CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 Oct 1894, p. 1

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H. C. PADDOCK. EiDrT)S. Vol. 3. No.t1. Svislthsg *I ,ek. dauighter of their aîîothîer ettu drive te meaxie. îîg a new eed miii. 51l' loge la8t week lites ypur ill retîtrit g iin thîe ied fi oui c aud are Ira. Mer- der lttme 'et mîail lui fîîrîitune will Psuil 'les. You nd Dlgger TUNE," r a «eii tiug. surt- I osa en-giitl f'or itt fe SlO. j'.r fooit. tiroih t5210 r for ciuirul ne. tone' aille of! uit heipt Ilke- t> .tii'în t-ver>' oter wiiout workinsuiike i at an>y lime. inie.. My mou4fen,. to ai that can ,ulwtioa andi titi M, far la ri une- mue of y tlulnk Us.y git whtch Mt t-e the, Dna )r sIum. Aus. t tit- credi t t ai homte. fer nt) of caler. alof five pt't- i w lacn jobu is 1 dug man ri.fer îru"t for the ie Table. ;eY making a caîîvals, lent f elected 1 wîîî'. îis new t% pe ejuîal to an), en-b will serve the public lii te flt (o? iîv. oie rs C tan w Ela,. _W ('o., . n i S1ht 1. '94- ee sampies of .lolu Printing done at tihe IsDFEEItENT Office. V 1tfr w-ý jlstan Nthing obtuinable in Chicago, L Save you a trend or relative b) O n otuotice. utim you woud like to be held in hent remeunbranoie every week foi The ,oesirr Office is in Shape ' the oooing year? Make that person 10 îrîit sale bis ont short notice. epreaent of a years subscrlption tc Satisfactor: work gîîaraîiteed. Free notice ithe paper with every order. Pead This, If You Dare! ( Triges & Taylor, the prime mnovers of business advancements. Yes, they are the movers, They alwaysýý move the quality of goods up, and the pricesi down. Their Meats have always been recognized as far superior to any in town, and their prices are as low as the lowest. They kiti nothing excèpt healthy young cattie. They also carry the Iargest stock of Groceries in the county. On account of the scarcity of the Potato crop in this section, they have been obliged to ship in a car-load of fancy York State Bur- 'banks, which have just arrived. They wil seil these ellegant Potatoes froni1 the car at 75c per bushel. Now don't forget to secure your year's supply before you have to pay $1 per bushel. r TRIGGS & TAYLOR, Trade Caterers. Your (Ittentior) Was neyer beforu ..lled tii such big valucs for .such '-,mall jpric s inay be liad now at the CASH @ STORE?~ 21 Ibs Gnanulatcd Sutgar Arbukies Coffee, per lb Io lbs. Swvel 'Potatoecu 2 doz. Cloîhes Pins Apron-eheck, Giirîghaiin,, per > c Indi-o blue 1rint,, \'..kî~hîunî-But Flîîîtî *1.00 - 20C Xoîîu aci t e t ci. l l tii c I iot uriIILc Ouiur et at ivjul', Of Dress Goods, Men, Women and Children's Underwear, Feit Boots, Rubbers, G loves and Mittens, Hoods an¶1 Facinators..b Thse Shoe Trade we conîroi, and you make a mistake if you do "lt look over our line before purc!iasink. MILLBURN. WAUCONDA. bulhîscribe for lte LNDE'ESiDENTr. 1 ite ', iitaqi smir pictire Alfe Ifclsî'tt Il n spe nt'Su iffay iii')eci Amîlî,li.(~e,.G l i is telînrtl on iti !tfi'. Xillitas a att gitîiilîi to ie liaIt. PRicE, î cErutà in $1.50, in ad*Y Thtis space has been rented by H4enry", tk I f o Lake Zurich, to advertise bis.bp and candidature for Sherff of LakeC~ c mick The Peoploý may read and judge themseises. gi~~'.ii li>i~~Oi. 1. Illcks. ltici tgi>, ka gîtes t t HER SEPFR HRIF. Rtichard (i fii ti Ilegitiit "oik lii . Greeti. Hý YSI O HRF. Dè'.id Niiti,. Il. Keioîci t, tiîîirnîlition, 'ss lit the seleelion of a candidate INI.' Aili IM'hile utit lttt (luirago 'lites- lierT Iast . eek. 1Sherif! lte Demicrats of! IM d;uiy <ii bti5iiiC5s. C. L'. lattii visitiiîig r.elati'. Cilit colifity maee a very jadiclous Choe A wod li Mss oi-aWhie -oigii- (piét t peseit witiig.inithe person of Mr. Henry Seip, las* A ".td ti Msa olaW lte igtii'[<mt ~prei~ t%'ititgthat gentleman le making a clean â ize a ifrisaute cluis aituonce. MIr aiîd Ni. iouuse, of iRockefeller honorable effort to sectîre teofie. %Willis NM('rediilie aal1hy cotïl, téir îsitiîtg aI Il. T. Ladd*s. wtipopc rwn iîltr lua'e eiiiuteti witiithi e lîtiircli. ilprsetgon bghr Mis.Sliw wtt oît roit ('iicgo %. C' Northi, of Chîlcagt, nruade Iies eleution duîy draws rieur. -s Sawws itfrytCî1prentis a dhttrt visit receritIîy. Mr. Seilt was born ln Reg. oPver Siiiidav, '.isitiiig lier suit. NIt. Sutof? Barniigtoit, watt oit Dramstadt, Giermany, ln 1840,. M! Mrs. G;eo. C'. ISotgel wais îtite ili a tîttr astreets We(iiiesdaty (oflait week. t-sme to Ltake County with bis paîeutta few tlauys last week, btut is iltîlrot iig. îîailrotd' î! aiîrtîtîîî Are we a goisiîg in 1851, locating on a farm in FreSeOt ilastôr IHarris weîît to icltago to lhav.e oiie titis tinie? Minie wilî tell. townishipt. Moida an ls dtihtes u uesiat. Miss L. Tidmnau-sli wi oWEgn, Mlienthie waî bfoke out ho eajImte4 Tite brick ie oii thîe piemises for litst week wliere sbe ailli ttiy a iiotli. antiCo 'F t-itiiolw" a iîew fotiêîiitiiîîîîider M t'. i'aiîaîl's ldGo aee,(fFeot 1served bis country weu W» Mtore. eil'r&acaa (l"' iakto ~ n i.Bsee.o'reiinreceiving his discbarge on e»Mi, 1 ue WiStt ..tie-- "elrs o te aftripie aunrmtew~e e the ellui-ciIl, Illaldle meatîds.'.'. îl1,Wtiftim)iaiiomuud I~i'nntr TiIppniant SUBSCR 1PTION TERMS. IIOW TO<.KT RIC11-bly OUcetlow J >+îcut.+ tan teae , .j» ir iberaily landetea. oDr.Fe U + JUUJJl. + IAl..~.AUtAA5~~ 75 ~qUent andi constant ailvertlslag broughti me yWffuoonda Independomt. ihbt o,,., A. li iFown.-A. T. Stewart . .. ucosade@ d Laike Zurich IndenendeflL OU,- 1car' itîn:t itiii sii itin3 mubt. IT ioflàliberauipatrontigeor îpriatI.«ofir. 011,*y ar. if u t ieaid wttbl ô months.... 1.001 Aitor. . .. How eau the world know a man bu. CRAY LfE IDEPNDINT. Ali alcmentîî utstoppagmdeathe rate!' asoodthlaguaie.s he dvertsel the CRA S,~,EINEPED 1T. of '..îrper )ear. bi on Of It?-Vgnderbit ... ýMy son, deal ouly Igvery Prdlîs i wit I men Wbo advertlse. You will neyer lo.. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. bE l.-FNTS.n it«'. Center of Lake Coont>) for their beralI COMING VNO GRAYS LAKE. 80wlà and vLclnit"e,.gir.. ail flic Couty News El-i.uiou-Tiîesdaiy, N*o%-. c,' ununlte tber strenalth to a ireocaiaa h i giand iTîesaylOt. Mr. Frazier iii stilli veiy low Y P<11SONGTiis wil lbe Itle last opportîinii . Edgar ilooik Was lunie (,%et suilday. ___________________________________Thore wlho ieglect it, catit vo.e . 11, I. NeVin iade liii uktl triîîI p 1w2 Ii wtt SMi,6 lr Te Tariff Quiestion wilIl e dis- to file City otdy J iacblS 15 18200144I j 46 1 S6 1 #10 8lch! 1251 2M 12 7t6_____W îsT127-ï6 ecîîssed lc. Horn. William 'ri-litiss and<l jetTers & la ~aie îI.slli iîgtil.e J Inu il~5 2 0:3<li40uJ i :2 lis. Mother abde speakers lit tiie Townî HallIp,rkbins %tl k ek £iaoh11I _1Zt11aW1! 4-Ï<O f5 Mj10loi-15 j_ 2 1 25Libertv ville, Sattîîohiý e milig, oct. IMisi Florenîce Stiro%% s N '%it-tiiig lier 8 001 ~ 1000 et1 2 15 1 Iu 155 20, '94. Al whît tare flot îfrald 10 grtt-paretitî iii Wauikegaii. 1 Col. 18on 112 i 5i îsoo I40 1Ile Fi I loolisteîi 10 Demot' eitti, logic. wil be welcme'l Ltole- ie epeclllv Anyone desiinig t(t iiîake a tirst- 125.per cent ailtonairor Frunt Page or clàass t rade, siboulti coustIlt B. J. Lottus. specuaa Position.luit isses 0111e Morrill aitd Lola Borge Loal Notic" en tan tR trer Une foi fiiai n Maiyor E. 1). Siiirylecf. of Marengo, are damîoiîg Ms('iard s uew pîJilS*în SMOD &W afi ile wni" per ino for each addO- Iideî,elldnýiti .al.lidîle for relîreseeitt- t.a nîsc tiacallacrtioa. Those carry ingsttandigade tive, for tilis stît .eiaLoriiiI distrivt ~h.uneasa46 ~1inewtl~bt wt4 adres~ tl~ 'ol.ts .t &b# i tev. W NM. l'oilî îîîreaellîeiagalli Legat 8100p-r lh i r first tinte andi Ifty cîîî ~w~ foloîç:l lt- .Gagtes Lake las( -tjj1I1iv îitriig 51nt Per Inch for ae tîh îu<lnqieit linertion.tiand Ct iiiiig. 'Fle aia>ve rat-.î ioiudc averlslig la H atLike Zurich,. 'fuîes-îlo% vveîiiig ( Ic 23 Oveltapers. Noextrachn chat-i'lo- ltr--ti madie Libertyville vcîîws ()\e ~t 24. Ladies do flot forget ti t W. '. T. 1'. n tvevtisca.eniwrunntrtg byt î- > -ar, iig u.25 etig %4 l Fi*itatrni1 f(d Biliefior adivertiýiisg sUd J0i, Printtng are 'taiiîon1Ia, TIursîIav evt'e 3 tt.2. îctîga e',(ý.n i Ii.,trioîfi du ~Payable. Wi,f - month.Tîsgnîfii ncoutt~ek Job Prinuofg it i. ie. 1). soli Arrs eer anti diseuses tl;e 1,litival i-suies ca la Aivance. 14)au loît iau lui,j u .-n a fr<îm a republiean standti point. Thieiii- AVON. ~int wl.htelligelît publlie stiotiidgivet hlm a flair. Mi andti M s. Gisf 'ited %W auke- Snge <opiti 5ae-nt§ cadi. 25 fur $1. imrpartial ht'ring. 1gaitti- .i wetk. Subscription Price, $1 .50, per Vear. ! (City boarders stili conîtiiii'ie to liger H. C. PADDOCK, Publisher. WEDDING CARDS. i in lIte Counttry. leWe hlave i'. st lotiglut foii i-w Ni r. aiid M rs. Wiîîiiiiiîigton ii iit - fonits o? srip>t t%-pt- anod reîî'iv d our "taqikegaireceatly ANNOUNCEMENT. niew samîles or îogram ', wedduuug lS id Cariieldtiiierlaiîîed thie Candidate for County Cierk. statioiiery, ttsiliflg (anis, etvi., aiid Ladies Aid S-««iety Tlitirsday lifter- flavilig beeil nomisiatied fîýr lite are 110w fuIllv îrepatredt 1) <ornplete 1 Iitil 'oceof CSSUDiny Cienk. I lia%. e <ecided wlth aîîv establishimenît iiAmeicaMirs. lesste eade is ilil)rgoviiîg il, t0 Malle the race aud sît-til l'e thautk- for fIne. Joli Printiitg. Wc make a itlie n eltîe usele u flortevotes (if ail î"yIv iculida. sîeciaiîy of wedding invitations and agalut ssm.11 My borne duties at oremient pirevent n,,,l11(,emnt . tc .- t an nint........_. ..... Ltake, were uleasaut t-allers lasI Sat- M is. MW'oodlitîtse anîd datuglter sIient paurt of litîlweek t sitiîug ChIicago relative4. J. W. Miller the, Liltert'.ville stock dlealer -tas m itis utticiiit3 bus iuug ltgs ast Fridat. Nir. and iMis. F. Ileadotu, of Wauke- gant, -aled titiW auîcîîula relatives last Sntuday. Justice lBantgs retnriietl Sautrday from i uswestern visît. 'Te .hdge looks as welI as et Cv. Mrs. A. A. I'aytie, of lvaîilio 'e, cîll- cd mit Waîîcouîda frienuidanaud relatives irst tif lttst week. gnged iin varions occupations, atimo:i lime coîadîîting a hotel ln Waukegams. Of laie Ncars hie bas been a permaneal resident of Lake Zurich, wbere he coudicts a large and remunerativ$ genueral store, îînd was for sevecal, yea1nn ismat He htts a laîrge îcquint.ane tltrougluout the conutnt, and fcw xbw are more biglîly or more generIW, esleemed by tbose holding oppote~ politîcal t'iews. The faet that li l the nominee of the democrata wiii a$ç pret-ent bis host of republican frle.EW ln evei-y section of lte county freM givîag bim teir voies, knowing ja lhey do bis excellenît qualcati0m& for the office tu, whlch te aspires That he wlll make a wot5hy,, MM- u..o. t îgî n.isuîa i gau uu lun tue-aptle cultu ire li Fîttida is ual- ThiC ttuue tif tMr. andtIrs'ti. Rets' e Lt essor to otîr efficient reting ah.i4f'. bult tu lus iotel antd aiment c-aireted ioitiiicluuîed tb gîîdowiu anud t iew the i s Sbrîglîteîed bythie arrivai ut a Abr .Cnaeeyfi i wilI mute back 10 Ithe old home. Naud 'ottug lady s few days agît.Alen .C rdeeyar d* coacedes. If the votera of Lmk0 Qmite alitertous dispute tookpae J . .Straitg lias rettîrneti fronitlis ' RtuiyavKimtenxlpey twelîîttî C9H(llcgo County'desire aman who wli _b . Tluursday utglt, îîearly eîîdiîîg ila a untng trip lîwikiug as weîî as cier 'rloites ty aîîe pecîs 10 ohonor 10lte offic-e, Who wil.i diachq murder. Claud lSieultis waa§ lit Mn. on s 11111e helter, for lte lest anîd recra' utss tttewtbli o iue. lte duties of lte office In a ee'pAliSs Twseeds sbtoe ait Mtua'iile sliortlY atloit. Mus. G. Sanford, of Eitglewood, marnuer aud '.ith î,roMptUe ae N a! 1er8o*uelock. A mail b1fl ta imelilirprnsNran r.J$-fdithywlmke o of Nelleot called Sieultis front fle C&tsidenabie utuxiety lias been felt nituele" trnt r ndMe J .fdutte iIiaen store antd a dispute look place ini wlîiil over lte reptrted i utarutes of diphte- lleylituids a shorîit vieil last week. la seleetiîîg Mr. Seiji -Lake Ctt Nelsonu stabbed Sheutils twice. ria, bunt we have Iteard of i case liere- '%e îuderstaîid tai Miss rill Patniot. Sheutis wals unalile 10 Le noved 10 a-tOuta. cngaitized lwo Germait classs lasI las htomeaand is§ very low nt pterien~ie 1 iorge Waters' luntant sîdn was hur- week; ecdi clasa meetl two evefiniisgaý The INDzprKaUîENT beaua auy oba m-ritimtg. Tihis iait NelsonIN sof saI ii Suntlty at Utnion cermeery.' The, week. paper li Lake Couaty for 160oa! 4ý '.er'. quarielsonte disipositioninutl services were conuted hv pastor J. Ji. ilouîey lias itiovet ils istouse-. and piublisbes t hwIlle it la friidi, O getierally limiîernfle infuiiîence uf stnonig lttrris aILIte lbouse. luolti giode fronit'CiiiWao anîd 'sili.- dntiiiksJia%,uug tlireateiteîl b take 'lie îî~rticSlF Iti te IGooccttiiplte ionse Lack of tite Itiiig Chamberlatn'a Colla. Chcira ,'< 1I of luite a ruuuîtleî Iefiiî 1>C.cq Ie«I TIlu %eiii nde--tre-Dlarrhoea Remedy. - ~jit etli le tlace of umeetîig. l'ite clatis 'lThe'i arîl sociable gî'. ci Saturtitix 11 oîîîtl ratter trust thitt edieW,,. titte-, Il niet ini rotationu at thjet\ai i- 1venuing iu il îe (G, .11, hall îîîîîei liainn nyttetor 1 kuiow of," staysXN»,. BI G HOLLOW. oîîs hontes ofl cadi. lereafiei dapices tif N'.IR. wus a granid liallie Mtsiu, tif Clilîton, Corter i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y 1 »1,liiltsgtu ( iu< .îe .l.S. C." E. business Iueetiit u iciea i -iiseît ?ita njl*Wlb»Ktrý llite Itituitu- is t 'ii hu itskîig tutu 'trS. Spttlfort's last Fruîqat.3 lt ats 'ilr. tandIMrsta.1I. 't entis atndî Colic Chiîernaud Danie pli'.'. uig. ,%el atteulel, maîltue'.'.ollicers %acie Childttitien fE'.tvatoîî, malttti heir For sale îiy F. B. LovelI, Li 4ity1ê elet: Alite .]tînîusîîuu. lres.: Lv- niaîly %'tttîucutiida futelusil tu stî ,isit ttttd G. C.. itiiert's, Watucoe4u; lititie-î Lt'kuni iec~t-inug a t'.lie% tia,. IiiintiStiart, IVice Iies:Aiijce Wlîiie, Iiist tifilue week. [)ritggi.sts. li Sonutclinus. s ttte uttu îteuteu Sec-.;:Harould Nitio, l'easiiei 1 Fille cabiet îphoitoîs îîitiy $1 tptî WANTS. FOR SALE. ETO. Mus tit iIltibbard ] illutachatrge if4,Suuîudtîy, Ot I. 21. atil Ie ev.enitlg st- - ' iiii t-ftlte W'atuconduî lLitîîGalI- PU-E 1111ED PLYMOUTH UO*.ý oui settittîti'l fiî ile-. I.'is le i: a iuu ire i lure, W.A. Venctila ]eîit, etci. :h lere ttlat'. ae ouurpitutites Ptckerts .tud 1titlts for sale by' i t i ' tut ssiîiu u frouit A i ictt - t'.ill tile . ak en i I tt'II pt MNirs. 'Thuoma s idît l "'l, G iu iee, [Il. (luo ti d ie gietitîs iitîîii.(Oeîîsitîe'l'lie mteetitng tilil eit-niiChattgetif flice I ù,wsîi wet ttii (iteeitw ouI Le Pla 's ii' -t cititisute a.Sites I l*a ~~ u i lt etst, %% '.'eek aund wtas tîieit tck,floit lie Y.F.Sté>.'ui1 oi o i sllsOl AEapure rdPla& triLtkecoity.uttîu it-vu). il.i sge.tMt teterauiîw itit u-u jîîî :4(iuta utn,2 cas-old; alait s. file liiustleu nîglît lieue. lt1aecuiy nlrI l etn etradilleleejs Extenision tMît'eiteîit iýaiutaueîi 1î3 as5011tus lie s iteli etuiuglu. t3-ltoc tiRosFeeti cittier, apply t*ý Aitoîte isliiut> ti o o'att- iit- lite Nationtal Societ'..J V lrIolIolIl 5t4 shil b'lkluuiiiilofitîl t l sit tailts plaîce- Il toiuttav uy iteitis of tîuleiest li'for*- lis %%e';li tiitueetiof ut siiotntîike-u - Sîbscnibe for the la FtEEN'T uand îîuîtsu t, îîîttttae tlîcetditon, AIMF bI X1,!t ntri Ou ir ilt cl lid Suiffla I-Ilo , receive - wee k 1, atul(,tht u- ws frnt droptiltt lt ittt-le post ollice ai t t-y F sars, 325 utcres 'selIl ntproV4d' . tiiti ield ini the selclttî-lîuise 'i isur suinrfotnding ciitri't Advertise illiceieu'pîrompuut attenutionu. fiiut-Cltns aîiry fallu, plenty oif waier pio iniig a e uci'ess %%'.ilt lte tidui H Ci % i l 'lte laDEPENDIEN'T, if~ etIiO le Weu ul a ii laii Itî , tu utrttn l oLtilh spriiigs atîd wlis. Frt Ilr liiusi. knuio'.v oti are- alite and wIvat olit ire i"a plentte usait tltrtiyutly lit's'uier, .1. 1'.Norton, d t)'ir ,u'-iîe-s uict ii keilI iasdoiîug. Il is the bt-st local pliîler an(îl ilîîie mait i,, sîtaei cerîîiy lrcutises <il Rot-kefeller, Ili., 36 tg e\ erN . dîlts'libutlit-ftel-i ) ;y, ]ik_ a(verising medium imi LatkeCoîtîty. wîiillit-aigîîdttîl tt. Ais oie tiIho frot i'uctagto tut IVs. ceit. 1R suttîlusîtuii antore s rtte a guetultii Hu'le concertu 't t itiîîi.« liiîiî,tt .' 1ut-l Calitoi ia i iie. Farmr. rSale. lriit'tintiittlitIils plafc. îiîgitfi- fuile ieuueiit if te hisiieIC lut s fle attrtactionîîîu iilMH iti lgisCra10a-e. 1 '1'î.îîliitttrs .'.îe îîî luîikiîg iielii s i'eitîrtetilii to eailioît gial-tti- tt- t el 3 Siuutu a ntttuyoiîitetell? hat f. ti m;î"eu W'srretaUrW, gttuuî- ua wee ainilot oingt' o.i tuî'ltces 'liteirelusons i aue w t- î î aS the Slarialtoectiuse. liii o ru s L il,tuttIirliles îorib. 1~~ rai j gîsîtl od iiit iat orv uimtunatgemte nt,;'l'i i illit tt S uiay bîusintest%'ats sîtiei mt i' iimt aaîed. tigaodý1'bok.1 i ngiu. c lii uî ktimg no one wtt-s tin t igie ry lill o rtg -.ia 1 rsîtttiti. tule'. -r ln gsprlg anid i>o sigiiî, Sîîîît'.'.o otfilient; lbut îîey %t'. c ri- w liîg lt lart3 Itei1i: l-'iuirt iu.T -liti mmi secîîai it nu~uetcî 1 501>tttlai îl rtigIî-tî ctîîoroo laîleot l tutt 'lit-repîtib itî tI3t tattci~ irt-titi . "-ui s l!Applyei l)igiuîand i35 ue rc'.ed 4 tl vt le ii1 J'laiiaîîmn'ecit'îaite alitul eue. i ~a large cil.I'ti lii t. Geti. E. Fitsst, Iigi.'ý, . 'ciii' .. Rus-eii, iI. Itigiestuttiiu-xlItlecived 'il ae% ý it ILI ior îasIîll i tiq'taIî and'C.S. Ct'îliiug eluteret soîtue very . pi tut'. lix fne lietetut. (ielo4>ea îilgtslt u uily oiWintii abLleu speeches. llîu. 1). L. Jomues, Auction Sales. lii * M tî~~1nt jiie Tîtai uts .TItrnec Ytîtig M aidis eutI tt e it(ii tt i <t.ts i itt. akilbe lîavlîug rent iet'i um s IVluttaplaise fie' Missles Aggie atît Nellie aîesut.cterni of years, tiltI sell nt publit aumi* VA E.Mct)otigallVs wore un gtstd Ittîaîl Tiere s boîtecia stereopticoit enler- or, tite.premissi, îi mlleit aorthmtIli Utrrie uautd Lizzie Sit tien ait- t isît- Scotth.t. lideed rntmor is agieeil Ilalt titittenit litie laptist clinreli Sattir- Ditimuonti Lake-, antiaï miles*oib.e4 iîug friendiiimuChicuigo. filie whlîe progrant wali gîtoîl, ini the dat3'e'.etîîîg (Oct 20?. A 'tery good lihe village LiLerty'.llle, Tîueidddy I tL best seuse of thue word. We cîaugr>ltîu- eutertinitit i i proinised.Ti. Jckets '94. Coamittî'ng ai 9:80 010oiltka.lw Orville Sinîlluidiut go toi Vulitit itetle clioni iin general,uttuil liot. catibLe liail ut lloberts drug store.shunilu ae îollowlag property i.Mtz raio, oitia asreorbd lsI'sek. H. . Iluglies ici pattictilar. .dults 25 centls; childiluu1-5 cenits. Abner Tylor îr, lay rallie, liai raci.4 P Abî> lenr pahon t 'it r uesuiliiug Now Il it e lime 10 s'.îtscibe for E.rbd.i iuie - on.Brctiker, Iboller, Pali 1 r, rom" titie. iîeîsbtuiiullutt Clark's Horse Review. The Indepen- n'. Reyutild lias matie a very large Suliky Ctlll'.shor. 2 51 le cultl dent ls local agent for Lake county. - tiitity if ittrgluum Ilhut full. AI- îlot-se Itou, 2 Pair mieIga Mi."Mar Pane s rpidl reove- Wthogli e hd aver dr su bug-î, A qoatnlîr oljtov Mis lur~lilie e apdl îcîvc- e wîîî send bot papens one year tlogi'v ia eydysminer Tr-uck- wagon, 7Z Ch ecw» 0 iuug frîîm ier recmithattack oftifb3utiîd Ilîre eden>si buhave Leeî consiteraitle SiLîirwgn e ia feler.toany c esafrony i Cs astgai nvaie but cnt e ie ail iglit judgiig '.5-gt, 'l'fop Jîuggy, Cari, S - lleituy 'ariîtîCw lias Iteen itilîaiîîg Avtte -Ly ttfi.oint tlitIlias Lieun bnuuglit harteîîî, 2 sitngle ltarneaaed, M a Ilue' l ituue . i- otc c ficor.le IV attî ittl it srgluni a i. A qîîtîtu uty tif tante Itay, <3attIiSt e uuu'er l'or Ii nwlutile oit- a Subscib. f tI-tort-st-nulit îitock, .1atulsber inuuttt itîtisaired co~lt11<Ilow dear 0 til Ieaurt s 1 elait ul"Iti il rN t. iot-. A it îîîî lai vofbaiseblits. Nr ldMrsi. Oscar wtuuItit t Cusiîtoit ebscripli , Juilntu luiuy Si-_ A ilert K<endll,tof 'le raini. ort i e-Al itum# of el enr.t E In %e get s 1 ,i. h i fl . er lsNet-s'. iik.- lie lutai ee tu uak i îg his <t ilt- . t halIt o' c-n 10.0Q> a ic Cutambi 3t , wle 'eoigtesî . Il. Wllitm Illlehgomttofus stul sc tii ai alid aiIiý ve lstPreietsitfi vetbuile tpiat luurleeiniiollu itl u 'wtitivr t'.ilil h ie tn onuîppn'ov' M s .H.B y n coip li 1 i.\ llit file ut i hit i dlut ii' . ýil it-s-. 'l'liet intuuerati ser-vices '.'er frlvIýII,'tatonîsîîîso'e$l.Ot N îhI s.I.h. iyi td tiittt'l itI"e ireurainu Irîîuiltscr iplt tt 1 1 tiIiiim'.iion ,ýlîuutii soilletfor. iet ssteiMrs.Nlirhaii, (ADianond or, Ierhps, entl 1 ellei, bell iiiIlieBaptst'cu'v. IH.ldayIN',H.y&pl At uut it-ie suai M ted iitlututu.iii Joliuitiet î elt.hag iti ittitautertuîîîî,1. lIt'.. l-attîîuîîîtll tiltg . ,- * * '~ .tuke. ' I-ll cti i oi>la Tiatai i nîtgltit e t iti. t'.eek "lî- ie lilli siouiert acoitiiiettcedtîluWeaiding cýrde Etgeueutui rutîtStulh lu', PenuumN .arn,ers Monthît ga. Ilt ittshsu ek.I S For Wed 4« fiei lîertttruofsonattrait- tlinte ftt te Fremont coini-- ntaking. lavuî)g turtted out it lange Toeteyscriber wbopa. $ '~ misaloters dîi sometliingt10 lie roatiLd .t~~d . tquanity of very nide molasses. atriciiy Cas@%n Advance, for themlulte soult western part of titat town- o the u U Charles Simpson was taket IIrIsPEZSDEItT one year, we will send a ultlp near Hommal's. ot the *0 W.o eNMe ITburadi with apvr atc year' subscrititonfor thse 'armers wont pleoSa of roadM lis e 1 e In go & a jwhiellle ai. a wck .OfiO an ajournal pb. CouaqAMU4it eff ll OVRif.M TO FEAR GO!). TELL THE TRUTH AND MAA'E MONA>. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, October 19, 1894. Sauuîrday. Geo. 1B. Steventsteis titticinîg i a branit uc". litîle girl. M1illier andt clid lirale dt titg uicely - The llockudtty ScIiistl lstý%s aiedîe- veiopiuîg qtilc a love fuir, anid lirti cieuîcy ini atliletic spot. M ns.l'antuai Iweuî t inuto ('Ihicago ilust week. tîîid A 'il bring back, foîr a visil, her litIle grandt daugliten. Mauuyje Tlîaue %vent tii Watiukegan Filday. autt brougiti home liter sisee Liii u, wl uit tl tieSunuday. Roy Hluighes cane tup front scîmool ai E'.'sisttîiu. alinuots agreeably sur- priml ev.erl,>(Iy, île reltirtietiMon- day. Dr. Taý loi-, 'sho ita8blit-utwatriing, Se --i. -i '-t' v -1 'i oimit>) 1, .tt1. 5T 21 1t, t4 5 15u 12 :1u . . . '1 1 12t 4ét b 5,1 t t3i 12 52 6 1iC 5 'r 12 566 tiiM r, i 1 t:, 7 i il :11 indituit 2 5 i a vie Table 1,[i. liau t3 45 Il 3ai 516 5 21) 12 45u 5 > 8.12 >.'. 5 3 2 55i î2: i 7 54 bil 4 es Laket0 47 p. ta icagos8301) IOtu §Stern Ry. iliitart 7:09S ami (le 8:30 sui 8:5.i atm .I: 12 aum %03 â iI tu: te 0i:1X, ani ..t.o 103 m iltiR1 Pmi .1:26 Pmi ..... M Pm ... .4:15 Pmi - a rtlsing ainea. busines. iusine.. USaDM., >Unieà* -. . d-V là

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