CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Sep 1894, p. 5

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P,. r- tPr A. frwqiitI Us*t. las. Tools WIm p.. ~aS 10. S.bootb Shave, a bad o p a'~*maltout. or t8hampoo, ,lot= Ima& =4WWT'=8 rice ru.Iet vetr best biad wteII thrown:UJ i. or apply raiby Work MUti Ladies ar. Ruol '-i ~!tS4 Wh1 tmUnî* MiS ~ftLtl Aa~sRgood. ~a*II~1ykel miaOu ho hEm ai F~~Myi Upoift.wSe.lWo@uI U3UUTYVIUMJLLU rght Parkurst & LIBRYVILLE* IL tUo PtyabI. on i pyn this date Sdel'iver e4. nd »re Itrnalaot vâwte Mai l mu tb. die At foteeet frnxwxna 'AI k" -ofetbéiang aoI4 tros a *ewsir&ma. ettheIlS.estaurani fflo 1tp e uenad got price. Stye, bbeî ourMages an bgg.h. in ton differeut styles at. 0 f.r. eSo a £sons. -t JI lO aaeutaiard wi' lt *bep: and Dlarnond Vraiec e Upatent leur "od by Trlggs4 wa bave a laestock of Ormii 4esXBie pd Whites Te&. blUes.a ,thé followving 10w Pr"e: No.I,. «é W X0 -0. s *le.1; large ".e o. 9 si 25.0.1. sokt noms. B. B asmilbas Ioeatd 0Mlmle vos et W*anstgtmon iue et Lute Ram55i ' plAc m 'yee*lhsgcarpet veai- 'ng rOtsurgsuIe frout ingrat carçel Wil do veli to Calilon I1dm. Il . Scbanec i ii be at Stayer& Abbbtt#, 3SU Wabash, Ave 3 rd floor, ThmrWdays trous il to 12 o'clock and viii "ne Very close prices ro eus. toqm ùmtr sLake Co., viso wish 16 seleet ourriges or buggies trom o large assortinent.1 TI4eWs an occupation for every. btiy*;A traveling plignrn vso t. llevs lu aklng a 1,livig nsUme maner, purohased a box of axic = oh. Mofour boxes, IC fer rnslve, F. MX Sedan vill start bis eider MID, Tueeday, Aug. 28, and run It every ulule * day rni audaIUUy tLuueftIUW(ur- illias, ngth seasoa. Brlng on yoor apples. US., Cholce Building Lots For Sale.. mT lu tise C. Y. Wright addition to Ubertyville. Inqitire of F. P. Dymoud. Card of Thankb. ;00"189 durlng thse recent sicknoe e nd deati OW. of My wtfe. Wmi. -A. Tupper. P In a first- Notlfor Baie. A 19 rooan bouse ail furnisbed in lu. good condition, doing a good business, godwater, everytbing handy. altu- ated at Norfork, -Junctioui, Neb., a "IF Diurne. rrdddevislou of four roade. M5 141 fiest of lind square, 100 foot trous the ispot. Seknem~c»ue0f sslling. 84tt.E. J. FEISOUSON. Nemw Bluckamlth Shosp. Havrngiocatedýmymmif In Sebauckl LL. people of Libertyville and viOity - thât 1 will do ail kinje of geperaj blaaantblng to your enture aatac- Ing Cor- ion and prices wll bis renonabwe >rnand. 41-44 W. A. Butelle. Brlng on Vour Pickles ' I ar ready Lo receive Pickles ai [Jfast as they core, frorn 7 oitelock In * the morning to 7p. m. B. W.Stafford., a we W. ais now taklug orders for Lac- alavainas or IMdhgh Coal tu bc deliver. aise sopiamber trous carsat 86 per ton. G. H.8ha4ek &Sons 'th at Noila 1 Ieby given tisaI there forb1 aBeulianctius lda rries F4~sem r 114,1884st 2.8 r *.0mt b.paiposo ofraeS- lng uight ,d61és ulat the coquet rnoy yTownub Su a lre2e m. 'CÔ ite pOU ~~ Unoiu1s1gÎÏ, rm Amea m ololghm m êisa ms se 1ngia h. &8.yum(" etSa Josephs W.Xwbiey (cas i ot Sow). IL .DliOle in mmf ftbabm MrYà Li-BERTYVïI4.E MARKET., oysc1ed.hy the shasvsyIue, il , iIg l « poMpmasi or iWsesspour Ch" rd -qSON"s, promodire r ,à je 00% &W buor dsangsyom. bohmmi, or y~ rSon or dau&r hbor, <n « Word, îf poisknr'%fi»U oj es <Sne! ofiurrest 1gotJs-Pwbe brLg or sesd <1 Is,, and Mie IuflàoWo. £NT W PUl ks4ipbluoh Lt. Bainat iast and ail are happy. 'Sprlng (Jhickens for sale by Sou The atone and brick vork 4l. nov olgar store and bank bulldliniq fitdosied. A good Urne 10 advertlse la rîlh<t nov. Md thse beat modlurn la tise Iný ComI to e CutyFi ade .W. cn produce a great deal bottil vP&er, if Dur deiinquenti viii prom#p ly puy tiseir subacriptlons.- The Iwnmpuqozsn beats any otter papor lu Lait e County for local ' ' 9,and pobliehes iL vhile 1< la freais, lii .That new e ft walk ln front« stHurbutte and Protine's lets . la ge .~Inprovemnent. Let the good vorkSe on. We made a mistakté ln aur publiai. ed lit of offlcers eiected at -1W 7) Boldiers' Reunion, for tise ÔOcuI & year. The Pretidenikl J. A. mq , of Prairie Viev. d Ail persons buying 50 cents vetà 1- of goodeaet the , esturaut, -iwS be P pr.snted vitis a lbat ofWaukéÉau & Bread. thse beat bread aold la thé county. Mrs.,H. Willams. <47-M) -Sevoral citizen tax-payers couplai ot IcIInatIon by the Village lBoàns Sagainat projected improvements os 4 thse nortis ade, wbule soutb aide 4ei Idents are favored. Our colonis esa open for short discussions of <ho pou- ple's righae. *Tho Ladies 0f-Liberty ville viii gIve ya sopper et <the W. C. T. i. roonu next Tuesday evening Sept. 111h. for thse benefit of the Star Baud. Qoos supper served frora 5 to 9 o'clock fo. 25 cents. Corne everybody. 0 By order of Comltee. Cone, c-re hurry up and have th"i newvtlvasbail and its aurroonding: alicked up. Let'. give the numerous yviSitors trou al parts of the oounty, reasonto h. vel i mpreseed vlth the lite sad enterprise of libertyville s tbey'filvaut tb corne bore tW Ilve and do business. Everybody oonfidentiy expeets that thse always successful Lake County Fair, vill h. better this year thau ever before. ', The oomr are aparing no pains uer expense <o furulsia firet-clas exhibition la every line. Watch Ibis paper for prograin and f urther pargiolara. 0. H. Schanok & Bons have soliui three fine extensBion-top carniageg rsoently asfoIovs9: Win. Steole, Lake Forest, John Bradley, Bondout, extra fine goid strlped, aud- Tom Kelly. They can boy .such rige about S c heaper bine, thonau e Staver& Abbott'sra sotêry la Chicago. The !loving<$aoî shows thse dit- ferenice betwecxseliteand dead town; ed Gould and morne otf he neiglibors near Wauconda tbok loada of e«ta to Waukegan lait week but aould not get, an offer for thorn. They then drove back UW Lîbereyvile andi soli their oas t Wright & Son for 33 contea a tushel. .Preabyterian Church4guaday.sept. 9. Mornnng Topie; Tise Ch"riscov- amat. Ordinanse eOftLord'#: Bupper and Bapum sin iibe obaervd . £velng'v.tid5.~~'Theme; 'Forlvo Oa's !bin" Tisýe esion viii Meet at tise CiUreis At » ielock 8,a.n.t0Oonter vlIb mgoy vin May Ile- ste tO unit. viti t te chureis Ail tise ad seNioers, , isaI sons. daugisters and oueet heart. gud al pairoUsII pensons,ôn, vommu and ohildrOn Are iu'Vited 10 taite their mlait thse letaurat durlàig Pair weeb. Tise etiurarit le kept by the vite et anhIbvalid soldier and al Patronage viiib. tbanktullyreeved. The- bus *III vmnfrom thie grounds to oui dooir. Primes iii b.moderato and tie nel Mrs ira-elasq, viUserve lunchs or tfulcasais as deslred. lue Cesis Fruit, Candy and Cigare ln poau.tion vils lte restaurat. 47-48 Mur. a. WPllmsPropriotres.. To Th Lades ea IeUaryville. ,Ms.A. Shup, eot ]Racine, bas ýplact! on a"le brMIagical Beautifier, ,Tààue uider and Curling Plaid. 8110 0010s spécial aMention 1tiste 'T1saýp, Ildez-,as a skia food for id a-, Negular meti4ng village Board. LmrnuST-xL, Sept. 3d, 1894. Boasrd met in regular session wltis President Avenu 10l the chair. Present: ÂWpey ,Reath, 11oGregor, Osborne and Taylor. Absent: mocormick. - M1inutsOf Augf. th and Sth read spdi Ou motion of Beath and Apply -were approved and plaood on ülo. iPisanco recommended payment of ,thse following bis. C. SusItis& -Son, $5.57; B. C'. Paddock, $0.42. Mo. -Mou Taylor and Appley the bille bc al- -Jeved, and warranti for tihe arnoünte b. drawn on the treauirer, trom their lýOPepctlve fonids. Carrled. Bills of J. B. $sauter, $8.25; Chbas. BlsIer, $21.70;. Oe. Pelton, $8.2s; 0. A. Ileath,*15.7, J.4A. Moore, 8300o; M. Fprosbrnsn, *50.5. Motion Appley AlldBeatb the bllW ha alowed, and Warrfants for tlhe several amounts be êaw onhet reasorun. frorn thei Xopetivfondahandalr themd t « Motiown eahpaof tay lor the mat hpji sif oveehiof tiske olve.idsva lgnt utsdoer f MiukStAve.trom teurrb tth coert Higon Street b ime sre to thefo lvetee on tt power to eettie. Carnled. 1 Treasurer's report for the rnonth of -August, read. Said report shows leà%oont on baud Aug. 6j, 1884.$*701.22; lrêOipts for licences, $M4.00. total on 0. Aug. Stis to Sept. ahb, *$M.62, leaving net balance on hand la the treasury it 01 $822.60. Motion Heaths and ' Appley Sthe. treasurer's report bc acceptesi, sud placed on file. Carrled., Ordinance No. 60, for tise repealing le 0f Ordinance No. 69.vwu introduced. g otion Heathi and Taylor Ordisuance xq-ho 60 h. passed. MoI Cali: Appley not voting, Heaths, aye, Mc- b regor aye, Osborne aye. Taylor, aye. - otal vote, 4 ayes. (larried. O0rdlnance No. 61 vas thon lIre- duced to amend Section 3 ot Ordi- te ance No. 8. Motion McGregor and1 Ouborne, Ordinance No. el bo passed._ " el caîl: Appley no, Heathu eye. Me- G regor aye, Osborne ayo. Taylor ale. Total vote, 5-4 ayee. Csarsied. *Motion MeOregor and Taylor the Bpresident appoint thuee mon as special police during the Fair. Carrled. Motion McOregor and Heathi ve 's adJourn. Carrled. a E. L Du Bois, Village Clerk. dOrdirianceaNi. 60. ýr An Ordinance to repeai Ordinauce No. 59, passed Aug. 27Lis, 1894. Be lt ardained by Lise preaideut and <board of trustees QtI the village of SLiberty-%Ille, Ill., that Ordinance No. S59 h. hereby repealed. Passed Sept. 3d, 189. e AppovdSept. 3d,1894. Published Sept. 7tb, 1894. 0 C. H. AVVREn4, President, d Attest, E. L. DeBois, Village Clerk. ýt Ordinance No. 61. y An Ordînanco te amend Section 3, of s (irdinance No. 8, paased Aug. 4th, g 1183. a SEc. 1. Be IL ordalned by thse presi- dent andi board of truatees-of the vil- 1lage of Libertyvlllo, Ill., that Section No. 3, of Ordinance No. 8 is hiereby 1 amendesi by addlng thereto the fol- 3 owing. AUl ominibuoses, hacks or other conveyances for eonveying lîassengers bock and forth within the corporation, *2.00 per dieus, rate of fare noLt t exceed Io cents each w' y. PsSsed Se pt. 3d, 1894. A4uiprovesi Sept. 3d, j3894. Publishesi Sept. 7th, 1894. C. H. AVEB;LL, Presidesut. Attest, E. L. DuBois, Village (lerk. tRaim Cornes. The Record Broken. 1 The fnlrsaboy10er of any conequence 1since May 16, carne Monday lu a Sd renching ramn, Thi. extreme drowtb far ecîspes anything on record. At ter over tbree menthe vithoot rain the ecati basi become s0 parchesi andi dry tisatItifseemed ready to bora Up in fact Many places t hu been burnjng for one or vo montits. Tbe nain even now vii help pastares, fali piowing, iay dle duat, J11 up dry clateras and Wells; but le loie t beeftero. Had lorne a monts or six veeka ago l would have licou vorîli millions 10 tise tanersanad Indiroctly valuabie to everybody. Corraetlv Stste.d The m4n uho bopes te have hi. tovn obtala permanent prosperity, says tise QUais.Wbrld Kerald, viii Patronise ies home papes. Tisat paper le Ueaily koepted as refleot- ing tise cbarOeetOtiseelova. [EnterPrislugpee~ e COnnot afford to bc rnlsrepreseted, by a shoott ha1 laj an aggregatilea 0f typograpbjcal bluaders and dead patent raediaine ade. Tise P«per tisul 1s Weil supplled vlLh fresis local advertling viii very readily Improvo ILs oolumne of rossi. ing matIes. A god local novspapor ia the best adveuiisemenî a iown May have. Tise aonmmanty that keePs its editor veOU Wed yulfinsithat tihe inveetusents la bettes that 62'6 2 e5 11 People According to the Census returns of 189o, that number of people in the United States WEAR PANTS. About orie-haif of these we could flot fur- nish, owing to the fact that we are caterers only to the LORDS 0F ORIEATIC* The Celebrated Guaranteed Brand of HAPPY -HOM& Is Bound to please THAT OTHERRHAIl Corne in and be convinced for 87-50, for a fuil suit, Coat, Pants and Vest.à C olby's BagapS ISAAC IIEATiI & s LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., Deaers"' alpts, ;Varptshi%e7 Furpiture, etc.. Undertaking $ NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED. w A T o H our ad. on flrst page of the Fa*? r- Embalmir t*--x

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