li *.. îop, 00pertbox Len"ex*>p ...............4c parbat cLadies, at-tWooÀ i irts.. . .,. . .. ...87 o Meulas, Il 81rtaaniddrawers.fl7ceach cAliwool Ctistiunere ....19e per yd 1iported Lace Curtainà. 21 yds long 0 ad 88 inîcises wdé. . .93c par pair F ullthue of ail kîinds Feit Hats.20c up F uihue of ail kîudis of Ladips, Chl c dren and Men's 8lit»es, wliic we will 1)otil at tirst cot anîd uany bet,îw fltrât comt. Béat tablie Oit <JIotti...20e per y<t L4iideF Cotton ilose.. . .._bcper pair DNaumkeag SattesuJTwitls ...8ec per yu cAtt-wot lDrese Fianiel. .. .. 16e peryl cLadies Belta .. . ..... Sumnmer (Xmwata..... .... 7c Flirt 870 Dr. Pri's" ........ 0c c. à. Nu. m cormete ........ 66e Otmstemd'a Dresa I'eform Corset.. 75e %Ille Corset .. .. . . . .. .750 C. P. B., Corsets ................ 76ce A DISCOtIN*f 0F 25 PER CENT on titi brnuds of Patent Mkedicine: cDr. Fentier's Dr. Cbanibuirbiin's c Dr. Baaher's Dr. H1arter'. r Dr. Warner'a Dr. Boowê'a Poley & Cu's JL. M. Green%. CcoÏic and see us at the old stand in Ivanhoe, III., and get the benefit of the LOW PRICES we will make you on ail Goods ineour Store. EJNIEIN & PFANNESTIEL, Ivanhoe. CL L >1 j- o> -c Q-ci> 1r- Q ~. Ca &M. ai 1.11. p.0 D tao 146 S 5 i@ a 8, 10 Io546 8 lLu ...146 'z. a 557 40 s. 0l 50 7s boai s 'a B unE Snd, sasi bu si r1 su aisà s 1 aiesu41. m28 n64.l e do1 Il lh In 50f(tAY TRAINS. L!in lifi Seau. a.f hast Oua,'.l ti 7P. om l» weie.a-te slus8us0 Pm dOU ie 8.30 a gii tusatr 71 SU ...IMM m s:1 M WARRENTON GROVE. Aiiiie KriiiekeilN qîite sick. Ml itoilliuîl o (lie ick itut. N1.. LAnilelt Sî'uuît a. tewodays in tiý ii-ty, Iamt wPek. 1) t'.îîly, Whîolisas bisets îeiy 1k, ix îwty iai pruîvitig. l>etiiiis llffai, f St. Lou is, ten'a- .txîug lis brother George. Geo. Ilutctlisioti catieS uin retatives mia] lîlesit e i usda>'. éleflry isîmisuîi, (ilChiicago, ie via itiitg wthIsilsmeparluts liera. is vliiing wi hlirleinis litre. Edrtai ibbons matie a businiess trip tu Lisee iu, ue day asat week. Dellt Wortli, «ir iiiglt operator, lias lieul ivit] iig fi u de mutltSestli Frank Ju:sea of Evaustui vas ini ovnu oibusinoe, ouie day tItis veeu. Misa Aima Nitkius, of Cliesico, la spendtng a week vitis lier motîur litre. Tie ramie autd dattes at TItos. G+og- gitas, wasvWi attetidi; evitiyoti ru- piots a pleusmait tLime. 'rhure niuat be sonse attrsactioin th Le wooti. for Adamt Davis. Wonder 'vlîat iL ta? Tell us ahi about it, Ad. The dodiet Ciutiug flouse, of Wau- kegalu, ta offerinc greatt udoSemeuits tu cuaters. Doa't fait to hate aslvaus- Lige 44 titeir gresit targaiua. Sue adt eiswhere lus tits paper ant iautioîî vitere you saw Lîmir adi. wlieu you gis there; voit tiaus viii favor.both yourself aud us. QUENTINS CORNERS. Farmera have Ilished thusklug corn. bats Zurich Is ail toot and ot a ov. Fred Hoft took ln Lhe WU' Citylu'ht F rida>'. Election ls over titi you' vote for thie rght niets? H. "L. Boctelmanu WU& a Chicago visitor luet Tisurada>'. Wms. Quentin bsas 5usld bis store to tise utmt» vitIt fal sit v itergooda. Waitstd 'unie nice Younsg ladies as houae-keeper. Appt>' lo sumo ofounr bacielora. Look ont for tise grand dance tsi b. giveus hy thse Ela corniet band TisanWe giviug everiiiig Nov. 28, at Qnentin's Hall. LasI Tisuradiay'occurredt e marriage of Wnt. FInsgtenu thIis place and Mins Ena sLomgorst, cf raemisse. Preauptu>' ut 8 o'olock p. M. thes Ela mouet baud appoe ou th ie lave andi fave thsosmo istiefn e oèilêmaof assie. WU vial thse Young ouiple s long and haM >'liUe. - Mrs, Ann Hail. Died, OCt, 27,1'94, ag*W'S year.s. t te home of bier daughswe, Ars. Davidi Hlaise, near Qubîleuîs Corners. She teaces four'dausghtmtera raurn hue, tees:Airm Davidi Uam,of Quinstette, Corners; Mrs. Bd. (Muaer, of Id** Zurich; AMms.Rame Jiebte, of Mielsi- gis; Uri. Wmt. Cantrel, of Caulfof uts. Man>' Iriendi andi rlatIves attondeit tise fuserai services viih were beldi Tmesday, oct. 30, ah tthe lonse. The reinaita antre laiutti West in $taupes Cornera cemuer>'. in ssOaR OF'*199. ANN liAI.. OPe lu, one eartbs ties aeebrokeas. As vs e flOur love decuy.- Ana thie hop@@ @o goudi>' chenlsbed. Srlhais but iqPsss say. One by Osu our lhopes growir bter, «As wenear th es5iffilg asucre For we know nom" te hAuver, watt thse lovai coe« gousêtsoSe J udiiclous Advortlslng Create ui aiâe« bstuaem Enlargem ymuAl ipieu 4c.c .51.<for2sl ......... 9oiuite........c hase NChiait" e...... or24e lhwOMDiisoia.. mMlef itng% -.....47 i.............. ei kaa1,r25 i Jetîts................... 9e eibw Atis ...r............273c IuW -su (tàeaSda-t ud) .-1e 1 -fu leu olley D%$*A*b.8 0F THBEYLE 8pectall, effîrM ttonghjt tu tht? uirnit> fbttu# ut glei.#.u5. Untit 10 0. M.-to 2 p. tu. end atter 6 P. m. Titrue of out ladies were parriLoic etiougli tuvote Tuegidiy. Aimer Rodr iia VisiLtiîg t Iits grand-. fatber 1 W, IL Ktigge*t>. Thersday- oeuîig, Nov. 15, lte clariaila» u "ýavor ocîety *Ilt gî.e aÏ Uitea t mibpet. Upfee andi cewllbe i¶r¶ýtd. Tieru wîl be tiis5iC ailaWo eeititted Cured, jaob ef'. . .loupW a large ldeieril laute at 3tloguI~tkanaoaàte te(to li isSoabut tUàe Counutrytu posehasebonse, lie claaumed tu tativ toe u the. la&"tuusaty IUauk aad oblailsieimne bisiatclainkut of A. Ml. Tfgs 1uesitv nlglt about 1:84) ci etock lie weut tu Wm. Kuebler'e s« t lIvanbo. andi purchauetisoin@ to'ters paylîg. for thent WILt a tWeuîty doulars cheot witts A. M. Briggli' signatWue.AlLer lie bls igos, AMr. Kitebker stispected tut Use chieck waë Il fort" lune and Garnis u te PAk.feilez andi fouh»d ltaxit lb-Nue. A warranît w.a procured for his arrest and after a Chamise fsverai miles tlîrough tihe W..].s lie was caughit by A. J. Kinsg a'it i'igti 'otock Wedsaetiday lmoi-1 lîg imud tilsuu to Wauh.egaij.sîl. SVANHOE. AI] were gl id tu weicoiîîe Chartes Sibups .un acleli lust Sabbattî. Tite Nix.i i iterbiligolare apeiduig1 tihe wtek *ai It frisends lis tecity. Uerheu t Chanibeilin osovei lt weik, <iiw a fitas eunit of Llbertyvillu. Misa Kate Deeker luis retursieti tr roin An s xtesided* stay in Sutti Mîbik)e Hîii.bard began ier scîtuol li tiue iiutbard district bioîday, aînd Katu Dtx.ker at Fort HllI. Laut Stibiatti was tise regular coins- miuiion Suidaty oftitge cluircli, and twîî iiew mesebeis were recelved i lto tige cliurcli. Mr. and isu. Aiîtliny Putriant weîît tu Montrose Tlîurmdav Lu at.enithe wedduîîg of (li graistisoti, Charti-ei Fariàawtrtii. Aboit tweîîty of the youîig pefflet f rom tLiittin lce CAIIiemplt,at tludu tige C. B. coIsveiitiouiit Waukegnil, Deit &tl1~y No iiuwTINO allowed on my prem- ises, wittîuut, Permission 1Iallait Prose- ente ail Skuday tret;passeist tu e fuit extent of tihe tsw. W X. MccosATY. Mr@. Fiuy Bryanît la expected home fions Valparueits iTîesdaty. Sie vil remaîn maîttif i foiLowiîîg Moiiday, wIteu aile wilI returi for alotliet terni. Aliter Nov. lât, 1 willi seit Flour and Stlgar fur cash oiii>', and i Wli give five (5) per cent dtscouu.t for c&ash oit otlicr gootis. Look out fo Low Pries.. (84 A. A. PÂYMEc, IvauihSe. Snnday ovening, Rev. Dibble willl speak a*gain fronm the iibject <if Damu- lot." He deliveret aunexcellent er- mon on thee@unme subject two weebaé mgo, elikh wavery imuots enjoyeti by au-. Marrled ut the relcence of bride%. parents In ivanboe, Ionday evertssg, Noq. 5 194, Mr.' Arthsur L. Eltty saiu Uilm Lizahe IL Ssader. Ouly tige ear relattIvesutUs bride andi grooo0M..#t presgent tW wtne the cqeeauy whichs waag performei b>'By. W. L. Diblil.. Mr. and Kirs. AitL>' ae ihsil eteesed by maul 1 t'ei@lului tht.b pan lsuIle boped is>'wtlk malle thoir future be à4upo s. Thée yowlig jiopiblea, 46 »Muwthei1f mueott lesatflit, sgaîliuansd goond wtubes. lime ti> Batitis ut. 1 lw'ulby requst ail oiug mae aooouffitu matke settlemeitm Cash or isuitabie note. yois autfor pu favors.1 1hop deallog te mernt yoor patronage, (.) A. A Food irnding andi Set t>ah. 1 fi'ih b. at nMy'nhlt, every preard t SIIcorn snd pfud fee fean1 who corne. 1 bave on Mtybot çua>' acootnte for grlndhng fliat have rima*long tinte andi asm ,i nedthe -Muse>'now, [ hereby 'reques it mli eau, and settlecp. (34 FAIK DOLPH, IvanUboe. VOLO. E. Snider viii nove ItW (eo. Ben- well'a bouse. Mus. (J. G. IBosoniis 5 (ot feeling g0 ho wiwts lu l*ke the 'visi out Of sore biody'a salis. TlîtLite Deerileld girls are. lit de- u»iîud in s1ito of Lttle Jake, lé proteii bit the fttat a sussmore aissiinga lire in prospect. 8iîdiay afterfooîî, tihe weslding îid blMisa BurUt t age, and i M.Ulsaa. Wit gtiîfelti, to-îk place auc Watikegitu. We woigiittstatetiiern. Ilivlîaulouis are out foi th e wuddig «fliariy wili"tuiige ausilMis Milii e~ Ilueli. The ihappîy evelitt will ooenui Tluraeay, Nov. làtii. The ceremonyI taku l SM. Plamis t.Arhu , it il1 30 A. 1. Next Trswsiay eveilî, 'Nov. l8tis, tihe pupils osf Rey. Juiigk, Win give ai concert als hle P"dsky cimurcit Admis sîtut la frbbeAui everYbody 1la niîvtett t4) attend. If yu U1ke piaste, eceue idt y00 will iut b.otlsappobsltted. lit urder to psy expensa. a cletiaton i l» Il. tkeis. Our yotiiai peoile organizuti a liter. ary suciet> tat aturîla>'. Tiîey electid Propf. Fitier prieildeiit, and dtislde (liat their i mtrtainmeiit slionlit u lieid nt itenbootiosîae, S*turd a> eveu- ilig. Ait excellent progrme lias hbee preparei. Conte aîa4 onvince yoursieif. 6 Mr&Laa ter ptit a few dtiya lun U;bicw alit veet. Fat Doyle la lu ver>' pour Iteattii anti not exî'eeled to recover. P<rtiîk Yore lbas retirie'tlibornie t<i rernain uiiiunug 1.1* whtr. Mra. Dgeiliettud dauglètcr Sadile, oif Clîtlesîgo, wut-e gtuestd of NI. Melod% Siiiiday. Most t otur very large îîoltictauis tuo)keti tike 4amati boys, Weducsdîîy ifuriiig. Joliii Mekatiy altii<k iuiids lit b4i geierail uis1mîlàtniaitiier 'vi ilEvert tîiuisds suîîday. Laîwrenîce Vamagltit Ias flitly e- cîvrell ibileailtiiaud neturiiedto Wlits Chicago r,ïiltioli. Titgenial -Abe- ta haek nuiit îie ti.i3 tait eeek speut ai evetuiiig wltlî "Jijul" Wit.drnai. Itîsw about tihe eieetiolîî boys? A îot (<ie eih? 'Tvas ever tlius. Watctu aud pray for reveuigu. Eh wWH&tihe ofly large uihicil body iit Everett Weiîestiay, lifter -The ClaigoliIerald** was perused. Subacribte forte INiEzPUD"ST andl recelve, voekiy, ail the newa fros your sirrotandlng country. AdvertitE lu the IJiDElpitIDET, andi let people- knov you are alive and visat you are doing. Itla »the. best local paper andi advertlsng umediums in Lake Oouaty. Tise IlE. L. S." meeting Saturtisy uveiiliig Nov. 8rd, wa" a -bowling isucoossote o! of hie speakers appîsuti- eti lit suds a wamnr as tu cause thto1 appear a secornd time. Everybody velcone andi invited tW attensd. Muet- ings eveîy Satiirtay sveuiig, at scîtool btouse, Everett. DIAMOND LAKE. Bello, CJartel How in marrieti lite? am" Oit lias a nevwlî1eei. lt'eaa daity>' lu. Ast Ray> & Btowa lîovW tget a vifs and haudi>. .Wanted Wo know: tole uîîdsr discus- a"o a1; next 41.s' Aid Society'. , rap Items in Our privatus mail box, on the door at foot Of »IssMsIoe Theiil ,.s ad trientis of the ichool wili have ait eitertainmeitt about ThauUslvlng. Wliere liate profemeor «une? ta 1h on a weddlisî trlpl< Ail tise girls tire anxious tW snow. Win. Zerfte n lattunking of startlug a se MdugI agesie>. 4il kils ireit men ~#m~a..assr ingwdows. làlw*de Townr er n lier sehool 1 enu4q.wo Vsiber MI&c Oeo. C0rl.buaspr- ~eO.Ea~1 51*éît ouM the DBtter. ruh rol blihIMr. am' 'Bletaw*bu te ltaet. en bu ru lseglâsa asitauesdee M out. Rer i fl m Unepctu b iaipoilt tm#hFttnw - neie. Evercuealîumi at0i*tbom servIees. andi kel* p lte 1-luy Prof. Sabla cloieed lis sool for tihe fNI vacatiols Tiaaia>,,and startei on au extendedý vieil antqng relatives andi frientis, tunsoutbâistb Duboi, Missottr 1Temperance Temple, -Waukegàn.' A COMPLETE-STOCK GRAIN, SEEDS1 MILLS , Lime, Drain Tile, armn Wagons. Buggi es, Agricultural Implements. Etc. We bave a new Stock of the Falius Weber Wagops. -And the Bloomington- Hazber-Bros. Buggiets.- %Oarrag",. COeiland Seo T ~Wrght ISons, arcar always read! tb sipply ypur 'vanta liour li»~ Libertyville. III. PRUPIARE FOR COLOý When ,You Want to $UYVOUR - H. B. GER-, . Wé are Agents for -Some Lucky bMy wiIl get from uiieç0rsms an Etegant Fifty Dollar Pneumat ic Tire Bicycle. --4 chance on it given wîth every Suit or Overcat. A Few Examples of what 'a Few Oi Buy of us'in the Une of Boys ., A Wh7olis (utJUfofr a Smal Bey, coâei. alu$3.36, au folbews Ver> fair suit... .................. Wsrmsi Oveooat....... .......... Wtuh r a ........... 4......... titrouz hIceklngs. ................ Fast Col or Wos&st.................... Winter Mittens........................ Tise hiote business for .For a-n> Boy froua 4 ir> 14 ifrors of e, e mgeA: Styhiaki Double BrestetM uite......... Good Cape Overooat........... For .........................40 Iff ym Wtaîill;eUes q.uji'y uCr *$348 cai: CombiustionSutilt, vittu" saiautea"ai'CP..:B49 (kooti wearlng U14ter, or Cape Overcoat.SO For.........................Si4 A oeiajsleieWaer Oe(JI, posti roug p&fer siiesi n.>Boy, oa - lue boaphi ut Si' Oý, «s siom ahere: Splestihd Ait wool suit............... 9 Ex"tra usglster, eloth is heti........ styllal W inter cap .................... Fine Ftannol Wmit .................. Best Qtmatit>' of Stockings ............. T For ......................... $901 You catn see It Dues Sot Toits Mucb Money to FiL Out Yoimr Boys ail Modoi." WdWe have &ao tise moot Complets Assortaait ot 01dék1, OvercoatsansdUlsterk for Bolîs front 14 Lo lOjearu. whieti we viii suit uoîorioateiy ai ceep. Everyone who tractes with us Saves Money. We G".r every article ve sell; if it doe., not prove satisfactory, yous eu yonr money liack. A chance on a $5o bicycle given wtb e Suit or Ovcrco)at. The "lodol" CIothhIi( 101130, (Iltedquarters for Boys amuitMui'* Wemr>