CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 Oct 1894, p. 7

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Uie Ubefe in îland.. Tii. Pierre, Miquse wero lut st A heevy à"S rbar. Ail flb pt ont O2tm r mesAsuIee t otwithst&Ddbtl suattino verie - )r parted tb.Iir îwn upoli tb»..d adeo lawdi igale blovtng fury thst oven ho mut. Sont, 01 the great sam n pounded lb.. De ciuld ho ren- mon front the ~ 3mn who jutaped ,d te resch lb.. C woe drowiied, opt Lnto the $MI oVer their Ves- ialo untdl lbefr he boaOh. wre part of t1w itinto S. Plarm r da&ae10 ho hevso gh Ieewt the p:ort,fne a îCaDel wlihout tg-î- SAvem Of ied grave fesse ey foumdered. tiR IMEDS. New York mid datiage on mas sing oeath &"d s tien. 1ousem sels Ci t ahol' ,m5 dueas re mW- n are, repor"e oit board. The una lind occurleG 3 wal sot a seven- ) o! ron-tructiin fîsîl li. They tule three-story reel.. killimsg D!ne i. ioîPly injuring 'e tierandiearly tenemeet-houe x unsion te the a of trie collapeed e were crushed bdile haut b*mi n, two of thent rmd recoltioi' races were under urles received. work o! rurcue les of ninasdt e mont severely »o the hospita . t-oýr -who under- îîdng, wiii ho ar- Brady s,&-s Ihat ed the attention or. Ài. J. casey tlitv o! the bullu- ind hla own huai- ROP REPORT. -d las AiU Coeas s to the stUti- tent of Agricui- 'rai condition o! y di erent front 1it being î.4.2, nber. a gain of cent.t le Most of * the c ir diti Je o! te Im4 report, - W'este ru States t gain le condi- f onditlimn ln th. u growin; Statu. .............e ns,........ 4 e bnika. - i...... lnth liakoti ..-.. d s ortit Dakota .....s ia .......a. 4 ield pur acre et ducttoe of about .3 bushels greater prelîinirv osti.. yield by Stats 15 arnas.............4 i eb emaa .....- .5 ;.th Datou ... . lortb Dakota-...U1 Wahngon ... .M )reenss............ 11. ialty for the Cousk.-A iity te some o!1M tes la: ea....... M so nr.......-... P Kane»............ N braka Noth Dakeas.-N: 'I ®regon............. e Caitoria.-..... W îld o! oats per acr indicate a yleld ok. tibuhet .m fo liat October. if rye, acoordlng te 1 eumns o! irield, ushels, a ainsi 3. .. isbel in892. "ý F i ~belia triChieago etgriln riJ,-; FORGOT HIS ORDERS. TO AR IEUWRTY sa anouanoed. adCiao u n "0m oBAR go-by t Ibao rniaipectac ragSrngMvssn t.rted In.Bit- tst vur a"e-a pu t on the Anirican stage.,Ie'ilet l.aoltt.tlo. 'hors thateeaan au urusual atiount Torsrcinofimgaint bois e sud ati viy on and aboutt ia CARELESS ENGINEER CAUSEC A Th re tict aiason oim iration 155 -g1cat0Opera lHoue stage. cenerv Li WRECK IN LOUISIANA. ajet that las een t mne rd;eebt- i bbO retouched, costumes brlghtened. and lal i,îisdf1 iay3as u sonsefoOt bits of propertles fixed auP for now at longth a rmosenent has bisen Ijigla l.Frthe neat t fi eaki t. col rnalu to ita .ixais 1 IlI. T~ralu started that willl take ptac îcal stop e al1 asufoit of now joliens and dr,s:reriedv silates e defecti ext t ithe iUb.h riais.d Awayoan tie nirt for tIrahers 1-to -11VItII. tothX.- s-ein. 'rhc ,ew org,,iiiiuationlsinamed smomthn. o n d ooval. lr.lilandersi,; -rol*s-Toons tethe Ss.stop. 1 mgrt. lîtit nIcg bu earrengait wlbhChar. lheard & o. tha iirto (srcun1ege Uioiêd La. el W c Pahr.teIuea -,l .anaypuihset tsoet ji ti advrcate and work for disily. il ndhlm ý,the ltest vocal si tir go Ibe îurther i(iciiîire-trctii n of lm- lu to baveth le Pt iret. ignor Ilarchatti. îe.etAn re migration., t W,11 -a.edocuments be of the . y any oasand gestoreas. lea nierýi:po o h atIOii and circula s .11 ail tire States, and in aovolvîni a nea" liet dlertlsement whtc nier ineno!teEs Lîii-evory ssîy nytii tir O uis eo p îinion ci bde fuir to eclîp"se my ut bisprevlous ana I airo id i rcsp )neble for a fright- 1t, thoeî .t f ,,omî'action. The torpulchoraan effortii Jolin J. Burke. the fui seccdent that occurroul at the c'ots- league w,i [Ino nteasoaete consdla. ha@ a noayer taiiîîig budiget of îgo ty ouail' nnoahil eciir f in0ans ati, eithe0 fuana!saylngs. andi hie nw ente aire Igo h oisit n ahvleeehaono imLaýtet fC of the love. New ivînz pîctu resu ae'and the Northeastern roads. two miles labore' r other tiersons of beang added, wlich ftras a fitnic finale fromn New Oirleans: an aciethtat sîli chaia tir and standard as for the grestest extravagattla ever ten. wiIl resultin at least one fatality. ishile fit thein to beîome c.tizeni. It On Nov. 2 the tOOîh performancesîib !nse grirl bu ,I will endeaoî to ho a practicat ot «Ivan. olýirn 'Asaddin Jr.- et the nearly a score o as eso u o igbd v i'zt lc eo Chicago Opera Housse comr;e the Tavary J ouiéville and Nash%-il e railroad re- the peotîte P, aoil ct showin ! the need ABSOLUTELY Opera Companyin t a reiiertoire et grand cctved severe in1ur«el5. -f fîrther reg alo riî tatriction, opeas.___ _____ The L.ouisvill.e and .îatjlî'. lie 'ci iris il, th, hope fbtin ging a bout -oute re- PURE. THE twamp regioni; of this c-îuntry the lake" excursion train, consistitîgof orni in the pre ent , -en.of wbat- and the alluvial districts o! the Nlis- eight coache; well lcadcd with plecas- cr natutre it nav l',g The niost Carel aieppi have 2.6 1,000 J Population, îre-.ieekers, a larg~e proportion cf theii1a, tat orîg brn it.'nare Uoiotl loo ed;i the dessert and temt- beinz women and childree, pulied Ou e i ltitetine themseivcsinb the deîergoo erd; r ,0- (O n ntm.A h rinapocidtotmovement, and ile laÂu, e s member- vlus i tàregiy ontear1,5,00 ;i ntm.Astetanaprale h horip irchodes mani ý1rîîminentU:erman- w l s lb.Roky outais,î,5»>c.ossing of the Nom theasbtern traik, American-' and 1rih- - moricans. The 1 Engineer lanlev hrough t hi î train tillriritui 1s.c mue b t l a Ptop and whitihed as the wr(jii-e (;). f t e.dtROABAI PWFCo1 F all M e ic ne le thon gave the signal tii g , hea (loira, ae rep a s'ig,0 cndt a riproeedd a ros th li-,-k oft neis rga' i nathe lne et o1îugafl a st la flly ai Important and as beneficial ~a. dpoeîldanN-" cIrk ftli idiec inh l.'oti cmtrt A @PizMdcoe o t bâsao therei rt stern. lalior laa and tlier lce'i littiiii ini SprntMadcîe.for51 tîs eaonthee , The E-ast 1 ouisiana train. carry i'îg bienc thev arec oi.c rncd. 3OUTHERN TRAINS NOT SLÔW. groins danger te heaith in the varylaf tous-' excuionists to points in St. -a- h egi e is stri-ctly tion îî pâtature. cold trmi, malarias gerrme and m an , parish, sas hootniig along it4 ad he iL t i' . eta ed h KihmEerlnMks8 i, Ilis prevalanice of faor and threr genou, track s and, with a wlld shriekk'lrom n nla SSfl ML Ih--cnta ha-Th nih. E rin Mkte .8s Mie dleeaes. Ail the"a may boavaolded If the its wtsfrfr donniaes t qi srteri are in I o toit. and the Chair- I 8 whisV for, don brkes, 'tan tif the E.:ciiisi ( ommitte i.. One thlng of interest evolvng out cfN blool ln kept pure. the digestion god. and crasheditti the Flxtb coachi of the îîobert 1 et'. Wud If pripo e.ýe three the KniLhts of lVythias trafici was the1 Iebodlthbamith taklng Hood'a Louisville -s Nahville train. The col reuedîcu. It w o d init titat each w derfully fat mon malo liy the At-1 lt-ion threw a crcwdeo coach comple'e f, reiigner di îirou, or ettlinL, hure lantic Coast Lice in c îrîyiiig thee Basa Yh loto thi' ditoh, white thae attacking io.Id îîay a moomev ta,. -hrtudI hPave Flolda knights ho \\ a.hington, say, j-jood nose ~~~~suderai ed n d brio& li ran utoli a~iiaif5~al _iti4aen ine u 1ttirlu atod ille boyturee , ra u 1eS si e tiued cxcept for thcei-ho k ,inr b is itnes, to kh c rue a (Iti/en o! and iansilie andl thePlorid,. tentrain eld. sied a terr ie of cîlltsi ri.Sot so wth the coat esx- eu e Itmacul peirladPuislr huhatca a @croira ballheosh. ~ crin ec.lCousý:t 1teiîcin rui r fi[ poor 11ad eisuaUihhcatdarmd Il A hri.dofnne ai ioou ara- irc onsthwer. u t I efaih-iscrae tatisties it la evident tiia' we are ia hetter raie than tlicy dîin hand- ibéir 1 rind f ile sai Ilod Sns Io te pîngter sa kile, ach ming a:î agettiiig the idisitablecrigr-ailts.lieg the tomtistsî(ot cf the land of parilla curs-d his lt:le boy, mc I procured a o h a nesswi 0Dn :d a hilie S i thAm rica. Aistraiia and toeS h ri ae ewe bottle of thea aidicne, ad the resut bas panie ensued. Therne ws- a wlHI r -h esýen Africa are attiact'ng tho-i - ah i e these rival sý stems tiien have Oit been beonthat the 1tiî.h ah iloftt neck î escape .from the dI o Me l i08 hutlaburs a e c-il ecîally dei-,rab!e in the torgi.tten hy theepIl ic. n cean the t.hromt that ha couid not have bufore one o! the ascgr idu[lîiingomcacete -hca btthcitueint retro atout! It saorb longer sithout nhatMr aheltiref.t-m h a riabigcindi>ion o! alTars trie longue hopes uddî,l nalfre cain INA 1100. U24 Thorndihe S.. Loweîl. MtalS. engi1ne hailrit uek, andi the co v.i îh tii reve: se. and'wjtil su h cli ect in and inde 1 made a rec nrd that has Irsîîig rigi.t. -îuhiile fron the mind il, stili hae a . iitalile m eaure nvr yet heen toi ched for s"ed on a ÎNo"dePlill$are Promt it n tliitt. tîak int, i-the rd t, i. \\ oin antd ttoicdit i-e\ inls. loa ct1lp inilthe ,, th, chlîe crikin throir ter,îor. Thi' eague ha. îolhected î Receuiti;SamWX. XWilkes, agent for wie men fouzit their %%a,% lii,dl. ttIt, ii.taing tle e eriiratig tet yelns. iti head uurtets in1 foe riom e en'ir up ahhih. pr, cesofimmigatin tiliriithie pat Atlanta, received a tel g,-am from Set octrluîaIhml' i aît-fise years. lere ar,- :ore Traffle Manager Il M. Fm, cn h h every direction lis tic fi r e ',f the figue irtat awu tstruoltise Atlantic (îîa,t inoe, giving htm the collisioin. a da r t iri-t wild pime jfgrstatti hhi igsoyo haisb'ddafere th dpteu ,mIffat' I-rs tJmii,,rut P front fthues ht in tyo ha subsidiffere îseîe lîclrofiteui Auýtrria.stotZary, 1 iîted hindomn tere moas ron ilerît Tir-le. ! ht te1 l>I'laisud Fra..Cierrmany 1 It w" a s criaI train run Io accom- wreek. t ýlling of painful lnules. Tii" Year lîua a i.d S-nial.modiste the I borida knigbts and tlt; grcohe'st indig' ahi,,n and anger prel -J toi i10',iackonvilie et 3:,0 1. rm. central tinte, vailcd a ,ong the witnesses c f the co'- 1, . m.-2 -.o r$x atr tm 1i igi ah lisiiin againsui 1-ng t er >l ir-sin0a 1o.7u u m20748 iegton at h tIithc folliiwing moreiniz. had ruthlessîr di-regarded thela-cx-"t4 6 bî: Tis gave thern the tripi ml ding oioring hîni t i stip and had causeilI9 î îastopis. in fifteen lîurs and forty-ntne the frteýhtfiil mrcck. iniquiry t(cet- h.,S.i 2?169 mnutes. leductieg stops they have v<-lpudthetacttha u-inîsiîniîa mu t!"5o7t ttîothe remarkab e rec nrd of 1(hMO miles itt e&c ed to the swamp. Thederesctel.antd 194 o! the MOlst minutes. This makes it tfty-flve number o!fî.umigrants c ,ming to our, and a hall miles pur hcîtr. The fastust VERY NEAR TO DEATH. Shores i attributed to choIera in 1"9l3 time o! the trip was between Charles- and te the parnie for ImhO. It weIl b. i ton andl Florence, a distance o! omnet.- triiii.not careeait asdianSonan seen frîsme the above that white the si., miles. which was ruade le ninet- KNO1TLB[VuJJ About 1 Il.a.-irutigranti f rom Austtia-liungiry,i nine and cee-hait minutes. Deduet- Brigscoinor ad improvement ni It ia belteved that W. J. Scanlan. l'oland, ltaly and Ititssia were about ing f rom thtis two siow-downs and five thes Irish coteedian. whose brilliant oeoehilet ftenabrfo iue o r% n rde n ae tends to trsonal ejoymeet when onu-unr on the stage w&-i prematu reî1 the U nited Klugdoim, Fi ante,, (et'many and the (oa-t claimes te have maile the deaJUy Lrd The maey who liye bet- c by siemtaryv and Scandinavie, in Ii>i, in l>.'0 theyi ninet.y-six miles te about ninst3'-three ter tbm othersand eejoyie more, with en ent ,i e t-ynliar were one-tenth and in 1894l nearly eoual minutes.____ e.xpnitrymoepoitl death Trie Irish toit, There are ncw Il',0OuK.OJ pr .dtpti steorns et tout t aoît a îa e~of foreige blrth in the Vnte n nple Froid ut Piesuare and Healtit tinesof phy8icai bcbng, wil attest strangils nimantitatcs. and over 2.4i, 0o! foreige May be dcrlved frome su ceso voya:e aod for- the value te bealth o! the pure ltquid ' __ it'. .sýlany ssil - birth or parentage. elgei travel. But hefore one igeti o-ses c laxative pritteiples cmbraced le the -urprt-cd' to know' Stati-stiç s hase also been prepared less onam the sallor Pays. the abomnable remedy, Syru p of Figs. i.k that when a bo.eS hsing that 4. per cent. of our for- qualcme, beeotîe ef ses siekneesa.have trouer Its excellencein due te ils presenting was a bcthack i-ieign bore Populaion are settled i Itobegottenover. Delicate people slfferof ln the formis most acceptable andl pleas§- New Vi rk Iliegaieed c itie, ad that the saine c'lasconsti- courPe, more than the rebiat froin ttla atl- aet to the taste, the refreshing and truly manv patrotsI., tutus onothtrd of the insane o! trie ment. but tegs eatraveiene escapte ît. Alisinst beneficial propserties o! a perfect lax- amo'Slng theru w tb nation. 1itteraturi c ntaieing facts the e tttt[l uags aIl prodocas. Itostetter a atie ;efectaly ceanin tie yptmiruitatlions and say- like thesu wil ho presen.ted te the S'toma.h Bitters tin arellabie defeomie, and le aie; effectuly ceanahs nd ev, s ines lita humorcmn., , '0 o that a *-îîrdv sentiment so esteemsed by touriste, commerclatravelers, dis îettlycure gcontiptioi. W J tiA5i.7<.~ ail i! lie created in fasor of the piro- vacitsmen and marites. An alient maki to lit a iven Psatisfaction tomillions and t- s ioul i ha% s a . Ieilchanges r8C5 sickneasaotten aMicts land travelers wlth met wth tite apjtroval of the medical enthusiastie andl admim ing an audiencei vketrahsTisaofebogtonY profession, bcair it acte-snthe Kid- about hlm, lîstenitîg to hi-, drolleries JUDGE THOMAS CASWELL tre jw.rieg ot a raiway train. Dlequietude eshoevr auinte ây Oatfo-le the gasotric ragion frum tht. cause ià alwayu nelti, Liver andl Boweis without weak- lowed. IrniPi ando neo i h e rn onnaie fL.Sut-needled by the Bhiters, whîch aise prevantu enig temanî itlaperecty ru frme more influential audit irs that this -era .otsiict.ator the S.ttlsh Rite- and cureschilis and fever. rheunatlsnt, nene- evey ojeci-mblegulstae.b Ild yg outh was aiembryo character acter, Juilge Thcmas HuihardCa,;well, tho ond e y rul.cossptoadbt la Syrnp of Figs taù forsaeb&I rg an', hi was talion te an uptcwn ros, rt new (Grand Pt ommander o! the .outh- S gissin 50eand $1 ottle, but it isffmsa- to do funns things for the pleasuri-- ern jurlsdiction o! the .cotl-h lie, ('hewlng Escýheweci. ufactured by the CéPlitornia Fig Syrup seekens. li-e icored a grcat suceisw brin1te< Al'nyvaadsrcttonyh- Oeloly womDae s rite o eer ad a wse-tc'aîl walthy lady (outîns . S '.in lieves tlat nol pe.-son ian chew gum package, aiae the Daine, Syrup Of Figa, furnl-îhed money te train hîm for the is"25. I-is \a.mcanîd gise intelligent testiIpOny at the and being weil !informIlýo, yOu wUI nowt profession te wich he was isO a mira- lite hegan in Neviada ,ame ti me, and ho wîll examine no oweptseyeatubstitte i ffred- bly adapted, anîd inwhiciho he as C ity, i. aI., Iiin- itiicss aho attemhts it amnasseil a fortu, e 00w in the posee-- ~whien he was matie a sion o! the seomsn slo pnoved i îtifirst Nl isterMari-on. Iho rcal fricu . was e'.at'd to the 1 Hall'@ Catarnh Cure li-ovai Arch degi ccis . contitutlonal cure. Pice 75 cent.. à ie i8.,andl createil FEW ANIMALS BURNED. s Knight 'remplat- 1n r the s me Near. Ho TIi-uHI is no blacker kind o! suhfish- of Th.- tEsetepetlirtefore thse Fane z as crownad an ar- ne-.s than that whicli wear, the cloak LYdin meao u esofwl nmas T .: Wt- tr' ýd degree, of 1 n aehase be rvnkvthe laie supreme cuii frtesoutherît juni-, A suPzRB girl; surpasmlagly IoveIYi ski.t Wesernfir.s romtheburoidistricts diction le the city o! Paltimoru influfir as a liiîy cheelci litareuses, and shy? Pn h ms te th, icieity o! the tewtîs andi wheî 11> andin 10 -ý3 sea. made grand min- it isý beocause site usats Oens Suhithur the hunting "eson openms it i heolieved i-ter o! statu o! the supienie coîmcil, suiap. _____ ssi will ho the moýt iroitabeever-ceen. 33d dugrere, for the soîthern juri..di'- Vegtale A gentleman living i the burneil ru- tion of the United States. In 119:1, le l'ilS short English tvpuwriler girls ,region deciare.s that theme have bee vas el, cted deputy g and commamndo, are called lypist s, white the boys are L.onipluflU1 very fuw wild animais burneil, hasi g bIe usureme couneci o! the siutiieruilstmply tYl lsts. hts statement on. ktowledgc cf the jiriditLon (! the ucotti-h Ihile. 1 ,ons,~Ut iCndn hnw CURES habiareofoderr.e lkoruoa-e and biae Iai.gularlty, Ile says that oser aweek bcfore the Mts. Jori A. LX.AN WilI soon Iras e - seuaopalnfui Messataatlms,Weaak- tine broke out there was a cecided for Europe te ci nfer with Scuiptor uofteStounao Indigestion hloating. movumi ot on the part o! aIl sorts o! Frank!in Simmonils coucernini the Pooeding Nervonaus msrtn ies.Hash6, big gamo. Ife civ haIt a doien black stahune that ih te, te cructem o!feGOIl GenzU Dbiity, Kiney Comn,ý ý ai la »bouear noue morning. ail tu- ttin,' alomîg iogan. ___ eltherMex. Evas-y tinte it wilI ne0o i1. the rame methi oal sort o! wav. Bucoche, Falntness, i Doeen ere ail moving otit. ho cavs. and I Mtt,r. operativus numnbering 2010001 in -Extremetattude. U n'tC&exS*'ndt-wst a dozen could ho een t-o cross th e had New Beudford, Mats., have beun advt.ed to ha jefI ahne I feeling, excitability. Irrita Io! the laku le an hour i! a closýesatch by their leaders ho accupt a mduction bilir, nervonecs, laapeeaess, flatuleticy, i as kept. andl end the strike. inelancholy, or the "blnes.'"Titesa are mm eIndications of Female Wekneua,aome JOHNNY BULL. deagomuent o! the Utenea, or Womb Troubles. levery vomie, mamed o ingle, shnald 0" and read «IWcsmanle Beauty. Fenil taLg moratInformation t a ery vomin sbould keow about hergel!. W. sent iIlt re to, any readser o! Iis psper. Lda IL i. Peharês fl cUe ui. 25 "ets CATARRHI ---- ~~fM~t I luikUkil fiçiaUly reported, after elaborate com- petitive tests madeb under authority of Congress by the hief Chemist of the United States Agri- :ultural Department, Superior to ail )ther BakingPow- ders In Leaven- ing Strength. ,f u Iiousewife no other. 106 WALL ST. NEW-YORK. limigration Changpd. The cond tions of immigration have vastly changed in three-q uarters of a cent, ry. 'ihere arrived by mailing % ýel cin th )(hesapeake inthe ye r 18 - ' a whole P u.s ian village ofl100 ersons with their pastor. Sii"h gen- eral mosumentB are unknowsi n w.v though large groups of ]Wusýiai H- brow s llceing lrom the same re-rion ,iometimei corne over, and the Italians cominon'v strje to, brin., over their neigliborî, friends, and fellôw villag- ers. N4st of the ('hinamen in the unitcd -Sta e3 are said tii bcatoee flis4rtier. 1 hat li the a tate of Your Stomach. l'Oiu k(Ioca iL,. yu teedIt you show IL 'iThe reamedy y(,u seedii RLIpans Tabule Salue, Sure, ,nd iýffeCti1e Another Fallacy Expooaed. A New 1î ork lite-saver, aftcr a se- ries of observations exstending over a period of twenty ýears, says that the supertition thât a dro vning p9rmon rise- to the suriace three times ta en- tirely unicunded._ SzNO your full narna and addreqs ta D,,b- ra turn mail. and rat. free of aIli colt. a roui on î,orth severai dollar. if used by you ta Its full adso.ntage. Don't deay. This ts worthy attention Poaulibly. A French juggler of vit.l statisticu saysthat the number of deaths in the world ciuring a sin ile century closely apo)roxiniates r),GMOL),00,1. WHIN the heart speaks the whole an will say amen. ASSiStlNvAnTRE alie oovnd offe in rematteng fon(h uto matth m toe etm yoand theeb anod ae mtîtitod aodistrussitude- rangseens nddie- rangeen an is-av laesandrequenbaed * of veur doctoras service. of ail kaowa agetnts for this pur- leose, Dr. Pierce& easait Pellets are the tient. Once used, they are al- way tula laon. Their secotidary et- fect is to keep lte bowels open and regulan, net te fer- ther cotstipate, as is the case witîî ther pilla. Heece, their great poptttartty with sufferers from habituai consttpatton. ples and their attendant discoetfort andî manifold derangements. The Pellets" are purely vegetable and perfectly hartaless la any conditton of the systent. No care is requtred whtle usng them- they do ttot interferc with the diet. habits or occutpa- tien, -'«Ptodr- ý ia. etaning or shotk 10 thesystem Tîei n a eild. easy andl uaturaI way' atnd thr is no reactien aiteni ward. Thetr heîp lasits The Pellets cure bjlionsnes%. slclc and bilious headache. cimiutesn, costiventC'ior tonisti ptiott, sour atuach, lo-scf aPPetittr coteiltengue, intdigestion, or dysps. witîdy iîclclings -Ilteartiura," pain atmd distresi- aftrr eattOg, and ktttdred derange- menti- o! the Ituer, stonaclt and bossela- in proof of thtctr stipertor excellence, it cao le trultfuliy iaid. tat they are alssas, adopted as a houseiohl reaedy arien th, fln-t trial. Put up ta sealed, glass vials, therefone always freslt and reliabte. One littie ".Pellet" ts a laxative. twe are mildy cathartir. As a "dinner pilîl. te promete digestion, or te relieve distress fre over- eating, take one arien dianer. They are tlny. stîgar-coateil granules, aay ehtld wtt! neadilv take thems Acce pt no %ubtîtute that nîaT he recont mended teo lx jist as good. 11. t av le better for tht. dt.aIer, hecause nf paying hinm a better profit, but he la net the une wlîe seeds he p, IIf It's aSprain, Strain, or Brise Ste Jacobs 01 _ __ __ WIiCu t*****~ Consu mption was formerly pronounced incurable. Now Ai t not. In &Ui of the early stages ci the diseaae Scott's Emulsion will effeet a cure quieker than any other known specific. Scott's Emulsion pro- motes the of healthy lue g.tissue, relievea inflammation, overoomes the excessa- ive waste of the disease and gives vital strength. For Ootigha, OolMa Weak Lunga, Bore Thxoat, Bronohti,, Gonsumption, Soo8=14 nutala Lm o!f lch an4'Waang Dia...o! Ohdidmu * Buy ouiv th e f 4ui ilh obace. MAs My heart Ià veryMadlto-nlght, Uaest ta in the aIr, 1 camnot teli jeat what It lu, Dyuopepsia or daspair. -WaShinofon Star. It la dyepemtsia, A4 e Ripans o Tabule "'ll dIspet IL. WALIER BAKER-& C ThI lngaManufacturei« of PURE, HICH CRADiE MOCOAS AND CIIOOOTES AWARDS en ait t4r Gombs0» Tes ea -wbi W.. Dm"rn Doeaus W* 8 re i value by ampIn#IU the rAddieai yenof wtrk i le. " e the vaine glVuthm W mItI. Uyoadsal . La. t . dui &"i M!O Feonunii OnI&an d CnESvemt theywsua4aI ins ioth bth aIda ianiab hke ..< verý ibis, on. ellar a~n1 te twO of m wi*. coUous r kiv;et !Oufi, for T 4»%, Osis l>unîstlemdsu.Addr.e isvERsmIBLE COLL-TA-a COUPANTs n uiftsîM §[.w U fL 2 aitE!St OSU Rupture Curedoe ý W . a i " W m u e m l iG » m i Sn e t , . a THE OLOin e4lAIAT m NSorti t m In ing. 1I DO YOU e gfala taI WKNT wo4molame WO RK ?nxa5i ait F: are never su mtruug axe thankfuL

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