CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Oct 1894, p. 3

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lue knowa ow- United *latoes. t great fighbl id e ushy de-. a. Pack bf 1t .uanption 01 eh Wlade IJobi, or ,, abouti ten, citin vas onv - girl tob tla umpthoc. 86e es-to ho ouzeé ktilention V»s t'Ane o SmIo a cbrIias rs vas te Arn- tise romans parents ther the banda of ,ras. Fui sill ten snd that. îo mhouid bave- t00k noneY. ' adie &ithe vý; eeks &go- va, not ol- &te o! d.sth, reictan vas &p Ai vai nut hi. &bh bail to bu Iu New Je- pi-ovides thsl faits cure or letian bcience by religions aud met b. su liity deys fte-O 80 whek .. -e ame th jarymen, tbey coming to the il wanîd have .ilar phymic"a Anz 1 rouft th"t , n,, Christian a bail to avait 9 up lu cour-t Kans tis rouglu- Juins. Glenn A. nison i wii ba LatianSce. ataesý toc, Mnay ersev sud lava *y go on the .tise United IL SWIM. Dpubtica Lsad- i DIstrict E)erny, Jr., R.- Ouf i-oas lu tise bniucky, W. L'. reck snridge's 11a tilct. For Judge Douny sou one o! the promineni Re- sus in the Heisas ea-nil suer bestowed île byis han for bsParty. Dhticai caroer, egun b y hie n a à Couuly 3 o!f Gai-ras-a r lu 1879. The tsde Chaires. Centra. Ceux- from bis dis- conventions of ,Judge Dean»' ho Aepiablican rece'tly no!I- <toi-nos- cf Coa- atie i- tata Con- IGASCAR.' are Vrauce' Ut- t.alaud. n more tOthe , t tise Fs-snch le over Mada- r than M. la de VIles-a, hl savoy to, the . Hehsade- )d tisai the ou- enlises t 00581t, ýing tise hout e: thaba@hecou- te nortiseru Pa- a, sud tha, h. invaliil un- )proved by ber. ai-t, Franco ta minate in the esr people. The stiug hoiveea ere cau-ed b»' hl. M. le Myre ho hoaren or au by fermer, vas strain ai VIn- aMasters at In- 3. Long giané Lall deput»'. oiumbus, , la&. raya agalual a ally injure&. o! Andeta~ apo~piozn4 on am" un on- va T îign, s taepped o a nal a tn ae 40M Compr4 the WIsdom or the ng the warm heart of jod'a mercy. The Fs ri il w o-xeeo foot. She died of Iockjaw. Agi ye jouercey sw..îiy s.g. nolia and c4etus, never waitod for Maintaining seteiat. itlutîon. Jid. daughter %las terribiy burned whilo a "leMaujime Thrm.hing -"Chgr"gt tukdbUti,.for&a Loft- Mulu r I yswotyprais., northern fdocks as Gnd has waited for Smith Obliced b7 Ilii flealth tuK.slgn- pi8vtng about a bonfire at Elgin. ~Adn U iAo u»fhtta a s, Geous .bis ;Ork. su W5L yo1,1ig: have leveit thee with Od's orus.tTHE Enightso!ofPythias Grand xelnAtvt-obtt M]l AuburnMan onrtur. . lb. Aloue for theh.remtrol kTe Ie ravalins home t0 and an everlasting love. Corne unto me, Lodge at Springfield decided agahs@t a ~ .ROV. Dr. Taie elywÉoéhaloti anaile ye Who are wayadnayldn A uq .bII t au. I iligîe ure n et. Dby f liblIdu Antsn.. permanent location for the convention. Mey slected asothonnia noewarcfhieour- Cuc o o Avr*t eahla the trust of sorrow. Where doyou west Frlday xorntng struck two rnn a Newport, Ohio, from poison, the Asth war between China and Japm ..0 ho I h rs ti ek tiipatchrhutl eons a nohr1ra l ldlgyu wy .ef1tppe rinfo Cio aytL 1Per ha T, o! Cilint avile, pied sthe siuation eoIeut. r* 4 v<.uc ntlI bcms a LieDow. Oh"you Bay, 1'I have Mlle froinJoliet. They were corn- dK atrh aarar tMyvIiergrOethad e u tibcoal. os'i» mncoe buhs i et enzsnigcuc.iioved.' Why'dld y ou move*? You fortably dressed and lookied like catîle. ihaveresting ad arecrpas@. Afia»M 4 J*eriati ii, l, " The stork lan the Iny. eat chlng tercoh) The filIgcr Christian Lif.1,1 don't want as large a bouse now owners. J.herc tesa A. BHITTORFF was sentencedl athaenwecbdaps eron a ae' a nkuoweth her appoinjted fimes. igo further and say that the brde o! as formerly." Why do you not w-nt book was found on one body inscribed: Srnrd ooeyeu oreb Dzlg o h uoengvr-et o 4Md the turtl. sud the crane, aud the the afr are wiserthan we in theftact tbat as large a bouse? i'ou say, "My fam. This b<>ok belongg to Jcso Strevel, $1S,00U troua the Pacifie Express Com- like to interiere, but thelr mutud- BaWSIOW observe the time o! their con- Iu their migration they fly very high. iiy la flot se large." Wherebave they Narervi1e, fil. - Among theeffects in l'eny. eluisadcnlcigitras& igbu yPol nont the jutig- Durinir th. summer when they are I gone toý Eternity! Your m nd goeis the other's pockets was lu typewritten A hcgi qarloe e the po-sible reluit of a general Inter- W«t of the "-rd' the fields they often coame wlthin i hack througb that ast sicknesa aud o!o a will, front wbich itapeasconts, William Feig a colored la- continental atuge lInterféren~ce Whe Go wuldse fat abeutiulreacb o! the gun, but wheu thsy taritbrough the almost supernaturalciefrt ifkely the man was Stephen J. 1oewssabdaikle yDne thus fair Vo id rpkumatictallis. Lt woni *thought, he plantsahi lu a trois. Whou for the aunual flight eouhward they to keep rite, and through those prayer hneo!Nw ayCnnWy. be manifestiy 1ta(Great Britain'. ooin- K.Wonld Put it afloat, Re fsahioua it takte their places midhejvou and go that seemed unavailing, aud HARRISON W. HARRIS, aged t8, of marchât interest 10 bave the -truggie lâto a fish. When lie wouid have It straight an a mark. The longeni rifle1 througb that kisa whicn received no Bfr t f Board et Ch.rltle.. ULpper Alton. waq murdered by un- core Vo a s [ edy end, and with such '114. the air, He moudsIth into a bird. that wau ever brought t0e bouîder response because the lis were lifleas, The fourth quarterlymeeirg o! the knawn persona and robbed of bla Pen- oj e in v w 4 ha sud dot r k1texi speaks o! four birds o! besuti- cannot reach them. Would ta Cod ana i hear the belle tolllniz and I hear State Board o Î Cha, Aila a-id heforms t ion money.-abeti iwsuha oneiohe l_ s instinct-tue siork, o! auch trong! that we were as wise as the siork and thte hearta breakiug-wbîle 1 speak 1 w». beld at Springfield. The repî)rt MAIDI.ED b y wonn United States government@* intention-. Germany Ae 4~ff.ciiou ibat t la aliowed lamillarîy n nour flight hesveuward. We heur themn break. A beart! Another o! the eoretary shows that tbe total ,,orsa hlcago b ave arrestedl three avertie Vo any iuterference; Rusi& *0 corne lu Holand and Germany and le o ht eaevti easy heurt! Alerte, alerte, alone! Thtis cost o! maintenance bIo te tieven pe ,rsons cbarged witb maklng counter- lapje J r.Jpaee n F boild li anle over the doorway; the range o! the worid, the flosu and the world, whic-b inyour girîhood and boy- charitable institutions An the State for fUdls.ILIl brook no interference tc: 4Weet diaposltioneil turtiedove, Ming- devil. We are brought down by hood w..s unahîne, ie cold now, and, the paît quarter was Sa.14.09. '] ho i olas 4109 lu color white and black and temptationa that ought not 10 corne oh, weary dove, you fly around titis average number of Ineates was 7f J RNKLOADba enmdote ijry e lpn; Fac5 bruuo- sudnd alien and chestnut; thte wlthin a mile o! reaching us. Oh, for world asthougb>ou would like to stay, and thi average oost P., capita îiZ u' cashier o! the First National Bank o! 'hieh secretly rejoîceî wbenever the, -onne, vin voice like the clang o! a sumesof the fafth o! George Muller of wben the wlnd, and the frost, and the There are ut , resant el, MO inmateq, à 1%ankakeo, te take the place o! tbe laie British lion geti a kink An lis tait an& Ioeompt: the swallow, swift as a dart England and Alfred Cuokmun, once o! blackenincîoids would bid you away whom 4',229 are temates. The follow- rDane V e l ntem lanAS- ' o f the bow of Hoaven, failing, 1lb. church militant, now of the cburcb mb toheart of an ail comfortini God. ing amounts vere ullowed for the PATI'<BAKEL.aesn ntrjifo1liwi gteeapeo! Ger- àlbounting, sklmming, saillng-four triuemihant! Sa poor in the tyL e of Oh, 1 have noticed agalu and ufain roui year: Northeru Hospital, ýj~ oliceflian, attacked by hoodlums, ..many oo t sokbmrilhre y lid tre ythe prophet twenîy- pueîy In the church of CMonw that whist a botîc h ila orld makes oi t 1 Eastern, *;.ioo Cetral. il',»); Iilled eune of the gang. The body has AnIaa ter tha t ue nro ilrcln- 'ive centuries aro, yet flylng ou men acusiy caricture the dea that wheuit i tries te cb)mfort a seul _outheru, .3J, 00: rinu.l Insane, nVbe ber. I taly alene o!flbth rot th4rough the ares, with rousing truth there la any such thing us a higber An trouble: It salve, "IJon't cry:" ,oO;Def nd Dumb, s'-15 0 0:Blid)r1- W. R. STEVENS. O! Main1, vS3 owers hearkens to Engln a ewis lim,4qw er io.ay wng and lu the luich o! lire. Moles uever didhbllieein sagles. r How can vs beip cryiug when SIl,?5>z Feeble-Minded. S21.250O; Sol- senteuced tuoane year An the peniten- for s e s anxious to divert the atteu> $outfowut spposaAtea1havebeepBu, mebrebreabc uaveobavbehnheatetea7res rehe herearuutdirserphas' ome are5C0aF3e ad tiry orandemtedcrbenriassulilio o! er usl:ed illonsfru this very season o! the year-autumn not reached these heiZhta Ourslves, father le s-one, and mother is toile, Far, 87,501; Solders and Sallora' abaut a year ago. maladmiuistrati n ai home t o no* ---"d the frophet out o! doors, lbiuk- sa sdrd h a ta hr r u aparlions are gone, sud the child Home, $33 77')0 aking a total aliow- AN OAvovsijrd ipell riln xloit& absond. Bu*Ï in !ieeeioneo h epe !sc sgtA man vas once taîk- leiagono, and evervtuing seoms gone? once 'for thee cmine quarter o oapoit.30.b 10 tRGA, hogdenaveinuret is- tiblywoul oafaire o uian Msday, hearsa agreat cry overhead. Ai rn el te aous engineer, Il s nO comfort te tella man flot tao4. IIt vas decided te belld coet.dc agscured avritfr1 eyo nayltree aaA Th lbeIseeugers orlthe Air, about the leugtb of ltse railru from cry. The world cornes up and says, tîve examinations for internes for Sac b $2o,000 againsi the City. aafirndtuthtobtl ù Nov, jou kuow Atitla uosasything for London te Bristol The en-mneeat;maid: ""hl i la only the body o! 3our bwed Insane asylum Au the State An Chticago WILA M, S, sn hotefratwilblftanfrté -010 itit ordinary delicacy o! eyeighî "l la not very iFreat. We shah have one thut you have put in the gro.înd." April, WILIAM MNL pre'Ssonwho t e rsaI vli thoei amln.for te Joir Ato the oeop blue o! noonday afteîr awhile a steamer running frorn But there As no comfort iu Ihut. That î:, àdwt 1 adsuue. DsPaines, b as returned. Hle grew R*ànAitr ~eaen bt heprphe lak u, ndEngland to Newv York." They laughed body i.3 preciaus. Shah vo nover put A d. b hlmta cor butv hathoe prfa or bud n to bnduun ad sands la l.deed w.. perpetrated An tiraid ofl ife on bis own book. In the expected final deteat o! ChAu* I"b r e ocoks o! storks and turtie- tp r f Il n (ut M L.S . C OI, o oie, ads e b r eto e etd %janes andýàWalows â ,e fOtfiat. týi4fie,40 to.lugch ut 1j W e ver sm. - thut swoet fa-e again? the 'dnoribvwesat o h icbnofan outy MELItor dubloe iI h Ilu LgInofo lgtsutwr.afiti moiibefrhmnAwywt orheartlessuesu yg hl, F ib o iepro ! nod. 1.Gound nd a! J d oitnasuteposbedmeh- fbr s a l . er habit. the brunes b.d ar- ut ievement. Thon, i ask, ie an v. varlu' But cerne., and tell us recluse by the naiea o! Clem Millor. youdnu nAld.fIndth suseaoll ed E trioariteerendoubThee vi gei heesel es lu two inoris, mak- tbing impoieble for the Lord? I do that when the tours fai they bail lut jHo iived alone and vas upoei te hofore the cause wasîA ntlmaliely atTectedl outalde Japa -asu angle, a wedge, splitting the flot belleve that God oxhausted ail bis God's baIlle; Ibut the dear bodes f havue.cAnotsiderabl mou e sputibe ,_________osCa r ru trse r i naonâi a hy ej .sr I n 1 leid1veiocitv. th e old crane r tce ~I al sad L atmer and Fd- iur lovc-d ane sha il nue radiant i thotnbro e Ab o i @ b usve ador tu ait is TcbO"fll C vlr Ruusts ianago il nîkst r W .brk ut isbue n truedcoe t Sbampalgn. D. Wickeraham n euh. usavi uqlosy With commaniding cail, bldding them yward Paveon. I believe tbere arei resurroction, and ail the breastings hwi anb auatn i as orectedpriduadA sdavrt seue uicemeo ,Q0mvsrd, witle the towusand the higher points of Chirstian attailumnsdawn bore shah blieliftings up there, feet and iteud vîtb oil and betting iî on Sprlnger secretary and treasurer. Manchurian territory, vi h. leebjee# ~ht.e ud it continents slid under 10 ble reachod in the future ugos o!f the and -tbey shal bunger no more,tire. H eirdtu ele o TuHE ighth annual reunion o!fb !thaeshn ovmsprto b ýuber'Thse prophet, aCshhide iristian wrnd. You tell me tbat neithen thirst unv more, ne Itler shah mousy, Lut ho vus se badly hoaten and One Hlundreti and Thirîleth Illinois Pacifie-. Severai Y«asao me ~,iomdown sua bgnsoth' byo! C'rttian attainments. Theni for the lumb vhich As An the nidst o! iyMi rn M upiothe hirs areoinsagacuîv tel you that the âtork and crans have the Ibrano shali lead tbern te living CiyMaaltrthe .JoandrcWlià. o!far oî met anfiEgiliNoiava toien- vas b u as e rse n nv i men ebol u ho puis bis audmenupoitsefor frabes theAlyiug. aUf lem furis fom thond o sal ieprospects o! ronning tbern down. l-x- dred visiting comrades regliered. up mont opoortunely fer- hem- for fee fying ailtearsfron ther evs."c tement is nunning higb. a id If tse THE Preshyterian Synod o! the State pose. For somte ramone lai noir Iu VOR aud begîns ta vrie, '*Thse stork Ain 'Cuit AbronesAabju.mon are caugbt tbey muy ho lyncited. of ,Ilinois halJa t. annuel session ai rnobiilzing iroopa lunessieru Sibor th. heaven knowethblber appointea :We go out, and vo cauquer aurr You muy bave noticed thut Whben Vt j-Jekvle h e. ra F. Sher ba aportful otvadesvo a -t4mes. snd the turîle, and the Crane. temtations by the gruceso! God and chaffiluch, or the stock, onrte ci-âne JuIce Smitlh T..d. 1. ielgsI Staht,,o! Ottawa vas elo 'ted Modert ibrPocotf Viatokaê '514 ti.mvalo obere tsetime o! liedo nth-re-vths ep tarte ocuits migration iAlcalis ail thesor 6v. Altgeid bas accepted the re iig- or and S. H. Hyde of Schuyler Presb .hall ibelle coliect.ed unanrt yet îU tbels-coming, but my people knov fiel tations rally titemseives and atais o!fis kna te camle toc. 'lhoîree O toenation o!f.judge Artbur A. Smith, of tory and W. H. Bradiey a!AtelaPros- n.iLAtilrkuiak i anoiher army en 4M0 judgment o! he Lord." sfio by the gi-sec o! Cod vo defoat ae liof cbirp and whlstie sud carol Galesburiz, Judge of the Tenth Judi- bytery i-ecetarles. qThe Bey. Joha 30G00 and al l aout, 1 a .of lh Lf sou vers in theefieid to-day. in tbe again. but stayifig ail the lime in and the long i-oil cal. The bird doos 1ial District, 10 take eflect Nov. U. W. Puzh o! Rock River Presbytes-y, Amur River are the 'os àatis lhe elu p ot trocs at tise corner ef the the old encampmont vo havo ths anie uastart oitlane. It gatbors ail<of 'Thseren @n ssgnsd for the nosgn-in bis repron nciurcb erecîlon, satl-monts, vhich are bouad 1tuomtibut dld y- v ouid ses a convention o! aid bailles 10 flgbt avenr. by nftiaiAs kind. On, thut 3ou migbî b.e as tianis overwork.ndil beitb. Jud g adih t uio!7,384 churchea In exiel- a large nuebei- o! men ou snydeil lris, noiay as thse American Congres. wbip aout Oui- tumpations and thon rwise n Ibis migration toelieuven and Smith vas elected t10 ibnoch Fs b. suce ; ' 801bave made no contribution madeonuihemaby the Czar. Th=sit. the ast i alraad'ournint forvard marcb, mk ag ne raid t 1uihgthrlyufml e l, 186-., uni bus served cn10 usy ethii fond aud tisat o! the 4(0otmoiga>o f rihieor athi riis prhamntv tenIrougi thte enê,mv's country, stopping ana your friends vlhi you! 1 vouid alier a euce.CUder the lav special churches in Illinois, 241 bledtact cou-uma from ber western deparmo L 6oneuntortunate member proxosles flot tnti vobreak runks after the luti tuai Hanuah mighlittake Saueul by election viilho ca.lod te fil tri a- ir.buted. lu counection viih the syn- tUuabua atrouir avallable arn s-e ecouumy n the Ijueuns bouse- victory. DO.,rMy hr.ltren, lot us have the baud, aud Abrahamr migbt take cancy. Whens the unexpiied tei-n in d the WonfansSynodical Home Juts- fleet in the elss, and vison the 'tlA da conv ention of bAndft all talking sarne novelîy o!f comb4V ut any rate by i Isaac, and Hagar might take Isimuel. under one year tise Goveruor coula i lt iiisAary Society vas in session. Offi- cornes tlha t tteAi Rusais, te- de.Jss- once, movAng and Pa»sing resolu- rchanging, by going on, by mak j d-i ask you il thioe vha set ai your t by appoiniment. Cers vers eleotefi sud the visitiuZ dale- bei-self se viii ho resdy 1 tantri - ns on the sub.ect of migration, somej vaucemen. trajing off our stle prayers 1 breakfast table this moruîrsg vAlu sit X. e P.dëLIaIes entertained at luncheon ai tise & strong biow in oarryizlt out rpoilgtO go iO-morrov, &soemav- about sns Wvoaught to bave quit!I viîb you in Heaven: i abk you whaî t fIs-od >serr emals scademy by Prof. .F. Buliard. ber traditional policof est ms ZagtItisey go to-day, but ail unani- long ugo, gifif on ..Oward a higison 1 influenceki yau are trying tobrng open wAs fborktonBreaui ono mils ots- T.abroom corn yleld o! th. Central ii r in d th asiempirte o th %ýous n tis fac-i thal ihey must go stale of Chrliian chai-acter and roui-1 themn-w bat exemple y'au are setting voto okon ueuCutOi 11Aois district, compristng tise coun- -odrud raerbssnlb MMo, for tbev have marphung orders ing out sinsthaivebhaveneverîboehttem. Are yau calling tbemn to go the fui-m o! W. M. Hilgen. a bour-locile !Cls Duts da n shores ofîbhe FacifiliBoy mSc.i sh& frm tihe Lord vrîtten on the firdt o! yet. The fact is il the churcb o! 1 wth yo? Ave, ayo, bave vau started vauno! coal vas dlassevred. Tbe c al li"e mfy arrive )n ouiy h.dcariand whiie aheet o! ýbe frost anca ithe ie- CodA, if WC us indlvlduulls made rapid yoursel!'A! o 1uaiy udlstieeae pMouliylacisf 6,000 tieonsfne Tisiseraitht b 40s-lior tbe C r Ungintr louve., 1 sdvancementinAuthe (Christian lire. Start for heuven sud take your chîl- fia miaos n thai viciuAty. it nil a-d tha ecorh . bi! la! tise entine cron! -si A roabyviiuo t od There Ainflot a be:tod kingnuhier, or Vieffestereotyped onayers vo have di-en wtt veuit.Coulethou ana ail îby greaîiy 10te evelfane o! tisa ina- Iltofry this eth ogijetiai moyn sniu.-On'e wihntalceti-, ial lh ilàobseuci, onua lire cnested vWren, or a beau making fo'r Ii oron ittn yoans bouse into lte ank.- Tell younlitlte munity. Mn. Blgèr vill commence le.'ýd.Thaoheqi e ntpt n'so .ardyOuPotu'tviii uage w ts rea ployer, or ared legzged partridge, but would bo as ifiappnopiate to us..s the anc-s tiat thora are noaimsaî balmnand mining operutions ut once. A shafi 'geî. the qualt As notbeutuavden-ltop tnyta passhie outrperanent!c 'especta te spend te vînten etthI'e * hoe-s,,and the bais, and the roIs vWAiweness for ail ihose v% ho fiAin hs wLIlbc suk.Thse cial lAsabout eigitty u b gr antheb ibeen elam red yAnth0emPacifie. bSu paon PeRrnaell OAieuh, for tise apurtment8 have alreadv iwre ans o r lfteen years ugo. (Oh. ibon igbt direction. Swirter titan 08ge's otbea h srae !ts cnf b ruhi andtis Te b"usis I ulytrAned atif if. uc actioy ussa. beau ordored for tber n nSoutht Amen- a biglion ligit in te Christian 1ife, urk utetfnbevnlie iei1,,Akn"Is-s-,1 .oy 20 uorcent. short o! the estimate bv hetndta fRah oi c les or Au Africa, and a!ter housands lte stork asud ttecrune in thuur migra- ci-ne or te stork, ustopfnot nigitL fOr A. M. Van Auken, the Chicaga rail- tise grovers. Tise prAce thAsvear baý siere api tn h omin Cra..rdj of aiea o! flight tbey viii stl)p in t-ic îieu teiLcli u5l te lesson' dayountil you ind te rigitî place for noad pro-noier accu-ed af fonging te rnnfront. lto $L-0, and tise*averagethe itPrt am lith- Japvisiciscma d vos-y troc vithe spent lasi Junu- D5..O Lord. and all we -er lire, stoppifir. Seu, cd 10 day in Christian name o! Pi-sideul Ingal i otise BAg bus been about M90pan tan. Lest year alise rupr'i abtie tapn tse es, I As-y. Fareel. briget flumage' Until Ai VOIS pr di ing re seri eviyue whouteiteanesFoinuoquayand3Cyet» aold for 145 talons ma my bhogin their long titirent, peAs esb.awy' 8>ly an, great And to e e fs no se oid10 ttiee. se r vi e w yu h seted nliseaCnie Four , cp boni asdýcagd 1 npoiasoans o tisad et oîtefer $4ised Anodls alo eo prIata e tA fghau bado heavenly MuCs!eu:-,trew l5.OsO~e~?have pasood uwuy with a greal noise, f nomcustody for vant o! pro8ecutiou. $6,). Wbeuever tise piAnstellebelov titnlealobut inteno t fhan the continent wvus music. and Wbeîher Ag D..,1 emr taeth i..andlthe elemeuts bave meited vihIlPi eadent ingails did flot appear 10 te+i- $10 tise fariner loses maney, for lhe ox- Wsthafencoaito l, u iz ise eas isa from Ce>y on le or Canolinian svumpe ginirren itItcbrds o!flte rferventShat, and thse redcemc,î are îify. Van Auken stili insists lbe s <C von ofo! arvesting sud rutting t oun ahts os o igihCia or ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e bc- a gae ouscyo wi ng, ir ae n vis r tn . 1 cuu ' 1jglh 9 Non lt tt-ee .l-u lJM.hobtis. o! New i k. Dornne te temarket is vsy great.?îatm aan A aig a e -or ear Our oic ina the t y u s ouldgo ,MeanimJa pan hi mSee.e,,..., - o r S e a y o r s i c e m u 3 ii e y c î o - k n v v t e n 1 0 st a t. ! y u s t a u d g f e à m îIo ,r c sjj, a t te r n o o n h o b ta in e d m o u y a n d lo f t F ; w 5 , 1 8 9 2 , H a n y S h a r p a n d F r a n k o u s e ff o r ts t a t r c e lie w r uai- 1 s fin s h , Lbhiuk tioseloves o!f te solemu o <ndsout nov and shoot, "Stop, stocýks s Y'ad., rciago.<CrOSO,'fough vnysvnrudb toxt, ' The stonk An the tieuven criue8,,dont hoien a hu'-ry.tney Yh, e ni derr raloj iao. Snetiehgnun !inolAt h suis hber apponei lines. and th, vould say: "Na. vo cannoi stop. Last W ilial5b.? -ro,- f th, ifortheligbt.igbtaý.spi.mhbipbsmanindteupnbud Tb- , s.irii eC.111î-ilsrfMisor H arooa Te&fai asY HALLteuperbnd tiati., and tise cran'- and te svaliow nigbt vo hourd tise rcaring in te Yieid îo hi,J[oelr -zyHLagcd 6't, died ut Mo- o!Mslr tNmek.Teafî and sud ses, and le nov conc.nirai 'obeerve lits lAme of tein ceeing, but roods bioding us away, and the striAi , oh, gr eve bru, Dot swsy, line. croalefi a sensation and resolted in tise hon efforts 10 invade China sud m=-c1 ~ypeople kna net te judgmont o! 1 Alte o!ftenntit vnd ba8soundod lte j 1?î,,mr2y 'ahor. ~ ais ian ltdvucrdsiil f etriauespon Coeain rmycatafterhe ngdiv aeLord."i r etreat. We muetl go. We 80fna oAmv m.S abrmust go." LOI1 eis ILLIAMS. a 'armer, fleur ciasithedarer e atnobtpi-Anue- Hu o ekintise capite a !ti e1ire --.1 propse, holp tbey titeselv.ea nta rom- its ~ 'raridalia, dnoppedldead dngutdaý tbey vore reieasedi. Sbortly'aflîsi.tise ('inseutotieeunsis thi.soi-rmon, carving out tise i*eje punies. ndîurnînt, "-1 '%sde for storm -n ekuse iyc ihm,SeymiiewvOdticaed w ildinget. iimpriscrimOut. se0tem@torhing rapidiy on Moukden, capital -he tiA,,%0Sh,4thiat te bird. a!on OrMas" An tp or ,lio,-k a! musketny, 1Frwes@cpae ih Semu a eiae hr Siarnuebûcame in!utuated vitb i !tishCenseprovince o! Manoisuis, air bave mare sugudî,y titan mon, aven land, sou, sîraigitîus aun-av ow ' cceptîng bis attentions ane day, 1'rus ýannual reunion o! tise nty- sitenitl s daugister, and in due lime elle and aftete capture o! that CiyCI i hogiu by Paticularizing und te mark, thev go. Ana if you corite r nis' le 50w coidly tu Am the nexI.. rthird Illinais Volunteens vus heid ut reciuîrocaîed SAis aita-iment. Tisey o,oo seuls, which abouid not ho veryj laithiat titey single music vîth Out tVhlamornuug witit a sack Of corn rHo bad waîtsrd long and patieutili, I incoin. loved 'landestIneiy for a time, bui diffllut. thisarmy la.temarch os Pe- vork. The most seroi-aisunder- sud throv V itte fids and ry le anti nov bis apportuulîy bad coule, * 'iArte.uSTIDNEY Ht'naxRD, airod -'0 sien te gis parents dlac'uvened the km. Meantime anothser Japanes - o! a bird'8 lite AseItis sunuai geVttem 1ostop titOy ure Bo ferut) isavs Lire. an o iLAGreenvilie nosident and pincraffai,- ttere W.-as rat sVorni, andthe rmy is neady for the Asas onoe souihwara. Natitralists tell us rtoey voulA Surdiy seco itTesare As tisey suit u tise beach togottier 1alil '1'iureday. otî on. Notes vere aili passed, boy- e ma-de on tise Gul! af Peoilil both e rftedsu !l Veygo in- topVhm.laors Were forbhdden 1t eeoa ach China a nd f a sucoosaful iandisg eaiu *leyarieIm anmd eury and On tVier way sautb. VOit could not and looked at tise rioon,lise ahlored Io TliE Gev. (G. S. Williame, o! BriA,,o or, sud a formai engagement .01- ai-miessvili unit, entder the rals of tsed ayntise r gond ise e stop (hthvo vr svs aotlt 01 o otn h msr.Site TBrfue ie u.olt Btslosvd, viton anothen !amiy quanrel Pkn the musi-,1haky Vindthe 1 rbs lm1ostn o GL u Ievn assented. and takibg ber baud ho Citurch it utDecutur. tcak p1acý and lte young lady left Thii As hlievsdtgatri e J&panes PIteuusic. îbemselves the 1 We say: "Vait util il s a litlte iater ' Iked care!uiIy ut iUs delicate maor- J 1S C b. L lM AN, attorney, ftel ithome.Site returned nscentiy, asudltise prôgnamme; but lau ar programmei latered op and LAavn btvoeu. inauti se Gn uo! maicl. Wattutiltuga. Tise w;ives stapped breakAng an aneawuv ait Flgin, and î-eceAs-ed in- parents ane tougit tetaehoaeocilod canuot aivays be carried oui au drarta thein seig gii-cs oiasticity tueBreafet t osegr-eeuleases of hope are und te meton liened arîxlously 10ooutraiiisbsiecsnls aVt rae.upansu omethiug may yet coeur-ta ring and seips oun wIthle ri-ed un aLA haie been scaîteruf. heur visaI b wGuld say. J(Dobiful. a PerTaE Sicretary o! State is havhug mur Jupanese p Ian. sud prot iaSet1h. oedwindliîug1,000 miles inte Waiuntil next yeur." AftOir aviile Yeu are a int,' te uit eurztsh nEGOS tPoia,tri-u-aboutlte sanie exporienLe rAtb lise stnuggle hoyon theproseut yeai. %<outildGodthat vo vore as vise 1vo start. and t s ton latte, sud ve su!d. dent-LAa docision Au tise niteA S tkcorporations o! tise Sitaeunder tise White Japan As thrn proeoutinq the @Inminifling Christian saîîg henit Auinte way vison CaLA swrutit '-Indeed. I'm flot," site replied. court confirning tat teit; lte tle a i-O Vo dththadd et a isbild. go verhinuendi . â 15 s cha tbing as luking tise knov, exceptional cases, wvis si-obuLs to o iuî o f uwrn Al- the yoarly rMeeting ut Citicagoaft ryr .oCnet ndsinooeMto (ýuedn o et Chisltian devotien n tise h ave slarted tolue , ndilaie,'rm . I in erntiflte) m marn-s .trlse re- - t r nyw d o ysar e psitte tla orpsm and kepfing At ail the day. 1 , ng vou bave rounud tbem dead A inte i'au wald't ihave let me boid t for it e e V' mbanueuran atrutnanos nai-es.uor su un fuI amitoni- v an eish1 lother tfao peo. sno..Andthre rethoe ho av hut n bt .11;more tlian 2t~0a day. As !uri-uued wilh a biank foirn by tise lasud petty rebellions anre csopl lest, mosi disugreoubie voi-k eiished hait vay hoîveen the vonid Tisonlthe stars wlnked at sucis TiiFGrand Ldge a ie neit S&rtayo!Sa4,1.c t sresie Up.Tue navy. df sldthe &IUspan- hie M sd soiet 0ttise tune o! sud Christ, Tbey vaitod .untul the lut otiser. sud lise moan grabised a p15 an-Ldeo!HurIs-eart 5e,, tiiliiatwsuoturu ath a1teie o! îi. smeith.courisa!;tie asu in ar hl' or "Mount Plsgsh." siakuess, vison th-e mind vus gano, on Ing Cloud aud gai behild I d rndP11 ws. YIa h er otou ne at fSpt ralRAadeuipd n sta s o g Bs ~ s ~ <~th y ro ie u t ie e x p re s tra in g in g p ia c e o ! m ee tin g t v a e r8 e n c e .a i- t n s ei Ab s a d l o t s r e e a n - u l ?' viisis l s btersîuandot ilsa eu.adth aeNea l Gis-hi. aTn:E iia cnhn 5toy 0 aet-en cm n bu an yo e r e t ise iveý n to . B yi re

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