had rnaeow .t« tbtnk oit gcing b2ck Pmo;Utiiila", ouMW vytb mn in o l:Xute;but go bis imae iutted do as 1he7 ilr"", do Ys, bforeme I gt yfeetwitb a The vomi a olid ber mcptance ~<~ u *k omd.Sfri oureso old boaveforhetem. 'aMa- Anayway, * bIurted out Mm&. Gabin, wte.. »i .,e, ttthe b.com.ig ent o 1 __________erG olouiave fr iL te ea an.ld'tompms 11000 u.thertii.. iim"eh o.iiii, WrE ' OU it rm I PÂJPM . Upon roaching the gatowe.y ot the! M. Silmnoattu. I »ver likod %bat rack oemetory 1 vas l ls raitlnding it'of b nes, alway. mlin« aouud vbtn- locke 1, and, althongh the wali vas ing and moi ng and without a cent EcxplaaluaitRhPtiOMW. nmre ton taet high, T determind Io in bis pocket. A1ks, aîoh d a George M. Pullman was called b.- (coYROEs osie it. for a faint streak of grayv had thit le not werth muoh for a woman fora tbe Labor Commission in Chicago, stIi up ithe eastern hky, and I wr.s witb any lif. la ber. But luit look st and toitlfied for three houri. Ho .4 MAPUM I.--Cutîmumd. effort that it yiAlded ard felljoutilnto Uifons to bave the cemetery at one i. 4*M 1imonsu-t tronc and b.althy si a spolia of th. m.tvee which bad Iphat ,good did It do me? 1i venMy chafed mand bru paliaBrambling lu the top of the vali hy day laborer, and rich imb the barCausi the oampany to huUil nitiant ~1Mbaln pahd hekut 'IÀAlgrasped Ibisemml muid alonder M*nf a tomb which butted againd gain bm dirg ubtuthe no otimplement a- nev hote. dawqed upon ft I di eve il tatthe wvai ~euon Talo my word for it" mdded Mms.inthees'y lit halldomo and toiprovide MMher lt>ought Dow Ob'd ui<mme. My thoultnts grew mote consecu- bigher than on the inside: but, noth- Gab a. un sho turued tW I ea¶'e lth msftiswrme.B alIa biis& it waa*o »» e = iv., my nerve. iteadier, and althougIL lnadauntet, I Lt myseif drop ftrik- rosia trant, «the other --,. did welil t>lthe Gb oct in bul ding Pullman vai ês i>y lapping vitI a oe, ol =r n o~eicaeaanling m0 emvlly, onthe iton.eildewalkget out of thegray.. it vai a luoky thée.tabiisbment of a grotmatmen- 46,1 teflu "me plae whee imy leeth like a bit of parehuent, et that I there stuuned for et while. tbing for Marguerite!" facturinZ business on 1h.'mosl sub- fo ided lm.Ev sur~ mre vay rMy terrible thiret wu othe Butina ew m' menti I wu on My test 1 made hastoe b quit th. places and gstaatiai hasi §possible. Because ho sem istiyi ahmomnttheaae.again.pluugangwiidly aOngI 1knew sai Icaugbt îight of myself in th» recognized thal the worklug peo-Ile *m the eu»Yuplan vasaaasitoemone.tHolding flot whtbor, lori aasudden darknesa mirror a .itrange and yeî not disagre.- ~r b i motn lnn ciei tere email firmiy between the tbumb and filldme>esalbernat.ng with flashes ah e sensation crept oçriMe. Noyer 4i1, boIIcw poand. Perhape lt 1 fingera of my right baud I began 10oOf dz i ~liht. I staggered frgm belote hadâti o aized wbat a miserable wihetr notemcé,u es = ï*Mp t thicknea.o1 board. work a itralgbt irroave-es long a one aide W set . To pmisers-by avoided wreicb TIvas, so faralooks vent. Rad thOu of any enterprise h. decideul W ' *0 vr agvtsas board as my rech would enable me to Malte me. I romemtber lrying Wo mutter nutI it not beon prosumption, Mayimne -_______ =V b J* »» ei ek @potwhere _ib lb.hebld of my coffin. An a ton- bomothing W ou.ne0f them. and then it for me to marry that b4aunlgr . .!~be uo ~erod v n. t ihig trength came Wa me as 1 on- seemed as if nome one hall struck me a1 If I bad had gienly of money it Mtgbt A lnm tougts of the ated terd upon tis new tank. Up and rrrible blow on my foeei I a av oin diftrent, but W o uch an' mM, u dovu, firit with one band and thon o ourlultone. 1 hadlpitched e l nlihtly orselutre and yet etpect tbis tbé:ow thb it my mi1b cand vith the other, I rau the sharppont- t h rud arhie n we-igdcidt teew 1vc ihcl dmiwihsn eprad d*e* rshore my poverly, my gîcom, m u .1 edthé ta"', bandsome ednailvhthe sak eeer u eeer Tbre la bore a gap lu my lits..For rmlatcholy. Oh, it vas 'a crime; lep Aover InbioeiMr i baod. worked sway for nmre thune veeki I was ab3olutely utoiu- aye, a crime. That le the only word her ears, iddlng ber take lime in this way, it occurredbtme t ions. When I came Wo myseif I was which expresses il. And now that I pjo l» evoidvachoeiertura over on rni stomaoh and by raie- lylng in a clean ami comforfabe bed, arn doa 1t ber wculd it not b. me- Sen that aile lacked for notb- ing mnyseif on my bande andi knoee o and a man ln the Sixtie, vth a kind izenerous aud mauly Wo romain se>? ButI wa vuld b. ber proteclor. he try and force the lid of my coffluu. tîand Intellectuel face, st aI the hosdl as my heLth continueri ta iuprove ~fbiko br lie brghtad b Aut c rscked bérreath the severe pros- of the o t. Thé mani, the rom>', thoe un ler Dr. Bérteaux'à skillful car. lhe aMw Iahe d my rgtadeut lt sure which I was enabled 1te b ing upon surroundings wve.&Il strauge te, me. demnon jealouey agaiu t 0ok possession ~allI fcarnd at thé moulh, for 1 t but diri not yield. The groove vas Ho amlled anri nodded bis hoad asI of My beart, and my only thoeeght vas h helb bubb!es breaklug ou ny nt yet deep enougb. te 'rescué Marguerite fretu Skmonemu. y A gain I turned over on my baok and ..j4My henefactor 5mw lb» some grésai set to work once more with the. ual]. *I-r rief watt gnawing eat my vitale, and weigitg ourse3 upon thé head of thc vrapping a pierre of lb. pillow-shsm - whon I proposed 10o make a short Iimone&u I gathered myveif "or about my hand te save Ithe 8km ftoua-on u~v ~ rne t. onr h ycv gbty effort to break out of My heîng chafed and terni. After seteral bi cnsnt W li.Uwr l ie egh minutes of furlous effort I made ang- __iWiéTbl htIw dnvrbv Ywihbanda mua t and boad' bratmt1 ua héIiof ~ ' ~ -- the courage la demend that Ma-gu3- 1msrméd myméif lu con- This a I uceedd.Thé cover vas 1.ek4? rte shouid restur.i ti me, y7>1 Iwai E t*ruggles to start s board aud snappéd lu Ivo ils whole length. i ' e delerncd te, appealt 1 ber and oodni p ned down 10 earth, tbrîli of hope îsrad like a bair over cuver tecome sInon-mu's vite. 1 lâtiting Ief in terrible cou- imy orateheut, wounded, strainuri and ~IL.kneew about wbexea the family estate of 00 .PLME tu a tebds hthlrce oy the Simoneaus vas located and had no ____________ I ceaéd puahing, and lay motionles, ~ ~ ~ di lulty lu fludiug théesMot wbere builut lu close proxillity to the bops -1-1 git, rbisd iayed, tofô*Wtwtral tiFat thée srlh migbt IIar,,uerite bad been hirdén away~ homesi for tbft worklngcnen of mtich =O apiainiý ruhet i lke a IL- slip in and imoîber me whenii wai aI froin thé world by Ibis rnan. Il vas charmoter sud surrouna.ulî as would ;ist Vai,&ill vain. My poor thé very door of life again.- a bu ruitiful oid bouse stand ng lu théep oc attractive thet thé hoat clubs I1iantUsbur 3 asif ocatofbtifré My pieu v as 10 make use of the liri center of the gardou, and 1 bung of Imeehanîca vouir seirthat piace ru pon thein. My boueîs a sort of skleld whlle 1 vas engaged around il for séversi days likre a thief, fruporotl referonce toi otb- benund9r th etmîin Içu ut idlgglg. my way out Ihrough thée- ac u oeeu 0oe u ae n WKM.Ivus burlei live.. eath Ihie aori f lsy. But unfo lunalé -àLITTLE IRTUSN'that hé might slip in. One morulng ýccord1itIgy (Mir.rPulman icotinued). bsau mffafr c afwrhotiy, nv ourimyal cafoue0'b ~as 1 stood peerng through théeion the oei,, lcatiL oCCn of Pullmn ae et, - SeudeuIy somethlng haute me new danger. Thé loose earth poured op-uond my oeo, sud as'çud vbére 1 rails of thé gardon foncé thé sonnd of thi ertéd.ThéLri o oCthounî vr>' le. lpandi lthougrh 1 fai that lu upon me sud vedgeu theb.broken vas. In a fuw words, gracefuluy snd footstups ou thé grai edwslk caught b drh e upl;7éiae totiI ame.4 ving~e. ble efforts ver> fast weak- board in so firmly that 1eouldn't budgé plesasantît- spokun, Dr. liorteaux-for my car, sud thé next ins ant Mangue-j Cithin a raututot prbapst. uile and4 1 baou t) yell 1. eue pos. it. The ever-increaslng ve'ghl of thé su ch vas bisnamé filéd lu Ibis gap rite aud Sirnoneu ucamé lu view. c b huitf et the il e .sleced. where Ibere arp ,I8thIb voice vas n t my own, earth upon my breast began teooppi-sa lunrny lité. beavou, how beautlful elle Ico cd' His o lit Inz goule 2590>0 topie. 15 Cas nut fegarfut exertion did not sacra me. Haut 1 got s0 nuar lifs, only 10 h.o lie as a physician out of praclice, ai-in was twiued affecti ýnateIy around tiob Iiitentien 10 »fi1 Lu wurklunmeu homes vtl11ed by me. My mnd lu a th rusî bock imb thé p il ef death? 1 but s .ay rady htnesthbinseifin ber. and ber cal, étient face vas al- laitl'ulliio, but Lt e oamt ihn are àeofthe silelti menuer t ook notée ould féél thé caol, mois t day settîlng auy unusual case. Aften my fait that most too, fair te b. human. tocS> thà,t they could buoy homes ut cou- hIgIhdbénpeetvpbeul M is ho~lvs10sru > enét distancés fronithbo rksisf the>' liwlful ci e.for hép, srd upori my face. A sickeutng sensation mr u1hl ee ikdu ysma M is huh wt eare u ete do situ If any juté had been isol Iboetsregg!eoIb tis paon o. féar crépI cvér mu. I determinod kinu-hearteut workmén, sud Dr. Ber- My ragé sud boat upon thé tron foncé 1n91i1ulînnant. i %outil bavéeiternîtted the t~i ffreIteelifroulpuing to maire oualentéeffort to btr-tthrougbl* teaux, who vas out for bis moruile rwith My crutchées; bt pro-4euti> my A,,uctlonofotthe balotul elemntaté lilch AdetlIbelno povert10cor.- th 7adeadîy énvolope, sud vith thal lu- walk, notlolug thé commotion, hadl huart aofteud, thé boarà buret forth, iIt Cthé ,,chiet purpuse t- excludefontr,, î«Lble eefl. vboh now lent, ret my ee gainst the end of the draiva nean sud made a haity xami- and 1 ound myself brealhlug boss- the ininedute ueighhorhool uf the aboli isl a Ib bard vth o n.I téloda 111. ad eelngnation of tué. My strauge symptoms lorrs upon that angollu sarnn id front the béomes to baerocted about naissu bulmuAtwst Iis Ipush d ntwib ai b.aténî~aI once énlîsteri bis sympathy, aud héoîrobes-. the finthéPla c o ilupepleVie, ho,-,s A mkaln t ndwi-sp-11ev Iscou smmoutthain<theIpsibydîrecteut the vorkmen te carry me te 1It lé botter," I "roaned. "b3tte- for ' eOtpleteaipulehuhol Paoxy'stulastol I know net. Ibère nght hasI tthi; end anu ufile. bis bouse. *ber at leamt." And as thltItl, glrlsh rLenti h thé exsuectatwo titis.aiLite> 1 e feel thé appmlliig no- trench. - Thal is thé vhoîé story. -- ald Dr. figure disappéared ausoug thé robe- becante able and houi illustire té dosé., lie.vllno av téo ih rékngsu p-tinaoudBergieaux, 'and I msy adri that vou are troes 1turneraaey mutterlng 1texny- the>'coul> urchaste luts and erect honte, 'shiieki endt pitt it Ilromns 701 thé board g&veavay, ma n y font grogreigsiug véry favorably, sud I'm self, "thé dead anu thle.living cannot Cor tbemuers sithAn convienL dis'. n tlaIDY carsn luite Of paseilout o0f my narrow prison, and I1uéighted te sué ruturning conécIhus- luhabil thé seme world. tances. ur m&vagi tbomsleeofutthe opp r- wO$the camm -nt Oft-ocould féel thé chill i ghl air unon nes on the twénîy-fir t day, juil mas I l'en yeani havé elaumid sincé thal ténit>' té tant béniea ruot ther peuple obu hobuti hulai>lathat viciaitty. i ainsof liat mysteri- Iben. "Mercifu, béas-en, am 1ISaveut, pi-édicte>. But for anather weék I dreadful heurt dI ugra nevte- w As a utattér of tact, a& thc tia.é ut thé retgubmting my thoughts 1 hihispérodhomsle ~bd thé nuât enjotu absobutée elet, sud eau- punteut my action. Thauka to Dr-.Ber- sîrille 6&UofCthe saboliepiéyetémaed t-beir -It vas impossible, and I1ba e dero Y' r ho té ight and lIon you te makre noeuffortte10calict teaux, whose name I havé taken, I amn hemétsand 461 oft t numbur are no* W rgeunl, ttelyéx letmua b stt.y élsmthé unsateré hugl.Lut natur» a stroug sud robuslt mn, aud thankuéniployori At the Ihépe; 5w0 éthers uStAh. t ell bbok upon the pillov grnd, drag igd yslf-loly 1t.f ) tair."lu hlm, véli hupplieut wil titis vorid slinie of thé nrike lit-éd outside. and in ad- th ny beaut y di-octi n my coffnu. For several days my mind cintinued goodi, for bétore bis deatbhé cou- diiion an ettinated flamber utfi-uni 20j tu ___________________00__________eiitplood ut Politnan Cvere us,, or sud lvugMnueieoc wEB1 ander. Marguerite's name vouid __________________tO thr o itriao.cfho, lion of painful oei hn.frammn l to rembeaoptueî1, util eéned omé ln te shop@ auastéthe stop-. *oe eomtng of death, for my I lyteIî o ammntl sr fthat il vas noltumy vitethat I vai thé relations utempiéyef t-o emiployer. and> hI M onvel have heeof bey>a renzy of delight, my oe as flxéd upon Ihinkiug of, but thé beautiful lilttu ia te thuse ad éihers ivlnx in t-he borne.. fet Ihat I shoulut nover thé the staen; sud tu>'bréasil baviug as I chilut that I unise ti rmit about undur , tbe relatIons s ae ampi>'and uni>' thune of "orée l open, aud« Ibis erriblé dretik in deep draughîî ot the Pure, thé trois jcf the nid country home. tenuant- te landlord. 'xho cumpan>' bas tiot robhod me of ail 1 ovor té swoet air, vilch broughl deli, loue Grautuaily, bowvvé, mstth my réturu- -, ow. sud neyer bas u h>it. snyint-e.st mhat- 'lte struggie. balm tenybannlng vitaîs. lug bodlly slrenîgth the awfui scecei of , e ter n the busineus ut an>' of the stores or Grad:fymy îtrngt reurnd t, t o ont tok iIl utlne ndshopé i lut-e bsn. s-bey are rented throuh poing vas nov added t 10 m n m y posteng 1h r eurnd tae thépaiat out-h teru uand sd . . and mantage> b>'outzlde pnrtes, tirestroont pftrued uno cuauri o clongroiagirbéror fud pmore, -an>' rontrol b>' the comptir. The people ~t#eiaafo hngrégantboat aI it mytem ples bammer-tike. I vlvid, until tébn-r0 péet ' llving littthe tésu are ent réA>' triété hir> sbads ve joine I vith etggéredute my foot, and, raling -y osItion impnsréJ itself upon mis. I) r. whérs thé>' ehoose. anA. as a mtatter of ~bio!fcld sud the potionous Ibauds toward thal heautîi, slar-stud - Brteaux vas discréstion it-cît. l'ossi- - tfact-. hélarge dArrurenient In sa <s ut '~suffocatio- tbrée furies, 'ded flr.narnt, 1 poureut eut my thanks bîy lun y delirium I bai to1d hlm ail >P-" 'ivatm. amou rtiêg trt an aver Re tot o! hé ubté ai tife'. -o ive r ofun<lite for havîng thus hé wlîhnd 10 know. $4 11. 00J03a >éar. front Seltotithér. tsi. té - Ic wriug gromus frc'm my ___________as_______a____ copetll( .4lips. q fai tva 3Whon1I séké> for permission to visit for the trii.tae ofaPullmangi-rthe alrn a igri vaueaan s- ome fiénuts in tb. city, ho ruadily ac- lti wa.a 'uelian Cic,thnun- -frn eikeade-c rda I, add/7' irai ré-tult uof hh ul> hé tu hi-mg i lie Wis nev paug gaiueutlu-in r "But you muet rtctamefrQn Imsufferlug î 'rnusîmy oth- - ek, * -étuinto me ffr u- -price3 ut al urerchandîl.,,deru te a utîni- u o atlssd wh Iradical cure 0f yourali imeut. -- »..-Th ail pnèîcîrnuréét hem o! esnit, vblch I ~~~With a béant ovenflovlug with grat- AIIs AS sTWINED ApricrtoiAsq v olrllyli - -"a>,. ulnan rî owoul teredubl myitue, prmisd t do horéqest.par cent.. buît the mrtusa utrertitnt hi> B only 10yedoublé my is tdé, Ipa 1meauttédoas hé quas 1ht'I -iever 3a i nt rerturn ut 0 per cen t. ortre mysewt bialvs tfulJoé ayasi r,- Idéd té me bis di-coveny for thé cursFor set-ciaIears the nvesrent ret'trned totualie amsbd - j i bled outinlto theîtréét on Mycrstches, i a net ierut u 3ýter cent-.trut durinir t" muy lcéth lu my ai-m aud an sd mademywé lo1yan1wih 0 f nérvousali!ment,sud thé natn- te lut two yogishui> nat-rd a rev-enue ot terhe neslîiinOrler tereacb ' yWYmv f vt facture aud sale of that r 'îtîdy bas oî ~. c et Fe01Iluld Lu c)oi the lever straugo ear sud trep'datiou t ward .y12fe et 'devourinz ma. ué Da uphine. 1 fuit liké a criminel uenicbai me. Iu n usewr in questions hy théComnmis. Î*deth wuîdcuîycon vasrétunin hom 10beg ocu verîs fr 1Iovn a smali property adjoining rAnesthé witnesi tel> Of the cout-mets reunighoetebg ogvor.onsieur Si'm-uuaust, anei from thé for r-orktudertaken h< thée ompa,îy at r fftble ciy vhrch tell fron .mredsiaî fsL umed1 me thal Ihall no rigbt to ruturn to wiradov lu thé ibrary eau overlook bis lo,-ts lu erder thitt tIr e mn rtlgltt hé képt joy »fethe> thoutnn fa: . r~kl e f~éoe-arpî b dn.aotbr Té elme-t< tierîrt-éis A ptriettl, t ht-m dnte lifo tihé tbe ougtown butMarguerite. And nov a terrible gazrde. vthtindov I utten vateh ofthe -trike the demi-au>'ha>l lestIovrr fereIf. é ov ýarredhouiht soeumérite agitato me. -WiIl Marguerite vit bebr tai--bal-éd chl- 950000 lu pur-ftitet that polie'. NIur. 14,li orl- antn o a1ntkl e 1cit. Novtl itoIlenabut-e. heredlme-to ulîinsturilier téstimén> rat-lésé> bis ~0Aé ai A[31suNTs-BADS"» hr pro érca? May not thé shok 0 etctaoîb Atfacenu ut0prrlatérv in asu hle bt-eernar em8pub thvhat itam su fonîng nov. -éngn ntrgeonngr t u~lean ith ~ thé idface,"aa attlhreooa ~Aad biidiah te te afrelut o! mercifuliy permittol meo b h. raiseud ber mmnd -" iom -eloeo h e wy atlcbrtfr withoul Ai-am-lits t> freni thé dead. Yes, rlie trfian thé Miv 11mb> înembled se, that I vas iï thé ittie Marguerite of 1-dayr that 1Wck.s Teilé.. àaieglocaI!There lea ad" for Itlelaimpossible Ibal ruai obl 'éit sit don aniest for awhileé 1ic> IL very bard te sy no vbéu elie érond Vice ProsidentsTboutas AI l. ie. a «m atint deeth vîrenjde athcn cause a n itai more Ier- At fYengtb I nahe1Re aphnasiumeotoenter Ibat raci-ol inclosura iufthe ltuilîmunComprany, un tbolet cýl-> ~4 en # t'tefo-meut, keenor panga of pain sud fear buttfor n,éreason I couldutianif>wburé Ibère aure sa mauv beautitul tothestad.salid tt-thé courýctîé -tan bi . s »* oic>, Ae sténo4thanlI bailsu 1ore 1. Oh, Loyirglaut I té oglg-o e aAvakeiupau oweni, but noue un bésuti-ful né Mat-- h>aréte ~ tb la by aud vaké vau 10te alivse igain Thé tears dovu for haIt au bour lu fruitIers gtterito's children. puny hdazea - fa dna m1 a dh>Cou- iti-eamued down, mv cheek ,sd iéy suarcb of IL I thlnk I shoulut bavec iMy wifé's hushauri an' I Ihave a coi- 1:1.401.00L). 0., these .;Iy ueaom ver- tbi... tbughti lurno al Onze tW Marguo.,- bé b o urltn1 rPreu ig acquaintancu, sud no if shaltu'. contracté the contltany Stsdcetily ecneth Ig li-ny tender, leautifigi Margtuerite, and wvit util my mind end body bal] main tlti thé end. Is-~.é h a 'lt umb, ild thé Sharp How sali I,éorudteet3aenter berpro -greva strauger bai not my eyus at [I-na 510 I eéaqr e il ts.000.ir. mo Irogtn my Islbargy. en" ' ' ,A ad yt Inmust net dot..y. Sim- t bat moment falien upon Mmie. Gabin. Wce di;dta il? I fai gein, andi owcau lot-ès ber. Slmnono i ii roh me She w, a juil éenlrnx a utIle restau- Bones l'o- Pouît->. possîbi>' I& woul> have qlýb*t l vs a numi hof o!ber the very oeth e é rn uto iouihn a o e --No une kînâ offotord taas go 0A been bélier for thé es mn hatils-ieu luoeutliy ud> s. 'Ibe white colununs of o lécteut that Aat vas where ve usé> lai ngbecs as boues sdant triasfoil. pu who~ blcoaqD"y Ieetee- somn linyvsbet u u-fo.grounu or out ogether. 'A the boes thé$5A0ttéhan lîowit p -i miet m con. I o me luin he i Stance, andt turnng nmy As my bardA haut grown fnui I as t at ncumulate about buteîer shops the 3tiket-occur, lut 'udmapanrd ho face ovai-utthaom I started off ou a i-u ndréadfuily umaclsted, te k ay uotbing cnb ot sse uulycn o ruit>te a ver>' goad the l . 0 d but i ln t but scarcely haut 1 takén a doin n t psi oft ing on ci-utohes, I bail nuo e i a i g l s t e s al y c n raho dc oSTh ln ia " hf.aqve IL. , 1Nîonly tbought vben the îbougbt dliheutacrocs my taucy icros-lng thé struet sndieéter- tery reasouable pite, sud hheîe aie i xz&rwmcxx .t'shItlra Domt.ma"-"e aste e*tý PMrIcb1iaoS *anodinsLe nerele se>01eai 0:>iadeg i0 I Iaseâtaa-oééIaït scuinmad itnm co 84 -04*01 ta boteter t-busvas Màetýe Lo U~~--iatlcaly vl iat*l dithrisste Wiek i.Temperataum lai, aU* ahAne sbteeormaL Dens, snobe 4*01e. nortit and cis tpontoiona Toc dry for pNeu- lior. t(ore, bea net-and erop llght6~b Lacce fir. lac m-Warsnan> di->, viAi nomO atubla and fleicr de s Coi-n dotea: a sla t cool> bu expoee. and csetehii smse freonfruit At noneoccuri CtitatmÔWm l'asit cre Impréviix mand fam-ila;110 quise Ogetest Minaesota -Warmer tits anoteu , w* d.tlcienl umofaili iattb iil tintasbttier tian expecWeduComa tpeale fau.es.snvip ela. latébullI,. bult 4 'W excelle,,'. Lctsoktglr> e obittas coasiderabl>' abie normal :2d rosa- fiA t-.Ao*tfavorable fth btu ad hâyJnge Whea, eia ad potatons at5 Blocki leh roatl'-ca vos.>'bu"gey§"ld Lai-murlet. 114X, polît-oc. ast>97#gi.eseil North Dakots- Ui-evetiig esaptee al i rain beltug ibrashe& , Sitesers dur- log the % eil bave iprove> cors, potse- rues. Ii rées amn> gmrdose. Orn 5111 esso be - ut of dantger fron tfibust. Kan*as-IWnm mnd> mit>. VitA ibom- dant rai.. léatee utbseSa sed ecut- esira crutiesr stacihere tdry. Pasit ué and lai- rpi mi lprore> tla raieits-= strActs : ésewbere dr-tins: *p ad stockl saier lus.. Iaying finisse>:ri-Iirh11 ,eL.aka-Week -t'a>' dr>'and vi la lit- t-le <hutte la crup fondisios& Passties shiorit A ueli stock belig IR&.tji-étid se dr-y lisitIlAit le pré.rutss hais beén moel Ait plouipt. lils*uuri-inipitîvéd Jte cora and p&&- titres ln sou;liera tort-ton. cause> by show- ors an> clou»' seitîher. and> PIéCI&IlinC- nllt.ted ln norther,, sectiOne i-eU#ntt contît-nOt-and cotrn cuttt Id t éPreOr@ An nma.u>'couritîes.Appt" sitili flag tradly. itkhigan - Té,npei-turé an> seasiîe no. mai. ralInfali hel.«; driési scalait fIbe *savon t-luir tan:une> ioilet> and atr- tonds nonur>lahuiént iu groi-ostai £10 Lais@curnansd u>tatée, an cnt-ire fattonte la ,uauy Iocia!ttes Forest rires ai-*doa miucb damnagse Oblé-Lo0ra shlosons have revisvegoe- lit-iun uémewhat In lbheentrati and seuht- cru portions; ln t-bn ncr.hern couies corn As bayotnd hel p. aud bas bae or sAli ire eut toi- fodjer. Ornerai ftou i ii80m serléits déniagr. Potat"aâsnsiali andDoui uvt-si-t-soirds crotéon luir lansdecorn t ruéintus ie-haIt tu three-CourtheCrop. whAl i,,tIllcor-n iu a ttAnre. RUSH AT THE CUS«TOM-HOUSES. Wli>CAs,,'r o o Senté s,, <5.1Tb.ir I-otnt oii f 1Ho,,. Thécit-t s receipts at Chicago on the day 1 i'ecediug thé goiug humé et- fet- cfthIbe uw taiil am r rexceedeut muy soint heretetore collected. Thé cash recuis-r d amounted te uearly S-J,OOtk, wilîe thé langoît recelpti; for muy othér onu day venu ý(0,00.luNe<v York, te'ore thé oréirg of lte Cas- tom-tifuse,amcresut of 'rokenis neai-ly b.roke devis thé doona ndtaitei- thètse woré uulocked théy nobb-i théei-o- Lunda and tte third division. I>urng thé éxciting cîuub lu the ratundai an Impuorter et dress geots vmaisbéai-i te about lu 2Lbilat-ion thal ha haut sire 1 $3 ,lJt,Â) v o>'kpin is god.; lu bondtit Ihat dey'. Iu importance aundrreeptis thé four voueat porte a nrnaluibis ondsn: New riBoston, IPhihadelph!a. Chicago. bLehiazo éxceeis lunceliectiensi thé gréaI seaboarut cities of Bltilîmore. Baen lt-ancLic and New Orleans. Tho tollomiug talel how, thé receiptiexs- pérsns, as-orage number et employes sud the coul par dollar fer collection.s: Kým- Cnt- Port. Collectilon@ tipénse. vloyesper$A Nes.s-oit SIU.Oln.03iSM 7urMset ilil .0i1 Itatimora .szt.ttè rfsiAf -lI Nés Boston _ _ 19,79.61 fii.Ué s6"t .I SnFnie«o 76i Ies 27.15> US .0.9i' Chtcage..@1510A,841 177»51 lai .Q.3 Toet-Ou a pack of playlng carde nov mthout a 2 cent revenue stampil an otlétîsé puisishable by in. andin-- ormeut. A cém syassenof isuglng aise vent itteéffeol mhlcb, iIliis tbought, will matérIaely'incréas eh revenaues f rom the distilleries. Thé m-aineo tax iî net coluctl lée unlil thé finit or thé vear. It t-s ésîlmatteut that tram tiis source tho Govermmnt vili rec, L o $24,00 10>0 anuuallv. TH-E PYTHIAN ENCAMPMENT. Fittonit ThouandKnights itéviewel b>' the Président lunWasington. The biennial éccampmént et thé Knights utft'ytbtssImai bléArinluWash- iugton Ibis year. itepresentatîves o! ail thé State juni - dictions s rumb eut for thé 1 uriroscofo legisiating for a-mut fîirthering thé inter- ests ot thé orden. sud hîtudIredsol uniform divisions from a Il sections of theécetue- try compute> fo r prizoes iu driling and 'l'ho selectio,iif Wtîshingtrrn rAts- as the pis le forhoug v.maczxm thé ýupreme LoZfrtiupron.e i hsncetior. and éncamuameut sas a slogularly op- proi riata action ou thé part o! thé la-t tossior, wh'ch dont coud lu Kansas Ctty.' Waihington itbe birtbpiace ut thé Kcights o!f -ythiai, aud t is fitting tîsî the city in wblcb thé infant strug- géos of thé oi-dér Iveio m ide shoulut naa bé thé scene o! the largést gath- ening of Kinghts uvér brougbt te- getiier. The order %var tounded Faix Ill, 1?-i, îy Mr.- luice 1IL Rattîboné and et ue.s. au ri-omrinsabegIning o! fis-e n,mbér.; bas growu te ovnir bal! a mil- lion. 'The féaturé of thé éncampmé:îIwa thé gi-sud paradé of thé tini o -turank. Fittenthusnu-niht 1,er n lice 4--