CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Nov 1894, p. 6

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W rte . wse in,14. se .wauah*TI <L of Two Lives. W iten-. . ýpanls o ImlaBI9 I e «lei "WUy bae jo nO ting for me?»" "Yeà..&ad-"U.kniowwho iii&e for This aper.-1aedlc. a b r Iw; and, tarit- "Bfoyshoulu l som lo 1vwb.stU1# fo hsP pr'in mobegw Viola wilIa. " Wo s hle la the Marquie Vauyme. The lu e n "ai14 * noves atlr bkd "' hted. Ait cor old f rien4s t or.; anlgin LondoD lae@ho, aud - reO WI __________ Sr iry sud Laly Williams, toc. ebn, h Mrui.Be usband'Ou A servant appeared, eailng Mr. Car- le deuil. 8h. lives at Vermililes, but 13y Mare utoneteliste wished tomoe. bis wlfe in the bine B onde a great deal of her time in L-mseufor Novenaber le. th SIP.AS 1y M ii & Fa y foliowed the man ta theParts." GoLDUn Tzv-"mAB r. wuld that monmi lgtpm aa recu, tawhlch ho oeorted ber. Sho "Well?" should do ISq you. do y. misa ta ibem 11lk.- saw net Lionel, but Le3nard Waldron "Yeu were lftI when thtree yeare nid îe -Lis6: st- Ina"Es rv veu a 1 eor ate oc ste tanidng under the chandelier. and you neyer knew your mother. Lot The subject of this leellon. "The Son- avenue hadL tales Woretti their hem hd ne e rn "Why, Lec! Where's Lionel?" me t;éIyvoi, my lady, that yau are the mon au the Mount," la fouud la Lukete90isa INIR, notgoiugohntfo Fy? telt olowhighea y hd Y "Befor yoi." daughtèr od Marquise 1v suyme. The ti: 20-31 *d»iWVgbt ,4y"ne gd n Luatro for Waro the gt c fran ownfete'louMn. ar-liit Nonense! What do you mean? Did Marquie employed me a ibd you. 1 "Ho lftod Up bis eyes an (Greek el, yardncse o r Wlrn -m uaadgoot amn ber solicitor in tibs cage and lher lnto) ies dl o4'ies.' It l erlht, ýamt.hhad gone by wlhut a 11.10e trolled into the yad ad Ù 10t myNohuIbtnd gor ou. o't o no îrfredevel look Cbrlel gves us to-da. o&poU u " ma ~isiau SaS eA9 tOfeIl bock Ilulber chair as e-salon. no peradventuno BHe o s &d a hall botS.. b. wu. laDyourt&e vuw.' fs'om be h utdsre e he porch. Fay and Annette at thorea N; et o1.u ontyu nNoerfned "0sa amtadf Course. But where le r Car- pale me the curtaine by Wtbich they at. the trut u heknshl ellgto 1ab UsO5HOStOih 4 on ot r iao nd hn sietlwamhadatr a few Min- ie? )ughbol' of a marn i 1can It the truth. Look honeetly bacou ou anil aiL W~ooy an - cr 1dn' hi utee Annletteoteall se wouid stop lu ta .hm. aAe o ur »b îse."ijlesed".3Lost JH UW'T aîl.ld roi1 odnfor ehe has ea sale MIisCarlile, sud departed. 11"I t .now. Nover heard ofaim bAeyuul,8isu.rpo. LOS Thssamnlausor"dyBWr > utfin, tiLo.ndon 'kuwhw 'Iloueem oee"asd Fay was ready ta cry wth anger. "Perfectiy sure. mean pennl~es? iBut w. have acon IlCWbYOdb51Wb g iei athumVioa le as muchulod Mi Moskessom on nellehad ed- Now, Leu, 1 wnt you ta stop thie . And where le my-x'nther?» ponallees blasphemere. Does It mean Co., druiabte. BuIman. lad. aIL Viotla l'ila10 uchpuztedis-pred. sasso s net dd-fo ery. 1 was sent for by Lionel If 4"Inlier home. the Chatesu de timid~ But we have seeu tianld ekep- IL all r ilo UPtI-twUd Wl laue n h ou ant tell me uherehle , I Il findt Vauylno. at % er'ail os. I Musit aisoI .Lrd hnbl swa i- Y~ a -dorow I wl d "it peaüe.An te wofim. Didn t ?O 0ehmwle a ay that I am la dieguise," and ho ro- niMe,. And lho dcea. Ho le very k nd f vcll. 'I =av lot a dlue." i stralleil among the 1ate ummer flaw- i o e i hnyumvdlt W i n hses aadcnieaeaûrmmeigt lb i.At first ho vieItheor nderychrymaantheCunz came lu bore? mvdbsbakwg n heos as d onldorbaa roped dmbe rIti ht________________ r&b th. o lemgh aW r .0 Ms@andarke," oulM. Cr- Leu îaughod. reveat a fair young man. "When tho e ard"7 e as rpc onfrm HoodePille atm patir iuuabb, - ~, btklg se lgt hvwpr- 0, ee Mse arm, ead r.Ca - N ow, k ay, no one lîves hojo by that dvts cames ait ai My muetple, yoa th. .ory kies ta give ne Ibis expia- feolir bariole». always roltablesuid bemeOia CL a sitation ncianes laBIr i. 17,hou Tayte tLIam - ultuatlon as its 1'l lisid. «I forzot ta tell yau that my asina. Nover came her'e.I sent for Iv;IIl ee Me my rosi solf, Guy Le nionl e.II l ~ otoLid à t entlghtenJu Next ieuc asdd and lait me a beautiful ou, sud naw yen won't awn yotlr bus- Tonus. »ien:"eof hnsy',1a ~l1e lsdng ud IntrutOe, stte u Iewch aUd 'iointloç .nzi. .1se. yau are the ane tubtioru "Mercy! What neit will ha ppeu, rlch, and lncreased witb gcod, aujl go I fo4hmno informa- IManan' HeafIeWr 0nci r ilyuwr tLnatrHi" Monsieur Le Torus'e If yau bl g ave need ai nothing, ana knowest 11111; cythlag h tiaiet fallai. 0f ru Il I do net have la go there until "I tell yau, La Waldnan, yau are a now, 1 wlll try aud reciven my.zeli. net Ihat thon art wret, hei, sud Misera- th * ould change ber namoe;Itaopsesin I muet moble a mat- mean îhing. Il seems aW me yon have Came to-mOnrrow and oxpiain the reet ble. ani poor, and biind, and naked, I âtade dacvery aitthehbarder. 'tra breeto.1o rea0. " always triait ta moite me bate you -to-mirrow aI 10 oclock," sald An- ccunsel 1hee ta buy o. m gold trled hs resortid taoa disgulse sud They walked on, aud Mr. Carlisle, 11t, ring fan the >urvanit t tolit me nette. as weak as a kitten. lu t. e lire, Ibal tho t mdyest be rlcb, 141 *Î4h ail 1h socal cirasI.n lu oaklng at hie watch, oiat&dit was lui whene Mr. CarlieeWent." "Very well. madame. Bon jour.' and white rayme.ît Ihat thounrnayemt pS. h. was fnt among them, ociock, sud he soon tock hie deparur "k'ay, do you waul mare proof? If Anette thought ou the strauge boc lothod, aud that the shame ai thy The lettoeshe sento'home 1wth a promise, howevon, ta telle Mime sa, flore you have ILb thunge thalhbsd happeued mter bier nakeduess do uat app, or. aud aunîlot luiI»no ilortweeki whe n Jth 9hadwaee poket. headut( l to h d- of lte areturn ng carniage roused ber ra~est 50e. Il ieuougb, 1 ard, I am ýd gbter-lnvlblng hlm ta aeles acee o-l.mre Le, cenelse, "yau wauldn't -Ail alone, A~nnette? Wby dld'l mpo u ekajbid tsftaigt vi lb with them. thal had followed Àunette. date do sba= tbiugz Haw could yau? you corne up elairi or eaul me down?'fI ,u un.ulal but dro I alu haspieutanlalme ase -Gcd.eveninug, mises.May I ask you Wb ld'tyucoei our raoitef?" " * av suad amn no atail I &all 1full saivatian Sud." Inerry Vîrlan, was ta ho mar- a few questions?" f ay droppod ij a chair, overcao i onely. Who wai tf Oh, bhere's the Blesseod are ye that bungor now. al. i lg fis d ho ah r Y s but dont ho tac o lau, » sad by the tril affaire ad taken. Leonard carniage. » And ual waitg ta see who t le t he hungry that win. 1 ieho hes- u t' bi de ai, gang liernne. - dnew hen ta a sofa. the visiter was eleo finbbred out ta ednessef aijng unbies od, the fu- , #Aivi&tis 'Are youg ta servbintJatnhe1ne1 vn- Now, len, Fay. Wheu yonbift moet Fay sud Leanard. Afler Fay hall lise of saut. lDayou reruember thre se, eoar, beeeatoilo 1t covered cottage'- the Hall, vie wore neaniy ail witd. We gone ta ler roorn Annelle sent after e holar at echoal notgrostly gfted ex- lM a i howas next male hein. "Yow. air," 'couldut boear uf yen ouSI eul dpwn lber, lu auswer ta Fay's "Car nl," 1 cept witb thinsb.1 lou 1aujéhed at hum Brngs comfortt*ld Improvemet Md W1 Wsiroa wauld ho icit lu Ibis "Who ilveithere?" ta Londan. lu dieguia3, lfolloWe7Au- ebceneubred. kit tiret, u .bshugyhta fr~~>pranaiejoyment visa 1-or ofdeha tu atilfleand ea e "Wia oyo1 u a osta nîet tectae.Fy rnmeloly! Monsieur Le kolde And, you recali. ho car- rîigtly Us1.Thre many Whoviteve bot-. p 'lte Lrî o suda fo?" ~Aileward I rade our couanl-Tonus sabore to-day. He's the oneriUd off tevaled cey oyu~ ter thaothers sud efloy Ideomoe,vlUa lu omeortaAferastormad memberuaiil *F niI for yau thouh tres.epuiuo b oepoli m~~firIl udsttirmheun-. "Fonra gacd motive." suce lu the unoe oi Carlile. We that folaowed me that day in Londaubav ap ef oyauf.honry Wtndleuadapnit1h rld'sbeemoreproadul UEr1 Blount. "Wîll, twi siters live there. One sure manied. sud came boeota mY ilinthe diughler of Msnqul-e Vauyme, ileh ter was.uthranlfHesnad t1e the of hysalbeingvil uest * ieed !Ju eonard w5s 1le a write; the othen doesemone naint- homne: your tailben sud frieude cime of L'bateau de Vauyme, in Versailles, tnh rits rm" t dh ta London, latent upon one lug and g ives a iow music leseons. " w a-a.Naw, you see, 1 arn fnt and ibat was lber lu the painting I sawpnornlsiug oi Lyman Beechers o t h. value ta 1ealtli of Ibe pure llqOId mtereousote ogb.rl hploved. "W bat aet rnms»1Mr. Carlisle, but La Waldraa. 1 sent lu Ciine'es wnciow. Tue gentleman Ho simpiy longed, sud i lalngiug souilaxtv rnilsebae n* Idfilled lu other places, ho tank "Faytte sud Annette Mark," an- fon yoo to ask yau irow yau lite te witlbber waslber hu8band. my fathen, kua k, sdlb sheandho oeel n ou." Sruof Fige. î rmt n uthe street cerner& lu wred Jeanne. iMan nr. Vbuot ie l ead uow. Monsieur 1Le rerndfinedybcSjr1rinanpu" XR Mi et seelughber pase. He wes Tire straugen nexl egeriy asked: "Lea,' whispened .Fay, "I kuowow Ow to-marnas at 10 o'cîock. fi le bungen s rond ta plenty. Th.e lub.ormatcepbesd rtolve it up sud roturn ta the I Arebho EuI a oneiecg wbgIaidutet, gof ouorhennfeo- Isupthebe ywnt e l goborethelg gaeraigl te ds. iracere-ptabletaiep , wb*en one aftennoon lhe saw a They seern t10 ho Frnch. AI least luge siren I tirougibAilas Mn. ('an- wjlbh in. He wasdiecuieed lu Leu- iug eanîh tire ehasere "AsKansd ye sut ta the leste, lb. refreteiriand 5817 Pa te Wal tues galsag ite Cen- they talk Frencht most oiflte lime. ligie. A sas hocanse il was you, yonr- don. Hle a young, llght-complex- shah recolvo." Bles-ed are ye that beneficiai properties aifa perfwt kia- I Publithlng bouise. Il was IIAn-1 Mies 4ntnette le lIte a reai French girl soif. But 1 wish yaudu ait ltcorne joned jinulent il soudonfu.*"" eaid weIl now. Thene is mw-h ai seep- alivo; effectually.cienang ilo ytom, She $bcworo a dant-bine treOf l ier ~hnane ilenuch; but M 1, iay disguise."Anuot lus aerking, abrupt, fan awayMC hi Wortoerua oghtt Se are anperang ols ent y che and coirips Wé sud sas iooklng very brlght sud le mare lilte nfgith. Anyway, lhey'ne Would you have marnied me. dear?" toule.Chitwp vreuaLuaw re ndemnntycigcospa tI; Ionard's riomserc e nt far IbotFrench. If jou are douc with me "Vos. But who wassyour sisler?" "Wiy. il can't ho, AreLte. Did lihloaoktng on wibh comparative inditlor- Il bas 1pven satisfactioni t millionas ca a oaOb- t J'mTirantoau.""x nce_ met wrth thre approvmi of lbe medicul o mde hiesa 0 hr.01 'î oa an't you guee avu pr-oofes?" 44 ishl dleguloie cmebokha -laudne. Takvi.Oblife me -Ulas. i kuow tsas; btwuy -So ho said. l'1Iltoar te shole Iesp htwjih ep rfsin eas tat nteKd foctuor. Wben ADuette came out by ualtelli g an one o! titis. Te dldn't I find it out? Did Annette sîany, 1 suppose, fnomn my mater." lu hai eumano Sm at0uud. e7s, iv suad iBl petl fithue hor feUowe~~~~ bokaltn11ect5e a ale wy ntoig Tt'tow.' "i amngo glad, Annelle. Youna e aAnd there', rno weeploii tbora" etgIe 1 àîité gardoen traiing saine saine, lruly. Brown eyes andi bain, -Na. Anette was as muchin i the grand girL Beaulifnl, graceful, kind every objectionable substnce- *oer.the panch. She kissed An- 1toit, grace ni, bine s arnaholftI rkntas yonneeli. But tell me, dear, sud îovîng. you stlfil youn position 'st îhere's a goqid tire comng i Synup of Flein for gale b! ail drog- ua4lit gIl tun besoî car an sd nomsAnnette. l'va îound do you love me seli enough ta bchomy 9l Bu o will bave ta leave me." sesrrvsd gl4 bl lc it u ac nSlhIebtlIaa- ê5i, g mo.~ ust'write at once 1talite silo?" Iu a few days Annetle frtthe Maner 555-, aid God eshal wtpe al l ear' ufactureri by btinseCali.isFig Syrup adr: ?îm:n BeI ir nxgdaond erquisite fours. -Ye'uonare natter lale asklng, 1 think; sdsn ~~ ome, shera we eau- fo05rlae. But la-day are se n tCo ny w tn.buti isys ovd auneet reii ul las. Fsy net elver a great mauy h l erosot ssr akgaisea therame, Syrup of Fige, hPt MlOW me, but I saw itim. We siteeled chaisedrew up aI bite gate, dld. Yau me, papas8 hornld scoldings, ettersne ar asd in a feumonth'rengarndiflg tesqsuýeaou ea d bkaerrg uelifm, WnM e,'o *m ie, methinke. Lot us go ta sud Mr. Carlileelthobe reins oi s maie me angry,aud 1 dîdu b sautte0f noite lime sho la!it mire bnoughtt er theDo u ta ane g go ho are evia sandp1 hein lllt f lef ~beFart of lte City." hosutiful chesîuul hanse. Outinlathe lilas you. Dont 0ou 500 1I asmboaubiful moIrer ta see sieler]c a.v. D tea mxvttourgo e r rviai(,ed bntng -abaitteifc à% Annete, 1 connûttlbave the green fieldse lb. drovo, sud Fmi au. n liteyoil asay dosu lu My beart." Nos Fay tues lte story ai boy An- 1hciuct ulars ai grief that seleý ~Iicottage. 1 lave il, sud ï castor carne b50 5 mucit happier girl Saine minutes laler tey enered lire nette shin a chbliihall b-en ýt)Ilen by_hy hrhot *ot »etrs avay from it. îal sud tbt hol~ied ai Mn. Carlisle. 0f drawlng-room, andd t'ay ald iaughing. a rival o! Marquise Vanyrne ssud takion neyrse tlbc hled to sang. aof giad- - e Eeore. Yeu muet ualt tmpl course Annelle vus veny glsd, but ly, ta Vila: "11'll mollie wl yoLi, bu Mrs. Marks' doon. Ou bier Seatr- m8y preiste uister!' sbsnpetai sîluPgh over ave madame, sane day." had tbe saman can!esed lhon crime, "Hsedae~ h- o-alhl j~u eve leste~s" tb1= bt1 Leonard Waidron or is , Annette had hoard lire shole elary sud imessunes wone tatou ta tindr the n - la haezlus bemdeo- neve louve tire'ibbefnnom sud MarlytOb oàs.. trrBndth.s nnellu feelngs ho ieheard eble vas mer- fo isa n aesup'I heua. irl sonerle. utaa'a uIlet l= bad hsdialogue, ahole el n in strs fBluntslopeManor. S iol as nuouuced, an-te glar.e--"vibcuItah hal or tire' z-n erake Tiret -ee e. I BsStro a u trrfld Soon ai Ion Manquis.e Vaume aud honiear sla h hatbe rifor hoiug goori. 5Ne tutan g v ehiThe weddlng w ni takeplace Oen the lttite oegaul dining-roornwhe!'0 a danghter returuer borne. Fsaneeve Tîni G , ieod ae or tik. A nlto bsaen god 1Iti ofaiSeptornho!', sud liry wotild go caaclane weddng su ren sas laid. ailbrsa ig Au o ess o ie. ien ugi t ere atre mon eru-a i p'va$. They seem .content, sud are 51 once ta lt aO Mayssd'Allen suppenr OGArmony annltod ta Le Tains sud taun n uAsis. Menon iaby lte r pirity l ire mindet OME ___ét chaitons I mut cne eeailigbted sud lait fon Ipswich ta have offor hie congratulations. A rnorry Vit ta.ri as rnarnjpd in due bine sud oý wletedness ana(t teir ver'y geutie-l F lte ol'ihanse in readinesire salt, evening sas hll, sud shen Leo sddsr~ h i ua ibrbih oeuîe tsdto otl~vfn O SIVNgN but in neality la notunuta Elin Lasu. Fay seretantheir rour tagethor the preene. un adue l ein ra tirend F jS N155-'01 1 tr hi ieehizd i bl. adlatter declared Ail as tire inoal Av on- ia n. usdLaadlr~~pland mo l tre wdhoz nrgemae lda- 1e lu go s iit dsient for a long turne. gtbr.Mrs. a 'Prus ndî i'769- ammna 111111, »W nlm paetheimbouse, und AT DONS.Th Whlirxee d,r'el nexb ee. e 0 suONdV aryt-a f es emal1ete î93-The aouolaGin. ~heD hsie~hIIaIPn ~x~w~e sec FaIla onber sud Lord Lauca,teruiretune~d hm. d1 ay eeul a 8iej51i iesoin-D0~2' so7ulu'a a etnlbml. "dati It hie bal, arid hie gneeling sdbsm truned ta tire autbaqe self, ot bler aven t e oaid bouse. anri rmd at 1sO rally aIer canesisire Tire Sermon on tl ire ontislathe 1992-Mianoint MIvasreponded lu. Allen iltA nnelleta prepare fanrtirir ce- Annelle souiri ha, e turned inairi la ladcranywrea,.oyo .-inaeîsec'et ttmrt 4.~ah =ebieqailuo ipnreg laIpesicit. On lte neXt Fay, but tiraI Iaiy sairi "no," sud the eteeId y But ka e e r~r-tirs' yti !tlg.Ias ho.rof in lrazSt53,SOU - sud wu as la es.n t tart for thtrofuture neli0e veebeoomlug accuetomled ta borne, wsico itsbhoa gond day B trip sel o! nacine as Mrs. Vi alIdron lien- gretter tirat bily. Weil thîae"tlont, everv Si nd a i eai. ,.uumau.f-,tumrd Tbo invention bhm b,,&4, :OITuaEOI 00 ri ialreribr .POU .t, boýth. -r. i mprovf 'LinlCarlis)kes' card hoiug ri n oLndau. As the itere ýt ta- sof. .-7,11Oine a.., tIategatire.ed -ntu pino Ofluî(oîtlauhal astuSI7. Z&etitatem. -'getier, Joanne cornea s I iithte lu- Blounulpe Mener sas a fiue aid fruitI of ail hie yeane af aedistion artdi .Lmsossrd role la Viola bos matens telligence lhal a gentleman sisiros ta Disce. Ils fnnnibiugs sere al ai tire When ta Avoti Candy. study. t'rtainly Ibese sontenc,5st &"wL anti a ked lhon ta cerne davu la sas Mies Annette. host sud mostbehoutîful, antiqoely Sugar la one o!flire best of the fat-, taKe 'us yesrs ta sour i 1tiroir depthr.31$çf1W I 4odsguiFel as issider, etc.,*eo 'Tell inhlm1IcannaI soe hlm nos, as oanved, aud Fayette sas lit ia't sud- praduelng fauris, andi for thal reason Aund yet tawSsimple suri practiai' >la oulti carry ot bis.eplan bol- my sisten bas juêI been married, and preeh appy. .Tire fain.-lito Vivian i z111rape1n,0yu n i, u'll3tate iold of evez'y-day lire. a'îd w iecame Ilmendîsteuy. They se eavo Ion Ipswichith ie rnornlug. ss ood coin' saionandsudrz'iunred whom tirere je a Iendency tsi accumu- ltey laiton on lte lieu ftriih s~ ireervanannsd a companion LHe can ses me tere If itlale nytilg by tushsnd, siston, cousin andi semîtà, bl oamf at iecovre asd the lowly. A itIle chidlin au ILLUSTRAIED a dw'IOS aticular," said Annetle, SUP"p ellsie bcd uobhtug ta sisir ior. lt oI caft rh oves tcb tire spirit ircathed rre. "W'hira CATALOGUE Wbs v L. Carliseo ot bis iter le eue til scsoma one tleses lter about hon Often sai lgheàfor the rs-covered tris le true-Il is a 'aluable food for azo tire meoti?" haidthle loï af the FREE ONWbs v Mb. bi eaM ark , ai Fay sd Anne le lasI romance. S fe i pced i)Upasvimtlg co lage, b ol V/ivian iss d a ay lier th ase, youitg or iid, sho are t100 lil. ldies ,Tho'e fo give s lt an sore APPUICATIOs. bWrueti. Thi. led ta aIrer visita, Ipswich, Blountelane Mannr. lrepatilgestori, ta thace sia are seat, wsir o acIse nus great a debtor WA tocs te Iwoparties son. very. t"Give hlm tlilire vîlI flnd me aM lu Octohor Vioas as marniori and, suller troini slack o! animnal hoati).ity irucontrs.tued k. be: 1;basds btbm address." atoî bssulbneraiti, Fay and vsla neeri building up. Noht tau Lot ty race. Loîrd. ike a f,tter. ____ 1i5(y* d14 not know ts1h51 iebd te "nelynhv ne wodss as proeut sro madie the couple anuitailIt,.lirough, houe re hre prunre tawanter. Lord. 1i foo t i tfl rosMary Carile sane ton ta me, and i1cirail sissys teep you ehegaut presont. They neide aI An- are ebomenîsneesled lu the body , prune te beave the ttod lovre: $to! honerdearesb iief s1 itit me until saine orne aates t10 daim mary Grange, and lire Isu frienri ,d-ler.Lil Wosu ez t Lvizn' Wlliams. Nither did@mite meyn ad o' e oisp utospend s great deai of lime la each stîI sgrviint upy.Sgr liero' n e ar Lr ci- andsvosbore" 11111,eyea bbod lire tinted glass- houl OoLonl1 aln s t arns compaay. l xedlgyl'sflll ir po o eatîefied.-Trust Go l'a discipline, "0~b vum not excectoi te Know LassaUIov! raa anfr h vîvîsu wasta lýe marnierise t ie.ita a sassa r-trust ,od a irovideu e. Ast, liku lire ti.yellbobin' vas lIe, sud vouvO doue fon me?" said Fay, sîit mntheliait ebapseri since lier fatirerm cor of cavalry dur-mg lire ckvi cr, îhappy linaInt. nlrecoivo Thielittho Jeu, naturicrop ai rayen t essec. w tbut. desli. sud on one occasion dnnlng a raid ho ' '. 01 camjFIiECAUin&ii ath wIm hosamie, auswered Annelle. ro" E v.bud au opportuni'y t l 1bihIav- e&5 arma e i a a bondIe of seet at- 'irn îte laift eek complet:Iy a asa tepugm vtt eAbnPe iEanOOe atalVtIL oo the a vlire aofmthetoh Ynmti aest- vltmeu- lss ieCNeLUSIaN. esuau iaIbth uaddlebage sîit ie actioBeGode ,bitd. Be hapy 80 lIresieter les. y your vn yonheave. day afler Viola'. woddiug. browu engar. Thre menof aishicoun- i. dgiaGr. Tract is graco.- ( r llt b cm ii a o , u d satin o e- s yy u w il y nl a e "Hee cornes my broîher-lu-law ; 1 Annele m at anein th d awlug-rcom. m aud did4the arne. It se fourdaya s e 1iinceItt seeO t glinp8es ef hie led~ybi sstr;moe ole ITh dy ohovlg hopalyloh ud ivansa uetin ayotdlvng, uo i ntons, nd dleg ra lie hiy 5B,în t e5hobloe a; selnVt ,st 'eL limes, s veet: somtînres guessalilhi horetîrlng." Leonard bar takeu a u rsnbfoeItyvr betaglsspl1u ha smi ,ppet 1%1157 ýesded btale biockrom. IheirmsatecIla acar snd to>med la-a! ofArnette'c romnances. Il 555 tosardlved ounlte ugaranr ver-periontly le. lait Weoly a Erty tsa IIinthe dr-ove la lthe Ma nr, wl s qu Lte d or ver. tnrnlug irravu. leon ile bch m y b p.e B ttâtI il t a »is m voaew bu us m.M.Ci ar- a ledteins lte station, a tth â, sud te leaves on tli re roo utned ta one. ab. shi t ay bouleco. mieOy bv vesshg g w aw%$1 hIhar te B int i asr-hatl lilewnfo ail: d soudW. L. Dmo" al.O MM5 is eieten prefoing ttalo t 1shen t.ey arrivea it r. and.. a bight Siteeboard I1e oeil rIng, sudsa mer- safely laId dovlmfor ail: Caudy shonet lightallons froim eveny wlndov ofihlite rnt brongbl lu a card an a sîvor. Il 1 nol bc osten Immedlately befato lnr MIt n ha i oiu oc sont - JiThal ws 9part o! the cheme.) g..'Upon rme cSaît. sors., mss dnt» a m.mne avaao, ad or ias aI bus vtîit tai orsoban benned:"Monleur Le Tanne. Ou glana- meala by elîher cblld or adulte, bc-velue by .tauoifl< the » usme 554Itce 00 wuo grovînoe tir-ait of w lîlu the prîdeofo te Bieunts. izig aIite bock aoflite card. sall a s eaumg îîsi destroy lire apptiie fo-b . d,thehta pIlfiosmeOur ohm ctIret hOMM o*hii daugliter, m@o nar= At lte doon lt.e besutlfuh Vîviau ber avu ardreca, sud kuew Il se lte alte'?fand,. adil aIrer sirould e -couleatileme?' tylewi. =ostuemen sd -u!e ai tiIlm a came ta a termina- flubberori out ta tb.m inSb gava ponton vito hall elied tethtie collage ttufsthas a ie fouod oie- Is there no. hi,.. mfer hot roi? ,-vthmenthsawsayterstilk. he ane.ofmile"viiith eavy folds cf black su'horeue. dla iior me t»durag ogv,r.M obe u"r Sit tri allai a marnuî orhon «Shtow hlm iu, James. » mont oud lInt sud Which tle ua l ~tent no -touiller itgit for Ihee In. hirl?__________________ Asstte" ~idFay on > laterbu taulgtlfo Ib frt nnele hmsl ainer u-ntsrepord l cadydlualhr-ware, ir

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