_____ Abe"s the ta" àgÀa«W la aIREPARATIOI4 OEMANDED FOR l h ~no faolfu a.È' »M i mats tle -8 THE CIIUNG KING AFFAIR. tween ni" and the inferior animahid h ats nv siato sb tuaI-Mau amoke" tobsuooo, BaYestV eNe- tit*Wlla MiresYork Auvertimer. Oo.Iaionr*Uy a sudi t . sguards the syste lia O Ues t E n lisa IneXt u tha t T a.ts fghL a p rococione m onk oy h a» be ln taug t t t e U i t d S a t s a d a a pero6lit 1 cranes u op- Be D.gwded and thst a amer lS drink boaer and tmoke a pipe-'Old W L Pa«ugr&-bu tisonly emphie8theex dian Governments show the samans lusivehumanness of cm;klng.Th pag<jia tkye nearest kkm to man, and TUHU ch... oiiamWoe ru* l i fllpogiise îoar the human Royal Baking Powder supe- A I bats as UThoe riti-h ofliils ins Shanghai claIe. A h uta-tomperance I OLT a flaivUIa ures haveocsnt an utimatum tethe Chinsie lecaturere affirm. A ido, wouidn tismoke ro oalohrsi uiya dmorse ro lira. $OWIMOUIY for the Vicaroy demandig a settilment o1 the vile weed." No oteranmiota lai IOê7SI5~Ithe Chung hfng aftatr Trio Brti h 'lunero mn ndte .nhrpod "le sufferois frocs malaria fever for Ove ar ftToa W wiioe eh nthe 15ihvia-e Pm&% and -have trIed many kind ri ,» demandea"th Tta Sheng bc 4, whiti wroe eran n e l the vio- e leavening strengtfl. 0»1 butfoun4 no relief tili 1 conmenced misseeld miegraded, Iho Chung King lifinof tome defect that disqualifies Cga &mar ,1 tsabo1Hood's sersaparllis. 1 have ail la to b îalutea wth twenty-one guni hihfo s ,okng. he efOF my39 OMLU*in It. and believe it to hober fsfrott the Tuku forts, and a money in- a tendency to a cancerou3 growth or fig r aur other tonte- P. J.-15deo a 0hFaii"b *fOOofmyh aw r a rnother--laIw. The Statements by cther manufacturers toMv t.b.ts abmnui&I azà^ Nintb lit. USothbM *101 ma$&.the Chung King. if these demande remlugratri o efull enjoy-inF >Z cme ffied leti cure sil liver Lt. 25& are n comprlited wth within the speci- ment of a 1 their faculties adOXFORDcntar hvebeF eczrd >'th fied trne, reprisa s upon the part of the right te pur h ppinoes through a offcia aznoà. fasi c i ons t0 FpiaePIe.British ileet are threatened. cloud of t=baoosioke. fl ilauhpc alù ain f 1 IThe Ch ng ling aifair la one of the Lack of opportunity toe moke 1OLIDAYcialIre Incombustible point for wooiwor remar able incidents of the war lie- wlîhout doubt, î-e most afflictive evii ici É r 1ors. *MWy hoMade by inizing th. desred twean Ch ina and Japau. and may have uLider which a nacori y of mea sufer. UA Plfi, ocha D i owder In watur, saturated serions eue.OAie4leaTinA1 epootoelmnaeu- &e Po Ym_.r»Rih. witb potash, t whtch a litile sac eut. nA.4lsa TenAlarg prporio omonareem aiobenaFdb îl~n~ Tain dlspacb announced that thirtee lydii iesoes nhp ROA 5iE0rl< O. aci ,.don re ( tir e piedt:oas alo bead wll.h te stpitn I Japaneao soldierà, who hall been forci- where rules againgt smoking areROA IM M 0418WL o.NE-Msi Woodbura ote itLi is lienlgborli ly iîemoved by tho Chinese f ront the rigidiy enforced. This is entlîelydo-dl.frth nieste . hot h or, stveresn the.A pih oreîreeea-l h gKnwers prope. No superior emoker ever ~CONOVER liAULT. 6 Harrison S.. N5m hou ofa se or vas ihf.'oi h "forfunit ryUim ngistoly upen the , joe- sinores wbile workîng. To do that la ___________________________________ proora a o vruilà or urntur ro, UHi g banbine notfied, and te debaso the luxury and to take off Au Unwelecme Phtiotopbvt. Tue Old Mien of To-day. "iy bamade by biling a satura__ i asaded that îue icerov polo- the Ikeen edgo of the pleasu . Ih là A f o venîngs ago an eminent pb- This la ta b.the ers 0f - ,nio n anudAdIe sa to isa lutvhie ~ b~,5. 0f ~ i .4l a dtthe lBriihConsul. On Aug. itm eat u siain The Ho ofi clal bore gave a dinser pety. younglmon, fini the taidi is tInrenveride."ce WbeaoldIhiamak' a aieof >,e, however. a di8satcb front Shanghai r tepetvn osesn/o r kThe bot beforo hi-i marriagehad beeau nver more fautons aid men on dock ____ WblS cld.t sofmire amouh0 h ey enuouuced t: o nrîival thereot fthe toi exce-sa, but i nd thatin umodoratioti knon as a comparatively puiman. than ve have lo-day. Mr. Gladatono i vli a rus. nd blc. vthsteam, ip Chung King, aud i le C-P-onlY doos he fala Zetini th vrThe lady ho marriedva. aih in her la $6 ad M. Jules iimon a 80. Both pplimY fsf ialt lhMy ta1etathivor.sop brpiesk taub i uve s land poîeh.- i tain of that veiel gave hli version of o etelo ohe eicato lao v.Seon rgiOe bfte oma.iutlou5Iare physioally strong e.nd active. and atrs ubnwl ieafn oi he ssmakinngs Ato hd a plat MSeb of the artiaij Ironvork Dw no theaffr. which gave il a more serf- so ig. 3 ate nldil.-a eda ovfge ht.onbai0f pateatthi. dia- they are Dow dolng samne of thoir besi F Y u IA lubel ogthrbytaOv sdou@ aspect. The Capain said thal rcgashv dle teeg o5 fr liegan ta ddoscanl on the motivei vork. I o A m a be Tiogaetblb e urse- and w- vbe 1L hip tirs ai Tuagku on the petite, li il silo able tu SMOi<O hit 'a acînatingmarriae, an 1 bi sentiments Bul ihese are not the only Inoianges »I.Te r ieIn tmete-v Glf o h i(80 , odir oe it eieolec.t tiu vt ere of the moet p'-acJal ahough la itmof theiboextraordinary sotiv- A ileadache, theoits ayho ad tghi. igaa y wntonboard 0f ber for the purp"aseajaded alate but at other lime@1s omevîsi Su5nylTtf character. ly of very alid mon. Dandolo, vhen impy hmmef" thonfi o t e > nIrthe Japanese pea,engerm. pleasure goes i wth m do/atlun. To "Nov, sir," sad he. a. lie ibruat hi. poil W) sud ullerly bllnd, stormed Con- A Furred Tongue, ad hofich mair hoaelght and eabyf h woe toin. ett 1tratfignie e= bemone to fe i e w u p te piece as sityJapanese, mostly tro n ian nda seo ~ a 0huetlotume filustrate. Yeu, tor In- Smt pioture wben ho ief hsit t 5pells of Dizziness, firml as s tire, eblidren, and ai once began te buni ho able te do îhli fi te incur endlos acemarrlod for vealtb. In th"i yeer. Sir Ilaac Newton vas presideni Irmly as a lirci. îem dovu. The Ch nete pursued the di4orders of the nervous system, tbeDtnoV0?" of lte Royal Society at the age of 8 1, ltladsadCI - Japnoseail ae l as1 oldoosh an nîdg ivep TeIctvs sent snd cbagTined, and Lador finigbed bis "lmazinary ý,HtH nsadCl 2'. K.p Sk*.cWomepa. hem baud 'ud fonta soion as caugi paratyIs. sud sometinies Vo invite pro- but the constituti unal delegate net te Conversaions" ai tute aireofo 81 Baj.se n h 1I want to tel you what Lydia sd angIm ove on the vIa f. IA tre *If; e ea the e. al tonfraul e th. 1warIatund the hoeteàesud Broughnamnvas a strong debater ai 110, lS E. Pinkkams Vegetable Compound ln hngent-lupnhoro ersnootrpeaatnfr t-i he urtlah Cëneul, lammanded d v; oîk for thumi er thtan a pipe "n otmsaillntmarri-ed for sa-e =udf lohrve'dsFran, kluitrsslierastilg and Sanative Wash have doue for the isuanoe tie ereturued ounît.ard o ia 1'er breakfaist. tndli, uitntBOlb. Lordrof ens. Frniaetthin o va. s o ppti me. i~~he Chun~ ~o u rdîe The hostesvas somewbat troubie. of 82, sud lve nov have Morrili iu the "I assobadwih allngofChine o so dlorsvIe bl made the To -raz devotees of grand oprsand the but there was no reseuimentInlubhr de- Sonate aI 84-Âllanta Conlltution. Irritable Temper, 1 a o alwihflln f raid on le severoly punished. a.u-e eul-golg publie lu generai the an-moanor. The ne t dlay, bowver,> the womb and- nomacement ibatthIe Vavarf UGrand £«9- hen the philosophcr on marnle<e A Child Eujoysjrrkeilep Leucorrhoea DAY TO GIVOperaKS. u lb carne te make lis party croll the boat- The pleàaisu Ravoir, geutie action sud that 1 could preidout ci ... tnd Sts Apant Thoudat. buarnbigoit bai aîtracied thegrestoat ose was '"Nol in, ir,» sailb.hemai.- coothiulg effacts of syi up ofrFigevhoen » Low Splrit, not stand. N-...29, fonrPea. and (irtItude. attentio-n. Marie Baist Tanary l -1bons Albany Proe sud Knickerbocker. ian ned of a laxative, and If the failher ~. ~a- ~a peer. and the fTaet that Aboe peara uder or mother b.s caeive or bilious lhe mont >OU oI il4U uoc- t12sole1,01Wdectiou and manageent of r. Mus,7 After Ment. pltln eulifîlvIs s;soI trdsoi mtch lChasi" I ratin e.peciaiiy gratifyluK. The oppressive ombrnes elu led U m til la ithe boat famliy remedy knovn, torcd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thore, lanoumanagerrileAmierlo.. t-day Iueia ybstvtrt nm.vppt.sdceyfml hudhvsbu without bene- more capable ki p-enrt Engtish igrand nema yhs neeaeeeydspsindce fal hodhveabte ftIwas en- opera tu.. Mtr. 1 ratt,. w., Inite pasL bauafter meal., are ltfted and ls yoke cof ir b on baud,.l tiri dscor- svnsamatiaged îech tours , 'th,&tofmarie RIe. that sovereiuoiniedicinal lîberstor froua tuedly ageJ tin~~~~Clra Louise Kelogg. A,îuie L ,oise Cary aliments, Hostetters Stomaeh e-ites Beant- SrnOUefrHy U B eU I ex- u i .toEiiaAuit.Mn at o.flatulence. oppression eaithé.vittof te Experimenifl are nvblgmS pected to die. fain. sudthe ucesi.'h hih b"bs omach.the irnence otbiiswherit donenst viihopesd sfrain lcs One evning Iread i the peà ricd lu heiiitfict ie% lsiuman eong.re alike remedird b7 tht, paient r-Tho bsy &irtolng nre ed, la sa u-ieata anot tîs eflîîru. i-. . -.1?a f.mous sing<er . rv'oie possiffl or mer oTadisordrd coditio ote tre[n a 1 vihhladim 0 Hral' bou tis edcin. th geatët oiri,, c-ig rucan crs-orgrtand the liver. I11la thePriDn efetioules rendors fidestructible. I went ta the druggist, got hume, e.;" t in Its 1uity. suj cbaracterltedand stomachi s, invgortgt athesenime - to2 botties of the Com- - -.mpaItheotnoCs andiioxiblity. iltat iremedeo. Both sppeVllt aMd $le"p MO A Gieemy Outieok î i. .Ic EA andtoo thbyspuheIeoTfilarcliei. and ber p oiut mproved hl 1. A wlne.ulage betonsor 2ftla i iat of ths dyuieptin. but hfia face wtt1 I achieve "uIbn epaeYoe ele el, u aeareîe itb. fona hsu bn *bon ueho kauv a h1 pans Tab- pound, and used one of the Sana- ha" heonee rOeborluebeGaneitrac-ln reortvoe tosrondteeem bare hL eril dsrdrsuHoi tive Wash. tebl fte -t t iet ieeuet& tril dsre adwl "am nowv well and strong, ~oO~1L~r~UC e I lle sud asiiilate5 sud te rest tranqully. Usa iL matte lm 5ctu. certuii and happy man. iPaarti ot Gariens Lnota . r ri u o oaiaiu.Frteae u nus am neyer îrouhlcd with ither of organizatlon vhlcb viii suPppuittiMadamerfor malarial. kinuey suddniinnmatio troubleDfbetNv 9.,1rewoeuanîbtion being 10 pesent grand per it la blutto beeSii. A fev iest, ago no man dare ride would use Mm. Pinkhar's medi- atrouier In uas of ch&racteri and greaver titrougli lb. creeti of anv Chilia N ~w o cnsteewudb essfeiglu accessorles aud perfeteioln otdetail ubsu O se Nnvy. aiy on Good Friday. Evert' le aars ~ i-c cmcsthee w 04..e 1sa.ssu-Neflf. ba os rie ier toton, toa T r- le ievses nlucourse O e! e sneollotred ta run. No souud o! landA' idAA in the wor&" - j lhe Veid nt lia' isstinct thefollov- ceîacrîdllAecîpn uudrconstruction are ,complOte4 Unc1le human labor vas perm.tted Vo disturb lie dîrarlin tut higer inuerico:Ierre île '-i nu avy wiil cn3isi of fori -on. te religiona silenoe. fngrom %lie Italien Opra lu the Clty ut M-x-__________ lb Oetet eict icoer1 . sAlnerleail Pie should geatefulîti Icalie la agenlus as a .iîuuiclu. asoi -ois, uangin,, lu sfio fnm 1,300 rede-i u sIri ov-saSbp-seutegeîe.u .bile osdown Vo tLO toue dis1 lacemofli. saninyoun fulnomesud address te Dob- B AM' premthliAge.of udeuiause.l hu a b» as MI&Na. e.PhiladeiphI la.Ps. by promohaleret îe un erse.ose a ssdireclor The ne enuotue etrvworb u wsuusbed user them ttbilà idueiand fos- be laterpreied iurinuc ibis engageme t k AC{ýORDINC. toMuiball, the averaZe retursmaisl aud tel. fie«of Ou eeSt, a KENN DY'S lcruog canedurIni beyearibat bas pssaod. i articeuarly ,otab.e for lits groat saricty. niîmnlrof days on wbich suov ffas oupnoroth sororal dollars, If nied by Tie hudas it uilyadalh l opeetlLihapei.1 e iSefulltAanutage. Don't delay. S1 .00 A. B '0rL1 h e suuldaio ît buiii sd aib udyu le rounilti pOC eO er year un St Louis le eleven lfn TI ewnhyatnin NY sep1uaIl 1b abre i eCo o urttr ,iO Enlsbfic Iisbon one lu Paris thirteon, lu Vien- coi bi. uessInîs accorjinxtu tehoîn opera. 0b.slifi tartîstu la uppriliiut i O'ALDU.I8 Madme'iý&, t, ude Eim Maiat ai tirtv--three. in Cep -lajuulveniv- Objects Visible at Seit. M EDICAL DISCOVE Y nûi, and thry shGýi Id by dEuueeds of î bte c harteSbUfelytw, l aberil10)fee blh t viib' soma KNNDY,0FRoxua, MSS, ai1erre.t ciglttz eelndmnntprima Odonna s.pnsnus i uîe boeigîîy. y- ,InGroenlanid titc e ical'e n u INFCOE I-as discavered I n one faur common 'IfiheUited ,tats,.du bereby appoint traItos. Helen von l}ouhoff and 1) ri !eet bîgh invisible thirVy Thmiles.OIaO Dtre weeds a remedy that (tires ev'ery 1 spac.brntaotbardsyrth 5h a t du! uA ull.tiulerIat us not o uurym sbirde aud tragnant flowera are S k o f Humor, front VIe worsl Scrofuia Noeug r.uat a a tthnutv ecure4 une ot the greStest lvligProu" lu the tbent, mot oicnite and most vain- isatures charm ,bet a dlvluely lovoly i-aD o. lutsuoprye. e le epIaumeaoredbytenons. tPayne ilarlue luaneihere-c mýityilable maiding ubtainatule forlissi The pane toncmi ram the use ot Glenn'@But- MecUineC. down toa ommun1Pîthe.ail opie i uIn thie land .elocte.i as prînue tc.on, uas cci is l.Yo.tbs tounp;.Dnuoffers uneqialed value pla ier Soa He has tried il in over eleven hundred On. tbt day lt Our urdinary vertua 1su Om Ware O bne 0t the monst trliuau aud good re-udlug for ait the tsmlly, sud cases, and never failed e-xept in two cases bostones lO uspeuded& and let us ment lu bartenesot .athe stage to-day Is )V,iau, eu iti7 ls l getaycsse Atm.i~S .L US O (bohthunden humor). He bas no\ inihie ou puuseulpIeu-es otworalulp aud gîveMorIons. ee ccuiiloi a prtomineuut poil- Mer(Gladstone, ivo et Quinan Vtras5 Cure fer Consuomption viii îve reliefthliti posesio aentw hndedcerifcaesiho usseAliton Gfur aur puntrorv- uo wiheb.oeuuauulz*t~o' F. L ii an sd luttn.lurdKuln.Mr . aie ai.ment equs.l tesa cure. 25 cents. of ls value, ail within twenty miles of tuu uanatiofiroraiuit to.RDudley are 150 uber baritoruciouteO J. T. Trovheidze. suiS moe than one lno- deansd pestilence. fthelb arveuts W. IL Halon tst Ie basse. iand Wuliiin CdeeS uter emineot wrlter-sConrbuite ta Boson.Sen potalcard for book Ibat haie rovardel eue humbaudry. for s ciusiar lb. basse cantatu. Thoi,aruelthe volume for Doit yoar. Boston. Sfeaioandoprly adfo uta rosthtamahâ 0 orlk p e sberbr beneft les aways expeienced fo eca tualutpopr5.ad1ebt e e h an htf u i/ j o usrbW hu senS &I 75 a% ome the frst baille and a'perfect cure le war- ev,,y dvaue In virlue and Intelligence theo lne Tavary Grand Enuilh Oluriu receiva The Companlon frrse untîl Jlaen rauleil when ...e rgi ua ntity i tke. i ltlias.oiarked 0cr trowtb as a pu3ople. Comusn- hO repeetotr r rnutd for i. 1,isi nctudîng the TbanoglvtugChrist- ~ ngh q - ek AnS.11h Ou.- tbanksglvig lt us pray the firswk i vru as tollowsahunday. Mon- mag anC BewY Vara smbens, aud a yesra Wbeu the luugs art affectedi ilcauses ibat thenie besilngs -Ar hoeuutîlitd day. aud Saiuunday nuie, mil i ruvatore;" subscrlptten besldea. cIo t pislike needies pasînguz nteusi& bt Our nustlenu l]OlisiiOicO m&y Tuesday suid Wednesday nights. '-tihe- mT orU.TZ705.ÂUP10n. through themr; le saiewt h iver Or lbe quckeuod te a belle.- recegnition ol the misen Grl;" Wtdnesdayevaninit undlgaiuun- Bosuton. Mss. Boweis. This is caused by VIe ducts beinF powern sud goituels ut GoS, aud chat lu day matnse. Carattela Euilcânandu stopped, and always disappears itua week nlnl n. laerssadu 'rict:" Tbunsday. "amn'aC BE'iEvot.ENcE lta siHoS te fovvices: after taking it. Read the label. And In our i laces efmth adpraîs.eld! Fa b'seltîshuese te fever virtuea.-Homa. If the stomach s foui an bllo us t will i&as eil as u Ihe bpynunot u In ~ dm 5 a d tiend . on that dalai ul u- 1tI W aW &@îte Pie. v cause squeamuish feelingsat frst Estvoit@ divine apprirsi by gensronsly re- The landlady of the b)arding-house mcMtEo m. No change o! dict ever neesaosEa ernbering thebo per anC ucedy. Eunaiy vas outinluthe back yard vIon the MO SUZA&iN the best you can gel sund enough ef I. ha' abuh gvnus c--fnort aud plenty Vuamp entered, andI eubd hl-o 5.C@NDOYAP4, [>ose, one tablespooinfui u~aera c- viiiteut ckel sr relief ut the dsîieute ia ham os-lolIatre usîi FUhiSýO _inwatr suiS ead ue eiisratou fcaiya h s-a i aena-lsn lauul time. SoId ....,al Druggîsts. wrru ethearts truly gratelul and a, aplomb. i8 ta fthe s ucerity et enr ubanksgiv- Bog psudin, maam," L.e began. UPU o.s IIDWR Ic'me emolaSeoeif Nudidu t lose a îpie OU III VII W 10e- niy baud anSdîth e at ut lhelefItLut lorseyesterda)lagil cool. -~t&FN Ullted BIniou. whiCiî 1 have causeS tlh e b VsIîdfdsudi mleoking for the -- LI TW H S hmllo afiied. pou-sou ookule WnsiV you? And 19 Fu wbb ta Hi, U orEtt.KhiSqe srepartie Doue at lhe City ut Washington on tbhe came aI hlm ,tbreateln gly. u l s ti"c m . D o i n e d aa â . u ite ta fi n al d a y ot N o r e m l Ptu u th a y e a r n f u r0 i e d d e s d g m o o u îl t e AMERICAN LISTING COMPANY and et the tudeendeuceofutthe Unied Bide. -i roi TN.5us EIstes theoee undre- eandulotew h. "Nom, fi vasu't," lie nEpiied, L!t 1 ,.- .aI» SImInfiam ___in 203 TACOMA BWLi.1 CHICAIOILL. GaovzaRCLUVEt.AND. knov vho iV vas.»Il ubn Se In..u s forttematinTh. By the Prsidaul: I Wl, - 01 osd11 aehlmTIrn vo ea v-S ent a »u"ýh llgth TO . cm. rop u NOMtDirectl aut simple. Ctealeit sud But W. Q GusasAM. ecrolany ofet Iai. arrested sud punisled. VVI1nns W. u laS 03.00iteS. lier àsln-55aae saitbod of ruenlthela'YueTýegmplst. Cieuls. "Yeu dontI bave ta, mu Sm,'ho . g UiaB.e lI~and tset Wants What You Have T ta Soutîveeleru Associationo!ibdb8da.Adleototîe ( I/' iAys anes1 slte;Fs - lia "' You ~ Failvay Surgeons mat ai Memiphis, bs a ocut. L 8~ 5? e.u*cae Our*stl hmp1CsaS 0 VVflDi ouW8flL. Tenu. -4uMPohfl(ust7d»)erM *En .""b.-l us et.M-s 5sd for fremiciutsCpI i t JIi11PLv AxN jf5J5jLWHISTLER 10 waas k10.A illiPuege(4td csi aetii a vsT.En uie.0hra eiueIt DIÀNO, l uns ont'Jouwioc "t4a la lAin5l.Noble3ville, I..., b . ig ibof u ,n tha ie .i la ti esywe- aivr retu S eilee negpssri Si. lfldvehiS st I0.dîseis .that sciene bas been able te cura uhfapreeii 5f'aOnemS.AK-CIAMEt"s- l at b.stges euSd thâtfi. catareb. 5PAYSsspFORsexiist auatd i co. àAK-HAME ITLOCI<vas bt.in e a taeilbnturenteh.iconly posiise ers"s i lU-i-eA A PA SF RRipans Tabules. ,omJi aLir ~io yseh a at Dallas, Tex- He ouank. n t the madcl1ateruity. C&tar las n é odp en 4fil neiipaw Cheinotl00, 10 Sade B jus$11Bl~ eeam eS lobe. D manti4 Iiar man u' elg a êtg5 mu'lt knew 04 Boton Ta' forthpU. ait.pai y thore a p8S rnes my mim*gu of ai is etrut0 don't »0 bo*-- ep varmIn on too" 8 ick-Yui, > El0* door)-51a N1» on, yitA but ffl . bef apepskl -Nov or A upport a =*'à el golng t, 1, 1 op elgan4 on on, afi M8 îuantanoe vttý' Ob yas. W# mo olecti $W., tbis way vs BIé reat da'- 1 ave tstld f at 1 vili Dot l baume yon; 1 uuco more, $01 iii be YS. iteacher Il Fond MotJllf se vas g0la1 t ver knevuDIT I te birds om n wonderft* leel bound OWL parrot vi,*.. à teibe bett.r., 1 cbos. L bort ? t a0o. ur art?' m4.4 husit4 i engli? r. they? (ta train) d vat.- re'e $Oo yen '< th.