AM. MAY yrr lxidwes t Wruo mble if , iraillâth ou teanni ci ofreai mlos ss is-a '~A~BTmAbd*,* «xgîlxuSudan i plote. arbitra- tie. audt émsa lOSUýofi <immigrsation WttPulamt.euggumlse Uf. anhaio ~ Ijalmei Os, Sevetba titan. ltepostion laa.î90me alde r.e,.dy ~ eutee lciscyiae-eau ha bvomgttb otle haleueemployer ara lu9p Afrndy WWat etnspluyetiTise commis.tla iretro 0dual vuîh lie question of remielisoutaida of P~ ~thase suugesto t aheb iiorsng. but tise laitlmesi huubt ont eveny oancelvab;e bMpeler a.s liop foua, plan sadtisil1lemot neceesav ri ago houend 4jisi4stemi attheusEmpsert haiesuggestnd. ait viliib oreihe publie Il1 regikely bu daured lu ho "ia hier thée iquisy'rainihi luba* Cry. ku.<ison. wviiiyul reat fit»" idIot MUni< hutilliicer- ,àpauaie Li Buni OChant bar Ialnly ha haneficla i tiglving the publie ro'sdathe b.senm ecommanti exhaitise Information on tho càuses and gg Tsing ut f be province etf Mu- Incient* of tfie ant Utei- dit»* t*ce.ifull tomer& Li geutliatormallon' la ItmefiràI tep tovartis ait retiresr lisgutotePue Tng remailai legilattôldu. aplai, et Iha province of cii Lt reuaimelienu s otîes are FATAL FIBEE AT.NANAIXO. at.eei tbanhal Kva,. thbe tes-- "a gpea% ýMll viere 1htforms theTuc, Liveu Le,>sad Prepselu Velnai il b"weuite ieprovInes <f Clii Li - S00.000Y Ile5royisd g ial.& Ila ung cVnaeg'i ami Tva men wveobOueti t 4 ètilalIo id. An importai etlet bal'been athen mon andi a lahb 3girl ver. hadly lu- « lilai Go.. Saez. fortnenly ln e uan d 8160. 003 vorti <nf propesly te. Fr Port Arlhur. generailsslmo oet sî'toyotbu a trset aInauimo. E I. a Tie rai tu 'si corps. nov lt Ma-lare itastetisa, lie cornter, eof l'hart anti W4 oomm4adtir-in-cbiot oftheb.Cunnierial stréote. llu theRo>ysl lotel. ltirt. excegpl boue cftha.Kirin vbici vai desîrarel. Pal Nayeboot- tin "omaoaaler t vlicb Ilu alckýid. a i bareqter ituovuas "Frits."» ntai.lh.eothier gaulerai ofiler, oni pe4 lu the hotol. voie barod 10 Isuati tooh.y ail oncers of <un, deai Tise. gueti sere bmtly humaid. Wpulai et ath. 'J iehoJepane"e Thot damses upreati moug Wharft& ,gb ttnt Pliug Yen& Thar Stroytag the are nui. Nanaimo Hotel. I0 ai tiser haie .0t lgbtedthe bXF. levoason'a dry goouds store, anti ove Osasv e uni a large quan-ibi of smnali, rame buildings.That lie naet , aeucnlioàn vhicis bai boou m prof the tovu von uot coin pietely vipiti àb li te Chinese. many ot vhoinout vas du. lo tie absenceof et ial-e Midlbe isComen. AIllie roté vark iot hbe volnteorfigré brigade ait tares batitngs tram Lusan. IDAS1 1II COL ato of the lroops.bave beeau <îas24PBIC5EOS rid liseculivmlst lad bis heen BarumpoAPus taau Suseesul Opergtion a 6 ____ Long Cberishcd Pis.. COLLECCT INCOME WAX. Thei Indien Bureau bas at laimde mac effluilfin plan te have Indima (ildren lpogramami Arandi, prepgrlag atteudt ho public achoeos la tête lacalilies >W bo ,wlaistele .... *bîle u teyresIt.. This brings.tiasus ta Wqep& 1 atioes are boflit ami. dr.fl azieclatlon mi lisee white cildren' &Ï, al svepue officis ot tie l@ tise publice chola Theso vrlao ' *ý pa 1 inî 10enforcolihe la- tiuclng thIse stilus attend tios.sics loir sait Janu--p. App ,î,t- has beau Etiig on thie past eliglis tmh" "selagents',is$y aa navowun- or more. andtihle numben bas lucreseet s~ale butie cress ani icvesy rapiliy. l'homo are nov, about liii It la tihe intention oithe. seven hundreti Indium chttinu n li e pubh. 9 %leu $ô euioy uii feu au- lic acoi&i ___ ali. lbo locaila vltenela liey Af toP Tiirlie Tinrs.. aotU « Thon.faminliuer titi Captain lHenry liavgate. wvie irteen mm sud rpert ati lu- years mgo vaslieai t ofIhe vemîhes bu- r.isa tleatilus attisena as. rettianti vie emboaxiet 1800.000 ofthei oqdbterl. . Aray ut bas 1govesmOenh capturai il Nov bienii liat a laune aumber et York Tiunatiay. For six roes Rovgale ~Opfi base aranget inb asQît antieret over lthe countr, vltb beautiful ffl rIeo tax antis er ev NelUe BurrlL aboefo il i im. For six lvIsýpç tbalsproperty aassng peau h. bâti liset lu Ne oarit a quiet. ti liais faamilles lu paetllits. buylng santi luinsrare yeni- m sa terlteim»Oosaialcais.bookas, anti magazine&. Bis coutinu- bOds bave ilsîddt lir ro-ei.asa isitetibils store le alue bassinent of 5e le b hltIdren 0ramcpe lie bath avenne ue. at 1bis bomea. 196 West tiidîisio.aisovers Agala» Togati munet. vbere h. Uvisai th a hont- hasthlb. ev Ibtderà4 tar. Ou. son. voman, mach youugen lia. biumait t jar ipedjjy irJte t knova es Mr Williamsna Drlug ailtibse >Ut* tis fviii ituslliacalcula- ieur, Ibai greai mat povertal orgaiza- Vb.o'aew tbel tiiemoaîss tien. Ibe seol ,servico of theo Unleti ~tluestarence itl ~aI atStatue. bas bean ea bis tracit. ona »,"Iput#rI orcehniseoo- man. abo, vas long a memcher ef offgse eUlgi $lss iay- th e l icyvica. matie op bis mînt bar abi ubaiat«m place $btam eoner Or Ister ha vealti LapIns, puta its paransitetiCapti. govgale, Thut fan la ex-ciet t Ieff i i e, harocoiai b, DeMieAD&t. ie letti lb.servies rr rea s aoTise ti,eitse. ui aasci as reuried avhs buhifté4ed tioupiaia Iom- 04*lUf9*94 BIesthliaévroset a tev iùues 'attes hé - 1lisbo *hop ai expeotel Ibis long sac, " rffl*7eeWsa?.IlO D r ssaaid the min visebas no long beema atg- sessidlisinil.____ 4411heUanmsta pine landi oiie n aeRcu Oibmisillo m atiese tu hoar Ud as-L»M e. fondafiet lMulla 'Isa steamuer Ohio, tiova bount. cofilitet #. hieis wviiibuha l by vils lie schooer IOnton. up bount. la P.RY. et àAlai. svenil tov 0fibeestoameREerhaw. ton umlles Viobaimea j~ ziorlb <nt Presque Ile, Like Huron. anti - .1 lvaiuialingboliheottmarock la uialSau bour T hecres, tte mb* 'vcul mt nte te unhios. 501 mb Ibt e atmae, six- teutâulai d r uafiesr mnichtiffnity, anti ve.picitdot p 49"&& tAl- hoi hit ~by lie sachoonor Moonllglitalolitloy of "be ibu thst rbu ai cnt the Kloesiss. b. orestreate Of tise Oblo for tial, bui vus seltiet vas picitet up by thie Kessbaw iftocr ~h.ale paimgfor1.00,00 llaiglug le a latter turîlvo houri Tic pet«05an »iaIs r1.n0,00steamer Bebard, pced o up tvathle 1r0i i las 81786Uscovertb u. crev 0f ltso ImanIen.Of lie remmîn- oommu*& déterthle crev. neveu nl umter. fise are (*lu Loap OemlIle. tou ilOey Iva survivors ere plcked ~ta lAENUCOUCIL up by lb. Kersime.TPhewvînt vas blov-. .lo &mg aialetrou lie soutbatd a beavysesc 19" Franres lb. uit- as munis. Jut ifO te collision tho ,a It eaaitiarsti. 'Iraulon parlti ier tonv une, ant iil le ki6tamo csil vu" cawa$aI hougil I1"& Iis aeemt tirev lier eut g1g-f b.lulotïy etofber courseat a i aissa.Tuii X*ussa Talogas secaUied IDlali 10Ogdenmbnrg ' b. Iroutou vas lieao arco*r% vie bi igir, front Cle velandi ta Marquette. p 4 tlasse8t l e mîlde., Umer FaillasRockt. t"h OfF She mvl- Tvo mIners smat Io hihorers more týIIled P~Isallegtis slaliana bu l .henorlbv.qt collîmry of Sîmppon ai~ fetlu m rance re, Vj aticIna, ah SInpsaýn.ur Carbontale. Pi ~~lar.eoaforiaiy sn-Their maugidromas lie teuihi a pile of rpck viclceimten test vide. six test Osi agesantlb e 1te.. ilgi adtiendu frts ttoltesi sxty foot loto iw 1cloa stuck Litie Bock, lie gangvar et lb, thînt I so;;* of lie lntediyeainsu ai monsîmine, Tug Wlll. iatdriver. vas liemoly 1>40000 baie portion of Iso vitaOea iethbie barre,. Hoewovailting Pt4m weus e ker Illei mal lu- alongilde tise tracka vaiting for a cas 10 ho * Uaà portien of tte hal-.loîtied by thse mon. vhen. vu »,hout a vosti ý bffuldion ObIhesmath by oft vmIng. the tcot ofthlie ganguay tfet lu -IM tbelbftb y river front, iilre lae" tot hlm. lHe ran 101th. btuo %msrss and maie.tiseboadftietb.sIope anti gava lie alarm.It O secaalgetla psaeUcUiun la tenaiteti aboties cf thme lombeti mon a im ocf ti*mage la ýIao&j uisconsolih roacisti for several derys. 4ea ptMlotsa ill ue. le.. lesion J Puue Mbit.a5Sterrien one sudAftl asesilon prolomtgai nntiit inîgists ips aterii ioa thUe »emccrmîic lIat. convention ah Omahsa h Ieeelasnea nmPbalti Congreman Brianfor Unitedi IN" vscroofel, lhaugb Dotî Sub l umlor andi iadoaa ticktet th%&t11- k'4'i5d aredeateyel iiy vtes clindes 8v"0fibhecandidates ou lie Popu- 4yosliet. Te s.v», itsI citi.Tbe.tickelt ollovs: t» *kiad, C&, Nrro 001e1OV ....................Jdgi Roieoub 1 ata, aNaruLieutenantGoversor ............J. N S. fl 1M0 se0f Ira cari il a Bifl t a to .aie............. . 1M~ 'iL "Pauiepli er* lu lhe cas .............J . A. ak the w* ad tel taa th à«-q enemi.................... D. a. Cre met ailletolb.Audtlr.... .......... J. C. OsAjiïi WAbu lrauck .Two vere klisi Ooumbesik* ulIe nimd utBuilti W*-.........*,... ........... J. Keal tuenetofetPublI 1e0nLo.. M"d ...............................V. . LJona XedhitI. ite ofthelisaeof KiR" by lie Suoke. r'biWN ibd ah 10.80 o'cleck Wisite warktng at a ie lu' a baremelt W4 ,cososmpion vas tba kitchén 'ut 25" Maes tree ii icaon Jéss 1iui. rluo.. cibleoýt tlb. isié- ganla., Bailuttntsudla&ae £ecbi ca# -et tise lundilougol'uoreef titi Sii&t wel on i hoe ereet ai boi a very VrPI» argomemt. paicb reenfletila Loeb dreivl»i e luag- hi ides kuife mai makn ux alleckea lb. th banker l'hey iae osunt epri4eti, bol ont hetore Liob lid mode, imytaipaçses a& Veonmilllon'ibody, Tse , luruek is tic hbeas, clous, but t414 set urA tbruth. Thoaelis uth axcteuiiut oser "10 imatter. 55 lie discussion %#A, rqgavi- Loir Jackson. the forger, wlbitla amW la laitL Jackson la a Hoe saudi eb vu aaklg a isexhoil'argumeont on the* âador er. uilln la lbhe a.ràoa Who çcela.bis ar- resi.t ise nt-Yorker tasomlitins gbld au tise carte.. Aurecs s iliifallait. AlàmILcAZqSAIIOSIti DEOWinW Part et ths C.'. et ie éLtiil, nome@ mo$ilte flan.?Pulebsi. NOva bas reacbetl Prosîncet9i. Masa. thaIlise NevwHBedfordl baul Mary Duas. Captae Amber G. Enowlos. vbicb p091ied trues bamarant, Java. lait Mair. bound for DWlaguaBay. boulb Afrlucq. vas a&bn- dopai la asainlg condition lune i1. The crav teola%0tahe,.bouta. une contalnblug Captalu Kuevues. hie villasudantioen Ot thi ew. vThe other centaînoti Mate Join Hurault anti lire. efthae caov. Thai ulgit Ibe bouts vsre Parletianti nothiing mainseOnof tbm mate'a bout ag&iz. The Captalu madee lie causît Of Mtadaacr lu safety. andi one of the nien tente tiemates& boal van attervasti #und on thi Inaàd. Itle asuppaied the ticplers vers lait ____ The Peuple Are BUFIBng. IL a. Donué-- -a'*W.ekl.' iteieu Ct Tend* suiys: reiclal linquity bas beau matie ut &IL commercial ce,res r*gaàrlng tiao state ut rtat ltraito. tlue dlverlir appeara in ditferont traCes. 1ho ain tact@ Oslciaet are: garât. marked tn.iwosement vistî the pont monti anti a coui.lorable encin oves the bueinesa id'une a year agu, partie- ularly tuathe necessasies of L11f. But sec- Ond, Il appoe$ trs tire moluinie 0f tmue ut prenantt ld on tie viol considerabiy les, than lu a normiai yearsudatiln the, more iuipoi ant ttadee lea ppaenl abOout 2u per cent. saaller than lu tepiomber. li8r, Evitience et continuati lnîproyement. la wvienale gradie anti manufactura tocs uet sppear. . bore la a large tilstrlcutlon on ottloribrive, nmrnime &:0. but nov buinai guiag ta the mnufacturera la evoryohore slîckenis. Tbe coinapiston ot ortier, for repienlsbrenb 0t stocks Ion vssannarriver doniont, anti Il la Yeh ion) early for consomption te provido fur- tiieuentiders Anotber seusou. lb. nînteenli la thm hiftry of tie National Leatu.. came te a close inndny. The penait#vas vone hithie Bllloreo làn a pre.ty anti clo"ýly contestaitirace Prachleally cnly limes clubs more laulthefigst at tba endt. The Nev Yorka maie a das- pesato fiishé sud eailly boat unst he ex- chamîpion Boetoe.s for second place. *i ho ganm satooti a soot of<aptualg tb. 0v- slidbuetint. but tb, pbanomensi pieu et1 lie fJltàlmoriandti boir long snass- suptoe ri«eo, etriel son lise bin. slretcb gave the orlolai a leati vi vas ln%4uclhl& . liou'a monbrate alil amç record*t by v1ieulux esigteen commecutsio gemstes irtuîliy UstIlng thm 1acs% Jupae»WInaaaBat"le A tilapalci froinIbaîbal esailla r.- porteti thora Ihasthlie lapines. h4se suc- ceetidaetiiinterial; Ibm Chinis province of Manchertte.andi%,bas liey are advonaint upos th. capital. Moukaden. Isle abco iiti liaI figitîns bau takren place bouecen the lusaders asdthlb.Chîneseet aitre n h- tvees Ibal clty andthle frantlen Tisa en- garefont le saidt 10base endeti la a tde- claie lv 51dmfor the lapane. shol la atideti. establsbot themmuelvsilu tho iOsl- lneu prewlousiy occupueti by the Chînese toupe. Ne detalis of tbii repar teti bahule art given. ____ BrlaiuglugLibet Sui% by Whis.le. Cbaules F. Naectonaît. e.itor and pub- lilsier of tie St. Cloudi (Minn.) Delly l imai. tras tie ietendanualnl a libel suit braugbt hy Tyndalie Palmer, a Philael- pi&mbrokern.dmuLJ.Frasiclsci de FrIatas. a hoel-keeper of mul Janeira. Ilsazt lhicycaci vanttiN.00. Soin.limeiace lie Tîmos pubilsheti mn artIcle lu vblb Palmer andthle Rie hotel min %, are mc- cuseti of svladiag theiAerÂne udeàceut lauCmayont of 81440.tioillu Bnaxil. Catraelcr Zau in emits 1uieide. Jacob Zrtud. a contnacuar tram Chica. so o.. ia l ee aiti. rectet several of the big World'à Fair buli llni. anti vbo aller- yard ent an to an riFraucinco andtien. celsoti contracte ft1he Mît vanter Fuir buildings. commulledti uila. lu a lolglng bouma. ne tIneti on lb.gan ad i as sinothereti.- H. la knovn ta have bien tiepondent on acconni of flanclml lestes teuutlug firont bis contracta Wah Money for DebV Defsuse. flîroclon L W. B&ers ofethle.Amnenîcan Railvay Union bas vrltt.n a letton 10 île FetierusletiTrndes Councl nnouiscluiaia uhe tiefense of [lobe maidbils assoclates lu lbe cotemps casse iiicost. aven $1.000. andt Iatl bui ta, Only 9000 bas bien sub- serîbedto 0defr& Ibis ex pense. Se aiks liaI orgmded iabcr raies.funds for the e- lief et tise Intiet jeon. Dlise fer Ber Beéety. Mise Belle White ai bantisorne a girl as liveti on lie South Bide. Oblcaxo. feui deui la tise office of a tiocirées of treclelcaBou- day morulug. The trollapte came Immedi. atoiy at&te.application of lhe cocagne anti octslc enrent. Tbe, aporatorandt bo ar usant moe. îken ta the police mt*-, Uin1taaoibthle verdict oethle Coronerà Jury. Pire Trompe EIiaai A trelgit train loaua for Ciaicao vwu vrecked on the Chicago as ti Nnlwatera B&Uwlay et Grovteva croeini. eabout a mllie veut of Vootieit . It a -U B1 utai utornîns. Ajoir Jampat ira truck@s and vas oeaturaed. h Outher 0-iao1a-§--l sasaal etth b. snasu Isbclti ote Telle, fiee. DeMa"'. tisheanq tront jupan oftgwiteNrobal Oo-tlOyaai e. h h ieba iter tas*War. thé Mtastueot Narine vile matume %l a teet9 11.151er ef IVar. lu addition le biselber rongeons.- blituies, is la oncliei yauntetset lTotlao. gasaya&aotbtie huptcb tram tibn ety,, Ibal lb. rOPOrI that an armistice bai beau pro- poseti hyMontante anti luesi la uguras, T b l l a u m 1f o ,us s i V& v e a e t f o > e The luiéa Ieva d lve. a co à dispaci trou Mautque, Nîcka, gay$.. Tb*. schooner William Berne. >lu %no,0f lb. steamer Buste, @praos a leait eago 10eciock Tuesdai ulibI tdurin & <usions gai,*mati sanitce oi uicioix Point. ouI or a crew et "lx ouïr one ramât«S te tell the telset. tho tîsasten. 'Pue crev etrfise men anti 00e0vcum&bu enlereti i yavl. bui Ibis 80nan11ildt ite vater anti erpisati.Tii. sole surnivor la Antun insater. one of the madon&etofDetroit. He clnngtIoe isiav anti. alib ough thlb. ases ran iigb. ha sue- coeetilau tg lAgabore. viire ho mai funi by Voeutalu. at li fontu u thb.toUeS, laet 7ulnp o et ,. Trompe Commit Merder. Et Burneti. & tramplug bitter of Grand Empis. Mici.. vus &boud ti ustatliy killet on a freihttrain, hait a ml,, tait of Delpbas. obio. Veille h.lng boIte up anti Oiboed bu tbrese tramp%. The trampe Z,% On ah Van ert, anti mien mai fMittile Porthstria10rab Iturcohl anti ils panner. Barnets resttd antivauseul;otabuse lb. àeart. The Ibsea Jutupedftram tie cas anti escapeti lu lie tarknes? on. ot the. mon la tiscrîbed »asretiniîdum -eeiit. andi haut mustache. Ail mort nmasa IlauisuatiBridi» ge lnuei The 00-foot Illinois CentrailR ilsomi brige sctais lie lova El ver ah Iota Faille. lova. busnedt Fritiai morulas. Tbe bridge vas bait& !a Isis.anti vas sevonty-fivs footbh. lhs Itedestruction wlil.Interrupt lie trafic 0f lie rad for a couple of rrceit 'heolinoftbatire îthougit la bave been lnceutiiaty. liiiotlu a Wreok. An extra trlibt train on tbe Mobile anti Clii,, Rliîtoad JumPe thie rack osersCou- aumbus, Misa. Pritay stternoon anti roIli dowa a bîgi emianamont, Conductor James Fttzsirald sud [mIel Tbornpson. a colored brakteoan. wve. IddLFour etb- et niberi ut lie train cr.vw vîre nenlous- iy Injnrei. ____ Sealeseeti te Prison lac Arion. VicIer Allkit. tie New Yorka clothint mercbent. visa April 21. viii Ivo other moen. consire t barumils promisesfor lie *14.000 insurance. anti Wie va,da- vicet 0f arienIli e second tiegrea, v. tance tu10Bine Yeare anti ton mouhis ah hart liber lu lié BIAIS prison While Amne Cutier. 01 Tas veli. lad.. Vas plFIln vieilis iInfant ablitsuant gaine cci. aviationslhe bah. 10 mut trou lie cock. lb. latter burleet@ l spuso lu the oeiaiWi Sac.. diarihen, ont es ar@ tire eelSMISeI&liaS114 h. OPU ie nrre laajuoi imt butin laver may vessie 1.8e.B ;; aekN pim Adiîes b-eM Soude. Smy ibat yios tests t a eie e thonlse0 epubile m&lbat Sb* mortalty la very groaq, -Tic disease 1 pasttelarly fiat otoreignerg, labius .em un! Inutie oftlety-four boum s. .ioneg lbe frot victimenas Amtar- jean consul Pollocla. 11i49shllmhwer Blaze. A 050.000amietah tilivaier. Mieun.. de. atroye theIbm till ator INana facturing Plant. lb. varebouse outhle Minnesota Tirashet company, andti trsdwelilln banse%. Sequir 5h01 for a Beaur. Peter Anderson ant i is brnîber. vhile out iss beauntin; noir Oratburg. Wia. *bot a squsv. .ulahaiuIns ber toc a bieun. Both aiet anti boti bulet took affect, Tic squav vas 100 Yirnsof âge. Lumbicmoe as"io. 'Vootismen vul orzanixo a large unio ibis fai ltu hake lu empieor tfhb.e ,- c-ain. Michigan anti hinuetota pîis. 1A Plelîrnary ognzuinbas boeemette aIAshîmut. VIn. Iluk. Jeauilesanti murdecous. 1Leuis Mllet. or Cncnnati. murtereti ls drunit anti Jealous. andtihem lvii daugitor* mitueisedt thdauble rigeiy. ]KARKET gUOTATIONa& CHICAGO. CAT'L-Commo u hoPrime.... 8i 735 Sô B HOoe--Sbtpptug (irAdes.....i. 6 in e 2 1tu£EBP-Varto Choice, ... 20 560 W1AaT-lue. 2 Ba.........fn si5 COiXNKo.2............. 45do 4V yt- No. 2................ a7 O u £Ou&S-Cieh ..... ............ MI 25)B6 CAT NlNAPOLlB i & Wnsr-No.r% ............' 005NF-Nc. 2 Whte .............at66 sl* 2 WhNo.i ite ............81iU si ST. LOUIE. .su *sbe WBsn4y-No. 2îed ............. 4740 49 CO111-5.2 ........... ....... 500 W 561 &Y»-No. 2........... .... ...... 470dl d CaTa ....... 1NCIN AT L.8ria Oxu............ .... .secost Boo ...... .ti............ . . 00 oa-e ixi ......... ..2. do c e ", s-N.Mxai........... el4561 B -N .......... ..........s as s D!ÇTROiT. CAmaI'z..................ec2 e fltes......... .......406 a ea SVi200.. 10 25 Ige& a 81i 00 Xe. I'7. dsi it ........... 0 20jU * ~h equhiio Au,* beN loto,-*v uýàns 2bwu. fivupt hi Win-oir*U Jobsa le.chiot d.iaty undor United é- e aat" Ilarahal NIufor the 'à Oiiloryet < tiii Oklahomna. la ta Wob.hlugtoer te b.put-Il nail pose.of salns mith the Gorenment hie fao1i accoOr e f xpose« I ncoifid la ..uatng v 11hon int andi extermlnating teIi ai. oanLmg of et - 004Z 0 perutoe. Mraal tNilzhlrsolf vmueltu D MI ILL Cardta Washington last inter asti gol ltii an- net arccOpIl, A stfl 0 lha~ sent of th. Geseroe!et ta procéédtirss- loi in 1ho histoel QI couiveni1ti temnticatljin lurtdlng the Wes. t, oIbis penbaps lhot la 1h11 * Whe band of train robbers sudi bixbwayunen. was nomnaed by mocamtt i lie wms 9bld Io carry out tb, plan bu pro- the wiuihee"ot the.maiarot a0'l~ posei aud ta@lire Domaumnideputs e aimore <atoe.tOok Wuace When . necesseary,. Ibo resl iait n bas.heDot- uniid IB. .11110osus'd tous fi rit vipeti out.the, leader of the tanz lavor. Pitteen bundrotiFe a~ 'poulon hlàlis chips- abtiantv mopihs upon their el eIIngta I aic. Hait a dioes orithe ruflians vers bourse, Ivo bands, .1 iette kciled &m»tiotherà cépturedi.- drown the tumul, and etorLaI ____R . ill. the chairman, po-ýn t-il$ HEvEMIE I N ]PART. iently but iuoffoctualiy *wit h li .q Jouini Fue» o;;er Peldelajue lInatiompt toi estoi'O ortier. It *W S tienns am UI. Noier aifela te cns ci dujaor. rbut e en of ale; tien~VIî Nt ~L]bu'Ia In that would protably not ho JucIge Jlefutns strike l.juneiton wittetiorlaia decade-. wa% overrnled Ilo»&s by the United br itiu ltlelhf peb @taes Llrc,:lt Canrtet Appeau aet Chicago Tnm1nating, .chuloyd C cmoer '4 andthie case vas remantrd vithhdirection* e. ocÇVdwlhet I j.U W00 strike out tram ina. e itrain lus crier ot gates b.d laaked at one sothebr and t110 court tbu clause whlch arauwseth e xpecloti that Ile nominnti, n woitld te couatty %%lien tb. order vue lesueti and i dat iy cjomt o0_ ive àienigtor v bIc. reAulted in tb. Doatuer la liihlis If wîh the gavei In vetgatIng comnrulttee of cogrebail orderoti the oi ch. Tiie Court or Appeals tiedthel$ai b.eathed -igh of rcLe!.eoi tlty b.- Do court coulai compel aàmSnbor lie ,ia t ha criatha t ý,8! $ut i a body oflfilen tram qulttini ladivldus.lIi siîght bulit mai tramn Allebany or lu a body the scrvice of an emîployer. County. whbailndneoer boom known' la Tho court sati that Judge Jenkîns lied ex. the couneil ' ofT he par y,.- hrew a lie. ceedet hl; pavers whieulhe enjoluedtheu brand wh h cîaused a bensation aimou* emîployr e tfhe recel vers of the. N rtbern fbeonti buliof. Whý?n the county wu. I»aciLt:Rallroud Lonépauv ýfrom qultlng reached Le egate B'Ynolàsoue th ervceof aiti recelvera. wftl, or a&roselais.dene aad without notice. *,) as ta crippie the "The. uni et delean'tion t aom Al. the pruperty or jrevent or hiuder theegb vCat icar. e l- oprti ut *nid raliroa&t If ho*-lunnominatiou for ('overnor Iheir Oin over. helif tbat he section saouti stand and oniy cbolce. David L'ennott HM*. In rhlia thu mnu ere probiteti Thon occurred onq ot-lbe wildoslt "trom conibiatuu and conspiring go quit, sone@oftint could haIlmagined. Ilele with or ,itiiout voie. tii. ervlcOetf «Id receivers. viti the objec sud.intent of I ales Jumred tapon the caars,, p o crippling the. property in their contody. tors Crodelloto te alile,liaits wo tI n evnwrcanen wltb ilb or embsrrisslng the. operation of ,ald bons waved wiltlly anti mon yeIo4 rairomd." The decl.,ion %s cospldered tbeauaelver. ho&rate. The, secretanie by the. iawyers Whoupacked the u in tpo rooueasecrie of the mostiImportant lf sto coe.'ed vitJumpinguli- Iopinions delivered the liUnitediti ff chaiea hee-wibteml ina adecade. It doflnes lb.e5ituos lhe- Finally, tram sheer exhiustlon, the tore tb. 1mw cf labar orgaulzatiaut in st audience tasad Lit appiausa heui canduct of strikes. anti alarme theonougb lte .110w Senator Hill;tiraice po*ers of courts of equit3r te luterlere hyta* l,<nd n1,hukyhoic h Ininîctlon ViiOn there tii meon ta bc- j said: ,adl hsyvl.h Ileve liaItithe iav iii bo violateti. It *1 amn grwefuî ta thse [2exocracy of holliai mon aiy vî a a body the Empire State for thoir couriey troin the service ot an employer. nains. aadkindness anti. auprortInlu te past, bowver. nither force. tbreats, peteeru- sud utmyhyuta .ntb Ili nu inirudauon ovai eploaiyour cand dae agln ft r (,overnor." ui ie Iontemoleit. bander. ilium or - Vanne the ouly nn o b oo lutertere vlth others vho finette10ta aiegales, and the.v an,:uf. amstreeW tbeir placesaap________uneed IIHOVER WONT IHZLP HLLFSINiN E ÀSI<A. Preeltent Pretiicesta l. t f sors . A5wVSo ihihreiv.aiNomst. ater la Newov y*. itCil:h Iifekq-. Président Clevelandt Iluks Senator Hll Aiter a ses-i- n prolongeti until miti. wiiilie defeaiti., and.i. moreosor, %bat hie nîgbîîthe Nebrasisa Lemocralia Ste dtetall ie h.encompasseti vahoni 1h. convention aI Omaha nominabed Con. aid of a third ticket. à member of tho gros,îman Bryan fr United Stlag Cabines Inhimateti sony plainly tbat ah. lienator and matie a ticket Ihat in. adiinstration will do noîbîn te 0 hlp cludes Oive of the candidates4 on the Bill-ibh lviii do notbies aoenyt'O op. Populisl ticket. The - ppenenaw b pose hlm or adicsocte or sanctioe nm . fus-iona, nutb.rlng lis* delogates, thon lSouien of& lisîrd tIcketfor lrther% asnob boittthe convention. organieti a action vill bave.a ail t oUed o-n the-De- »r= meeting and began the wovk mocr..y of the country. The Prosfideni of sieting a strslgbt flemocrags belieses tbat tb. taller. ofthIe <tlvelandticfkt Thle Popul et nominoos, Democrats te sote yUl ho quit* aus1 rOt Indorsoti by the Demo:ýratà are- Ive sa te vote for a tird candliate wao Judge Hlolcomb, candi lui for Goy.- eu ici hl any poulity h.o î.ictd. The rnor; J. N. GaDin, for Lieutenaulâ Prealdeot dosnet vaut HUl aise" C.overtior: D. B. Carey, for Attornoy General. S. J. Kont. for Commistioner OLD SOLDIKERS IN PrZiL. of Puablie Lande snd Buildings, Sud W. A. Jones, for Su y erintendent ot Public Barronudlng et theb Dayton Home a Con- Inaîr. ction The tollowirg 81.1. stat Moue, te @*fuir. ticket was nôminated by the bjllero; The murder of John Barrait; anti Adolp bu1rî. ix rtî.rdevatt. Bergen. lumates of tiie Dayton. Obia. soi- Lieutenant ;Ooveraor-R. E l>unphy. duor,' Home. uday nigbt. aimnt at th,. I fer&rY et llata-D. B oit doo ofthehom. ba rusé th siatLrt- Auditen-Otto Itaumnan. tics t e bne, as orosotin evtoi- Treasarer-Luke brideuthta liain@ tginesltîofeprbancang ulb. sot- Ateren ceral-Johu iB. Annes. eran aglua h.hume sulars md Cmnîaioner of Public Lrndiî at volvsi vo linothie sreets ieadlng trontutidnlig-Jacoh I111,1er. the cîty te tbo home, Fire thoutand oit ISuperinl.ndent Public Instructon -)Ill- &oIdleire hiere. anti1,iartii y a d apauses 1Iton Dooiltlc.* vithont a repart ot violence or robber.j WP VAHRIAE Itla saldthiit every 1mw appýlicable vil bcal ________RRCA broujbt t e ur ta drive out th. salaon- frraghîrua Storm trois the Wet i ldhs keepera. gamblers.thileves andi bighvay. Du.ssslates tb" Atetmnia Cra.t sttios. meu Who are a constant Mt-nace te0 hieOnea of the mail terrifie alarme tbat varis ofthle goye rriment. hai ever swopl the .% tiantie State.j on Haveîn.î.r aud Othon Indicedi MWednosday night deva,tited the coait Therodn- aticp ltd i nentsagalual linef. an. «ceXot, Fla. * ta uorth of Joh ILFalas ftemautocr iMut SorAim eowtard tramtin ,ieDakotas a d . JohingE.testns. 0f1h. uetosr suit, forthe bra-ka at the rate of ftty miles an fusng 0 aimr qeutonssietiby b.hour. The Atlantc aormu orlginaod senale Inavestîgallns Commttee. Vers u-n- sm.whero Iu the t c.ibbeau Soa. th&$ portod ut Wahingtou by lhe grand jury mntprol îficetfaaistcrm rogeni. Il Mtonday. A tru bil a; ainst Drokor&L A. p eolbu I. arcnefre Feymurot Ne Yok. oA &@0 otune'avor t eaet Indlces andi up tbrough alog ithsmnde lditrunt siaistthe Gui ot Mexico and b oke vlth Bruitera Jobn W. McCartner andE .tl Chapian. B' fllterce n poa the coufit of 1loridig Ciiapman.Tuemdfuy nighl. Its movremonl con- Violent Stormn etrikas icital. tinuoti nerthwaird ail oet Wed ne day aud Ptorniade simuck the norliera part of Wednesdy ulght Il, conter vas ln tbe WVichita, Rum. about 4 occlc Mondmy nelghborhood of Cape fi alleras. é rom escniug sud tore up property in aiat iîrec. every point aiang the southern At- tieon&a'eseraIl piaver. Injureti anti lantto coast th-it va, unet yet cut off tvo men vire reportoi klled, Emporert cotria nicalion by the love' inir.ot mIse suffereti iovesoly. taegraph wire; carre itorio, et the destructiu-eues et the urrican. At An 014 SIeny. Jaoksonvillo, i la., the observer re- Fesrin« borgiais. Wesley Atiaison. a prted many tre blown down andi Bruitl. Inti.. fariner. secieteti $M00in a bouses unrorteti. AIl the rinotr-s sios.. Hife ilsarti a Ore lu tie ilose lowneaarnizthe ocast frein tirp >4.i-~j andtheb oiviwu&borne&i.ouit taFlorida vero warued e' vioient ai5 ant nSEob.ri.mai Enty. gales and high tidea. Tht.. robbers reîleveti J. BRLemmonc. ot Iiriellehs. Chicago. et- a plain golti ring. saluoti ah DEMCCRATIofet he Ninth Nlebîga. 84. on a Lake Shore train neas Elyria. District naminatedl W. T. Lvssfeto Que. Congres.. CLARA RORT, ageti 6 years, vas run NaflreerfsaéE Wseaefront eu. over b z a trolley air at New Yanic and Colomib"sBayes. mita bas heurt lui oslaita - Ont' censîctet of merder lu lhe Ois degre, A RiCH gold i fnd han boom matie by-a anti la novr untier sentence of teata,,e. -Moxican miner about lfiton mileï fram valgte -vil roi They al the don the boi theodat Standi boiUia. the bot orffl e nohas the pi allohe bonedi alises, te cl huaI si tO.ton Be ta and lx bAtt Unat0£ P ar r futer. ble.d satild This tully fui b, gleatr mucb out c meut an f exeri crav madi sol iho coint 'î lotn, t. do li Y( aav <ha D