~o110 8. M.-I te 2 P. M- end after 6SP.m ROCKEFELLER- XM.j. C. Kiver is vistlng frends Lw& O4Â>a hio. Gekwrge )MKetolien bas returned a &trip tWMontana. Jwm. W. Ls.Rioh entertalned- triends *QMolaWaUP*aa is week. pobI Loo u ent tW Englewood uooely 10 attend schooi. »ust Terqnlng and ite visiteda t Bo ousm% over SundAY. mu.flhuiln. rou Rimbuat visited ber aliter cmsm leruchlbergorttias week. A b.d of Our young people attended »U UIMr&gsocial at Fairfeld 3l0b&.Wbttney bastbec»on ue sick 800* u lten is ustial S. go" ubed .6qulle sualdeal>' et V»~b b~oro ber brother R.R ~aboomt iliums. y evening. M 8.O . Crafts left Monda>' for IMM te loattend onference. He viii tmjanIh emmone conference ln that ivinag puebssead a hearse, 1 Ama gampared W o nduet f unersîs, as wei assoefflie public as undertaker- WILL KIOGI Ir E_ W. ButterfiekUs teani engsgtd la lively run-away 1-t IWedîîesday. ~-~eronias J..., ~c~t L~.king Ue wmaa 111e. .1r :cord a shate evangefl8t in th e ploy o!thie Congregaîlon home lasbsBqm7&Mwety wth the assistaie 'atUm S.Boulough, asinger, areholdi ng piotrateal meetings at the ebaptl. Clipp says that Win. H. Meyer gnakea 8120 per day ihhitIhre8hlag mowhine andl can afford ho laY Off when anything breaks dowmo. Weil we suppoie Meyer, Leniker et ai are. bustiers and aBeil out the grain nt a livel>' rate, so does Cllpp and hi,, *erew. Keela good natrea bo sad pass the jolies around. We'Il help) you. VOLO. Mr. ad r. 1Lnnley andaI.a t3mith, of! Raaîgwoual, mere gaes t a E. Iicharaloîîa ver inaîl. &ndrew andl Jessie Cook, of Wauke- ra --jMj3 viîted nat A. J. taynidàa ni ,ý aihves rt Wautoiada aver Suiîday. »latiidiay evei)titliere taiii Ite a Suaday scliiw#mniissiuîa ry culiceî t Il, ts Volo M. E. chîrrclh. Randing, tecitatioua anal suigs. 1ev. Coidwelilias oni>' Ilrea Suii- daya more tu preachla iiVlu before t>fefreac. (jive huai a fîîlllaunsi, wbile lit ronaais wmilaus. Chanle>' Beugli, rita andl datgliler Seile, ut Waukegau, &peutlSuida)' willa their parents. Alil ere pleaseal toume ses IatahVolu eh urciliaance more. Most a!1lihe Ilreslîing ini this îeiglî- borlaood mas donc asat caek. 'aVieat a"suta are an aterage yeild riil romt <If lite farera. A. J . Raymonda leog canderable oase ailh te bail etomuaofiJ une 23. The Bunda>' achool lbas decialed tb bave a picufle Saturat>'Sept. 15. They Invite Fort Ilili andaIBig Hilla- Suiaaay achools ho jaaa iiin ihteu anad bave a grand goual lime. INe wil knor nexi Sunda>' oveîîiîag ]nla lat grove me a-i meet. A commrilîe mdl repoat ai liant lime. CUBA Iteml§ raeeleaI to aIâte for itat w James Grace is on tlie îick list. Andrew Dail>' retuniie( to te cit) Itirat o! last week. Willile 1h11, of Chicago, is te guesl o!Ilus ucie J. Gma. blisa ('ra 1avli ade a tiying trip toi Llbertyt-ille, Frida>'. Um Kale Daiuiy, ut Chicago, is tle guet a! J. i)ally and fautily. Sieurs Davlin, Dîxil>' and Murray' etteadeal the picnic at McHeîary la T order to Introduce Chaaneriain's 11130ougit Redy bleswe solal severai tZdAnas bottlea on a strict guaranlce anal *&vÎa, fonad ever>' botîle aid gond ~orvce. Wae have nsal il ouracives and tlguki It superior Io an>' ailer. W. 1. .~Mowrey, Jarviavllie, W. '%a. For saleby PF B. Loveli Liherlyville, anal R. C. Roberts, Wauconda, draaggist. Agrlcultnral and Tîmber Lande. "'IThre are tlaoasaîd ot Acres of -.galFrmnug andal ardwasual Tiniher ' rLtds lu Noîllerti Wisconsint, iucaled h.ad nIt ery l 1w lances,anduîdapin aeris. Fodescrîiti te pamphliets, fuil intformîatiaon, adhress Fred ;" ~tbt, Lanal ComiiîunerWisuin beiltal jLîis, Miwauikee, 'avis. Judicicous Advertlsh'ag C*s qmy a new busiais. -Isa n Oid imitnws BatiT AbUbttI LegmIl tsyer'work at titi 8auîstuêo>ool Moitday. miesAlic o ïÏtt lered upon ber sohool duties .ut liaU iay Monday. BocIVord sbrunk llanW finto 27 to Si5 cents per yard aI Win Kuebker's, Ivan- boe. Mise Rosa Siaipson spentlaetThura- day and Friday withi lier sister at Nunda. Our soui (apened Monda>' moruing witb Beu M ier of Libertyvlle, as teacher. For tnidertakiug or liearse eauiton M*IIl Knigge ut Rockefeller. Prices reasonubie. 4 Miss Bena Decker, of S4oUtb Evans- ton, la visitlng lier motiier Mre. Laura Decker. The achool liouse was cleaneal and. neWiy papered st week, and make ready for Ihe-school 10 re-open. IloUart Swan asid wife were aeal to GienElynu last Saturdty tW attend the funeral of bis brotlier Theodore. Rev. W. L. Dibble deiivered an excellent sermon Sunday evening on the subjet. The aiotan education. Little Iharry Fooket feiltrou the aIdas last Weduesday and broite o»n ar» near the elbow, but la dolng nies- 1>'y under the cars of Dr. KnIght. At the regular commun on service hast Sunday a number of our young rpeople unlted wltb the churoli on cou- 1frasian ot tslth. andl one lady b>' leiter. Misse& Edith Bowling, Emima and Lucy Spafford and Messrs John 1Trotter andl Raiph 8pafford, of Milburn, visited friends here st week. 1 Miss Ilarriet Birainerd bas been @ufferiiig lte past week with ihflani- -mi*oly- rikeumatisai, but,.-under lte cure a!f Dr. Ewing she le rapidiy re- galning bier heaitb. eThe repairs on the oburcli bave ebegun iii earniest. Laat week tho edîlice lias cleaneal and lwo aaew clîimneys built and the paper hangeas were expected to begin wurk, Wednes- day. Mrs. L. Il. liryart'a Sunday- sehool clan gave a sccial ut her home hist 'Itiur8day evenîaîg for the young ladies of Mrs. Dibblles cluise and thoBe aooia ito go awav. Supper maisservealontle lia-1 ainad a v~ery pleasautiitand long tu 1 b reiietaalaered eveaaing speîit b>' ail. M<îaalaa3nortiig six of our vouîag ladies aleîarted for scîtool. Mlisses j Alice aiai 1lillin aynea3aC luDixain, Ida iad)( Fi-iv Brytant, Tliur-za Sîipson andl E'm ii)- tC-aaarey, tai Valparaiso, Iiid. t ziu Wili l'.ayn e. le-aves ona Frday tb leghi a tlîree coui'eaarse at i eoit Wîs 'Miss Lottie Mi aecommieies lier -1--A laaili :ttN t a t si rica-a tais w--k Hlarry Bles anad Arthuar Ritty ciii Coîmmenice pmasitg ia> Willa lheir liu- 1a atachite sotn. A rtiur RitI>' trer Ithe lucky tuinher for t aanmuock and tai is a lice une made hy Ivan Payiia. Miiss LîtitaTliater auida lier sisterl Ethel have beau saaattîag liei, a few days relurae te uhiair honte in Aîîiiocb al weelm. hmr. Dykes la hum able ho do light rurk, J. B. Dykes i tlai 11cotilluad l bis bed; lis broken log à daoing final>' unader Dr. Kniglt's care. The neigh- hors are t-ar> kit,d to bina in bis afflue- tion; tue>' drew il?)lis grain anal sta.ck- ed il, and last aeek Ihe>' came entas ait t1hea tlarealîiîg machane anal ibreslie tea lout. Tmo meekai ago .Mrs. I)ihies clam of ' ouhng ladies gave Ars. L. Bryanl's daas f Young gentlemen a receplion aI Mms. Dibble'a. l'ho refraahiments a-are cake. ice creani, watarmeioaî anal pears. Ail reporleal a gond lime. Last Thaursàa>' eveaîiag Mm. Bryaut's clats of Youing gentlemen gav-e ars. IJible clan of Young indiesa receplion ii ietuiai. There refraehments a-ara ciake, ice creana, peaclies, hananas, Ilis anda gr.apes Ico kinde ritla lieacles nisu liceal inicreant anal sugar. 'llite gentlemaen did spiendidl>' in ar- raaiging eaerytiag so aicel>'. G(mes vre participateal in mail a late hour. Desite lte aeunîg a-as ver>' dark anal damp. The young ladies eatch arer a slip o! piper out of a packet; on liis was rritten the aimas o!ftte gentliemanasksahe slnianke 10lite supper table, FREMONT CENTER. Geo. Davis says bis corn wmUt harveat savent>' bajael baskets to the acre. ia oats turneal out about 60 bushel 10 the acre anal potalu crop wiU beo good. . J. A. Deltbora says ha la disguat- ed willa politles, but ho cari raise as gond cropa as an>' o! bis neighbr. ý. . liairney Babu la gai>'and atlppy witb bis charaning Youang ite. 1e bas huuglit anal is filting up a neornoe t Gratys Laike whaîch ho wiii occup>' as scouias ati01e of the hoy s marries a bouse- keeper. ...Tihe atagiter boys are tiiesiîiig lots of grai wt iliIlataiea- steanirnîlutit T'r it>have workenuugh for thiaee weeks 3 et ....taln us the niews ever>' rck. Weddlng Cards. For Weddlng alationer>' o!f te fines luaillyaid workm-aaip always corne to lte ISzD»ET Printbig OMole. W. ohaflcbgecompetftlonlu !anoy as voit asplain »et». - W.ea«U tt- aic.b anvibli - (taaàwad , lw a WE WILL OPEN THE FALL SEASON %WTH A Gigaptic ý$Chtn>o1C -0thipg Sae Wblch &hall eclipse ait our former efforts ini the, waty ot bargain givlng, and mlalch wili give people tlhe chance to buy styilsh and reliable goodeaai a great saving o! mone>'. We offer: 150 Good-wearlng short pamta suite ai 81.25, $1.50 1o082.00 100 Short peuhnt suite, 0f gnods'llaaî will give saieîîdld a-car, at .....82.60 loti stricîiy ali-mool suite fom ............. _2.50 to $3.50 Combination Suits Whlcb means ooneccitt, two pente anal a cap ha match, ail for.......3.48 Gombination suts amdeofo! *ap est quaiity of moolens, suite miii nover rip, bse no buttons and mli not fade, at........... ......... 84.89 Kn4ock-about suits o! begL grade a! Scotch Chevriot, regniar $6 qality, aI *4.78 Reefer suits for boys trou 3S W 8 years, ftrom .. .......$.50 ta&5.00 Long Pants Suits For boys froru 12 tu 18 yeare, good aclaool suite, front.......4.00 tu 86 00 BWak andal bie double-broasted, ail-wouI, cheviot sulla, regular 810 qualit>' $7.80 About 200 suite of varions new paterne, froni.. .........85.00 t108880 Extra Pants 250 Pairs of knec pats, from.... ........... 25e W 8$1.00 Kersey pente, %hicb caaîaaut ha beat foi- wear. at..................42c tW 48c iHeavy ail-muai peints ..... ........._58c Wai sts Gvood percale wabsas............... Cheviot maist8 .. .. .. . ... "-Motlier's Frieud! aL" rtis, iu aew pataternîs Fiannel wiists f rom. ....... 'ae ho not vey tyeaa olano! aslCpthtlagbtal- lu to 25c 4&c 2ft to $1.25 worai tiai~ fali, lu prices maagiîig froan . . . 2-5c lu soc Black Stockings Of the BIlihngton malte, guarantacat l llud color, for this sale ofi> ..... 120 Beat qualiiy of! leavy bicycle stocklng. for tiis sale ..19e Sillç Windsor Ties Regular 2,c lu 3Me gouds for titis sale uaiv Boys' Suspeyaders. ........... Boys'JIandkerch)iefs .. 1 . 2e 7cto 10 3c, 4 Pr 6 for 1,5c A SCHOLLARI'S COMIPANION Cuttsistiiag aif l'et), 'enhlolder, ['etcils nid i Ielea1 Gly.,n Free with every Boy's suit. 1' ,olcat Io afforU I îpaass The "Model" Clothillg 101180 (Ileadqîîiareis for i andI le s s Weic Temperance Temple, -Waukegan. Prepare for OOLD WEATHER. When You Want ta BUY YOUR Stoves, Ranges, and FURNACESI. H. B. EGER, I o e s. A COMPLjETE STOCK GAIN, SEEDSMILL-STUFFS, Lime. Drain. Tue, Farm Wagons, Buggies, Agriculturai Implements. Etc. We have a new Stock of the farnous Weber Wagons -And the Bloomington- HSarber Bros. Buggies l% Carrnages, Oeil and See Themn.-..ob, ý v lit .%sea.iae aiii ha garcai lky lte 'dies ni lte Th'uvta lt, Friday ecccii1 liea eit. ca 11. Penches tand crealal i leé( scrééedi tiacake.'lile gruaîîaale ai -eli.gltaaIlforte coivilaieliceofta liiose aviI léa) lai 1,113 lît of-douri ga1. ' lit e a are ta., e aa,ed1 lieaalal-V lias ;.1laii uy leeli raiaal ta, laa filace iais l ias lta a lCt3itaicla lieta-adlett'aaîî al l if tiéce- ie laeI rlIta a ii gite aa laiý s a-a-a k 1tatheicroui titeir atsistanice miii lacet cry ilairwik- fili>' accepteal. Soute liavea iaiaai uffereal a few dayâsaa,rk , Ladites ciii plcase triîtg cake lu llae suciabhle.. Geoarge Facile, of lIgiua, foaert-rg a thlis placaie, ité visi li g relalivts anada friands lie re -..3ira. J. Ni. Faute lias Leen qaite sîa-k wiil îîiiî buhat is re- poricd îuipraviltg ,,,,,Lt5le 31 a) Spearti,aholitehat very sîck, îni some bellar, ..misses JaîslîaaeMille andl Sophlie l"irigstaat starteal for Gem- niart>' ag3.miss Pâlugtolî mlii attend a Imo years't course ail lIe Iboyal .&cat- ulamy oft Music aI latuotor...Ounr schoaail opened naiiit. mîllaAlite Smih. cf ht aalaae, as teaicler... , Ret-. Graay's place wais Iilea last Suit- day uaoriîag anal averîîuîg b>' another mnister fr(aln C hicago. «.Services evar>' Siatida>' 10.30 a..sad 7:30 p. mi. Sabbatla sehool i 11,80 a. mi. Ail are cordiali>' int'iteil lu attenda, anal il la hoped a langer coiigregAttio i miiatt- tend n iext Stàimdai>' -.r. Jolaasaan h" sosld flei place arowas te river andl bas moveal itîlo bthe A îig. ihulal lîuî:s.ýe in lIit village. APTAKISIC. li orrecling our alaterrierît con- cerîairag te alt ba i gante ai litai! Day th-tl f anios baller>', Clarkson & Kelly, ware lighlinlaexact ltenselves, wliicii Mai>'appear if ihe>' miliiplease iame te players trou Forest IHome andl Wleeling, wlao as te baller>' dlaim played mitlte Aptakiaica. Aise, lot thunt Include lanuatmlng the Hll! Day liai of players one rm Aptakiale. Thoin if lte>' would Le eatirely exact ia Iheir stalenient o! the caselat cu make cleaw thein sentence ira Ibeïr saalsent whether --manager" retemrd t a o! Aptakisie or Halt Day and wht la roterred toW b> ' a narveli dea..... Wbooping coug if I quite prevalent amaing us. ....,John Sturm anal tamuîy. o! Chicago, vited et F. ilerschbeiger'a last Sunda>'. '-How toi write for a nreviapaper: let à £lave sometbing to write about. 2ad] Write plain, dol your lés; cross your~ t'a; point saintances: begin wlth cap-, ltals. 3rd, Write short; to the point stop wben you have done. 4th, Write on only one aIde o! the leaI. 5th Read il over, abrldge and correct it until you get l; !Into the s3hortesa. sPaca possible. AdvertCi,ersanal correspondenta etioulal rememiber IbatltIl akes liane 10 set type betore a paper uari ho prlnted. Yon w1ll greally oblige by handiog li your copy early. Copy for ad&o Wust hereatter ho lu our banda flot latèr tIbm Wednesday nue», auo we cmn devote nure4ay tW ettlng up th-- fl e.les.. We"Sai priaI lte IN, w-tU Lltl e. for 1 Is 4tolti <4 f o àlî 14ke en.~ I. Grain kW4 l»JSry Fswu dr cuIltatIoé Ie able pi¶ bu mai 1 rw ll tente1 to a OOpoUà1bl* ParL7ty for term of tê& Apei to »-. WIsnler, =o bet uaty MoUQqî LbemtivIl c et b. &WI..1#9*4 Out' sbool op eiiod honda>'. Joh» sehwoot sîveldig thebicb. t*sMhtbg pauses o&taand other "I ~dgraine îety igbttla IbIs localît>'. JE. Woodrna, ut Clricago, spent a few davis lait week witlitsi brother, here. The. genail ",&le" Tupper. of lidout apéeat last $uhday amoasg u&i Whaî <dom Wiaa, "T«pY" 11 W m. arker le again lu tIb m tplO>' ot our lusatlg tmblantsa. Z.Fnitt &CVo. GIadtma.limbaek., Miss0 auaisZerwer lias rturned tW Chicago atter speîîdlng a few weeks la uwi utile burg the gueset o! ber altte! MUs. B. fnau1z. WS. Eichner hiad the mustorune te> fait anid break lilmieg mUlle on i& va> hoirete fuse »eeaeld lait Sund*i> evenîa, ng. flc bae vas qulto baili fractuteal, but witit gond aawglal a tendance BAl>' sayalie viilbe aromid A good shoer Monda>' caîîsed oea»>'people oet iis vicbnitt>'otai U ti»ktut. 'Twm e. 8mremin bers Siam May 1sdaîwlhb the exception of one very ailib prinkllng. Wlîat ta wrxbng with Our boys? Uta! dun't jeu keitow? Wby ail of 14m Barkerm pretit murnuboardera'have returned Ljto (,Jti«4cgo. Nover mlicd boyssitexi >eur lb.>' iii retuon»and Uc juat asnî'retty. The graue on tihe foui luiatlatirosîgli the field sîli now bave a chante to10grov s&gulu.în. d ,,Mark" nay moril Steve, Mns. Barkers lawn wmlii iok btter. My boy mas tlikon wilh a disease rm senibling bloM)l flux. The tiret th#iag 1 thiotght of was Chamberai' Colle. Coiera anal Diorrboeat emeal>. Twa altows of l bettled the malter anal cured im somitalaad mou. I beartl>' reconusmnaltItis remedy U) lual persons auffering tro a llkeoomplainl. Itwill anamer an>' Inquires regardingi t wMien stamp ia enrelooed. 1 refer la any covnlty official ast§ otu II rellablilly. Win. Ruaàcl, J. P. Primmy>. Charaphel C'o., Tenu. for sale by Fraênk B. Lo-veli, L'iliertyvilie 1a1al G. C. hiobelrta., Wau. HAL.F DAY. FR ED CROKER, Tai1ore Draper, SPRAGUE ST.. Patterns Cut to Ordor for Ladies an d(Gents' Talloring. 1. BARISTÙW 126 IL 9"nuSt., AIIJ Ask Your s Grocer for k.~ r -- A?ým « IR 'RNO U Il Il 50W thlUt m mm 1lm p - Mnl.t d. mn 1 - ota. m sm10l g - nuaih but on femo^ mon 0 ftetS«Ab. Pm ba. Yor walohIiIt * mdbmUe. am a b" niL. cbc. «14 t«*11 aIhibot »mm mm Partieàu Igi.oaW*o. muUfuam s ouE r- hlp, bab fa ho MW US IAMW torbn& Il msie; omly mjob whla mom 0» 1e if barne tbm I1ilboud icysarf sd bo.t;Io vise 1liwaM -U aoiueof cd *»Ob auinv mmjob ttIhalhagg" %« lor ovetwibfl curbIg.woet tobedoie la mai dwarkmwmeh mmwub ss ea tu o dow lua aMW lIes. lpftter tha ifltb ov oea«M IU*550 My rork. Ibat b. amuiam" 0f omm.0o4m e IM oownsu moÉ,bat 1 amn "DUg »U " m oa bu dons. sud Ibai mli help iuy rpulahin m M "ihfy bita. 1Ibave dug ad replffd!PM wlle j» 1«tel labo CD>.. mai out do jolo mIlita e amil. 0 bmrn ICIamm Dowm U4M M md ..y Ualah lis ot0 &il tbaatktul lit lbmaiMota$M b itI CMt tet fur MY tmte. Iona give the as Ofef -e I1bu% dmsa4 job fuoù» &g Ag. M. lfl&eMd 1 - lod1 iàbavgotbe qedlt - om m m. opatailiriaitt 1boSl.4 fe U11710$ uj'5t au louve thon pleutyof %raser. He"-'ftar 1I-11 ilchow a dlmof i ie per oral fm rmaboît, pataeà for emab miri Soila done. 11 ot paid m ben mark ta dont. I1mi"1 âdi 0se P.T aont at tlmve poifl.aiddoume a nOte tuf 0441 lernUWU An) u maihitig to bave a mail dug » eu e 10 ttw >IIoTC. I du nt ar@ aego pailtsfor the C.1; Mo r Meli AealN gitn1adr J P. WILLIAMS. lux M.i Lthera> ville. 111