r lt" mm y~ beudoli MW u pthe Atlpud. Olit mc OPNIO ~pTHESrRKE OM. on esch of three viiit3 1 bave maie ont m [PININ O TH STRKE OM-recently te the bush 1 have unwfttifltly -titosewhio MISSION MADE PUBLIC. tr-,u,htb~ ooetit me specimens ofR sufferîrointhote poils says a writer in the lSyd-Y A L ( 'Cler atenen ' ~ ~neyI .dvOitisOt'. One was industriuly weais, ThouflbtfUI E.vLew of the Conditins ter hefore it was noieed, andi was half tha VeaedTofoi'Oen-f Cbnan hddeflbafi re thot irritation which it a ç n eli tn- ev.vel Crltliked -Cfrvea,,d Justified. set Up Ilet its being dislodged A -ardieI second finskned o pon the back of the ness, Iia- Terpr ftt tntdSse tiefandofmat ibad a>the re st eo w d er The es, iez - Th e er fteitd Sae St o antionyh setd. an thee ceut of4Th Cli olIy afil Comiioners nppointed hby Presidî'nt t eIlborilg of the i sot.Ai tbcsû Absolutely pure. dicîrg-Clevel.and Jul>- 20, 1814, ti) investigate specimens were minute black i-ofca te- tuent, the te- ta the lamous (i In Saturdayafter rcturning fram a pr hw le-figo trike bas be'n vit t to te bsh, IRoyalvcod analto i- snbmaittoil ta the gether differ.ln specimen of the t ek Pwe ceîa -lîai!tiiig di- reeiidetit. The re- whîch bal comMen' ed oppratiou i5i 0 eps> chmica 'esses, or drains tipoi i e 53steii, port le a voluiminras my head and at the 1 ack of m Caes -. ~ N1 ur îldn 6 excesses, or abuses, bad habits, or ill - ument Utofi-'l hi; fellow bal so firmnly aittlil l ue iligi early vices, are treated Ilîroîîgl cor- tbree pages nliel j' himielf toetkIfl tIIIi t5t s 'C .cei-cubic inches of leaven- resoneiî~ t tei hoes 'wîî -deroted largî'ly ta gary to use force V) rems>ve h m. ti the findings of fart was îA a gbt broic, was ofpetheunctof îpu uniforîn succes, by the Speciaists and the Conclusions aaid about the same 1i'98a the Cam-n gspr uc o o loi thInvalîds' Motel anîd Sitrgical I and recomme-ada- mon bouse bug, and hi, legs we.rc 0I der, which was greatly in 1a9ttute ofBtifaloN. . A ookIdons ofthie conirnis- arrned with barbe, whv c fullya -,tiut, f evfao eY.A o thesile. This Commis- coaniteil for the fenlacity whi bhbh,'io eso l t sadmr Of 136 large pages, d os ohi in thalîatc e>e'~exorce nt.of ailohers ademrae consideration of fIle înalqiesabove "In mel'rsîa til 1 ii pî~son f Inarratemyexîercrl eCs ohaahn40prc t.a veheaege biuted at, nay be had, vmailed se- slection 6, chapter 1,ilB of the l aw>s )f IOf puttiar- visitor>, and e'>pecialiy >hil- ri el fonobîei'alioi, in a the United States patised (It. 1,I, dren, upon their guard agini the % en-- ai elobe, by seuîil o eg t an la composeed of Carrol D. Wright, omou, tiCk,j o that at the rtlaisIence Royal Baklng Powder Iplanionce n it d States Comniseon.rf Iaîor; tton of the pe>'. liar irritati ln it sot- jIn7 akges the lightest, sweetest M cile-cenlt staInp'i, (for posta1ge On àohn D. Kérnan. of New ~Yrk; lii up the lasect ma; bo di-ld.t'od. 1in:ik and moit wholesome food. Bi;ok), to the MorldI's Iipnsr hola. E. WoIingthin .,,f Pt 11a1îî. it a ruie te have in a haady place a Medical Ass<Kciatioii, at the allove B>-it repor on the iuînîe ai- pair et twee ers and a phiai 01 commn t ment'îoned Hlotil. For more than tending the- trike (if Pullman eîîlysturpentifle., With the oi Iatira l - ROYAL SAKING POWOER CO., 10 WALL Il. NEWYORKt. and ftle great ,,îrike n it ie rijronaI"(.il->th" ec , which ha's been taken Ip a quarter of a ceittry, phxsiciaîis tering in Chicago dh-lareliîle b bythtc-tipnine destroys the conected w itîtls wi<l'-y cele- can lRai ïUnion. .t r, er it h I tîksdiannioet tc'nn>-- euedae.WA T RD L w braed nsttuton hae m de ue reeoln eilations il'as a rel u fIt .f e and the t weezer 1 1Il n e t r a l ntIlo arol Tax o Coe:t. To Rao edue,fo e Wai Ctonf traien o te eicte<î~,a~ni M'atios f th-ellr,,eîîrkatIt labar tresse er. ShoulI a dog le attackcd Thîe Massachusetts tax assessorï are Pail ,The MissouriiKansas & Texas re ferred tothe i t s l t d a d d a nouhe an Ilt.e w r î b ic e soifetim es sutiere fotte havirîg d ifiu ty in thetu effort s te as - Ri ýy Co mapa y .1i u re a One tare The LargastM m , ahove eerdti hisoesuyI anoalan aubevrt, paralysie ot the part attacked by the sess' the tex on bicycles provideil f r raie for th eond trip. Tickets on sale PURE, HION land practice. Tliotsaiids, hiave col- the growing liteature deealing with lia, flOt. _____il____b a recenla]v of!',bat State. They November 13, 20 and 2-d. iltaod0reteri O S suled hei. its vsterl ence practical aide of the relations btw~e.-i BONuS udy Nv l heTvr- neral!y report that they hae been untit iecmerSD yer ocl Ike 1 j abor and capitl. lits showing of tie Grattl i-ngîîsit Opera Conmpany- entêti upun able te get hlid of hardiy hait tie avent tfor îarttculars or addrese H. A 0s9"0»CsUis ha s n a tu ra lly re s tite d iii ni p ro x p, rr g a n t s ea i>' , ju a ttitu d e o f l e - P u ll - uI l iset u e k of ts to rtn i h t 'a e ne el l i nt a -Ile, n d la s e p a e c o d h r i r t oo 12 ' h i ok y. C î a . metman corporation of cure.tg cuml yes. of nient ,t the chicagi> operafs e Th bt sowng- HIOE8T methodsaniîd ineail cure. flouse i a t nave imaie evea tha *Mighilllni __________ _________________________the illégal si(angeonsmth,,,ls îf th.' baieesuofthe irst mCex busbeen s ine iar t beeri for the wbeetman' direc- With Emphasl le,>luaBlze (eerl aiaer' s.,,'ai.uInl uof tifipheloomill. c us.ve.y <">'> tres pub.isl.od t efore the ta Ira say that Mitans Tabutes. the best and IlDtlIat The Amorican BibleSoriety hlasu.f- the errors andl weakness of tire latxr li r- oatint thuteàLnuhagtîf vl *rihih'v lwepas.Mn>o!teîhel tdrlredyfrtunchndierIS. ferd ahea y o>s17 Ic ,nringofganiratios p,géol ta "">'>' rent agil p preciatea grau, ioipera su gbI j ,g__ nh l Oo,.e vminore, whose proper..V trouble,, wilcure yeur headeebce or bil- EPTU the bouli in Yokoiîiîîua. lai an, ued igatin t sîta.ru>tt iia hlî ,eu IltlaIs .periy gtven ,and prop 0 îevailue o!f140 a eeep~d oi tak n aurte eif sa adepositorv for îîible.i Tue i>ntire litht tir' eaIelt leleding bt-I hoila-euvironrd. Il rloe 0ol ue haf-dO i The\a,4a-c>iusetts as-essor- hld a SEsO your ful notoie anaiaiidreta Dj b- iLD'JIUR stc a0 uesanl sh,-et, ws,>'>mul Injhia ihrcnî c lit, îluiinÉîtî>l upenas 1resenied last -ek offered a fresb i iilary lotherseme tasksorte vears bin' roîp Mfg. Co. lhlatdephi o. Pu.. b>- i .ed by lire and waer, bit the ien it atnd alî u'l ceîlo i u'ural mils- artlatlC treat tot'O e('oî>i Ir e atetxtofo! bos, ot whth reîurn mail. and ter. free of ail test, aus-i > sir twmSi" pltswrefort utey toroid c se' ,feroloagr rtte td re- isbeneith 1 $ataterinrChtcagooed grest obreed e m you ta Its fuladrantage. Dont detsy. Ilat, cor.,.Ctr'oe L where and ti Ilsare I lijired. TeThc$ae cind('it-inspta lil n ir» irvi I cnf the first week , repertory it,, ler.This t, warthy attention -.-e" finacialloss eveccd îîy in.ran eil cniios r1 111. b>1>0the more popuisr and tIlu opera% of OL YGOE$EUWL but those wll ine'1ltah!y 1) -îoniler Ot Pullnman are set fart) lit terne lent'?1 the Italien eckcoLThes' are the eLEs Sreet (asr Anîilatroes. 0,;E ton of rcoul y& 10,000 foot of ~ L VOOISV*WU abe ol, a ctin ît oi eLti-fs. oithe u'îniusin is rî hCil tlîat the-y e .h appel i touS erfyt At olnuril The St. Louis autboritie hae adoPt «asWA E P M à so.u ffaiCh abensIlesthiinmanageg outcnloyers. aibeand.the it l i rait- od a p'an o! conving patients froni 1 l'nabauth magr owim. ale. faorue. eba ARl-cii<' cijîorer> who have foird ment lat ailtoueleet thi go tsrg5 Germalotipoe-aio .n tdîspensar> tW the city hospital b y î> - a la1 iietmulltze<utrannauroreitasiontli 1tt greutq reilwaï . esrle ithIpro f ia ao ig, irsr ii lls s>n I .4' ble country. which preferm the moins ot an electrie ri emIabu- kiO IltSfn Ua~ a sala pesrlcky e,ti o an a eroexil-nig, tiira larix ng1sle,> unetul but more intr.eate wnnils or lance. A street car witb electrtc motor _________________________________ pricly en-ýtio anda vl exilà 1 rsi a fi Ngesi he dramatiC scbOO1 of eIll the i.smrt.>i ataoelet> la teea fitted up a an rîut À .iad et analil1Wagner vrillaihelglortous brsd. Sou,,> con- ambulance. it la jntended te raie (ho ____________________________ la.n a cession aili' rmade ta o "f loc' ~car ta ail parts o! the City- in resporue tR < .ME G ithtsr fut hetrlctly dramatlC o era InthseodSIIIIII A CB 1pe tsot finde hsel epnu .for lu ! altîir>tbtr pli>b-te ambulance celle. The car wmli o__________________b____________________ aedeneN I I eksrpetr ale that .lehengtrtfl and ..Tannisse,t'.'permittoil to make an average speod of les t aitu r 1If flot "i MIte" ingtr." »Iib»otre- tre Ire miles an boum. mi iu o thi tmp *lt1 solcethan even tais seasan. and ber rer mediain 'arira- -însi successes in enclinoftihe operas pre- i tn strk ý,et,.- -01 eaed bave rcacb o he ddli nt> of vert'- U '< Ont te rtu f ire. abl~ ~~ e trut~iump u iet(Il fli ie Americil Italvt-,y Jmlt1) bave beNIuý on ntifia tethand the Unio tar is o nheaIl aSaul r iret uticfttoea eaO tityn-fnnls autr teu.rt o-s. ule. Clark. Horins. -and tam- j '*17 a Y ar gp hp iliyu, iauernl iiton ail socindtnid'iat ccsil $.7aahîch grnzatininte Oinuionu of i"col"ilIdeemed the lavilh pro mise î'tb>-the F' orneil thery eek toppiose ail strukes Px- ,s.ae.for iY ,e'h"Eîl Il opera tueeuuFralth aiy cpuna I esort against uuîîtarablie i ith ubthe, perfection of 0n-emblte and _______ * g cea muet ~~~~~~ale teui»'ila- tedilCOCotfduihs~ grea s at iouIs, ibrîuIl ffort uuptrathhIl 1that h lb'ives ha- < )1A1N1 1 0 - «e-li ;*ý 0 I ldrsip, lmuet loin tl) sectune Ilîca "dog 11e~ KIDNEI LIVER 0,0 '1 ffe. tanding anti the auitanve 0tf > ùe Fu worn I a>- a .The Volume for 189.5 promises special attractions tl ita readers. Full Prospectus, announecille DImmelves Gravel ustained b1>-publicin 1>ifon. sufi -ba (ron ft.heofieldlof atven Authors and Articles engaged for the next year, îs'îth SampleCpesn r Il o titiedst tutargui PLInin ureth@4 0f tht Genieral Managers' r-er o t' fel o ttt Utrgsînmn.attce rngta.ln pain In the batik and> whlch deaît wiih the' great raitreu u heed' asîcemma ebr hip,mwkdm stopîgreetwteritressr. stiletht commission "questinseRi t hete-e (gaiat een o fea, tlolst M Brlght'ils Disease cranIl legal authori- , stcoghltdo!tc oubons lea hlastP op ular A'i i~L<c . Tu et in arbr. enni in>te- SîsP-Roe ty. statutory or ottîRyl Ysbid l Ad di .m larta"y tyroublesand kdney dtficautii. erwuse, Canl e touî i To -surfe'r ..nl tue .tronir* Queeà Victoria as a Mother, Describing theRylHosh),b Ld'Jui ~.semmm~U<IIItta justîfy somin>' in other wonde. to sahîbit fortitede whea en- What Can hc Donc for CoflSuflPti ves, 13y a Pupil of Dr. Koch, Dr. H&Wd ri ,t& Liver '-'u,-ai--- 'Ut' ealices of tie dul ixliy pain. le. ef course. Pràil- rpd or euia-H'5i iver. fasui breath. blos5.assoeat"i,' iu orthy. but sclttreru' tromrheeaiatimuîi aoc'd Chares Dickens as 111e Cbideu KDCw HilReminiscencesbyhi, it Son àandNaa e. nernbhilushcdseb.p0Oi2igsUa>,~>~t. '~4 as ail tht' effecis cf andutely lrthObae p a lcte e.ee The Story of My Flrt Voyage, By the Fanious Writer of SeaSresWCafRuI CatarrholtheBla'tder Iuaithie etenl- tige of thîmS p-Irtaa eitue eslie iorth ta oh- Avgt1 oenCoses xe-ine nti neetnCUtrThe lHon. Oeome Curzon, M.P. latm o.brtatoueainU. driblibî5.i id f hs pN.taitroittanad esasyrelief, It i t thier vr! ii eKmnCoses xorecsi hsItrsigCt toun aipr isbood, mucus or p-U. ur voul ta' danger- threshoidlntheeglae orHosteers scmneh lOW Uncie Sam Collects the Tarf, A Descript ion cf the lWerk ofthe CusteiflHouse, by eoM J. MOniGa, AKt Ds'mggistS60 comte and Il1.04>015.ous. ta the peofople. Bitters. ahicb areete this fr trle lut isCAnSOn to o qa t n ileet Islae riis c. taU 5H"" r..,Dlm b-b teland weoutl li tathe outeet, &id &et& s auefficient auodivaeAcrot!frns(q~Iilwaditri5 DL KtLasEn C.. BINoKÀIITI. N. T htsro s iui pntheaniticted cervoa ystero Tanet iol ertlo fGovenuby the forclock i yen tel1rbenmattsiuitws,12a oie F a r s f r 18 5 I ~ ,ment onuership of and lire (hemtonaqnit'ude at once. tibeuina-F v rt eau s fo 1895e 19. LWORT3IN TON. rallriî:ids. "The' ru' tiers le, rendies. ya tony perbaPro it e îwsre, .b ..lSok,2 rjiippies -hl rtceti dvtmsrm pegelgsitrsw fusint.auyste erepocrt, ".f the '(orneraIi iabie tu attack the heurt. lMcu-y anannd IbSesSOe.>0OrgAlPHshld A'kf,00 E5I '5 S*s<fm illOWO5 uSIir, 38.gers' Associationial ,gnz ut oa t erttu ttaced bipr.utut- MOIV tha > o-», ArJiki- 1 MicoeUsay. AnucdoieHumer, Adveafiul .Sdoe. dent ,eitl euh ha onbiiituin oflabor as lv "shinfied f uit isuuctsh cou- 'i ,he lItrua hnsiig Crsms e resadE-é,Foi oEc usibr Lydia the Anieric.an Railway tUion, seenis an- lealcsisu excellent reniechy for kidat> trouble. Double hlojiday .'smb<r5CfTAakg ig hitc.Ni orsadEseFo r ahSbcfO Brogant aunu abeurd when we cu>xsider ils 1nmalaria, constipation. debil.tt utuaigîn lutter>'lIt' -evt IN liet el'!isTHIS Ma S lebsniîcsho wiii cuit Ont this Ilp and joudi~t I h - e Pikhami's ftture action." SLI W. ad01.15 Kt-»dat-'l Tht'Anerreductioan uto liinîg lant'ia. t hss 1.iOl a eta.jnitry 1.1805u. et .. Yý lIiekîr.- Miititaiiî tomei-hip, Ncuth e ~-t~u~~ Vegetable Ofe ose r'fouri ta b0 ave tîrownu, ly 1b a1a thc uescs airoaei erf01.4 fair tht grenter burden on labur. îlî,u g CrlnbsabliwihncsrsAdrs H OT' OPN ,BsoMis Compound mages at Pu ~~~l. -<> b nechosttiancre il'rn. d sdc nd5.atne'.silerrec-,Isuo- Cnpu d duing the tii.'etfredouctions au salariîs thi'titOtce ncruOCCi~' AdesTEYUHSCMAI otn as CUE of flera, managers or euperuunileiîets STATE or ea iCTY t'o..' ie educeul-emuploS eeehuîmaaifesly Lutc"b 1 tCo______ ua.i'.gularity, toulot have snetaiuied a reduction mîuu- .nectero h iu ltkiCEE aupprmed or lnfui MelstruntIins W"skI btterlia îlhe monkaien lu theoit , ,uîu . edobescs att ito oedtco anad tate aforesIaid. and Ilhasitfirl a Ï&Y u reIf your Ski Lis SaIlow, nesa of the Stomanh, Indigestion Beipeig Tht refursa Iotecut dow the high ril ne ui tOS NIJ _ ttlt or~ if you reBillous, S Plodlng. Nervos Pnostratio, edac e, lu Pulman la regacded as untair and ii- cash and eery cae of CArAusIltHIla>cainot te Gemna Dehilit>-. Kidney ,r uila* osdnigIît eutin u uus crved by th. uée cf HALSCAciuu>IL (cs , Kýu ave no Energy, If you are Drowsy, - yn abr. -and alub 1 1b)i l m ie PisYou, If yourLiver sTr d. Uackachet, Fslntnss, make fan>-conceseion and the discharcereg >et Iib"yo ie, & s, acAro>Irf1 ual a tSi te.leona" Ilfeeling, excllabilhty, firita' tht Pullman officittis for increasoeil psy if iyour KdGy on't isweoihrhohlie aius iyransireais leeplessncu,0&atulltluty' precipîtateil tht stnike. The ordeni>- conu Hals CatsrhCure lta taiae nuterualu!. and TKri1WDSS0Fu~dlaie ",iitcf t A EseOSEOFCiîuat'aieid ..inn.olZor fie l" uts." Thete a enet ftht Pullman setnîkens ls comment- ncesdretîy e the blond and uCent.>n coritces aunrahindications of Fensale Weakneêi. saux1ed ons, fao. fth si ori . s onu.mu,. 4sse.gement oethde uteras,oedonr C ae. pu.. en o Est&iCOch.meT.,0.O .J H.M L A 8 1Whta tht' gretairoad tnurkt'mas <oi eJ. cf y rl 75 &ce. eo . M5e UUai. no MM Womb TroubleS. *~ the Gentrai Managers' Association, liku'iema-u EIvery woman, married or single, smd'the Pullman corporation,. refuseil te conu- Nothing in Clubs. I VE R iii K!~ ID EY B A L ow n ra l m2 Bat, ei, ie therinatter of arbitnation. The- One et the conditions> uf moe> rrI~ L . D Dnt~, an llunt-stedheoko! 3n,0olcommission le et the' opinion that " ~d ship of a Neoir uk 'lui) etn eIMAUATROS hon âi d frain l067Ieetpwî7w uldhv'se renteri the' member muet give etite-tcoe ur ea s,$100a UcE IL1 LO lu.C&. W ST. LouISMas $M0 t mm i re o n- ede ! hl apf 15 e itdanIgreet logs ut property andulweek te dolag soe gourd a tieh sL>wleutf A si s d".10sdtts..Ae'.i ages occuuiotitd b> tht' stike." Tht'4 E. >-ts>55.5UmmaCo. LewN. ' cM iseumi aem ratz-Haire-est Excursions.--- gdo LyftIPs Porhal "s U ll 55 28 enti. iens recogniz.td andl made restuu>îiibti'. on Novemben 20, tiececubler 4 sait Il the g bmW-do _______________White deciiing to tel i)u tht questioni Missouri. Kansas & Texas filway>- ili IPRA AUO 1IIuOPDOm'G1U et lovmanentoeverehp o malesav eîl tickets et fhair rates plus 200) for sm-aMni lam Io e rme- o rer>- eoraikayis the rond trip tu pIlats otil of Bonil>nlieB b s a d C h ir nOR 1 --- ssileu.s..1. .... llMissoani, nnd te ail peaudls iiu Kansas emutuam eut whum 0e liv bob- moe, wM rduic te Wi ausat ure liqoUI ibm mcten nstipt"n nilionu Ld 'ho medical m tIi Kiti- ieut we.k- ly rou tom by ail ding- itit li ani- î Fig Syrup ted on every rup 0( Fige, ou vill Mot ENTIONS n Improed 'tîn ui the sf ienbas uAvne CHICAGO. GLAS TisEfO.m Rad AUN C-=sC ma I~W aCL3S« tR u.iou5 IE0