%0 o~tmwbu)eu&* hobs bsoncimam0- 04 d îbVattr.l -0*- bavl le dnbot-_ SWEPT M1E! lis q 91Poverlm ta10 beok lieu. Uropi- wu %bstrut&»I. h b plUlb COnsul sE'nXiz it a u. oues and chutes" e.su n hasKîs i, thle Is oels PSY ONFL GRATON thesafost plame.Th@lsiiiduoems OPt au possible Thoetmon. tI Ibm trsaders ?f~Af HAMOIN. asd officiaIs have formed a volulf corps se protecl Ibsemve& 2Ils@Viceexo fears liaI tie mata VUS i break ont la Du"qsBw Dfr u .we Pamsse rami rebeliion. lie lasbsviàg tortlles- 9 WMte et nme oraide ofIbo eriver, Iota ireaip lu case sa oUtbsoeu he club. aHe.111,ak on th. city là stieptmi. - LORT Wilit AN<D 190393. nommela hy1lam Chales telilng la Sbort Emari>'0100000 ebnluttt vWüe .at voit rpairing lat soourisiss. 'er ftulleLuke Fluer sbafl. non r Charteg telllng. a Sat Froecsca grocir EWi pâ»..a meoa l lmp Ignilid IeBm %pti c a u OO acs. i i MA % #«"a -orseteuied. The car- d"be t, tpoiylu 05. 00. an aibs ma ac aoim "sd sevttlmin- reta pu. otbvauai aI r00.000. fuda raSce ter Ille,.as Ibm mine vs eprety s le dtha b, denalmri a eu"& nrousit haaate DW very tbing poctietable have disappearei ~*ica*lrualre hepnted fraiethe itelling eaidence. Stelung Il la 4 u iertu sb m nies acceuric. sanc n*d..p ronidai ta hiie wife geawdtb*ult smegthe D'onng tînt ho batil taned saalu a couvenieul litMfUS& rnie piîle ir clastia big bax af goid fa. au umergency. ~~~~~~~ inum îe ueasesu le uertuucy cameteln lMma ltellin tambun vstheaiala ievi. eanho-clded to uiap. vtti Alexandur Mcý4ull, wi4esî Morris Wllims na ud Mina à trela odco 6" se ara enerm- ao -ca , lie tûa; mine ta nexitfor lent ar me.At Bo'elock lun the mono- b li afaon tes fround deai. IL la ,4 resaisir Ibert George Brotn. oC %kutra paltîdis; Juba Glorte. a t pl Aq.ibonp Robert. a driver bo.ap. WUM àt Mztkle. a isiotar. are smlint W"~e il il tle Sercetminemmlira b ti Ibe iraglan. l'ho callent à ope.-e XL. lacr. Mîle nic nd Pitlroadla lir ~~i ae suon ta.10oven " BOBlui PURIN. I '*blaist hejapwfe Sm ave Won a 4i 312e asI«alui baUtvnl4 hosi a declelve battle has. V,« âbtavfonte (hinesend Jap- l enWisa. tbe plai»n orti ai the five.t.& fienirmité îis soutb ai el coe 01 ohIe objective puois tr a , blma ivasion. Wou Ibm lest i ,,gtcea er. e cmvei the nrtb- *0s Tuaindunia battit as, mu- I ir aeia& Athle came W nes *4 ac çm iaI It bm sotherm, 91 sp ilng on the testera chars i TflovStes, baed serromaim dn 14 0. Cami Foc, a large tlotith ele UýI LathiIits uccesful at-m iI vus ided ip Ibm Japacese bue base cruslng la PI Ci Li oëëiepti l4ays A Iiri division af lam.ernps eporte Iolahave et- th11# nle sbore.s afLaleangc encmuoeciil vttIa eti farmed I~UwbgIe mbelliant agasathe bl 1 îlet amibi dyautrrages d lÈj mi5bto& thlbbatIe as thea , , lc~it evoitr othe b. lps- =tcertainu Ibît VOlta ViiiLe »Jelm . lié,tolegrespé,operatort aient aiEagiisii. lsdL. *loft atjo i asgo& otesibip lte got Pir. en o business.t and bu d bute.board or. Teograis a ~apeu la éverp directiont ami yie.WbaI mak«ethemcaiseà #A tIklý ime le lIaI bis faiherm.d Msbv eucn tir Tuesday mralu. The ai-1 s-bcapsîf2ptre. abouttsut 8 aUIs iid. ifair complexion.1 ae. is ie o»lundeflVarye Al bis lusiamme affaire area MW1pmartu e thleé mNoterieus1 robbei Ibm express agont ai ILT.Tucipnlgbht. aking wlu maoirtheagent hbei mou- 0dr ok. Tes or la the dapot vote aaise Sroelarerv e tolmasked,1 b* a te iffiotth ab tbep e. ekosppoemi te tlaeCooke heud up Ibm, Missouri Pa- u 01aremnt ansd cet atont "f WreaingsunIt Bagini. de. et the- Criminai Cauri mtncemiWilliam Bock sud attachmersaitlb.eAunrican ta' Ivo pears lu Ibm peuh- ~ta oraIs- vreckimg. Dîrlmg Un - îegresI rarosi strika obelratias re paçaid t tea f b luooi Pacolc la aiM.lauts ani a terminal rail- ai et evildi, sgalmusl Ibm. anirallwap trou. compiltop thé uglue. Bscklani Brao ,0fthavlsg placsd tbm oh. '4W ef tbroving lb. lever and 410s1lsttial essimita tain. iwi»etlug of %bms attisons ai K~a Md enrremsilng country tweed #ini or 1v Ibm Puilmait >AW4Pralieulmoesr. ot tbm <W S eorute l le cutisensthal lm Sbbr41117metay c leuve ticspagoeuies ver. siue. mobaviatlois et back- Min lMov" joan aIS0 aud es *av *Tootla i rportai e v«* er. kftbi.Amble. mtetramt Il iotloas »yrIndueras &d hlgb & uu paTrais. trbîloisruamlag ks Kent. Englisi. 'fu1i0f op-p"ckre vue.kiil aud omurr Ibal If TI. Instant kihalu; ai tva largo itaul;hI soncs lu Nevark. %h. J.. tie alter day cia îtuly tae uccaolinted fur by eloctrolysis. et- though thera vers Donuunteari<ut h suppart tIc Ihenry &art itou a5 5h11 @bock vllcbk Ivo mou wvI aeanos ay ftl. Mclunenaiitea! lasboeer ;uusei iy tle affaîn. ion the peopis mIa ocçnpp tle blocie. thîcl la lu the cou- er'o aite City, lave clsiued for soue lim( th&t tb. groultiail t eutltilla cbargat i tlt oictriclpy. VIe ig pawer- homme of île MoicleLtgbI soi Power Company le Ir tiare and belov lic grauni viii eloctnit ilgit legra, b, telpol,ansd olîgi wIre'. Prom lime a faitu% pintons tank. taig lu farlanles amdipnmtii offices' ad.~ jloinc bave beau tîraonoff hior ftet bj alectnic 1,ower, but trou vîat sourds las nover leen ascortsluod. À divter hackoi lis honte Ia oai oi the rar lioofai sbsn tara stare oz Secschulérmot ta ietivsr a baai sofoet trou acter pipes. As booi s th.lise wmro tbravu au tle bous' ~bocks tbmp le- son ta tremble aud tîmeled lailti Me- licha troc% vIee lhIu fart font mtir ea pla ie I ron pipas Bail animais dro,,pei dead. sehuleî movlsg aftet il sîruce tle groaui. li driver wuas Iraw.ta he tm ruaundalso Vau Bauton and WIlIam Argue. as.istanle vote rw tu t he ground and tel;a se, vers abecie. The mos ve.sur. lbmp te, cohred a charge oi paverfu l octiS dur rest. TIe baises died ibtIhue es us open. TIe cip aengineer bas xmised Ii locsllly suad decier« thIbmvatet and ga pipes aaefuli ol eictriclly. uni thut Il Ianup vealber Ibm elotrîdilp chargea th, "DoniTbe paumilbilities oi thaiesai' deall. be &&p@. are lernIble6 COMMIseloser l.moeaux'sReport The ment important recommandiatios* i the unnual naport of Comis soner Lamn areaux, ofthle Land Offie. relate ta lh fatf r.dtu in iiîgiAn. Minnesota, su Wisonusinsud vbat sIai le doue vil the lImier os public lands, On thIis eul lacS lIe.reportse;TIhalmer affecte bp lIms S ubau lon lIlu scb s con digton %bati ual culta dispoamiof ait short lime ht vin become vora-eaten an torîbleii, -lIas depriins;tlb.laid a gr.et portion 0f tu value t10tIlsastIlo soking titis. 1. tIberre urgcuîlp rot anumeni lIaI proisptlp lapon ibmenassan bItast of Congres a lat ta ensotmd t thicb the setliies1aloall siOd ta pst feot loIuclils bp commnutatiaonliere ta cail perchae aI tle legal price Pi acre.Bp Ibis messîte riît aSd appui Iunltp vomile hogiroen ta cul nad dise of thbmbrnai limber dutlug tle mari punI ai the apprachlits tister sud bef* Il tacoues tortbliss, tlmr.bp prearn il ftmdestrucionauni lasBoise i, grec relleviag Ibe sufforlng le vId thase bar. bain suljectei hy tle dea Islling coufiursllaaa Ilt vouli sesu th te institslOfaiumisitp snd jusicm uni -ta douamiach lexisialîoa. 4 voali ta lIer recammuesi IbtsiuscI alir pravl heas fer Ibm .»iiei aoribausseltitrè aas Co gree uap tâtentproper uap lae mads, te oiav tebmprecodll m et Ileas@Iiter Ca ai firas la tibmosrne Statis bphl. sdIa Cougramu of JUDe 8, 1872. The Landau Erening Net@ publiables stauaimenltatuIbméeffect It t te calta councl vas Coai ta cqumi.er a dispal nacairmi frum Minister O'Oonsor Pabis, ta vbicb Il vas atai liRusa tas letrigais Io aitt bta s ait laponsLareltrstor ile cessIo Enseistai canl ports of Canar. If il la tus, the BevoiingNets dss, il l a question ai smnding ti-clas. DrIl nc-ot-var Io Chiuc&0t taersBussî Intentions Thora la ne confirmation thIem eltatenenla frais atber ourais, Captnre by Japan-e Tl la r.poredei laItbehéJapaxese ho cuplunai Kin Lion Chang. un lhe mut aideeofthîe YaineRer. Ocm bairmi a fitt« Ihousad mes isae beau gathsred Peletas tun thé defense oethle cipy. lbuI 1hsauler cui 7.000 artecfféeulir isrmed. Onlp 50.000 maiirs are aralisi for tl deaiettheIbmprovnue oifCI- 1 K.anditIbis. are rat I.n.a AuMgntaICoL Barber. An Omah a lpatOhBsthora 5Je probablip lItaI Ibhe lier et CoL Kart Barber. AdJtail Gonerul of Ibm, Dopa ment aifIlsePMette. teelocal nreeeli alites ofthebmArmy o e TbmTmue. tuaint te bave maplbilu ia to ith- Il seolmlpb. and roferring t011 ta a mual i a onwortU m aituet. ub cause a court no DineerMBpreIL Ib th.sby Ai marchent of PlIttulerg.bu limadada;i tata i tla *0 lrmtu tA. IL Eers tas tloîsb oves OMM0Ne000 15es tr, asdsieof ali e îbeprepetrW Isb.p Irosien oetlier bustaai'u perseîta t.le. sàg mats, aiip i0IU54te r 1IARMED No ofte "UT IR3ssab A.5isete sac* B i .bf Peoin 1lausm-athbe li et souILVT.. vaigtobbai ly six M#.eie ta.. blomenits.of Ibm Ceaie. js a Scemiletsta teDallons, are -kuawnte la br14 dm let tle icliatt. sud tl.himnoeno. lle aI,% beY %erae tarblera 'Thomp suck s %Us Ibraui a tiliov aItlmhetelegraph oper- atoena table aud requirad ienlmteeop«nthb donTbep theon dsrmilbheste 1telhe opoee. sud itîs aporaton @»» ora im iDot pkoy te combisîuitos. aud thept*en vmut t.i the agentým louensud escoied lia tu the dep . , teretey mai. lita apes tie sais. Ttey book aut 1300. vihaut deIng violence te Rauonu. O»rneUim Sap7lbthe m la Beepouile Ie on Ileeys Enraies., A paper led tn tle District Court at Minnuaîits. amakles the ciarta; charge tez an enîpioyeairLaird & Botte. vIa 9ou ed s sawtiitîtl.set lhe tire ahidb sitOr- vai urucdIl itey. 'Ieo paper la an an.vur teaàasuibrau;fit lp Lairi & Botto aîitust IVa lois & cannon. WvIalsso avu a talii aI line (City. mniwtitb bou thora t moneotîatlun'5 pouding for su excianiîs 1 ai prputlei. île dîfeiaDL4 te Put tu a .0notefa' 11.5» and soi uke sasolîmI m*on- oces4ion. VIe asavr alileleà bal lie t-pIs iitiffa ougîht Dot lu racaver. %sunce île r nlil tas borni Sept. 1. 1894 by a Ira ilvhlie vas set and kinilc by the Plain- e titre, theîr serrants sud empiape56 ttil - itdcurrstd tbally uni solilp bY nesaiO a the csralcssnu osl uJneglîgendeofaitle àplaliutiffà and thsir umplopes.sud tîtel tle e areno BOset and kindieil vas tleAme ire a twlch tionaatimr and an tIc &&ame dap de- ËI stnopad &lo village Ofa inlmceY sud a clargoeiurouut ai tituber, s, the deienisnt r voly hliovos." A LOVERO POET GONIE r Oliver Wendait flemme.Ilshe Auieeral et a lheDreakfast Telle." fFusesavw&Y IL Dr. Oliver Wneill blues. tle tramaI e inleni, lia kuile4b man, tleOsItieOst litlgcr, auj île quanuesl bmaris af i al 1Ihat bnhtllant colsris vîlIch made Boston n sud Noenîaiad fanious thoeverthîe Engligla iuage vus @pollen. las iss. Be slipped syfroni the arma 0frbtievedones e eurly Suaday isornhng aud joinei lis ment insln tha great leyou& 'Almeil I6 ru Woa tri vasR a jesfi. net 115 nos lr»er- 0enliai kindi>' sud Oap. 108004116 tbm Pute 16 afislIa iar one@; teamtae tIaoutfiel l pain e apung vas ail; lIaI le lait lia tonld wvîliebhai 5n0 basOansd s0 -loved, sud ai vbicb hobm b ImAumch au asornemmntansuscb a Jet. vilîqol one pe» oroneanaregret, as onm tIc 10 «lis tb. inaperyoaibils couac&aut bhum 66 anti lies ota unplongent dreaus. nThe a tesr-tadtmaed epas ai bis chiliran ami bis Le ld.Ilme frisn a Isiipparc.rei vI e l 10 end es..undit vas 00o ut ytImhe »liL et tIls ail.uuIiuglihps amidtesutaton ot ths ligît ir.uthing I vas kuOvuIb si la mhef aller and fieni tAS DO mors. * iNcEBAgSE WI OUTFIPJ' Condtin ofthe.]Industries la Çat!ia Il . LGELDano n ' 'lklt Eonvio O ,d Traie @&y@: «tWlt thîe dbeap uoneYop noetai'he Wu&anSuh ai aing ta valst it i. not a stage lIaI punclasas oi manîaiaclared epraincie are ausiler than vwu sapocla f Wboal las tancleil îlo lovesl poini ensr on ku2ta fat options ani coîlon tle loves' e- avoer kuatu lnanspftrae tisthîe promutm n. classification. aiIeo accumuaion of uy stocks un htb praincie i. discouraing 1< ,r. purcdissnfor naau isci. Praduora are or compeiiedtolat iprides blowtheor- or Weseru lStesu thora la alto a lamentable ire reliun re t ho corn drap. Unisr the. cm ne comataudmsIt ilbu etr snne If the py deussi ion manufacturmi prodacti sbosîs Se le quile As lange as ln othen pears. ut Anothha War Governer Gene. :1Aninat Grogg (lartîn. van governar oa ..Pennsyaiet. diOi At B.liefonie. P6. Mt Sunsay aorslsg. Bis end tas reaceini lee h avhug ble uncansdîaus during lbe r-lent iaiv hourgsofaiei ife. Ail tle maux- ers tareie bamli voeeut the bedside who tho buassai %at. VIeheuilh o. aiex-Gar. curtIs leas bol o.10 mer ttGovrnar liezSpnague ai1Rhode et Island, Ex-Gov. Ktrkvood ai Iota wvs £005 fllevei b>' lis ieai Curtin. Mr. Curtius deuIl vas due itabraintroubles, broutît ou by Sonre[ deblitty aud old sge 1aProm Harrisburg. Govonuon Patîlsan le et sued a pnaciamation «ipressing bis eh prafound sarav faorlihessiai ofex-Gos. et Coutîn and paping a 11gb tribute teahie mils public service Hle anisred ait Siaga on tI publie bulings' ta e dloplsyod at bait- emalt sud Ibul tbe dopartments ai tate ils Gavrnsman i ti exocutive conînal te hgclceed as tle day ai the menti loh Sruelk Donte Auy as Unovu. &'à White tha carsîval crovis e r. jastilo ai use aoîler lu lie slrmott et KanssaCity. Me. a mmaked rreler mracle JoeseT. Me- Clure, s pealoffice hspedtan. a blet an li baud vhicb mlidbla. Edîluredilai frau ne lbi Injurias. vlieb vre probabip recohve ars la juillnet Whnosssaifte Rouault «y kni thiaewvsnotbiitg dane or ssii ta tarite a% it Xveilhing about lie affsii la lu eti etringe, A CIarmedeathi. îcI vwuno upr AI &il ux pecec VIe ua Who $truck I ie blov ibeugat est in thm rodthe10manuew L. McClure irapped. * WiII Off ertet Compromise. Ail talk ofa nmdiInvasion of theeliturgie Me Ky, *tai preclucts lup Cllecor blackatl ritbai cesued; Dandheuder PresSas sent toS Sta the ianding baril ta meet blet in Homi deirseu for a confoeneca Pretasoffrt go0Dent. compromise. but the hori Vhnins t acot anvthine sbane île origieal prop on bie V(bt)* 10e. *of - o et 'Volnt*Yeu%*. lu lb. wgulem Omb. barbe, 1b* da9m na *10mb 5Mpei P lhe fraio ma*4 oud snMAbMd t1b* lUg *ce& Or %ho peu""sla th 'mcets i g vomu sud 111e aolomu elU probabip die. Ait ar. tadir tbrlaitéudcut, and inter broiect Iinqta. maiIlté *» tomes sors lsijnielpternailp. AUl veres emoved ta theMullasphy Hceb& ThO blam.t ore the accident, .h ou otblle tlocatéd. bar Azini et btête rne?. The Armp of the Tmoneui» closei. 0r- ma union wilh 06 ban.quet at'Cotquiwblre Irhuftday mic.bb Tb"* oom vem q ei electéol: Président GeseslOGievsyIeN 1la D)odue. Iowa. Vice 0*4«fa énial i James A. Wiui*mwoe. lovai- coquse Rob- ou en N. Pearson. liinoist oeral clolgi ' a Voet%, minois; Major -19iCiDawam 10% Chiot colonel 3. lx MOCiMIe. flAIst Majo m Henry L MomriL Missouri. Mlot 10mai11oui W. Piddocb. I îligagoka; -mujot Gns . r o 1reb. Minnesota, Major M. P. Mble- ru bore. Mchigan*,Captait George W. luth-hi moud. Wsconsin, Major Moyl Shermsan. I Iowa,. ormepoudlng Ifecrslary. Gnéral c Andret Bickenlooperi Beodug osr$-ci 1 ary. Coli.Cornelius Cadie; TmsurewGotu"t M P. Force.hil Davri swing fDe"d.ha Profeasor David Svl.f. eminent Chi- sai cago proetter sud ibheoltla. paaaed tram ti earth lits utSa clock Wedinesdap ée.nné tri &%ad Ci y7m.Cbleais vse the.Immédi- ate cause of deail, andithé lu1maI bof the dplni Mau voire pâailes B. bad Te beau uncos.cioug; stucs Monday eveaing. Prot Svisot'a triai for hbetuy tvu one of 1 tb. most famous ofsurp lice. Not cuipr r bis own dénomination but every donnai-En nation and tb. %holà secuiar as Veil msola tbé roli giaue.arid vas profoaudiy asbsctidru hyit Ho B wvsacquitted by tbm body au vbicb Irled hlm. But be tes il bis dotyP4p ta wisibdrao, traintbe cburch of bis earli o cboie te occopy %bat seeuîd ta lo a th brogadlz et 1.4 __ ex Beosa tsamsbip Leet W( Il li reparbed thés tb. steamsbip Cbatta-x1 boacbea. aoflbhgOCSursSeamebip Com- V pany. avendue aut avannah front Nev n York. hsiléon lent vith aIl ou boulet The l Cbattabaocbee vasbult Ilnutater. P& ln la 1882. Site Vas of Iran. vltb a grcseton- nage af11.67085 and a net tonnage afiD #857.5i6. Mer isagthvs, 280 ftet.deptb 15.feeiandbreadthîl.7 fot.Savannah OU vas ber bome port.h Ans-Option Comv5s.ton. fl The Vlcksburx. Misa. Cotton Exchange aud Board aif'1 rade bave caliai an Inter- états convention lun theitlreai fan anti- C option bliitu muet Nov. 20. AI] Cotton ibmanufacturera. planters. morclanle and bankars ln tb. collait States are invtai 10tut attend. Ment Invitation@ viii alto hle x. an t teded ta publie mon. and every Contrets- d man lin the State ix opecim ltuahoproet lo Venezueila n lstreme Caracas adrices sap thm rains folovlngs e thm vateropout bavets osed The ousfaet lits, andjtrop.rty ia grexter thon aKtfltin mreported. Putreiplnic bodies are causliLg mutâtbiceaa Manirfamilles areca is s- tu trois. auffring frais jack oi food sud i elothiun ___Pl_ Gave Baer Chiid NIghimhade te Pay Walisb.i Mrs. PeareaILi.Vifs cf Bavard Peareal.Il of Satt Barbai. IL L. sgvelber 2-year-oId fi dauchter Margsrmt a $telle of nigblsbmde tlaiy w" Thec cliii brokre ORf one a a the baled. saalowed 14 sud 41.4 framL l* lbeeffects ai tbe paisan. L BrasIlla. Babl»sBoueial. X lr Goveramunt iroops of Brunii. undor Gmn. It Limae. roaimd the rotais cammandod by ItGomercindo Saans aItSata Crhtoi Gar-v 'ferment forces are hling BlS ateMaim , aThc ratais attacked Sauta Maris, but vere repsised. tg___ Sonstor Grmas a Blok uua Senator Gormans clame friands at Baiti-b à more uap holeaisasufferer front Briglts id dige., sud bas accepled the adîc ,a bis pîpsician. Du. Lncoln, ai Washington. I ta abtain tram active Pliticai varie. b )f Boblai ef a Fat Peeketbook. i .. A pocktbaok Wvastoloenfrant Joseph f 4 Machot. nt Cautoon Pu., vhlcb cautainedC 0$14,000, $6.000 lu 8100 bis and the balancea lu chocks, nates.. etc, The o mno repro- ~ ssIed Ibm savlngs af s Ilfetime, Egthel Brandon Oboresi. t le At Eau rancisca. irm.Etbmi Sackvoli.a e btter kuovnu sMiss Ethel Brandou, the . actri@.s bas bien awarded a divorce tram s. L B. stockwmi.ths actor. en the grouod el or extreme cramitp. la mIndosBank Botai. V, The Ellilsiant(loci) Baux wvsrobbed onï 18 Weduesday nigbt ai 05000.1 te IABEET QVO'KATIONU ne Si ICA - OATrLE -Commutu Prima ....S15 ie Haose-Bblppims Grades ..... s..W67 Ougtu-Ir te Cboe......200 ~50 tg WUZÂI,-Nep. 2 Red........... si 8m . 2 ...... ................5la29B ie Eura..hlmresner, .... S ad Eoa-mn. . **. a..... 31 >D & ~APOLIL Ly CATMUOum)bm o 575 tae L~l...::: 4 en0600 P -ComuntePrime ý.200 d 1850 he GAla-Mo. 2 Whil ........ 1 0 82 nt EIE T. bUIS. 0 9 110oo.......................00 q ou WUAT-No. 2 Bei ............ 48de a Cogg-No. 2....................... 0à 11 e, DAI-NO. 2 ....... ..... ...... 211 3 011S-No. 2 47 (0ATI w ai rd ç,%0 .........50 f 2 aâf .......................... 600 40> 2ar» 4t ....... 1100 40 n. OAIi-y,MZid ............. 8188 lot cm-N. 2 !. .....~.. ae s OATTL U...............2 82 AÀR ON IN OIIIOAGO Wt4OLX. MI SAL.I OIRCImS. %»e X BilleS 10th lits IlUrn tem Ieu Woes-Tetis*Uqnasirnla ernewis- -1 * Iflu as tea"st« 114e sai off" vîi îthlellinois Wboiesaie igoe', AqmoaIOe. uThsa l14 svary jobi- -m »îvili ta-sad iW rocatig-bit lesiscel u a siis Mniti. thetaies once goveralng ho tIste nd paute*isuir thebm Clcao make16 bavial ia ms aponimi by ga- ai, conut.. Jobonais gmra111001003 ke ver la lb. Irsie; nerticlSe. vtl noir sinularkl 1ko s fghtblogu Mae- tp. The prIce ou sugar hl Nev Yare tr ta@ f6 t, elfe U3passi. 0m- - bazm Une0 auslis ogere.witel. Ov au 14.44 va. quoic as a5rie- male price for tIbCm Oittllu7. SLul tgar la net the baute ortiie strugle. îî suMd Vii le morol a aide luas. 11Tmb* -nie bolsg suspendait evmrp Men malkns hvit sprice ai-obaslas tbm only ait- 3 ilfceul pis.ut tbe eltuatiant-izos at muitions lu th. fulitment of oriers. Tic eargesfor csrffle. pactelag boxes. igs. sc.. abich. have aswlt e inthîe rois lit te Chicago Iraie, araeovstabsorbei by the lbtars, No open cuts lau graeerp stocksth bave beau madmn titI the exception Of kva Sgar. thlàiaroallp asassety taia lfor tae eape ai tbm surplus ses ai ofthe il TIBSE AREC DEAD. Terrifi xiSte a"i MlIi of th D. lAliole UamWarka. &III Dp tle sxpiloa oa atmaut pipe in1 bm AI rail mUll eaithe. IiIAolsSteel tarks ai Wei Southi Ihcam tblre, mon losI 11cm iravs e and four allers tare lannibip injured The 1he acorery ai o te of tle tour le Impossible gSV and ai the otlens improbable The stesut reg tipe vas ouae thetalarge main teade rs non- 0 n~ it.ntogh the eamure plant h paaedEtl troaLthe.railI inlulia cours. aud the. mil explosion camse eI a poain the Midle oh f1 Ibis daparlisent. Mdore ibsunf ft men. o were tarklng oser thea part of the ro lu. tla a bidh lteex ploion took place h casetelh, uthbont varu lus. Vbe report vs, diaien- tc log sud gave tb. empaoles thelemat la. f lumatit aof dangmr.MaunF wve..llgLI po~ Injured and vcreabale tu ruefraistbe dei shall Eacapiugaieaw SuIi e rooiensud p he,.rle ill e mbonjurei andtiheb abeuce P of muany of thaîr couraisvaraei Ilose Ru %ha bait gainai safety tiret the explosion au mai beeti foliotai bî surtoutsud pnobabl Bel latu1 rusuits. 00___ DRAMA i1N REAL LITE. net Courier on a Veamles Charger DringeSe Ilespite JustlnlabTes.on bilas Lewis, anc af the Wilburton Choc- lin suw u ittictel pritoners vsita obava beau th $bal ta 1esth at Tombksaoms. tL T.. Sialon- lu dey aiti p P.mAl arrangements h!ba su i periedlod. tend lthe prisuner, besrlpsotte- 1 acteil. titI armas foilai. bad i en bis Uni sat an the desth box, sud tIelaue guantisné lood rsadp. vtb nriflez piacedto tahe VI sbuuiders. tea md theM issiles ai iiatb lu- z to the ptsouers4 breasi. thon a cannierth rode np, bhibomSe foaming. and et a dis- fai tauce ofai sbanired tparisbalie hecap- Sb taia ai tbe guard sud andered hlm ta stop ut praceediage Be convoyai!aa oda rnttm Jadge Bolton reapiting Lavis fat thiri, do lsder$.accarding $0 lustructlas fraisthIb V lnierlor Boarsmmut. lnad tbe rider beaus l ne minute laier hle arden oould bave P boem u meleis. Vhis la the. foathrespite tr Lowis hbra ailn___ Bis INNOCENCEEbTABIBilD. in E-îP«ost.er H ofsetWichitsa.n". eq Cisared et a Grave Crime. A lu 1872. tile J. T. blues vws post- Vy monier aI Wiclita. Kan., Ihm cilice vs O; rabbai of negislerei mail and Bolmas vascc arresteil. trieansd oundgullty&sud zen- la forgeait ta tn y.strs lu the peni- It toutiarp. Bm only smnvei tva posis nc then Influence securai bis releau. til but hoewvs, neyer ableto tapubil provu lis Innocence. At île lime aittb raitarp King Prîca vss clre ls aio- p, 11de. Ha dissppearei and natbiug bai p, tanIsard oa ihum mneoutil Moudayp.-el urîmu Balies recetvei a letter frais lin 1. fotrahîe positmmtis.np ut Jackson. INich.,. containins a compile exanerailan ai the mx-paitmaier, confislig fat île trItern t vas Ibm toit ____ Counlp. Commisstumers Indietai. At Calumbus. Ohia. the grand jury te- turneoI ndictments for maifesauce andial soliciting sni acceptîng bribes auçalostl momtars ai the Board aiCoonli Commis- 01 sionors-L IL Bigzrt, . Il COssidy. and 0O Joseph Mcflonsald.TVis 5lehesuosai ft the Suun iîl te examinersaifIbm rboaks maie lant Jmna *It ahows tha% lhe cdam- missionersadaiespractice ai catting t large coutracta iota parli. costn les@. Ilon $1,000, the iexal huit. 9a %bat tbeop could lotthflouta thirinrinds wthbus Sý competithne bidding. CI Tva Bauired Geai.( A dispatch ta the Panama Star sni Ber- aid frais Granada. Nicaragua. says: imA terrible calastraple bas occore bire The ,uilitatp barraces bave laa biow JI up aud a vbalm quarter af tle cilp bas a boem iadlp iauagud. Thm number af < deai la estîmatai at 201. TIe aumben ai d voonded la much gresier. bol no exact 0 estimais la pet obt&alia -s Nagroe Eaperter Ratait. auven negnoos are reparlai ta have beau khliei lu a race fighi an &sutexcorsion train t seat Bawvrm ils. Ky. VIe negroas ves irak, ansd starteil the rot tacatse t op tare nel allaved te nids lniIl. coaches wt the htes, Johni L. Paisons Elmiet Dems. John IL P&rsae& fuel agonI 0f the Net York and Nct Buglaiti BIlroa& wvasC knuockemi dots ip s runsvup larne on Tirs. t mont stréai Bostas, anti rscalvei luIjuias trois vîlcI le dimi su bout laser.a Tha r'smera'Natioonal mpc»et oSde agateaf1000 gin ltheb.union, Upoiirti4. Ganrmuff ~ Great oerema#~ bung .for lb., hi oiléte' oreS dre a .asTureda*d~ uni~ ~ f thoa lu 1amea pruV~ o tonla of fuote latrslib .0- Id. he rgtalrsaeise vl, Mê aipa tanlucusetraWib§ es et-t' tera oaaiutan i 1eu f Var thia weeonmo aube aer troi 0.d île roceedungeare- dighe e.gumar i ellarjrSonda il fohenaîrmvOîx empboe Md W or ean s>tetulcr.o alrmetr inrtncainaud ar eer nd buAO liemo vag th mpany e-invastiga kraigat asltailies lkOf h ftxes- ra tila.sAssionuton farRI-bga Imao ape mailmore than aedngher a s optiOier ma ei ono suiadlay. gersuouMsrlof Wiloe oiCot aet pînu"and a ek e o uxt. . a. hlt« aarloosureau ralulluti- "raaetl aluttuiies Aras Buir.l velol D.A NcOd um ion Maaeachu-Ill île o spoe tirhosud anance a saerondarland, Wll sn COa loe ofNewlb. ta k MO 'O n i lao C gr l sa a leaionai an Nedo - u etu aik ner eandfiacs& mli le ai ender fWs ril ng sukad th fr- ho Unitai Conges.Cnm O & u îerniasl vithaut 0 king frvhe la o te3 ongo ndsitrer sra At isiema-o se a andapled de- ho UnitedGDN. ?A51 htta oaeofinv e cse vI b molaul le foiogran escia11 rasi aladosîeulaisude- euls i &il tabiflegby a voe aind00 le a7, îl nstten hon nointa oonfertanitI-h >omiteo quentien». The Comm ta.eo >qouI.Oil8 vae ltlrfuch e ta ropar A reslution dthat vie spotecso-pur wol oan. hmp n x Ali Onhte ma l e îvoe Cofngres..7 th B.vnto F. Clatan, a ntetnomltl reaidquesil. Fanra oogresa. o Io esdautiCls tos aa racntical su ýianalvefmr u erio tria i t Bof tde ongriclure u ai F.gialatn, ofuddeinled Iowar alltial honora. Hia opinions sa ra id. t havo mare velghl than thoee of-a Dthor agricAiturai triton. The I srm- rm' congres la nlotas pollticailabdy. as Lîshavu b y the tat ltha tde ?e aa r ppointed by both Dentocrat - mai Be publican gavenan. The con .rme vwes mudh ofite succesa lu the elfe te f il. President. As Saoretary et th Furmers' National Congre., Ian. John M. illahi, oait*ulae7 IIL, s one ofithele aders cf the rodent annual meeting. Mr. i-taI is mnisof pramînence toi inuuoe Ho bhsshbld politicai office, and viime *ppoinled dolecale t) the Furmers - 'aug.eu. by Governor Aitgeld, haotam hairman aiflte Ropublicsn Central Committe, ai Quiucy. The Fsraroi alltona- Congrees@ la strictly non- tasubut no other arganl-iîof aeah. sa mtuch iqlluence OZ:h eogisiative, bodies. I It l"id tînt tuhIt alose la duoe te provisioon mdeby Con gn zefor a test ai rural ree tu it dellver p - The Canirresa le conipee5* ofion. leegato irom oeach Cong.s atonal istrict, tvoatailar ge, appode 'nom each Siai e by th.e(jovror, at4 one tram oach State Ba i ofAgrb~t. tune and agriculurai collage,.l principal abject la te muke, rural liS. nore attractive..-$ be;eagraphie Vee. Nttw YoaK CITY liadecidai ta apt the patral iWagon system. " REECE Rusa vas killai ai Mareao. Ohio, by a Toledo suad 0hi0oensL ' taîn. EDWARtD 1HUET, 9a pickpocket l* ehçct at South Beni. loi., by 2l». Davsby. vIone packet hlia sein~$ to pick. A TEROOGR Mail posait Spini i*I et 'Île et Lr a 10 à