>ERED ANDi ON. -Whsat seing floa.-Ojd NiaS" e Oue ConsatA.- lay Mr. BalleY.' Jodiciary. as m, tâai à resoiutioui stion by thas Ialans Augustuz umis of the Dis- 210. Tirs resoiu- is d iisiou. Mr. It. on Miltis. D lhe efflcleucs of for au etaborate 'inclodig tu lb, citizeni of t-he i0 msets of le anmd ta lie ituoci ad' te eirorgnted as te mornuut tour the bill. A nm" aSmeoIt th e sen- peu certain at-am- ina A bll t r O- h Ci'yTTIO heUVY suthe Sb.eato by mirl a IltAi morts dartat whlch no iOS val trausobel- ed Thurriday. A keettn o! the site- .ires prof ni loy- applîialtos for rsd. but sueb ou- bat noi action &a Ooe Pasait lbe iaicA so tucres tia o! the varions mst three hours ho Chines. lreaty jar, aud ajourned hat a vote ahoutS adtaell Btter the mL es lho entire A d.vot-ed ta ta o! tb. treat!. ;rY. s acting ,lttee on toreiga thbe rais Bc&' ston of upon lis cenerai, 01>00 the grrtund rO foato Prat.ti SPalme aIupeakliC ho treety aind Mi. ie lieuse dits no e. tire roceeiiti ec i-ontpralr5ir the î-ontcrrp-' o1u t ia agreeoit l ion Mind tire btill i-rne. A further rth thie lieuse On Dg foi- tîrfi dieu" Dta priutlîtl iflice. -ceded f"".~ Its the, purnira.O ot thre î-recttou ot mce. thui irai- Tae note W.. 45 to trng rut Sentio te vice ire-' d- nt e r. A t 12:1.t,'! c k rosi -%s coucîutlttd. ,lihe H use of Rep- ,,ed. an i unttrned jîri ad pasied liren te, lt,lu -urrenne of thre Pen- rn oblected tc, andi Fenibor Ilih Blls cere pnîsiet Lontenu. ISt.rt,el. titraI ou lt- ne- riux wIdier,' h-.tn, utd-ur ru-i-f ru i for thre inseittiga" at t cnp.y tiri- ,âtigatiit r t;tie re- ina iiTe c.11,1 Up. decidet t, l- -A uccd 4t lu- huiti iir r e-the a uierat coîurt, Th.e pîrlin Ir-. Att, J. ot hitit. -rrtl--tk Otitihitti- -t 8.111 a i once t-îtk eut a . Troie ecer-lai o! il., hb cw that rie -ho kept a publie t:t-r a uhos ni r trie u-e ani cou- uuat& A met-cran thabt ho cas pr.-l'eii n me -tinge wh ch tie I incoin sud campalgu in lit occaor LUne lu Igeti that lie bati id ai triai t-bat m- ing matie pis-fui 'a Pr.ctiee ai trie titrtet t-hua it cas j )Iîieti iitri oqual ratced bc dtrie ctîceti te ore IL" ohy eue l1aco in ,0 fiagsofe fou - na- imnsoli,. may hoe resu rivarj-, or lu dofl' ) tri- conditlcn of Miday lu t-be tar- southeru ent'ance ho dark gray 1istard cr i lcat, trie union srmont-n trie .egigorngt b ore of o bSnner o; Tir" ole cost la the. a trio Red Fea ber- au Italy, tîriose tle brei78 eltrini auctier. onlt stat-es that by t itri vsseline las ht folloeei aitri trie 4î1--bi the nrezzle t~àê' w' ~ et e-~'NOTESKAY BE TAXED FOuNDR T N G &R ~ kiysportede11o> momg a.1h le Bo IOOII, hchH . Io Ba o re OOId by aFittmg _____________ m1gat4emttoiot If"you donY1k. Ibs te _______ "19__te,__Of earth, among the mightlAdynWl adate AN ABLE ISCOIJRSE UPON THE No one ever doubted the ilety or in a<onihilatlon, where there lire no UNITED STATES LEGAL TEN- te arotcatammeicn wi lengtii SERIOUS SUBJE01TS 'EVILS 0F SUICIDE. William Cowper, the author o oe notes ta psy, no persectitions te sufer DERher tOa aOmGent EXEMPT.fl b tbree great ymus '-Oh, o lsr no vaut ta tcrmefll, or you wlll land DR O OGREXMT nvciled ait Petersburg. Ill.. t. Dr. B3.1C Walk With G !" "What Varions where there will be everythinoe àor F. Stephonson, the founder cf t e Hindancs W Mot." Thoa l a us nd nthig t pa foril.Infdel- Grand Arniy of the Republic. It wus The Great 1r.mcber Rays il le the worn Hindranes We Met."anThee la a oi and noting te py for it Intidet at AIL Cr.ue,-iDliFlAt7 SUd51t De- s hs ood," William ty always lias beeau ?logetic for sel'. nl' sd <tonIBB,1005in I.l tta tDr. Stephenson died and A 15.holarly ErPoSitt.ffle Af li Crisns lit.,and golf Dea-Coe hls aes thIscbWttsImolation.Atr7-m laines 'Age Subjert.d t' T...tio by Star- 0)ni- about elevon ycari a!terward funds Thusghta Worth of ato etructiDAraiauàlon eah ndaCper, Wesley tecie 1orio teaon" was oublisbed Sand wide, 'lV .'ij&l-sil-ce~Crtificaot~ o inld.d t1.the began t beraî-se i1< r tireerection of Hiall u o,..s sudy e ols lmmrait.1 .. ynlgy nvoco-rathere was a narked increase of -ni a euttîble monument. Th'e work of ueWil8Ie! o! C horsi hymaotair. hiehvpocfine relfa gtecollection r"gr-essed si wly. and only ~ Wi pu doTyefn .n fCrilesot o etk w iaenelsAplgiseftuiier. vmIth in the pa',t year Do hyei neH.m.and rode te the river Thames, but AptUut e uiie tat. T.. "oMooy.LsufrA~I Rey. Dr. Talmaze, wbo .s now founda man seatedon saine gouda nt A man in 1 ondon heard Mîr. Owen Tho oîîly ftnaneial lezisiati ri atcom sit1IEmpsbl ý.fo qwu lk abrasai, lhas selected as bis sutiect for1 the very point from wicb hle expectedi deliver bis intidiel lecture on "Social-n ont( . the wok 15 Thi e utoulctoy tinob*,l hie soirmon tbrough tbe pressi this t prn nd rode back ta bis home. im and went borne and sat down aud pîlsled hy thIis t îtlwres, excelit tei n.Tewr sTeitout thn wcekthrewhirnelf un bi wrot thee wors: 'esus hristta rpeal ! th put hasig clase oofhethe conpleed. sd rîteclaupresedfi thi wetbe word "Suicide," tîhe text aud tbatnîight t whmefuo i rte oeuuteîJssChitlar owcleith n1rappr!y eu p esoi in ~5tolo being Acte xvi 2j, '2M: -He drew out own knife, but the blade braira. and o!o h weakest characters in bis- Sheruta i stanud the passage or the in the lall w Il be ai and prautical lesson in v bis sword and would have kilted huma- then lie hauged himself ta the celling, toi. , and tbe Bible la tJbe reatest pOs- se ignioragd3 bi , which recetived the un% ere m ihaoes.k t eho 1came le.lov bu he .,.ae h14cexra dtrkI oly no I culd ot uba ha self, Fu, oin the pritsoners liat bee n w C e parted. No wonder tbat Bib e deceptien," and then shét him- l'reaideutial %eto, is t e bill te s iluect lied. Bupt Pal cie wt aou oiebenC mercifully dellvered bim self. David H'me wrote these words: tea ,tAe t Nation national bank notes t is ofexMa, rn- ny nwIcol o tbsh saying, 1Do thyseif no barm." ri eBtfom 0d n IieI t s~it e tbi1 ut uAdnwtoee . is1A.li Ilere isawould-be suicide arrested and wrot.e that other hyrnu juat usa tbe Nule or tbe TIanube frotn ils nat- 1 wbich bas passod tbe Ilouse witb Son- 1eigYt. «nIthfba1 a' m.det.is the namte Stepli Yus u o tuiItun âberiff, and accordinte te the Roman 0e4 moyes tuBa myotorious a y crime in mydiverting a fewdrops of Yua ehwI i.I fouin Inbi eal atep. owa am Hoaie: ural ted.oWbere, then, can te-trlet-e amudmhnt? muaiasuifer ibe Hi, WOmuet s0 Per the biood from. their ordînary channel" Attctmît, have been made iu nearly en nl lar,e t lawa ilii nimueiu H.pipntîMefrotîteA"And having written the essay lbe eîery Congresssince tl'o war to sut- ters luinrelief. Ou theI antel and if the prisoner breaking .ail was BElr iwdu tssvrsewr loanied it to a friend. The friend read jeet these forme of im ney te taxation. rndi,".F ,t-Emtmesoweebs ïSenteuced Wte osendunireofed lfor three And sgoahie worh in vain. iw rote a etter of t5lks anddimre- 'The bill pr.iv des ilthatirculatiug vfron i, "F. ite- of ethcame libee i Go aauniaItrbe. h .A.I.1cuLitre B bell. or four vears then the sherllT muât lie And Il, wuaireIlplention and to ht al.Appendix notes of natl.rn 1 hankin , natouliat ans :. id t1. uAnd now I1tinow by sverlewmg endungeoned for Ibree or four vears, A L.esp te Pordilon. tatesiebook. aud 1Iruitaid S1-ates legal tender rt le-, 1821.Ibed ront top On db isweI and if the prisoner breaking jail was Ruew aetîstecflat ousseau, Votire, Gibbon. M a- tsudeterfotentul topitiadsioetro ta bave suferet cvta unlshîment rigliteous allowance in regard te those taigne, under certain circumstaflces, United -ittes patyableton demind sud - ~ teGA l ag;Yuat eh~i eta O then the sheriff mut suffer capitalwbo wre puednometlic- eraprologetic for self immolation. circilrtiug or i.tatndedlIte ch culato as TUESTEPHENSON ou tbe aeuth aide a hlm? punihmenent.hereuce I declare that the man wbho ilue.acsoit:o h etsieI dvThat you will nI.19,,inle1yous1,01,0 Tha Sherif! lied recelved especial the useo!fbis ressort by bis own set ruing out from this world te the taxation under trie law- (t!any State witb an oliveont rh lu itse outa a Loveup lie scfh 'e u 'charge ta keep a sharp lookout for nx.Te ec gi osntmk rTrioý rvdliltttxto ihea lv ac nisroto-Lo padcthee o biatutrasptriai ltthei bonddlireceho yulie er <r eol eehi .e a t. tin ratndd ucircelu l a wreatb of oak and laurel; Paul sudSilias. The Goverument liaitbssatge srihti serg tat n ifrne o o ie eeo e l x ida týf rA nonwionc athrs t duiste It is t- t etbd confidence ln boît@ andi bars teasaîl et of Ibis worlr. N ou wililansîd cither fricse ,rcmatî 1cr i.8ttîon other Ir 1, 'tc nt eattd icb ePee-"omnt d se." , ShMuI rdoers'thah hve ter t ut x'S' mwee n uielt od ro 'itethoea. nttrîtgttj-ta etin tof akller'sticncIi s htheO bsin- Z.oep safe the3e twoereymen, about poei? eeaiu x, n an obiviots nowhere or a gloriette ertior ttiy..-- tf OLitE-4 ETy-"Wshave therake uit eurmth rthîtreandutlna uio.al eveut, suid no fhistl-on1 wbom thre adsuemdt rmtigth ewtcb u ret wt h f xire u pper end of trie repefor the s iieide, Suce of grot uha k.t eavtri ut lucirr- Cotrt radAry e wllt po - John1:4. Leo and suernatral. bimatoe. Lieelatin xxii ' ansd aimeatriopib4t4ol witb wbich a man lution s541t,t4) i0t>',bIut trie total amn ont tu rr alprso!rieUie T r icpe er Sure euougb, by miraculous power "Witbout are dogs sud sorcerersansd blesbi Irijr utmsdaixetliPaa-tstrearl onthed e tUni'e>'là îbey are free-, and theSheriff, waking wboremongers aud murderers." Yeun r strvbis ne fot and mixeltew. %Ifain a p r tîtt ha. etu îrIlo.d perur eutStates.h w icpý3badhm ,ou toeaso ndb- u, nd eu Stry'cThnpeap yubleetie ssetine fariîye!h e fs wlole Iftn-at it lo et -i ettyedri.e sdi is-.int-tn hv olwd e ou o aaen ~ee, udsPPOSIug do net beliese the New Testament? ' Tire career o! Col. ýýtephonson suannhvfolwdJas thuso minitus have runa ,.fioît oudcar ti dysu cr lteug ee ! h mreyhn e the story o! trie trganization by bilm feet go aong witb bearing ese* kuoiu tattby er elefe <mmuden-T housalt net 'rel o" thoordor of theo i.. A. t etDeca- er itsekbcnet.V kîli ch steadralznzthtCmanmnidoes net make auy ditiereuce how oudeclared t ho -grec backo-mî f fiAlle a-,welre rrep)arelfrs trea n riesuDoatin ha %f ou say ail tht-se passages refer ta two dou adacî aaîîuh iso îtîd tlatoi tir, II, pilt. aewelkuown0 AIsw eWlteforescher muruai therefere direrathler than go the tikinq a& the fie o! aroe' Then goeout of the 'oiHie is ife tand two lafigriters are t reacher 1 tee t!heatns 51* tinertre xeutonrsaiou the iat -ur o rentsrsosbetbe rit crs wortld be safuît of cerpss fitni, ls weilIa. ail othier oh )gatirttO re-tidutsEo!lJetansur, inerrow suddattfer publie diagrace re- for your owu lie as for thehife o! etri- trie ferry bi)ats woiîd tbe impedeo i' tteau i __________h cars bim sies'-, or ai lettait solveta pt îrecilrltale bis ownu deearie. ers, (;adgave yensa spetial trist in their progres.sud tire crack o! a sui- are flic 5heimartn Il'ciforthi trA GOSPEL BOAT. te follow Jeans. "Thon Jesto, But hefore tbe sharp. keen, glittering ~î~ emd e rec~o3a cid"s pistol weuld lie uo mer-e alartu- chat- ( f bu liton o! $1., 1O >*(xt, which ____aud saw them following.» Il dagt-ri! ue herf!coud arik lia y ur jifeas He made 30 the 4 eu- îrg titant trei turrîle e! estreet car. wet e is-i.ed io fer the sut ofIf î0. FttolCOnt for Ftoerst'Work Amoug wbc vrtoe weut eut o! blin heuart oeeof!the uloeeeupris-oncra todian o!foob lii.î~~5t r~.Ah-inîtdclit,-stand ni) sud tak ttry Tirer(,are ini ro nil *rî5r $'0 11 rr.trie woîusu -wbo t& uobed hi art-ts tue bMade bythe cmad,'et". e ittence ,lu the 1reu-ne o! lit and (ml)tof, tVited Stanite uoîe-xeîrîpt !rtît r octila Aiuiîhv i unt-ne.Naypesn "DO)0triysell ne asl. cmmuarstaosrk ak"alodet-ntwue augeli.sui'- n. staudu%, thonicu tuttitaN a*ion. ti îr tw- egdtrItdrp uplrett'Iu di vnet ho fbit thotoucri of l"i enltlen tit- anti whero hisin tewtbfrinatt ni atrlster, tr ipbluis-ted bhit autuh-tîs Aaint th wtîrfk iar,;d ht a rrerauy foltwiug aloui bail net tter erc-d wth t suicide was ' lov-eet1 lre wriih ub îgîtt cicr te te ou thy chet-k scarrt-tl wttr luet, tiîy t ua. ari!unc .tifnti o tihtutiîî s rieob imu.perbap-., go ng bis way conideed ortorblean a igr o brathrof itth (orrutption of tlire erigntý tf trie .eucrah Goverumetit S! trierxtibu t te carryThe ogîet-uho tected aud markdte; vo ;au. ce nostlte sud a diaig f- the ahert. A\ssasminatiitn o! othris a a ~test' Starduîd ir flivga, upntStr nmnii lator-o h xedto st cryteioo u h e os iM 1 'se'I i-o dwelhest trio il fie ott tth c oDodpepwo b o Mso ~télf wa-ltoldtit at .'ihxauder's em- sna- o ! "Sas-. eau.el tieru,ard o! lite nations, leper of tile trcsto t tt is m ntttai y itais 0, bt(ri,n ndi Dixo-istelu, urnd tris mrsionary dAetto1'D ofy basaorha dimnel flciurener1 iettirreel Stand îun. thon monst-î.r i,-trie o' itt-r -ii, %tes poitidout thrat aork NiIIlu e etfried princtpally t Tirie ariser ia tbe tory o!fOCh ba tr-e Aer hrînd,-altr.Io redrotutreieybuepocial ty l'art man. part panther. part trie Saito w.- e ntIt1ermitteul te dti rars-, iîî n~ity. iluftirerecord o! Chrli' jirB:i atessedrofaîsl iàiiîý ýitnta oiio iyther y.ethugiaay oportutrit, aa -o tieAteiai ra'ts Iscrte tu t t tieaireuero!~ reptile, part dragon. Stand up. antdlC"iminatg a'tio t av itritienitofotmen. kihed riminel! rathier titan aurrender vt.1ee eai poni-1ht itlioxiiuî toia.Ti it rom kaniiwylt t0 ltîilip tOf Mat-clou. i ste. rather vh lere-asnes r ppitai taw, anti tike thy sentence. Try bud(r-t atitrt lii' e reoula-k- oij'td flot itrtout hfliay ot su isation tu trie uogtecrldeo!m. tha sumitte . lihiiatsair, tnkbis i i-riw 1 wrtlt ihittiiwri ch trie t lia,.t pita, col u triosaine brsii ai gold au) c -m pan, xiit asoie' 1k sf1teem<rîtnu ontrit- heurt. HeBosa ceni ia eeiur-tcl oe h it isere ru liGodadete B ib mne tote il te bj tire m--t lb qntru1 d c esN Iban lf,,umi 1erthee 'ms itis rde.,o e ad ecriay aseio, îly feet oritu-tenwitb trie i i-sil% niueital, sud phy-leal w -tare o! triee bï.bis aptît, in the hearts of <ten Ishow suosfttr initehtimeseruao.Ttt , manwgare thrlo-'h wblcb tbo.î la-t iti (J a p- , Nowend opî-n and 1 eriaried. Mitriridatos kiilcd uDon titis rime i pont 10 wo. itltadtkath enthîeCAGED'FAIEhteCIN v-ta aaoî t!ge. qntel ture o A wso lu i-bis utu-ie-If rallier than sulomitto l'ompey. r(itues' ictîlte g lu insome partsPw ihte atptadsuti . t) itINrr.h.rr t ,. Ti bu i nus'i i ri eul-that h e raiug bM- Itii-on utuer. IHanuiblaidestroved o reItrlttu-ires o! triepe-thsosadgonofamlufiime h rgitdIleceieTey wlsaogtepur" hi-t I te hy pois.on fromt bis ring..con- pie ie he omitîe hsiutrlhast tlulî.ai rtioulontri e ld tA,ý,-tn turtart- .1. i..\\'hir e ail )l'ainier of where our lice 1islaHo4w siderýg lireunimeaable. on- pi who he comitt-d hisuîrceurc!klits wbathetiroi hast boatenI'ior eis t-rît * in-twotsftrt('lunîengtri ervrbe 3 afand1ww iriîrii hie niearrie.Lycurgre a 1crime. litre b tieheicastruuk of khe irî0to hs larutd-- J Iiweiscîn et'-c t-t luCbharl t e ir. cil, M iih., and 1Il. F. Iticri- dbis aer intu araud che Stri tle, Bruttus' a suicide., Aler theie i-,rtilantullite a mit-t er thetirnIsu. 'i ,YiAtlantdeeda.areat'@nc. don' Saf(i ir t al-o atsan l ie1astig i--ri)o!tîosiwto ty, . pr atiS 3 ounn 1îat iîtp -o, eidrnris ou spoken-with yen now. disater o! .losttw . Naptleen 5w535 - ltrt man a lî(tu ,t ltte Davi oti-re, sd et riyomusic e otrie citniltsratii t-ly tosemen car'rit-ui itr ilmttua prePa rationu of ten foct i iatrainc' or.lit hast damut -d' 1 rrsuitrie fort-heai Tiran f.or -.tttht esîon- tiuned, l fMis.. 1-E.\'urito, M1.1."V. AtIlla aclaiter o! sintiwg taritanti rie igritbis ervan la ic tustatre t-rashn fou. liee o!irildhitywith Il tie crme-to t t ' thti 'let"s citirgo o .(). mol'aimedrîtand tur libe. F aptit looing or IliaF. -o liian ll icthe evathard l ieman w lit) t ourlted saclairvoyanit. U Sildliywt ! hecie f't ata okgfrCrs tlleet-x cm trr smtliing ri h!nuer ,immolation for lite lait century on thed affares in rutrih ihre sd ah- nt î uoedc nksd points him ont te bi tod aoýrrari-,e,pîtine wrt ichoEnr.Iete is smau 'W ho, encu -st oa dsand so-,-anafrir hlm, anctair a gratss udrink ih. aud 500 taller trio wbloped in lbatfle, instead oc! airren- Iparte!olt-e wio bid tritir reasen. Cotie 'lius erl( lma aToI t ixenheentlu wo dtii ith upper pheafiîrîaly fti hlm, asndIW auditca oly rioîgr nlo-t cd- a anliasdoune, &ks hi, striant ta My frit-rde, if rît-r yorrr lire trrotigu bt ehîreo e-ant Ilot or îiecks. It G m idehled afler .ehv oni h eus cal '-kilt ie was reauscitateil !rom trio Iaaihui, sduaenti sralt it, abrasions and ils molesttionat.ltu' i -lotii. tltlie yeerig tueo cd-btyle Mi-tissil pi itixer ste ri- 'ho tirât findetri hieti nb Ste, or-o! treie ,. rt plannthservtri de- aem toarie ubicaralle, anti you cr0 di tutîtate te a graden- mou. "Why. "hret?" Por utl~ îca esthentrie gisiî nsut heiof1af1 rte iCol-rie licei bis brothe mni , A vo.1gEvilLtrie aword in trie cartri, tbe sharp point tempied t-o quit itriy yonr owu beliet, -.. .r s eo!irt t-on Col F on. e - Turuce liste cbanged, anti yet treiercktnp upwar, asdhe rowstaisdo uet cudryourselits as aorte knwnlteg .a-o er l-y--Nw îed e p Amerit-an1k -dcndcobntbwa b thkutwnd tti trielor.iCrist -imseif "sneedel hlm, hoe knew. P'el Ancrtn osceceutelsotetneibody on It and expires, tri ecoward, trie othan otrier. Chrisfthe r-al, jmoi becas in M uto tir îe surieute!f suicide. Bave voe suic7ideý liere la Abitrioprel, the teuipted te castt imsel! friin tîte roofnALruNY a(i itoe !tre ( oftetepe utsteriteda r-bris-bettest tuaturcd (nstrident-er'W a accu a paper trio lat montri that " 0,....hivilrofo! ..imsbtCr.j..5 0 tre tOn asde e r- truid4 tefirtin letoI al.II UI O..i ldnlmes't emohrstcmetafirilcolae IsKw ei hee,,r ondivulgeuce. Suppose ce 1ton net aurtounec'triepassage out O! Ilie -bis test !rreud Davidinluorder that h u e Crslaei0mdcueiclee. ulsp3 otiea liner erubydth Itl h bl ees ewn beriest? De suit-os ay on piemnue !A- eur wouuds. lu ,our trouble 1ipro-receiveti bis apportetaiMn e'man niteetid alartued aittrioides o! exlo.tire. quit aimsdjiht htfle ubsa- scribe lire lusteai o! deatri.lcite taCith on mnws 6 u tift' ýreclipitatueIy. Meu osng large t1 Whopariid haveteu ~had it, corse triso you will o! colege sudexctite!iobstu, nebNahIt.î fortues te gro oui o! trie coridhecause tho ,t Wedabrichd. ae o ti pohlra riev aeit bave gone seughfui ou father saetîreer sud teetiniea awyer. lu ibis latter cas i .5,Iu ýx lewne ycag fpltcleThe chauce te go to Ch'ina as Sect-etaiy -l erbt ofeagoet u lo they canent endure earthly elitenshort ctout o! d@gA dtricir' wsy. lememtn er tlialiod keepi iert sa Ilgand nin. Frsrtdafcin oetcne,_takes a so!teuthe i egalion pruîed tene t-ts-a eacgo tn Friî,trtedalietiei, tmealc ntelie- u!, jute nloy tie suiides eteruity. There trie cbro ooyo our lu e aitr ad -(ifu It *v. dvspeîtic impatieuce, augrre- bcis e i gotl mcrin lprucielon as rie keeîs flt circu-temptation. Younig IDerby we it nody, uoedy NtitnesI mourse. envy. jeoats. detitetion, iW.- eTh.. JQdAs. elogy o! nations, jour deatriast CiI as olne ii hexite ad s t-rt b hi. om he Jal niatrp.are cnie lsuhfilient -.vetr birib orgaeatrl ,yu nei h in aso evi .Ttt Iiiqt sEtl ttAT. lHjuEe aud lustra55mm.. Hriuhe'. euîeo ere ib Abimelecu,,practicalhl orgaeasCl i 0u 1rîcuts wb't have vii-ite i te legs- eau-,ta for Ïahsceudin, f romt Ibia lile hy stie oictia ryhmad craille. tou Preach Christ toacb îug t. or, aieh n eomaulu abt-tralabmdugrtd-us tio li ekiur say tuat i tle asidon re- wieclonx, tbut uiuch moeo legautly hlm be ,,,tdti n Ibis leOt pari-t green,-vu. lauidanum, bv pela- lgaWtriei ha tmdizt utatsc&t donna, b> Obtllo*sîpîc dagger, luy balter, toerortakes a grîndetene from itsl eI ui trie ueaîreyîng arrt ,lnstiuc Statet legaàtion îvil hue nIl g,>l Itands. îitlt l hit icils1 hy leapram brie altutrenofe!a bridgte, sddoa ~~risl~î vtitrie how tirat set b salt- ue-ap' tltt. ra utkîtchOi, dinin,,Sel! sud get bebun 1 the croe. by fireurmu. lMore cases tif 'telo de ariat 1 ie b as tllin a cracked akuli trem boudage? Trie 4310 3ear, a cr0 hysyt itIettSltcitrebt Iatttmc. îrti. tnte0ppisiutre ais D so'lu trie la-t tee rears o! trie words e'ommands bis armer tearer, '*Draw ntu a 'eudieiekac1lie d'affaires alue usltel 10 -jl< Il t e ides saruaini crhtitu. îxi 2feet, a pilot Jeaus oihly" anti thon follow hW ,-x,,tn e Tu evl e mre nd oreIneeta'r dyanti 1e ale. >0 hutot lurra1-tiuer3t iitton r-buit' ieiti ii gruie,-ai oe tce U2x12 foot, sud la chat J -ohn wu doing bore à à triyaword aud siay me, let men &av a tîcelar iy gotil ti rnii viri h t lirg tboier andt-I cgiure rotiu Trie boat la, opuisene.Thoman mmr ad ore ereadto a. tiu4e30g o as iubittg sîw t- rherela bis ~styeara eruitat 12 otdhe urn trie haut,, and thiat hit - um,\h-- u it isuipplitî î1hrttaJcîie ter s-el! Ariont-metl w aeh oti Illgahit o! d tO3trie Pot qualifieo initfor snu ,ttAti -t-lre îtnt.aril lutuiitartle-ch- putîpit ntet, 'ago expresseil saime mien h efar j tiote slrci 'ig sugel struck tt- u anu sd a cob st bte hr a ely1lre as free. And t îîuîktîuws jli.t adipiomnatiut and-tI et 1501Wan? il at triiug witb lvo o!fbts dotir a ti bî-tte ter iasroll ISatu-rc uMt trie bere o! tbtegroup t tri hurcunitIstIt lt ni1t A ti;- eht!0riraei l t-ra"""'-tu ft tx-t-ls ritnutfs ad llthre ey ays"ood rJ au iîu woltasutciIrP raJ tuil -e Iscaritt.Dr. Donnesasys ie a-as ceihdicp- oo lite wreif bhtcame dsgealadam-r n ehave in orda a- i Up frem uartbly bolii 1Y irisli ilsareiile atia îrh3r udc po-tudgte tre io'Littit1i tli v tht rt ccitt lit- doiec 'llite upptter ek learratged te Cod,' aud tte cexit ofI thit-n- arc foîund lu rectaets oci c a liss or him. And what itou er, ru tre mheant ftheni f rru thnt taa apoîgeti ferthucrim c hcri om ts - b rae m ke nt tre a-r-t itt ir ue, ouneu n-t tif Ill e- et r.t tengeu- - stal25)t ernti, sud tri re reigieu ie ae eth m ani ons jcpee trc o hecim hihiis day chou ce bave a book rexual- t tad e t c h Ifou Ir-trii. ttur munite NlýMieuarthariof E! i --.xt trîruce-.aa t- beld. asupiesate ltri hrnd.t.1. l'a il lu tbe textarrosteil. I shah show 1lfuirAaron Bahrr as s pattern o!f't irtue, 1the pnIlut di t ir hiYou Illie, Id., Ire tîur-îuîî-rheur - uf t1ro Tt'te ai c st o! trie botat waa-not ss ownath woe,. I yoi eîuvfiru- f et Ibrotîgu tIraI nuit ie antird ri arinteuner everlas ig rwadx tI bi todii- laic k 0WonJon's)w isth re tien-t o! ailtcrimes, n1suIaaul taCtrire aut tie iee rtrily per-turîtatuitur-.., :st ILSeiîye. i i tii i 3' i a nuliSt. Jt s re îîalecmet nJh At a warnut ,,unruhtakable. Bin auet a lu o! San sudlut-b eu (- aiLj e t gi a lnite - ail cen oficni lutte itt 1"jo-ecstut cit-tsruJamer ndal asehie ithl hmn Ti a' r,-s4ofhterature, adayn hgavey te Agrubai ceteeri-outlerie, acud ,ueo, t-o jlaitlsW,.alanti esr tue erl art of tieissermon 1 wish te tht-n are betra1aofe!Christ ou ltIc aevy as liait beenifischiifitiil t. et-ber until thii-s mItu. ie,n Mi- ht-tead ctatt3a pararhyhae Iletitan -ï,5 npt ce. It Cas ttilît altuesl trieLerIlfa good. Joseih admt tatsom ofth bet Criian 1 f omees Fr-yur skng ot lirr visiti-ill't-t'iiti isittt t'!anIltlrt'y- uttir ly by i eeutary contributions. seakiigta Ire seuten 'oui suin t-bt cenie ! tre bet Chi-tina prt e sem e!le .preteudeti apeethe o orakugyutriir tha-eve livà hve ommitedsoi- - erayaI se black it mskes trie in- saograco that- wae ghicl l tretravingl tefhnI*\pakn -cvrIi hla 8<omittdemtia tel'-ty, leris.wWdwn1suchoinVt rata -anti net reseon-irie. 1 bave " rieciee'm an 1)bc ou aud btug np fer tîîe nlutrie darkoat o! duingeori-, d attýI lira Orr isaricautifrul, liia, t uîxýe,îl a gîtuit O ULGNLETR"FM.sidrabtiou t-I-a'zot ge nate di..it about thîir eterush Iclucity titan oxecratiorî o! ail the ages, Judas 18lete reLon tdltueleprr-aou.' ofialaitst.- olie.iItfuil tto hi t TheIno. o! Loudutu, a c bera-asondlnbi li-il in the- delirirum e! typiioid fever. cAtriegmnat i me ! 1re Diln.Iy Arrangeti. mi i ll3 it u ir uiu A nuari w t - hth fodn hada trnglu crsip omlu bibejSi Wt.hihe trie ahîck o! trie catastrophe is Bi ttle d teadecien o te- Anirmember triat thii-ttret lite o o! dlteaIceItui te-nieh (tt n.aJpn aiw( iehl tozi-wrhp oigt h xery great 1 cliargu aIl briose aho baie eartbl1 termiinu. ansd îrey couhi baie iours la surronudeil ry ar.a ic ->ftîrreontrecucoa! am i(. pok o toe horitb ha,ýChrstin fiens udercerubraisasit i tri lob, a-ho laed s rigrit t-ocoin.i t-bmbut very important ruti, randîîcluoL ut LINI. is: rue (died recentl.y iru lilyntrd,Nlias-. srlsing aud golng ta the ,ri sherroition stulu offt brie1 udaries e! mit suicide il sny man ever ball, chat- tup t-o triat. rimis s greittndIl-wtuoo initv, suri to-It hapinss heearor t Ibteir bis dm wthinufanti - dbisk a man e Ot iuttutilTh Jao s Tiaisilgno riehoeundo ny urIeer oa1 Ib is lite bo ba v e n e d u t t s u n t h e lwtr i s d e -tno y e d p rep e ty a d b s ho a il b o tte r k e cp oOttfil's -ntTh ,i T l lrtuttter f VI ll nouî,alui se na rre iii c n , T rio ut n d on y p re c r to u g ritpnts e ritedeandbo mbd al imoui-hiunlerbh c r ot raktriTal erid oftiaetti u, liy~u.u--inctît-tmn u uart:~s start e tto! terd afeo sud tCreuietiburuches sud ovcrythiug gene from bis fonta-.T gtnitt r,-u irte.ou lBntnt ! tiuo n IiItmts Mt gu utin.ti p-ag ou. ? at-lsetoartet nafety 110e- Christhomo excelut trie chie! curie o! it a If etartri, to net rush irt gnt trest itr- trie euh)' surir ing h ottuet tofVIiiiit -,1) utea tatk, twuîParaphrase it as wrtten-i froinhe t-owad tioian ete te y s dko-1pestiferous wife -sud four garruleus rows. Te get riaeoe!as t- aur- ut! uttitti,-Culien ÏB art.lite tua-t b rîtalt (tutu1- t<'lalilov r tire country are in their graves shah u nfor tiekitia-y ietrstd ri epople poitiug hlm eltri comfortless mer insecte, ieap net ile ua uiugt e!f tli gt s-t- iI-ttstasnovden- t'.,ioi 1rve inebtwAr moise e!fliatara and trie ubiti lmu-a ôk rie i eus rihes Pc!faâriescratch- Bnuah titrers. It -uo el t) h linii n 'un .. - Mn..f , lhi aa s -gaie jbeir .es c hou bey tic ril dtrie oeucy itri ehicrih e bs1caa1iri poc obokn hushoi trie temîtesta ither e! ses or pettory, yet cr, ing eut lu trie An 001, 010 ttiry. itb1..le ftlu.hnative tu. relan , their graves." XVe qut.toe brion.t-riernph,7lappointaitttiltain Icoatrt> iriu I_'. disttit. Anti taites Lotr lctsantural oega Ielbs-Ai tss !mvapeutetnOla an extract flritt-le ilary 1-t.' irut f in i'-ilieit- su.os riPaue ctsutrie lsudpro'ific .1ntl eî Iehtul im.cagecre.' ef a man Whulibvei lohid 3 ars ugo: C-t i OutintW ul A;14.mI rtlie umia crroceilirihaPaueadn ro. isds Tii. ill'rrgiua forauien' andWomen grec ni ore frivtlouseveery r-iel'aroi iti dmt-igu 'bntyS ilte ue1 ~k IShugi liithe. prattfr scence anC iiNtltbtnLuth re Bible is agaunust iiebr fth1 great for (;otd.le came o! trie boat aeso day. Youniz ladies scorubit sewerk th dm ua ica.tior promp hywrtoeat cts b thsudoth criiand ri t- I oL, h og-Iotpltyrteeail ansd conhîl ntîsh clerk. Warrcn lisher, Master, to cerk for lo, 10 bitrbiand blood, ana bu was a descend -ese vti otrionsdgatyanti learu te embroider, te plry trieyshoud th bimuieo!Doaleio.amnoietfrs tretachcofo!thosecrie have huried pano, aud t-o flirti whiteo theitn ittotri.1s . il i rumuits-tJamresud. l.veu C.sriuwbeil r ilaer gioru!y hum! Wany hos u bisplt ysu tre aregit- ! ccoilt omseoisot ofe! ît, anti nocitri- ers are engagot lu ai trie druidgeryoet ,, ohtiet. I rt t l% hue Iisîre i at tte ire eln-h,t enMro! evoabtonudTris niete igrit. 1Hieattailments, cimbiugn sadn iiritylaantiludtehoahod be -.hue thNyeiurlr.' tliefrad o! thr-t c mtauyst narr i tnr.e eabat ITie con usls stanuigeC-rtnaniy ta'tisasti5 fnaime oihehldi suy a-asewt%îaroafa'luIt-no. ut-t tne mc td os 1id as ie did from the quarry andt re ali trie arguments anîre îmusettîl livea andi ful readlng, aud prefer iFroeîth Voe e. litas pu1ishIb ate rîsit-'ttthem,îebcite pa o i Bdefe.( <t! rie tonoason dru for-n tie a- bre ilustrons catis o!lt-sdecîlea,~t-1te Egliei c ncir. luecheliu bus-) s of 1 '.v fit> veeertoasnif pîa-.at-e tuf<'t--tai xuatmabe letonsony ent oîr paretarMa