CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Nov 1894, p. 8

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Ilb -y's Bèst Flour, per sack. $1. barrel 3, rn's"f" sack 66barrel 3, f.D. Battersha1, ys Lake Cash Store. you want a fand a nice kament in Ir room, buy K, of , the offthu b $14.00. Fred F. Bischoff, Libertyvi LOW TARIFF PRICES PREVÂA AT DEI1NLEIN & PF'ANNESTIEU.S. e, Orciattâted Sugir ... .0 Mcii Fr["it Buts io8ugatrip'. ,52c lir' gai. 3 ('tti' ".'e t.i tsîîîsttge liai'r.k .îaiard. .. i17c Liix Soillu ciYflâ. .- . . . L Lite ai.' l m ttil stil"i. V %ouait . .. . .. . ... 3c M i 1.s "SiuiItt ' utI Irae e'lt&' ivue 1Po'lt .. ... 4A il isii .ttite 'm îïu Coffre.' '51b.4foi'r .itt'tLacête (iti M lulceet ('îtî'ilite . aad3"S mtlici' %1.4u' Otam, 'c. Gloms -tatcilt. ...40 'îb:lia.' il?111 tîi t ,i hu î apatiu 'ea. 27e lier ti ti),:ýi il e tuttilt kîttuts il 1 à ce Meat -. . 6 for 25ec iit tutt'i Mt's Siitea t .. .... pair lb cliut tiraI it al tutan t...... 23î'pi'it liast mi. î»u1latî)118 .5e " Best Laite Oil Cittu Baitîg Poc'der.. 7c " Ladies Citt&uîu [bac ý . . ...... ctia fui' 2.5e Nsîiiiilaeagatteeit Tw ilt. 4ét .. .. '. 3 liti'or2qC .iîii cituilDres a itîttu utre, Ftk........ ...25ecLadies Bulls îp Si l.... ....' 5c~ OIES liriot a atîl ) 12e $fotifiter('<rats ... RUBRGOD: C B. No. 250 (juiracla4 t,<'Ild'a *8Croquet . 24e 1 îat.îl' resa 1eirtl - ~ isse' " 28LIBli1'14 Coraets k ...... 33e.33 C. P'. S. Corsets Xel lau' ...47e Butbier Baculs .. .52.5o A DIS('OUN ' 0F 2.5 Overam for Fait Botots. 1 25 (bi i t itl s ut Patent 93 Dr. Fcî's Dr. Chai Art . ................ 73e Dr. Buaiei"s Dr. H~ mbd uther tlecoiids iii Rîtbbei' Dr Wariier's Dri. Mm uil tey. Foiey & Co's 1 6« Bètleopitmffl a os l, isg tusit. 1 IN , Ajold friendm b, this Vlcigitity. u 8.frhllr, * Iuai.U J. E. Wooidman. of Clicago, 8rený Yd 018ZÀ999 or TH« lYS. iiat uuay witlîbis broter lier. 00Spetelal attention lb II to the oeuet Augîlat Ziemna Bqw houge se a- ___ Yftting of gli..mes5 conipieteil sud tilt faim iy wil move filto h T aeo U tl10 a. m.-1 to 2 P. M. Juia anti M awite (arol, of e !F r t e T a e o .9t5 and ater 6SP. nm. F1i'~, s e aciiîii (>tr littie bîui,. g Bd1U Economical People ý.60 - Anxious to Save Money. ROCKEFELLER. Wliit- ittî hve tîi l iiîriti'aa ini îtcî' lletus rLlte d too aie for I..aî t'-k. (P Ii> l t'. Il letîtA xCPl tit,iit *i'.8 4 I %0o J. F.tClarike Itas lnîovî'd hlois lailit ileo ii3rl 1z& o .t'. î'. ieîl- is a sister vi,î'it"îîiafluitMoit, xe> ,I'iý,îiiîtîg.Ounr This %\Vcck', Pnrchiascs Contain Entire ilîît.ut iunegt.ha it, itay i Nrjw'Unes of 'Wiitcr Clothing for Men and i l ier ilt-hi .ilIt. 'toi t w'Aii ît.tke e t t"iil t i f B o y s, w 'h ichi w e arc ab l e to s eli a t p rices th a t - NMiess .it, ll aiîîlît titttd ir-i l îIî'tl tij t uttitgo tliteit' t.. i lil e i i lt-Il nt a t e t at il(iîner laitt wcli-k. yîitîîs iviratoi.iÙ) titis Itpel. I~ oî .n Iet sîtia A attretîs, (f ii tiiiirge . sîpeot 'trlitl' - uitt l ltg h tI ais'thtei . tiIl *' astt'ekt"AlhtMis A. N. lig . tt il iti l', I ll e lmwvbEl'ENSt lita Ltîttd fîti (l) % utiUCtla i i tlit 1 tut Ilo pe ut f iîl ji,t I'ste it ' ' gi> m lg Ii i lit, "4îa. ýJ. J. ioltise. 1utiu.î l t > V îtîi.îît NIi%%tii stai iii). Mits, Gettrgiafièîa KEt iluter aIei tli- lle %%:Ill :î:jzi;ll î'ttelai t il îîsre,200 Boys' Stiits rallgillg rom : $1 to $5 ef e. , tlCICn (t Ilitaguir lit telweiLGrentt a tiiîe fort te Mîe ver gîveut l iii ll rndy. Mrs. Munie i la ilîi--R eirî îîiî 'eîîî l. i~ itto tolir N Girl ant. wam %%.»' I il earî'îuu> ilt'ite 11, " C 150 oys Oercavuan liv çIî9cuv $.5 Gobli tai te iit 'iiîi; 'tstî is ltI tttutlte q tsilîu 'ilati it OIlleli at'C3 il qtsi5îite tt iIs liut l'gsia l'lie fait tel ne of tilat Citlpîli lttîîîî,tîîiuîeî a it is i lalt ie" Na epl -A o1ý itslleo (m(8 'ek !i A a liU .Ayiîîî' a 13 îcl it'i 'tîs oît:. ivle atlîuîtilve. li tre li $ Lt ts a teacîter.falleifftlte liîecliig S,;thitnti.îy evetta îîg 300 Silits for Men at $ o1 Misses itîti lîîîîhî'k aulti Bidtelie ET'e'tt'liait %%lit) oîtei'u in'itt aiî iî' t itt li us taises N iittoii c ce ioe lîs ts degthea LuiJ ie1i-Aiflt iter' id sellier matil C Ite <lrsll EtjaîrC,î,eltiIiîî ait lesî,let it oftitis 1lity . triik 1)iiyi e < everal Dlarsii'. 'î . . î.:i_ t'sil a'y lIst rii înd iv lutîli'- ' blis A.iiti .tiil letttc'of M-P.tî:Iî - tt 3.l' its 'tiis s 200 uvercoats andUlust.ers for Meil, t O 15 il Uite itesr(tt- l . 1li E%%Hig lt icetr1iieimieitti fIront st. itii tîksa tiit%%l a i i, a t tti t' . l:-u ai,% i. îî'.1 iii i l' i Ma M îtittt ;,t ;1 111 25 Il,?*îti It tiilule',3 tîthidu-it 'y aie ilie. iai t îg îîî tiîîîttSIAL.F'DAY. t I 'itiii ittti titii tilt, 1 --l ' eseg i rteT al V l l . 1 A l (ý ý N11 I S Atterton! Conad,,s. .4i1nat r l iizi it. ti ttte 4auk Il i . 7 Il "i t. t' i1i ii N 's, 2-ta îit g î.'t s p iî lak eî'. i - tq .,e .' : utc t-tI'A ji i l~t as Ihure' liu /',ttiier *liti ettirîteti t i lit t lit il ilîtit tei i i C s;,eitîiig a w'ei'k diith i, ti i'tts t 4- * * - ttttar 'at is iere tîil l 'il(. tIlt(.lfj~.j1 I>iîîiîisliî..p .îîîd aic til 11 JIU I C1 tii~ IOiO 4v p' ;l\Iti Eiti-,1etii N 'a tîtl Ilit'. c..iie tIii1 Ile5 219. pdur i-.AiraRtil aagî fi iiii -~~t,î i en pe!-ance Tem ple, - 'WaLîkegan. %d.iu', liiPte e i Ci l iî t i1ui ail Luitoti. 1'T elr 2c îeî'r l ai ' .'itî.iI io'uîapeîeig G %e l, I liiIlfl i t %iitt lslt ol 't'li'n.Ciitî lal aai ,)tlfl lie) iesoi- lu a..,titisatîtil te cin i Àeu aitti tutu Thev ue î Sî Alili ie ii Iilltsoc i M i ., iuiita jtitliei s i q i %%i vl ICI 3h rIII tu tvsi-r e u i i i atteî i lî,îfie l a j",titg lît, V hitii'A .1 M nt . 'l' i iet't cl 't itI'. il al .îh lier vI t g lue 'Au t lieii t ii' i i't.u lt'uU t ,ot- t' fl t i 1 . i sud w.ia ,î iii hî e Iî'.tittîoc .liat iiîuhîitvhi'. 20c [letî Nu 1 il %tiltads3 'Irtetrae s u iiiuii>a g. s i r euaiu fne li% i îiji'i tt îsl ita it y tit> klgaaz4 tOîîachitâwiîui i . .aus(iitl. ilit Lult hteeir Iieip e ttAiiiîk eTOC PER (EN'l'i-> Afler tîvai ii ei Il itetr tîlî liert.c roiAltell03 iak .,Lm ,Dan T e ar JgnB gis t 37viedicitie: Silgail fui'e tgali 0h13, aitîl it'tii gît e tit i Cre's 75V t iok ortt for Loc' rea. e Geu slt. M 11cr Jg ri, hîas had u ltack lof .5ci ' s 3 6> a. A Pluip NE, vai eiitoc i iebum at i 'Nehave a ew Stoc of th petfedte rawth ercha s ha 1, M. Greesits c and see us àt the old stand in Ivanhoe, Ill., and get the bencfit of the LOW PRICES wu wiIl niake you on all Goods in our Store. NLEIN& PFANNESTIEL, Ivanhoe. >-Weekly Ipter Oceap, @ of.1 et 'ariners" JVopthly, Rockford, 111. Price: 50 cents; ke Goupty ipdepepdept, : 1.50; published at Libertyville, s ail the County News, Supervisors' nùgs, Real Estate Transfers, Court te., etc. i getiiese 3 FîSt-cass Papers, For oply $2. Cash. Wve You Mony. on ail Your. Reading Bsp't IH. C. PADDOCK, Pub. M',11 snd the Independenit on a trial 011J,an. 1,'é5, for only 25 cents. Pl ni ti Feed Grlndtng and Settiomeent. 1Âdvertising pays. 1 will ieoatIsly Ul>, et'ery Satuîrilay 1F p o s Wr Wg n pieptaied to slieil conut and grîîîd fecd Irvintg Rctm, and Ed Cortheii, Ja r ou eb r W go ror tiil whuocoma. i1 eonmy bokiks out frontte clty, Tîueaday. - A dteBorigo ually accouiittafur grindinîg ltait have Miss and Mr. Keenor, of Chilcago,An th Boo ngo tilt a lonug timentu as 1 needt tti' wcre viililig at Dr. Knaacscit v04r rnieynw,1herel)y reqiisllah 1 Suiiday. Hlarber Bros. Buggies 1ý# Carrnages. tilt ul a mttli liP. Last lSutiday, lte yoîiîiedatgliter of (3 6) FiAK DoLI',I.ii lt' Aug. Lanudau waâ clînsleîed. Ste wtIs Cail and See Trhem........ îuaned Cecelia. BIGHO LO . Te itrar scitygave ils filrat etu- - m Witcr ta herp ti eaisest lcrtaiinueît, Saturduî> cvcmuuîug. Every- [judypregelît was caitvitcd tOint the R' W rig h t S o A Sites was at city visituîr bush week. ocy abebdohetn. William Ilenitest la li loitw; a Thui'sday iNov. iStht. lte wcdding (it ýWs are alw2ysrealv 10 suppiy you, ueants ., ou>1,'Me gilss tcatItuset. Ilaury Whitcibe, and MMi Mmuie YI Juames Lankina lins hîtisutet lits btrntIluclu>, tkplace ai St. Patule citurcli, L b r y i . I l anid it la a inre Oise. ' ev. W. T. Jîtugk ofitciatiuîg. T1hue IN- L b ry il . ii ,;orneof îuur îpeuîle were caiiglit with DcxNIiEnuîgraîillit. heur corn îand stailiiiii the field, Thm shadlow social helîl at L. 1'. 1Todd'.s %as iarg0ty astleided. 'rTuutue Frk, aîtia cFrhtacliensTuuuelatfuys1preaclut report a vcry pieuist it une. Late ws cilerlinsTusd$y1*5. wa. raitucd for the e tcetit of lte PREPARE FOR COLD WEATHER 1 Frank Fisher's. colt, thal wa8 50 Pi'esb'y citurclu.) ieî'ntbiy cultcullubartu ire, ile gettissig If youwaîîîtii dît omehtitig gutiti [etIer; hoe bniuglut il. hume Suntîiy. tioi'yîtiraetf and tautliy, sitacuitie for i1Vlhen You VJant to Be carefîul old mail etut of iere, Ortirhie INDI'ElNDENT. It is thie beât ps. v ot wili gel iito truble ahotinig ut per i'nblitsttd [uinte ouluy, Aiwayis thitgs la i te road at îîight. Your iite'etilîg sud fult of Iteca. neut neiglîbor west came leur bciîig A itîrge audieence gneeled the pulil. BU Y YOU R yoîîr victim te other nitalt. ofithle 1ev. W. T .1uiigit, aI Ilîcir lirt We otîgut to) have a Hlumasse 'Suociety emîicert naI lie Preiib'y citircli, 'rlteat1uîy Ilere fotr 11 the erilt o aulne <f te tet'eilîig. l'lie programmle wsaitnexcec bliîid 1sorse tell.inthue lîstîte 1 pick Thle f flhuîwittg voiig ladies totiti lait:- H A R DO W A R E lisa livinîg lis sud> wealher as Moîudaîy. Misses [litlie Pationus, Mamnie Vettei -', Be mtercif ut lu >our beast. AuelistuKiuuitck. Emtmna Biieit, MlitavRan es *-Krîautck, Este Ilote, Jaîttîte Weiciu, R ng s MNIlItoffert, ant(] Mîîbci Miller. 11ev. DIAMONDLAKE. Jtuîtgk, anud C.G.W. Julîgi, alffo pia3ed and FU N C S At lte anîtuil meeting uftIhe Diamond i4everal limes. Etîcomres weu'e immrerutus U N C S Lake Ceanîery Asiocia honlield Nov. tlurîughuîîît, aisi thie audienuce weîît OD'i 1lt, '94, te foloinwîg uficers were awai wcii pleascd. eeucled for the eîîsunig ycsr: Di______ _____ Il. Burticît, Wai. Rouise antd Geo. Hl. B. EG ER ) Mitchuelt; Treasurer J. A. Maisont; Wecdhng Carcls. C. M. Gorhtant saieïan u 4 , Fraink For Weddng stationery of the flum jb r ~ 7i 1 . .M itciel amstaîil. W i h tiie except ion juatity and workmanshlp always corne or tiasitalat sale3muin, thue olicers are'. £ the INDEPEaDSIT Printixu« Office.WeaeA ntfrth lhe sainte as last Jelir. T1he Treîiaurer's We challenge coorpetition ln ta.ncy sas eaeA ntfoth report coNerlng lte lime froin Oct. lot '98 ho Ont. 1sf, 94, shîows, Ihere were we as plain prlntlng. We can fur- 8,018.828 poanda of Mllk rfcelved nlsh aayt.hlng (engraved 1 work a A M""R M 0 trou> wblob waa oeanufachured 116.8883 SpOOIty> *on as low ternas mSa OSêb. pounde of butter and 166.944 pounds obtaed in Chicago. Remember,w.I of chse». Gros. reciepta 826,561 .85. existate. mtlfacton. Warranted to be the best on Earth

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