CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Aug 1894, p. 1

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B. C. PADDOCK. EDIvoa. (HUR A1M: TO FE'kAR GOD, EL THE TRUTH AND MAKAE MUA -,Y. PRICE, 5 CENTS PEB COPY. Vol- 2. No. 42.. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, Aug. 3,1l894. $1.50, in advance. Why Fletcher for Sheriff. E A RL V. H A R VEY, wAUCONDA. I se ",LP.' of ntich, antst aDENT STed W dopn s an) Elgin visitor kniow whk3 Det-rflelqtd aridother.- wanit nligo a ieoe Pe i0<. wherehit wek hetg) Ciilerform ani operationitipgrtieiningtty A. W. Fletc her for Sheriff thjis yeari. Dnty ph-rmmem>mt r in ic ty The inqiry iý pertinent and t ime i -ilna" -io abhr Here are some of the reasýons why he GraysLae Ilios Lee Amirlus, ofi nwod Sunday- is wante niow. ed with filends hlere. F'irst Laike Couniity need, himi, tha.*t GRAYS LAKE. Mrs. Geo. NM.(olltill %h10 has been is just suich a manl as lhe is. If Mayýor • 'i is abde tlo igie out aginl Hopkins anid v.Altgeld haid ee ..s. M urrie is buflintg an(inhtiit ion their opportitily and risen to it, t., his barnl. lWill Wniden and iFled Taggart, of level, they would have been the moli1t The lhe d aini enlt lhit ud.WakgsenSulyhr, popgular men iin the lanld, and nIl" at Lake lintf. (George Wraggand Ai i. North werei President wotlhave thoughit of imrs. bMary 1';Iner wa, il, (igo a('caovstr stfthwek marshial lawefor thicago, anid 1Unitedl"lt- ls ek r M-. Edwin ('inrrani s enitertainling States troops to restore and mainittain L·ralik ttell, "f La;ke \11hI was lhet Inother and al sister fr'oni Chicago. order. We hpeLake LCoty will %in w T ueda-Mirs. Kirwiin and dauighters are en- have no labor tr-oubleb duing th'. Ed Ja ('t f ilurws entertaininlg a biCalhnfrom the niext four yeairs, but if any e imergem.Ion 11our streebct riy ct shiould ITrise W--wanit il Iheriff wo W I Hly n if netle ii .gJonoofNna will tIlthe bill in' thalt e eg n ne t t ed hist Mweek. sn t ee ra L wtithther pre t ALAMI., LI Sle+011ty+ldepRdet on.,. BSCUTIO TENi$DEWIT T L JONES, 61, gmonth ý,çvaabin ul ne. ...... 75 epubliCan Ca-didate for County Judge eoucondla independent. Threeuoinona...sI advanc.... .... 0 L.ake Zurloh independcent, One ear, If not paid wIthin 3 months , 5 à Lac) - ~ One year, Ir nt paid wIthin ômronths .... 2.001 aemrile Wheeinng Editione Ail lelme n t mu>p~ae made at the rate per 3year. U»BRTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. M'tro O %" ,j0ii" il»Celtero01 Iake 0-untyý for thefir beveral Wtr rn1atr6oltcl an»Sed inue give al&HeO County News asphiants sprouit as uisual nMai, te Éthefir trength to mak esech and all co-ls unRty papers.Potatoes are small and fewv in al hill; F .AOVERTSIsNQ naTie. but thje prive is high enouiig o mak- teslSlImIsmiemislmilyr upiithe de-fleiency. 1006 italmis so lofi e i eIÎ2 15 Paistures are parched (tarndiall ro ak176 t1250 1 3(mo)lj 6i1 9121 18-i are sufferin erbyfrlc f inWkl tatso400 j¯ïì T iöjl i on 1 2rain and still there's n neinsigit 7o613tâe acl eo w i 1 i1 l 2n teribsofo a. o 1otiel eMil ROUI m 1ar6 140 1s Tos5eein6jbprnaiting will oslil1 la 801 4(o oI si o100do Well to give thkeir orders Inow dur ý BW2perentdatlonlfo Frnt ageorIng the slwek season and not walit mn- til the rushb begfins in Si-eptember« i apeew Pomtten. 1 1)~. 1..1ilN - IF A 1,E( N Idn MNoelle ten cents perlne fo rt ran n- 1 The Mce r v Cout ty Board of NWe take pleaureil, r etigour Thkat lis Lake ( la .y eedm a mani of Thle nom onsIne completed tlheir ;e .Jnand ive ceinti per lune for ea"b aadi- the tate "I'nle Jerry R uisk'*' st yle wolk othle 1,al;,Itg oifn .M sLc T g atie iid h m .tionalinfertion. Thse carryingstandingas S prier a hi ul tn aders with aWhotoltvery-od-dtr f d il 3i h a n tg su udigirs. J ac lat g t eaie home emblave locis atientepra n.taih. passed a ra0lbton offering ten cents D .JOnles, eof Waukeganli epbi wt o a e nreIsat t Sullan halis returnied frn a rdyate e bgth weka Xngals $1.00 per lrinchfor fnrit timie and t n it ahead fier ail ifie âows killeIl ina the (cant andlidate for, fihe aleofr o n utw a h o l o n 1 llutl les land 1, at 1b1, we k lagmnl. ,00Maper Inch fureach sulmequent insrion. cut.Jug,- ak ony i.J n knew lhe menant it rnd wouild do il. ILe U tStoetI. wi ifie were Elgin Threabove rates Include advenaisinir in Leu -|A W. Fletcher i- fluet kind 1of ae mnii. a I1rt fin 1 thie paer. N etr cagefr hags ae - r ovdi g i ather 1.wii onle ot he ir( .:l % -eItthV-Il of He woui4 l nt have t. llteIlegniph to h ertH'ee went w (fa)» 1,ids to) furnii. ,'I a l Lt o it]. If N on tI;;r1the v G ov %err a t1ilw- P l e Judge, f Bies for adve-rtisn.g and JotPrinting arel. go in i1m ;oi land ata l eng ;,f;uinl 1tì b ii , bok keeper I or due andm ya> ist reac momI an makre atbedI-roc.k figure. now il. ,.Highintd Partk know Nwhat tl, dl: %u,1111g Ii panble job Printing la111 1). and A vrtio N i or ebanVe. lBid>vwill b1 ,I on t - ii th w l .Iw g h ibing lonM tuhinAdvin .u .i ln nt haa2I fle I n ac ait 1l2 n'vlock Natulrdai %Aug 11.- SI elle iiEL oo u b rn n the momenit, lud Ilb n 'hn nt ilthus 1thli - f;irmn lith 1 2 ai,1 1 , - er fI re Cil..1 e1 Iiwi w a drici, f fs ine ha Bingfle Copi- s 5 -1l . for ei ea-of gl. Hlrt 1,la- lu ~ rou h-, H, h. tw\ben a o Wa I 0 hi heeItwr.ut til able to Subscription Price, $1 .50, per Year. <i.i'dr a ed 2 ea - w o "' lit il[,- -ti,1 -1- I i (,l " na c 1 , l i .. h".w.h.t. nmla1 n I i-llI z H. C. PA DDOCK, Pubilsher. workedfat F.' ' .l I->ur, li ll ni"" p " a u l ea e y itn 1 ioting lI AmIl tl 1%a. (Iite a ill ubel coue Waucondas I-rosing Fox L kein t m \% ith '" l i -hear o t a ke a t:leivsa d a ie" e"p 'eln tMIx ladiel li and !a ;il a l fll l b n ; infanliIrtr in 1i lln i ,u w n . a int 11, mu tiia t I.1fil the we k AN O N EM N SIver board from the r r oft in- boat "w,\%u m he laiu e latimf Inbuinesmail [lt ·ogii un a i tr-t- Sl sIle Seae (hcTh:e likmos ae fatiled to put lut Candidate or Sheriff. and wa.sdiro)wnjfeà.(',l riE ilight bicIa. afterailm l se -<d'Vhe ed Iiii,,;li lI, - leT wm V%% fil m 4i ifm liap.earanceNas,, et bd are I rs e tul an ii e mi e t a nietM nhi h uyrilr N wraMAruih have something t1 do L d it;lIl aid'idloterfi lends atM Gnia I ke 1 iK eIIle m- I; . candidate foir thle onil- 14f lih n f F aI \4rdito ccdnarawig e ig o i i Ili e i1; rshail Brooks has been doing some Lake County subject tol 'ai, I the deaci 4ti]ion - or-dieting telr >ls hea w tec larriloson 11p i a bdynee emrigo o eo h of heLae C un ylie ubicn on- JanFriancois Huber .a 1 ewh ufl t p egh s ait HI.m buslines abilit\ and nalle quite ;i t f orl e m reim sdewdasaround itown i. yenion4. F1:Ku:n o f ome JistigiI-tio,1, mitedA. \.i. F"III iy ecgnied upo o r op Iev. loney and w ife retuned from HihlmiPakIl..J nea m -11 idle at Laike uih hs unb Hlegge n fr á n as oior of ,thetir-t lbus 111ine menin Desilaines caniip neeting and report a . ... .- by - - rinig the radial artIr. t h w d tli liinut i th iilepart ,of t[l ltheit - le as lulloten f the cidtage occipied b e) i e s i n ipoha l i e p n Candidate for County Judge. w s m h do nn1isl i h e mo o akgn more hr ot;t- Im<T-e big job- F. c( WiIlur Ifl _A. large un nild %l Irespectfully anniiorini m -Iffea ik. Coroner knight h Ib l te in- H11j tu la and mor-- men toIli oli-le during tith e e l t filie hle i-eat oni .Albert B yeslittle idaukghter was candidate fier the,- ffi. . of C pu t , p st Monday whien tl- iw uyre dr\ "h " " "ast dozen year- l t a ny l,\ othv elmant If %oo1[Nae 1%vitern fw(1interet fo ta nllden lad ,serious8ly lillMon- Ju g s bet to the-del-isi-,n of te ale rIdil-t in, al> (id.with te abi it toth a ii mem m ngui poeNIlsin u lcain un o 't se th ltrl ltro nb th iu h betr a Lakge sount re puln vn Ion. k ri. "mmen a d1 the1 n, VI1at 11.a-erla kldaua the oter day: o hr tepost om e anl they prese t ln g. It1.J m i \au; kIeg4oa ,, te imm Don' fu in k AM t. Alleni. itiii bou1t will rc iepronl;lt attenitioni. NMrS. Thornlas litlul l ad Son are Wfkean l1.. July 4. '"""I"U " '" "n in u c pLo h a n time we 1 t%'. l t electinig to 'l'e T e Kickapoo ledicelie Co. o .eiBea few asis with hE.mhery -.-Wh feewhe t ndno fre ng r? emninenwtaila sui ett l H a mon to- maru.g, im ü tfairs whil') tiini theier entertajinn"ent: night l t Mr.l kes te , M s.J E. ie y WANTS, FOR SALE. ETIC. lWhy free apph m ;'i not freIl_ I e mrter mm ber of \\ A M auilkIgan i l shlm ;n lo 41 MHlt yto manik ge thspue udseenli to at tract large ;"ai Nt rm. l H lue F AltM FOIZ SALE ()fi IiFNT 200 o ragIlA.H iul i at est it, iluurthir own affa.,ira.t'tW, hw (,t,)a[- cro-ny . - -irlneart -1ae n Acessiuaedone nule south-eat , Why INfre it. frel Ilrnfre tr.- \ ie Com uun r H w -Tiü¯¯ letchrA. id aseim-itPerurinaceiTeye fiaer(lait otew eroed etf Gilmer. Lake C'_,I1l. Go«I Stock. . arIi not free rice-? Ilhesothrn m l n e tad rdtiotelm HIllethi aiphenx edne 'esa p ps o Hn clia 1o . l le slt I ~;ireaso)lT Ileauetetu ihstrffhd tredo tof o f , t ht1 et\, ihead n h udi" " lng twiha xtah ad oe tire cistern"S poTedihas fu e, jepricelon liberal terms, orkaki be brigadier'lare ma 1 presentvity\at' nrlrmiorge l a n en taken fol'r ch M Ielentyee august,( to111i rte stre prinkler. Th rege t rrpnsb e l artylltili" that iowrt 4 \ a ke i atd ne iet u brfenG a ,L k tea-lake as gts9 lwtati1s1agr tem o ekars. A POl) ,rs on o kn w uiso ta ue o rt na og l'f,ýlows citizenls irethis 1-thre tunend ofl MIS. Ned Maon 1tto drive out forw te n acon Wheeler, suh o n o eeryfane toile Un it ity"", theia"ses- p i t he county. i H angen nt the Gages Lk hrh ls a a ucsil Lieryvllor ai sprnle a t a c ticeofgreen matters (of taixes nds improve eil lie "t" o ihari M s aon (ee bet listle cam veranea premlles. ltock tank lu thre Water. When men Wfor makng iM'est 1.r . tis. He didno1 gradu- ed in',tis nihorod1ni- abëad accident (one day luist --- scum ill forn i s it-strength -andi ment, linthle cit f\ u ea u s ->fra "n it n a d ired and loved lbY all hivaig aie was panig he te Farm for Sale.Ithe hmle waetWhiohema I.-e ahe irtat ourt, sothrat this aIutn Iaefrom ,Collegu. Sthatu he enn spe l ewho knew her. She hadabeen an kef [nelobs n's iceamryt he a O Th ige M., 2utnl..I s tot e saon w sh ou ,Witht ee routine work of th we enn t 'Va.hl t ers icioar.inalid thre past ye a ibt lher ped i 1tut on Jb l' off te i dg haLff we y betwa u neot iftber- tie ur ee tithe dose. It i o nvJ ehpis er 1godan' eery word in daahatir adhpfl ispsiion sustai arrj ied p1 er Sipa e i no te tw ro Giraym Lak roe ndrodaaetthe t ul arlssbu hoe hil galno ledge i e ty qua - bu thatra p, ii )or'Ci lag t t lst.Shehd en eoe hewn il htsadsna h end t u lit, t ock or fch a thle wtr set n ishrete ufaoiait o o ny w er ad lae ibidn ith otr the dama e thaf a yan nvrf Ilti P " rk eeo hauies, Mr.M'IoJo ne IýisIman o ir i(,sh l,t. 1 rtwo n ue a a dt agod cae n abuke o r areaml. T eliirms era. tisP tlk e >ea enh bisa la ye tttifororsoa h st.hee e t hIroelpitdu pdIn the l al.(ileu h H igley , A d m 'r.. 1tetteb ! -i ait s o rry. D o ze n . st udio us, ', thtte o rriwi" extendal earteoldtsre of G eorg e a T o o w er.too O egn T . Iof n refalatto i s a i ebuinees man r piiIla-d Lakeor o un .n at)lI NI ed rns t t w ths a s n (lseabaly agldi If your horses are poor a vertiewrykeas aie fLa keC uny w os r n nI at noh e ap lr t a feeod cuter n ea ei i ah tie Th r - - - - sal: PNIIF-I.1s4t.e o ie o ie r.nd asle- i multo rth e t ong(Ilued kn oae (leql>, l sems thatthe h egrl te y stya Ie urngthbfedluttrnhe at tie 1 ke Cunty Far w 5 Ton of oal ante re oachand mnw 'rieter w tt l othe e i a g blAc tId f t e fhr ug lind rta d. xi eaA g s 11 Lak ou enty. He h abis aàlan \" _ ,'lorg nool r nor vlhe a a c ne ti on w lll, l, fl 11k lith us as wee runthr ug e cogsan Tersi tesnbee>ock on t a, end or a atiea egr Lesi Heli can Fetehe. Hetu nih nOoonak.l1k t1,et 1I e ratedai the811bon e re n Au 9 Countyllo mors e fld te sof lce of Chairmanlie ail a ne r i le pepeer. Dr. Welst thosuigtihein- omig g s g teL k - stet n omos w oe l aatla itee o T i ake ad o e brcui hered. The Geat - ou Fam F fy to A tta annaFle kellor nd haawys taent t IStery a at n xitetgaocue Prof.luck ley iste ucated horses on al III1ýI t o deveer- D aitrv te we Co ll-bw os ein hdIlI-la n glt9 asorh h ermorth a he ltt th e e ctheygter D rs of th i pac 9th. giving two perfo r c e tel 1iloo arcak ount, endeart " ilme, he frorg a,1i l se l atters ,uti t t h Dr Iack boe % t rli ca1tch frhi f theh nootnt andeenn.t'e t pth iertait to th eaobe O nstideani ate nustted Mand a b the bleOur fg yfighned m y a d Mill Ients toelil e H Oi uis Itt.hoys being thrownOla be he epsitelt nl yb- i g sow h h r pryorprt al ostinofC uny ug n ale ctn n hs o nhrir nD t tbsseiso udy he riains oTihotênas Hgand, an a ued the pr e nine g t . it sno on te O parjutth(u eVleIoIticHi fo lac-getoutofHe rts and a, a matir t illu s tiraed ner n rt on dahroe 5 cens, freeeKhibition on w Ia d -i nte pnr sevs lyn o ieleftISnhes yn a nn erofmeiu is iept aery edicid ie aconto Sgoudsateah prfrmnc.liTen arage Mi1)e t btrner.crptsorfo donguppak-sere ourihtto . mnt i an ot f cb n u c ath and moey reeres r e e M A ugaad e t a k s a e n t d i i c nutt a c h a e glle r rairaef ai- --btddaoivr r ts ed p e ler ciiina,-l l nifle1you wt1 a srrndtel itcoý ie istloe rksem dt tae ny xcp fo hildgdh hste utd ftr o e te init sh y go eV eln ti t a t Ad e ts i at ha styol ei he ds ilk'" i h ld.; lkilbe11( ie P tr n stryevc. at2 'coc sar a te ai gou saosltatofercetwhn tedgov e s ('OdrMM eoeappren b fyuwntnc iiigcrs u et u t ende a vey podl etlealoe il Asciton I wllle t te ighs ro ns alleiais n iI o orwn I5.t e l raly bg b fyuw n ed niations,,1er orNthem to b fOfnfilstry yil havea pic ri ad bT de r, the . f olog pl dee eeragea deètal f ou tam pr jind tk ixtta. o we v rfyIfyo w ntanlkndofjo w rk autante r on ie ILGroV cneand L ae audy thier. ,,exl s i er t f Aedr in h utel theV()iebgtin ihe n te h n il, tine -bo" r he idti, Iigli nelt, il i il e o rod r tteI D PN .e a i ead tie ik sers onitabroadcw falch t irls ive, a ý ,u el i lv e iight of D eh 0, e tt t he e it etir i lelorte t mine %the etk i ff r (f '-)r w ar e ExclusieI rigteofitepart\ 1naf Nltkanst nel-aWe omitotrintetvpossifeltre a te mout Exclusiv e r a eti hloig tth uantg' il eahot ede.onF rW d in taineyofte;iestoraitruly, s 1t irer htast, 'linkh a ll,, run 0 t onnkv hîe e rn d ole ruclitl rahe( I Vdred. The ma1 altyan rkanship always come atthe red'tag on ouraper' popular tecursis to aid d fp.uoes er a id e rems tands. 50 cnte aerage i l w, brott her, it's - ' " a" ab-' II the NDPEDEN pinin Ofic. ook th 'dteto hh yursu-I>Ievi' aeW .T edy r nt w os i t lllbe req ied i cash oln itu b ais.i u ici us dv rtiIlg Wechlleng co pettin i fa cyst hown ise paidI f 'lyouoie, ple Se Fare oly C(1.5 fr[o n all rivlegs a tie o letin, i yo the we lth i th Unied reatsdmnykanew1usiess. wel as lainpriting We can usrit and swe w i urn ( ishuat-isg ceaer(than sta' alance tibe pai on do j, t n States w r div idou o-ay, tea nare an n old u' Inss . ih at hig (egaved ork pa a r treur oe swelTango t e r s t e i s i g u t n r aa n i itra,1 0 a n n e e i v s m a y aIr s e a i) o s l O t erR m m r w a s b r a n s t oiro d c e a g o d e w Cb datte orat a elrr. b iing , JIplice earslan. fSavs any a f ideng enarantee satisfaction. paper.IIIIIII On pb t r vPLees • wulý be vi l king Icross tiess aa Nreserves, manytaedlarge'businesau. d o p a l p r t i l i c r l i e l (l e l t 4 e ) i l i e l a i b iein gg e itfu ý t a1no t h e rl e t w n'da %vy ., Eàdition Fair at >0,9 & 21. >rtunity tily wil Lr days, ;ed as a ibers of is of the ,1$20.00 -12.00 7.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 ýer Line.. :)nt page or e one local s. can have in p'nter's m,. pt 18, MO€ loods, of goods .01180 ukegan. Rd6Ra

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