Y-. - ZIWÏi1W J4rbe %Granite MONUMINT3U CmeuS lork of Etery DesriPtloi. '$& c. ouss. , WIK Ask Vour Grocer for 'su r ( ?DnRE CREAI 0F TARTAR POWD] INorth Canal SI CHICACO. FRED CROKER, j-ailor DrapE SPRAGUE ST., eut to Order LMies and Gents' Tailoring. J. H. BRUBAKER, EJIOTOGRAPHRLI , Senesee et. Waukegan. :: Thteeeafls rlaui r wk qhi. »*Uafaction aasured to everyone EvnLteyPurebased the 0(elebrai<'d hwobFIy Shuttie Loom, Iam uwpsredto'ýo aU il kior0 CarpettRug Weaving. cial lnd e.amine rny work. 1 wili jgr*rut<. ir, glus Usrk and Lw 1tri,,. mI..AioNESPAVNI. Ivanhoe. Iii. 'Prices Reduced! ÉuS' hs, fr011 8.25 to $.8 I-m's Pai Skies, fr0. 1.40 .95 h,.Lidies [id SMots, 1.50 to 1.00 ,11 pr. il ij' Slippers, 1 to .74 '18 .'> ~ fr0. 2 1.37 :oler noots and Shloes accord iîgly. ýIUt' Sieuflike Corn Starch, .03.1 Gloss ' .04 ýÇWSo Ilzed Bird Soed, .03 I IaonShWede Cocoanat, 24c »1" 1811 Stou 3Poisk, .0412 And otiter (loods on same basis. ,4M' bd t 1ud Pits, 40c ti .30 )tquart, and other Paints and Hard- 1-l Ware down at the same rate, 4.poe4'IO Curtains 21 yards long ,ý-3 lon ide. uly 63 ets a pair. ýOoen Cashmere IL' cents a yard. Ladies M'ill liever have anotiier -'mhchance to buIy goodts cheap). ýýtàgs' Fancey Ilose, soid colors. offly 19 cen'ts a pair. IVANHOE, ILL. 3-( ~te write for a newapaper: Ist il Sometlng ho write about. 2ndj : plain, dot your l'a; cross your 1 z.nteloee: begîn wlth cap-1 fird,pWrte hort; tOtheoPllt 1 ffl ZV doe.ià. IWrfte ~ Utbalbut th1 ,The 1INDEPENDEÈNT Il. C. PADDOCK, EDITOR AND PROP, FRIDAY, AUG. 24, 1894. Dr. H. P. EWING, T . AI Utl10 a. m-1lto 2 P. m.Fo ty F r t and aller 6 P. M. on their Spli ROCKEFELL.ER. Vie coitract foîr buildinig the scliool IiBERTIYV'I] liouse lias len let. C. M. GirIin4anid famili sî<irit Se ater18 of the meek ý iâitin eiiiîîds t Watuke- Septinbr J TheRocefeleranid Iiaind Lake Suidy' scliools îni ted i a pîcîic a t BIiiiiski's iove Wetliesd.tiy. The SoeieÎtv I1î'îit orget thie ci' iîicrt at the chape1 toiiiglit Fî'iday . '. veniig, gi'. Ci (Iv Misai sllerwoails îmuîsic'al chas anîd S'iidt- col colr.G REATER* 1Anneal Fair indid Grounds at LLE, ILLINOIS, ,19,201 21,'911. Thiis Year Offers gliIms ltteelvd 1toclaie for iast weekt Cirit Gîsis lias pîlie toi woî-k at Gilmter. Ed. Nickolv lis laeiî il uit is i-eciveriiig. lotît Ilext t l id j.Jgo Lt> MîîIiiaemt;t.il tlslsta i ils Sever..l la, s dl448 s lte lîad lev elilig i ft lativ at itle exueiau' (f thei yligii eaas ('lartem llî-l>«Iii(cgt-i lia ilfile ilîiuîî iii Iiis lien liilli]Igý .Jsu es lc li nt il> îiecl Mloilay tho'licagoî bo Chlicaigo Ni ias 1j 1 i ei%% ;il terys tî ehîîîil ithie ci 'riguuîsda%. iullas Atiiiiie (îiii l ii.giest cil' ATTRACTIONS I ' a~lyo.'~:f i,%ist itev. c,'rifts will deeijier a teniperalice 1 1 v r ,zzîe ad aîîi I~lpei< i i'.liii SpeCiît lectinîe iî te clîcl t )in îd u tz s.iiii litIliai iiliîgit'il. îîîec îiit i ecuaIt li ev.euîîg. No joi-~' l'liî()iedlis re-siiweI i-i i>k lit i )i;eaiiiiiidl, fie peclîil gat ve iiie'.'.sd ~~* ~~~~l,~gîi u(ii Tiieaîhay îiglîltue }Rockefeller and LA -s- mmm -l G-melia:c (he o(l M is. (- N. ('rails a .e-y jleasa 1It L K E C O N F IR c;g. olai iaumii muil' sui îîiae iil ilthe hîîî'îof a poiiuil sic il. N ,.;,1,1 f,î 'ilt l i ti i i i 1II 1h lui use was illeil Lui ii'er fllîw' ig w toIle oue i . o*.>gi lR il ail iepouit a glitîilt, gooud tiie. Enovs, tne Dest RHenutatofl. Ikloiîiti aý'u<le ilaN ;ty lai liOlu f:f.e17s the 1EI]gest Pr< I-ieim<ila'uut liu lrî b ises fli'tiie liighleiieil at t thii e [ l e l <tî iligeliglle.1 ' i Pr mium in ull FREMONT CENTER. 'o l rNîeei't iii tîe suelît LitiI ~ "r 'i ..l.... ~îis lii>iîr,' lita eý% PURSES .A.NDi) PIREiMIIJMS. Mi i.I lil-ý. 't M tle l'>, tit (',iiis l.e. <1 (hc. iun f i î 1 i uîsîleil vot ii ierait athi.4 ua te The fol lowing Ci ass Races wvil lbe trotted ir.ii'îi'î' Il Vi At. NI ~igiî Missa M. .1. 'rlîtn, of Chuicgo. 5.at the LA KE GO U NTY FA IR, September 19 ' Mir. li-Ili i sp'iuiliitg a feu iteeka u%%tti i ii iî'. 20 and 21, 1894.. Entries close Saturday, 15, E1 S afîiti- ntil' o .l<li leî-litriî iif,ît îtsat 8 p. n-. 5 per cent. Entrance. ,Additional < 1t-. , i'.ii l.l- Iaîît ici iîiîiluyi thilt ii 5 pe r cent. to \Ai n n ers. Distance ru les of '9 1. s j -.-, ~ - lî . V (I. 1, of î Il i ui .gî, sîelit N ai L - : A' lie r i"'ilci Mis>. . '.iuîalt. 1 NV 'I 11.l' t rà 11 'l ý,'leaitîtg (a is gi'eaaitg liuely -îîtî 1 is ( .i) . fill Ile i t n % cglit . - ' ;IA P T A K IS IC . tiait ut' jute ailf, i eaiis. <F<'1, EW' I irahuy i tis it Oje i t ii Arililoteî' winiiill fot' Iraî Smiithîh, 1)[1111) a tter l fî<îîlis lie%%-etelI jit ci<iîîleted 212_ ft - deeli. ài viy îî as tak>eiu v<h lutîd laase te- sellibiiuig bluod(y fluix. 'lle irst tlîing 1 thlig t~lit tf Vas ('(i arihle> lai 'aUCl it', i'liîilerut anti Diarrluuua Reineul . lauo doîses ofift settled thie Iitter anai cured ii i su ui id anid wel . 1 lueai-tly' recommeiîd thii remie(y to aIl persoiis sufferiîig from a like compiaiuit. t will ttiswer alîy i iqiiires i egal'iing i t wie n <(amop la enchosed. I iferto anv coutitv officia] as lii my reliatility. Wîîî. itoacli, J. P. 1'rimnuiy. (1hampbel Co., Tenu, for sale tuy Franîk B. Loveli, Libertyv.ille auui G. C. Roberts, Waui cuuîda. di îîggists. GIL.MER. Nira. A. Andrews entertaiîîed thue Layuimai b(ruthers, o! Chicago, Suinuay. Fr'anuk tllricli retîîrîîed Saturday' fruîm a two uteeko t lit w itlî lis bri ti er at valii ugton, Mili î. -H. IH.T'riîaill anul wife, resiuleîts of Raveîiawoo, udht at presei<t camp- inîg at Lake Bluff, vîsiteul relativ.es leie receiitly'. J.- F. ('lai-k spelit Siiiudav witli lis faiuily'. Mrs. C'lark accuinjaîied lim as far as Cluago Moiu<lay on lus retuir to lus liealquarters. Mis.IL Morse îsiuo rettirneti from V'erioniit a shourt tinue agli. reported pleity o!fiaiî tiiere wiiii good crops anul an abîîîdance oif fruit. Mrs. R. 1). Cook bas takeli an orphîaîîgi from the Home 01 thîe Friendless. TVie poor chlid wil without donbt find a liappy home aind a warm place Ilithîe affections of this large hearted lady. Cliris. Meyers and little daughter eft Monday for the state of Maine wlîere tlîey will make their future liomne. Mr. Meyerà has long been a resident o! tliis place and t i tlawltl sincere regret tluat we record bis departnre. Bei'.Il. C. Molley hehl cottage prayer meetings eu'ery afteriîoon hast içeek and also conducted services iin tue Fairlield cliurcli ever eyeiuing. Gr-ieat iîterest lias beeî manifested iiîiji as a resîîlt o! thîe meetings fouir yotiing people wel'e baptizeti Stnilay anîd id jni itt eui tiitue cli rcli is luncbat iîuîeîs. Adt-ertCcerts anhd correspondpnts AIould remnember thiat, ut takes trne to set typie bel ure a paper an be p'rnted. Yotî w.11 greatly oblige t<y bundltug lni your copy ea#. Cupy for ads must herealter be, ln our bands not later than Weduesday noon, eo we cmn devote Thursday to settlng up th,. latnt Dow$. We Wm ~to priaithei la .'iEI"EMIPEH iP,. SL'II'7EM L'EU -". j ,' IIi'TL'MIL' I 3M:( ('lias trotting **2(0 3y r-oid cias trot,$1.i 2"y *r -olîl itake irace. 2:4.', (lass trottinîg 2( Farmers race.. 5 2:3s ilass, trotting 2(5< - hIail :;tiiig3O 2 2S ('las trottîig 200 Fi ce for ail paie. 01 2:35 Ctiss ti otti <g 1501 Pursoý'-sA1wa«Ls Paid,9 Guaranteed by a large Fund in the Treasury. 'Tle society's track is one of the vcry best half ile courses in the statu, splendid soil and ivell thrown up tuoms. l'or furthcr particulars sec entry blanks or apply to 0. E. CHIURCHIILL, Sec'y, 111ty~Ie I. Lîbe rtyville la on the tC. M. & St. 1'. Raiirond, 32 miles îîoîtii of(Chilcago and( 53 miles soti of Milwaukee, ani transfer4 mWith(oit change of cal i atiau1b mnade from ail roads leading loto C'hicago<, (y lîîlliikg i a. Figlo .iJoliet& Easterîî li'y. (C'liic<lgo Outer Belt Liiie. Prepare for COLD WEATHER. Lay in Your Supply of FUEL now. When You Want to samv lmoo«7 BUY YOUR ~j7 Il WARM,4IR GsECONOMICALYA6UCI SDuSt PO WEPPL.L HEA 7EfS. I ~1 Da i 'm ili,% h-laý;ile' ble ai-île .1Ailfll e 2 li it 111lk A pt aik i.,t i - 'nie liiitu it i' Oui t i B ittli't N ia \ I ' i' 'iiiis Theivw' ait g1h10' 'hOfgtteIuui W~~~ ~~ hiid'-y<n iiuig sttsi Thure eictii u?('a(il IONta lVI o. Ciou> ii «i r rilt111ii îetclau But tie, Ia i-kutrîIiulthilî- îîî'hesI Wo ecoii'l <'l -tpintiui-îii-<h '< it . TrostNot P e as out o C.1 Mlli<ouf cuil 'iic'fl)îi c. a tlic u'uîlii mot tlîlîk o!f i'kiiigo- ils i-Lidithiern mon-y, oltehuiiek ils tru"iii a job, ncut thliiug ihilt uî- IMlit-ti I ~IiiýPItsb for oîur atîuîk ut~lid i,li lito ir men ut ery SaufrllýItyiiglit. \"VIe aIP iu îr lîrit-es lufr .1 u b ar k 1<ýiidi '>ru' mal E collect Cash On uDi-livc-r% 1tlîuîîuto get c it îirumîtly' ili-rrd'îi'l If oui wil not hau-e the- notiu'v tu -sfuir the joli wuhe'î it is donc, îîlv-ua'e uity' os wbelii you gi'.e the' orulî'u',hlîcîl e will e understand caei otiier, lit lerat. 1j1 INTCR.NATIONÀL, 4J.~jjJHCIONAR Y btLveMyboe Dlctionary. XIt a- ~ aves ailquestions concrngth~e hWs meatn i words. A IIbraryLn Itseif. it aiso gvsthe of ten de- l.red Information eoncernlng eminent persons; facta concern- ing the countrien, ciles, towns, and nat- oral feature8 of the globe; partieuiars con- cernIng oedflctltions ipersona and places, trnlto fforeign quotations. It is ln- iînable ln the home, office, study, and schooiroom. Trhe one Great Snai Anthorfty. Bion. D. J. Urever Justcof U I. 8. Suvreme Court. 'îes The International DIetLnUaRy 10 (lie~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~D isftinodio.r.Iomet& Lto Lake connty prdlura oit Will lhnld thieir liat f'.'- -'i i. i iii -i i '-7 v i., .1 i -"'-'H lii u I i '-i.' For Information es o hoe bt-st hUnting *id tighing groîunds lu Illinôls aind Wis- <ush>. spply (o 1la& C. POND. cesai Naïr Agl. w14OONSIR CeNTAL MnS. MILWAIJICEU1. Wl. 1,usa h Oaý r,. y IHOWTO ET idCHly bafue iiiSplia Wtt.1 unt andi wathe inver This sI>lss m ^Is 1 owsskl * TSstly 1it'.. bas byp«W Ionn aut an balsnffl f nealuh Ces, (... asutama..e 7 om The W.illKi'ow*i and EUxienced WeIl Dlgger, te Oow mnkina welis Witte bis ovin outift rhe *WHEEL OFEORTUNE,"1 "t be enflIal. Now. Il vote are thiuklng of baing a weiI dug, 'r an uid onîe retaired. 1 amn quitle surei, 1oau ieuse 3011. if >0>1 let me Lits dee-p cootigh for fluet la the ficlîrre lu mueat Wells. Mly Prities Are: For welue about four feet li diaineter tiret W .e wX&. nos>i 10 foet si (01). no'xi 10 ot $l.2. ue,î 1 20 tet v820i.t là 5fect 8$.w. lier fout. Foir Welscdix feet te diumeter, iret 20 feet (1.:z. etc.,t't, fur Wells cijrht (vît srocs 8.(4 per fout Parties ha% lnur work dune tril furnish board'> for beiji. brick for weil cand tim&*r (or eurbing. if aeedeii:only on Jobs vwithîn orne mile of honte, th- 1 will board >03 soif and! belle; like- Wise 1 wiiI malte a dievourit of of &5.00 on eveTy home Job tient I1L'an go 2-' feet or over witioui eurbiîug.work Io bedone la a sooe]workmanlike maniner ami bc safe U) go dîiwn ln ut auj time. 1 ,reler that If theuwn'r t-hoot iuspe<t my work. it bt'seud a nman of -ne îmu-sensew t go <jowand scc fuebam sun iig ailtbt teau tee donc, anîd Inl wI ciii1>0(1 ln)ri-1îuttlos> aund satlsfy hien>. I hit îî mi re'soeî ?ii elle su faur lu Lake Co.. and oîuil îf 41' jîîbs ctmin one mile of hoîme 1" are ucw wtill. cund!1i uvity tIink Ilbey werue ail tbsnkfiii foîr the, -nieii sont wblch it coolt thut-lfor iii1)tfinie. I nt i gie the mnmes of i.> c,,nre I h.%.c lotît-a jolie fîîr sce Aug. 2-,, 1H54. and 1 Iau>i gi>ol 1ha% e sut huee>iredit <if almoiic iii r> uit' . xîetiali3 rigbl ai home. for 1 r) t uéeii in3Ii'i (-laii utlupleut) i>f caler. icua,ýIittr 1 Il ii II hiilisent oiflt-ier -<oi flou)ii<lxi c1'itt'<for rash ahi li )utjlit ffiîle. If îu>l u id .i. bei> .ork b. duonc, 1I <bai aid Mi er ., j ,-ne lris's tili lu>id .t i.' I--r '-" ei-il i Air uîa, '<i i,liui u , ,î-î-P dou c-at ireiî-r 11- ,Bsi1-i1ldo nî'-t bic.Hi f- 1'> Iî i@ J P WILLIAMS. -uni,.1 v i. -te <i.te -e'HARDWARE, @J Stoves, Ranges, and FURNACES. =0 a10«,7 H. B. EGER, Libertyville, Ill. Daily Fair Edition INDEPE M.DENT %% , 'l' (, - ý. il" 1 t , DI 1. % IIITMA "TI m 1- A ý;. ('ol»tbýtttc.,. 1 , W.% ti mi bc.x. p