NoWlis the time to subsc9ibe for Clark's Horse Beview. Thle Indepe !ndent is local_!agent for Lake Couny aripg, )thipge. es the noue. ie price o ý-day. ibi- all- s or 3 at $ 3.38 ted - 2.3& i at 1.70 at 1.20 10.00 7.50 6.00 1.70 1.38, 3.00 1.00 âu kegan. TINTS. ar six bits. ILT4Y Mnent -Edition Fair at 20, & 21. ortunity aily wil tir days, ted aisa ibers of Lis Of the 6, 20.0 12.00 7.00 5.00 3.00> er LUne. :nt page or e one local .can have A. W. ZESQLER, 0. D- 6 CwlCA4SOFFPICEF Isle Champtigm hidisg, c<J.. tate IIuIId isiem et Ubsylpli', saturdlay only, ,stb wet. Olece wtb Dr. Taylor. Over Trîgs & TYlffs store. Teeth Extractud wlthout Pain. -IALL WOUK WARRAuNTEo.%b F. C.KNIGHT, M. D. PhyslctaQ e4P-SurgeOl>. Ofice Over Drug Store. nom1iTo 4P. M. Boers: i ?csTW* U5aV. Dr. Charles Galloway, S office in Lovell'S Drug store. a .to 10olco.A. M. I to 2 & 6 aB ~ Dr. J. L. TAYLOR, Officol over TrIgaS &£ ayIor8 Store NovISli: 0 n 1 ILm. .2 to4p.TM. f5to IM P. M. HOMEg: At J. B. TIIGUS. umUlYVLLU -ILLINOIS-. DR. E. H. SMITH, office over Lovelisa DruE Store. Libertyville, Illinois.1 P.J. 1SOCKELMANN'S TroNsoRAL PARLOR and Aiti,.t'.to l1î41î,lllt I» i When n màwAit a S .. îî îî ,A Fsi, Iuii lîr (2,,. or AlW Cum .1e (to the LISERTYVULLIE BARBER SI4OP. AUCTONEER. Hiavii h aitmu.,b tiperiefl.ntu 11]ueti,,Onle Iath Ie piat fftmeo ymal.1 is uprelt..d M sllad slein mluutPsIof Lake asud djoinhu]F CmainU~ t V"y.r> wates. S*T,mt aO" d ]RMidUO. îia 5 CALL Ladio. end ChUidreflO MITTENS, ?aL(ïm r1uifDamuUam DJio FancY Work Materiais, srAmpED LINENS. "adies Neckwear. Ruchîflg. etc. S TH&SWIFT. Chas. Kaiser. MO se .fypIShlflg *CoodS, And a1l 5uitlgly keît ii a tir'.! fttts %à hgFuits moutid *epiariflENettly nd QuickIY Dons. LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOJIS Lake Gounty BankR Wright, Parkhurst & Co., LIBERTYVlLtLE. ILL. issues interest-Bearlflg Cer- tificates Payable on Demand.1 Fhan Dellvery. 2" From this date we -- will deliver ail goods, and also * take orders and de- ier anytFiing that may be called for, Fruits and Bernies i ncl ud ed. Try our Jersey Cream Bread, 5c a loaf--a knife. cou- -pon onl every loaf. Fe C. Smfith & Son, LIBERTYVILL1E5. If you want handbllls, If you want envelopes, JIf you want oolored womk, Uf you want business carda. -Uf you want neat bill heade, Mt ycu wMj.sty latter heade, nummsa"wIalmoe d. THEMIDEPENDENT. Dymond-Austin Reunion-. H. C. PADDOCK, EtniToitAN» PUtop. Thursdny, August 16, 'M4 was the , ejpoch, and tbe bea,1111 ifl ty of Jef. FRII)AY,.311'G. 24, 1894, ferson the seene of eue of those de- ..................................................--'-------"lilghtfîi domnestic idyls, whlch the Dy- Church and Society Drectory. mond-Aîîstin familles have concelved grL'HoeIS'r . . 1 p cOifin etor. ansd mater»,alized lui tîeir annual reun- vI e:<jneral lans. t .;ni.Preacbh iu>.lu:li . i.S. s., 1:1n F,w,.uth l.eawue lois, the îhi of which felicitous cele- fip .Preahlnic, :*ý:k I). . Pruye. eýt bratious Was appe)iulted for teabve tnp. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 Weuiula etnligu 0fi City ou the luth of the etirrent-month. PRU8RYTIHAN -J. F. Malcolni. Pitor Ail nat.sre was smiiuig is approba- service,: Preach1uig, l:5i a. lm. andlO :0] k-m 9~ . S., 12 m.; y. P. S. C. E,5:16 P.Lu. tion of the joyoîis eveuit as the mlrtb- Faer uSterling. wt.lnead5Y eveolng "'~fi- I iillgrinis te tlis Mecca 0f freudly UNIEasL1S' ir s anwel. c~-anîd kiudted commun Ion aggregated, m o, l'asi. er"iueg: ?nit Sunday eeacdi eavily laden wlth good nature mhonta. i.S. ., 1- m.. ts tin uuday. .. .,A h 1 EN. 402 FP&AAM. aionlh. bretluren Mr- 4MJ làoos. 1 C u . 1 0. C NUUOILL». bac. &yr 1 Drop Items ln ouîr private mail box, on the door at foot Of INDE.qIDENT stairs. Staver & Abott carrnages andl buggies ln en dîffereut styles at. 0. H. Schauck & Mons. Tiiere le nothingg tilte 50 deliclous as the Chieago be Creaim, which wil bereafter be for sale ut Hotel Hpoor. Leesous lu Artistie Wood Carving, NModelng, Deslgnhig, Drawbng and 011 Painting l'y Prof. H. Hisch, Llb- retyville. Big Joee'Mnnesota bard wiîi' ter whpat and Diamond Patent Dakota wlioat are two standard grades of riine paienit flour sold l'y Triggs& Ta\ilîr. Trv astick. .We hîa% a large stoctk of Graite and Bîie aîîi VWhite 'Tea Kettles at the tollowing l0w îrices. N..-. 7, k4mc (g $1 25. Gi.-H. Sclîanck & Sons. B.l. Russiel lîsias t(41 onemile west of Witrus,,gtýtîî(.nve at Lute Itussel's platce. Aliv ,ont wislîuîîg c.rls't ae4v- uîug o,i,"s 4.1 Iiiremgie ,~frgein tigrai> cari et . il do uedI t,,cali on l,îi. (44 -47) G.H. 8,hiantk wili le at Staver & Atbotts, 3m3 VWiabash. Ave, 3 rd floor, Thîirsdaýs from il te 12 o'clock ud wlii make very oo' îpriv'es to is tomers from LHke C'o., wiio wis' to select 'art itges or bîuggies from a large assOrtmentt liggiiig wells tii-e ,hiys. His worik 811114 -îr- t') givc' i otils1(5V.. hav" o îtever lî-ard 1a n y comp ja i ts. Notk , h liilg lj.,o,îîît in his prve li'.t ii arîothe-r ,ol lîrnu. It takes va4h t o k,#,j)i j. o ie f Fort o ie' roling. -4 F M. Sedlan i ll start bis vider Miii, 'ruesday. A ug. 2M', and non it every 1'iesîla) and Sat,îrdav tliereafterdtiîi ing tiwi's.oi. hîiîig oni your ailles. To Wnom it May Concern 1 Spoiýut ail ,iay at Thîursday trý ing ry liebt to g.-t a setulernt for wilit 1 lîad xçoikvd liard for and ciii> neaized $1.45 on weIl job No. 3ui7, wt1icb was ttnjustly settied, sud a stand-eff otieveny other job, lnclnd- ing twe jobs0f tagging aud sbeaning sheep. Nuw it :ncerns iscouraging to kuowtitatsonie men have nileN lu the baik auj thetn ask me te wait ou thern for mouthîs, atter I have ftinished lieiji antd donc tbem s good joie. Ncw I arn owiuîg several boti1est debts tlat 1 a oild ealy like tu puy, sud $1.45 is iot M'iiclito get ont of $.11titat is dite me et presient; su, I wiul s1>eI, i le fortitv'e cents for this ad auI Jouîtt ie sirpnised after a few daîs, if yoti -liotild beur fren i J istii'e. J. P. WILLIA.e's Cholce Buliding Lots For Sale. Ili thie C. F. Wriilît addition tu Libeuty vlle. Iîîîîîire if F. P. Dyrnd. Hotel for Sale. A 19 roîn ibouse ail fnuibed in good conditionî, doiuîg a guod bushiessu,1 good water, everytlîîng handy. situt ated at Nu-fork, Jutictiouî, Neb., a railrotai devision <of four roade. 150 test of lanîd square, 100 teet f roui the depot. Sickutess cauies of seilluîg. 341f.E. J. FEaojusi,4. New Blackemlth Shop. laviîîg locat.ed myseîf in Schanck's uew sluop opposite tlue Implentent warehouse. 1 wisb te gay te the people oft Libertyville aud viclîity tbat 1 will do ail kiîîds ut geuteral blaeksnîitiig to yorur sutire eatiafàc- tl,îîîand lîruces wil l ie reasouîabie. 41-44 W. ,li. &îutelle. Bring on Vour Pickles I ami ready te recelve pickles as fast as tlîey onie, from 7 o'eloc-k ln the mrnîing te 7 1). M. B. .StafforJ. IVe are now takiîug orders for Lac- awsiu tir Leligh Ctual to be deliver- ed the Iat îof Augîîst or the first of ,,eptember tu-cm cars si: $6 per ton-. G. IL. Scbanck & Sons A citrluîad of standard ptîmps' extra irou and britea cylînders and pipe for %V. #uetha-aMI.kind ot-wella. .C4meaiioe shriuîe er social picasure. Afier lfty-one strong bad inter - ehauged greetîngs they -led up their sports beneath tbe spreadlng tree." 1 So rapt were they that they beeded'1 flot the w.txlug day util the meridian sun divertesi their attention from liglit hearta to, beavy lunch baskets, and wben the treasures of the latter were dlsclo8ed they spake forth sueh a distinct "corne" that no vocee of host or hostess wa8 required for fur- tber sîîmmoning. The Olympian@ might well bc jeaious of tliat epread, for in ail to whieb the art ef testai preparation aspires, It abounded. Atter fork and dessert spoon had, fore witb viande and bappily recited reminîsceuicet i aimed their boum, the seductive toues of music calied "on with the dauce"and Terpsichore ln al ber glory miade the vain greensward assume tbe digniity of a fairy land. The dauce coutiîniied tîntil the or- cesetra beteok tlîernsplves to ftil auother engagement w:tb merryrnak- ers. Then "As of taci reîîeated pleas- tire tlred, Siuî'ct'dinig sports the rirth- MuI baud lnisîirel," itii .3p. ni., when supîler was served. As at its coynlu' sien, tie heur for the departure of uistant guests arrive'l, -A nid Lang Sy ne" îîeaied forth lu a peroratiou weil beitting.Tbe granting oft the palm to this, as the most siîecessful of the occaSios ttus fair eeiebrated, is ver), riicotraging aud argiues cogently for tie beboof of the ihappîy idea of lts prornoters A long life te the parti- Cittuijts arn auy nellîrus of ithe day. A merîg tlio-ze rescuit were te fol. iowilig: .1. La n, <(snr %V. D) mun,. T, Lne. .1. AuFiti11i 1-11e iu mth. j. A iiii. . , tOc, tiu i. 15 I '.aiu,. Authtur DY ou,,,,. t. Ni moýud,,i.' kuatt, Ni 1. Sith. M i es D> 1. P a Iatie'nc Ellt,,,1. P. Brnm-- !lublb Dmonît J S.l'ph- .l,ge Augtin. Ethel Austini A. rd. Liîa 1)ymoult. w I i 'p.,.Jr FIth Iymn.-l r)Y ,uod. x'ne Priee I-,,,u-,'1)31,>uuei îe Smiut.. NEWSY NOTES. PartIcles of Information Gathered bY Our Rustllnu News Gatherers. Wlienu ,o aego o ro inthoie, or have friends rigiting you, or you are gcding togiveaepaeîiy, muasicale oPr reoep- lion, or tchn your rhurrh or society conteniplaits cli!!proceeding, or -tchen jou &U, bey ,ideeuge your residence or buaiitess or yoar scu or daugitte>- i8 aar- reed, or* tchen your arighbor ges a new baby, or-, in a voril, if ycuî kîow or hear of auîy 0<111 i f ite,-cut to te publie, biny <l. seiud il inî, <ad he I.NDRESID- 19-Ttii ghîdii piubli.sJî il. Subscribe for the INDEPENZDE-3r. Bread, always fresit, at the Restatir- sut. Henry Hurlbiitt bas materiul ou the giound] for bis new 6-f t. sidewaik. Central and western Lake Couuty had a nîce littie shower of rain 11fon- day evenlng. Ail kinds of bakiug so!d fresh all the week aroîud, at the Restaurant. Ca» aud see goods aud get prîces. Acme Camp4 M. W. A. took lu uear- iy $300 at thelr îdcuic last week from wlîlch they cleared abjout 15(1 abeve expenses. The higbway commîssioners shoul examine te Cater bridge. t appears to be ralier shakey aud tiremts badly wiieu a team passes over it. Grneat glae 10W ou at Seavey & Walrond's î'ash meat market. Wua- termelons 20 veuts eavb. Ail other! kinds of fruit at hard trne prîces. Ex-env sharperwvho is ont of a joi In tje ï1yt, I, 00w jîcambuiatIng the C"wIt', witb some fake scbeme te dupe- the iuwary anti rake lu tbe shekels. Star Baud and ail tiiose Who helped tomake the piî'nie a lileasant day; al0oexteuil tharîks to Mr. Cepeland for his bosî,itality. Cois<rrE. If big corporatiolii did ot Iirs clîsaîlf,,reigi lar to compete witii Amerieiuti citîzeuts, we wotîld flot lis baviuig thes p4or tirnead Aiistic trou Ilem tllt l fae ,w bsvp - We reeelved a letter tr,îm A. B. Cook, in wbieblie stated tha 1lie wSs haigajolly time, but expuected, te beck lu lime te take a baud lin i ilîcs. We nctiî'e bis Mari Johni is i îrýîanilikg te li 11,il tat uiew i-fl - siie- W alk. Tiàe Lake Courity Fai.r promises to be -a greater suevess tiuls caur thon 1i isuini. The Socýiety Is offeriuîg ini- iiicements that wiil brng mauiy interesting attrsctiouis. Ameug others tliere will be severai Brass bauds Who wili cempete iii fnrnisiig rniio. C'ornet Bauds tlîrcîghout tîte Ijotuiitywili taike notive tiet they tire inivted te bld fer furnisir.iîg nisii' t Ni"OHNAs C. Lt n lbthe' uii.ty Fair, Sept. 19-21. We Ijx te soî'lety iitend teo ffer Gravai the Roade. iî-a-,oua1îie itidtLi'ements for cccli and . ili i hise bands to play euep or more The tarmers and tearnstel s, -ejý - î:ixs lt the Fair. Rusiînhiyîîr ternis. aIly tbose who traved oin Mlwniikt--i ave., shoiild cornjîete gravellîîg tii,' The Libertyviiie pulicît'sehools road soutb froni the corporation lima'. dceii Monduîv. sept. 3, with a fAli te the Vernon town line; then tle- il'l j(cris ef abîle iii'.ttuctors. Ex'er% have good roads ail (tie yean 'roiiid 'tuident who exjuects te go the cornilig from bere te (Chicago. Ve t1nile Near,1 lîeuld niake ati effort to e lieiii Stanîd the iigltway -omrniS.xloQî,r' liîîîîîthe tlrst day' ola n olt i wiii pîay for ail the gravel that ti1,' îeg1îiar tlîereafter. Parnits sli 01,11, people ie-ljI dcîate tbe iiauiiîg of -i erember ibat their i'hildren ai-e noî It is cheaper te donate this work tii;> frrnug habits that wiii ,-ii:îg tg) tiern to îuay the extra expeuses to t(lai'. for ail tirne. Neitîter auhs-ee li aluJ ve-litles, from jîioddiiig tiînoligîî tardiness shoiild be tîlvratel - Tirne tîhe miîd. NVe notice rnany farineri-j iist ('atî never lue regiiî, SilîiorI seem te have lots ef leigiirc n1oviiaxs. -iîcoii h rnake serne progre's, vali ii iii If tbey wouid putmntl their idie tîmný 'very liaif day. Patrnîs, jots '- haning gnîtvel, tbey would fid it a tilienite with thte teai-i'hei-5au!id iei1i prititable iîîvestnient. W~howai take or i'ildreu te mîîke ail the rogress thie iead? Pass the lbat and the titisi- îiOssilie. neas men will do their sb are .MNor.'- George Keili, aged il;, lias beei eau bu accomplislîed tItis way 'thiiî pîiietiy practiciug the piast thîre we cati afford lîy publie taxationî. yeitrs for the ireus ring, and lias lie- Lets' improx'e oîr suni'outidiîig and o'rne juite profiieet as a Ierfrmner, maxe lire wortb liviug. tluis tam wthout Instruîctioni. Hîs fîrstpunblic exbibition was at the MN. Make Permanent improvements. W. A. Pleule, Auîg. 15, wbere lie eniter- Wbile our village le building >new taited the crowd qîlite a wbile with sldewalks, wby not put dowu dsirlug tests. He perfornis weli on tblng permanent? Solid cojîcrete botu taut or ooss olle aud trapeze. wltb a good gravel foundatlon, cauî bce,1 walks the ope wlth case, bliuJ- bulit here, aimost as cheap as a îuiank foldcd, n ndreslng. kueeiiug sittiug walk. Wby not prepame fer the i wtl both feet top f f the winc, sits future? Libertyville ls destlned î,y 1lu chair balancluîg withbhoth fuet off nature to become a clty. Let's make tlîe wire, climbing a ladde r. niuuuitig a the be8t of our opportunitles, dîieu wbeel-bart'ow, etc., etc. Hm expec'ts more sud better tacilitlis wiîî corne to start out In bis chosen îîrafcsslon tW us. Thîe Lord helps these wbesoadwl dutesbcm help tbemselves. Ouîr abundatîce offamous, dawing a large sailary for pure water makes this a bealtby and s kiilfuîl performance betere gru'aî desîmable place te lix'e. Nature smiese rowds. on us. We are not sttînted by "liard tîmes." We bave nto rea.son for Compliments the M. W. A. 'coaklg" Corne now, wake ni>. tThli not a Woodmîîu myself, I Lgt's be enterpnlsing, progressive, must say 1 tbink tbey are lîîîstiers, Up wîth tbls age and be sorne use iu.,uad kuow j ust bow te get tîp a lîlelile. and te the world. We have ne I ýdrove ox'er te tlîeir I)i('uic at DIa' plausible excuse for belng dreties. niond Lake tbe other day; everybody LibertyvllleIs booming-a substantiai, seemed to be liaving a god time. The steady growtb. Titere Is work for ail, raes ail eaçxe off as advert1seil, ex- no need for ldlers. Lots of tîew cept the fat meu's race, becaise the, bouses are gohtîg up), atili there are fat men would uîet nui no vaoent ones for rent-tl4e supply The day miusic was furuislî,'d by thte la flot equal to the demaud. Wby Bocketeller brase band. Tbey lecked flot; empioy that Idle capital? Theri nice In tîteir blue suits, and are fiue ane plecty of profitab4e tnveetmenta players. teWsig, W<WÀd. de vou 1k6 to- mOee 12 bould s"y uroat oraditla due thý il othlipg Ueke It! Il yoixxaot ta 1 .SAIl DOLLARs Yon cao find therm 011 Colby's Shelves. It is the same thing if you Fiud just what yenu ecd aud gct it For less than yen had expected te pay. You Can't Get Along Without Groceiest Because Eating is a Habit yoif,. acqui red at a very early age a"I,2r clings to you still. It is a go habit if properly controlled ând supplied with 'Goad Groce[îBS, WhOI881C offBPO Vi81013, ChOiGg OBUlGagic. While saving dc These are whatl, you canett- rnoney-saving prices. ollars on Groceries, re- member that you can save dollars at the, same place on DRY COODSI, ~ SHOES, Clothing, Carpets, Sewîng Machines, Etc. Colby's Baygaip Stoje. ISAtC lEATf- & SONS, LIBERTY VILLE, ILL.. Deoal er s - n aipts, Ois 1 Varpishes, Furpiture, etc. Undertaking >ýI Embalming., NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED. For a change of ad. in this spaee next pI -, (b rl ýl