire was kept ief. and go I came homo, wea do lled Utah to the Union aes aStste. Bqtewithin the territory bounded by Front i vh pam>, boiplem n ad despoadent. conditions of admission tIs, oiNr orttyI- treet on the. s-uth, Ebm on thovet, «About Ibis time my attenslea vwas lith State, will havo full powors of Firat on the north and Central on thoe alled %0 the smcunt ai s remarkable atatehood lupon thoe ctumencemenî of e855-1. The tire vau under control ai cure of locomoier alaxia. rhema- lb. eitseison f Cngree-tat ~11:0.tient and paralysie by Dr. WWi&ims she laiW sesdon o ongreooo atea, 1 '. .tiPink Pilla for Pale People. 1I ordered ele a o en n F Coesntat At trhe corn of Cenra s~oma of the pille ai an oxperiment. Senstors W 1the présent r "&li tteeore fCnra n rtWhen 1 began tW lake ibsu. the Utah, vith an ares of 84,4 3 squréaresreet, .1004 1,the Eagle Block. lTh. rhetimmtism bail develope ie toa miles, hb.d in 189' apopulatlon o! 2X7,- building vent rected in 1872 et a 0001 phase o! paralysis: my leg, f rom the 0MO, which wus greater ihan that of of #N&,u00. it vs, ovBe.! i(intiY by thlgb dovn. vas cold &ao time and lher Delaware, Montana, Idaho, teverai persansa. vWo0oaip et1. T could not, b. kept varm. la a short Ne;th Dakotat, Nevada or Wyoinlg. FA Paie Bank lac810,00u. and vas lu- lime 1the pisaver" togea s 80 nWv Ubh la divUded UtO twouty Ooufttlau *raitfor 8W,000. In the bae-nt vai the cao. 1Iwovab hle *attend tw tb. Baht Lake City la the capital and largeai tbe El paie journai, whlch lont 83,000, du"laietMy nomce, w gjet about sana city. Utah la divide 1 Into Ivo pattea andidoas Insnred for 82,000 Cotton vol &na strong mon. 1ivai fre. frets by the Wahaatch montains. The Brothers bad a restaurant in the bande- pain and 1 could enjoy a soumti and West part boboiiga to the gresât bastei, ment niai north oi the newap&rer, ad restful nightasloop, soemeatblng I hai lisaw1atera baving neo utiet to0 Ibeir loua is about 8i10O0 Over the not knovn for ton yers. To-ay am th1e ocea, wbile the st part la restaurant was Northsi iari mplemont practically and, 1 ffrmil belUeve, fier- itrained 1w the Colorad River o! tbe niore, vitb 08,000 worth of stick and manmntly cured o! my terrible and Weasl.Thils river in formed by the insurano of $2,000. In the second agonizing aliment. No masctcian of junetlen o! the Grand and Green, and story vas tb. clty bal, snd lbe aity the Far Etat ever vrougbt the mira- novas outhwost luto Arizona. West Of logos.118,M0, partly insured The uppor clo vilb bis vand that Dr. WiliUamï the Wahaatci Mountains are severali loor van occupiod by th. Maionhc or- Pink PiI> 414 for me. « lakes, of vbich thonse ith no0 outiet ders. vho tome 846,0ý v and aro inaured To verify the stoy beyrond aIl quais- are sait or aîkaihe. The largest O! for83,000. Next camu H. C. McCord'a lion of doubt, Mfr. Vi=n ma"e the théine and the mont fautous UsB1h.,gonersore, wbosee ions ta $6,000, lu- folovlng affldavit: Great Sait Lake. South o! this bake, urd or $5,000; J. IL Slrathmsus p STATE or MasseluR!, 18toW vcb il flova tbrough th. ivrfurnIture store. Io e 817.,*00, insured i COUflTY Or BATEs,I Jor dan, fortyi.-lve miles long, U 'a for 83. 00). Be,.ldjuthere ver. several b, M. M_ Woodaon, b.ingduiy avcrm, Lake, a shoot of pure fresb water profoFai rual meu iu the upper rouma don'myosth stete Ihat tbe follovin abouudlng n fish. Whool f rom ,2td' t - 55J eech. Al statements are true and correct, ;,.ni In the velieys the climat. la gener- these were n tihe F agid Bock. verily elieve. MK M. WOODSo. allymld aud healthful, wth uittle' i th-r loer, are as follows: Frank Subsribed and sworn W beotoe me tnw O he mouuntains the winters Kyser, 7eee.x)s on building, $8t,UW thIis ý1d day o! March, 189. are severe and the suowfall la more oni stoc ; i>. i)uun, drug let, 81, «ef»onr JOHN D. MOORE, Notary Publie. abundant. Muoh of the sou o! Utah in buildinir, sttck *s'00 ; . A. YounZ, Dr. Wiliaims' Pink Pilla for Paie fertîbi, and by thorough irrigation eau barnes,si, Il d on ktock, Wm. Iitzger- Pooplo are manufactured by the. Dr. 1 i . 1 produce good crops. But ald, saloon, $1,0 di: Newel Steen, bard- WiliI ama Medicine Company, Sehe- the plaina lu their naturel stete are ware, 85,0L0 on stock, 8.f(0 on build- nectsdy, N. Y., and are soid only la for the most part bard, dry and lng- J. K. Tegtm .yer, generai store, bloxes b.aring the irm's traile mark barren and Irequently covered W th a 84,00 on ýtu k:V; uchaeffer, twoan wrapper, at 50 conte a box, or six agi icultural producîs are wheat, Oeta, residence dama 'edtnul a cent of in- Wiliams' Piuk Pilla are nover aold Ua bsrley, potsteese and other root crops. surance; A. iH. Vet, hardware, stock bulk or b5r 1he dozen or bundred, andt Applos, pears, penches, pluma aud 8,000;o George Buter. clothing, an>' dealor vho offers subtituto, in grapods grow weil. Grazlng is con- stock 810,0t0): f rama b ildirg, 81.4,:Iis fortu Us trylng to defraud you and ducted on a larger scale than ta agri-' Fogg brick block, 10s0 $3,-'00, occupied sbould b. svolded. Dr. Wiliisms' Pinkt culture. by Worthin.tous8 dry goodas tore, boss Pilla may hobaibl of aIl druggiLat or di. * Utah lous p artel Ihe territory a,- t6,0 0, insured for &',(K)(); W. N. Syp e ctcbmail frot Dr. Williiams' Medi- rquired fr...m Mexico ln 184w. Il iva9 boots and shoes, loie $2,(M0, witb no clii osMparir. *settied ini 1847 by thse M',,rmons under Insursne Henry 1 otzenso salcon, Mrn. Indian »Trit.s" end -Nlation&" Brigbam Youug. Utah-uamed f rom Rarrier s f rame block. tusas$M0; Kear- The ditToren-e belween 'trUbe.a and trîbe 0f Indiaua of that nam-vas 1 uey'à f rame building, losa $300; Borner «nations" of Inians hanet generllv dorgarizod as àTerrito-y in If0, sud & CO., butchers, itus$1,500; vacant understood, tbe Ivo terme boing Ire- de mbrIa led 3 w9osre miles. Wit- store-rom nowned by J. MeOannu. ni qentIy coufoundod. Mms.Harriol teil ni 'voePortiffe O0f whel Normal, Io s 8300. On Central street maxwell Cc uverse thun marks lhe dis- bave aluco bacomo Co orado, Wyoming lh. Clifton Hous wa destroyed. Il tinction: "The Seneca nation in con- and Nevada. bad been bult bat a short tine aud lE 1of .'ght tribes, aud this nation lu rc mi$8',000. egu oum livory sta-a GROVER SPEAKS OUT. hibsash Crs~hef distinct emong Indiensase France, diwessn a;, Chlibti haefer*sG.rmany and Englaul are distinct Loetér tromUlmH l adorsinjg the wilson eligsght amege. ,artin among the nations of Europe. Th osi ýtButil en a ithe in,.Lusebe dvoliîng, ose 81,L0 P; o Wlf! 'asnations, composinit the Original con- n ~dwellng, las $],, 00, iusuied 9à; >faderaocy of the Iroquois, one of the A Wasebngou dispatch says: Ini- Pete Tometz, biler, loue $1,500 on mot poiserful coufederneles dever ittns nterest a cricate4 by Mr. Wil8soc ad )( on building. ParmeIBe known amon., primitive reoiples, in- j- sens announcomeut lu the bouse & Porter, butchers, boss $#,0; Frauk cluded theCUnondagas, the Cayugme, y Tbursday Ibat ho b.d a letter from Webfing, undertaker, losg not given. the Soeea, the Mohawks and the Il Preeldeut Ci .eland, which the Henuing's stabo ealo caîirbt fre and Onelda. The Tuscarorai vere addoit telatter had per&ntted to b. burued lu lbe block north of the ('lif-i 1721Ï. Tbe nome Iro4uois vas mot mair pulic Th leter was ton Houa.: lo038 about $500. The thair proper ludian naine but was de- thon seulteto the desk aud read, Campbell flouse was in great dangerrveIbiee rnti.rucmd a mid pmofound silence. Ti.e lbiter was at one time, and wau cleered of f urul- bas beu used Iustead of Ho-de-mans- a Iu the Presideut'a vigo: ous sty e, aud ture.sa-e hchenltrredin- 7e was 4 stirming tribute tu the MWilsonBa-e hcbonitrptdalt- S)ill sud a direct blois et any aurrender ar cnBsns itItBurn,, le b.Peuple of lhe Long Boisse. o l..te-Snat b. Te- ete as-1Te uinssprto-eSmrs Oniy Ibrceaof tbe origrinal nations vo-