PRIUE, 5 ~lL Erarca. OUR AIM: TO FEAR GOD. T&LL TUE TRLJTH AND MAKE NONft>. s.N 2. Libertyville, Lake County. tillioiç Friclay, October .12, t894. $1.50, IftI Raxé 4.AR IndpeSPUt. ontiwr o t", kcounti) for lirbr el vkftaosl. ftv. aSU b. Oouoty 1Nes Aintliliette cnt pr uefi Onin- 'Md *v outapr lUne fur moaciddi- jisli. lb,.. caliug standing a -Ii a6S ut ta çbr Une. t-sigtt. p«e ma for SraUtlme &Bd Oty " oIfor molisubffqueut iortom. ao'. ruSs Incide adreriirlu auI s n eztsa chirgo for cîngts nmade for Mdlveftl»fa"ig Job PrlnUing are, -, O gjd aysblaI otcf eaci>mont>. ý- Job Prltins lg C. 0. i. and deant >w Ué8 M#a 10 sa el ot bsvlng au opon wc Us. ý' *wgIm opies5 mot esc>. 25 for 01. Imbutipbon Price* Si1.50. per Year. 1$ C. PADDOCK, Publisher. Two Yetitrs Old. . aovw uaRr ato-My succmsa sovins la Mylboesity la sdvostsg- Donner ... fq- SThis Issue cosepletes voume II. quei nsd coDaient dvertWuS gbrougil me Next mek- vo abail begln <o 1unfldold m&U 1 umn.-Â. T. Stewat . ..S mnt.devon"s the pages ot volume III. T.Th Nara.N illon s Ubond a.teoumge Of 9=r14tlng ue.- DI)EiT la a sucoosa uantifrseiy estab- i1AltO... . H&a m the vorhd know m u hishtimIll maie leusaPerçf akesion of ttt?-Vaamertlt .... My eau. dei ony County, notmthstandlng the adverse miithme. bo drertlae. You wvii nee s. pretilellons at <théUie, anti troquent b tIL-PrakUn. croukîngas@Ince It starteti. Nov ailil GRAYS LAKE. 1< aïks la tair usage andt he prompt rsli.Tiosmusqieaik paymeut of smbscnptiona, and ti < ilii - eo hmou sqit i far surpass your'tondeat hopes. IVe C C. Morse andt J. C. Al:eis wero. invest ail the profis frose ojîr uai. lititzhc Suiîda>. ness ln making tha raler botter. h Walter Beak anti Cha. Lialalirger la <o <ho beat Intereèt of <lie public <o vers itu tlascity 'ruebd.y,. have the IsNEPEXIuKuuT iaintaîneti. Dèin A. Wicks wili nematii: witl Notice the Date Tms. Thomsoni Bros., aiuotiion >ean. If the label ona your paiper reads Tite W. C. T. U., iaî>it their next Out, 94, or auay iîrevlouil date. your meetinîg at lhe cil i l (Oc. 12. 1.. . illa .......11u.î.-î Missi RassieBoyd andtiEtta Russeil or lu Th Pa Conadlat for County Cierk. - l(svtWarbeen nosniaate furto<hea ti tdfCounty Clora, t haire decideti thai e erace and aslait ho <ha-a Mh-the rotes of aimy frienîts. Sb nedutiui at proadiat provent lptiding a eanva, but if alacteali 1c affloethe publie <o<le bst of My v l.. Lai Ce., 111. Sept. 11l, '94. M SUnday 8018001 HtOS. r Tii. laie Coîanty Suniday secol is oewmmUwimlii ha acîti(D. V.) ut I~yllIe. Tbumrday anad Fnlday ÏM s26. Eseli achajolin Lake t 0oo l aoult senti at lbuhtvu odele- ~mmoe mbas been propareti. t bsSlu necs.ary <bat ail reports antiv pitgs alibetor. <lieconvention. ALe . SxMu, rSec. anti Treas. WANTS. pON SOAULETO. pRE BRED PLY$IOUTII ROCKt ICocereis anti Pulleta for sala by. amrs Thomas Bitwili, Gurnea, 111 a 'FOR SALE ai pore breti Pulun-ti- A"China Boat, 2 yoars-olti: aiso oua 13 JouiBoss Foaticutter, upply <o J. W. lHait, Rohdout, 111. (5i2t 4; FARu F011 R ENT, for ai tenun oh years, 325 acres mail inaproveti, ai irtlssdairy fuma, pleuty ut mater both sptilige antimalils. For ternisè a&ppir W ovuwer, J. 1'. Norton, on1 :,#mimesat Rockefeller, Ill., 35 miles JmClilcago on Wl.. Cent. R. R. Fs.rm for Sale. The iley rarm-120 acres, stuatedi balf msy beween Warrenton Oreve and I5tc*aa Lake, sud four miles north of Liber- -wl1 elimeh provoti, uder goodt tue i etivahon.n No maqte land .got stock or nover faiuuîîg spnilag sd fLouvlug ' Terme llborau! Apply te E. J. Auction Sales. Iibent Lti barial; rented bis farniîîfori 10 'nof yemr, wmliisoi[ ah public auciîoî, e Ïb pramisait, miles north.east cf ~$osedh ikean43I Siils otbest ottie if oo!LIIaertJVlIle, TUESIA Y ocT. 10, Co1éeugah 10o'ciaak a. ni. siîa'p, ~t» oumig property to-mit: ';5 Wf«k hrs,ea, r od colt, 2 2-year ta. yearling colt, ieenlng soif inder, asgmor, Rtay ralie, Rasy <aiMer, eblle plow, set drape, 2 sulky $"etennearly ew, Bolier snd 15 Choice toms. 1 Bull, Trucki 8Upr ng wagon, Top buggy, of hiiy, 20 acres corn lu slock, baruesÎ, hRay rack, Hog rack, tega, 30 Mi1k canas, Othor articles Sb mention, 4 e-Ahi suai, of $10.00 aud AM over $10.00 a credît of one le gIren 4on ge4 approrealqohes 4ar cent interet. Xo'pinnperty rseduthu settleti to. B. . Apphey, Auctloncan. m. lbbe laiving rnted, bus farm for çt yetre ,wyul sli at public anctIon S reui . 1 jmilesa uortlseuf <of ansd a mile@saouth.wosh of Llbert$'ville 1 Tuldsday oct. 30, iagah 9-30 ociock a. ni. toaoig poprty t.. ,e'Vt: 5.yer.édd oit, Clipper nieRay ratk,, 4 plovu, 1 lPr, IPulvertaer, 1Pin mili, toË, I2flugle a.ultir'tor,1 î%%u* vieiigbo. A-nuiaîbr of ciautove wood, 23$enperq, itîti, the saine as au>' otlier aicaount )r note. The suibscniher vho paya i ativuuee, gets more for fls money ànn ha mho ledaouatantly lu enreairs. he aditor cauaase cash, but net your ýrdt, te Improvo lte iîtY ut bis MILLBURN. Witt Rosaelias emjoyeti a visit froni is sister. Mr. anîd tirs. R. L. Strang avent a ay lu Chicugo lat maek. Bmesui Darby leaves us tu teacla guhool over îîean Fort 11111. May Cailimore bus «aine back into er olti relationîs anti malcoune. That lime Welcm tarin nonthofffharo la for sale, in a nuamor 11<1v aonflimeti. Witt Rose ment iit to te big village Tumoday andi lis ftllir presidet ai thie forge. Mi. IVihliaion wvî m i beau misa- d lately. lias beau kapt ut home lay a sevens fait. Struuige hbit trua îVliile theabarber cinis up aiuîtidycu, <lia cuiptun niakes faces andi buas. Raîpli Taylor sai i lanud farmeli oe fls folks Suauday, correctiîag the ruinor of bis illuass. The Mimes Mauti andî Emma upafford haire goame bo riait Edilli .iuntly a Wisconsin triend. The Counti Suuday achool conven- toniin laaunounceti ton Ott. <mentylfth rt Llberttylle. Arnamqg go. The doath utofr.IDavidiSwing bas vivitily broulitt lu md the lecture lie dalivened hiers iin he course ut 1882-3. J. NI. Sîrang lu a party of four or fire, lîusgoîe nip into northenn Wiscon- ain te Eagle River, oua a hunt of hen un twelve days. Mns. Hoellmaninilasuiffering mitia mavresattaci utfiiîfiammatuny nluama- tiain anti 1< la thouglit that sie mii bca laid op ut leasttwo veeks. %Ira. Oppelt, o! Belvidere, a aitone oit '*ra. Wieuecke*s ila a gueat ut the creameny outlber brothers. us Mns. Wieuecke la abFent on buasiness. The little five-yean-oiti brother (il Ilerman Witt diati vany audtienly aftei ina ilîuiais of îuîîiy four day.Vt faînea occurati Friday, PatorIlarnie Officiatiuîg. Robert lPollock la still tue meak tû rasume bis buisiness aite<r bis tril [tome. 111e falluer mili go domuî and atteiAtie affaira tilt lie gains bii moutet trenitli. Richard Gifi, froni Michigan, bam coie ttseparts ini seaircli 0f mrk lie la tamporani y lîelpiug ittI Whiiti tilt perannut employaient is fouuti iVe give hiun molceme. Lastor iHarris attemîdadthe<iameehini of tlie Chaicaigo Associationi ot Conigre gational churcliee iiiChicago <lais meek Mirs. Hlarris accompanlet i la as thi delegate froinMiliburn cluunch. Mn. Sauter, of Seatle, W. T a nelative of Mis. Geo. Str4tiig louer anti will maike aut extendet i riit fo rest anti recuperaition. lHeandaiW. E Stewart viieti Chicago Monday. Some fntands in Chicago sent beautiful greetiuig o!fumloera <o Catidi Bater te cheer lier convalescence Tliose mua haive eon <hem daclar <hem a iovely tokan te a sick tnienti. The Ladies AId Society anjoyeth i bospitality. of Mn.. A. H. Stemai Tburaday. Despite seuggy meuble it mus a gooti turnout. A larg number o! men mare present tua uniual. Greolhiags bave beau exclaugedti soute friands bers mlth Ber. Campbe andi Deacon Bico mho mare t>otlu dei tubaid with Milîburui affaira. Tbe report pleasant mamonias of the conanectionîsfbore. Whou J.' M. Straug returus fr01 bis buutiug trip lhe yullfinit iaisstoh fIxturos dressti out lu a nom coat a paint, a surprise deviseait anti exocute uaader thue diractioni o!- bis mife. VM fancy meu like <bis, kinti o! hona cieaîalng. Monday ve Qî Ot. 16, orne mare li Waîuikagaui laaut Saturday. WiiI Rose anal mife. of Miliburn, mare callers liera lash Watieay. 'Mr. andi Mna. Il. Il. Neville anti E. T. De Vue more Chilcago visitons Mon- day. Shîermanîlthe javeler liais removeti <o tlheme store. le is als buisy As avelr. 'l'lie yoiiaigeht clîild of W. (2onseor, Io mauaitsia aaims burieti ut Fuirfielti bluis weak. G illiert Frazier is very laîv ut pressent wrltiîîg anud uot axpacleai to lire troin dity W iday. Miss Ollivatte 'Morrill lias returmacti frout lien visit to Beloit. Site reports a pieusuant Unie. Canule Reid liad the mîs§fjrtuaas <to lose aigooti lu Monday. Lt broke WiIl Brudway nemovatilalts familjý inbu tîjeir iaew bouse <lii, veek. lim Baiîduhîa lias alto moyed into lieras. Mrs. Tumus. Williams (mies Liadore Higley) vida lier tboechiltirmilise béer visitiaîg sevenal days ut W. B. lligleysa I The INnDzraiauxNT bas eany other apapor lu Lako.County for local neya, and publlhes 1< mbule 1lt resh, too. W. Il. Gilbert ait Antioch photog- rapher vas in tomu andi "took" the ilotel andi uem store for the Lake Couuty natal lias Ruth pFutiuan, of Benédicl vlsitlbg the tusmillesaof A. D. Hidi, E. B. Neville andaîti ler friands bore. f Mras. A. 1. Fouilon visitati lier tiaugliter,.Mrs. C. J. Wiglitmuau. in rChicago a tew <lays recently. Site lretunaieti Moîîday eveusiîg. Do you wisb suoplabsent friands apolsteti ail about Lake County? Seail Ltheun tihe INDEPENDKuT for à yens'. lt lis a meekly îîems letton. Our pastor, N. II. larrisoil, eo ,chanagai pulpits mith Ler. Dibble, tl eIraile, last Sabbatlî mhio preacli a.hare both muriing ait(] eveniîîg. * Myron alhulipis, of Amîanuert, Vis. ifa geiilumun kîaowîu<o maiay liere ýrshippeti a car o! sheep 10 Chaicago tii ae v-ee, shopping off ut Graiys Laike ta asfeeti. Mn. Franîk Clark andi Miss Emu *Wooley mena iruatiWetinaday Oct 10 I, ai t<ha home o! <ho britia's tather ilThe young couple wiii resîde ut Gagai isCorners. s 'W.B. il iglay, agenit fon thîe'W. a .iathis place, reportsa rapidhy in creasing businaess foar tle couau Graya Lake i bouinditio grow, thiani and leaut. ig Nuo is tlhe iane to settie op~ delii el qualît suibsarriptiois, anid make tl k.eiutor happsy. W1e Iirîveni't niotice( teauay igus ot starvatioiî about lii but wimter is comng on as usuiai. r. Mns. Raîpli A rustroaîg (île es 3si au Rose) cailetionoit 01(1 niats liera las r meai. Mn. Armstrong bas for son) Vas reidet iniit<le far west. le clildthoods homte mas ah Milîbuna. a Mns. J. N. Barrais & Co., axpectt le more <hein store iuîto thae Longabanu e. building acrotsi e streel naxt Moi re day mbora <bey mill ho pleasedt exhibit a choica îîem stock of null e neny W <lie ladies of Grays Lakeani St vllil Corne anti aae aIl <lie late er styles ot faIt anti minter beaitgear. Mr -The concert given by- Miss Cari nu Charti at Gagea Lake last Thunsti halli rather a sinai attendance omin Wyt threateung aspect o! tlhe meathai Ill The affair mas <ho finéat of- tha kil z. are ihetirdhlera, ,NMiss lenry ani Ml y Hchmartz mho "assiahetiMisa Char( ein rank blghly amoîîg Chicago's ha inusicians. The former' lady mas )i piauist at t<ha World's Fuir and inlut ) Woman'a Biîlinug. Miss Selimar ur s a violinlut l8 dacitiatly thie hastm idevar hearti anad ber Gages Laîke au aumî eco mais veny enthusiustic. Fuirth] Sassaigtanco marerîdenst by Eti r Smliito , o #ko Villa andtiMisa Ai M4iorseo!(Iroye Laie, wlile Miss chi is ben, ao uther best. pace b be en ro dl* muke Zurichtoadvié candidature for Sierffof >4 Peuple mmy ftad and oselves. ,ah! Henfy Seip fm " Henry S.tV C-aawuau ofatig ovlmor the, lenry Seip wl P et'* &y turnin map nhum oeti quartersandi I t thse couty. A"ie cratto support lhe wM a bes o? other. Thé wlsg aleisuit awus cllpps4 mUuion, mow genierafly bote moulut. oft other Pz1 gThatý It ouly re0a 01 autertainring c09EeW orblob wacglv.uont i ndd no for seIp Wwbo Wld r. ',rbe Fuirm ramd esure aind put a om X Wou#« çlwi t< iait tbey hait bail lMM th ring'. uppmoel t h,-ave besaiueo» Ut je <bau ,<tbuée ft loir 0" '14 *fOt~ î Ra pit tI <iuY Wat ow la thie <l"er <te> Fwbuo have b~q s ming," <tuget la tb* r GIL ER.t UBSCRIPTION rtURMsi This Spi Mips 'Mamie Prouty tisiteti relatives t ee,".cslludyne........U iL heereceiiîîy. î>>~". . . and a 8.S. Wlîeeler returngd froni Iowa, One year. If ot psld vithia83moohe. The l1ut~ of tige'week. tOne yeur. Il lmotPs i ttblu ao .. OS thffi Ç. G. Small adtamily are enter- 5',11 ecen leiastop~ *geuat the rab taiwag compsîiy <lits week.o S0 u. Huïr #r. sund Mma. Scbwormanu are visit- Iug',tber dauglter at Lombard, 111. ~ LAKE~ ZURIOII. C Xtu. 1- Turner ligs returneti froin a dvertilée your Nbausm. tiutsIl Prt4racted viait with relatives tI11Be oll-v ai trc u.tinuae vider.. 4)vernoati are lu pf54 demalni. Ui Mise Editlî Avertit, of Harrisburg,.ars wil. as a îtiessau ectiler lit Giluier Parlor stoves are beng hooted up. Uo mopaiy. .Everybody la preffliugK for wlnter.- umtw Pesd our Subecription Termes and Now is the tume to, boy yoear cOof, 41ut 9«0 M yourslf ,aoordingly. Tou CrstRpe ullisve trom 26 <o 50 cents by pay. ChIotwap. lasreut»ei ro thg la advance. lira. Siiofer eîatertaiuîîed guesta twwý Mm an d Mi». Thomas. returned <o ioudaiy. tbuit borne ut Wstikogan Saitnrdaiy, Miss MaruileProuty hais.returned toevop afler speuding <vo veeké vitlirelis- tb Elgin. t o <Ivez sud frieudabire. uuto sapboa aroia tci t teran NesrA bai just reaclaed ue that wbeu Corlb aipi arodîfctl a" Mr. and »Làr. Arthur Brlgg. roturned l1 sek 3 to thir borne t Elgin lifter attending ~TfarnerSaire busy iuskIng corn 511115 IbLW brotier's nuptiale tbey foundîd "iPiumPklflnBhi tiiemi ouse reduced to salies. The Wm. Elobsean hua bis lot iliraioid <lÀ origiofuth<le tire le unkuovo. this week wltb ilIe. A -eery ýpretty vedduag wus solemu- The creffmery la reeeivlng >i good ue ized ut thes 1airllld Methodist cbureli sipply of ilk ailii.f they1 thie evenig uo Oct. Sd, 1894, thre prin- Thie Infant chilti of lirs. Il. Berghorn amen t ciples beiug Albert 'M. Briggs, Ot in reporteti very sick. ticket tRockefeller, anti MiseMerie J. Clark, Mrs. 1. W. Fox sud family vlslted Oft t 1oulydaughter oftir. and lira. Fletcher, ut Palatine Saturday. They Clatrk of Gîhuer. Fromptly at baït-puct JohnRollatid was a gnest of Nebis Jdil 1asien ocîok, tu the airains of lMen-u- hrPe 3ndy ilt 8delsolns vedîiilig mardi, Ithe bridai bouenFedSudiv 11< party enternd the cburcb1 led by J. James *Dyniond, of Normal P>ark, inu Baker, uf Evanston, who offilciateti as called luntomn Friday. )boit.main, anti MiseMilite fltchtnson, IThe mmsns baive fiied.thoir dr eo! Falrll-.1d, sa uild of honor. Fol- vork at Iillau's Iovlng Mine Hutebiuson ver. twsi> Mn,. Meyena andison Frank,'caffled Cant r litum towor fialda ttt whlelcame u ogGoeStra.te- Lthe bride open the affl oftlber 'ho mot tbeue goom 4 b. sitar. le,. Vie Smnor, et Long OG, *a ws ln P. C. 'Mouey. ut Brvandes, lu a very toWvii 0onbualesa monday. blaprosve mma rprotounSod the Prehar ,loi Wg turniture 5 ai auyn, mairilage sMo*. Tihe bride WOaM a down prion.. Gir. hMu a oeil. . rcoaii a baWitdii 0ork SSliteeng W Jaike Hans la on the diliaI. IWV . e. carisil he u tite EU5 wil« ahope t.e m b i<. agmin soea. 10101 sprof ofotheb. ca%e Ti.nali Mma.grime Sb utgbas golle ta 1-Wti -of *Ioir Whi-tilt l la fia oansd Waiucuda le<or n lathe PratItit . tbhb 4 cdpluli rosesa. Thse Iowe gifla, IW"leur, otf i etuu .~ Ln la IiemeCbtirgft ï sud BWla ,Au- e smre4 1ali i mpe e-lreugar a spd àlady living ent of Mr the wonk heing ezecuted by <lie young Jounaaey. bism friands of the bride aud groomi. After E. A. Ficke will serve as petit juror e r Mhe cereuîouy a reception vaisblilit ut bhe county-seat at the November Rit l, the homeo0f bthe bride at wbiclî only ternm of court. wife le the iminediate relatives of thie co- George Proiity and Mrs. M. Lake were tracting parties mare preseîît. 'rite more inarriedt his week. IVe extenatiMi eiitîaîace tu ie home was tindar an congratulationis. for im Iarcli oftgreen, front wiliclî hung id Chueelgî1 itlitlr a Severail resi estate men frontl Chica- butt X.profusion0 of fuons:<lhe parlors were go were lu towîî Saturdaiy lookiug li tt rianieitedl witiî greeni and whlite, the Zurich property. alTh t-uanitels beiiag bauiked witia fiawers. Il evîgodnsiono ota ttel f Beîîaatli a canopy formeil by atisti, or photo)grphe youîimBute perfect Lu ti drapîigs of lace festooneti with laatiers satisfaction at AI's Studio. Ln suad vines, <lie bridai party stooti Fr hi mtîe recoiving congratulations. To thîe séiîool directors--plaat have liolti J ust ais tliese merse endedtheli baud tiaust out buildinîgs l tlthe uchool part. ~front Quentillu Coliers assambled ou yard patiteti ut a snalost. ti lsthe laiwi of its owmu accord, and ren- 'Marly front liere attanded theia C. La> dereti severail selections inî a pleasinig madduîîg of Mise Ameiai Klepper ni fai maniier, adduîîg not a littIe 10 the Ilermaiilalfer at Lonag Gruve Suîiday. prail un eijo3meut of ail -prescrit. liit ta ýt. diiîaîagroom the decoîahioîîs maie ap- Sabscribe for Vie oîaîy aud ibest -<beil ýr propriahe for theeason anti a veritaible countv palper, Mie 1NDEPENDENT, TI es autumîl pictune greetdthe tiae.~ Not brîgbt san t leory, full of good uiews 11111 oiily wore the walls adornet i wth the eaul week. for( C. banghI colorai, but upouthle mwhite Ace Comnpton calledotiver from Vulo for l 11 dapeti table more garlandts of leavas Sunday with a fast f titi of band shîakos. mint >3' of every hue, forniing a brilliant set- Itlei over a year ago silice Are sliook Ec Ve îiîîg luirlie orîaimeital cakes, baskets Zurich dust front lbis feet. t rom otrIuite anti fiowerb witit whicli it ma Ts rhe IADEPENDENT Office la l13 shape Mis lîtioî. Aftar auppar thîe guesta wereWprtSaeBiOUsotnicda :iivited tu register lit an albula, lie gif t tSalsntorye Bllonksuarta n otic Fe. s edrecaluiemît of mfiayotlier preselats botla notice lu the paper willi every ordor. cm ni costly 'anad beautiful. Amaong the W'ni. Shultz lias talien a trip tg at F guetta were a grandfatlior anîd a great Ntbrasklt; 'lie ii soi ont at public oy I ie iat of <tie brida. Tiause present aucîion lii t te future nti expects <o eaaru st vrona abroati mare Il. llagerty, SPrilig- move mest, bis brother Louis wiii fniet île field, Mlo.; J. Baker, Evuastoiî; Mrs. move upoia the farmn. v' or S. Keitii, Cbicagoi Mrs, C. Robents, Jet. esr n aeyurpoo ae Ja feriiou; A. Biggs sud mîfe anîd Mman.hv yîrîlatstke l toWni. Briggs, Elgin. The bride anti nt AlIs Studio Lake Zurich at bard tbe liî groo m are favorites lu Society liera, tiuae prices. Satisactionî guaranteei. Seri muera tiîey were born anti mlera ttîey Cli t Ise" saîmples, ail styles, Do II, 10have spent th greater part o! <hein' extrit charges for re-sittlngs. oAI. ii-lie.adhv ayfiswoe- Miss Jennie ComptoU, a muusic d- ndtendt best mishes for a lngandtihaappy toacher of Volt>, moulti like <o gel a-T st ]lita. Mn. and Mrm. Brlggs viiilieat clains o! raholurs at <lita pue..Ai <honu r bolus after Nov. le<, at Litckefeller. ialîlng tu recaive teneons ou <lie-piano yai rilmiere Mr. Briggs la enghiged lut<lie or organ, iii plemaisdtdreas ber at13 e_______ olfor ing Louis Seip, Ernest Brandlug sudmo or. RT. Wm. Bu ibng were 'ont on a bunt bu lad Fraîklut Sumîdaiy;on <hein neturu <beyeaUled w ibYoFrnk aie returnedtu < ChieM~o. at ZurIlpb Studio wlthtler guns sud [les has. ore, of Chilcago, spçuît Suit- gaime andi were Sillt mlth Alsa camera q etday amnong ns. -thes young imllioda tlree. Be sure ItMiss M.%aggie Tore, o! -Evauastùia, la you soc <hem. a lie sîiffii a few lays (iere. Next yaar me vili have <vo saloons ei( rtz Thae M isses Yore, of lieatoîa. Ilarbor, i i Zurich. Il. Branding milI openî up lut a Pl we ichal., are visitiaîg relatives liera'. Wm. Iiliman's building and .~0000 roto idi- Whuîe traîin No, 91 wah sawlîcliiiig goos Wt Wauki'gan agaiua. Why not thal lie <lhs place Moiîday lrakemrniij011>le kep thils ioney at bomne andiimprove Wh, titi Hlathaway feil betwean <ie cars anti the tomiî? The ouly way bu) do lb la Wo-e mY' ms. illstatutly killeti. The ramalis iai corporate thie buu; thie soonar the t irai mare reunoveti to Chilcago tan No. t6. botter. mpohir., fret ut thé eei charai Banner,"Z. a. Oaa,~ e ad (i. L. flulbard, ot ta -emen onour atreet TeadC. ' Ira. Il. F. Hughes mbu hb"%beq so long, ia nov able <oudtouud m tie diseumse ee suifera frmeài ter. lie Juaiior Leaigue "'ilI gîvoii ertainaenit auntlbeM. E. churefr neasr future. Bauiefit oa iiuS ie. ýrank Dolîerty moreti bis boà cgoouda <lutie CGao. llubbard ,hot tof muich la occupleti by A. aen, léal; Saturday.. I E. .Jeiicks miii smon moi*e lly to fls omn bouseanti C. LU miii more bis tamily beci ýr olti home nom occupleti by Jemg liane vas a Pientc party ýoves sa Point Saturtiay atternoun#W Gnuice 11111 hatore bier.-4epeaiu Mislir., mliere sbe wyul selai 1 dMwantiCarurran nior ina u m ôvrnMii. Day'. mUihacy'po [ns. Barier'. roosea lntbc5 -w s Buggies miinany part iM )r o Gainer'. restaurant. ~ ore. P. C. Money vaàs gl*dlj W net bacai <o litpasoral. liorOil Faiirtieid for aia(iter yegr. 1W~ is up-riglit chrialltiu lpI% mest kindilneasmwon U' ends liera. l'e moulti remindti <l ickIo 5rosai lth 1the B. B re let nea tell you w e de" aR. B., yet andas a dé 'ha W. IL C. mis iol rd cme@ saturday 10 coute. 'l'is 4AW mea ou joy b nOr 1W asn intes ae b rî . m , - 1 0 1 UR AIX.- TO FEAR GOD. rELL lgE TRUTH AND MA KE MONÉ y. . PIUCE, 5 ý çx. EDmit.