CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Nov 1894, p. 3

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came ato hi'6 cb an nutt lisa Mvîvl ln rhumbh ea net jeans vt id prepr1 g? nee kgte i lie Bts us for bei ding mi the deanT-! blesng for ne. at my rai hearLi. wtli My mai bea my heuart wltb aIU. gus couie unie hi8) irt ansper for ne.--'- ert the door, p oft befiie; ' or lai" l w heur obnera fasl ý emiere hr.[nu i ntresditn sW kgshtong m Ws e0 1oods. They ae ihI be ingad, Christ ery 1hf ighte br. el the fin*s 'coures ham -be cerS )Positio's divr! ntadeth, nc.h unceuhb 'v ermnre. ta )Lr kundk anif cthi ktgo o tUI Iulten lch n sud a i . A, h liI t511 Tet a" li9$abU4d* b yseensduoud-~ m o to he M it on nsie to-da? n li l r Lord o-day. He& h athersu a e sn l asidnegt -en>'my Id nmoeye n "ru l irkci- t and hriesaie, ie e in rib heca e rnyftg loe, t k em pne kda got liOn? Anti GZ M efan misp Beolr. e ' r t etChrist anti t. bai* - uteniiat lie it e p t l ky phris and liehe r t, ef lise mno abt « , tine t bdai mai lihol iuse n'd a»Y. t b. '1.-s bote'e Y lico mnaking anyesusthie tnit-e ireî,ngh lea Of S site &0n account for e"lief H me me- lie ca"?'e; ,vsgmeting in boher e îy ove' 1t pote t Wdt-" acr peac reliini. Antwc i-sthe orkd spte Wat 0 oti sset' Cis, rleud t5Ik« to ie io .pie yo? ,r tinga bu at. d et th au Londit DUl~the q b i,se 1ebt mn the lia* hrist s ataeti eau nu ann Ih haeti. .sp. hobungti su t luss Wi. ..r teogh h lma i et wut Vo cen eeati fr iuaU4," aste's her fieldOlhIl&M t lie siur r lieW RerPac b. ecbing nird*h ,i sitr whiin edriscage,~ *Punble t o li ilt A; hai se at h sent rytet sevieIhiebr oemi0e Chrs phit ted »4e te plhaies hâdl s"t Theb ri' Bat tDh tay lso' epuret thlrii4OI Ofic tbvex prvn laie. mpridngeslder «ewor ,o aah Yeo i uev eet e yo Iniat Thbr îeon-ï it' teetl Th iiwo)e o! 1, je btd nd ul yOe tS&d "0 . - - ---i- *h ________troi*mlcdl wotld that etociema u.seti~~ GREAT PREACHER DWELLS ON lier gentls.L And o.01t laoften the es» hu tt«,I bad a good il.»lent nigi Tises TH4E LEPROSY 0F SIN. that grown people cannot ase i1gbt,,toea»nYrAMi thik w @allreb Frtwhite omne ttI* child beholds the star of tlecà Whathe ' 0 te C scbel i Alska W ittn or .= tà.t ,114 n Ihhrt..pardon, the star of hop the srofcf on, trylsg te ure eids r Ktrnof.afsvg set lto the word tu show the solatio, the star of Bethlehem, the.Tirat la&IL. eti thy T î~ P perIvan would not lsen to hi& msele5 Way tb *gher .oyas.prtuai Uspol-. morning star of Jeans. "Not xnany horns, they dlg la the sjri i This rflPandsof dieerrO ighty men, net many Wise meni. are away ln a rage. autong the gifantin palme.ise Thisgh humle calied, but God hath chosen the weak Bo, suer ait, it seoine tient dÎ, i bi botad is abierosiing up- things of the world to confound the excursion of General Ngpa e& on hie foream. mlghty, and base thinga and things that deed falure. That ultile UebuW*.ý B~ - E ~I ~ EWa.eiliowltch hart tretched himeeli The 81.1r General. are not te bring te naught thinge that might as Weillhave net tolM upon a b.d of pin. taits, but for medi- Rev. Dr. Talmage chose as the suhject are." Oh. do flot despise the prattie of prophet, and this long one tation rallher thon sloop. His thoughts ofIet Sundaye esermon tbrough the press liais@ children when they are speaking well net have beau take.Pur were buzy wlth Kavttes dark eyes "The Sick (icueral," the teit sclected be- about God and Christ and heavpn. You meg Naaman! Are yos going and voice of velvety ttness. This de- lng Il. KIngs. v. 1, "He was a leper." see the way your cbild in ponting. Will high dudgeon and worse. thmn corEryau.) ' lightfui child of nature had glidedl ini Here we bave a ivarrior sick, fnot with yntk htpitneo atutl ncamA i hro at ta Coulât Sergius' heart 50 gently and pleurisien or rbeunatismns or cennsurnp-he rnhc oeaflhraenft evnscabrn ui uc C3APTER L many years mgo. Fstith strong enffgh so mysterioualy that ah. was there b.- tions, but wjth a diseane worse than ail too w shah oliftsta clbîlde aemnotervande a hchambr iduTh lay: d lutheanrlg cf 867 ountSergis teremov moutalse meyrootupWI ore e he rimete aic bu~*ifthet put ogeter. Aredlarktas coe wcld, ad thn lbwiIl eckdoyeasp- I thepropht hs teliyou e ws Wam.iow4ch tllrfed o4.r hi.,e etens- the sionnerestrte" sud Coust iFergius wbethor ho ouglit te lot ber In or net., out on the forebead, prediirser of crm-ward W enIl ieko you takeI the poitr ieo hbailee lud oe .0 <voeeats ilu nar ermn Enel, cokwlh eveen hndthlis agfrm A iow whistio thrlo. repeatod sud- lt ifgueîîtaddislto. wlll euWilytafrthecoining Boer- tiosanl dîsesiyn od te, te the ecaanad keoping of a trust- the codar po t on whlch it h dhung dealy reaohed his ear. - WwP'ihaesoehilawu t ei ououn e b wedtait frthe lttecHbr apive I-t.h is eeey Corni od, worthymehiafe r snd accmpeuled by a se long. Until thie service lied boOlicocerteil signal of danger flrom-Ivan. Zeral Ný, thec..mander inuchief of e i otta h iteHbe atv f tl sy oe ylr slwlge attndabt, hie deveted body- roudered blm by the chiegt@l5dagi uanIsatCon egnesus ilteSranfreba h eroydonediiterih ietintiseddw n ws nteeodn servant IV», fset eut upon a long, diii- ter, the Rueslen travelet baed don. ne the sleeping Indiana by vigercus iclics e n hbande, on bis facobi be Gi or thle saving nist,,ry of Chris- s ahl every day, auyhew, andilà euit, andda Iroue journeV. ieBs8lng more thon gience at the InJaan masldAn righi and loft, and every man spra ffl fe, on bi. eire person. The le'prosy! tien cbildren. aei en o ta twl oy over the li raiTMenu snoh rvre.woe uai graoo aud beauty lied bohind a tre. ini silence. Ivan lt111= teu o beP a e bepetiece I kingtihe Prophet De if on cur acceunt, and for tiie Slbevk ctoaies.Bhri e trate rand0"" wh at un tractt hli. In this ai- frem p n. t p n;utl e'to h ourat t rie wy o f the apetil n.eerte a rce o hs ite B - h r yIefo m nd a o *mee iea. hig§ intentioni b.ln.g 10mont unkn,,wn land, WOifli'B Positionl aido his master.-he commanernci oyuef et ai aforc NobrWonatie thew I sauvc o hs fl H fthe ati on tomaad ry wlet iiomot Ipotan tsduuPr l lti ete hnaculcavrie "Hew marayl' whizperodSegis. e yzRI' Ànd t ie woud liegldte ien and Ben-badads palace ie excite- nir lord, jueft try thus Jord 01 the intertor oi t à-t coutry a el-mon even forcing thons te Bli and "Abouit our number.' xhng-cnditions witb the boy ut bis ment. Good-hy, Naaman! With face "Weil," hoe says, "te please y5 low tiieo mre.of the Yukon i te:lis unt. The. wdow, ton.muai P.rfOrm 'Have ihey dl-aovered us?" estirru rte ote ta lnkt i aalld u nge n nlan by the as yen say." The retinue diveta heed waters h nocosemry. The ebject partial atteo, thai Je, romain u Don lie r -1 uhlnk not," waS Ivans aiiswer. charg,er. Tbe ný,er tgees lnke ildllrc ailpsilenceand ided aby thosaedwo5pbuke h odn i.hre u of -tht; iourney wms aus sngtlar as ih huebend'a fanerai pyro unti.tlier hair In a few hurrie 1 wbiters tCounitchrgr.The r,-lm, nd es eopilde arlpie tie hm ndetaide, he atggera o ui nih oete ra.The sramuSmU' wuetoecbing. Tweniy yeari beoere le bulot off and carry bis allsheaIn a Sorgiue new lnetructed isen on held sympathtire, aadte r ndte peoseitrepos- t ehiont. Boideaatethe ier cou e and ol teirbo the flaul eoa an eider brolier, Alexis, pas c&ti leather beg aroundbler neck fora ther lire until hie sboulti comnmand, in-sible that our great bero, Who slew Abab ers of the rooel d yal stable white the poor sick man, assister] by bis attendanta.6, dooo e rav eaud xplrSioli al g tha e rv e eetio #4d kning. se lsa long sK ran ge, thi and around whomf e came with Bucb vo- man litfte bis swollen feet and pain-stukdu u fbscaitaipl atntevra yar aou to reai To Waeeliliowltcli'a net light sur- ii eiteeie tln agt ieainwc ertre rn ii-limbeafinte the vebicie. Boster hlm np cmet b rn tti ie a liesand laeoof Norihera British 'l9rise Kayette--euch umi the Indien w*"te no shois upen themn. cfntous whte-n itued ossbent viure-wlth pillows, and let hlm take a liging cin nutlthe wte rin.o the vrandl Amnerles and bhal, se far as ttioalender raiden's , name-w 0 tetduii The. eutliW w» net slow in disccvo'- rand band g-aiorie posaiblnhate lep-nlouk attisebrlght spartent, fereperhap oiigscver t&- corneddfeene.adruythe Bebrew captive may lbe mitaken, getes on deeper matif the. ustercU tid nga re ched hbis fa i ly&dniSii m srked re c n ee o c . s d n h I ait o e ru a fe au bas thee irdelndp-wloon ing seter1 let hie lite on the bnk.s of theYukon wmulkaebi e enso ewry s lhe was brave, for neither ber- les.everbodybas oandine e an stanndttiegaana cores t lu uni k , l e li d n t e n BI W t e n .e s b e a d av a o hn b l i te ta ndt p a h e m ay bi e N a d ea d w oeg îsl t e s r an , l s a l t i l c l a tuContrai Alaska. lisving heceme in- take ad vaut- go of ih, but lnvrlebly gu nrIan perniltted their tire tewse i atntDvd nAslm eI h tem utalti nU6 volvd lua ee o!the ic ran. by be d .1 Vut ape upon tthe hlacewieli therenghduilIw erae o vleinadispute withoeuf he ed lber autherity on the ide Of "j u lcsctor eaiehe id eut of rme bn diagrace hlm; Paul, a thorn te sting hum; ibhe shoulders of those Who carryehlm, auth a wi ooul men d Ceglut SerLîub the desth et hie 'xlant m he tageecp-iepin. trocS. In epie et fhe warn- Job), ebuuclos te plague hbu; Sain- expired chieftain seeking sepulture amidBebsonentte ecsucou 'tyble" or ativ cfs, anini, ethsstaecu ihat-aht @er im llh ate aetaioscanemiigsud admorc tewae otofy.ti#,, fee, Oa orne n0 posession ci the ition in Kayettes tavor," @aÎd Count lngi ttered by their leader-essily s., a Dllbt ha l;Aaa h aettose na rnu nation- and baksteternt lof atr famlly 0-aesh lii boenseized wiibh îî i audible by the Eusiiens. iw.' of har- Naboth W deny hlm; Bamaii, a Merde- Geod-by, Naaman! Let the charieteereyudh atnneboatM &anunconul'ollible deire te make s jour- - Karnof loes lber!" whlsperei the nolle men flow atcmpted te dan arns cae irtb hn;Gore "ah- diegnlyoe h ilse em n doay k"y AGnde. ou ach ney tog b ibis bicait and inhosplt- chief. a clearing and ihus ýecure a nealer pc- ingten. cbildlegsss te afflict hlm; leat he joît the invalid. Bier. goes thi endlok"Adiebws c4 able land in eearch of nsemore defin-I Cont Srgue WauellowiCb waseBilte thte rbnevle1led er crac teroh l eya wca cyce Pop e, so- tha mulae sitr.loodgenedut es ey.and ite information ioncerinethue marner I rave man and yei lie foi a nervou8 ftetocrie ee:b egu e s;Lawa ys oe rok orbedsae nteablnegael oeoto i y.H sud whoreabouts of hie brotber'atrmrlyabuli laash recel- and Ivan, botb eklllod marksmehi, Pd bacik; Byron, a club foot; John Nfii- wlnds through the streets et Damascus, third tine into the flood sud to9 _- - a hobe t.e' ho cbml echoed tbro .gh the tureit. u ne of the ton., lind cye. <'harles Lamb, an in- the teurs and prayera et ail the people go and the shriveled fleah ha@ got g'o ottlng oui for the interiiir IIieà m ,lden Be the Xtel' and-af'tr .men feUll e theeground 1ke 5a tonO, sane slster; and )-ou aud yeu and youatetewrl-ewndivi.agn.Bboetefrt nehe 1Coutmerleha roie bme i e a -o fti eni!ee kae he ther tagigered baid'to ethe ehel- aud yc someiierwhicb yomi neyer bar- Bew t! e ountrymief gped as the pro- lod ad cornesBnp, and the hairtia with as mnucl gl1i i O as botb ho and be pntetrha.ter of the pires. haine! vrai mai- gie or and wonid like te getliid et. cesMn paseel Tbey4hat ceeu NSaJ""biiifgllen euul la restored in jhic akfm Ivan cu dilonenietiY carry, hie in- '1gaen ase:"cia atte en aili sgtad ierdibetsTe esetthbsee bt e dc ntgopstlkeawbrHidendasgeeby Il0crte rw.B buuht -minbigt mplOy native aot-t)riaa ieof tearlul vengeance.wat tbis m'Or](] tobe tee brigbt. Other- and stood agbast at the ciauk ot bis war into the flood and corne. up.,>l toeniuinhe, ang v bm-b o! lndlinatiOri ould Ceint Sergius have continuel1 Wise we Wuîld alwnys want te tay and equlpoients, but now they commiserate boaneeas han gene ont et Is toist bondanvilaeawbcbmîgh set a rlch blooin on be3r dark cheek; te hold hie lîttie bandi in tbe saine est these fruits ont] lie en theBe lounges hlm. Tbey say: 'L'oor muni Be wil Be bowa the sixth time snd conél lie withîn s few lea-ues oftheb line o u thie chie[ i doceivifln oug l- by taeofeeina ail wouid have beeri and abake bauds in this picasant Society. neyer get home alive. Poor mui" and ail the serenees aisi the a hie route. in ibis way ho lioped te sbonld lhe w hi- r. 1 ario*îli.sweli. but sithiis moment oe efethîe ]n- eraNamnwksu flinabsgeoitfthlme.'eW mar cat f d ûeigth lc tare red wth th etof.,-peuple dians incautilesly exposed bîmacif, At the. Dorof the.rempie. enesse nteraharNatmanndkc iup fom sasgnotetheim. Wy bis brosur t e dscvand ng îil olace- febd m rsis iepl hrit n er Y as, "I amn aiment Weil, but I'1 ! coiernjoneaof b a nd ook@blanet r- Jf As ueni oght ha u-onbis d a, abal' f rom h arnof arifle tretchod Itlete pueb uou and te push yen np t h hnite,'owln eoew.acmltcue"udiebu I covrMontâ o toe !hin e oioka nud l icfvkosih' îshib 0aawakened hlm dead on the ground, but not miitoward oeemthing grander and btter shall reacb the Prophet Elisha?" The acmlt ue"adlebw natsi i aht oryby somne ona gently clasping hie teet be bail uteil swldsrlko!tn r.that Ced sends upe)n yeu, as hie did open ,-bariotcer says te a wayeyîîr,"Hou tar et1u noth loadh wtr mente rt u persholoth tie ntr trdawl hiko r-es ant e ueth e fooaneror woubd i~~~~~~n îkon of snbmisaioi aLa- Wu re o Kru.Rmtrm ee A m aian Somebliing yen de net le lb te Elisha's bouse?" 'Be ayand eutino uras ga ts ter, ore th c egis lava ota-I eue.To' rible:" the natives abandoneil the au. ceid in bis Syrian mansion, ail "Two miles." -Two miles!" Then theya.Pipirasbgsthbod014 plihled ln u.St, IOet noutime lu ac'uir- 1 Mistr" adthe Indien girl, 'the i ussians to their labe. The outlaw the Wall.sglitteriiig aitb bbce ields whicb wbip np the iatbercd ad fagged-out te b. seen onbhim. in knowleîlge of the Ch nouk tpreacher -f rom yoir lai, i who lires ai and hie I ait-dezen men da rb.brave ho lîad captured in baile, tbe corridors herses. The whule procesesion brlghtene Hum>iitUNessii tongunotthol,,tbabet ,t otYknhntlMcothGrt crowded wltb admiing visitons Who juet op aethrie prospect et speedy arrivai. Now, my hearers, yen know tbo hie infini ation at tii-t hand. liy thei "ii"'s o " u aie oate atdt e mOcEs ýad1nrhTbcy drive up te tbe door ot the prophet. eea amnddtotif ddlof r h bi miehiewansd spearod lu the aide, whoSe blood ~~lk~-.and banqueting filling ail the mansion Tecaitesabu Wo! ete tget ucîl. The tire a s, bho m sheYum fo oe o a 'he éud e aoed iple.onTiremewitte N an woultrotebaveetcd iber e npiturc tccibhrnes, sud trampiug hoota and grindlng h.caio.Bwithv up Ie.YTiskundforver, a to.adlie h. kmensthix ~' ,J7,IngNamsnw dhv ogtehtwbes cesse sbakiug the artr. Corne Ith bis solen feet ou the. mIes Tuswondrf u rivr, otoletx m ong ouple:» ji IW2PII wal,'..anything botter and Yweuld ont, Elisha, crne out You have cm m a geated ou that e mpleeseunin cghus'h UE'fhI ve ngla te tayabe% 100st ouanl aIe aeh .1 volumLe of Pater at loat a third more . Kayette,* reie"Cun egis jbv y eButa eea t e1,0 pany. The grandeet cempany that ecrIouuhi atgs rwî th» the Misebeippi, baron shel and thon. are n tareaini my land. er.Bt h o h hed iadcm eyu os a oet tDW rbv o n eifebdt - J t ht atr ýtehew the visiton@ liy the hall, aud bew the No stir inside Elisaas bouse. The tact o0bscaitm o v teemod wih b Il bCI girautic size,while n "-f/.l music drupe dcad trem the string, and wsteLr a nomiEih htdown oui et th e i of0tety dace hfld b te .kmn gtv abl trs Wteeage ueth masbaveams uhea te Lrmeui rigbte lihaahatyeiber ec'jb «uu mit6tu, e raeu y hpe in Hoe n ms fnt ndwavan ith sepuichral bang, as yoo read the bow te tirent hlm. Iudeed wbcu yen are drive np'toth i coewlth a g-sly do.orated, lu wbîcb were rcated ses. ý cloiug Ywords ot the eulegluni: "le e walwaye teale th e Lo dot o ote trweat four anibempua lmenediy long rovie of ishermien Whoelied only - Av," answered tbe Huilsu. "the ai slepen! Be was a leper!" lieck, s estheeLod waîa eu owte eat gles. Ybu aeem to think ta ia te ranch ont piu thein rake, and draw pomefi do the ir pari'-."c dThereas oeeperson more sympathetîcyn n h rae bv e may oin ho omlme Ue irI lu hehares. Aor tîei badeI l'en lot e hig w-li e do as; iwitb (leneral Naurnan than auy other bungliug dortirsalhabecanse they depend ingtOhne. yen peer,m înyld t t Ses guls, phiteniflLair y- t b.sebn gido.e'e a' eaam and te wslktsth flor pon their cwn treugtb and instructions &leine innte gedn hlke bnýe flisieý of eDow, lietdlo l ue-pmnd. rign e îssdtyn etikand net on the Lord <led, and that al- eh on itesm a abo .t on the iookoui ton the woinýed' -And de-,cnt yobr people,' queried ' r'/puit ho caildo Iob .ie i er bs vysmkoîpatc. Col uexperite oride loto h a4 flsh te coule to the surface, sud abov o lrgifl'. u 'band t autéime. kil reredie bave fta il-i. ahs a ad attendtee busies.t'Never, until we t idoua op thoni atibi cuuntle'5 numbens of the Toy lune me me." pas the . ed.. The surgeon gencrai and the de'- Paffed Up witii]Pr"Wlll We fiud in c. TiM» 4ê coadyani rorac cris eegle hung ai- answor. "Ou'- wom'n js as geai as an- -' qtorgof tc suosu moi enless lu the air, % atiin., Ott-' hrea h~m~~ ~ ave shnkeîî their lpade, se mîch as te Geaind alaisuad aisTe tact out cf yenr pride. Get doPa t tfor an oppoitn ty te rob a oetilis A ltile goît i l1 make îbem gîmi ..te.,esy, "No t-ure, fie cure!" 1 tiîiuk that ie n at ad atd h atselt-rlghteolsnemeansd yeur pnia' ~ge e I p._" the., bcoffice scekers badali toldetlu hi as N s a a b e d ae-p rid e clm-We have ail 1g"ot ed Teward toc end ef mue Coutl, r- The day was breàki'ig. Wagrili-î-. -lc" recommendatioms sud gene home. Prob- adipoy h u s a adt utelunyWu..v.t g audandaityaimetl vet rthe employes.drewtoeIntinemiestabwrdgetR ridON aty ast ftte eciher.ofthElitahagesiteof squI-otku.Etea. ait qi-s oesrIt in o ernaima For Yuon.a adngpon.Ber b.ho mpa d hie arm around lher W'e FIRELS reDBT A SH5ORDS- liehient hart droppedl their werk andetiy lu hie bonse sud done net go eut. unafrom gettlng rldo e Fr.oethe kntietfiitgo bs on ada.'ngi 1.eti siuabaina Ba sud ecmeofAfien aphile, uhen lho thinke lhebas Dear Lord, uhat have *o ta - TANCS rito misa wereoriukiug utlofkitheforcerne otherhumblcd ibis prend man, be raya te a Prend et our "scae? Preui. eroot i lri asuncd hlm ihat. ie dark lueir<iios e beshwed no puer Naamau's xife? She mut bave eym- "*ty bis" or ch lots iin fcat.To eud hie e ly terwand. Two ut theoraeal n csugbt maso te bath. sevcu times in the river tien? Brlng uns down et tby f 10 ie tteIteilima"smen ande ee ubrdsai b odnotyne fv iesdh uprayxng, peuitent, ulva ih-ough iheir ceuntry, sud ou. lu par- genly but unflincbingly. tire ofb.theîy ussianPmtrYoe e auitîîclîehncbw captive, s Ber- Jorgetantiyne pe."mielesaepliants.eitnt couucig, Woiiwthtebefrte Nt- fyfoot new acpansýed Ivutgn ulirbos, ephn seteî ornt eut"Whatr'saye thc Command- Foroàlners, Lord, thon cemai (,ticleý ssrias tu bîtythe-s-inIcc YO et iusftt e sapd coutaoi toyascoitiueW' er-in-chiet et the Syrian terces, bia eye And 'm a aluner vlle indm&,. about fity leagues furtben up thee N u- chlef*swerde rac ilu hie ca&bte i-berlan mines, itwas une o1 overbortie by the eorrows ut the wor knîuliba nmtinwlhh a oddIbleetygael lion. lere the brave explorer hai She ii the brige otharnof the Tr t odil steclToenn-dn 10smptyayhr s knln iha nmtinwihI a ,rI elv h rc i0 tout hie lite. Coin' Serglus iusied .rible." tbougbt Ceunit Serigus to hîm avtgoe ut ndfcon n teigmnetshse ordees ndlisswasenOtemancali for Ji la, upon sltiug ui tha mery my. su soitni wen-. .lu meant doatb for nearly yenuaegneotsd0on u I y-foot tamplue on the bottoui o! the But lie ha t neteuy tu SM d spnstigotta e aado eil omi e di eteeey n ivn ea.Abnb patby et soeehumble domestic-lItoe cor chariot regardios ot pain. ..Wbaio I hro.H ii.w pas wib dificuty dissuadoi hif noDialent hridcommebonti te sesthee? Why fhschm. ar e h erwefu doiir y he eprsetaton ofthe tougtsof the man whoeeo atm o-'brethed ah: told Sergiusta I ia Biets bep bcb huuo lontledmn u asnmWy o a," mvr r daie h' ii. epneeitatonset ho boon-i faitbuul Ivan bad bcen siruck, but the -id net gire yen. agente at the fort ibat Iharnof andtisiecirciod lion ec'k. Ib v mnauhug o raptihi cene hi as! One ot the thouebi cetainir hoe would cerne sud ut- ablutions. Every day 1 hl band bai beon voourng the counnury of "Master, toar noîbiug, sitee mur- es bine, drcw a plaitland laid bis rash 1 gandest wom lui ail Syria in cabinet trsrecblehlwrsoe eo reiedbaiflbt? i maldir mured ,-return te Font 'i uken; no one asailaiit deail aL hie teet Hop/ads n 'concil witb a waltiug rnaid 0over he et ak1sme niniailcal passe vrmyethr a ociblhuo abnet bouittstingerairi.ru1Whonnds am . I t ie o' liut? ho upy iipusirn h. il.I aifrauti in ci-den to ext, ni messire. wmli îblnk ilat Kayetie inteude t tel- 'the contest now seemed, ucltber gun bionuheitbi of bberigbty genrl.) whc n. lnthâ:mn nWhfodat ras from ie rsa î~anof cmxnfli kopuamog ho ow eu I cu thîe fo et, ptbs Ser'gius nor Ian seemed te have a kueir scmetbing.'" ays bbc littie captive t tera bekIfis nlte ie natives ,f this regien ai -"Ka net theIbotter thon the men de. Awalt lie thoigbi o! cryiug ouitfon mercy. . 'aid, "I knew somethiug," as se hoorids hm eraeiOtsdcii t ec nilt n ev Ter on ," e wu@m5an eecaped Sîherîsu ibere. dc n b ies ier e :umr -uden, brave Waseliî)witeh, -te ber haro feet. "Iu the landitrom well with bbc.? la il Weil wibh tby bus- etartoti lu the tours et Obrit i convictINan o! abrnst e penhumlai shah b- Sale trom KarnnOf.Msy 1 go noaredti he outlaw; "pe peut Joui- wbich ItYvsa toien thene le a certain baud? I le icil mi tb y chilti?' And swe«t cf Geliaemaue nd 1 sîîongtb anti ferccity. Un ieiiy coni- pub Von. i8sterf miloucJ. Dot youi- lires." 1prephet known by thbcnamne et Elieba, lhe mli treat a poer uuknewn moman like accuulatiluefloodunti i demuned, a3 hoeoiaitned, te ilo- 1 ~Iiad Kartiof the Terrible stood oven But Cc uni ýýerg1us toi instinctively Whocan cure almeet suytbiug, sdan atad tm, ritipneses eavc ou b thelU 90 Servitude in the SbOti-au - piles. ieb lm wih ulilifltetibaud, Ceuni Sergius 1 thatithe ight et bis a ain comrades ou thaodr flecîîddnem brand ley chatit ud palt a wat I ca outilh the"ein epea Set bail eecapod sud taken refuge lu ibis 1 weuld bar-o maie the emme repby. lu wîtild îadden Kariof te tiesperati-n. slte Wnder for l ieght macre Ohoren endurit ad ayl nd CalicerIuleauneOte'1f WWam opnu'W, d,iant !and, makiug hbe-s htaotio a wi ieA ha îe braIvae m e ibi srrn se"ftebgis eia ahnteJod!Blblte"ouanfielwt k thoreeporeenott useisu s solOieeneugbiughs1 <Ybush yentsay.v"f bbc bigicettmemecalhdriveoour Va malu rcgJordan! Ha! ha!bte" youulalu driveton!lth ru le" in Alasbka te recaptur hum. Thongbl 1and mar the Great Spirit keot> yen brokeu. For auintat il~ iowltcb'e aiEnt ln aIl the laid cannet cure that The sllmy Jordan, tbe rnuddy Jordan, fathera and moche awah buil lik aBerculeasd wphd ad afe front dangers which my lande are 'hieurt ilgîlnti bt temdcre tleeere tgenne ed et your listcning te thc menebeoucs Jordanit 1mYould' ie iasdsrcw wyl h teroclous eueugblIn aspect ta muit bis pOWerie55 tg avet." the desteradoos ucw assaileihie ars. any tal tssevn1iL"Btd ntsnoasigi sc iera itOh,uiy hesrere, do Y" ot came (ut The zonib .e, vet iarnet u in tr. lventu" Tdaneneo bempet dmibffrohiescif.donet-ner Th lnge u da lt- hy memaera oi-hereslu btte wdnmeautbhioWterew lenguage aud bearnig gave evîdeuce maîdon'e bimple aid toichinz iîepiy. eustiseady atm, but tho nexi moment tic captive rnaid ia puting in tice rigbt river than tbat on oui- psy herethe thîs glerious 8lcdeedg g Ph auinKaet, wi-batrp er, B thie s eraved mrcon e r mes, uotce., taie mghit essily b., as boe as-rted n the hna,.e Iýan stagg eet back and direction.botiî river, hof ic-avdrie edr.Pnueone tletrIe obih w- f nebl butii. Ho sent redtheib Ruesian; "ne do,îbt Kat nef f1 ll -con at itbs foot. A Lie Ciild L".dsTth.tyohrDmseervr bna hltk smcis htl word te Count Se glus t'nat. heiebopetiilossis îhn u ilae Eey ari-tad' l'volei a pi-3tol i. ttetyaiii.aacn rvr bnwitk smcha ht* to lare the pleasureofetclasping e xn 1îbing yousy and do willl b.reported Rnsi'a brecset Êlen a laitîliho And hum otten it le that the lunger et w'tb tolage bank sud torrent ever neul. Oh, waeh, waseh.wi tryman sud s brothei- neo b -e e Ihu sîatetul orm lia3hed beore le ouuý Icbildboeod bas pointai gi-uPu personas iniswifttsud cieur, unde r tlb.lilckering clean 1 baud. -My fterwau mnesglo, my moler [ at itIthie ammmpusheti aide. bthe right direction! O0,('hristian seu., ebademe ot sycamor. aud oleander. Are 1 suppose that pas s groattIIII luafaiberontSrgu Ftot Fiea' a ett scrme ili ho 1how long leai sincti yen got id et the lep- nut Ahana sud Pharpar, rivera etfrnaecua wuGeneral Nem. his o dy Cut eris e o sea poit," replioti Kaytie, aliuding Fr frein Fort Yukon wltlian sç eort o! toe iesymbole o! ber tamlly. "l 'm aseupen ibeel" cried the Inian malden. reey et sin?«Ion au ay, "Letniease. IlbDamnation, btter than ail the waters Of The charioteers di net ba's0; natives, adprudhie wye wr. ,f nteone adas w as the W pa ave of!thebaud. Ksi-net mutblir e yesrs n<iw" Pite Years. lai-sel?" seslowly auy longer, lest b Altoug th Yuon ayeasrtwand. hldbis mon nlueh eek. M ho ras iltirthatpoiuted yen te the divine 1tgruppe Nasman fell very mncli ms vali. but as ith e ra. san mleuicntS itcanneswo tho:i other." i.tay-eb 1.ed" gelephysiclan? "Oh," yeu eny, "ut irarny Amaeric&aaoud feel if, by Psy o eld- thee streets of Damrna à,I naial luer int'bi es ite.anlINow tba i@issesi-dlifor information lunil-conceale 1 nage thon turnui te little Amile or Fred or Charley tirat tcst prescription, some eue shoulti tell u people ruabed ont te hellb* -' rspiîhly becomes narreP, swlfi, aud 1cOncerifg bis brotbei-'rdesth i l e the girl, ho adiOd: 'WIeonly Pmlt Loir Ilambored up ou my kîîees sud looked lu- te ge aud masb lu lie Danube or the tain. Naaman'a witle be turbulent. Tii. grandeur o! tue Inount- 1 dii&ii laid liai been no succeaeîu., mcîey, Kayette, but the Ruzasi&n te rny face sud aeked me wby t didn'b bie- Itbiuc. Wce uh answer,"Are uoi the ber *husbaud. He wss ain scenlery, tiii mrmenslty o!the ia1 ieto-i raenua oPsdeservot tiesth si oui- bands forhie courne a Christian, suit ail the lime trok- Connecticut sud the Hudson Jnst as changed elleholai ioo ok at ,à o! luef he ngmy check, se I celdn't gel angry. in - geai?" Or as au Englishman iroli feel tbree lIme.ser. h. 4.l fids oft le..the iei-ritilc boepc ie xious to rernorO Kayette, tis gen- stubborn rosisisuce." moutai torenasliu Takegup ber stand beside CCeuni l mountai torrets lu' Sergiusointtie mn eympabotlctcili dd Taklngfarnily prayce' "Tien.' are graudpar- sciptien, lb. muai go aud waeh lu tb. captive mii, she, rusheS d hleiedboehoreer pesen in Ie be. Coni Bi-gls maie bste t set'aties h silnce s tbe etnppet theculsmie ave bcu bougi teehristtirMiesiaipp or heHS. Larenc.bBeder bnda nti houtugl mmd iteemiot tehlmasif o mr. ou fo Fot uko- Tinkig deti udthelIvng t ieirauce hei iitiegraîlibllrei. her ar molu i-yon, "i-enettheThanesani-yu? ii e cre ou

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