MONEY FOUND. ]o& IhomosE.L MlU, a eultuw d mntieîpan. #MbbdWWwise loglelan busreoe88Ii pub- bir l 14088 on banking and flaaoe In book *ii unde lthe eof il300my round.' lis * golag la luloel and te.lie, and Lt wtli "Wil suy ma" thckng M" s e give the book jbtufol perusal. By fermialoa we publlab »#W4MU troai a few chaptert for tbe befit e w arers The prive of the booa. imoey Jia@i4. l2 ef et, anld 081 b. obtaloed ut thîs CIAPTES VI. »*gOwe flshm .iwu ftaa asla.. atiotSU *a '1a da' 8*.P p, à54d1-,~ ewhoea- 1uw D s $B isw %Ma.Ia2 tei. a mau liaiVIssa à"gArqla. s-a F« V..?,ire riu&- MoêihIliISsnia Ai. betis la a discover>'. Let usi uqi4tt fur=tber. We ak a thous"~d 0~essbunred housand-if tire>' MMOIba%»Perfect confidence Ilaa 0 Ujamt'ed b>' Lhe Governinent Il UIew un answer ln the. affirmaive. * i revelation. The wonder 16Ina tAdy o! Nature-lIn the sgbd aeolhantsm o!1LIhe humais sys- Ws 191an srd blooti att beionging to 04 bOd,othat tee cotildnfot have ~bBbdOfrejtisat the bank holdd 6wém relation te the Nation that W~b.trt do..i to the body,, and Ibat bap48k eboutti belung 10 the Oov- C"uent, thaL l ILs dejiosits sbould * guaranteed b>' the Govemament, bd tbus the bank be made absolute- r- do1e-cnf1dence .be restereti anti bM e 1o10oMore wlubdrawal and 01 o!inone> andi Do more financlal Oft ht ha that tbis is ai t tere Is to .4, umBelaiquestion? is~ tislà-au t. -Do flot let tuie tLilanfoot >'ou wtb these outside kê ththavit aotblng to do wiîb , e làwneijandîthe ie rculîation of g&y Do flot lt the hanker con- > ouwith a quantty o! hlgh ~uudigbantiik ak bout "'undlns" Iýbo "live-twentlcs" tutoite "ten- :ee,'*bl.rnetatlism," 'monomet- U~m" goldr,éa eerve," "ciearlng bouée cOtlliat," anti «Currency *oucher"-ail calaieti ho coive>' .,*0 Impression thatlih e l deejity *«»sd lu s knowtedge o!fluianc-e. 'W~ho fact8 are that whle the tiauker i.*nrltytpotisheti andti t ilit- riMaun, bis vocation lias neyer té hlm to iiivetigate a systeta of -that woutti be la the luterest e entime people. lie coutl Lot lie 10 eapouse a pitan o! finance wo d preyent hm from gettlug S e>'h could la lits occupia- te l not folowtng the busi. bl hibeaitti. 80 far as bis g.o! finance la eoacerneti o olss f necesalt>', lu Iaforma- at*out the reliahitt>o! lu- ïý,x aq.W who na>' wlsb teo btain -= e hie bank anti the value of $~tia.whIchb may lie left b>' the ci %re la nothtng ver>' abstruse -Oboutha msubject of liankiug. it is difflt to undersaîîîli. Tuhe Imks le sitnpty a place tehere we t1io* ur moue>' andt te no securît>' fo1 4 place whero we ulve set-urit- ',1$wowther people' 's moue>'.if ;ZA4éy bave iaft IL Ibere. If the people ffl le4 ave their mouie>' t the lieu] dq fl(o ot horrow. T"-Wbbankr gets a certain pier ceat. ail 1h. motte>'wbictîite tends aud Ilias bisprofit. SIUo la ail thero Iso oIl. If Lbe faits to rehuru - the monoy te tepoit w. loee confidence *ln general. Thii universit o! on&~Y'-h1ths feuraia ee, &d there meut la stagnation fi -tht etît iInspitre con- tut. confidene in Lb > elbrlng out auit Lh ide d nd ita the bank-any systex that wl do that will ati of!millons o! dollars tW oui of currency andi througt etrculatioii, thie retult of con, 0oansercii proeperit>' wl sp.een that everyWyti> E ~b ia that la guaanteed h, veor~Maet. It la dlean>' evideni ,tisat ail hat la nacesear la for the Govement ix thie deposltors t L L I.hch RmI ieh.left at th. bani given to thoin when hey oz] e8et met hod to acoomplil ýw ,efor Lbe Goremnient fi and iowuLise batik. Q 10 Bu CONTfINU». -Mon DWho dldn't watt fo »0. NorflkIsNeb.) Newi - o Se<lagr fouti tli v#. gettlng dry la tht. noil hoe did net it dow ana %eeooày and ltLvogetatio $'t tie ant o!fteater. Nc putupalarge tank antise te work over IL. Thea thuogh lita gardon au <hala wa>' succeossully irrigal cgfps. 1He diii not have oui to wmer Mie whole fan wliUyild ti m as mue ,atb.> ever dtd befoiu Lbe achoee gotuai dm aiho Wnl sala Kts..UIy Ihmg xp mailW. A U*d~ ofWaa~paTom (oriffl &y@ ho ha* tour -lore! ci fêr2*1h ~Ibo muèee' oI caitd Ie metig ti orer t ~p.m. new houffs on is string to bulld, yet' cTusBUPII _____________________ ad ini fis opeuirn.gaddrena ongraW -this rait. SbeSIIad V (ouopI uprlludnto llos, andl for. the transaction et .upb othar buuwa lied the people of LibertyvIlle un Mrs. Frank Dyer la lmprotlng asmanajproprWy .» eIqete o .m ntia. mLf thier fine new Town Hall andA the u4dertbe iokilif ai tre".enit of Dr. Tbctrepre atWlttof tbe seversl tow55la tflL and - vinlieigh _begLkefur«ehty vï democrntsa adthe Outat 85011110 cgi w'Mteeest o ~~. m occupytt. on motion, S. H. Biad* Ga" for the epubliisa candidate for P58gldent iury, of wauknaian d W. R. James Gullidge and wife. visited llMfland oe eloumos * frasctionefor io Kennedy, of0f it »eerfield, were Add- thoir cousin, Frank Dyer and wi~e More oVer snob multiple of ii. The mveiV..... ed to Lhe list maklng Lake (;OuutY'5 Monday. fovorI>ae Pt.dto en .¶ie8te to î~ fult quota 21 delegates Lu theoela Frank Deltz ti.rasbed over 700Vte. ee ates tuiiconvenition wic bî t It : sel o cst lstwek.Butlon.cb .......... ...eei..... due, Laet. àù W o ostock, Tueeday Sept. Il. y bouhhea Nefport_ a...... 7 vote s iao wi&Ias ttO wldu icco of Toaos aPelon orn.thjs h, ........ .T swll earaeo vot theeeguaion chîeofLk2waeSld...... ......... fillétu vliatilesand linruced W Die etforg, IwaertiIothe Gran as. ...e.... t2 Coutyto rpiOOU&t V. bAvo ................lm voe sunit onwCailhaquetrn io ofmoThCma.sH. Stnih and a f a mn ...... eav ae Ds rarutio ion. Jiiîxhba wseld td on on. f oerra a M. Ecurof h to- a Cuba n.. ... Ml...... au the uunthtimLuis ahutes of ae u .adacp 'l eILs r4' place.dShirlds .................... M"]LOTona p. m. Ri a is . 124 meuntobyndfrtepoi HoorapL.F. Orabb returne .last F l- e leie . .. .. ... . ... ~ ,w l~m v4 ~ si n tanelUS. eweîutat vote-,, dAeo. rhâle a v.Stith bandyfay rme ss erli j 4 d L >J ~ A. 4 can Hua. t Lods. tat tns ~~ Chates ount Mo rineTotl.. . ......orBeea w eleeiins~f~ bcom n a ov reuIoe the epnw orta the dat ad of od rojîs EWaeb ona...... reumne oi....... a eunisi t îb t cm f tion i arlstcayho viruett3' ansom" son. uer hsnea on. E. hurpîtodayFolida>M. b.. ems.....pen ent menof, bed-nd fo t e dople. H e op .whabe retuead . Cook WWs Derie..Ur..... tie et oalsb tîttiue oat fs L(ord s.emfinibt ner astale out , M twifo t HeT m....... ......$I...R ATmi frhenpytiio !bIlgacad foreo lenyo enadodcosBahtwi Jmeddodta u éea well dale fao erl nt>' ofce t ui.9etr'nis okrs in eb ewoe the makciey a martuly " l'heifndThee t tor' btden utthe Que Page, Display, 4 days, epte.O peope b d- . le e deanhlt 7.W. o . C bt on, deea. wll attend Ui chee upandentusehis Cou, ut"y Cort Ut Lak Cou t.aR ermahere cout>' cilaio ote ff lmîtîed 1 tiian ranau re dennn e mfr ot 1cra t i s î enr. eeteron., sdr or botet e-bl!tegs.l adCut.o UiOrLM dy0f7 O Afe rtesefrtt e ons ul iecstewa hswe . Septeoeberne t pr,s'a Notdice.ale ol5 biody Iluntea matrofnIand-Threlaiteshlree. uut UIedNTICEIo requsîed 1 npi battthe auOieag, tely,4da nomcniatsd for Couoty JdgChaleskand Lee addi ock pave r lit Crt oAdmltton. ofJtfeOoliu"of' 3.00 i a mt la andseciiacrrie i. Urte e showsade atwetekwhlh ab- 8uktpstoJiy . 144. au pte o. ' '20 cougltylu omttehi fu patstrugt î s iptiof a ad.I yuowpls a tCorofLkcnu.ta eli beîetu oeofgr rpbi an -Pupandtyles'i u omnh you a to b Aodmlrt tCouratle. ak 4 pailonal fiendaou ta cit w bud ltieppr tirqckety .we i LI O'IE 8 eebgieQtuarc u~ fter Page' 1.0 beaurie dmif lie and -!.ltedoe ie an b a n 10 prour e god f laS sribeIr.sadlistutyon o!the caisSeMondaeil- chaned omp1tierts as vojj forelaties e.&ý vnd r etaiisîîaitt mud titaUe<bot olu tcsm1net P rIie tic ar mutuahui- C u dr i tcCoutu . aiza t ntheietof mougly romilae frCuuy7 r, LoeistSebancktand wlfe aeru d ut o r adjudiat iCourt Houa andoi.lisa i0 waxed e asqle i i prntl athghcboaTesdy,10Waka,ç a L iVÇON d inmtr or.the 20 per c n. a d3.00 fo tpa eo eulongist i l theyiîontiî ut u p anW. Il.sAu wsathe1 aud a t rusih yg urk nsubi- r al eron.64i S ecalP Trurer buPlthelfi] epatcstiti doit ba )aly andfroom opatess tisnetosdN>Quo aldaia ateriCol.yad lrc2.Woeloa beade hevot ofmoy rpubictil"Y P nd e wllfumeh oua bt- Aadîxminlst tor ot 18e caiste citeti wt l rnas, n iia iseéol musictr , elr tequnmoeg a el i* dsei TICElnotice, free.t ,bcau- ctusîîdc mpien.W ts Fad oers esin !feuo ahrs affec-nardwakeruî, dîemedwi ttndt Cur CburrL of Lake Co. Ilertv LocalolNoticeso10 Cents__Per______ eliîiaiiy ioadu88the e m utelo adnt- u ot br W. B Bansy, ! Wtukeitnw Lewiso Soronorkuih eand ifeaequt-atlmOsfoearryigt(1thehlCourt cHonhte Migpeet otintdcine aeVta od>,oera.eboyo Inlocals à)at 5ut. n ée 0 e cents per Uine.frfon aeo eur> ste lt th, omiLaktZinbofW.îîedm . A . atbu , ad aeyuog nagetrkcian ersupim lieaiantS e lPo to . D0objctb ueti oln Pa fo!risîîaî or 3y er w bouws a0 tdeYnti adro a saelr ntte n eqetd rs Tesure, but lie sas hakditi li-elau hatvetielkpblent f omto rciesn h un os or o duiation. Sa- . Cpy forail ad. wrnst he iip-onerSl ScB latik 10 agre rankbgersisid day ofe ber fond fChicago aid .&~~ >,*Tbe ad ltltrta odyîonSp 8 uf~~~~~~ ~in li21at>. li laIalrglp.oia Albert lareut, rer. leeatelrand Raplrs; tcon. fioilly adg, îdtîhe mty dtaW ul ot on Wiex rvi ioifo h or bofW4kgawo nt Crn rouabigt ud n Iqst toud e ca ryia.m.slpy mis. c.n pan tingf. 'V. C. cKesîzîet Rt'iiit, Laii, . daover te body - of l.eavc ls IlNI5I 4 nt- perFufisher asa r aeSi), ift Le Zu ic, ited or by .tria thbun, ad o t ue îeagler0d hrjrii l24 ti112O lon. .1.c. (2tluse of ike u ue furwa23ttearwher was 3 eetdently. Evwe 9~212 44 O2 2 . . - -.____ demcriu ihae wamfitcoundttikle tCt i .h.erine lk, wo! Atii ameu- CoYiiE Ii 5 il5 ii Eu plv foritzen honds.m utbaiei te nos giad ale acclutii. Tqiî ed s hi e w othe h icag Ro, n bis andOut 845 10:1 î onday cIl 7S pt41 Lof 1118etd, e liastaJ arge an i wilcîî. aentoats een t rndRaieMel r . . t . P.>R le > Rtolwgers stsie witt ake nw ie îaeJohniLexavte ti ver 0 isfodwrtthe0 s i, ORT :i i an n dra rne nt gItlon. . . isie, o i tî boytne le-ti u "n'h scod hcioo-îM So% i-ri20 là go IL a an leaes ndi h c ish er . puans so lti a o chee for i t al frou ts. he la oneo tie oîe irerful oîiln m_________2_*_Mou__l_: J. a. ateandrrikeatheon , wsth a >ir was23iîearîgod eet . lie W rtb mou4r2Ilu 2Sm of2i 4dV 6 :11d lowuîg acci t Lis e .itOii ue acualgwr.HeMy h viti i 075 2 U f4 740131 dcf t hve a fullî o hv u ccesat i l> 7PNEcompreswlitih ite ,ivîe *:1 (5 .. 4 445up pea precticed irrigaion=thitilear, arr 729 1523 15x) 0ns aoer Li se ie io a kend itts te Dul ediradBrhaceCle raton L. lliati vie. 60s i . lm lo:d1t1.29 1) linn. F. BÂR.whc o is saiW W tag n ursn.FE' Clrk, eif t e e- he rotwasand obler w e lug at the Lv.Ltbertyv8iiieli:lllasn. Ar.litaires;:andaif h puLlian sbudijmn t e)fis es o! ernelurfbth ue gaaeeinrtf u i1ts mA thn u lyr~o teaeei . Mr. wîitirngolis co egeentulem e h m I o sai.amac-pm .m m outriaot. ___________________________e________ U hî my C tractussells mrigatio 1-4î1$01 cnd ggpartIepwerepGorgeiKra and ail etî8theanîem wîi wtr rîna sresas el uaud Anns arpthe dte lelg te WGIîIriO 9NO 5.27 r, (0 » Dakoe prem riatio en.t s it anivra> !tebîiiiy i A e il ilosm 5 m m6P i s L ". f.iu 4;»z» m ollce.* bràif twosesunis gowli a ue atti d r nk e lerdthe d uitb Lbnd rampts .m 40n 17erm DSTIlIIOL Th tng t tons1sutamer itif r is l t f dowhi oe ed urid A n a g Liadid oktelvi .-i. 4 ,l >.. s . . il 5 0a5 Mb Gtis6 u 7 SOUT... 1 0à4666teCln ae . D58pâ81C4S.aalais. Y opedg ardeîîtOftîff ij y stetatue enuaing the bad. H e athe ave e n. t 26 'r. p_-12.465m. 'p31m. e ooutd proe a boslav U Ce for naket .INEbraFte cby agrnd daeiltthe esol ",a-.L a le.867 de21 ....12 M0 . 5 . Od aprfoisle S t., " AU e6AI. grmldeacr a Rots ea: hefelr.a5 387 8i (lm it1256 806 5413 ___________________ "A.T. wet, fame in lu s homeo! Gy e K paf wics ted Ctic. ritht . 35 9 042 i 1 45.. sIô4W aias a potato i o ndiaceon a ite anDoult>' The un Itha e lwa efranished skbfl tO,bt . m.Ar. 2 F.AkY o r IS wirrig ursîgats er fmonu fthe ita >' P! a s laud obe w ing e Ifthe Lv. tli l oa &.. r Chiao v r ce o n moanso! a atais psuup. A fw dit> Ccouplsot8litdec.are.bsirtntentio te *ns 1axccp Sunof Ciot ho mee a uno ti a o llsr aono! 6 0 fo r ma itheir homees lh, a kego n>, La-btpyoll gnsi0.m ç Rnot:5p d the pdutaet of i20 iaetio al e Tur- îî a ke t3'4 heotât v Ciao14 . .Aý1etvI1 :0p if ase r Lu r. vealt q lau eçrp. e w hmabreis ! h letace o! corigasao Iritce ni nDEpateswer f orgble o h iii o e atr y 'Jp a, k is "T roma limon st ari n spLdM tise BU fFAo Gr;oe . 4e W .80 ,ma Wukgairep'Tale.1a wib atik o a ilante a 20-ace eou an ACo r a oy , îathe daenseing er. :1> pmdt NtORTH a. t7lt80 arn il~~hla( 1 oaosla plgat arnei81 .. m Z71 .-5:Jou ismt eto ,y Lou. r safer anj lrnlttng iplanbo!t Qtm e.partie bys iapfandt ",s4oua . LestIî . .... a. tîjirown Te>'thn onsruted a he ul.loirpu. DIll i a ke.ô 8 :572 i6 twatser tsk upt non en dduua r - nin JrnoK elîm d we tt h te picîMc5 0 54.(uSin r. 12 aulie li wao n . nd ane n> o usIndeess- MHoGrayt atrays àk.dc.P Zuih. u: r On.o! hea hospottos b' a iseCviic e rthne ae lsInlg14 GOBrlîto . 08 u 'U ' ky od gten ther dri hslb. w te tnkthpe La Cicgo the pyea. bg4.% in . pIitdSUTHg 1:5 m ke LoughL u r e ateb > niglîformdrkt.Lmn a.n m.el smefreudatiOm.uruier . t2* m. ntîgcarvrmitr mîgtele at eontCantratdSdac>' hea7:5ak.0 0 ' 1 741 1 .laui1.d. :2 ' ri Ii FR ED CROKER.ol îhpla . Tule ir nel,_ bor are polt 64 u. Jouet....... 12 4 16 @p acrefro th fiod. f l its ccrhomeiikof a o ! usK opfwnhlateb ii ýi ,Ths o. et a deanr p aouerJ iWlneraîd!aiu iht t on..i -874 18. r4 L .- e6,00 fort > noira on." finds. athFreont ControfSanda>'. Mrn..k fl.30n-- WT113o...Draper or~~~y.adg ..Pu. e0der uihasti im>àfa1i U18S ... É47 PAA UE5T. lis oare fivel of suacrefor thea ndewsilverpThetmic - fia rn le lTm 9làiîa2t'sl a As Y u iriigahilEEN ET s timue hat ati o the Ji yPa stla fte 1okfle 7 .m rie hcao83 .mf m. news a per a«puelAei iii aka C ou up'. iti yu Iear th bo n nti one -Dly xelt u m agolie rfumdau ofer of$5,00 furmake heirhomesintLaerns (Jut fttoOrlyuner4m ai theSgh atiuheaoflîe0 acres, echewput- Id chwSrto h olde t i m o. îypîî aîîd alop qu ie . rsto h ot lu scr efcr a rr> fte o igied parrot ema o! or bystetbalane ong fth EliJ ie & Eatern r Ua. wet od ibow tanmsue 12 and aer mmd kee jor teper > i. aro. ieiet he aosa a i c1 hm> a Binus a tfati,-onIter Ba UFFnA'~d LO R OV sn er,4.MinaLaarrive Walous Advertt7:00gam AI ne. ofr bies offantd lea 20aL e tiestoe.bosmhate o L oys ar .kn 4:0P. ea :0a in tpatso! s h nt s ir ail avanen 81s p_ U de. 8!e a ntt i boy . Theyrrt sn ontrueiy t ire rOn. -tt O2auwgê .45p.... i dLk .. .7a wate tan no auatbrs mii StUM- âM Jo.Belmwettoth te -e : rn. 2:"Eopot..lde 8!s-la r ri