1 [and ei SblaIi bjr a e«a Mark r ai Pana- Ma ho toi- 0 pressaI WMt man- i aller ses- wMoh for gort frona i4 the two weudeved. b cas hm' IM il t@êO tbllahod: LReéreâ the have been a Wall a"t iost eser>' man ever ian bqon îabout on eallaïent mont emi- Mlam grew ir yeaaa 1 bboul but the vinler akia hati Vas treat- ot vhshout Betore 1 g galvaulo ntha W.th et, 19!, 1 conterred 'Mtida. of os oh Ihe. Dr hope of wWIlam!' iperiment. thea. the bd Lot ah if re toi moume andi Ddtoothe lure fus trsod a elere, sud- sud you andi Witul ia ma" thei 'tlu sudrn urr.cHWni bîfrk tuis r. dtheaDr wads es-ck ver olad n Fnreuch and Ho-de- an- 'tourHes. md Oeide rk te anad arn Joation a rar." , viia, Conu- 10 atorlor ka d thei- Frntech- ong, Hue yalioes. Ae York houato ~ C ~ ~te Chahmaa Wl. JM5 là-Dm lui 1,000 MILLIONS Olt LOOUSTS APPNAIt erlthe peal yar sud 0&Trtuui. FloIsla the letter written by0 WU N SOME SECTIONS. tdl. eeaaso h President Cleveland te Chairman Wil- t'ose attained. -son. The lbIter vsew.. dteo àh t TIredveeIinig 5leeth. e e.tlesr sd'Thiitu Addromnu of welcome vere pr.ented îuîy 2, and was aprivâte communie&- Tsa U.i..cee. feinTher L.gon lahaif of Canadien Bapt11*soietestien, te the publication of whieh the o IE t Je d»e te Sn impovrighed Condition cif or olscmato bi ogb y D. L. Thcmson, Çuens Couslt the blood. It uhould bé overcoase with- MentIlVnder th. Otenudnirha Nmet R.- Tcranto, and liev. Dr. Elmore H rrs President only gave bis consent r.- vué, ielay, and the.boutI we accosta-01f markab. et Ail Detructive Insece,.. of Toronto. President B. L. Whitmax, contly: plilh tbT. reut a to telle 003d aler- - Colby University, Watervll1d, Me., raiEXECUTIVE MANSION, WÂnAR ooNG, Jul Are made with ROYAL BAKINO POWDER- Where Th.y Wall Bn 0irst stonded. The peech wu@ tfull of de(>- Ta the Hom. Wilis L. Wilson: bed icickrls ufncus n h a barations of undying good-wilIIbelveen Mir Dzà Bis - The oo red bscitaak, oit mflns ruta adth a- I Io d sThe year 1804 la a peculiarly unfortu- Caadand the United States, Fenti- eooonsot wUbc êrd.rêd bl. n the rious pastries requiring a Ieavening or raising agent. .sarUaa hâte on for the farinera, ln that Iliiments wh îch were vehemently eheered. tw0 beue.ets CCent"$@ or IllePu"- H 10 2 »3 Jas- the year for the appearatice of both Rev. Dr. Frank 1.Wilkins, oft Ch olace.of adlntina dlRir3ziccs on the.mb- Risen with ROYAL BAKING POWDER, all the"e mnrUlawioh wtlithe fevezàteen-yearadth hrte-pretenteil the annual report om. t at vrilgle tesn malleilaspis t o r hnsacspeltvt ih wettnedlcous pu v t.,,.ntbeear usta.aTcr notala tka& yen ulil b againtendee, te do r ý&i give ocupat o e wilI ho notaiiuro. board of mariagers. The report, whichbtasve s ite cse of Iularet0oYUm-y blo.Uv trefgth M bl» n h r f t heiafttatecarry out Wonalong document, re'erred te aIl publieIlleite bns geo 0100elY ilIttete the and wbolesome. said appetite and pro- the prograin, elîher, as both armies9 the del artîpaentsot the union. @bject. 1 have no lortaied for lie s oompllab- dueeeweet,retreshiog le..Boestreto have alremily begun te arrive ailler a Ater deaiing Ivith the work of the muet. and 1baves afen rmliStea leleza- ROYAL BAKING POWDER is thc greatest of get Hocd's Barmaporilla,aaonly Ho'. rosI simo. 1817 orSiffaccordin teunion t ho manager@ submitied a series ttm y teflkow cOutrmea as94 re& t 01 time and labor savers to the pastry c 3ok. Besides, it Ned Pll cre ansasu bn.nue& pecies. The loodla in the Vest and ot by lavas by wnicha the union coin lu thuir trust and contdésoce in the Democratie M ___lFllecue-sags a _t trie untinely cold weather In th'i East incorporaed *lr Canada or any State py.1hOP.no esna nocessuy for my economizes flour, butter and cggs, and, bcst of all, makes have toudai te der the comlng of of the Union. At the aternoon esaim gunimoylatdal1 pen aty oestna the fodmoeuigstblaad youhul the»e buzzing armiles, but ln almost ailMayor }Kennedy cordially welcomed su Inîlh al et onahrtonet sDteoodmr-iesil n hatfl of the Statoi they are begnnlng Io th, dleZates te Toronto. Among 6g..éfals.1 bhlises helle ee Deo- forin tiroir linos of batt!e. and the peo- those who ipoko during the m6eting InaU igy lea. I eiee t heaonareuation ROYAL. BAKIN<l POWDER CO 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. pie app.ehend the beginntng of the were Governor No! thenk, of Georgie; or Democialle existence. aie ge. Ail of the places ovOITUn Hiram 1B. hwartz, of Woostor, hi 0 1 oeIa.zmorid myscit et flb.feeling thatt ibis 1with the e two armiles in 187à and Dr. McArthur, pastor of Calva'7 ssoeumce 'Wnpreantthblai b. t10 the A 11-1 ~r~. "Valley, Plain, and Pcak.e Lydia igil ara alive with ther songe or 'hiircb, New York: Dr. MoDreho eoulshlame of trum DemocracY. IndIcations A man with a head two feet one and Au art bo k of Northwe,tern ICOQM' ,r ' wiliLte In a week or two, mince al ecretary of Mdission i, New Y'orkc; D poiint teoIts actoin4. the reilace of tho,.WhIo fv-lhh nhii icmoectanPýorps vr10y a.wta 0 aong the oite oftbteir Iait în'a- ',fable, C'lieyand Hall. orotn .iehSnlfO rlîufDmeal t ive its nd hoii cu m(iernHarll, srph.vr 0e-tleca. ite-L. ev'. - Plkha sMon they planted heregs nth r-j. amb cIl, of <eomgia adTyote.5.tllîelo .oetcpegai uistadwe ce al ~ ther uicationles otiy prltd i1 ani gsint n Tyosd the redezuptlon et Deuorratio promilea colored, of Owings iisw klnt wlterpbltouotncb l?5 * kh mis branches of the trees. The Covern- of Alabama, and Dr. ('ranfil, who w. oo the people. To recoe i.differeule in t:5h. iest. e of C. B. Batles, recently, NMr. tiestors and bcmeseekleri. for 10 sm mo t lmobo lîts oreport of the ILI- the prohibitionist candidate for Vice d"e -iacmprimai!in the ftzed and wOll-deffld Baios vas net a little surpriseoi. AtIn atloand ýartjîeib.aoly hanmanore ow V gtbe deinproiatiolns duritig th,)"seul-President etthIe last 1>residential sie.o-liftes 01 prilciple wUi net lb. th. sole tenir of irsi giance Halls hcad ooked as if a dollar publlito.& Addrelos Y 1.lWohig- * , son ae tsslisa iescopeo in which tion. ltho umter.flee, but anitll ' m e i10 s.a- - ialoudftW Ta l nu eG P .A.Gea otenBU È'. A to rend this ycarî prohabilities. ~~~~~~~~brswvol ai sehave lu charge the queshtion i tThti n n nr O .&T.A.Oea oîer al Co.iiounss wrndhetbea*oprbailtrs. Democralie petscpe.teeev usually large asue, but vwhen the bat lae. Si. Iaui. Mine. cu~s e.inîy.th J-yar rod <ii HOT WOROS BY GORMAN. are te ho *&yod or abaadOme was tried on it wastueoaurail. hmot Cvlîio j<teSoz CUES nvade the whole northern t.rt of the- Theé. in no excuse for mltkiug or d»o hnMr. lite;othouizithime( cy4l.I àc e orl *wugulrly, ou1r~ o ecaly i etP h ailn lntrl ie eaerua MW fi. le Iternociy. They ars, of an olf Perby which ho hall in bis Christian Indians or the Dakota su.,,eailor planfl W " ~beginan teviiiy-flchte- ea a1salle o hPredaLîuerthe.Mertion hat thoir Party windrw off and on for over a year. wjthtrbraefnary2 0laIer mu ofthe vll sd oiMilrN.Y.Iannoh Wa3hington disputeh Nover, pr h R~5 aplacrd tainutha il doliehochrîstianize their pagan Sioux bretb- rldb Nrvos m aIce iàcbi. ide of the Hudson extending bte haps, ln 5hthelstcary of politlcal parties I.aabntarireh"e tnu hrnajf511 btste. iven teany oneit ould flt. T. el:lze ren. ».lltinas c psat aConnectteut, serties New Jersey, Ilointeluthis country bas there lsait ea sfl . ausch salaisdominantî suappareheusaive in aas t. which là the la ge3t Mr. Batles abbhmsez. Evoeyis. 5lit ireie pene vans triklug Indiana Michi- Jilethatwitnosaed tbeft leur th"±Demormtie PrIflOlPiea nuYtliehall sold ln ai bis ton years' oxperi- Bsoiso..,vaa g's ja, llsrland, District o Co umbis, in tbe Senate Mon.muae. ateeoruaees5. E51reY~~h. ~gvirEa, and North and South Caro- dm he s-duetdoyen ldth» tewh100k yenhavenAfe o0e.achtebt a on 5>5lfSeS mlaexlaIiyIr lza. dTh, records ot 1825, î1843, 18W6, dy h e alaOldteWs dthan 50 100wi Yeoa-enA toul.erhtebtw on yen.fatuley epcllykolegdca- p2ketf sudam siriZ Oh. Ptenai th* ana trid on, l'ut te the disgust and as- susaahoy r b. bles' u.et tating the everity 0f te ~l othehe d<>iucd- <rastaif foDmrsto rw teTm oniohmeý.t of tho storekeoper i ans or th The» 1 &ant Pary ln thal toinmcavt.i Uyamelltel by the "fou.ion emaI'. It restedl on the back of 01 eIadlessl 11cf T mWkam, »morne softhSe ocait., an d 9farmner@ body' att.ack i ngunuder vour leaderhiportthe Honoeof R@P1s- iall's head as a 10year-old boy sl bat doeaagêul of lh. Uerna, or coan romemb8r their trails ln those in open debate lu, senlallvêse pon the bill nocereadlng. atpl udrý nta la riay ni Won* Trubi«. es forea N au if eformer lknowm a "this il n lie pprts-1 Nr. Pates thon measurod the man s UV.1vor maz, martinaor stugîs lia hl !Thediiigie trintetoonce bis -party ent fera and as it wllllbe asuit"d te thie bel i n founi thatilt would require________________ susad resd " Woman'asutny , la miis1"about latitude 34 degre -s, ex- leader and chii cenfex e.tlle tsi short or thee coaumina- ýo i il. ht etelelizsï Wios hr llie unesecutiîe of tho entor wlclawehave long I*b@rdtrwihah'o 4lae htl wiese ut.anillustrated book et 30 pale cn oplta in baver i aksa :r saferi adeeta to aconraire- lr-r otinaitthe averago bat worn by le i l ou Ut2in g Ipr.t no-ato ht v! orth, Inciudinz that Stat ' in the tOr- go.vernmvent was wen.wibl tatipiogv01arf- woman mold latne, about herseif. Weritory which the 1-year lrood wil nct only men»a- ln nvdye thmh u wlh mn hilioeAmra.fe uter blit c, -:îîllable tW sedtreonraeotip>.r slait. Scuihem Ilîlinois. Missouri, tional but it w oglven wtth eo cratiellmedrtsdlamg ne- Mlghty la the Trouai à ,~il ksd1»9.&«" tla c. o...AX"& Ttousinaallnaa l. reteert i oopleshnd omote- lantudrtdco-Jei =" vait th.re. lxabale sm C e. Lysa. Km. ,Arkan ka. ItinTerritory, ~'. Z dramatic in the. aill uccestl.mt ouiauadonment et the1ÂAd î vl peal Kentucky, Tcnnowofee, Alabama. Geor- %XNATIRU l1 OMAN higlasIt degreo. 0555e or te principles opn uwtlch 15 resta e tpeaLAantunebn on ettnetlfiut aîcoîîda c On. . RSSs. Lme Pui.25 o.s. gla, North and South (Carolinea"iland , f Mryan. ho n pay perfidy and Party dialcuor. petion and allrions tImitation, the Ceunine tl i1'l. îîite-jeil --w mîeetinîg _________________al_______the NS-. Chman, MroodaMe. G bti o iiibe sui:ted te the conter- effrcacy ofte trient national toute. Hostetterm s 111 Orliu MedkiSl awl I te h Suhr bodben a champion oft 1emoeracy for mans5 ic ihebdiru i)eMOCraLtIc principle 0me Stomach Bittera..s.lways han, lad l.eaya wilU DI.scovery sevore y. v~~eat-s in the L-nate, and who ia no direclly ibrI It canet beaacomupromise. We peaLTepbi eons 5eeyhr i1t~î it ,ie i u ethAx.Juot boy destructive the in oct is the caucus leader and chairnian of ethe ino avt erni@tndth f ret ulpo ssibOle rtrae at.he pbltepreotive e t nataria.su aria-% e fi n. et.lput ar~n ofteAo eerns teulhe a disputcod quo,tion. The parte tîteering soinrittee, denouneed kmlr.is. Whave airinandsainproiniaed i be @pcfia for dympeiia contpation. ner- (1.1 l ml1:15 z. KE N D ' reloidont Cleveland in a speech wbichlin thtis ehould be aocordd teourVpeple and lateEealNtro orianYhlhCa antetra a. mousnsasthe Democr4tIc voanesa. rleutnitlam, klduey trouble, biurons-J remarahleth:o~b~uiforith st w Rieeted wlth the power te doter- Doe anmd Ioas et appetita. Efforts made hy *'l'al lliooks ilt el doîig aulnue 5155 akbe hoghu ori»mine the taif pollcy ofthSIe country. The Irrnesponsîbie dealers te compote with il by i-lu- t-drIîepatîîtîîg ii ý'cuit-o!the skili and ifs bittemnes'. Pas hi now that power. We are as certain MEDICAL OISCOVERY, h abre~eepce o t y sa we bavereve ben of thexreattiente- directnmens have and wîilcontinue tSerait 1ttk, ît ultdtoB I. i loors, and te great was the itterest lin utgration o: Sis poiler.d ctin bn iaeorth emaalng theni. Throungh tiei. -NInvttlo i m aife e litiesfroa NIAJJ KENNEDY, SF *GXDURY~~~~~~~~~ ~ bers of the Hou le fi, eked t,)the iSenate SecteheLiat da>to«teOu~r epe InthudbatbfthAerc otint ltt-i.ti ieeigaidrota lias disccvered ln cone cf our comimon edu h aio n h -,h-muat lbe admaitted ltastne taur mclanrllIeltalethe aeknowledged honsehold retentir. re- 'leitii tl,îl o kfl .i)s cm accord varthioeuiolrateuilr speple asture weds a reedy end cureshe'erypcan acnod theiHemourai princila ilhe ad prompt. It reliea upon f acta, open kt c Her, farmdy te wcrs erîuling uriable to holda ur.ad sdprieatItragenneDmrti dof Hmr IemthemorsPîmple. juurned. badethat dte nt prov.de for fre ta, mom- publicexperieue., sud open te eraphat don oà omS Pmpe Juterta.is n theme cirounas mit mayweil ockmieei.dation of themnaedical fraternity, t-l 't lt ttile dul:îîiîer was He bas tried Il ln over eleven hundred Mr. Gorman, with a trankesas that excite car wouder that Democrata are wlita- ,ii.lJikil i st-i iuîîsly iII Mun -ansazed tho-oe rosent, discu-sel arytedpatfrein t¶ I Cthé mt , Anslrlim.0 cause, and neaehedabis eamci- ighi pies, sud t atbashte goooeasten,00 tl nisiltig. Ia caesu eerfiet xept inecochcases p t ty u d&Uare thPa.motDmcrteetinl inuit ii tt itît litr tt (both th under hmr). McHasnwi 1ore jndtedorOrtcu h ai rieipca, osel d a te ouetet -Xtelegraph message Il om New York ff"inover two hundred certificaîc A vs?55àr5 It T 5e dark c mnes ofpart> hlatory. 'The et the faumerbe . ae<eeiit and the milei. (If îiisnearly ,i,OCO miles Jebby llitîsi liillon aid 501aream oflsvalue, ail withln twenty miles ooh1-,lTeoideut vraisessai led with keons it eifofr taxatiene= 'adaîround aubmriue -cab.leit5 akeîs&orne litto'letetîîs.iî itrîî,îs Boston. Send postal card for book. entnmologiste tusist that white iunder- tudvouo b'mhe eadeautoi. riyin rwe o» "âd ti et r dama1g1-s9nbi wy ilîew sta iiti i1 e. Helly s A benefit la always experienceti frontground, tbuugh suhsi-tinz on the rouis the floor out-the Sonate. He detendcd dalgtalriiisncb cuirassons di»daetta ilon bas tebchohandied by fitteeon cillrai- te first bottie and a perfect cure is 331- Oft rees, ihe>' ru-e> omchdmgthe Sonate tariff bill and is l pera- aivemoae P x~I ~a ~oms atirerions station,t ea'hof wbichIll.lia. ranted wben the right quantty istakeit. and ihat duîxiai;their Ille above izou nid lion, and chargedi that both MIr. Car- 0 dlc uet -admit et ad mant on suy mldile il bas In ho relatai, benne the time of .- When the Iu,îgs are sffected it causes Po po'ite la net raverons; that i aie ami Mr. Cieve and wore no ulu> yroun, cneelbefrmmblectlion 1e0miauy ae ot rewriting aiet scbstation aggregaos tge rt-st-t' tIltlit-tir the i l' .hootlng'pains like needles p1sugthe dalna;ewought la net in what avis e oft heçtoncesiicut made iluh*tarutertaxatto..reat ordmu.tlaailîe violte* quitesuanrine.e alsre 1h.oinu- Il it 011. in ite urpî t o! od1w throilhthem; lte saine wth lte Lîver or they t inl the puuturing Of bill te procure 15. passage through Of DemocratiC prlflciple and DeancratUe tsainus se of-luI tilt Bowels. Thtis is caused by the duct.sbeing the branches cf the troes by the te- the Senate, but tbat Mr. t arli le hwl I0 h" iatYou ib notS onslder it intru- la, tic cables, whicha a-e morne 2,W0) ,ers rudî tiCI ifie. stopped, sud always disappears ln a week maies lu making fiesta for their eggà been consulled ai ivcr- ste) .and that id.a~lkm5...sometblua lu relation te srother miles long. The longeai continuous ýl lr h after taking it. Read the label. The>' baie a londency tSu attack the Nil. (levelani b ad sar.clioned ail t at laubjec whieiiecm hrdly fait te Ite trouble- land lino i nflt, as xany suppose. in )i lOI the street spiîiler ticioet brancheo, sud ai auresuait t oc i wai don:c. somaettothaclonferelice- 1refer tetheainit- Aeia lhig hr adr t ký o ilwta lJ ajeO If tesoahIs fu rbillous M lrleted l tiiCheoir aae peiy m.Gra a a i et n et of tarif taxation on attrr. Under eut mrc.Athig br l iett k u ult aS 1 on agotli' caue stoemich feinut orsltwU î,e--rvgssec r ,ma a 'bsbs, ieParty plattorin sud hi accordauce wlthcOr communic-ation freinoNew York to Cali-Ne (oitI iiattrf(i .c>llt cassqlasielîgafls.te oun te appeaîrauco of those rele- i1,y une te called Scnatora s'est, Joiot- dclared plity Purffola.sOua R a legitlmate omui . n t oser a cintinuous wîre. sailli. No change of diet ever neeorssary. Eat asneidin the Illustration in ibis or- and IBarri, sas wît:e se, Wte otrulli ut sud lugai &tilo eenu x&i..un- h ogei la nd ueb b.wr l the besi you cati get, andi enough of IL 1 ticle. bis eatemutsThon, bavng ftet~ ortOusate' Y' heVrbbeilto cra h otietc utria 5ltiBliLhclt-> caille vet-î' telS Doseeue ablepoonfut _in water ai bpd lun those gecticîls obere they bhase h'mseli troni aIl tetraInS, ho îîld thoewvhila'in i e sbmlttbl te the couference extends freinoPort Darw'n Si Adelalde, ktidaclei 11 a au lime. Soit! by alDruggist. alresd>' atureared. however the restîts itide it ry uftihe ccntervuce 0,-.r chat bhavesarened ilu coneetien guib iIs a oistanc' o5 '),150)miles. -it. Louiai, înlehWtî5 .iîitliigthe steee seenoth, belle ties,,staiements of the Le eifbrib l. lie eI s ent Ik auhe t asSuand mnipti nms o lty U Ivint Ir flA hU N acienlists, for the itroes and îplants i 1and hîld the secrets ni the Milll, bill tt anb.metoi sud oa outeu ttlL-lotor et-en the grain cmopa abois diecouraz* and the St..bouli sud Chicago plat nharnx ln tIis feeling; and yet It stes a t Iîain ar eidnes foudtetrrageoes.hIn rs n h en aei inte rtc se oict.IfPosi le, te sufficieritly fret Attention ofthSIe Tenderls calied te te U9'JAU m oin. fields in Fasteru New NYork the National om x'ratlc ComItoc -fi egh the conideratlona wbth inluformu atS-Io anotktîer zeiiumuoftitis paper. TItis locuats aofudtaerg oettnthe sgar Sonaters lu1892. loirartt e Iatation Onght teOgie eut trat COIal,» AN. ua'testaofn,1rma oo i.prt-a takute r-d l~ otaugar"ataxablearile. 51h11- ne noled institution et learnleg entera upoe CAii6 LFP oew t . tthe huaesefuel.trmIls ca Ia n a u lof t mo thPeua ie il e' tneaàIabould b. entartaturdl for trusts. lie lfty-Oirst yeor wtth lte next session.' foîînd ont a single long blade (ih gras . acterizations. Ho s- Id n, w h hidtb lem. decidauedioftarrtxatonranluz 'ients sudboysardiyong-on e,oaptist 'OM 1 Tloet si .rbl nme.drdwe te eneleelt pportunitytotnrther their pecular metli-home to scheol anuid do seilite ,rl a for .ssf,0.W~~ita ut Il umine donotsen al' ~..~. ,. , .- ,10dm isualzalt that «0 OuFht nt te lie drlrcu pRUcutira ttoths Untverolly of Notrt i r3CTmAFlNE:ose i ne ontsor b- ewa. 0.1.. (e eau., throughste "l:t.h a,,vfrein lb. Demecratic princlitie sud pou-i p EXM FNE Jmaki o aalpreciabe iuroads ou teIbi laime of ibe campaigritof 1-l ty whitch led tethe taxaieot ofsugarhy te Diee, ladioans. boere niailng arrange- $2.L79.y~5L~gEL vasthbordes. The oirowi, aparmosis and hou, ho and bis col cague-s !ad fitîi r qui"e iuty e.gerloted. Shot ln carry. eufrse dcto tehr o l n otispLa iePieAnsd polit-y se Iteore lu tItIs hroad tend are tere t l t other olugel gicaners of Ibie fields for tarif îretorm when cotoardl-si may ndireboly sud lnordiuaoey encurn- 1tund hetter teciiilisforr u ttInz te L7feed up n Shono, is di) the domestic hlgb lace' sîeuld nS show 1ii.r gare a combiustion et the suffat refinluji ini ad hbatttan are offeriti as Notre tueî I h~~~~eada: huow NM. Clevetsnd had ti el1itteresta. Iknos that lu presnS conditions . Dame Univcrity. TEVFYYRTTA ILOt .11101l" .. eýe ~~~~~thtinla a dlilcate sabjelci. and 1 soprecltate te1TU IT-i§ rE WMON Wm~DbU@I.S, I .tlu"gibbet lte Senate befuro fle tt0dp UsdNr rb ftetelichc t ere ra,0<TUKODAT. BOEPTEMEXE 4 - ~ ,~~,f the country," and said Ithéthi- ao- bca asent ntaite. 1do Dt baive u l.f îheih eg ndtotal.-FULt,.or.s. '- py P>dvamaélweii teî lonbut .ahriuedo u'cu-iiîg iai d <î tatgodma ene u Mayltwhhecomlasa. wohll.buatca LOra SlscAa. cetehe va« ï ov iil ýwsïtein iitlwea aabuiatha vtaho" dflot frgeS ta il perfect)> tummed, oas laiels added ical femIe. nstheresgh Pcrotea vdiy-au a'tiun Ihat w sechoed b lOsasatulme th" W@ nef trif sud in W. ~.uc thue wb chlîedwen btalkd.' agaa teforpleter pftu rte ma iln :0thive stock utf(George ttuhl, ut asdCommercial Cour"#. Ues~ vrn m rg.Smuamtioe - I a eteenest te Peîdsiitire Iresseumble bonnda. whateverrie e ieb@&Iad iF rosit Ponds, N. J. A I .ailnduuller et rsoddatssfor un vaus ymivla hem-sea4 piee.ioaled So much cummotion in the a diusgeln algr-t unlc -or v___iadss"i lfo ry.collier a&Inase a t.C bo5~Wba &tfet b&ga a iplelMd g iter tu bemocratic pnîncîples. IIt a&Il Iv slaI o o ise , eskWsl Is e the uddiaale rofis. orr aout ,91âIl, umtmleries, sumetimes of apoat ndudtttle tere in at atabe there inuit elu Ite tr.e,,t talgesuîsa 5 u ro picatio wehk aeibe"seld errna eemiiowerprîcmfoe a 4, i ries ofdisatiproîi.l, that 1thopre id i nimen et ihlartele @Oonigreunut-e n sil.pallItarhCr vrha" tentoti brere et.. Takrprieosabfer-.. officer oaobliged oi eated y 1nt-ait-vse , area lUg ad eTe toiertatienis a consttucol icure, PrIce.75 centas, esil.AUboEU UORIISSfY. CO.Srmoi eIretaasayc - -- ud Ilonih uD Vnau. .alesîve iste dvan e. nt tsm&yer aître a k n oa.w.oa. t tien theui to prelers-e Lter oude- r.&aobemwi #onsd1 haemsu dînt nIeau60 -es ~ t>..a~a'{t ato~~Iibis18seech. 1 e. ha îagîîw D:Ir t teko 'Fznolac T .dosp lfeeling ut escit3mentboeingpirint- t1lhave writteasla Dawacoma,Iheifegyu tat Us * orshavarei.eno1n11d mi on rois fce. Aong th-u wb iieve Isey go" intentions,-u Inte conclu-. aysae~ iitn e d moface.ame ti>' vas S rj allomns et l b. o utetence tout-bIns the oum r-ne 1 litndms eretyws d tla ous item» shvaulie0onldetlthe people Like Goid. *B1A5 arsa.Patincecote, the Britilab Miniser, sîlto 5taro e ldt 5bthIir lutereatasîilIte Aluminuno doe3 nul rusi ut- tarnsulab- O E - 9ai itliei uea.smaîfasin helipomaie aîer>. - urteîd. Tbey tue, that ithe generai ro-______ ~ lseS.,eusdefla cloi nth poatie gRigstAsAil-uti u l- l î.(man ra y al ta fr as thes arte oneerned.Wsilil hit1o -AH' lotnt rea n rteer car.r boa sue , o ee conciit-Inu lacehome neeeomrIea eud ceinfecta moem Ii tr-iti osiX'.tha su0artigeuti hae :Uo 0%.7tho yosug lady had semeord estitl n fa .8 J,ito va et caafor <î tynv partiront lre h am-at unbill 0r.unobill.etMr. Whlt , cftLCa it( r.vattedlaneresta uli conditions of a t-ouet-y________ à alaPIsO t11r sud Pair et Cuit. by isealîtor-Sita iir ftile antd hbggintu Ileir or- nia, stas the onl>' other speakerof tifhe sas Ystilasours mut ef ueceasity ho isrgoly Z5as. ass l aite. AdasIchard&, thug, inuriug 'the ilestruttica 1 'l f * itheneéblt of honorable aJustement lsud ceins- - r i ~ Gi" ID MIC' ETIII ID tCOLI.AR COIPAN'- - d.ey. s. iloS personaîl nt-fae t r o rend..y wofu eul oa. TU Y mill hens baors they 1r0,metsursla parfected lta, l & AJLiiiI ST90Be is EGNLM M 21110aet o ton, of m oll he t e-ai: a ant irion ore, ho. tdeculared it lashen ur exre ielry teewoudet ns tan y - IL AINLAKE or SEA ShiOR RESO Stel 4wY*.can r elithorz. S ncecthe iàst lo ube the î art oh patii bull-s r ~the kfestur ac h e pre ae d hetoor Y- en ea VERT ONE WHO WEAES TEE resoli tbe iees Sbire Jiulie reven- Dimn-rats te stand ogether tur fle ie nolu heoposhIe blleatedthe Incretxor o ns, ua, e atoman, nau i< _l_ H.T, A FULL LIST et IWii Iive. Le, au--lio InI hoplooae~ ~Il o ih Incnirtaifrein rfuumm eO=plàint," iclarit>', - or MAND RATESWILL WEN LECR LOEe whitewasb, auîîpb ttcar*enat6 b Il. Aller ho eoucluded i il eter. Ilu ataitra 0f this hktib. hoseInver«Iaiais onton0 at h Bo.Ot a-bollie cd sudsa huudred other cheni- Scute âl4numned with the rittaiuti wich do netlviolet,.& a led sud rtonie lue s-e,'>Dr.' e uals Forite fn BRSl: w&eheft"Gebb icals bave beon trioalunsain, seemingi> lun-ai chaotii etate as et cm IDeuocratile doctrine. aaaweui sitn e oe ti tsal yau raPitro. Favrt f PUAI aliu yvIig tthe ami tt 0f majoriiy e n Dne(rsojtcn1 uin ra iretrate SlND 104.lflTAUPorlle01,5Us F --Ova -El-trle-ell-c. Recuse of lis peculirhabita the - rteIrtra lbu br agnral ioule, ftt etla 1neesoretnuitm tmm iftho-Wate colox VI"e*»-