CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Oct 1894, p. 8

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tCboeolate.. ...6 aia Ut But......p.r.... Te 27îIe aer lb L TofPrbita.......... 0 psPrydX Wasbo.........88e PUllli. . ail...nd .... Ladier, 0h11 Meu.....6for 25 ee îran aaad Ments _ ..o..w..c. -. 81,C .82cperâlbd larat, coat. luisons . 5e &11-otblionl 1 loi.. 2epryd . aafor sie naumkosg Lamitten s. 2. .6e per > te Frk..... ..... 6cLades8tahsw15. .6c erpl 4coop(;o"ol 00B84cPlllnou alkid elt Has,2: u î juPiD{ea l .per lb merf P reta...............8ar7e ...... 2epe12 e t cos . . . . . ....r.Prve........... 8eufrScNuka ate wls........pery ed » W dndy).... 1c. B. No. 2Cotee......... 37c e1j (3Jfld'a Croquet.....24o Omteuds Dresa Iteforna Corst. . .75c .iss. ... 28e Bao' Come..............5 Il ...... ne C. p 8.Corses.. ... .....76 Mnà,.s ....47e 0F25 ER,-EN Wbu«kKbt~eîs. 2.àO A Î1i COUNT O , ECN 1. Qke er. for Poil Bots. 1.26 on ailbranda of Patent Medicine. .....98e Dr. Fenner'a Dr. Chami.erlaln'a ~pArties ............... 73e Dr. Baster's Dr. Uarter'a Wi'Ond aLlier seetîmade ltu Rubber Dr. Warner*s Dr. Hood'a *,&a leusmoney. Toley,& Cua L M. Greoaa' bOie and sec us at the old stand in lvanbae, Ill., and get tbe benefit of the LOW PRICES we will make you on af Goode in our Store.. & ?IAUISTIEL, - IVÂNHOI, ILL. ~' AIL SAY~~"'~ es& Tàlor keep the Ieadiig cash ket -and Orocery. Their Meats alwayi the very bestýquallty, Beef, ton,'Veal and Oysters always in Ck. Their Groceries and 'Table cacies are the fi nest in the market. V & TAWe~, ihooI, Suplies.,, arndPencil . iablets, Books. Pens, lnk, Pencils, Paper, Statlonery. Eftl, Fresli,vN\ew lihe Just Received At kveill's Iug Store., LL8ERTYVIL.LE, ILL. QLIENTINS CORNERS. Jack Frost bas appoared. Faîl work la now the. ordor of the day. J,lmn Leliman bougit bina ecab boise. The dance and rafile Saturday nigbt was a fizle ont. Phll Young sand wife moitrn theios of thoir Infant son. The band boys are giviug us lots of musi. They are doing tiuely. George "okr Jr. la daing carpenter work at bis brother J. Baker's. $0 iÇR. Pay your subseription and the edîtor wili furnlab you a better paper. r * .Galner'sck boywere J ~apepleaisd to report ais gettlng 7better.- eut, to order for 1 ll lng. le-. BÂRI8TOW Our baud tilI continues W btot ti'sir hînrs amnd there l ice lu lths air. Claloken and petce thleves are ouat at work round bore. Keep tb. sbot gian loaded. , Wmi. Quentin' bas Ibe greatest novelty store lu lhe uorld. Ris, stock Includos beavy and lgit bat4wars, Jewué1ery, croeksry, glasevare; omu fairniahalugs, çlotblmag: Dry Gooda, Grocerieta, etc, etc, etc, otc, W Ithe end of the catliogue. il wiii rival the Pair lunClieago for variety of usefuli articles. Ifyouwant haardblhi., If you vaut envelopes, If you irait ooorod uork, Ityoaawant basiasucarda Ifyu vutM eut liiboudi, * Dot waat ty JLe beada, a unvntna.wàka4a* Aaio..~ e *cm we Mm4~e i Dr. H.- P. EW 1 NI N.ehalaIlu' ý, * nda#.q DisiAEB F ToFiHr% SY . Special itttention givon teI-o 1werrect Until 10 a. M.-l tO 2 P- . . end fler 0p. m. ROCKEFELLIM. Lottie liardeja apeat $aaadaay ut' boume. Irik Criaakhite la Ioaraiag tu play àt flewcornet. Mrs. J. E. aoieomtj returaaed $atur- day froin a vieil 1telourlat. Mns. J. C. Kliver bas retiarued home f ronta vieiitl iOhioa. Cora lierdecbberger bas gone to Palatine to attend a Geman achool. Blanche Norton bpe retuned home trai éa viilt to a friésid ut Willmette.1 Mr. . B.Ilardeta baibeen visltlng( frienda i Chicago Ibe pat tut> weeks.t J. Il. Cronkliate 1aV¶d a etonse and -ick foundktion pu under*lÎis acules.a Tihe basement of the sebool Ibonse la compietod anîd thse carpeaters timve begun uork. Wm. Berghorn siud family bave mavod juto the building lie purebaed of Chag. Kaiser. IVANHOR. 0 Misa Ciara. Bangs, of Waucotidu, la vlutlng et !Mr. Ilubbard'as. Peter Payne bas gone o WIowa, to look atter tbe interests ot lita tarin there. Miss Ki ttic Coudrey la teaeilng thei feul terni of aclil ii the Wriglit1 district.1 Mms. J. L. Chamaberlain speait isat weok witia relatives et Montrose anad Chicaigo. Mma.Buter, of Wauconda, visiteil ber daugliter Mmr. IHarry Payne Il part of last week. tirs. W. L. Dilible started~ oda miornhag on an extended viit amutg relative. ln Minnesota sud Daikota. Bey. Harrison, of Gra Ys Lake, uJîII ezebarge pulpîta wtb our p"htr' m.xt1 Sabliatia. Evenjone mustcomie out Wo heuarlina.1 . 1 1 1 tiMr. Huit moved lis famiy and Iîousehaold goM odaWtlîoir aewhome ln. Chicaglo; tîia week. We are sory t1 bave tbem go. For a nice. vsltlaag curd or business carda give the INDEIx4D a a cal. Flup, new script and a -niee assort- ment of cardia bers. The Ladies Foneigia Missionsry Society Iîeid their annuel tlaaak ofter- ing meeting wilh tira. A. B. Smithi last Saturday aflernoon. J tit lasten tW hé musico f DeinleIn &z PfanneaiteUl. You'll find the words on tIs page and tbey'll f urnish the music wben you gelt tohheir store. See the pricea. On Saturduy ovenlug Sept. 22, Mr. John Satyder and Misa Atanle Glass uere uîated lu manriage ut the groom's home. Rev. W. L. IDlbble offiiatlng. Congratulationsa. Mr@. H. D. Wells weîît tLeb city lest Priday la attend lias reception beid et lte Final Congregaional cburhin honor of Misa Franaçea E. Willlard'a arrivai front NEurope. The Cougregatlonal ecburcb uns ne*- ]y papered lait ueek, Mr. -Rlchy, of Haiuaevlle did lias work. Neu alove- pipes bave aiso been purchased aed tbe stoves sel up again, ready fan eold, ueatber.11 Chamberlain'* 00110. Choiera and, DiarahoSa R.MOOY. '1 wumd ratlier trust Ittaedlin sbu n dootor 1 kuo leys $rM. Mo, in, opoakltgo! lai01su Colle Cholema andiDlmrboe mey For sale by F. B. 1.oveil, LiàberIphiMe, amd G. C. ROIOWS, Wagé«9141, Dnuggsts APTAKISIC. The AptakîslejP=ilorsuuld 1k a gaine of bal l i mcwa*slgboniag- Mime, Hat' Day reguler Pteferred. Purs.DotmolWejced 4100 ffas »Msager pisese, larrlng &Il out side players. Would blepluaed th heur froni-he Il. D. maxager soop. Trust? Nol Puy as Yen Go. Many of aur cisetomiere, Who woul mot tblnk ot askIag us, Id leu&.. ileo Mrouey. fteu ask ua >ta «book' aa,Jfob,, no& tl"lklg that we bave te pay euh fojr ~stock sud c4' tu, Our Mute evs aturi dnmgWa.: W. shade Our, lrosf ob vark, au -'a T.ry asMO, 00oolopsnsd mdap *ith Mina 6 gIeGuenon, of Blondout, as dias Ellen Gibbons la visltlug lier shser, idra. Peterson, ut 8pauldlng'a Cornera. J. F. Chevalier, of Dubtuque, lowa, wu$s visitlng uili lais father a feu days receenty. Ut. aaad Mn.. D. McVarty, of Wadti- worth, hav'e béen viiting their daugli. ter, Mia. J. Ryaia. A number of the >yog mienlu Liis vlcinlty attended the rà#le on a iorse, ut H-. Malaaaaa'lest .Aturday evenbmig. F. Gueilli wu@ the winaaier. RONDOUT. Mm.Ciway lu agaliiabaurd. Harvey Linibeck lias imahectatract for building Casb'e îaew bouse. Wiao la the championa lier ut RMa- dont?~ The edltoaf wants to engage a reporter. Aug. Zimant section forciaian ai Everett la, building; a now borne for hl& famil!. 0. P. Spriggs has moved hl&a tamliy rom theouldernesa tu ite "City on hi."1 fle lemes lits biekens behiîad. 1. S. Tupper la loneiy Ibese daiys. T'ho ebsrmlng scboolma'am la awaY. vkooe 3ourself ult baise bail Tup .111 abe relu rua. 1 MUte Carrul the dog tencier Las ailpped five out Qf a lîtter of eiovn pupes whicb @o1d nt $25 a pieee. Tis in s great country for raiaing dogs. We îaidersland Jeiff Lanca*4r la ligitriug6ouplans for eamew mansion Otu wlll out sillae lits brother's Iiaiae. lie lwmti nformed us yet, whio lime bride la tu be. Tbe Rondout Chaumpions i ll pay Lime Diaumornd Lake Plowboys a match gae of base bail oaathliasFir Gronds Saturday, Oct. 6. Admissionl15colat. As thistlafor blood h uil lie a great battle. Emil Cuâb reigmîed lais position as section bobo on lthe J. sud sccepted liae forsmanship on Lias St. Paul. [le recsntiy bougbl the Jne Miller pro)P. erly anad la n(a u bildinîg tbe finest bouse in lown. Gea. IHathaway the capitaliat sud rani embate agent ot Milwukee-. ulo owns lime Altrldge tarmr was a gust of John Bradley Tuesday. lie confided ta our wortby mayor the 'intelligence Ibat Bondout in tulie a-gret City Yet. fie proposes to locale a huit dozen factoris ers ia, the sprlng. Then jmst se ouws'lli boom; ail tlhê land about bere wlll »l for 0500 per aere aind Liliertyville wuli uniy ho un la- land auburb. DEERFIBLD. Fred Meyera la the happlest mana lu t.--- Misa Lulu Ilole lins just returned frous a viait ln Mo. James, uliat airs yeti goiug te do ailthohemalt boom uuw? Frank Bleimeli sud bis sater Mary, are viaiting relatives ln Iowa. lai James Woodman left us for gSoul?1e don't caîl any more. Sorne of our boys art eajoying a vacation accout of brick yairdp not runnlng-. Tue boys ull son bave la walk. Wbeeliaîg 'yl soon ho sometbing of Lb. put. No more rides li the country. Wby batil water f rom your neigh- bor'a Weil, wben C. W. Pettîs 'wil make you a wcil as- good as your melgbbor'a; ouly give lainiaia trial and Yau ull Bay se. One lai lookînig ut tbe continance of Fred. Meyer, our village horse shaoer, would aujIhiat lie bdhastowa f row some ricla uncie wiao liat. left hm countiesa millions, but ps iuiquiay we are tbld it lai the arrivai of MibaLuaîaî lole lait Stiaîday, froni au oxtemided vieil ln Missouni. Soinsithe boita uill chime andthebo uîad wiil ho nîtcnpreted thait Lley are One. Tboy sauj ur luttle Jacob la aooii te move te Shermervilie. la itl bause itla lgetting mear cold usathor suid ~ber la o stvenet Up lu inte elévalor = 1:0111tk Ifhut la the tact au et bi numeruis friends would lond a blpiuag hand te put one lu ruaining jardist, and by un doing save 'the "c ulaer tUmoe beautif n shade treos ut Slasrnriîllo. Y'au uill heur frousa us %gain Jark, If yau continue. to silgiat the Deerileld girls lu lie future as von b"eIngolthe puat. Neus la recelvipd tbat James 9Coai- nor lia miarrled one of Oiaiego's tbent girls. lie la esteemed by ail Who knaw hlm, and the lady Who cantured rhlm eertaluly drew a prize. Witni bis extexided &equainace thoy wuli no doulit receive numeroua calisaald con- patulitioi & roui paunv frienda. He bavlng been'lu the malt business bote for Yeats, bascmatemrnera ill be inquir- lung *iotbor ho intends givlng up thul or not., and dovote bis entime attention i o that Obleago 'lady uho n0 kindly i 6oteU- te ,&llow ber nanas W bc r b.~ toiq Lynch tW Q'Couuar, jusl teW Mm55 taacy.Jamwe tako the -1fl~of talting with ail your msnî t hiida uInwislilng you botia a long ~imd0W lite - ~ ~ M uuuwuOn" la la s"PO emperanceTemple, W~e caiL your attention to our very extensive assqrtment of. Overco - ts,. Cape Coats and Ulsters, For Big and Little Boys. On coinparison you will find our priees are much cheaper than the sarne quality of gopds can bc bought for anywhere else For Boys from 3 to 13 we seli: Cape Overcoats at - $ .99 Good weariug Cape Overcoats at - - 1.50 Heavy Cloth Cape Overcoats, cassinlere lined 2.00 Choice patterns extra long Cape Overcoats, 3.00 Latest Styles 'Ulsters. clothIa ined- Finest.Chinchilla Ulsters - For Boys f rom 14 tô 19 years: Diagonal Cloth Ulsters - - 3. 5o to 4.00 Extra Long Ulsters, plaids and mixtures 4.ýO Very lieavy Cassimere Ulsters, cloth liued 5.00 Fine Chinchilla Ulsters, long cuL 5-90 Extra Quality Imported Kersey, Overcoats. fine clotb liraiîg, 10.00 Wc carry at ail imes a Complete Assontment of Underwear for BOYS and CHILDREN WoIl Shirts and Drawers from ta O38c Same qualîty you are asked 5oc for in other stores. The "tlodol" CIOtil 10U.186 (Ileaiquatrters for Boys anîd Meu'si Wear) Temperance Temple, - Waukegan. Prepare for OOLD WEATHER When You Want to BUY YOUR Stoves, Ranges, and FURNACES. H. B.EGERI ci Sd A OOXPLSTE STOCK Lime, Drain- Tie, Farm Wagons, Buggies, Agricultural Implements, Etc. We have a new, Stock of the fapnous Weber. Wagopis ____And the Bloomningtôn- 'Haber Bros.'Buggiegs % Qarriage4"... rW. ar is MPy 1~ ln ~PNAGUU ST.. UUNTYVILLE. 3 tO'5-00

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