CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 Oct 1894, p. 3

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.aitle *radSient* tuovi tha1 tise rous iuest, and saciusetts ba§ ,ended several adred tieusand lare ln an tut- npt, eniy par ]]y Stccesstul, teo idicute ut MOSt )pe know, 10e, il tie litile ature vhIci basi ne sen mmci dam- e le an allen. IL hov tan! Civ iust viere rani. fromt, and W? W. oves 8 )niatiy nefits te sclon- c rese3rch tint e sieuld be soe sîde of the sc- on& ut t-be gipsy- ceable te tie un- f s F'reuci sclen- honte Mitre Vian tMeiltord, Ma,;- bugle! imacît vith slik Wormls. fInil out viether er spot-les et ln- culivahed, front read ruuld bo un- iacinery better ad oif the cocoen e expenlnuents lie oui France speti- ecies of Insec«ta, ed 10 Eind a oui>- vorni. Wlîb lie cnî'niu dispar, or iwith bis insecte4 thng, but îbrougi etting vas broken -apd. Wben bie s t thc tovus- litt1e IireSSleti 'er sev.-rai yests tshah. trees la diahpear as If by er, ut heligit Ws F wenc conipletely 1 li.viy, t'ut sys- ulos t tire hevus weserni Massacho- d great bavoc va14 Jlu 'rien came ut îtizéci mUoyeMttu commnisioni Sii- t te Legis;ialure, atituns to carry on seems. tuere ha a ys upen lie moti lestricivetiess la iauisitive 'Mediord Ld tu lui port Vie he gipsy-tuteti vasi ge undlLurbed un- h ,OLI umI adW11 OP l ~I~ÂLMAGB'S ""~" O N btet there bam ot to boa g<004 dea! of Yu it - abthv iofae irai!sif ADm TA E IS OLEMdEmHsn U ~JJiAIIK * raying baera eour familles are jPut hdoaradte othe Nla<ra 14ia ega ee arela ary _________ t rought to Christ. Aht,lit la an awlul thon hIld t up towar h RALPH L. DtNLAP and Misi Llz7le ______ thngtehae ai ahoseol o o.thunderboit of waters and. OxpeOS toBhinehardt, of Champaigu, vere wed- TALKS ON TIHE NtC!SSiT-Y 0F ide the lino sud the other part of the wcrk your wav up thronirh the 11<111- IRIEF COMPIL4TION 0F ILLINOIS ddi. sTRE o.DB U4 PRAYER WITM WORK. heusehoid on the other aide of the Diaz of the foam lioclin Lakes Erie, NEWS. MABEL WFISENTINER, a schoolgirl, SOISTL YF@0, line. Tvo vouasjla ronl the ocean » fry otr pul you1lf through 0F THE PRESS - of eternity one goh ite the right and t!e Buof yourosin into hope sud r ___ of Ladd, was kllled by the kick of a, th Erl.s i iilM.d ~ 1at he other te the lbit, farther a part and dnsdpacdt fthe gool. ou hre Ours.bat a Thir Etr.oitv rilbS spart until the sgnal isse dcantddoltit thatay.S'aarough &saugit hnDokal otsDmngs ulo A RusAwAy horse dragged BoulaihMal0uSd. Ccte,.% sui aE recois bn t zedr i aemtd thoOure are only Beoa, and longboat. yawl. Plnnace and vabyDokl1or - ico.ndart.. Jamison, an 1l-Near-old girl, to death ~ ~ lT Unod, andS So Muet AUl the Sorrawtulandou two speckB the horizon, and thon gondola go down unlessa the Lord de- Work nt Vara-Evrythiag Bondy for at EILhon. Amiln,. heyare ost'e Bght forever. fiver, but if you wili cry te Christ and 1.CiaoFa tc sibtn AD ILE a rese tH- Emhsut Word Ailla et0fOur th e ar 1 th Ch elg eFa St ektebit ncHAR Y M LE w ath fr ging d a cheB - A l d e t T a 1__ have te tell you that the« unavail- lay boldbtlu divine mercy you are Mect, r. d ihfrig hc ABugt0 as loa ate éan ng efforts of the Medterranean oars- sale front eternal condamnationisa CoisonFi.Iu.prisoumn. fu r Rev. Dr. Talmage, who ta Btll absent mojn have a couinterpart in the efforts though you bail been tw enty yeare i Harold P. Hartruan a British Bub- Gos'. ALTGELD has restored te clui- Bprinkles or Epicm. orne or us are making te ring our Heaven. auny? 111vs or.- ènbi rud hewrl tur elctdchiidren ta the shore of sely.There 1 i 1h could put before nty unDpr- lac elasd arnyheMauhliCont ,nsipEwad hny,0fVîgiia me the subject of lest Sunday's sermon neyer were »0 ntany temptations for, poned roaderi thei- own beipleossess. j ilthe. grand jury finding no indlct- Cas i County. through the press, "The Oarsmen De- oung peopleas hr r nw h oumnatwsverstrlhll(Oough ment aalstIlm on the charge of THnRNTON PARKER, 60 a colored Life. t shraeo.T e uohum do t evn N otbatn oadbh bspttbna eernaa rnoe adkiedba oldpoalyvne wyi u foed,"the text chosen belng Jonah iterary and the social Influences sol aokti oro evn oot tn blbsptteea-nt awa u ve n kl y an IF the base drum couIld thh* 1, 13, 14, "The men rowedbardto hring1Ito Ihleazainst their spiritual Interests. ever was migbty enough te break the 1rin tCe andu e .1. Hyes Sdier, loctri caratCairu il~~~~ tth lndbuthyoldnot, Chris eemstle Deedriven aimofit en- shaekle of sn. N o arsman Bwarthy Brltl bCnsuetaIChicago. an] iebuap- FRED PIzRsoN waa elected captain keep stili so much.-llam'a HOM. it t th lan, bt thy culd ý ti rlront thule school and the pleasur- enougzh to rew himsoefio ItaGod's bar- pealed tin Gov. AltgelA. who put the of Cempany B, Flfth Regintent, at as pj sgels are as fic. as gir1à, of i wheretore they cried unte tbe Lord.' able concourse, yel God knows how ber. The wind is aainsI you. The cas in nehandst or theAttorney (yen- sp'c'a1.ection at Joliet, and 12 we shall be satisfled. It lelW Navigation in the Medterranean Sea anxious w. are for our chlldren We lido il§aaianst you. sih lav is agrailii oral. Assistant Attorney Genera MRS. MARTIN STANKEWICZ WU pity that little girls muat beelul always vas perlions, especially se in c tnut hlnk of g Inc luto Heaven you. Ten thousand crruptlng ir.- i\ewell bas notified the authorilles burned te death at Kankakffe vhlle, vomen.-Atchhson Globe. eaî'ly tîmes. Veaala were propelled wlhut the.. W. do not want tû dLences are against yoa. Helpleua h foHrtan bamps appead eda- trying te start a lire wlth kerosene ohl. c-Ddytsemeitharil1 loave tbis lIte while they are tossing and undone. Not soheiplessaîo nae o as ipiomutade- palfly hbr sai and partly by car. When, on the vaves of temptation and away a lnmdAlnI.Nls sa elp-Zutve interference. This ta the first MARTIN BOWMAN, on. ot teiet Eiose el the boat- by reson of great tress of veather, lit feae. rn hlhephetcud laaavele irdd y0"etymie cae tthe kind in the history of Ilii- known residenti of central Illinois, yesterdaY? She (with diguit»-414aý was necesàary te reef lhe uanvas or vwe=cnet te bc eturutlliy epuiated? etofprairie on lire. 'Provo ît. you say. __on de. acarooe t1h g t ley ndiedioIneyeBrwnoicgs eepl a haut it in, then the vassel vas entirely Would il b. the son*? Would il ho lthe 1 vii prove It. John vil 44: "Ne Fat Stock Show Preatun Lioteli. AT Bboomuin tzocred theoWald- IN a vay the eyster la the. (Jll dependeut upen the cars, semetimes daughlar? Would lit be the eldes? man can ceme te me, except the A fuI!ll Et of prentiums tor the) ding ot John T. o, 0ufrrDavers. and of the molluscan vorld. fl tjo tventy or Ihirty ot thent on either aide Would it b. the veuniges? Would it Father which bath sent me draw Amrhcan fat ,tock show, ta ho beld et Niese Brtha A- Vanbusktrk. They friends vbo love hlm that Ulve hi*! the ves-el. % ou vould net veture be the on. liat is well and atout or the hlm." "Tattorsa in l Chicai. Nov. 22 t, viii reside at Llly. tekle-e okMruy outaide youir barber viîh such a craft one that is slck? Oh, 1 heur seni u-i aIti.oorof rare. Dec. 1, bas been prepared by the State theILLER. a saloor-keeper ai si m tet ent Bayinslgi, b t e-nilrenIhavChrit.d nty But wviie I have showu your help- Beard ef Agriculture. This exhxb Hiverview, was rohbed of $100 la GEeitoE (serIously)-"DoyoU thia has l y hextiu Jeua esaigluHabout betutbr Inlnycid tCrs.Ilessits 1 waut te put by the aide of lit tien vill aIsa embrace the American cash Feveral boxs of cigare, and afaua.your father vould ebjecit t y ar he~~~~~~ ha o uhcoc fvse ohave,li nld cet the oars util the power and lie wiingnesofChritIlthos èow and the Anterican poultry e f Mye o hsk.rîg o? Aa" ontkoi l va unn wyfotteLradtbey bent in my Rraap. and 1 have te Save you. 1 îhink il was inu iet a show. Au full classification oý prizes is rlgYu"Aa- o' or wben a tan is ruannng away front the hraced myseif agrainst the il. ofthIe vesse1 vas bound for I ertugal, but it offered fer cattie, light and draft A,; autopsy on the bidy et George he'u anythiug 1ke me be vouIL",--- Lordle as 1h. runs.urofat. Lrd" boat, and have pulled for thoîr eterntt as driven te plecea on an unfriendly herses, uhoop, uvinu, and poul l- MSo ati the Chici' lawyer whc Tîd-Bîts Co odJnbt ot iee orescue, but 1 can get themtto Christ.' cast. The captain nad bis son mit try, inclading the slaughter ptizles. starved hlntsolftat death. showed lbthen salyualaulv of tldJeahtegoteNiev h e ' 1îao i yi toilttothe menonfethil mudwith bthe rewt,,eywandered The horso show will ho a pains front vhich ho sufferd ver. m e? H-Wn halla qu awion 10 preai abut le u Tructiono!laI 1the teit sud cry migbhtely nuto God. Up tliie beachi and utarted on tie long get tsue u b rz gnr.ak ch±v. Jonah diseyed. ThlavasWe vaut more imperluflate praying jouruey ta iud relief. Afler a vhlele it embrace3 tboroughb -eds. standard ('HARLES BANE and Mrs. (hristine darling! ,Baven't you a Hfe intoial makes railh vater, whther l inte frhlnesc I abrnugd th o ane yresnfugrudbredi and French coach, cleelaud Tiliman, beîh ef Uhicago, ver. mar. In Yeur late uncil's estât.9-1ýI Paciie rate a or lb . tisavorytinwlu~heu ho fad lied te riug bis "' ;the length ofthle way. The eaptiVhn said bavs, ackneys, Ge-man coacheri, nied ut Kankakee. The grOM 1is aHoliday. Paclflc. o buCai an ba. I1.,aveysous to Christ, apd lhey have wandered t b rw ar yby o eo togugieadd'ers, roaditer lapaueso. se. 25, and I e ride la an Lî-TLiE Miss Muo--Dr. De I'sb ard thing teste bsûai ons.he aseloff into eissipation. Tien.egel dovu iyo4ir anoulders. Tiey carriod it tl ru Seland aud ether parties in .Xmrican. ion ta otten ut eur bouse, but I »V vasaimat nde waersudîheyen av y i ite if îhrough Ibat meassmy ter swhile the crew fanted tfrom hun-ossfront Ilrace. (lý deBdafes, Bs-anctrlIplmusadsvn es-e d't ove hLitlmeantiu ng.- valkiug te dock kuee deep iluthie sos tayreentsu horrugha surf, anu1ithie amailibouts by the aide of sno. tee l t dbeurtnty an-ger and front weariness and could crry JtiEglIhhsires asud grade dr«a t machines, St Ottawa, bas assigned. Goodonye. imaytIg.ý theveaelhadbol, usbd a stuaIlChrist'dt" e1 sud hligy n-blm Do longer. T'I h lather ri-mares aud geldingsansd draft teasIOSto fil i iabiltles are net kuovu, but bis ù es lievese bil e-hrsid a sal sered lie .prayer, aub1in a fev veek a lld is almost vasteil energy sud took trucks in lie beavybonse depal-mentasets aie about $30,C'Ql. PASTOR-YOU ougit to bo aahauW as kindling wood. whlstliog as Iog the faîber was taken away. a'nd up bis evu bec said put fim o hi bî r lorngs lorcariagepat, 'itAtLFS H. PATToN, of Mout %er- e oref vnaitlkovu naya tnt itieohapiners but h ilo bnoble 1mi i i su idshoulden sud carnied ilaimon mile alter four-tu-baud. t andems, boutera, bîgb n n. was assaulted by two foetpads 1to stop drlukiug! Toper-Se dol asy lta tes ,int'raoutem otGoil Oh, Ihat faîher coîild afford mile,util. oercome iimselt by ijumi ens, etc. Every eveuing there rieur his bote. lne sîruggled lwilb vben 1 drink vhat tiey do-]rla speakk were Irighiiued. Ite die tor the ett-rnai blar o is hng an w eaniness. lie,leaitl 1banxhiio fdvngt Thtwlivlî oitilori, ral 'a lump cf bîru a rdo uge e.~ iih a xiite tdnvuz t tem. sud one shot hlmIbm eiOugh the'gende Bîsetter. -oat * drf . He ruoed hard tearig îy the way. The boy îsy dewn and caris, c)%pes, výctoriai, bnoughams. u.Ten, fr e alro H l eb ie ora ses" hal l ,omome a ilirtdiug. ceu ie' eth lnibut coutiil deosu le aîer.,iThetth tntedng sdraaybre ne Ar tonsbyli freid,"sdd ing. svantping funv. lbow na!lehc cidn i't e leIod ecu et lmaIseandn trcii, draogshe and alycat u istsyhe Anumbe .1HE\VPTTnR. alpoular speak winil can gel at I1le vater. audthie riTaehueiaiaoWaeiheli. frherrs an %)t tlth irsha relsbytehi vale <'u gl ahIhevîn. vc donot The an densoree atos i otly ongenI~lu el heu bestory alh e adyfilled thein aptil calions for en- front Lansiung, Mich., vas setzed vit know unie.,, vou have bc-en spettors. disr'u re pabouta Ib eir aiitiu -,sudi story lutteedI But glory ho ho try. A total eofM0 in prizes la of- be anrrhiesset the lo ngs il e dellv- " em inhely," saidC nicos ne 1 baainlumy'bous,' a piece of the bail isWhurte ourabou leir ht? He basCol tuaI Jes sChrist la aille atake fened aud la oquitably ditribuled ernl wig gadesaTheDuroaud u ined t Ilrpvetn it»~' of a shipnoularizerîhan the palinetout Vn vanere is ou offpn aate igtHeibaso!us ut)euht four shîpwreckedtud dyine ,tu h1 evnlcas' n ui i olwn dy i etm er agrsBzr baud. Ttaoff cce et cWntue endsaol Condition sud puî us ou lhe sieulder roidî of ible State bave aý,rced t, aseul ho Lausiug. WliEN a rettnei rallroad magno ,est8ailof ite earllî. It seems as it!lh. canuot ot his 8sînutliand hy tbe omuipo- lpe ai rate for betlh tasse gens and IoHN HALEN', an engineen, hfernlng started In Vie gentes' furnîshill î0<oui that ita§ leut o' te langeI ai o!lie he.hilit-, froin t le siguals of a brakemnan aud bushnllss, t seented second ntr sbip fircecee tat vnt Iio thle stonm 1g el fan cnoug sai' front 3our (nisante uof is gesnel hoar us unthrul aala lr b edlito napoclg10>hmt noneagetrao A 200 mtueo,'off -Newfoundiand <Oh, whatl j an îoînsei. Wbat deeshecareahOut alilthe ore bsliesd a st i tiv e Iadlt o a cso ahimnent, Ynk. Ghette a nigbt liaI vas, I huopoleaet wmin btthe(funrw iakwI mte yor broieai; tirough thle epen gatesof Heaccu He i.ire of incendiany orign distroyed upe ofontbisca aILaettsudne sente surn storm naiilists laIJouint aotleqi btuu ! i ar samighy te ýave.Th,înigh your sinbueet hîw.nesblocs t a uce 1 dfatalijurb ie. a FoxR W and re-ma. 7 vas caught ~about the tcthubt your bu -k beIls 10long and blacc,hlie ieV moment youoe-ythei bus mn iugblcksohe ena iro d fatlAYsui isvIevti tlr o runkvee eman.d go tîath tllF.Si55o bsstloo vîitb the but-deug' Wby. lbubelleve 1 yl lmnclalt pardlon quic , i b sibeiug eO,00, ilh insirancAg Heue ould uet cane miuch il hie huard voit ful grand. uucoî.ditional. uncontono- bu it*,0J The large t loiers arc baby i mnoth old, weul 1ta rcoyth, vite neyer asked any annoylag r4 seonul. anilie a-ked the silors 10 vere deuid. Tie black cilgeillelten nt iglliitable. luinite. Oh. tec 1LaireceBroaddis. buildingt, $510;se, en miles 1nom Decalur, te viisit relu- tions. Si. vas abovo aUsp1tlo.i tlînv hru Siuon ar '~tiat bolîntigllte tiiigs he woulid pot grace of God 1tain overwltelmed miieu Charlei Hulîgren. groerieas,în tin.Weheyalvdlr.heBtnTrucp zeen nlts heuai tod lave, sud lhLy neouiite same packagie with other lttera 1 c u e athiuk of iî. Cv m . W t'.nfbilidinpseIe DohrfonlIa e ay e e . e.UPRO t ~dso blewihot rsotig osuh x(ýif e tll- et b.OY f is tam.Wiat tieusani latiders lasheil faut at esch of stalionerv. D01, G. F. Swan- corely rapped ad sntotheredMr.Kpelmo -ai r !n ssdae joli goiug e oBoti paildles aotlen liaI I may seule tlie Iiigit. Lut sî'n. ui:dîug sud, ock ofgeneril ter- iJA mE-sJoHNsoN vas burlei alie hu please play titat adagio a îtlli tesuson The 1b ls aceien ust.lie alidhie of lie hiadu, boylbhe nrout wilh lau anchon onlil uhandise. $I,',-0 r1 . Park. office sud %cave aI Sprlng Valley. J obuson and lisup1 -aythoore. she tiey a hof onheni eut-S s oecau you pull hlm a.,ione? 1 throw yoi< al the cahueof the eanlh are ex- 1ixtuoe'$-. t;Sberman .Justice.lihvery luverai £mpantoné b.d excavsted a lendBater thooui' lan ulsitnig bade o onu oar on wîîcî 1 belieeyi>uicula el uht ve nay leuch lie depti. bn.*(5:D .Gunther, restaurntIrenalt n e sideicf a billinlu hich t ailicr saleit3 ies"cl. <011, hew tley bbuahmrnoaron jbastill :FiegD. isttr did puillte lroî,ed suanieti, as tltîey gionlouprm ise, harl or.It lhe Lot the archangel fily tncircuit of eter- and building, *"~;Fi codt enz, buliti- meeý sud psy carda. Wbie tb. gaine Ha-Higbee. voul have w1 laidbac tuu tr eas îot oig liu sdpromiyseu- iller a1 . lte al s ilngteswcep anound tlits îng, Si,4îsm. .Ist one year ago Vanna vas iu progress th. roof lellinl and through a fortune uns-MnA on te sua is îi'ry îiffer'nuh rois nov brokhe e a t h ed aterailmhe. toh, itheme. Oh, be gracet CoÀ Ilti$80 vasdgstroyed by afine ot lncendîary noshed John mon te dealt. The others badn't been for Ils vite. lSblli ing uîen a ier, sndudnas b.vessek. bavke nleileenyftbielso, ov .yenU1ig. h iss bnoad. Il la 50 deep-.1enrgin, and vas j!uat recovernn. escaped. di is prevent litl l o8h q hoista lhe ours skipi the,' vie Iau pe ortemakadOmioee loryhotCelaIvrean or and isisl, , .troke. snd the tempesi t a 5 lnîeeladmieeu give outhCod's arm hogins! Why yul e r sotauo'Ctonm L-rg.a.uizs AT fBckford, lie grand jury for the lit beelf-Brooklyn Lite. Sftecoveui.nî keepine Cod, ana per- 'cri ourain8ant( your serrovwamyhi The @tourner Stateeof Missouri cwnnd Ocpeber lerni o! hieCircuit Court ne- PEOUD faîher (looklng aIk îaugbti ai-nu tue tiing paildlos. 't hape aIyoun ine t tfmVIF, galhe u iou g un w h rUbist offera to take b b icnal Mmii u wtu-ned au Indictinont hk-tt vilicati -îen't ho sveet? Mobr,7i J' isfn sn s.There contes a"r ydeed-yls. t.'Woetest hltMemhis aah. e vso a use.tatocusslels naîa~ perhareon T r i vig day, perhiaps thmeWh>y vili You vreslle dowu Orleans î'acet Company, mas sur-joerluath. beoriaoettho milkme wav tatcrshs te as tas ad nt hrstas- he loigl aybuyour [lis f hsmuln O odr b t west 'i It vas against Audrew blymanfot dys Wets t4 l« tsveepa tic oursmeit fron them paces borne, sud if yoa cnowd on bis place mgiIgc u sd osaeiè Cherrytu Mnaa Valleyt pnn eo ux forlra le rdialntyesa in bi mmet30 irnd:.d ieIs wnr 1 lis.îercvliy orsllnosumte vs Pou lter ktk my tex bas , ' lre umn t-<iî et bardvilî nl Il ealeanbuthoey iii vketêtyes N sud utOes îertiig l li coÇu-morne luxunies han ou any ehier plaIe nul kiiwtat ei'enylthng ta r ady. TOI ty-eigbt roustahoils ha! bn.tigit ik Ilacngdh seditos umnden'h?- r.B s3ien ef iniiendt iipw k r sai e table i amt sure the brothons raorlooe.. 'utS ea rk. gis i eri-cnamery. "My lord," suld an overvorkg ta brin-,ilit iand. bt lty coulil not, uallemscnhebue bcueIPlenîvof root aIt te feasl. Jeass , nig tkk&ugsl i 'Rsenetmebr ua leenHO pin- sen te bforbisiop "i a*e01 M. wierefone lhey <rie! t ite i ord. 'the s iclanshe bgui, sudbecause rbas lie ring of Ris love ail nead.y ta ggregate for Seing carnied aa aiv fret itoal medilumt luJacksnti.Hs oia o ieyas5 ' ~ Sss-tonf o tr tmt.hie dlestltaiifesi. nd upen 00W.0 Helena. The mate daims he ergsged Iracleil s nunthro e be hsl citizena sorry for your congregatlonsi fr- hl t.M. te ai s oud" 'ehpâyorput il veu r bard. Ct' ont. and temfr herun rip. T'f in- 10 hie aeancei, vhlch bis manager con- islrsivtaml. 'l'bil s ,eeis very suggstive te rme, lîayets bacc been ansvuned already. rit devu, ye btngry aeues, aI lie han-bet orhpwtha u sudI ~rayCo I tsclia cgru ar! Tc essl my h iomîg htevi!quel. Vo wio are tu rags et sin, take puny sorrenlereil lie iteam n aud diteà vititconsidurable atiiceas. Tii. and1 r.'îuGlctoi 1i 10 mutin-elril ne-d h y li8e ligo et î.s ngits aar; the rebe of Christ. N'e vue areakedi ilbc 5ipp aised tb enaie lie otier nigil lie roont vas tul sud SuE (te ou. vho bas been strviigth enough towantpedsiy ilbintbreaandsba theolighjofctmpanyightsecotarshu-bene betlo!ilief ruaîîyaut lf.teealieeotflieecîtyvereprepirslovevlulliehetostt pprovod ligennllv Io 3 ou. ',vars ugo I presclue! liaIson masvlbu pacing tbe ockof 1tue wmeIltebakraoudyernla bsi un i ohitt iltyuit iio law iig theu ailii o wess n ines h mnfsain', But, reaily, iîarry, are you stratonî n oiler phase out Iis %îery aiîp suxtous ton tb. tinte bcoet bmirliÇhia 1tlteu lotonostitool j l ot t thvaue St> etin sessiclhngli itaall o a9 sîtiltli c beý 1h'V iof lb. steamer could b,ý collected c orked bis Ain bthe confidence of H-eiuYt o's ton, lie ph st..prolucer, suddenly neacbd digII uun o h a f1 re;àing f tiiàt ý,riiio la Londn had ben wringng yoSundd hatterueong.sert ico vs ilbAldtand, a con Medi a Dopturuedlioucoa. oitnt caITh mueiabaripiontn whare led Iitou te Cod. Anmd roti ua- Gluious rerurion ibat yl h o t rue h wtr 1rmra udasuenstviem, ed n ochiet une na llt olenlelu rou oîîh usratasa-sacrei for otsidlers tu look upen, but I 1 ber liaI s vessu I veut 10 pieces on tet h~lule oie'rîu e rusciuvile'iesimi asfonbardo ta tng liaï, lie nuading o! liaI sermon in votîliljuet like te look lhreugi ith Brua ra n ean go olitmentery of tlb' t' nigils T-lipu;ttes nantei ElMajors, vio bas ser'ed aponngle av et .Xutrltabu iritht-oiraI iouis 1 intaic oî ae i o1- baol avasl Iressutre on buard., But the vho died the pa.t vear, a tuntînkabli' teriointe ; Iutay beny-great rammer,"saidt l dier, . Cbnsrlia hdllbru ougbi 1ý%-nt, i w01gen agairu sud ae salil goatIvhe 'si1beiug sunik. no effort vas maue wlntni .Tei ChtaAoln thntgo o! liaigante aoe- banquel. te tuaise il. Aller oîuoy yane buit lange number baving liase! awatY. latot proluced a grealtormoil. sa I M. rogan, "I la D otu lite et inM. Morse, on ther sudopin taent f r p hbis a o iu'hog eI ta u Olesfl ~ p5~ c m a~ t cctrr etThe service as bell ltah etisig estio. :Au , T INe M ieb M-a i h lu ohieaho raît, fir povu tiathoiti le Whouelu h o hparetsn yir onvenanVt . petîtafrontEuiudany o afen trlOgmioftad.rutNIe. e vs nPe ottiCGmr.andCmAR AKNs, f edea stksMa- I s the bar-rd ver-rk at ahl. i W weakuessu rov nv îbouzb anoîbr Tt>aefo a.p iiu. haeleynahi i er eletebo prseit. Presidleot Short a me ut- un greah hashe vili lh. p eîîy cer-itl'aIlu.Inanpl J phoeofthline aubject b* gsali' uThilircohtrdreo happy ton. voessul was ai! tu bavesunk. They gol ber oft l.oiuleierdaIds tusee!daugbter of Juige Soleonuansd fiai. pisAangain ~In e ukta heaaal n Ie ia otand <n'eoen lte hoaAer,"rs-Aie adi thoothere pa wremnote jsl n ie lion te lie people vbo&bal heur snd Aau rrakIa i nv ig- eal"otInlbirelo 'nvisible îcntpanioniblps.' I:r.the co..le venu arne!ijus lu tint salcaluon lo tie pcopie Who shal read effort o! lie ieiurns uaiuplace. 'buledvr eldîrsdW. H. Nllhutro, ureblini! preai o stile allie faîber, ebo hai lcl- In battît, nov that thero once ý Meoau!vununu h kow oy e as s counitunîartllu lie effort vhlci îbey broke îbrougb viat l i -j bnuald's cubgraphe! aieo!tiofhils cemnu, butl vb prenad loy oden liehord Ced Ai- vu eare makinz te ltingtiisvwonildback ,likeas ittestene covu'ing, sud folloved ithn rs hehmv(i d nul arr ive soo .000gb testop the The machines have knocked % ronlieilssig. t)(;od, i-is îpard!oand sufty. If Ibis ithe îreasu"cs rule! ot twî lat eeyopeet -coernouv. Titen tien re ouil on-galiey vest, Pelle-Yea, evel migiîy aud vndcoli hieluoae -h dtnIwasfud attr'vdl ite ~,î .~~~braidii' j'. The fatier chargeoil Wat-prîze-fgiters are discurdlng lQ0, 1 hIiiop Laimer coul! sop umua k,, l iuctien and, ilu bsanger, forVth pv te.CncnaT lieslubi eroninti idt t ui ffort, il vould have been doue long inluAmetican mnrey, vortl:, kins Twoh elIr'cfCak en) ietug na nne1 u p feo une.ite.ýCncnàlT argunte - îd a.Nov 1 i iiitel aLu. John Boyard book bold et eue lie foondaîlon et s great itineso ne o s a'sd tu-day 1I coul! like tou usr, sud Carey took ield of l*nolier Ihqise. At haimhme Ilie choIeol!sI M4ansha ltclasan urala !leti onu a îbilecreofletxIa c lls ar, an! Adonirat Jud,,eu tank bolàOof eqced over chat vas î'alied lie luck Miss HXL. iv . n a )etttntst lbride. Tbe ,usîice o-rel lie pisoner BELLE ."Dear me, Nell, yon bh anethur. soi! .lohu inox toak aelillet-of Ibetue andvJoturKnsx (iii. yo duo golil moaill iriscontest e alirltiiy '. put onder bonds ut $5!). Watkins 700F bathing suit on wrong. tration of atuost important religions a 0 non a!îeyalpul! outi tbae be enu oad erlsn . 01),H i . lyt u wl.ltuugt ucuilscrbuate vYo aeVi rnto lbotn men îryîng te îînîng louai ashore cu re lhey tul back il dfront exiausîlon. andl have net been aile te reuî'iuti,11kuown lIbi-kfo.I restdenl. lie 1'lors gonugto Murrayv'ilie sot. heu or lie buck et iV la front." Ne* discomlited, 1 huietotetell 300 liaI Sorne droppe! in lie ashea et martyr- vant tatell.>,coli to-utgtlbhat vouiboat ilsv. lw 1%8iilesy utau 0 îithor bo veut kne t, Belle, but l doyen oW îbe vr- nl ii olvme vo av oim. sorte on lic scalpiug kniyes of j ovurs ocer infihe treasmire. Al l ti 1Ai.E 1- br 0 uiocn olve ucopeey at Il, obliged brokeu dovu un thum padolles anti svagus sud sumainithe b.P1ag11 iches et Goil are ah yoîîr feit. Trous- borne!1 te deathiat iirg nia îty lte ex- rettirneidb use b rd i!sethlgt trc teto Ieuol'dt aloliLodstruck roioth le lizanete, a sl llres liaI neyer isil ujil cronîtvus li oofa a ih sov.ionth le cork tho suitl iasdismisseil, have Ibvcialteareafottbrounhsu stihine'er goiw dit.a.VWho viii go dîtv lorne agsteco.and lie yoorijg couple venu taken Boston Tintes. hae enoliedt cl1o h L r h isae 05-nt b- trtrHXiKîl! h acuutiabrnndATVe od futan-I fou- beip. 1Wit etiedespolients are ntdemeihshedand now andl seek thont? Who viliivde cledatn cse! as;hm.A h sd onan valing e!lorla of thise Mcdilerraueau.. l-ae1 ' oarsmen bave s counerpurt in lie et- heved8U ae,\bate~ for tibp p.arIofgruatp-ice Wiovliîl agponer uf soillraIli3 i ,ý fots v. are tskîne te brnug seule 1>Putdovu he leousatm!make no effort? ho prepareil for life, for !eatm, for -Pne !subr Iîî~sMuORmlfu vsdu Ilt btfavr rde aiet li soruf'uet sd .îhe felIdo nul advlse liaI. But 1 vaut ynu, iudgment, forthie long erity' Sou A tEl :10 vol- e o ahtr, a ivei- boute et J. C. L. Millier, swealîiy -Pat do he maa, Pat? Cthelinalluree teofmer>,ad laiyvobausde beti stetcel uIte-kuou IottI, as atliaked by bisfutner, veuty milea east ut Quiucy Whist, Biddy; don't show yooil on tbe rock of ages. ou bav'e a lecucsdles-el nllevn î el . uu us'oelarga mastiff uni1 budly laceruheti. an! Ivo miles fret lihe Village ot ance; tîey bas fruit fiai ija5ý taîbereor tothereor iushaud or mieor t clege, ud ettseanyoni,io a re nIe me. ahi s .uliIai J ot an!Tu)NE ~CouleLOFi nnlsLiberty,. H. la hlin!, but nelvith- soda. I'1l h. havin' tra wbs1i chu!oragerran!dbotuenetaCini- a it bisre ucy aoue. sd &I l hl giu 3oliandare hsTwOtEYGN EIAML *risstanding ibat, frequetiy gees butb child or neartunnisid eh' is noHeavasrouI Ailirsipa îyelb.mine. Bridget-h I Than. Thete tmesmiieiai'.te nsbeenntlilimesn i thsbun onhydnandIhielg lnslrutei tatmi u wanlilHeie ou wtr aI.'th yo ae enuaoyabout Ibein a viii doit l anayert o - - -ballots ansît tIvote viti ithtmo. ociter nîgit buutlng fexes, sud vienfruit flavors; 01'11 have onlon 14 you hve n'natlonaout. il , adfl ol oI nase OrThe Nev fies.THE Cran! Lcdge o! lolonoul Ma- buie ttrned loe in the ntornlug, -Lite. Sîruca sn Surro. prayer. "Tiey nove! baril te brnugU va tote ud u he ell e, tpn iisriclatoities ve sous aI Jacksoniiie donounetllte totînil bis ite an! i0-year-oid niece Ms oIGA- îi A niliseretCinatvhsevie ietetondbeyciunt tîme od . aeasrl htLe e ilsae~ ouai ci t! sct Masonry acharne. bnutallv murdere!. Their baie ad a iyaled ie luer wnnurilsbaud, i tatio I. aohaosreoîiu. I tueritulart etvui. coparil iti Oîucî 10 duithe. ttede!îi-ibec DOheuin a! vnu rhglfuly sntevayte pevei theh ssacisetie begau i IV il le houittul indora openeil ber trcion bas been ligt a cause. NEY IN FICTION. 000 . -' ait, six yd5s sInce '. Mrs. Huntpirey de bo w as given te theu public, but airahy he-' earn- Ing, front lier peu ave bien oyer $20,000. This la an estirnae made uy James iPsyn, imself a noveliut f considerable note. The tvo great books se far produced by Mu-s. Waril have been au! "David GrIeve," lu he banda of the pectel te be as suc- orders un adance v. een se noterous uce bas lieen delsyod 11 dentand8 ntay ho uppleil. The isto, ile! ln Vie alzgre- y more tian $200,- rks, but sh. dld net n six yeuhrs. Mrs. ave rereiveil $80,000 'i rgils ef "David t! lih la doubttui If an o fiction bas ever atount un suai a iWade Inhaler. ) aromatia vaporu front terehinthîne, mol are recommended s ethle larynx sud ud hence it atay bo oi an Inhaler cau he pt or kettl, and a The mouti efthVe r loseil by a bung, n lrda ruiher tube te liqu! to, b. vapor- er endl oftVils tube la ozzle et au ordhiary a; dsa fumal? or fided Vo Vie spout ef vorkng Vie beilova iquud lu theteapot Lie fumes are biovu nte tie mouti oS lte iaiest hot abI bua ae it iwpogm»ii ok-e

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