CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Aug 1894, p. 6

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oeCIArMMSL -m OUs-a rumok. «Vantlard on a tour arouud a"lhleg vcrld. During tvouîy lo Sm-etry lfel hcbve w Wlto t adplssr. la r- mu à" t a l tesI o t t 'ka 1 one»vtnvern-A le vring out. alrte soei of I~, Mid îtti a àb edlvard ho Canb. 1 aretwo directaMd u se forthitougb POZu ouey rnldway belveen ùts±aer lInse. I bcd fflv o threeo cnectiin vt hen a lga- m eye. lutercet- Mla of àou 0cgutons Utosance snd myr v a ,Oie. Yeto vhen I i"v a n~ letteredou the fr,:nt o! a boue Cnar lbe tation st 1 vwu pcsiily tbrillIed > th eh $pa'is naîlcilal ds ru York, and I ha tily decided lspromises. ésau aul anol proserouel~ Mdl tecils podrîds 10 Ameri- »r tit estahiahrnul va e %B"t . Barries vai emi. liste ttbings tu the1¶touse atconsidere . 1 mcvik- I pne blocd coursed b«r reus. 'Sitewuva l, nobly m lbmauuirU. Herp1"00os- U. *ntb hcu mbo In od, on "mpored vater under the bmiHer banusm ve. mal, icleed vith vonk. The wJ ilh the golden tinire, curis vîit tbe sunheame ~mloethe peariy l.olh, the lis er &Ili eo lu Iboir But lte leture. ver. su te lavi browa bcd 10.1 hcunvea, and ber voice ~af ull liii. IbsI of a boni bine ;iohoeld ber 11h. ibnanembrace. Folda cf vhite bjee er sotly hesvlng ho k«A MasBarrios? Meoey a tyw*1y-Wevho heoe lte ~Aesmd ber âsi AbeIle Ml#eike-mhl!l Inn t*0 vici Pèrl had brougitt *miiM 1tonms vien 1 10about berseif. My mlw4wz cae f rom Brein, Isbla- muunsadwva Mnit ]àchWoidood.1Idon'l abuadn.d vorda luin y moh.m nareo cls podrîds?'" I <o you knov boy 10 cook the va awemo et t Il von my alîva&U sumd 1I fmernburod tril-alera fuhmnWien Wvm*k ole, a chean aud pal- dat'yva. deingi, sud 1Ipro. producesi a .11gb t variation cf vbst »ou Amorlomna ccl obleken stev. «Woutl bitaI mu i ou ite aked. cfdi"b .No t1anaveresi, vbintlc yd But th ermled ho itest lite Sisaitlihieia.c ones Mor* lu il ta mioat *1a1 k"l j» gfel up the gaeuoUma. Iil ie" AUnbirite, i epbadd, -if Al i- , bert »ud amsma Davers vill eummial.0 Abert Davens vai lier. ecMInt-l u rg udbravyyyoum asit-on it sud ire frMa dey ofh-iariatebu l fi au cil al sa tb Il bd u1 ta su tb t*1 lx til fc ht dl tc oc l si 0 d t 11 e flesx princeos o! My dis- pos oy a meulai)cot.1iex- sy turprnie e l51 o is ionI of- prîner," she omil-1. plaae.. .And îîié ouly firai Mpr, myhov. I amto Wmarnyt bàwcansi vo weare geing te goi moe I.O1ISOwbal pou are @rý »M ycî nol Il pou deaire.i ýfalr1y schcced-yeu are lu-1 -ouamre bautif ni-" giememl upon My ase to psy' pa.pbent, hut a blaze of red ants sd s flash c f ire lu ber, %P4etl m. er emotion vast aUmm. for lu c moment mieE mi:, "I bave b.d encugh of1 » vis l li e vend. W. von'tà lu Mb Are you goinete stay( r, ami uver nighl-th lio In t of a itel Ibal use eauproper-i you nunvarned. » àW dltaI I vouid lite 10 bu d.Tben I icungesi ouI wic adJoined Ibm bit and founsi the saocu t.., shut. Only k Ihe îéveaingu dld lbe bihulcus àWregate terelu. At Ibis the Intervsl bolveon,. sel andthoin bedtlme vwu ý'buhpermi oh aocisblity. ébe lau lues. of lie honte seUing Chnce meala andi havelers The Widcv th* lttme, lu a.ome- an ,eloftme topro- Sot- My oupaioy sud eggm orfai esmage »Ul L 'Glre me clsa kno. Xht t a -- nIe eveky day by lie .evory part cf Span,,te -Sa aluner tau a dLh, mmuy est nothhng esà'. le r.ported by your a q-equiestionle0o m it u essen hlie god-vULt.hyh- - avie. pvecaw t 1 sundî am saoigner 1h51 rasqut. As hAcete vtugs rov at cIbaon,4 u$ lOne te lte projec i vIIsilrit mil w~~n~iqu ~~o frm tis fatigua. But Wheou 1s01a 4i4 ~aom ~ ~ te clspoInii ould b. to n oibb- t~ rael orrect dseipo; weîig bo aiee iomasa ~#eI esu ours 10 manufcciureIl Vos. venlm e le»ae&a,.rom ul mW sotled te lime i loitekilte evoilig, vcnk, Wblli. <1h15 y all.Of nd ost a f"v of the Young ooe «iuiab sy »Vr, --busîng 0u -litda 1toeap heim appeihe for 11 bu a a" >61 R boe-.Wk b"d o0nea W. b.d a merry lime at lie vork. in the buo venIhoe. ýIt vas@a oL.. j 'in Moaicrude o rmuula I aupenint. ficat idn. Mot, vat lt. Tifs, : è oied lie oxta-aste lorsa a disit vally it. Site r"ctemi agàù4 )iefW t b for Spcnl.ehommendallthm. «Albert the *tory eft ue »Witei !4us vet vIlikgly be & e oe aSttr iter mouüii qbje ai a asaia- îc uredieuta a. thei bouse did Dot aid lic vote" 5 go ~ ~ a read m uul, a"d oves his meliter leimnmd emoluitlal 1I aa oai" erafbie o! -ber gniun»sm my eyes froua bw.n,:M lai miem itelpd a illtle, amd M"ca emuesi mper ba d ~ Our âtmIs. muisoner thon ever lu the rild ex- w&ëQ4 iovhnessilt itement of mingiluflabdr and pu0- faiblo o ilice, and ci quopi, meno. Theoreader v o i. alao a hotus.- He joiomdinlulb.ha tu if. maY car. 10 knO thaîv, irat I.f ho isted qltmoMcsulie teedomne lean buef sn.1 peau 10- but sic nover = taihm Weate etimen; Ibst imulateo-asly wvo hiiO un tcaalgpe es h b o' lovi aiong viitt aa1111e bain. aioic imee techoier's ieoliaidnced usagesaadvegetables; Ibal thou-ra. àsoun te ior of the olti boa ltlePjghI »maouing4o a highen degr.e Itshon 0candI.. âcl Amerhcen palatea ntlgbî like, viit etday tbe stranger came te Ibi3 tf con. par.ley and ha lvfl a ndbnveswuari OS14bOta bat finally, akter mhi *Il ha a. va. e t-ii s Yorklite7 aleriais, omo bard-b gi effl c"- I siid vltov u bNwv for th hokes, gibletu, sud other t la inrIo b i. bcard lu ourbom.onlt ided. Aiet.producel à fluer oLo&bots, sudibe u ah eite. edride thon the 11111. restaurant ahatbous te sud vo omlm Do oeac lbed ever before Osee nad suchuseiglundIhe aspor roo _the.uto Il vealthy Spanlarda in theirn y t uelng. ud ginddre l<i 9 c9ec ountry are eccubontesi 10 est. îî vas ia .cui îv.lcli oI o dt klb.evelngbefno benom ý, or the ume by vbit iIwahm. czon iuv&ted guesta van. seated at l-Ih e i 1 . Atun m»m aen be sud the ictenesa cf the ieai Mhe rer ua psn ~J nr. vor.olous appetîs. We served ous jo h a iU h ~tO t. resut cf our oookery la. a more bis face intocen housel 4 rmai fuion, toc, thon lte laver. Novembenstliiakiesu.'.gry,1 ,d been scctutxmd te. Ther. vua ansd the bi eloS theb son u juer o! severai courasm: haginonuq ltw a u it e hanalbr,ýEylbip.l rith a soup dlpped trorn the grsvy o o! a n L 1 ola5 ve <UsaI".11t 1 be cls, tained front tbe meatesud apoke .love h~a. We yenS la lie iured boling bol over suice. of toasjt. kltch. logfetherverli oao- Uter thiîtheIbe ef va. served vilhionbs IL" lia r Mes lbastoke. lie ]pes. Then folovesi the fovi sud i 9lUOUie06=1 ié eolilug. theie ther vegetablse.Il vas au unsocu.- ols inamnlage plates oh my lalicrs omed fensl for lb. oompany and îhey feAVIlY bIuugOn ih*, vAIL Th* lire1 lujoyed t sumcgenuinel! suM hearIt ititi.d 10 c imeide hast-li agre 1 icI tbe oqmicu proved more mm"nà tg lnoorool l hee ,ýlda h~Id bad ome ami ytting else I bi ea- role, up frouatle bb" h-tua.L It mmt aMy travelo fenrt long v ,or Èd~7 i A-*OO rbile. lihS v ia il wa-i obserable Ibid Mca.4*eugowh h. o.lred into the #* itet tblbacou"~u .ffar, va. mot aU lic livî ta. <ngromoudait 4 n it. 1 vatcb.d ber olasaiy, l&e4c me t ble aiua1ehv ,y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ àee aeialn xisi.eut ~ si, s&M the pover of ber tmi ted airat0 eion ihooglri or elur- itirut me lite .chlov. I seizel rin melaneol@y quite out of tsrmonyite "P-e ot byivoae sd onsho wi theb general jollity. Th at led me cenidIlkbiba.11sh to b.tstentive te ber, not vith suy uuctked at mme5. etoparu oa r, Ldec of gâllantry, but rereîybecsuse bton nerougbiy routd tbe wal.t, sud be* Interesied me. The beverc« g ti an m oed tîisefre Ge me bck whicb acompnued tbe meal up tOcthe eglsdvvdbfn a o.m [a mouifuj vii eider, and lte tuicofaltful vile. Then I uoghl my mci- ,î t.e aco1 a.cid eteugh t te o r ansi 10 d ber the neye. leveapot far ue o! acoohol, «You aria mymon, aidthe boutesud o 1ha1 the drialters tot ll isteexhilara- form are yourigse. aid. 'Auj Mot, tion; but a. a clmax 1iintEd upo ita.gCrovDuuPite bos', itlt e t t braud, vlcb, as I explsluod, vouli ho deul*d re godGo give you a skt 0boplac, of the native spa lsh Irue vif, lu er." She shoot ber hesd lqououaily svailoved for digestion'@ aid lvlnied ber distaf tilbc brcte isba alersa beartycols podrido. The te tbrexd. 1 vont oul vexec, bute suon men foloved my direction readlly, but forgot my grievance kn the. lîgia of ho vomen ver. reluctant, snd lu lb. Mo»a8smmiOe.. case o! Mes I poured a spoonful or no Henry Meroor board the ucys next to ber gises and jccuseiy inslsted day. Il bcd gene round Ibe village. that she shouid tatirIL. 5h. ouler- He omiled sud sid hal I va. a liitly n2ly declined aud thon serlously re- felov to bave gono wo quletly about puiaed me. aecuriug lb. hauds, mest girl lu I1 vili not have It, and let Ithâ ai- Hocoso. Hesld, toc, ltaI be grlcved lsfy iou,» sIte sald, in a 10v but em- that ho miteuid not b3 abale. 10 itusee phaîle voi.~ our marnlage and talute te bride, as "No, ah. shall not drink il, * Albert the lime bced nov onte vheu be muet sdded, lu a savage vhisper. retuni u t)Nev York. The evestng The demeanor cf the young couple canetoe last be vaa. te@pend va. ucit a eudden aiteraticu f rom unmd ho ste sud drant vllb us sud the"' previouse crliaity Ibal my face to!d us steries. Be cale.1for vine sud .xpresed, althoug my tougue'dld du nsutaheiltt cuir betrothal. Tii ..t tter, surpriseand curiosity. Jeu t much o! au Inn, sud il ha.u'l Albert sav Ibis aI once, aud .aid apol- a vine cller, but he brought a botle Mgeically: of Madeira from the vilage. Théb 'i b.g jour pardon, but 10 se. Mo& gasseq ver. ev, and ho offeresi Mos drink f rom a glusa.nlied for hon by a iE. Th. vin. e4ulreda ichertSavon mrngr vould bu sometbing I could fron ibe touait cf ber lips, bho vie- not stand. No-I amnt jecicue of poed lu ber oa. I1 board hlm, sud you. That is't il at Iai'My re.1son pa.eed il over a.sun dl complsent, la good, lhougb, su" 1-mon-cv I vii liough 1I m e b. rosil _)rbursi soram 1.11il t :)pou. Don'I ltus »Ya ny ber ohets ansi Ibroot. Au listait more about It to-ugh -or lhut at It vas go. But sha 100ok it-for thàl vould b.c pI 10 o ilMo's the glass and drankto10hlm. sud lie te go dl huisor, sud mine hot er. We toisi talcs, snd sang, &"l bc ThIl supper va. alreamly over, and jclned us.- And, la of aI, nothtlzg vit muchmenimeul nsuaifaction vould do but Moa muet telauthe sloy lb. party disrer&ed. o! the Wlit Princes..He bai ai vays prasildber eloouullon vh.uever IHA34TBR ILL oh. bail ioclled anyth ikg. sud tld ber - ALSr ? Avs55 trsoa. thI bche albthe ating cf a âne 1a, tress. NoitIday Aibat Davers toUt bis Nex morulur hc efltine. He bcd promise 10 tell me lbe s.ory cf h uoself hougbîtteo'ddfsordedpkuîingvic.t ansi Mo&.holim tae tenographen, lu the gant et, and my moîber rejaled andat he iai tbresee mcd no cc«ina&lu01$je 05LH h&Io sMcn for su exactrecord; but subbe: lu bs apluloh alv er c in. B t4sdgive quant events fSaed the narrative lu my ehi. meen.ohsrnplpha&vllh ts- unrand 1 shah uDot b. important- ver&s1 won. Eeryciybai gth" tl lu accurste in vrlting bie langue e, should b. unegiectd m Chnistusvu alhougb lb. diction may he es fis not for of. iehalte go te Petersiuit taon my cu. But wvo viiregard tbe extra provisionasdn licthé rosI of Ibis chapter, If the re.der de»i, and I made up my mmnd le pun- ploa.os, a. boing eisontlly AiburVecu onthI'ywyofagf o own girl. Nig icuv fll teul 1re- ____ turaed sud the do r of lie bome stod Mot, sud I ver. hrought up together open; but tier. va. no ctc.ry firelgit: boe.ik Hoomse.Yon se. wha s a id- o10vcoem.Tetalvaha. smrne omai sbchu asgrovu 0 u.The. ver. no -prepsrmstoumsforç'upaer. Thot hm only the matulty e!f a butyBeide the black beau-h rny malien mut Ihal msarked ber frotu ber eàn eîwilhhn be Mbount upon ber kue. A =ers Fer folk@ dled anl loft berI rougbly scraed.i bIter lay beiber. chm;but my father vas iben affve, II toped asidpicted Itil p. Sic me- auiho sudmoter 100k ber into env lloned me, We boti ieatSnd family. Well, vo iaiied eaoh ether vbeî on. cf un a itsguesoed bien.e, bu-dîr na-ad siter aI tinet; thon ccusn, IMoa vas a tvailves. la me. snd flneily @ho got 10 tuov ltI I1va. Mouribcd lured ber avay--ehc vh her lover, allbouyhwv oer spot. of va. ouly toce n.ady ho bloive hi& M. IL. Fîber dlod, sud motbcn kept uPL Mo rnepale-Io i rutl bis lylsg pf- this te tavrn,vlith the palhofca f lIge. hmbait tela br obieg u à fat-m. mqa il Spaieh, os knWo , guo h a 01l- oa 12etter Il eh n»ver .v o aw fl mbasviomi te alievom4iS on.g froac honberc="« Ob# )ou ath à ILLINOi89 RSOMOCISLYOON-I rs AmrckasStry. Wrftten for Ti Paper by Phili Braggalali. l'Ir mua~l theaW Tii. sulec mafo lUt! id ta lie tMsstroms Effet t he Drenrhs-al ru lma utik or o. qUmiV.saes 0 i ..s.*jmsd-vsm. Wtts Dsmerte lm-ytoeI eudWumdm& Effiugham Coutuy epont. ecbohe est harvest for te TM.lho iaroubt thonu eAou but mors vatai ev<auelm. bols ha. novr. , ugeakiz ooq W the oldesi setler paimié thro .16 summer of mnolenUi". id umoim bint sathIa, lad m-à »ml tva mcMIa.u obt c09 bucg Vary amthlie ouly0IE wie itl anoa aumber ofay -racbed a uao*k,ow $o 1.Ne- trices" , 1he gISObwd h bla ,fond sud theorewo sud -hvalaue awJfvclie the moae urbo... au*qW * Te ly. el ru from $woty-Iwo to mev- eoly-tw Ivo he r s orch, vth a prob- able arrg f RfI -ft. Tbote crops. lîllon. Cornawu#.ina gvehIdanger un- til lhb avy vais of a week ae, . orne of th.e dnm teliiilua uat netiof mein. A hcavy valu ji nov voisld re. usove Ibis dangor eS robue a Very ide*[ condition o! tinmugs on the fcrn sud lu tho gardon. Tito aners arm rejololug over thcexcollntprospect for lte tomuato, sud ivmeon oop. Stuail fruite have ylmlded llghtly, o*lug to the droughl. This has espelaily sffected blackbarnloe and ra.pbernles. minrama$ W.raor Biorvo. The Whltebreast Cool Compony'& miner.aI Dunfeoulle, St. Davhd and Brysut have be«j uDifod liat thoy .il bu givea vork1fltey vlsb te res- turu at the icale fil-by the Columbus conference. The lrnie have beau furulshed fond aIt tne countls expena. for the last Iovk id M wben the offer cf Paul Morton, prosideut. of lhe Whitebrossl oompay va.bronght 10 the attention of lt.e i3ofcSuper- videora lhey decldcd te vlthdrav county S'id. The minore vill nov have te returu 10 vork, look morne othor empiopmet or slanve. A 1ev vbo haîtmave l 11114 noney have movcd to other places. The. Cnitm Coal Company, et S' DaVW il & u vo and ls apylig Ilsmos ine . tfl e. as lest year. vh lob in 10 Va e lh- er than thal offered b7 Ibo tto brecal oompauy. TaS.. The" 1.5 Bas Ceeus.... At Yorkvllc ai lhe clos et t h.Con- Igregational Chuncitserie Sunday morulng the pastor, Bley. J. G. Halgh, created a a m lslua monng te bhis peopale lte deomlice of him vif. frotu hie houseitcid. IHo sid that @sb hafi goue and Ihal ber. itereabouts va. unkuovu la hlm. Mm .Hcigh ad hheir tl* ofA g, I it Iaa 1Ym% ,rem,0.eEYà a ,ho said. Thurdaym,-ah« taken lte ex- fflr4ton trai fq cgwdveym Park and ,W*» Io retura boUla lte eveninig. Wben tbcy folie te r.tura 10 the pator's hobosioll hobegan uloves- tigatico metq that, hie vif. bied tato aillite*0ohln ugcd persoual effeotscf heranad ohlldreu. Mr. Halgh bas preached at that eburcb olghl yesrs. __ Boatter tiremi fer 55. V.t.r..,s. The iuvestigation et the Culncy Soldiera' Home vill resuit lu botter bread. for the oid moldiers sud a butter undcrstaudlng helveen lhe trustee.. (Japlalu Stehuvedell sud Geucrai Par- sons ver. coumidtrabIy disturbed over the co respcndenoe, whlch ha; re- ceutly paaaed bulveen Colonel hýexton and Governor Altgeld and detnsnded an ,xplanatou trom 1oonel Sexton. T'ho Colonel explained thaîbis vords bcd been miîcoustrued, and slated that If hielhed sald auylhing deroga- try to tthe character o! hàit colleagaies on the maagoent o! the home, ho apologized. 'Tboeapoogv as aSed aud lh. trustees st once bocaine better fnieuds Ibsu ever. Potsouod byStyhn. A mnysterlous cae" of polsoning ce- currod iu Rushville Suuday. Wh île Robert H p polo. and famiiy lug Mr. Rippetoe vas taken slck sud- denly. A physicîsu vas called and vhile hoewva atendiug the patient Mfr@. Rippetoe vas aise taken 11h. Both @oou bucame uncouscious sud Mrs. Rilpeletosdled. Il his houizht that Mr. Rippeto. vili recovor. The physicien pronoun3ces th. poison strychnine. Tvo other members o! the !amily ste aI tbe marne table but vere not polsoned. The coroner viii Investigate lte case. E.~rd or the. We..R BANs ToLrsrs, ag1ed 70, vas klied at Molina, by falling f rom a haymow. Taz P., C, & St. L and tbe P., C. & Pt. W. ruade demsud S5O,),ÇO3 dsaages !rom Chicago, lufiictel duriug lthe strîke. MA. B. YOUNG et Hsrmouy 8h01 John Mo1 lu th. face w.tb a shotgun during a quarrol. Mollo v onde. arc apt ti, P: ove fatal. RtoGza TAYLOR, aged 16t, f. 1 undor s trnuaIBioomingtou sud had holh bis legs cnl off. li. died. Ho va. la-ch(¶lcago. BÉ.aWcnz MONROE, o! Chicago, agea 11, movel by jealousy, mws love aa doseof carbolie acid o the s1-0.1 and died lu great agouy. W. B. SI'EvENS, Chie! of Police of Urbaua, va. sitSalurday al tt. About miduilght, vhlle passing ad21k :aley, ho va. accostôd hy two men. one o! vhorn said vltb au oslb : 'W. have gol y ou. * The bail l ruok Stevens lu Tau ýbvldw.over Bail rcok et the Pecsl4ao uatur sud-lville Rail- rond wusdestroe4 d m ie .lomç Sevs v9 a.s éontencedet s- léz 10 twolve.ycoréluhthe peoullarty for robbiug aBisSeet aIlm, . Tas i lls4eof Ohio; Bureau Coma- tý aer eicud lte City Coufcil to nY ?0DADe c01ltaI toiu t3 Maplo Tim ClIy Cuolof Vend"ilahm de- nZde t0 ub h quesion of oegt- tut valer worke to 'thevolera of the tova Aug. 14. INa l 1011w 10 o W.Sexton, Goveruor Algold couresle te rgid discipline ilt theSOd*ilers' Home ln Qulnoy, &bd myé Atm ulho sned. ,iuFcuAmnIL.Pis&uOr, &~jam mm. kaI" olie. H. v30".« mmcùe bLMA IANg C4d dont. uido h taiM«Bluff by lûlng mtiecit- smo.a 'Dbbphtneqi lalove leas.a eumd as besmé ofai'the soL. Ms£jçaH a I dled vitit apo- i>lxyslJoliatoir E& Hol erfclun Tut m dad Coand sudLmber Com- paiy, of Rookford, vas olomd by - th ahorIff on a 91"i for 01,700. Goeral lepre @ton and slow oDOllCloua me *0t cam, eof th. falurie. JORN B0ow, of Coal City, fatacix oh01 bis vile Ivice lunlb.hent then, iyul. ber biedtng form ieta hie f.*, h.o ble is owubrain out They litave three ceblreia. TESBigMudy oalmines et Mur- 81L lairCoun s ad et Sorento ame on . .Irike. and the Belleville minoe have couipromised and goue. b vork. Tu£ Boav.1 of Trutee, of ltae Çulncy Soldiers' Home vilii lveetgate the charges and complaine ts yint te management of Snpt, Fogg. Thvocom- plains. are princliaIly on accouaI of 1ho severlty of the dlsclIine, but lte qualty f th fod vii cIo comae in forinqiri i.The iId moldiers ait the homo are ment on thte durn), that lado- lu Zok about the homue,- ithout Foy frfot Uily niuoty dam, for in- fraction. of t1h anls, thelar cOmI2llnta that the bras1 al unât 10 est. AT Joliet Rer. Elvard Whitmean ham brought suit agaluul tb. truste.. 01 1he lk1res Baptiort Church. The plaiutlD dcaim, 01,000 bok alary due en th. test talc years, For the irai year Mfr. Whitman preached he vm psid 01,50. Thon came te division iu th. church. and 1Mr. Whitmuan re- mained, a. Uioy edaim, on any sslary they could give hlm. Thel paid hlm 01,000 a year for the uext tvo yeare, wbeu his poilor*te cesod. He clis $5»1 addltional each year. WasZ mrin feUl the poit veek the corn ha. beeu gresatly buelited and la lu fine conditioni. lu the counies where the droughttmlt provailjamore leiame darne, and la many leali- 1fie .corn la heglnl oiar. Son. orn wui leudbý7 hbwlmd.Cilach bu"u are reported un thin crop lu moy booalities. Ittrhlug l i rOPUY %wed.The ylold and qeui Y ret aî best lu jeams.The potato crop vIU b3 ilgt,.R ngl &bout complotil oer1.Stalte &sd the crop ham beau iecured la 0o;A cou- Aition. Cala and Mye arvest prao- tica ly compioetd, and la many section # 1h. cl. ar ylotln much botter thon va. expectel . RN viii be a short or. p generaliy. There ha. been but l1111. change r.ported in the couaition of fruit @Ince lent veek. Tiaz special report of Mise Kely, htate Factoiry Inpector, se- vereolY arralgne the Chicago factorisé; and lte Chicago Board of Heaith ge the worst deuouacIng ever puhUaito in an~ repwt mode I n the hlatory of teitate 0f Ilinois. Noms%. dates, aud msterlal are furnishied, s ovlug Ihat rnan'y houa., turne i out cosal, Pants, aud garmeuts vhere ai rnany am five aud i4x cames or virulent immali-poz were lu the very ~room3 vhère tb. gar- ment@ ve e muade, and lb... see gar. menls are nov on sale at niay leadlg retalit cothluÈ stores lu Chicago. on. case In particular laetted vherc live ca.ssO! omalt-pox ver. lua arcom where ontesver. belng iumned out, and throo people affec ed vllh the refit vere actualiy ai vork cu cl sud other germent&. Miss Kelly state. As there are ueariy 1,000) ioeused shope and 25,u00 other rooms lu vhioh g e amn.are manufaclnred il vua. hopelosi1.1 taai for any body ciluIspect- ors t0 enforce the tlev. and the records shov the lmnpoealblllty of guarante. kng salety tu the %urcbamlnq public, so long a. tonement-hOuse rmanu actur nt ta [errnltted to exiat." She condemua the local authortes for falinre to en. force vhat lava have b3ou glveu them. THE raiivay manager, at Chicago say 1h. strike yuli mol cauàe a redua- tlLn ln tbe dividende of mc e thoni a few of the ronds. They dlaim h bas taugbt thetu boy 10 further reduce 1expenses, aud by Ibis imean.s trike tls. e. wlll ho mad.en p before the and of the 3ear. Noue 01 lhomhove'rer, cares to pub.Lly diacuas dlvlded prcopects. 1President Miller, o! tte St. Paul, says: 1"Our losses iu tramfe and damage to vropertk viii, I lhlnk, faitl ouidercbly .below $ 0O'. -Il Io imposal 10 do anylhlng more thon approximat. lh. icen ool sa a 1 tuot tell boy muob frottât trafflc I. POetPOned and boy muoh isle bt." The Rock Iaod vas bit harder thon any othor road, except. posly, the Illino1i Central., but Pres- Mdent Cable Pays: -I @hall h3 .urpirlaed --f b!. naantive -4" bi a show itov christ b ltea And here Màarkpugh 4W 3 l tho record of demise folservbe bituseif tho prégathst or s S smoag lte 55c0d four. KSe le teit lhe story of lievow lr-val te O gîve lihérnovlng aiasof hb e , - day, ho b lose.. amisusagca aut IL GOctutusTav-Tbou arlt oi Bon. la shomolavelii. s 9:11. «The b.gkaiag of heb.1osl," gondi bfl be lu5~ii eglumlug or ceglunlurs icigSml 0 jsý& Notice bhc "hegbalàg ' 1 ohGces. the tact cf boi1ualugs, begonaug o unfcihb, cf in, o! doatli Nov lb. beg'niug cl f t 1 hvic iviiimake lic orootod elvaigh4th ie itoglinUg cf Noice hov Mark gom. hok tethe, (,Id Testaunt, .ns 10 aimait labmM vodof l4 1,for hie boqlsniuu of ibe New Testament, thtn dcvtailllg lte bye Ioffelter Mid ilu1roahil revtg th.m eue andid lupenahl& Sette alo, boy bbia quolatlm . fenMasehbi sa" IP ai"t athle outetle t.hlb.cuir St4iptur. quotallon lunliart. Raving &&ktou is lexi, . ogces tght fonvasd (Otihe prectical ProouIte Homam i worz of God'semrvat-lteliving M pisleo.Ho fil 'tummo Jo s o Mot'ia. In Marks peairflcplione 01 lte Chrit I I lte figurceOM catursly aci n t uhemmont graphie on picture.qque sequence. John cerna, unserlug n the Christ; but lie ChristInouae lulroduced, John lscp. Po- ".Ho musti ncrease, but 1 maint Wit va.John doeug? Tva tiblg Ba&Ptislng sud _preOeing. kLut tho vord and the orSikacSemetbcd lie oue objecl-r.peulaioe, ail hbrough &hitI lie r.sulsmlan of aim i lt .ot baptiss usto lbe remiashon cr alms, but repeumS u othe renuasion of @ski. Ai the pnecblng of i l .a1dc 4 uclr.- Mit in, mc 9130 the baptiatu dld not. hI va. repoulance that gave Iie huasam Bîuels or Ccd'. mverelgu vart o! vo- tut. hon. Peler et the, lu tuis co .ueclhou, n.xt glve. the cil».t3, I au.Heious tsy, as.smaebave 1ntpbai (l AclasZ: eë) Bep*mmi b. i hszdfor ltee mIsai.eohsane" buI , Pont ca" bu baptized .cery oe Of ycu u ite naie 0cfthe.1lord Jemus Christ for the remason cf ime"Juba vus preach na su I haptlzinT it li bi paramount purpu.,teo te bm vcy of thi Lird. Adpr.ntyby tiat prepared way, God'm vaVn , @ut .m, the waîy of meekness sud edf-su-ns- der. Christ t mu valklug. Ail esino., ono day, tlie.appeae-d So Ic people at the river.à brina ehaOe1«: fort u d a noble bnov. John lu nitiou cries, "Beholal Ihe Lsntb oSfCed, sud ho lnvohuntaaty ashnks fraubis hoilit. Thon, reasiuned b.ojor- ferma thelsceresi rite. tbe dove de- scends end lie signae0f the reve allOo, voucea ai W o ohýn0 bforoband are complote. Be IbsI sbal[ hapile you vilt tie Holy Obost t.ncore land nov f rom the heavens liemfolvea by the volceocf God tb. eyes cf man &.a burned &Way forever fro theb. onerun- uer te the ChrLt,'Thou art my bi.- iored Son.» .Thcbe bb'i nI and ilucrctlmfo titis lesmion la haptism tu liL Ther.Il uop.clng lik.te Whmtoa.bcor aIlikthlm act of meet oheiou. te hie yard; vhat cmi bouc, Ithe So lit. Ibis becomlng cOCoptauce o! but es- ample cf rn bIsous aooepteàce et the iatb.r'. vwl: vhs ai m osor lte Spirit lite li.crucifixon cf th femits for the mate cf lhe lruth sasitlaeta 1Jeans Aid sw boe et lte bqlaan vaters tho vales et God i IIU peéus ta ,ceizeanud besI: "This le muyloolm Son, lu vbom 1Tam veilipieaagm» NextI-Le-o-«Tbe Templatioti oh Jeas. " Mat.. 4: 1-hi. Y ci4 a e ew Word.. Am ludustrious Sedalsa, Me., burglar v eut Ibrougit seven hou. in& singie ulgbt, recently. IT lma aerted that lun1991ce@ out c1 1ICO the left aide o! the human face 10 )Ihe more perfect lu oullune. >A YOUNGe vounn soiuusxbul!.t ci Crch Creot, OnI., receutly piunged r nt a slream mad swam auces il vbile 1amioep. . THE largeat arthflchi sien, luilte v orid tormi lb. basie or Bartholdi,, 1Statue cf iberty, Bedloe Island, Nev tYork barbon. . Tua Psau mail Gazele sent mne of iae oL'aff as a memiter o!1lte orchestra te 10tel hbe tory cf Duse's appesrsoe h.- Lfore the Queen. r IT ta oomputed thâtatlb. bouses lu ) Ludon sud Nev Yort coulsi bu built c f the lova lhrovu cut by Vemuvlw 1since teliet sIr.arded eruptkjaik p. lD. 79. BERLIN clîlme the recor:d for quiet f nosInl turnkng eut a fire brigade. AI 1 a local ters a rnpany vasik re.liuics lai tvonty-lvo seonds aller4hite clma ) as sounsesi. 3 ATarPiLLAE ui at lrgéesoa -moalt viii evour LI03.ts îab-

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