lomisvu sil ix ir mu a taeh kIe dhmtaO tu muss n.is lu Idutes 'MUMet -lis. aF bai Iseè k s h - 0 1110 a ist1 Aexas , eporisu bu"at W&Ythét MI SI, im'am " Vue lmm 'Msi retel »76 it aS amy linS, one WU tne 14set pte sa* a tortben conter- Buse %a:tlà P. p ami tieis.ittr Ming amuIoC v-an Luday V-a aItG- ho noues kiti a lu lue anti une- a& gon dealuor retar. Haît a tofore faverabi tdsy nIghil me- : v-ae maso a id entiouse tilla anc. tn the duy'* caice vîthe11usl and the Deait Arai coinrs si- outh vlolines er appies go plais mutaltion v-si Sinls the appas- uit 13. anti as 1ke apeaklng tisE-ae 221 p . nibue oei ut poue anti wasE contrait ta sek Vice miiil- ineti anti ceeu- Mrane 1e billa t* Mondai, voma povde fer lime tmany Dot" relief et the retenesi tu %&a -pors te nu e- Mai eppropiliasm rMùmsnaiieut "l.a agee t a The i on ibis ameot- bck Io conter- I bitl na pre- gave notice thiS b. reporte&i The uter exiondn il AUF. id W"a i ubiristeg the ib 1resury De- lantc anti Guif Sielea year un- ucceilux yimP. s rousthe oei- Mos n a*Cb yeur. foue Daîimpotan sent &snqlu v-a ise. Jr Usutlei ,smmshiatau anti 2 Rpuhli. billes @erai tea tcernt- te.et ta the pro- b Tuedal v-as a r a mo. Gocre,- Thi genemal de- bibi v-ms ne- ad piseSt ou ie lb.' lieuse Eform sysleun ef t oe tOouter-- Indin appropria- 'ke "Ione et the a et teUni v-ui %s amendmnent Io ro rLating 11.000.- f the nussla anr, Mules. Tne ntenes le Sun- gremeul te tle iv muon, of UIn- a bAll te muoleAh iti moi Et oulav- LOr ,uiervlt ad- ne alnoady char- cretmy te vilS. le Mokeyf» trheib . tbe Anoany. Stid of Trampa. ou b.d reachet on lu Balimore :ple 01 that City Vut multitude ià vbo onnually he tireI ,algn of e carity et lte d monîhs et tbe L laIter remoiveti o! thlugm anti tabllnbm.te, te n directi te senti Bavlg arriveti as lar ite te loait. Ad as thon ai- louai) pie. Atter on a vhilebhe d ictgigl. The n a specles soon norea e iit an1M UG hb0ect orrousatances, ho break êtro, thora WIR OPENS IN COeA la sut whtpovo"of. ddyejomn, u srgrei ther WHTJSKE AOTDN-bave orne te jour prenant aie I aide and bond andi twist a" watecbfr YIOREANS ATTACK TH4E JAPAN- cnn Our nature -the gate of the hesti and s.troko, untl wth one.Rita effort, lin - "E AND MEÇT DEFEAT. r Î. ae fteb r.Te aeofwithAuces r eseddadét in Or.SlE C5 B 15 your bond la lochoti th bolts andthelb veina standi out, andti he blondi by th, 0051W1 a Br et vielare ?m- nar.tha" on archanglcoulti »Ltbreak, aulet, the mwarthy habit tuila under RI .m tenDeglua Under the Driesi Imel ladl 40" aM actaapebo vth.sa ineis 1II s eb" but the gate of jour heart swings the knee of the victor gý t atin« et -the Cblac.-jsaBcrainarwbon -trmlmsTbat Ilesner Dl.. eamiiy on il. hingea. If 1 mamant yolir testma with the skUn of bis teetb. stabea Chianb» Tramport launas£&- frs0 body with weaponis, ati II voulti ho A Trial AWUÈsLat À Uamrw laispo. avord mroite for svQrd mroie, and In the 1mat day it Wittbehonu"that gà<eat. gondj BRo. Dr. Talmage aelected os te . oumd for woind, anti blooti for blond, Hugh Latimer, and John ICacat, anti oter i auject for biesemrmon throuth tilo but If I corneana knock at the door Of Huss, anti illey ver. not the greBtestOu asti . cnere.tes pe<ea tha veit Narrw a$ourbouse Yeu open lit anti give me martyrs, but Christian mentb vn Oriental civililtation ta te b3 put ii,. the feu boling aiton f ront lob ZIZI, 20, the bout seat In your parler. If 1Ilupiancorrupitfrein the contmulinatidn the toast of m--d rn warfare, anti b3fore IIId ,,(amaesaped wth the skian of my shouiti coule et you te-day vitb a an d perplexitilai of Wal street, Water th07 are through, Rusala, France, bst teeth."ih argument, jou wouid anirer me vith etreet, Pearl street, Broadi strnet, State Germany, andi Emgland horsoîf may WLI Job lad it hard. an argblle- -uet; f il i mreut», T.Ou treet, Thîrd street, Lumbard street, l@ involveti. Trade rlvafry Witt have parti] andi bereavements andi bankrupatçy anti voulti anaer me with mrcasu b.tow andt he bourse on thoear-th tbey somanhîng to do wlth t4but terr;torlal md t a fuilet as.vite ho viabst b. ao dwu ifor bMos, mIroie for stroke, bel w bon 1 ver. calieti brokers or stockjobbors, extension more. A tiuaptch receiveti coie4 aani 1 do ne" blaies hlc. Hie sh ascea ntimkiioct athebdoca of jour or raatailirs, or Importerae, but in Ida go»e, and hie bone vers dry. fils boat Yeu Open It An"i MY, "Cone ini, Heaven Christi» anbrpes. Ne ote roaNagmuakion the msonîbvesi aide lfflh vutetiavay outi notng but U7 brother, &Mtit 1me ail you know vr ept bu hi et of the lilani of Kioo-Sloo, Japan, SaIyslîand the e»melmemeti ett. Re cries cut, about Christ a" HaHeaven. ' sition demnandti rons thora roscntI- that a deouchient of 0«*ea troope, at "Z n scpei itb1h siacfmyiriise, iae.tion, no soldier aimed a spilleet aibtir tbe instigation cf the Obineso reü- ian a ,teetb."Listen totireos thIbm. questions. heint, but tbey bail menta tortures, dont, attac'ked the Japaues garnison in cri There bas beeuntmre difference cf Are you sn happy as you usedte t ho comnaret i vth which ail phydical COnI and w ve doteatt. Atlleor toiegraniett <ilaOl botthispuesage. St. Jeromie vben Yeu blievet inlathe trutiEof the Smring i8 a. th. breathOcfa9 suring mays that a Japonaiese cruiser and a a Wtt anti obhultensalatiDrm.Good a" ChIrlitareligon? Would you 1k. te moraing. Chinesae transport have beau eaeuflé, &as,î Poole anti Borne@ bave ai ltidtitir bave jour chîltiren travel on the roati I land In the communitly a une e OlmU &ni that tb. cruisermsuixithte transport. nI forceps oq Jobla teetb. Yeun ti mmynl hicb You are nov traveling? You of mon who have been se cheate& no se rt3hcnuhmeeledae'-bg tntér>metat1on ta ay, "Wbattit3Jo lbed a relative wbo profesed eti ho a lied about, se outrageousiv vc et Tewrronpnsldasreei d t'. n~ knw bout the etamet nt the tsetb?" Christian andi vu tboroughly consioatbatha b.! have ttfalbla every- aItr ksam t. g th 'a lb. apfaieer He kne v erything about il, Dentl euct, living anti dylng ln the faith of thin«. In a woritiloberas ev*rytbin« ha"e undertaken se regard Shanghai rew surgery la aimnt ase oise the earth. tb. gospel. Wuuld You notlitre. te &Seoné se topsy turvy they do mot se. aO'ieo h par foeain.snl The muais e fEgyI, thousands o! live the marne quiet flfe ant i tii.tb boy Ilthre enu b. anv (4oi. They are Asu ousttof 1h. seru ofNoprations.mnd aepeaceful death? 1 received a confoulldetianti f rnzied and rmison- Afrei ooa Beaes term he C ouean"; =etr sont me ny one who bas re;ectodti troplc. Etaborate argumet e"v asanti Chines. engaeI la a battie >'" the Christian religion. It ays, 1I au to thTinii lb. truth anf Chlarge.ntity-r olti enouch te know that the joju andi the truth of anything else touches ith iglaIbo, aren a pissues f U. ae eanecen, a thei bon novbere. Hear me, aIl snoblier vers kiil.3d. Il la reported that titra realîze the tact that il must bu comn- men. i proich te you nourountiet p thie JCorf. kUgbs Cbee kitneuet b lî fortable in oid age tonbelleve I i mo- ioda ou ornamental discourse, but ilte apak as Xlo Chnese&Il onaul sote 0 thlng relative te th. futur. andtetoput mv band on jour shoulder ant inl- >aveaaak hnormer.Etigail Cine. b t> havesafaitb lusou. systent, that pro- vie 0vu ntothepeaceoofthe goeS.. bav aposea 10 Bave. I arn fre. 10confess Hem. il;a arock on vhieh you uay r veri aat I voulti bu happior If F[coulati exer- stand firm, îhough the vavea duti mand ciée, the simple anti beauti!ul taith that agaîngt il. harder than the Atlantic ps la Fomeae by many vbom 1 know. 1i itcbing its surf cleamabove Etidystontlee am noetvlilaly ontut fb. oethumcbI or ligbtbouse. Do flot charge upon GoII L il out of the faith. MY B51510 of uncer- aIl thes- troubles of the voriti As Bl tainty In oe eof unr,,sî. Sometimes I long as the vorîti stuck toe Goti d r doubt um, immorlality anti lok upon stuck te1 the vorîi, but the earth se- r tb. dethboti se the clo.Inascane. cedeti froin btangovernment, anti be co - alter vhlcb ther. la nolhing. What ail theae outrages anti al theso vouaY1 U ehaligi do that I have net dioue?'.' Ah,60d i. god. lFor any buttlireds oftn sieplicinm la a dait anti do'et ni landi! years he bas been coaxing lb. trotti lot) Lot me say that Ibis Bible la either te coule néacih te hlm, but th. more ho c- Xxv. DE vin TALMAGE. V. D. true or fa me. Il lt bu fa se, voe are as bas coaxedthelb more violent have men A.IC slywiheeppeti bacit anti steppeti bacit until Ctu- yeatrs cillaare foun te ody ihgolt whicb of us laàsafer? 111llai their teeth. Ovîi andiRetrace Lot me aisosk wherour troub'e they have (drppeti mbo ruin. anti olomton anti Moses wrote about bas net been that yoa confourndti Try Iis G07oi, e vho have lied the -h th». important factors o! the body. Chrliaaity vitb t he inconistent blethountis alter you, andi vbo b.d MA To ther provokig complainte .Job, 1l character of sene vbo profes il. Yeu thoughlthat God b.d forgoten you. lihink, hm a)aeldotiun exasrratintr are a lavrver. Iu jour professionthr Trv HBm andi se. if He viii not paron.&l tootbacbe, sut putting b s band are mean antidishoneet mon. Io Ibal Try Ilim andi see if Hie viii net maret against the intiarnet face bhomaYs, 'Il anytbing against the Ista? You are a The flovers of spriug have no bloom 00 arn eacaped vilb the akin of rny doelor. There are unsitilloti anti ceon-weel as the flowering o! Christ'@ al- al dvA teth." tempiibie men lu jour profeasion. la frin.Tesnbt ovrl hu~net A very narrov escape, jeu say. for that anrîhing againat medicine? Yeuo companetai wltk. the glov of bis boni-t. YELLOW Bar . Jobso bodiy anti seul but there an.filou- are a merchaut. TaloribevsTewtr bv orfebiet 1.n mande o! men vho male just nasnarrov anti detrauders lu your busineng. la lte fountain Ihat vilii lako tbe Ibiretra escape trou thelr tout. There vas a that anythlnq agalat inerchaudise? of tbv seul. At tbe moment lb. rein- SEA hai lime vhon the partition botven thein Beboli, thon. the unfairuns of cbarg- deer stands vith bis lip anti notril l &M ireunvu ne thiciter Iban a toths iguon Cbrlnllanlty the vicitotnese Ilrust intothe cool mountalu torrentIIp emanel, but as Job finally escapet io e e It iocilEe We admit@MIorneo!the l.bne ra u1rnn hog bave thej,. Thanit Ced! Thanit (jut! i charResganst Iloswbo protons r.- thicket. Witbout eracitiing a stick0C4, tr obv" a bass ira. j ligion. sonofo the unosi gigaotic under bis foot, he cones close bv the thi Paul lepreses the smre Ide& by a svindies of the prosent day have buen al, aima bis icun, tirave the trigger. ~~eè iiffe.cu ue vhn h. ys that ome carreti on by member of tb. cburcb. sud the peor ihing reairs Iu lia deatbý,W peiople are saved as by tire." A vos- Thero an. men lu the churches Wbo agony andi faits bacitvard, Its aullert 1 sel at se a lanluRame&. you go te0th. voulti net bu tuteti for 86 vithout falling on the rock&, but the pauliug b Ster. ot the VeamL The bonte have good colaerail sourity. Tbey leave beant thal drinki f rom tthe att ehoveti off. The lame. adrvance. You their business dishouceliles lu the vos- brooks of Codle promIse shall nevr be can endure he hane Dolonger onevour tîhula oft1he church sthey go ia anti !atiyoumieti anti &hall neyer die. or _______________ face. Yeuagilde tiovu on the aide oet se t tbe communion. HAving con- ati Ibm.. Chines. men-of-var anti 2),- S the vemeel and bolti on wtb jour clud tebsacramneut, they gel up, ComAmgr Our W&Y. LOO troope are at Junzen. ingzera untîl t.he foritetiton g e e . ipe tbp vue Ifronathbeir îips, go oui Halley'& ornet leowlnDg bacl-tht Se far an tbe ca,. boasbeen pre ont. c, lirai bogins te lick thlb.bacT o! jour andt aite up their sinesavbere thej lofti cornet whlcb lu the jean 106i6 shed a etifoc Amer ican reatiers .lapan boa the bandi, sud jeu feelibtat jeu mus ai l. off. Tc serve tbe devil la their regu- celestlal aplendùr over the Norman but or aitde. Co:-em in tbe cause of the whben ouet the lifebosa cornes bockt, Ian womIr:te serve loti, a sort of play i- ievn nI ber commercial ti -ati the passengeré »Y they think they sPell. Wltb a Sunday sponge they couquest sud wbo ac terror-inspir. rpPýiewaa bavenoon fo on mor. "h. onIexpecitet'Ovipe off front Ibeir business lng visil vascommernorated i »inenesti lu thebhrnnittki dtom arec uae nde fr one;-mrpThEabou aitnpas parâmout. She bas nîany ci ber euh'. evîn vga Tu on piot;tlc&lbhe t week's inconsis- the baud o! Queen Matilda 'pi ei bee u b riel agt ~ you are saveti. Se seine men are pur- tendies. Yeu rave ne more rigbt tw Bayeu tapealry; tb. cornet that Ic jipnse bauds.SIte ba) a furthe sudrtemptation until tbev are take sucb i inss 1fam a specinlen o! 145t', the pear of the baIlle of Bel. grievae lu thea protection given t0e ;.psnilfy consumeit, but alter al gelt religion than jeu have te laketehIe grade, scaret I ho Tart anti Christian assamunation hy Chines.e oficials. off. "msaved an by lire." But I 1k. the tvisteti irons andi Split timbursj thai lie alite, anti van anathemittize<l by a China, on hr part, bas the dlaim, cen figure of Job a little botter than Ihal on the beach at Couey Islandi as amspec- bull front the Pope; tb. cornet ivhuse luries olti. of Corean vansainge Sue* -of Paul, beca h upl a e fin !a mrwi bp l iestrange selmtar fornail .1 chi lied the can't let ber vassal bu invitiet and h vomn il out, aud I vantte10Shov Yeu, if vetiiav alijue buiveen religion at arvetî.nrn anti super dby auciber country, egym <,oJ avilii elp, thai smre mon make tue frailtiet o! IbosO vbe profeinil. ,. j hougb the dependency ot Corea liasu marrow escape for thesir seula anti are A Atgtesi a Eitonatinau. i îu I aeîreuul ~ beon aira ilion railler taiiaconditiofl. eaved as *Iviti thte akin oft Ieir Again. theme may be ore ut onItla jet far avay, says tlb. Proî " China is the more powonful in num- tüeth.' bolutsouteplafe ofbrlsoa dence Journal, but the eje uf scieceCSbers. Hem soltilers are velI oreereti. il is as easy for sme people te loloek ibvewirnaais ovro sees lb, already vithîn the erbit Nep Hem people are the more warlikit. Butt tu the croes Sasfor jeu Itelook te tiltS assions and apvetite e aaantroperila unushing onward andi eartbwarc .lapan bas tb. btter uavy. She basa pulpit. Milti, geutie, tractable, iov- a disposition te anger Ibat yau bave wsllbconsîanlly lncreasiug velucit) aise the bunei o! vestern ideas in ber 1 îng, yen expert thoea te become Chi-s te contenti agalnat, sud perhape. vie as il fle alengibohe teep curve of iti nv .She voulti h3 thi ock.'r teu tilans. Yeo caver te tbe store ant inlua very serious mnaoi, juyenhanOfo! rbit. Anti al lte arms, a calli tlare hni m.openinno!tai- o cx- bay, -Grantiohijo!ned tbe cburch jea- sometbing that namies jeu feel that pripanandohe.ohanion ofrbeen Issuex toi-day." Yeur business contiades say: jeu muet avear or tie. 1 kuov o! a retroione f bas chi e! ac ew.rî e perla is Ibat the nation wvn'-h in quick. frmon r h cif achtwei.est te av&il itisi !ie.~etosl 4Tbat la just vbal migbl have beau (Cbristian minu vo vas once se ex" selfasron1uy.Prof ;iaicapea-tsuenluvln expecleti. Be aivajs vas o! that tum peratedt Iat h. sali te a mean cus-ofurnty Po. asep n.uetew. ,cet mmd."1 lu youth ibis person vem tomer, I anntlsvear t yon myself, noundces tbat the cornputing bureau Jajian vas the irai of the Asatict I tescribu vas aivavsgooti. e neyer for I sum a membur of lh. cburch, but estabIl[sed by the Itussian Astrenoini nations be open ber dooars te we tern brokethilga. Heneveriauzbet ven i-o iig iv tism aIie ciScejbsutetknti al ides'. She encouii.Set intencojarse. it was improper te iaugb. At;beovilii &Wear at you." iculatiln of tb. truc pat ufIfaîIIe ChInala stili closet e. C31,e t a fev -culat ait an boum lu cburcb pEerfectly Ail vour goond eslutions beretofere cornet vitb a vicv le tredlcting th ports. Hem Irade anti commerce are oulet,, iookig nither te 8 .right baie buen boru t lattera by explosionîs exact date of th. next returu l11( undevelopeti. The empire is less hoin- .band nom b the lefI, but straight into of teruper. p terct n ai-a t1opes tmat astronomers acquinted egeneous ihan laîîan. Bulabe bas ber th.e yes et lb. minister. as Ibougb i gtinho i~ anebngreal cbancellor, be Bismarckt of the gtigmati if yen enly gel molli et v!thunpubllsbetl observations oet he t1s Il anielpl an viii undoubledly bu underadtoodthetb. vble discussion about i. Yeu neeti te britile anti satdie lM4a thoe ernai decrees. Ho neyer ups et these bot breatheti passions, anti vith crmet vîli communicat, lte In forma te ha,.e or nations figbt Ubinese things nom tost thora. He floatet inIto tbe-n ride devu Injustic, anti vrong. tien te lte soclely. Afler Ils pert bailtleELs. il may bu Ibat lb. specx: the kingdem of Ced se gratiuaitj ihat Theme are tbousauts of thinga lunîtheitelion the cornet vas watcheti ma. on the Oriental horizon viii tariten lhe fils uncertainjust whenthe malter vas venld that vo ought te gel mad tia.. reatinu outI mie space utîtil 1?lay, Eunopesan skies, andthIe iong-pisipoueti dlecidei. Thore a ne.baIn lu eitinit reti bolif 183ei, WbP.n Iii vas naliy avallovel j ar, wt lcb viii dols, mine lb. strengtb Bore Is anoîber one, wbe startet lunye:ou ji tue10the forge bbtvbhirh fontsigbt, Il viiIbu n pcrlitoiîon etth Ipleallance aa i place Russiea lif wih n uconrolabe sirt, e .rby. 1)r11-grniz Amanw h bs anoti-an eaieby aide lu tbe batlte- litewît anuncntrlinhe simi. M neda ammetur A anwo bnnaagain about 1911. but wvtthei.great fieldi, maj cîcu nov bc rumblioginihe kept lb. nursery lu an uproar. His power o! righteous indignation lsana telescopes novr In existence anath ie îas. motherfeunt. ibita vakiner on th.etidge imbecile. But be sure itlai a ri hte- hv as t Ie ou. ocf 1 s. f e outeus Indignation an, "lta e." c greate r eues ltat may titen hvf< e tthe Tr.ub. balance hbluseit. , There vas ne herse thatlilresaud unraveis anti depletes bcenconslrudied, IL 15 probal tlii 5 A fev veeks ugo Japan demandeti ho tiared not ridie; no Ire.a ho coulai net1 the seullte conat vîlIbu deltetdcomiing that China join ber in imposing fiscal -lirb. Mais boyhoti vasa leur sortes There is a large clans et pensonslin sunward a yean or more carlier than refemin upon the country andi lu the e! predicamouls. Bis manhooti vaq miti-life vbe bav-e stili in thein appe- that. The tact taI tbe labor el correct1 n aof politicai abuses, se as te recitiesa; is iidlfe very vayvamd. tites ibat were aroaseti in early man- cemputing the precise lia e ef ils e. de awaj vîth lbe i oriodicalitnsurrec- But nov bo la convoited, anti jeu go bond, et a alime vbeu titey pridedt îem- bru s le rady about ti, beingivei ie ho ataicomplebely upset the country over t e ienreanti say, "Arkwright sr.o uu itefm, ibasuac htlt et ieI îIanti intfict great annoyanco anti dam- oinedth e cburcb yestertiav."Yosnlvers,"onfe. aIti e"f-ait,"fellevasuace- ,,h agolieltwil Zupon alfooig.ens engagptthere. - -' - - a' .net be-aquesti..on ofuow manjua Thias ecmntlobe a progressive anti a îrind sy'"Illanetpesite !iOi vli et" bevar nvlaytngri Ibut raîber e! boytmany heurs un even lautiabie ides, but couservativo andi intuit b. <zýg" Yeu &av: "NO. 1 oompouti Interest for troubles iey teli the tnuIh. Hejoinetithe chunch." coliecteti tvonty jeara age. Souteof minutes te calculation vilii hoinUSspclouas China decinedthlb proposai, Then lbeX, repiy, - Ttiere la shep e for 1jeu ar-e Iying te escape, adjuvi errer. aZlhthsn'ts. Ber ansver vas that an y e us I oit nitwmgbt bs becrne -et vey uarowly,"as wîh Ib siti t_______ _i a ber tradillonai policy nualtb inter- ità e.t î nxTta. e bu Stan ýrtbDakfrcri.n a" a hfemv NO SENAMIJL_- ' bbeon damageti by he mm> s. Wheat, lu b.main, iti cnlj WULFF HEAD$ THE REP ýr Wal, except Ilinoi, vhere th e T T I K T yj la god "- the jiolti the lai-g- j eans. Thc report asmeut ont ___ eo Chicago station la as !ollovs: dana-Hot anbd dry iitiEl FrAday. CuIMleis. ries s". v t D.ws l anurnsl cal nains flo., ieneastEul la maay moilds: vhemt andi nys îhrab- sAliE, ta Nais,1a Candidat" ter Mets s an bhanveistcontiue wlh Tra.ureohAp I55gis U@"U"d by el.BIfUelcept ia a fête con- Bale. t. sliow the normal andi badiy dE.trlb- 1, tmpernture below normal andi sun- Depub"tesTbdkL . ,normal.uieret~ a ntoilt rop coutil. Staté Tnuseurer..n........B - aImproveti; vhst yîed aud quaitly Spattienadent et Publie Inastlo.V inl yein s; c tase sudr ye h a v s bo u t rmonreratasa ieai.Trusateot Bate Uni t ~J. Ir I:ionaAn-Dnaeught contEuses. thOsSh yeralty ........... .t .II rotirn ,by ligbI me wo er; wbea t, gy o - bariey uos% la ilacht uta neady ta drap 11gàt oeFcpt earl$ smcv. wbich Sprlnsfeld coreaenai: aysage volt; psturet lbuons! un ad The Republicen gats be.sufeulg sveriytroin dreushit. vicb met la Ibis cltj uta siay Vas the hotteet day cf lhe simien , tbermomeler ransaiatrais 061008la5 a~eo dy ever be't inbt alitâ. Chairnma John M. Cmr .a-Drought continu«t umbroken; uns conrcAt,( lic l condition antid da ageti lu dri- demr e ào é., tistiCias; stock sufforlag tfon foodàzoMev. Dr. ý lieneots- amer tisn suiul, vitS un.etD m s , tsed 4roegtbt Injuris cor, o -. a short I. p»tur@0 th ami. wbist arret l. B. Vam sî, anti barley, hmy anti oet, h*iveaofCh trremEa. sth yild naîhen listt gens- -the <Mi 1 [y Conveat OutS Dakot-Eiept la eten asti a héâ ilih V asterli ceenliei ail cr0,8a Injure &i. urt er d e se pernnniy. by ais tmpealslns Cau dry atmosphere; somse relief by show- intrdac vboal barveil t dsci: berry gond. trde di iight iataN y irsimai Jas..Ra ianîa-Cndliinm genrmlly tavoabe of Chicago, ai cern. ptiies. mados anud pasturest temporarj chai-in. Pabing of wheil and oI nai n a. fres, At the cioe eof bis speeeb ChaiV d lin. wIlh god bery; prarie hay Mau eot he avlsi gs cOur.qualiy oot, yeld fâne.Ma n t k th ve ag p klahonîa-Tom peratui5 5ud monusebmougbt the convention tiova le rmai. with rassi loca.l s mheen.hicb ne". The fiit move of a politl 'e lnpnuved niait cre; :cern generaily turc vai by Lieutenant GoveneW ry paoo. but cotin mzuticent; imelons man B3. Itaj, vba offemel a ! i .egs et I ni u bund nc ; griau andti le refen 10 the Cornritte os i ,s;u es our 'tan aill resoiutionm v ith ou t ,ge to lssufeed evroy;con e-Ig or dbate. G)v. Fay e q uat njroieverywhoe eanti xnuY cloîbet lthe Chair vitb peer te dis uled ut et theb.envenlion alraauf obo-coru muffered îeriousiy fros he tor- the lnsti-ucti-n oe t h . e taS ,ught. but revivnttfronm raina; h yEng regardlng the candtiate for U ,,rIeed. v-hli al yld mecunat IAn ino States Senatr. Il van a MoreUW* i n d l t o n : o t h i r v a u t v - e h a t v a ac e & , b u t V e I t r , f N r ' u f o k » - idl ahorteneil by drughl: vhat lhnmsh- I. O tier. oIo n Wutiff thke CI eg ut wih lange yî.îd; lite pelabct Sutralqeio uIe h e emccc anti yous clover andi pastunes lion, anti1 hb- motion ot Gev. Bay i IMaitet. Ibe prompt action et Chairum tti,sai-Oo"ti iovirs ln central and inluputllng il b a vote squeleb* I tîbv-slsections anosml ybenefited corn;S.nato'iai question before I oler sections reught conins. p chance le maieis appearmaoW res faillit.s. ien scance. andion=iedi Lu elus iailmuc corn v-ilieruineds committeei wve.thon apoald y trop tIIhi, but iecured En gond coud î- the convention teoita ec o'ciocit. milhign-Temper alturfi and ti ,nohEne At lb. attern on aesaio,14~ bove normai. nitutail belov: sxemitvell mille. ou Croentials reported1 ry, ot v-satSir tas lujunetiaie cern. test suad the Commihte. on peu~ otate, gardon truck ant igpatures; rought breken by genonai naan. vhleh miOn Oganisa.tion neporteti. tbe ied voenation semueit. bul MO" Chairman, Charles RaymudiU edeti; v-heatcut antithrmhlog helen. seita, that il b.d seleoti ex- ArkanisasWei.lhOt favorable in ail but Joseph W. fler for pis mn 1,n ; cation fteng santi rultlns viti caege, for bei-il suent &corety ve ntexcellent prospecte; con "hctCharios A- Partriige, of uprovetilandi promises faim crop: svaal tor FirsI Assistant. The laInes fine an di second crp e01[Ir" aise reponletila recom uc dae l a tn os l la n l t d. Kentucky -Clo.ly anti coti drooght the 81mb Centrai Comeaitle M okon u mest sc tons by ahowri turing lo wetincrea.Its m ainb ri l eho ek.- crop@ gmneraily lnîprav-d andi electien o! ire ommitteemesa tlok fer boxan fiue. b ul Iobacc e l l ba k- Ex-Gove ruor Pi to ast thea, f vedi ealy petates very shor; hiy han- duetias permanent Chderian lt cenupietewti.v-l enj ight 7161d; or. liter tok lte gaveZ ,coi domsnly01 1 NorthDakeln-rbensnthlnE mulrerlug 1ev Charles E. Fuller suvoubnet iAn; hsrvetins e1 rie md Sanlytalom-tpeople.Manthe -Republ-Oit m montitu isytna nearly 5uAabed. vlt llÙis hb.d expreasel a tcIia [gbt rep; arc ou ti tvery veit a Senatonial ce tidate n a s ho boilevetilthat tIbs cvlbéI ENATR HEL ESSARCASTIC. laite up Ihat question h h oppssnt ..bquestion wvbetbeerSnatorVm1 Caianihe Pmeeidneppois's vlSCengreamanbMason, or Conpialun itatasasen. Oglesbj, or any other U~ Another ti amatie scen. Occuri-etilu shoulti be nominaltilbutsM bo tie Seate 'Puedaj, but PreAditictiis onycutton voulâ obey tb* l,eîanti, i fftesti o etb iug, a son th s o!flb.h e ople ton a notic r ven u a d a y , t h o b ,e c t o t a t t a c i t b j p r o p o e i î i e n v a s m a d e a m l d m Ils ' ", the e: tof htlbupnt, vas tietontiemeut tb table tb. motion. Onlmt vth vigor anti vin M. Cieveanti lin ballot the rote stooti 1,019 i bampin ai Is aid politittal nival of tabling lh. proposition la o utd enemy, Senater Durid Beunett a cnd.idats fer Uniedi StatesSa Hill, et New Yorkt Ti eNev Yorknit nti315 againat laylnZ themol enator spitte fr am9 IwoehOurs t0 the tabl. Il settiet the Scie reatbis galeiei a ta full Snate. question anti te!eale.i bte f everal limes te prsiding officer vas Mr.Maon. CevernorrBah te irabletresrin te enthusimin bis chair te relieve Covoero fer1 -emarts ,îoted, uotabiy Whon M. Bill lb.next stniugle burin. II u leciar dihtal personik consitiraiens nomnationietS ale 'raure. ouît net prevent hum ftromn tefentiag Colin, et Chcago, nomînaleti13 the l'rosi tietvho vasw un uslly Wuit!: . F . Smith, of Sprine iltacitet. Ho tefentiet M. Clore- nominaleti W. W. Tracy, and Soi a ds 1.1 i-, is rlghl te sent i, anti Aspinabllnominatet ueral 8 he sentiments it outaîneil, antimatie D Altins. When tbe rol cait s point agaiLîst bis atverz aies v-heu ho finleetiWulff batl 75; votei, 1 roluteout tnt Ital bby iticiseà thoe82M, and tkitns 251 Mn. Wulftbu i'eciidnlfori- ting v-bIb tte Bouse yrtes more than a mmjenitv. wben thev aditutet Iat lb'y b.d ue8 i-0 mtb tou ntefio aIl lhb ir fflue ice ta iid(uce hlm le In- o! Mm. Tracy, movet u iethe terpose lu betaf ote Senate amont- Imalien unaninots, antheb. rieu ment. e t1 hetarît! bi. Geneal Atitinssecondethelb.Mo H1e toit up M. Gormaus argument Il vas doue, anthlb State Trea anti met il pint hy point in a inn er l litendeti. atlu!aclory te bimseif, ut lsit, anti ¶Phe nominees to- Tmutees ci concudeduiti a pice o! saii-. IbalUnivriy o! Illnoiae -cMrs. stun Y 1hos. on the fluor sut ticitiet loe, S. A. BullardadA the galierles lm re aiir.hly. Mr. Goi- M cLean. S. M. luglis la the o u in omared M. ill te lage. ?Mn. foi- Supeintendent ot Pub la00% H11il itenedti hose vho bat j.lnetlIn tien.____ lb. as-inuit on Mr. Clevelandti 10the conspiratons vho stabbeti C isar 10 Nov stte central ceisltb de=alt ai be foot ot Pompey's statue lu Final-T. N. Jmmleio. Chic&= - tbe RmnSntSectind-chantes I. Denseis. ChEeWn. Bema Sonte.T~hi " a. FTanner ChJae TO INVESTIGATE THE STRIKE. rMfth-M pKHas lonsi, Blith-Wm. T. Bellii The Uniteti statea cnmmiiinemof Labor B.venth-iieilrl irs.ilu la Çhs.au n Orihe comission. HEobth--t. C. 001,1., Amfura. The chairmuano! tbo commission le ameB .tnni. Bo= mmves .igate the receul strike la Car-el zi.veatb-Wlter Eeves. erStgsas. D. Wright, the United States Commis- =WO WlEii*dD. wi is'. - sioner of Labor. M. Wright van FoeurtrÎ-îiaac C. v~ bei-n in Diubart ni VEftsinlh-Wl kH. Hainil. N. H., lu 1840. Hoe lleahCtrisA um I. reeivedagooI-d e.usshWF Jiedui.U, c alen s tudied ><ntileenh--P. H13cParis. la v. Befere finisb- Tv-eullelh-John H. Ml Sinn lhsîsudieos ho .etyt e-. . tuber enitet In the 141h et-godW.0 l New' Hamphre Artl lai Wh misbca, SInf. Ho vas mate 1 ia lieutenant ah Shen- A procesa et torming a"', ie andah allj 9-bo- freinanimaliraIn -- --ý à «qà-ýim