CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 31 Aug 1894, p. 8

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Hif. ï W 81 qGW4 onuIo a. M.-1 te P. am. and sfWerO P. m. ROCKEFEL.LIEI. i ~tert Swan vu homie thîe iIrsL -4 Wk 'Mr. Go*nsd fsmlly are vistîing Abj Wauaaom Wls. Fred Leupkeinth». bought a bi- Itr. Sabîn vît! teach Our scîtool spin. Mis. ost Dow oceuptes lier new boume. Tlteîrsing l nearly doue ini this section RerneuIler the Lake Countv Fu it Libertyville. If. W. Smith and wife visited et Palatine. Friday. Mis. Ilodgklno and datiglîter vislted at Palatine last Friday. la dtlg Vi te base- Our genlel blaeksînlth , Mr. Elues- "o bousm.1 man. le makiug a »eww"il.1 We Xla"s bas moved his famiiv *A Klgh in ;o, J. P. Noruon', bouse.f lioi vcd arihe rIcim o! a = ~OasS auaprtsed party l'ridikvt Kramer hliert urner f roui l qàb"10e liblas beenafur lise HaleBrde n ilihed li.r n9 Mj6letropolftlosn Busa =7àn' returaaed lx».e ti tiret of àeoboert st tise Chapel Friday 1Soteeti ali er noholars as.cntinua taki u iyun uo--d tvill gir. lessoats ecc FORT-MILL. 404m» le saiilband Fred Bauer te buildinîg e a ewbarîî - * bmbouse. 11s, J Beniel returiiedti taier OWorgefan Park lu.tSMtaînlay. 4ÏOt mae la dpsndleg the veeli1 t~~rsuparntslu Waukegen. OUR LMatle SbUitZ fspaLpart of ~eÏwet vi ber frienti. Mies vai laps D)avIs sud famlly spent Set- * afteteaoùuan d Sundity vlth #J. P. WILLIAMS, tl» iaWll Know an ud p«ýà" Well .Dlgger ho-WHISEL 0F FORTUNE," as le@mils IK. >, Wfau eame StuMau 0f havlns a Wei dlus, - wropaire. I1nM quit. sure Ioa il ffl Jet me uNdeep eoflugh for *tflotir fret lu dilameter. tiret 2 00icti% féet suai t1ex1ifrt 1ai11. iloix ax lit fout j&% Pear foot. x tixfe lu diameter, *rat 20 feet etc. for wrellneilht feet sornom 581W barlia aurk done muet furniah board SeSfor woli and timber for curblng, -.00tO17 on joe»wtbln one Mile Of tilboutd myself anai p; ltre- ffli maSsa discount of of85.00 on every 1 céa go IM feet or over wlt.hout l abedouisina gondworkmiwlske àfrai e set t adowin aany Umie. th .ttaww cm0«-t inspet My iie oo*Sant m fcoemmon-aenae tu u tdsaê1ham I aul iithat eu nallie met voit)np nY rOPUtaton and du, » eOlired M 5Weilé &o far in metof*49jobsewithin one mile of *Qq-Mulls.*ad rly think Uey i ho am e sasl OUMwhieh it ievefddnealob for sincn Auff. qai14adbave rut the edrit of espeiatlljritht aihome, fer lstao leaïve theaiPlenty of wat4r. 1 ela t a o uttofOeee ao Pi url hn obl -0 ýtu have a Weil dut cMn refer9 aaie1 0dot4have 99 prions for the I.Attention iven toa liorders ',." J. P. WILLIAMIS. Libert> ville. iti $ 1.1i te 8 KMIàwg,1.60 to 100 S~ hoffl aooordlngly. .04~ Ooods on same basiL. »~d other Peints and Hard- di»m at the sanie rate, Leate Cuirtatn21 yards long, ouly 63 eti a pair. l »sV«rhavje enoiber to buy <auda claeup. Àdo, moud colora, o.y Gen. Ray'@ boardlug hoiaee le well flled with summer boarders. A goodly number from titis plaee too inl tihe reunion Wednesdity. John Kruckman recently madis bis brother nt Wlmot, Wie. e visit. Il. A. Smith Wook a trip to varions placesln Wisconsin, lest Saturday sud Suîidsy. A Party of Hligblend Park Young inen are camping on the bi of tthe the lake. Win. Rouas snd fsmlly vent ta Eb nston, sa ve understood, o e the ahanattue, H. 0. Ost retumued Saturday, ftom Nebrit, vhere he hue been vialtiug for Or... tîme. Get ready for faîl trade, vhieb la sure ta corne by advertieing in the INDEMNEKDNT. Bert Wilcox and M. S. Colby spent a few days ln Michigan, last week, tekt- lng ln the sights. Our pester, Rey. G. N. Crafts, preachaed tais farewell sermon Suuday. Ie lesves Sept. lut for lova. Um Mamie Mong, of Deeplalmies, v ho bas been vlitia ber alter, M rs. Lempter, bas returued hoce. Go.Mitchel sud ,lf, and H. Bait- Isit and vifs vent to 'Evspston a few dasn o W me. the shain battis. Ther viii 0e an Musicl Enterhssin- meut ai the churcl i a Friday even- lug, Aug 81, given by tihe puipie0of the Chilcago MIUltecolle"e; Misses ][Ala Wiliaiiem andi MeUle Liii, Meuers Rd. Sinitit andt ien Davin, slied by Prof. T. D. Davis and NoeelIHuni. IL e te intention of Lhose havlng tii. roncert lai charge ho make thIs one the best crer .glyen inl is part o! the couuiry, andi the patronage of the munie loviag public le soliclted. The churcli cul ,siuire in Lthe prooeeds. Admission, Adultn 25 cenits, cbildern 15 ceatt. Progra. beflus at8So'clock. GILMER. Mise Mertis Clark speuît Sunday in Elgin. Mis. R. D.Cook le upendiîig a few laye villa relatives in Chicago. A nev daughter lias teken op lier abode lu the famil! o! C. G. Small. Mia. J. Norton, o! Reveii8wood, ia speîalîng a few days with relativue nt Gilmer. Mrs. Cernie Wheetois, o! St. Chares, called upon old friends et thiIs place, Tuenlsy. Frank Thiomas a-i amily enter- telueti relatives froua Mentor, Ohio, recently. Miss Ella Hagerty, o! Chicago. visitel relatives liiii!, viciuîtty tinrt o! the vuek. The youîag people o! Fairfil are planîninmg for a caipet-raug social nii tne near future.. Misses Mabe] eîîd Mande Whîeeier &pont Wednesdey nld'1hursday with Autiocla relatives. Seîaool commences iext Moîîday witb Mise Julia Ilardeii, o! Rocke- feller, as teacher. Mrs. .J. Giyncb caid chiidieîîè, of Wanconda vers gueisao! Mm.*M.- A. Anîdrews tirât o!ftVie week.0 Miss Zoa Nîmegurn wlîo spent the sommer at Vniparaiso, le at home wltiî ber parenats for the presest. lirs. J. B. Thoanes and daughter Jeniiie, o! Waukegan, receutly speut a !ev tisys at the bomestead. B3. and Cors Thomas aceompanied tlieu home Monday. APTAKI5IC. A very bright star lai the veet, boys. The pickles are plcktiug iîov'e the cots? Thse canrote didiî't tun thie pickles yeitow, jet. Mise Mary Herschiberger went to Joliet Wfoi bpissent ut the vnediig of lier cousins, Charle lerschberger. Several o! our ueghbors went ho Evanston a set weeh p seee the granda ahana battIs. We hope 1h vii always lie sbiam battles we shall wihaaesm. It 1s our ad duty to clronicle thîe leath o! enother eeteeaaaed ueighbor Mms Clybouru, or vllow Clybouîia ne ase vas mosh generaliy calleti, vas feunutidead lu bedlalst Friday morn- iug by ber children. She lied been ailing eluce lest vînter of rbeuma' ism. âhe leaves tire blîdren tW monu the lamif o!th paret. Tii, reanaina veau taken lust Souday maorniiig 40 Rose 1« torutormaL.The bereved dONu e. be us 0PSA4 au. il WE WILL OPE14 THE FALL SEASON WITE-A Whloh shalleeUpse al aOur former lefforti Iluths e ry ot bagslogiVing and h lîlçi l giv# people the chance to but stylleh sud rellable gôOdseut a great savlng 0; moaieyý W. offer: 150 Good-wearing short pdhte suitse t................ 1 25, SI.50 to 0.00 100 Short pante nuits, of gonds lIait wil give iqIendid wear, at.. 12.50 100 Strlctly 81l-vool suite frotu .... ................. $2.50) 10 $8.50 Combination Suits Whicla meea one coat, t1vo pentA and a cap to match.,#Il for......W.48 Combîniation nuits Wilde or lii, b.,t quaity Of wooleue, nuits vili neyer rip, los no buttous sud wyul not fade, at............. .........,14» 1 Knock-about sUfite of hest gpaof MScotch Chleviot, réguler $6 qusIlty, nt $4.79 Reefer suits for boys froni S to 8 yeerse, froin..... ...........082.50 W 86.8001 Long Pants Suits For boys from 12 to 18 years. gond sahool suite, from......14.00 W 8$6.00 MIack and blue doublebreauted,all.-vool, che'.îut Butta, regular Sf0 quallty $7.80 About 200 suite of varioss env paterne, from .................8$5.00 tb 08.30 Extra Pants 250 Pairs of knee paits, firom»....... .. .25WSI0 Kera.y pente, chich catnot be best for wear. et.........420 te 4c Heavy all-wool ponts.......... ... .............. .............. " Waists Good percale waiste .. ... . . .. .. ..... .. .. . to 2uc Chieviot valt . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .2 C "-Mother'a Frlend"i waists, in new patternà ... . .........46 Flannel wista from ........... ...28e to $1.25 Hats and Caps We show most every style and oolor of listoa nd Caps that is going L) 0. worn this tlil, in prioees. rng friua.. ...........25e to S4k Black Stockings 0f the BurlIiîgton male, guacauteed to hold color, for thiis i de offy....... Beat quality of lavy bicycle etockings for tlîie sale................... 19e S11k Windsor Ties Regular 25e W 385c goods for tIai sale unfly...............12e Boys' Suspenders ......................... ................... 7c Wo 10 Boys' llsndkercbiefti .... .. .. ........Se, or 6 for 15e A SCHOLLAR'S COMPANION Consistiîîg of!l'en, Penhoder, Penis aud Ruler, Given Pree wlth every Bo's Suit.-m- Yotî cannot afford to pesa (Ileadqttarters for Bt ys tImdMea e ViWear) Temperance Temple, -Waukegan. School -Supplies, Pen and Pencil Tablets, School Books. Pens. Ink, Pencils, Paper, Stationery. Full, Fresh, New lime Just Received ,At Loveill's Drug store, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Prepare -for COLO WEATHER. Lay in Your Supply of FUEL now. When You Want to sa«r.eD Mon.osr. BUY VOUR 1-eHARqDWAFIE, M Stoves, Ranges, , and FURNACESU PL '/?P 454f.Cs :Mo=Jsale WgàwPuL MIA TERS. H. B. EGER, Libertyville, Ill. Tihe-' --Fair Edition * If~~e,,NT HALO »ÀYV. Mir. Moore, 1gIe4- 19 Chiago a loy days tast *eek. Johbu Jolanson la homie froua another trip onu Lblakes. J. A. Wells called on'retItes at l)espluinea, lust week. Chas. Gerbert and fainlly are enter- talittutg trienda this vnk. Muet of tii. sunareir boarderu houa I,Çbleego, arm atiî tI U1II ., Mies Lils Mupre, or ChIugo, le vWa ltlug ai lier grsudfather, nyrci Muw-mesaît fw veelua. PereY 'Hlertel and ffumuoesa"dr, oh Jelterigos Park, ame vluQg gat Sheir1 graîadttter, J. Y'. lienMe - 4 Mrs. Li. LaUMootMcd chlireai, oh Phoenaix, Arizonîa, Whao bave been vIa.- lilng relative. lieeasd tu,'Cbleo, willI Mnsarétu oa»oi. Thie quaestli oh ofë%ng repai son the ciaureil, làalpgin reaamd.,a6 tiiotujl danger of' lb sgeluadye*lx »niS ufteii hUO, lutith"1M f vooM Jun uonh«trS aglSl>s.e doue. 'The ml.l r4g,%:aeSîa tat lem1c8 i.4iaimvth"t etiotnglî lîa,îî-y IR râîwJ44ë thu$t, vbyl -iof'tsum eut Illie aiuii'.ioSnie My: [et Ms go to cou k sind 4* eFinila ail taS la nedud, a an epeaa>aWopn. tmr raady tb du tbi. vesiwb.tsiaould t. luviwted emunie b"ison te vor at once, o thug; It mal lie cotapletei behore rami e ether sets lua. The Sabbsth wsbool vorliera eel justly prond oht U*Ieimmesain glvlug sociables at differut plumestbrough- oui tis vlialty, whore leescrasela sold for the purpone of ralslug money Wu laîvest lit a Il.r"rfo1r the Scil. The riext sociable, vli yllie ltae slxth ones given,, viili e on Wna. WIîgg mm's lawn thîs Frlday ovulag, Atug. 3iat. Ail are Invlted Wo attend sudl patke of ice creu nt 10 cenisu dinh, funihed by thle Waies.Cake viil o lie aervad vîtla h, wbihiei li libedo- iiateri by tige ladies, vhko have Su vil- linugly reslauud.d to this request wiLla cake of tIi. most delilcis qualtty, wiliitl siiecls volunmes for tige lh~se ket.pera of titis ousmuaity. Tihe ladt tmsiAelab ais given ounlMr. tSprague l.îwî et Prine Viev, wiaere the joggng pe~oplIe eujioed themaglves Immensely. The on. irerlrmus te Liis vas leld ona .1. F. liertsîle beantiful sud apfieous iawil, viili as brillantiy liglalsi b, uieîîy torches. Japaimlanteraand othler lgls, glviug ILmai eNet uo- tiesable et q uitea distance. Tlale vus the largest eff.tlr ohfLIae kiud, beiig attenitid by miort, than a bunitrsd peo- pie, old and >aulîg, agilo! wîaont pro- iiouiîedfil a tory ernjoyeble evenlug, and Joie.1 iin deciariug Mr. Hlertel as vsry agruteabis host, who left nuthilg undone tumaie everyone eîijoy tlem- selves. About tweuty youug people f rom Libertyvile vere lu attemadance, aînd jolued inl the fuin. Croquet anti otber gaines vers indttiget ian. Lut. ini tIhe eveuiug Mr. E. lerted fet-oreti the conapeuy viti nfev fins seletlous rendered lua a pproring nner upon the piano. Ail hope donat aîaotier sociable esy las appointeti et Mr. lier- tel'& iu tihe>nuserfuture. ilALa I)mY, Ill., Aug. 80, '94. Tige> gaine o! bail referred tu. in asat week*s IIND&PItKD&NT betveen liait Pay and Aptaktic, vas; badiy mis- reprebelatedLby thie Aptakîsic comr- àpondeait. ITle Aptakinle sggregation vas eomposed(e! players fro. Apta- kiale, Buffalo Grore, Diamond Lakes, Wheliug, Lvtieatt andi Forest Rome, whiile 1101! Day uneti players from liai! Day, Dîinound Lake ad Evereti. As Hlai!Day aud Aptekieic have eroeued ,bat8 sereral limes, andtihîe latter bas heen unable to get a gamne, tigs %wtuld-be player snd manager tatkes thus opportuuiity o! claimîng a novel idea, vhili hmusa ppear W lItelli- genai people W os ea very sbrevd, saarp 8ehemne. The Hait! Days ame rendy ah auy coîîvenleut ime wtthiu 20 tisys f rom date Wo meet the Aptakisîca for fnn or aconey. Pur-se not to exceeri 8100, If the manager please. Barrlng aIl outille players. Would be pleasei to hear from the Aptakietc inanager non. RON DOUT. cc_ S Corresponddnts! z 1 0 Where is the NEWS This Week? GU RN EE. Wecdding Carde. .ForWeddingottlonery of the flau tîiiaysd woxkmahfdp alaysooç% hotbe leufie,v esu a. U. Wi cm, 0a r tslten ie ernlte ltbu bs.qb IPI" viti t lm stepowesjt, bs41h ta o m rýun tIi. pin. Dry esuey vWINt oMd I*g Weteimyl h speud ,arcvsralda. vt Mou. .Qiey Me. jewurgIe Babiir as gue olt W.Bubuaelis eeut wt.acoup ontushe saÂ iu Mr.Ja.olerlUsvt t. G=Ch Lae Tuiy e pemi oéla sti The baglihm bat 1eil rnb vt I- u*aog et niletSo tle Wjs. rg TOc Leade le wmint aftdviL' U", n nt Bbutgiliaaeaecu ,ur basalle aile l îmon"veW"hs.le, sd« sentird to»n tla g bull for eordlty. 1 he bavelanern kptite rna fhe iuant adte og may cf~L etsUar ll ap aredluaild for man ie uas or am aernud erid e inu, le bal f places utuald ca gonda"wor tbo»i Wise. J. E. Relly, A. C. Stozea&W iCoigo Baïdeoy vent tui Woodatock Momdsy, te gtay duruigLiheMoBeazy, Ce. Fair. It lé thoir Intention lu go hummlien to Rokford snd then to Jamosylle abd Elhhoru Wis., tW stten thé .WFaita Umeca places beoe tiir retant. Several Waueonds sporismen and sevem ral iaaother places vent Isbtg Tusadai ln Fox River. Not bslng able Ltulbook theni fanstenoogb, Sbsy proeeeJed tW haut aasMin' ud gPt canghby ivthe gaine vausiss. Thers vere thîrteen In ail, but tbey ouly auuceeded lu arrsntiag four vlao vere taken before J. W. lenuett, of Cubat, and Ouned about tweîîty tive vents apiece. My boy vas taleinwitlî n diseuse eemtallng bIooy flux. The Brut Lhaliî i thought of van Chamberlaila Colle, Choler and Diarrboee Remed3. Two doses of it ettied the malter and cured im .souud snd Wel. 1 beartly recoînmend tlîla remedy to ail perdons suifferuaigfromna likemoaplit. I vii saswer any liaquires regardiug it vLan staînp le encloeed. 1 refer tW ani' eofnav o<iiade asto iny rellabllty. Win. Bosch, J. P. Primroy. Cbaaupbell Co., Tenn. for saes by Frank B. LovelI, Libertyvll.sund G. C. Roberta, Wsau- QUENTINS CORNERS. Cris. Schumaker le puttinif up an addition te hie house. Dan Stum Sundayed wits relatives îaid frienda lu Chicago. Boni, to W.. Smithland vîfe, a son. Cîgart nov, Wm. Party Êt lh. Coruers Saturday night drew out a nie crowd. Lots ut people arouad here are short on water for stock, etc. Lester Burdiek, of Rockefeller, sauiied on Our Corners liait week. A&lbert lens, of Palatine., madie a Cali et the corners. Corne agalu. Thresliing lime just about flnlnbed round here; y jelit the smnallest for years. Aug. Meer iasd wlfe, of Wouconds, mande s plesaet vIiitet Quentins Co)rners. Hoenry Berghorn lhan muade e large addition to bIs bouse and other lmi- provemetats. W.. ilokemeyer, o!ftilmer, made a pleaent cmalbere. He vore qultea smile-no wonder. Fritz Fisher and Adolph Rite gave e froc exhibition of chia mugis at the Corners, one moraalng recentiy. Oui brase bandi la maklug fiue pro- grese, and It just strikes thé yuung 1lanules to tae a walk and hear tihe music. Ouir ladiford bad a genuine cane of stiff upper hp. Cause, s horaaet. A tittie over-dose. of medîclue maids à repld cure. Our tand is invited to frunlai music for the county Fair. WiJ.lthey bld 1 1 1 --- 19 b 4 h n

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