CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Aug 1894, p. 2

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ma.LuuA~ es D.csss Ulzt. ight Cents Ai a stlior, a prfosfe lalad. V -7'IÂDI)O]r, ubl4aar. T ms .oue sort of experlence in the PADD CKP~z1Iuuw. Chicagol corri pi Tueeday; there vos an- LI ILI oI( b5 Wednonday. Tble bull crovd bari - reabo for celebratug the day b- fore; Wednesday- vas thei turu for mrwik u'thse almnai dlscourattsd beur. Ad-Ir CNESE T AT varices cato go on for ever.A 12-cent imeIs lu two date ansd a 20-Cent une _____________la a fortnlght bai created the conditions 1 for one sort of exeltemteut. A drop of 6 to ;MOTIONS 0F THE CONVEN- Gy, cents fer bushel created no end of the RATIFIED 8V SENATE., other sort In the frst heur of ihe Board of Trpde entson on Wednesday moral-I lot. 1br a no premontion of the sort of day lu %store. Thse start vas ai an ad- J 00vsiemm ArMoseLibr.tiet li r varsce over tisa Tuesday cose, eaihe ls th ib se y iAt. mandi rsettleaLYlyive top prices mince ibe bull campalan began.t 0 mav" teAU c»« O chiffeB ut sornotilng happerned. Somnebody'a builli khSN55 . A Cissa utChieseI curae fl ildhim. or there vas an unes- C' si &boe5mb& pated r.-eaforcomurent, on thse sallingaie. I -i»"frCotietn Befure aasytody knev h t tbre vas a lot ofv Pgolds tf erîflats. corn for sale vhIicis obedy wanted. TiseU e ty vith Chinas, vhch vas rati- prîce began ta drap, Tis atner It tehl W,*action of the Senate. prohlb- the faster Il vent. t lookod&as If lb. Jlg d Us ombat (f Chineslaborerti vas uait, h.ecountrymen's huit cau- 0 Un~ited States for the nX aa.Bt there vas a stop.--after the e *&&as excepi upon conditions speci- ptoe future had dropîtesi 6% cents sb restriction Is fott e upplY and the lMay 6 cent& The former ai the W fftem t snmch laborers as have openfing tosched GlY2 cents, tisen got a..IOw Viveschavde pret es In tho as 5% cents and 1maI17 closed ai.55%/P « wb hav prpert boe etthecents. Tti sMay sold trou' 67 Cents.earlyG U,900PPO. or debts equal te thât te 51 cents and closed et 5% cents. a bâ departint Cbina- ».scure befors leavîng a cer- ('ALIFU-RNI1A %IN£ TRUST. Im theIbmcollecter of custionts of ydeîwthS.O.0 C ial u 4Iswct tromn vblch lhe leuves sniut ih1fo0000cptlt Contro t1he Xarhstry of the Stato. Stact thai be bas de- The big vine syrrdIcaie whchbuasbeen vth th. collecior a description formed In San Francisco viii contral 80 per I .111y, .property or credits. and ibis cet. f th rp prd tof aloua je 10 entile hlm te reiurn to Cite for h,,trpùpouto -cMttess tinm eye r. bud anotex-doubles the value of he crot. as preut 1 al uesmaybcextnde ant r r f gr ape (Il 5a ton. wvihle syn-1 LII ls sp.cliy agreed tirai the dcteare 0t pay not legs than 810 a1 I~5~ of tItS cnvenion ~ )mn.Severi boultes are lu tise syndicale 'igct tbe righl Of Chineossub- tand1more vIII probabi! smenbe admitt"d. I& -1sg Oielais. teachers. &pu- Ile capital stock ia S10.000,000. of vhlch9 meurbats or travelors for 0600.e00 bae been subscrlbed Onae brancb o, lesure buno haorei, fof the business ai ble id advance 42503.-1 te th* United iaI@sa and residing 000 annuaily to, vineyersis for exponses in4 To entitil sucb Chinese subjects euliivatiait vines, gatbering grapes and4 leio th.y muet prod uce a certîfi - makiug vines. Ilt Is probable tisat later a J âmegs thoir goverameai or the gavera- cnridptvi ueîblh e h ow.bsto t1.y lat roie or the dl pin- sîcrage cf vines and brandies. *#no canular represeatative of the 1o Ba«in. uthe couatrl or port SthCES& OF ]PASTEUR PLAN. _______ EMfleuy of noeulatlo.5 tu the Trestiment B9TEAPPED TO His BED. of Hydrophobia. - lront proof of the value of Inoculation Wd et Trade «Puugr" Bd Parldge lu cases of isydroishobaits t urnlised by W risquaid la WsagioDafLm Home, United Statesl Conul ilernan at Odeisa. sImp" dowa 10 bis b.d. lmprlsoned by vIho transmt. a, report of the Odessa Md windowssuad iocked doors lu a bar- bacterîoîcal station fur the yessr. »Um on thse fourth lijor of tbe Chiscago cornprislng detalied sud careful trec- Home. *Punwer Ed" treatment as applied by tisai Institution Pardridite. vWho lion- wlttbIa view ta deternitntug Iliv vortb. ayirde ItiseaBosrd lrany cf lise cases treatod resuited froie cftuad e fihlt a tur-thre bites cf rabid volves, supposed to con- a dourkeeper. raved. vey tise rosi virulent and dreadful formn cursed aud tore like cf hydropisobla. The resuita cf tise ireai- aiadna. lie vas runt vee tisaicf 703 cases treated but six talsen tolte home by dîe (ilcîiirenî, and lu thes" rases train sîstesi by sevorai * friands. Thess cu-tise souniding &ud thse inoculation. iatorhaid tid be bon- HTIRADDM EIi dled ti be home lu a OHRADB E RIL ,b 111 PABDEIDGM closed carrnage, aud Aabamsa Womnsn(7v« lier Lif. ta a De- à piaa îlu charge cf the doctors on1y rois Attompt te Ssv, UMer ('Sud. ~a1 foceHe ucane iolut he News bas been receivesi of tise horrible Wbd. and ht required four attend- deatb of Betty Sispkins and ber babe by Io carry bien up smaire snd 'n-ushebnrnla< of their home. usar Plus iarelu on. e ertis heil-rnsTucky. Air. Tisemotuer vas awslsened a re res ervOdfoitis et voth by tse fiases.liatf-dared as ra ou , but eitAtbha ts. ofici baisftielater tisonght of ber baby sud rusisesiback Maihita i commuicate viti tise ou%- vitb bier s hild Inl ber ariass and lier dlots- ~Iotd. tier. apiesred Tuesday uoru- îtsg In fltsses. but fe1l as muonoa nssho lthis office of Atioey Prendergssst r ebd tihe yard. Tise chisidliiscdanior ý:oeumPled piece cf rewspaiser on eca o. lkkb vas vrillent s-Go te udge M"Oisgasi sud cet rse eut cf Grave Trouble ai Ouisba e aoci 0is0 tise boarer of tîiss so. 1 Nebrasksa rsliiiaury c rspasstes arrived iat tà P.e.drldge."- It la cisimed t.tisiistu ouil) tsiia FrIday, front dtferent parts *0 thrownout of te window of thru- is te State, mani sueral eveulng trains W6 ]ibroriueouf ievdov f tismanosn br uLis uore stsdiers tu tise scene oi tise W etireteilsa , hfanl. picked Il t) u d car- psiistis c oIdlsr eryseisere oc- »Si Itothu iasyers, vioso scured is rý- cru 1,d isu street.s. and os a Ilttie bitlu a.. front sf Swft's bit tackirg hboe. sls Ilis blask s rszzie pointlug it,)tise bg .HAVE TREOUilLE IVTII LI'EltS. hislulits whisistise strikeise h ae Lee. lu-it tise balIL olit ousttegarlng. sud blmg Outreak ntth1e Bobbin Island lua a tositos te sweep stovu usen C-iony, Ari ies a asy direction.,tss a big Gatling A vist of insPection '0te tis ieer cO':ssY gun ussiiubered. and %lie emItre artiiery lâlobbia Islaud, sff tie cape etGo sd criss of the Omaisa Guads sas ready for 0lOpe. mi. made bqtUnder (sioulisl esre- avtlins slt li jus, wiat ve varut. Tht er De Soit with tise obj.ct of Itsvesti sssssssiitee bas tean vornilnx for peuce and »Ilnt ailegeil grievaues orf 5 ics quiert eer Once tise vslk-eut. nrit 00w Sme 110 lepers ba,,e cous ilainsd. Dutr- mlii i t t arssered Secreta.ry Flood ef « blis vititise Inmates sf tise croilsy tise strikers WOe are pertertly satiflies I.tiffd. tire vetsen tryluz tu escape nvr intise order. 'i beýre are oniy a fen of boendary aud tise men tbreatenltrjzorruesn wbssbâve rreased assy dîsturis bWetsry De Strdt saisi bodly baros. Tise1 suce, sud soiaf t a 111 be sioisie.i eutiroly, pholes ere unabie teihast back tise rrosad Orse s.iing sa certain. tle men rusisois out ~th tby Rhadile Iarre vol vers asud :aï isong as tise iarsers cars. asnd se pro, ;ausdeote1eer A lerqit vas re- pose teubeisi eut until mie srts., Mod tise ispers me re Iuducedto toIl tise Ir rmn y F met as og s a M r . t mise t. o p o a l e l oC tlýo I n l i 0 t o i e u p o lic e gu .srd a it l ise ra &sa a iie e y s in a tip s u r io t o u t h e @»coy basaluice bevu re-enforcesI. 1BSuths Sîde. at Miwaukee. 'I burstiay ulgbr, a t tise c ruer ot Mitchell street aud Forest Tmng Womun Ha@ itydropisubtit. liise avenue Tise crovd tisai get te- Taesd&Y afiernoon Miss Baud Glbert. a1 getiser te dessounce tihe ltb deparimeut Ssii oduesl dYoung lady of a prontrsint and rity oMetcais eatisered. as ene of the Bsrrls0bOrg. Ps..ferriy aud 19 years of iemade-s raid. for busines"l Tise police va.stestaire. vioietiy 111 vus iydro- te tis eurrsber of fifiY, vers usure fir »O bi. bitlng and scrarcblng every onu business also. mud wberi thse mois refused neier ber. Sitbav As bititon by a to disperse whien erdered tise polit Ïo4 dos Decoraiou a sy. but fetitbOtirsîjwOnt aitissus ln 90041 stylo. Fsr tentmin. Wlt outi Mudal eveniogi. Bise raves lu utes tise poicenens clubs bessi a regitir illauet ptiful rmanDer. Sise %as tuksu teatrttso ou tis eisasis of tise crisses. and Ir 34w York for treatmot. rtuabricks. tones, aud sticks lIew in. ; - -discritnlrssèteiy. Tise cresud van disperses, Il Johnu QuinrAdanais fDeu. Ibut Xban tise rsits»vere ilguresi eut. fil. 1Jolin QuIucy Adants diesi ai bis bhome ai policemen vero hors de combat eleven0 '»Ust Wolaston. Mass. Mr. Adsrrss be- tise iners soe under arressi, sud tventr l" aed teon.cfutishe muesi sltnguishud or titrty nare or less hnurreri rlsters hi ý9 1111I n Msacisusctts. Ibi tsgrand- been isustied iW tieber oes. ',Uber andi great-xranslfsrtisar ssistise ufPeet of tise United ttas Th. Nstulti.. Grce. Uce PridentTise clubs ofthtie National sud 'lesei *wept hy a cCcod. ýLeaîues stand as foles In lise charrpion A qcrl ne baisvejsi oser tise provinces shlp race: ,e Mgadrisi andsi Cudad Lt3al. iSpainlue ss- NATIONAL LZAGLIL M"ab damtage bas been dsre te thoer PCP? agrw and oser a iundred personsare.I, re-. . . ec flte e b. ltise kilicI o lujuesi. ucis lon o C ino a t.4 é' Wirolesl. Arnoat of Disaanstens. se ressais pluce raisi5d soute Ion tëgýboues sa id arresti acornse tort>'- i porsoa ciausessias 5dynramranansi lattle ?ear Limn, Fera Me ebailuen a sharp oncounter be- n goeement inssoinsfroins Tarama ib rebls lu Oro>', 12) uines froin ki~ Para.Tise roelaisreineaiesi upon 16bil le vtvet- tvudei est tse eso f tise gecera- -Kaau iCi.7et 41 caimil«iasukee.28 lii Grand Ar-uI VIII Frotesi. Wasuiin.teu Grand Arniyus>fficiaIs St 1decîdesi te pitest agninst tise alisi large nusuber of di-nstss.set ex-Uts sîSsiters frsst tise governinsiut servira cali ii hchsues itsiin sasins>'or tee s publiedmeeuissut of ait niusidil vro isave been dianise frsssstise caric depantsseuts Vernale Anrursat Bittai. Miss Lulu Baudali. a seil-kiscen se naut, iso isati een tmaking ascensions Olendale Park, near Nahville. Tenn..r vih a fimtalaccident on Fnaî evOeRns REAR CRUEL DEATHf. SWEPT BY A CYCLONE DOI1NG8 OF' ON(OIJM DesMrate Fole a= .4d ien wa5 UEm Ai Lafalle. Il. JesetfeBburmaun., a Polo .IVES IMPEIRILLEODV A STEAM- joItai miner. lea d" au Deputyoerlus AN OHIO0 TOWN SUFFERS GREAT NA8URES CONSIDERED AND ER COLLISION. A. A. Collai smi T. Y. Emuley. 0for=vu DAMAGE. ACTED UPON. are dangerously vounlded. tho .sito ouflhCl ta ciurnanaks bouse,.virile the sieriffs ver.e attempilaita are«s chur- biluresota end the DakottssuSrpilss AEx-NtosCaia-isi1 d aieMoeod h. ffots f s Iscut-manun. the olficrà wve.met by Jouet asd peetatlon ln Whost leld-Tauff Fliht IDome by the Sonate asud Hoai-OId liih Fight la the Rievator Trade of the vIf. anibis fther and meliser, &il of la Rudel-Cern Ton IRxpesisve for Wbii- taies lsposed 0f and New 0015 Cg@tiitd Northwent-RuDhor of "mater Vese@ visent vere armes illa cavalri sabens- Reiregspsst. belongingo tue eKosciusko guords A ky- <rused flaster Rock. ligisi ensuod. la vhich Josof Scirurmana A genuine cyclone @truck Nortb Mgadi. Théu..nste sed Bonse. vas5@hot sud tataihi' injured. Depi Tise isaseuter @tourmer Purtion craibesinfrentOcie rcevd slu irn son. Ohio, devasiatiag foresîs. orChards. lu tihe Houa. Wedaesdai Mr. Baiiey. utotir fery temer Richrmond naiEt frontynu eotis clsurmana'sle blde builigs. grovint crops. etc. Th irevnsifront tise cuentieon Judicisry. as la josephb, Mlsh., Bueday moring, ce n naîtts bomn iedcots iuekin hoes? tise laie and svept s patit matter of privileage. presentesi à ress.sittiou lit ferry compieoey ln ivo. Fortunately Colley mal die, Tise youuosr Beburman100 fetei vde rieur of everytblttz lu Iis povîinge f i or argines trità haiunts bo are vra ne passeuzers on theserray uathe mvnaadesperale character,tand vas vuant- vay. llesei ialsitones accomntlAtise 3cm itedt ticaes Jage othe DAio-u eapoes iiPtiglute in'" àtricourt of Noribonit OhioTire resolu- cpsfrorn drewniog. afler aclose cali Unionsisaft a tev veeks &st. vissa a nin- 5Or0 8 laitisa pais oftishe storna sers latter- tien vas agreed te vitisout division. Mr. troma bînt crushesi by tise big stseamer. Tt ber ofumen verebouaton andi serlously hu- Ilydestroyed by hait aud vinsi togethirr. biyer. fro thtie Contnittes on Mlitha., sas a fortunate tbing for tise (rahint & juresi by tise tueS Tise hoo)tingIincident "a T oar of Ise vieid vas ieard tac or caliesi up s bil t0promet@ tise ellcleticy ot Mlorton passunfer steamer Ciiy o a ass ra xieel and tise doasi titreseomile swaay aud la describesi as beiug th isaslitis. Lt ilros'lded for an elahorate Jiscao.visci vs li a iO banasgeposisapsxiismoens blave m.@Asoausometiing frigistfuL Tho sîorm swePi a sYstemOf nations1 defeesr. laclodniilutis etcao, mi vs YitKt thimn' ailhc ptabl2e1-bedlehepthabutttrs lls ogcThi19tizeuos cfal tiseed ctzei f b dock abreasi of isera tise colision atîsmisi te umailtire deputy ssa ~Ts as bu Iruie irg h a iiUnitedi tates la btwen l e aies cf 18 sud occurresi. tisai tise ferry-boat vas situation vus coasled go serionsti tisaielu ljtVi.BEn far as letano tcpersmn vas 145tise organiaed nmihistia id u Inowu as' truckIr rsi for bati nitishe Rlcisms ai ulihtiarnen ver. piscesi ou guard &round sett.usiy Injureri. ihe national guard and thse unortsnized as set veld ai a fonder and deadenesi lbe @bock tisa isoai lunvsici tise voundasi sherif vs HwTAuIILIthL.epréervetil aciio o@n ise Ut o ut th tiecollisinu theo btd steamer vouls IiyW»in.îneo ATsd , aoA s Report ar, 1 pibr e flru ai onv 5o I tiL e neu- bavian mueducmanbore ctdv. PTie BANT CHOiNESE AUX BLALU. Largssi Vep. aie. amonct tientone t'P0 oncertain atan- Purîan as D comas etCapt P.Mc.MlDnsOi? sgnes iliitary resrva'-Ion! A bill teie- Ouigan mo te Rchmndwascoue-Minesoa:Norths Dakota andi SautSlDa- vent lohbylng. sud visîciscairîsIt beavY Ostgn. b aitiDswe e rLicsuon aern- ive HonniresiAre KUIOLe by thse Japa5oe ota araeîIe taîyidprodre ibIsleur tise Penalties, vse lutroduced lnutise less. bY mandsi y Cisi Boeeli be oner autise Takini t 01Seoses. second larest viseai crop n tier issiry. MIr. Allen. »IOES IT IN TUE TOMU. Tokobansa advicas sal htia sdtional Tisa Agriculuurai Departint et i ashing- After a&session lastingut li tilmore battues bave bson fougisi luiveen tise Jsi>- to anueuncesi lu lis July report tisaitisonsu abiour sud a huile. duriez vsicis no C. H. Itusd Dies trama Injuries Caus.d hy sussel sndtirsChisenene. and tise lat i-eghmten fatales voulsi produre ttis eaeurbusiness ef snl Importne Vas iransaci- flm sSecret Explosive. lter bave item defeated. Satkoan bas 19.000.0050 buIsl 1 ofsprla; vireat, es 0ed.elthe Benate adournl dTisuredaf. A. C. . ussi.tie aveto vserece isel been by tiso Japanese vltriir - - n ait, ropets0c msuyugi loaebill te ravis.tisesection cf té tisi- ftalIinjuries lu tue exploso ai Doisse & Itua OS, lu tIs engagement 500 dogt n hsetiae h mrsin vised Statuios ubhitisreqaîno PiaOf cf lo- EhprtCiicagote rtriesi te tell ibe Ciinese vere kiliei. Tise sent>' lied la ibas been galaed hy Lustesaimers ani otis- balty ands v"ua roa dereibt sucfor- secret of bis saplisieve lufore Se dlesiaItdretio csKassi TreJaare i estirai tishsua year o*neducesi abeai position vas develoios iat oation vas tise Lrsbyleriaa HloipitaL Hoiesatuableats elinPu"e O f ra.AnIsellyiolsi. lasteari of thero Coeruent'a os- taSsnaspou It 'liseBouse eaudsestr to disciese Ih and tise kucaledge gatirered nrdinaflca.Just ssu*l Permit& Ciinese ~to tates luog truo. they are ridiculous. timedebatint s bill caiculatesi%0 increse lu bis yaars cf researcis ansi experimeni réside lu Japaa On condition tiraitiese u e- for lira probabllty lits tithe tac tates of tiseeMfclucy Of tise mlitta of tire varlous passed wvhs bi teidtiregrave. Tise er ae i&9 n Pesceful pursuits Tise greatest inMrnaesta and Northr Dakoisa have ihis Olt&tm irecomouni vs tsaihi ou-d excilerieat prevails ai Tikio aud ai otiser texpueer atherpbad inue ta I l ulneius ssrsi 'tieyctra year pro luced aticalli tise ameunaiot Thre@sate devotesi almost ibre. heur. ep onioay atrb vobet 0a ng oI na eti ltevcotso ise#,%tise gevern mentisels sigisteen States tu tise considérationacf tise Chinese ireaiy electrîcal preces isicis h lirad de vise& .tise Japan elletrocira iutons. iovever. bave producei. lunotiser mstIs he ylald In oxerosive sesion Firdalansi ajourne Prematur. explesi)n. v1hsaIlit ls conse- ares current tisai tiseJliennese naval forces InveeIoSae g oeta leyt ithise undletstandltt tirai a vote s*bout&i caînis, oud u a- bave been defeatesi ln an engagemsent lu tise..onvo Siates Is more tissu Itkeiyht diletdsesi , iie vltbtflbleIe vard ip enceàl10000.000 busiseis. lavnz Boutse readîng cf tise jeu ru&L iliho entire domtprscticaiiy impîsstble ' ie ex peri1- v________waihPi Dakota Io brini tise y1lisofettiseires ellecutive session -as devoiesi te 1moute vere cf a preiminar>' nature ansi x"0 uhla gls ray ver siplypraaraeryid iaelaor.o(Nt Anioas for Settiers. Saloi op id 12500).DO ussi. su &i Peeches ou the meiis et tiseirty A re eltiors yosenlei te tre Geotalabou 126.00.000 e tis eree Staes ltest n1 isicir Serstor Gray', as acting testita0llu made Juiy lit. Ou tisaiday. as Ar lto rsnelt h eri ot100000frt Oal o.r& rtecmiteo oeg bas been recorded. occurres tise very tîing Blale Agriutursl Sociae>' by Gevernor 7011r. Ansi tasse eanuhuates ara Prsl isra ftsecnriieo oeg Norbeninvtin roidntsof he Sori, ab'Out minimsum- Iltrees i e uo surprise Ifreainldnlvrtfth t B&leno thatRud, wth aros %bit ise lmot Mnneota nd ort Daota howa yed tire tr.siy, speakint lupon lst generaL Wetsoimeteorerhme l iorlowa erîts andi supportIna Il, lapn tisegreund romantlc hitd oedsudi studiesi tero- vofi110,0a0e0Aisîr hontesbut Geortaevasaitsunde-tosaiommeonnislDAvantageov a ysei de? Impossible -iiere vsia pneusatursa ex- nearly defeatesi. Theisavs, on asieption eIi0>.i uies uta iegaed-*c ormrtlalatt eao sll plosion. sud ltudd'a threa assistants veres vas 291te 25 Tisa tovemn r r h auxieuîsa rmandalesonservaliva figure,tise isO lStes mer and Mitceel. of Oregoni. aite Pattrl- Sîis.seurst setters fronse the Nsrlisse*sTrla are estlrrsated ai t15000,003. sud 2000,000 patati ID tise dbate. lin.. Paise? speakinsu deatsg is esltirusvea rs rsus So suthr Dakotie. makInz a total of 123,- for lise ratification o? tise trestY andsl r. LIEAVY LOSS ON CORN. sLsted tisai n ny eîdeiris ut tise North- r 100 a iebpiusisicsp1rlrIi linieilss. nti.Ts tcs in ment see aarebisis ansi comuniste aud Two Vesuels Prst.d as Oiend.e. Tise se&( of tise tsriff haviat iscOn ConsumnerasWitt m dfave tel'a>' the tunerr htisilisy vaseisiratiler hase tIesand ri ear lissyd.s. ut tndon, bas jusi i oitesi ss trabfenredse thtie lirsuse. tire proceeieoi pre. uttbnbaoClt id fPeople. oedue tu. Lîverperi sessels, tise ships iI he irleuste Moday acre conPrasivriY R GL Duon & Cs'4 Weekiy Linviev flet1 ae berpr o hcnereiO Trade sayss R bbiet S 763. terra lidasi sasd tise bartc Afstiean ae sire reportlobibo contgeai.o Theadvene l crn islesq aerera D a va% o btIeuls fr mnyTisecrewsef tise vessels nuniberae%-cssiy aIta acres soificatlen aud lise bill Tis ass sce n crn îscose s essrai ar (5 Fs ,gans. e IL Louis, f theIor.Tise Sîerrsa ladrorsa saliel Ian25sî 2 &*us snti laril teocrsnrrenco A furtiser ballet tisait teis jr e b> dtîsi.rsouit hsIo-ys' rvisiiasntrAete ie tant crois bas beets as) triaias I tact Cilca'srssiverla andi St. Louis;ltsllroad 'for Rangoro- Tsse Afon Gassies8titesi .ur i- diugrcnient vs hai antistise liuse ou usterisiii tise traffic of ratroass.tise de- Cs)rsspany. abtle aieep lu tise Waisasb4tsar Bars Francisco. A lire bussv oui a tso aasuienent providlin for 'lie enten- osanisifor ianaufâcturel product.and tirs depot ut Springfleld, . liseoutser aDhis, pece e? v coi ver, piekedt nse osf? cllY iy sisuof tire t.eernteesi prtiutt ifilce. rasi f et isfor tise gouiug years. Uless vmai robi el cf b.s sacheL. coutaîasug later lun assy st rais .fnsu hsSnt eeei fîr t thse markets de, esce ansi are entirel>' de- bnseninoe c.. fc sle1f'~ D,, ansi atout Fais 16 j'art sof a lire- nsan srss ndiCt fser l ise pUrchaso cf caivesi our ouuntry vtil lotte a od n oe f h aevieo -(tefearsI lislc i-klO 1,i l o-te fralar ne lot for thre mrectîcu et csanit u is es o smtiin leo.- 50jbesîdes $12) lu cashs sud tl golsi vaici boat sane.isO 1sckei uts anst h sets 'uts buhl tcens. ansdiila uanscou- -et chapes valued et 83. wlchvers taSepss a aetî gs > ~ ~ ~ ae nltrs fie iu ie atirners bavet tessarri tis le advs.ncu Irons bis jcck"ets. _Thrnvn front s Train by a Tv rfr.ipcrctissession tim se 't re ef i4 cents lu tvo mve ksa adi9 cents laser. "a wscnine Textw Nolîher officiai oor ursefIlita asiments isiagitenît lorssfer MesS, Jiirs Ilînuebau. a Sauta Fe Sm sl.nsums .)2. )hlliasse nin nroîîntgcf lîrportrsnce as yet preclude tise boise tisat ieste lars ss> FossCty. Iova ispatciss A fBruin is àttempissi to eject a rarsst lise bute) sacepi te armeoIci tir e rolataalrill11. provo ems usi s5. but ai cirrrcnt i ricex tber s ung trsrtnre tirotîsori staugier 1 soeOi liteoff tise tlponsfite car vile Tisere vas but &a s iteringtelst Sena(rrs 1.50000003susirelin ouisi coetats oticis bsuse te laugter clseap ranch herse, tise 1,lbetrain vasmoVlttg tvrntY-fOve ssslles en presnent Tuessia>' aien the V'ice Frte-'d. ut as 20)(1.000,000 bubeli .su;d hbse csst a' fie-b of shtch vas made luso driel bref. iseun. 'tNen tise trains mai pniel ite calei titelet torder. At 12:15 'ocS tortoigts&-ce Wtseat nos,31, cets5 ir Iepo vsal ps eJesyCî.Aransas CtY li lne'sssu s"as tssà5sd.'Ise the reasitut nrftrie journal -lis conunsis. tisefeninittai 5s alr cerriIdursJeraeyentis. lits ostti Wtern rr',cotta riavek i hopsopricbsru s>' ythatt ile>' vli couvnerteesglue sent b.sck. sud foucui htresuldY vibrea a messogen freins tise H usenOf rP- b2.7 u,hels agaî..i0&162.4!4 last year. i.103 iorset ntoie irtes ef. Ti.>' îsrsytise tisresi l ilposartocse h eÉrille tie a, ntuthelsi-5bai fsird Atlantic experta are ailil atentlirai? mas is,r.for ei m nesyou tise rassgef iban tralnutocu made a5 er tfur thss trasais. bui tise banas l tiraictis.hlsounstesasi pas. tarte as ma year as..37 agotu-bLsril aviee an u isai fsr. lbeshld dappearst vIre, andi sugar on tirefreis lireIl&î 2.e734.784 at isar. PerS pnodcs am are tiIeiter.sbirg Doe.vci t ses tise coucurre utoftise Pe- litt3e steenrair. as iv natunal. Codsis bsu WitTri te Annal tise Marige gardCite1erifio i. raintrManderson objetiltosi t tViceTiso and'e My K.tý H oblý .xirl il dToe anttosIlli iTcOnies asiagain dectlned 1-16. Sttis a> Eai. Snlsc e Tiinsrn>'l rrung sludclosetis e GeainCinm-itise econdTe e un 1h lucreasinsg prospects sof a senvlarge yJId.lseingn ucoeVn ra vt ae oieo lendotl eel ciosing setboft rchange for tise yack. 16 lieuns etfuge.vas marnIesi te JohnsaF. crnies dvilieriut Pe(rrîr. isse bufois2t aing il tiicornse taxe. tills veupassecl tbit- .a 05cm e ansd a tanner.Tise fatta-Cicage uns tise (onsolidlsls ts inrcIunatt îrsrsisi rrsu seLouis tV. Sartîni er. %arcans isat. lrinir5listtel>' LOe tisa Aill iaotîserliouse~. vWitetOgle Cîsel - retîresi . lmTar ineslralion tte e- MEE TE III.CLr.girl tas,1 to'ps viilbcle ntu ti su o,îtire Lt consie. isear (nicao, base tirasiit isr.sud auîiscrnzina s, Idiers ssr Dunluths Etrvatssrs Oàslaa (rt stonultise rarria:e. Tnse cfaîr bas crs- 1Siens%,tu duersTh'lise vierdaie skmpt nssnater4 1.e rtsrd r rtdotrremIle! te <beapir sasthse Gris'. Noth-rr, teiasnsto s .eaasice.g In? sserely ltssupîî silcertaîs ri ,1osstt stersins. le olsstissu fcr tise lu etiga- Wnien h vas annouir'd isai tis GOat -cftcsmuraeth >'e. - lie accos.iauce anIlia ti.n e is srsltOrs (caui( m osP r o sva Psnltr eao noars ol nsi t1t11 .th. seC h-e_,. itia tensi o1ýr ,tise nofeitisists 5! Tes - NorrsrssEevfart»y horulis cirhave 'oje itison usude cstracr. ____Cersic e«els uA ilsasa are ral,1 uts. grain for eue-bol? cen1 per lu-reisCsfr re- publict ]rotlearsftisas tise Ne.buYormotttoveinthe flou"srr IolippCm cevn. k ad e aro ord cfliteusitis t. partiasl>' roslpousible A terrible tlok place it ,ei lsgssn.ou thsr, Judictar>' dcdsi is m este-bal? cent tsar tushisifur ents ladi- o~lr >'Fiu'Ii~tieen Jsdge George Poset 1ntse biih ila tr,sdu ed ta>1 le e- tionai thiti>du s. t ceac'e thst-i t oitofliecssiehtutus sowsiniltîs.e nIoil.,Artr,. to rotao ovrteses stîr IluLlutb eleator rirere, sInce thi i te sntelsued tisuvscon vainetzed ho 15. Krsis. ns 1.5. sass ssan. acnsitrTyssfr nIniesilu te1ri ris r rtea annouclistSt over a ycar tsf tise tai- 7aellironsCi cifus u otî ul epr oia Istosai te cunir>'or ion rlusiansInstise lrîtcuriesfrTisa cr f tise Nenibemu lscific au1 îeleiver o-r et 1phlstIerta. ti. Whisky. I ep, i'e 5ektndetsaTrntra onseFdeai sse lci uns sîssi ~~~~~~ndinseltesi Juitte iiniseail uisirnan er- lianu te oissttiin rntru sa rrc *Valley' cornisanuin 1u itise pu b1, atliu of Roth Itan>' tirîesteertiigunsseot. I{inirad kîsocised ltelper dovu Io lie Senatie blt t li posnitr. n-s lssJ. * tise Siery Ineelvinxi? rillioni s f drilars Corniaite returni. unoffliclalbut reitable, taicu. Sut mas tales alr ti .1. lli testka. tise litons cf Ilo.s.Frei-rIcS à swo-us of irsegularl>' issuesi rerceip s. fretsne' vry ccunty lu Atais ansexce Pt tvo.Davldsoe eMaysar o? Lxugtoa.itbvalta. tise arrtir 'explorer, il Su 5 IlNether tise liuth, tise li a uUoe r tise rake ltse Donsocrute itr ssj rity 26.124- Tise touais, ft Superier lerraîtlnaelecator c ,mîsaulesbave tD morrats bave ai leasi tuenty-t.v e-e- .Fanr cnusird Le Deatîs. i paisi au>'attentioen tori nIlis colap- lbersao eu tIe nate ont of thtrty-Bive sud E. IL Gaisigirer. N. F. Watts. William -'Honfft Aise" ltelînIi theiBar. if parenîh>'. but Ih ls tas iii>'unsier-iîood tisai alxty-one nmrw.eies of tiseHeusaeut cf 100. Aistose. ainsi.oisn Itendrlrtson, saorksnen Abrabham Lincoln onso VUnsi< cia . ibeir chsarges viii net erceed tis1111e lli rsageilrcts.iructltsg a fluinsfonr hot- lirense ta soli ls1uor. Tho recor-Is of r.charXeý"dr a Womnnsan.Isstieselu Graullu canyon ou Tsngue Sangamun 'o,uuty. Ill., h v thut ho RESt N insaR .oulasse l'atterson. a court stecoz- R ilve r. thty - Ove miles tscrthireost et Sier- sud bisn 1 artiur, who kepi a publie e.ass.s'n.~', rapiser ait (levetand,. visecarone t ibisIdan. 5ryo., era crusheni tu dents uîrdter bout, to t tc alt s n ceunir>'tront Switmenîansi visn 14 years' fifteen or tweusy tons cf rock vhsîcisrlei maiutainud a bar for tho u-e anad con- Friandis Drill Through Tistrty Fel of or sge, bras ieen gns.nted nssiuralizrttou sapou tisesualler ublusi harO ierinasiiodect. ' iolnceo f thuir guosis. A %et4tran Ceai andi Se Tiseir Lices, lu .IocaaL sl o ewtbu nilana editor si ye that ho was prI-ent Ricar Jne ad RchrdEvro, to reednLKîiesi b>' a Pountier Eliptosion. atonue of htie eu-en me .tings mi-làch 16 ichrarmde Jon ess Richfrdo n s.he o preese.A seau purifier of tise I,oulicillc. KY.. 1sure heid duritag ibe 1 incolon and etofshe mine v iicis caved it Innsd aricunherl Over a Score Are E octrtc Ltg-ist Poser Ci ropan>' expiodesi, Douglas senatorial campaigt inb l<~ Ittisai ive tllow laborers. Jshn bltrrevsky I'lsent>'-lice leapie venueitjures!. soutee 0 Siiing dmard Landi anal dsngerousiY ta- i1utnd that ou tisaleoceasios LUne Iu ý- and Frank RIeealas>', Saribers muidnsbed seriounh>'. tn a collision batweess ivo trot- 1 jsring Adolphtrb ciatL Charles W'lhen. îublicly acknowiedied that lie had 'tlirytise faligTu t oo.A lune gang of nos- le>'cars ou tis e lcctnlc oud uar Oaissise, jcolorei. smas biovu tisouixis a isoe lu tise boots aunLkucpssr and ai! shat itaât Lm- "' @seretaionce verst to tise rrnne sud Sogan l'a. _________rie', iut tvas onh> ly Agîiiy hnjunesi. -piied- Dosuglas haviug made pIn,-fui le- veboreut soltacetetise rsiosiaihrnsen _____ allusionti teLiue--in's practicu ai the or te b ora niMARKET QL'OTATIONS. leel Eaniq.mke Sboeku.ibc lelte asabdtsii a r, 'lis e sare carini out lu a faisstsbra'. cou- At Me mpisis. Trin.. ibrue o sof e tru,1 but that ilta rjtîlod with oqual ce dti n HICAGO. esnthsnuake vers fuit liseh vibraisns iitie forci tua bis disiingu sh d cjU o'.nt, d î t h ee , P- . - - - 9 8 5 0 e li sô s0 0 .t r o , t e u t r e o i l ut e n i r t i e a i t s t e n d a u r a e to f ' _ r> i 5o-1 h _.1r a t l l sb i n d t h e srWaaFagDy WsHE-Ç lrt Cisoice.... 2 00 (43 5 sae n idosr71d u n ia rctcdb r L na Frhdu>' vas oua of tisa rueusrable WHEAT Noe. 2 Bd..........ie0 savaeisdvnourtis.bt15 as s- deys lu th isaissory e? Des Mintes andi UosN-NO. 2 .................... te6 (a 57 age %sasdue. nbrtFuCmnioMe. 'd. lova .Tira battie fluge antiSauner AG-O 2 .....................>I ' V ProfersrDeath te Diagrace Ris-No.*2 ....................4 1,4 k%12 Peel DahtFIAreerbs tIhore is only Onue Llaco ia se sstcb tise regitentt breughtiniiOre trot lTEI-s(iotecCmecr>'.....'. @ 85à :r.W. Beacous. Preildeut ofthtie Fanusers the world where the fiageo o fou -na- Of tise svan sera takren trous theaorsenal,}oois-Freub .... bu............ l'anI Horcisants' BanS.etfSVtonxa. G. T., Itions a saa rastl Wown soillmay he oceti îs ikety nid lbuilinrg on tho veat 60 0 '3 nubL iv id aId or s i me.teh ttuLos nCTTWtbP...b........ 260 dlsgraýed S>' bis sou Inextrlcabiy tucolv ri el se on l91is a1srsetbi isiirLcusiter wvbug ln friendîy rivaîrj, rl ai tie us utTieaieuauaetsas 5 -Iooo-CihsteaLlsht... ........ 410 OIl 60 dte by sioiot. Tiseson. C. s.Ltaco'us ean oldute hrMidaycin thetlParc siters vas a surprieIo ail. its cesiluaied uStEP-Cuntartoate Prime..... 2l0e086 l misingandi. i is astr, bas Blpoie.&îsit utietc CORNsa-N. 2 Whiei..............45 0 Bpe ira toast 2.000 ora meofiscaors 10ons1dta Ce-No. 2 Whiteu.... .. .......sO at Tweney Peuple Are Drowned. o thae l at tlaisthe r gra ncea OAT5NeOby, Waltl e.............. 1IlriSgof tierlim, abethu c gcay lsthie n- undertake tise long nsarcb lu tise braicf lST. LOUIS.Te>' rle.aicsaatsidsnn ofrnmavewchlctih union tho day. stepors ftergtahl heeajc fBian um it tireday. _______ Otie........................î3te0 ( i6to ts rfrs fts snta ies iea s jnk c rtii om unlisnf lis ('Sanies fleeklsam @aht Ileani. WaEÂ-Ne. 2 lied..............i1 0 12 asý1sait exuelson steamer capsîzesi lu th,, jkrteeo1) cAi!on the uigzhi erbag ,sore tof anCoul-No. 2........... .......... te4 0 66 Caîsy Ruants, sicoseinut ieut> People. r Arabia i the crimscu banner ou Tsîr- IL. A Spl. D .,William Arderson shot OaTs-No. 2 ....... .. .......... 2 2_____ikey, and on tisbacpposliu coastislathe Audesuon1R11-.d. ih ..52 aOlitTise Hanuse Qutis. border lino botweeu tise Red Sea ter- o211 sud Silea Ciules Becisiato.......................... NLNT Ssi ou, tap1ecns h te h iing hall bon-Cr - i............. 4850 Tise BLuse cn Bouday. Sy a Pote of 13' s itorles of France and Italy, oshOse .41 ovesi lckn's assdue ansi refuse assi10 cs..... *...,.......... t (à145 7 te 26, agreeri10te aenate tariff bill. ansi flag tise Rang to the bre370 whihn .8 ras urn i h. eckisaus entaut ermis sasdîr.binEt?......... ............ 2 0te@a 3170 tissupassent a bsil puttînir sugar,linon, ceai. baîf a mile ot oue anctisut. 'no isen a quarrel tok place, Wiliocks- WCoa-No. 2 Rexdi............... 50st S51ivneo iefrsIs.____________ Isan vas Ian biCON-N..UMxd......... ... ... .. ... ... .. uil3, unyutbeipt lse asiieNIa u Mixesi.. ..... 2 5b" 1404 Per bors, Adenan flrcsiou hies. iilluisiu os-t0........... 1 o 0tI4 eKairs Are lu Open lRevoIt. Ble& en isat>. usntss oSts saiite. DEi... bTIîGIT. 'isKaffin uNorts Tcansvaai ara lu A scientifiti austboclvsac ias 4t7 puýtanh o neriasn to t hers su %mde biseCATTLE...... 2 10 O 4 maS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ï 2 50--------------- 460 os pnrevoit, Tise>' iave biocriesitise rossi tucting a bullet witis vaseline ta 49 sacais____ a v----------- 2 on 0 13166 <nom Hurcison. ibave binred hoiseteas4s.' iighi miay be eu ily~ followed siti thse _____ ISA-N.t tlL-------4ir4 5l Indsslcapturesi catile. The KEsSors are nov eys.sfeu-m tise timu Itl a\e ibo muzzl.a Afier saliaiirunrtComny. eiNs-NO. 2 Yeliov-------------. b15ê4Osd teInute ieaiquarters o? tise rest- cf the 5-111e ortil if. trike3tbtis aaet. ae A. Biertusa, tise Itate pAusiîtoreNîin- GATIs NO. i White. .. .....34 @ 85 's iegvrunu îîiuua riesttcci ftebîiesi aked'by ged Ceeoa. le outtIlu nu opetnlettin lWslsise oVEEAT No. 2 lied.-------------- 1 4 l58 aîa.Troot s hava beau isastil> dhs- a r iig oe nise, caîîaed by thse vaselina to n liuestaotise Greaiottem il Cîsy oRs-jNo. 2 ieev-------------."54'1 5. isaieed front Cupetevu te tise accus. rhbita . lunitiasion leuving theimuzrle eof o oiayadsrtotrtenZu"y àT-o2 Wbite-------------- M 34 5 ___ __ A Coîpnaasar eoituan anfair ad- LtlYK Ne. 2------------..l...Dsas ifemn. tho gue. ___ , or v antage os'or tise Sti lt ase:erils ti33000ltbFL,).Losorsid b>' j THE WEATHER.n acres ofsvsîsp landis. tie recltou efforts W5iEaT No. 1 Whiste---------- uSli îli A large profortitonoethtie populationosHiWAHR ai uesai >'Nu.aîres 2auyt nsu Rlled-------------- se 14 Il57 a villissts ua? Niedsvedmuu. 'russian lo made bytertra iuayt uin-CosizNoN. 2 Yellun---------- _ 5rsu bveb..rud.i.b'ea.u ia- Tis averagle annual ralufalli eaL e ci rs. Tise raslTcud cssrnlsss desies CA 1-No. 2 Whitle-------------- 27 "ý I.., hv bacfd ltb ti d ise ieeerhi hrysxicss îI erossos achanges and si asroevi ioletter ltaILWAUKIE. i TEerig.E rrbncltthî ron to h let s cf aînftî we ice lr ileoya cm lt aniftfoeW OEAT-Nc. iStrning ........... ÔIý8 6614 inCau&.oisoeealhave sied. Tco ýrris le oforh . inle 1.11l s Whlte3.... .............. 7o(0690'~ .s rnseul dm inu ea-Nc. 2....t...... .......... i35% j IN tise yoarta'hardy 'iAiëà hOILETNo. ......... i2O l Taras AiUtise Prioners Ont. fu INtengiar :10 ad&dr4,JO !ap o r a ai Cnat Off IlsaMrse'.Tongue. JBY-No. ..................... Si2 n I61 met ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~6 C9ae lnvs ie uietv fPa-os....... 18 e~I60 At Leaven sortis hn. City Jailielinr Ja met Ch-:es*Wine wio ipesytatas tdW or Or arry fet, and 0,L0 lami.Q eÇ Uller. DL Y., Olea sla à1cirargtod vIls dut.-pr . ueT 'jOliE. BordOfof amne - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CM ...hhbfà'A..........u sro .. à- Imm&II ?1, t4retU Il

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