ob rai me.pLetdeDt Phîilroîuk laîlid hl e' ls ie'li'l.'u ýrbefore flue uitýiu orn il i' " t ar hCali <m., baby Charles" at- aLtileir lîîsu meeting, iion, ai 't atior.' 'L Irm>.lie- eqoy attorniey wiss irrrmll inl- eau." ebu' hsnra riear lttle lambi)- dI tii >rs'.v %l, an riîrtlîee "Oh. i-il cai hiLa ' lu ka. fLtulhasalo uf riici-ite ùsduite frlu'nd. 'liIl lwt'els so rnc." ~èfle-Ez.-Brookulyn l'Ife. - A PECREAINT 5Pt)USE. be entrmouus ltrowth o f Cilît'iigîi< .41e vat arelt are' ulmost Il ii"'uî ballet o!f i.rs ns wîirse kiil te f fluegreart westernu îity s -- 6 'f ý l -ide two ers e, go, triîigiuîg - e, la Mr" upto 186 - emils lfour irniesas grut ut was l Wthe ibth e slxth i uauu xc 1 ()t.Il *-vamuaie. The lrýltae hal 119,129 acres. Tii graet tu flild illa s vu-',ri1'. 'îî;r' lîli fr rwyl-k zîIîîdî!ra' îîig liîlt lii-Iuily illît Iti Jipii eii>îil îg riilî'.lvwl.t imudenti't, ù; 5 scli. i, ivlîi' ,r&Ii, 1' IlilIluit I4'-aLse Blil '51 ru> -ilh (U iiv't n'.li.irL silo ra> dr-iy liii- ',rul'l Ije 1ts i1111Mlir ibiliios rîto br' uc.,1dîigi'r-iiî i it 'riiiî) i i of >'. nuiuiî-l' - îîirî (lur uiru li ur ii)-upIe lîto Lbh-e AppMiii.îr tl i 'ihi' jlît -mthe -r lirlit îî 10 tht' ef Sa î-lîit it)txti li t'it un lily -itirtiini>ig the- a.iiitiul ti i uulikeiir L1uiuî& lîîîîguuc a îîîîtillî N>.-tli 1.iur, ii puIupiltîoîover- ranuiiig aiid coiîurilg a Éiaîiioft '50. U00, uti1-\1mîîîapirli. r l'utlîiu Ift Lue n-prýtis ru-rivedti r Ithi- orient are truc, Lîlir .lili5iiu5>rare lia'.ling greit sport In kijo.kiiîg thic tillîing ontut fthe chlîî- 1111Ni'.y 'ilic('ii r'it ap- rs 126 S. GnseS. AKGN Ask Your c * Grocer for Cooper C.M.& St. P. Ry Tîme Trab t~lir'.ii-' i ' r - - r ,i - r -i Eu' n-Il r 4i iti>iri' ru Iiui.rr-rr- i i r i i r 1' I -ir i r 1' -' s'r I " -' 1'>r r" N. "' r h. - ru -i iii .u iii I i~i 1' Il~ i bl . 'aîp-î'. 1 ' ' rrd' - vi lalie u.90s, - -' ca i g-I î1 ,1- 1, riitiiie ta ld "il ut tlie 4 ;1" f - jo ils "-iouasr- itcari buJi -'Times. ... 12, : 2 il r! r, r , 3 ir.t e 1.1~~~~ ~ tililiIllI 'S ilPg' udy 15 Iiurle, 11) 25 1I '4.7, * t'- 'q t ý 4 1Lt1 U N A) 'r' I i "r i . l ' '- Negonlà lofloj ,1m - &I nle he av fChe g latrta.ïilut s rai t Lut the-.h î c ok N ii illic ,,I "i,. ti. Au (Ir. F ifflu 1, es hl h vrg iiac4 IB K 1 n iLv.Civ-o î>:,1 1 Ar :41uuuii. '1' Lu) W a uigli state o S w O -1 i.A .Rn1u :-",, ai o west le 14 mile-s aiud th"' -4 ', 1____________ -lluî' 4 -_i rLlliri il 1Pt is 8j miles, vhile a îîers îu ColtWthy tl s satiness. mommer? THE FRENCH ANARCHISTS.~5" IcCn. RTm al ýrruthe southecet acorner Io tie wl»' those teara9r mu u estcone o Lletî'>wcîîîî The Mother-Ahmyuson' 'Tia great' The acqtuittabli (f 36aiant5s t Parile U1:ÊG.uuNORaTHa. trouble 1 have. Your tather ran off 1es lor lit h rasae ta jtravut>e 28t miles. wit aw<omln Iis m ig.Pc. ductet ln a spiraL of vîntiuctivenees -Boq, m On - -L'lai 1 251 3 411Il Mu monn.-uk ton Junalptoieub-4' liii6 - i 16 A. in -- - Na ean Abou IL. Jiereunus'ala.sppu m .Prairie View. M 42 sif 19 i6l20 81? 16 Nac Whtere Farmlt.eheresut y iekediMpponey.ot4Letthu-rni - M 5mg 52.~38 b628f Olt 22 %eWeeFresMk oe. Watts-Do you suppose il vas Ihat lbut il, bas a& lea1u sowred tusvaishowasua,'mumms mu Rîf ockefeler. 9.In1mge3i &2 431 53812'2' Feilii- to he ctlmuimlevr .esaJmsn idtae alnà PUREwtR>IJI OF ii AnlAil Pifll)R. G mavaLake -9a35 su 4411 s2 53 6162 si 36 har- itLIs aaagiraif sveeof es ctîizend are lniargarchist circies. W Lake'lIt... ... a mu8 12:68 e les12 40 fitrneuso have mallue unuuaet, acgared inlm mb leating a better life? Thieves anti' tences" min liartl it'ue looked aeVlati 1904ôl 24 -Uwt ast >er, and tiîitt is Pots--The lies hatiaonething tLa upon as social roforner.-Pbîlatielphia CrItuuSOu BTa2. adrn Wimotuasuu. 'i'I.ere Ibas îaeeiia do vît it Ilbut no b>' giviug hlm a Inquirer il North Canal St., 9 éeï.is ni am46 .P.M.1213 11511 jud for ever>' proluct Illey caîm acare. One of the paperaB prlntedl an The aoqulttal of he ailegeti anarchiffa Lk il _ B74s.. 2 iâ wehi u» lr taie tuis-wr éaîd obîtuary of ainlmandl he basbeen try- un Puari s ans i show aiat Jurieu over CHICACO. Gras as ....- .4 l7 8W 1...0 ...i80m in o aeup o iha' theae are fno& te e 10 o ta 5 eolr 44 8ti12 I54 ai12154a@17ui [Mid ulil hmîcu l'Cit, ut guodeidi s7n a2ie l f. i.-u uieral' aytlg-Lîhtnatm 2 1 i'4 Am>'mma cii a udmstimuadianapolis Journal, for grantei. liltvas for vhat the» mien .4aIfil 828 -- M ... fîudttra tfarnilnaiii rtii-ai.. ie. ight do rutlher tbaimfor whaitkihey bave Apishîsee _6 0 1 1 18... el at tae b ia"De.doue tabal;Lhey vers put on trial.-Boulon u.cauo-....8 ituZfI1là84 r4Ipussistu îanafew 3ers amal cama The Judge-You ame hors asthe aI- HersaitdU%àl XV MMUut&i Kgo1 lI wge Walisîegodmurderer ai a law>-er. t Tg outh Tri le avesGaLak§4,P 1 Thirty men accu"eulof anarumhy in Portelaz South Tlrs67p.arrieves Omst'akffi 8 0P.fim &iag Il. If yoim like tas ktto 7Te prisoner-you've got iL mixed, have been saquslttted. Their deenSe.w lloçketellet Sp ndarrvstiie. Oi ahUgidsihîtt ae country. drîp a yoaar onor. I'm here asthe murderer tteS Ibe>atinrechedoaioumunlsm mere *aiy oep t nsgna. -, ikl Frealerick AIaot, lai d of gallegeul lawyer. iîy It ves fortinala for rn s Sto calthéon dedmuwr. Wlsimsîgii Uetrol Rail' Tte Juige-Ehi Wb&at'Bhat? Why proseoution coutl nfot prove tha$ an>' of o,, lin, Joliet & Eastern Ry. lirMilwaukee. Wîsomlumdl. didn'l-yau say ltaI before? The pris- tIb oiht reslorted to violence. -New York fiumRiInTBE -ronar la dlscharged wltb thse Ilanka of Mail anti Expresseu.IB AB ooor.-Buffalo Courier. OUM NaMJe4sMATeONS. 001005goum nou? ds Par as you Go.______ THE BABY. lmusreiON oT. fAtN 02ePnE ooeenlôer, howoldHum"s Natue. . 0110 4:8u Pinarrive.- waukegan ... depart 7,411) amn $ -ýb»MnS us tO Iendtem Cujnaa-Wail a minute. Fangle. I Nvro1n' On Ike hl-~~8:15 Pin an*- on- a 3.laa i aska,10boo ajo t a0stop bIla Lthedressmaker's and lu gergerui, keep IL as sveet, cdean and $tRi ibn--------Pml.ethton ...... 8:54) in »k m4 pp Dlakn a41job, r Ile'P bill. 'di«.9:"1M7 en Pm àr] - o Iz 10.M... ame <. cii me a ashu 1~ so .> 1 p>'fo Uc Ro 6> ou laki e ,uald - .»~ . ~ i>ii brdknaillailungoe M1lu s moe ffl la O yU . 40 Pm ...... EIDKuT bea........ othlm - - tosmu s e aaùa> - - * 1 hlA tutl netu.Q. A0,5" derb w li sei a ....T de ..... LMP 4à PsVyotdw haD o'#ll «I w aamtmw71do1 Bog - o > loth fod pn t e oga%- ig %11wL-Va5.4Bewmnl....ftm 7 __5 a-....... anid... ... MP r wi, u g,4 roadw. OYroa-S by's eau em ueusisIitg tldaof Cima. rith mu wb>Aivum s. W au lmpaper lntLake Count' for localnewa, ouii " ,,e aI i.. -Brok- Wbm-40w York Wouid. tt4hraum adsud nsil wile l la freah, too. 00«. limat. ts il Iv I- Iiri I iî ct ixistinig social. awtî l i :î' iwnuliîriai vî'îilions are 'uit Fr uîiu i îpon te îîriiiipe of equal l iiglitr tOuail anîd speva'al prlv- iliut uuîdu'r exlating Condlition& n- jîstt-' -t,'esa ril i cl ot'ie he m ass of thie people. THE TIMES huis ifs own eonvfi. tdouns as to huow tiiese conditions mal Lie uumoided. - Whullp rging its 0w-n teliefs strýeU--- uously andt inteliigegitlY It does a"o dismiss with contempt, or wîthout a.* i heitning, the advocates of oths'r ec- nomie reforma. TETIMES la fearlems lin Ita Utter- ances and unswervlng In île devotloa to, the great body of lte people. THE TIa*IES bolieveainfree speech, the free, coinage o! silver. and> radicl - tariff reform. TEE TIMES belleves lat goveru- ment control of ail national monopol-, les. THE TIMES belleves In auoh a a on land vialuies as shadi ligitten the burde of the taçi0l$ 614 q*o 1v i QwU& o Vt v*fibl0 ot;y pvým p W his jutst sitar. TETIMlESballeves ln the wiu dom and good faitit of lteeofpl@.. THE TIMES painta aillte ae'wu àfroun ail the world In a manner la- stereating and Instructiv.e 10 a&U 0& people. . SENO FOR SAMPLE COFP. Re.ad the Pople's Piapr- rftbé àtr4ut4 fflý qM1g9,9 Ug.-VYitn i..s e .in ..... <ts. ~elut @ü»dMxuMWwuIàUlUýUutSwe haveé.serangdwt hn<oaorman Publighing (Co., of Springfield. 8U lua ~rîdu. ule îP~ u*s. ne uCO UU Ohio, for a supply of yearly subscriptions to their twogreat Month- bbUt Eeo. Roalng vimelte an ld trleild un"e ib* gte.WahDIJ Ile1 "HpAEICNFR Ew"ad" MeLrMoia.K """efbtt. ky-âolgmle, T' MRCA AmNw, nd"OMANKI41D. either'ol o6f soohof Our Put Pos. hlh il coeeenedFREyo veyMod n dvnd sbsr.e ab desr aaille&DY Otbe J, Roiing lias slopped travelitig tie The Vanderbilt scanldai show tht lhbrs'o hth w ýi b )eNpresne REt vr ai nAvnesbci the extrsuinif year with the IN larosît w le la îeddle wagoie fur tLils te oue hng muney canent do.ft cmenot t h NElE ET alwAys keep the tamily skeleton tu the iswl qipdwt b wiclosot itnsore lHeralid. IIThe nlf theAmre nopufld hew8aplds.eThseA.-erican » -Latest Stylefs of T-ypO .1.A.Ranit)1 Te aniderblts no longrhv rao 1% iie ae't&lned by dMeutlng 4.5 mn it s îhli . They tire ge'tîug tbcr im uaes in ail. tFriror-ANaD-Morne ar aiues namîrd la our lub raiem. papers tooi.-Bos'ton Gloire rarm N e~ws. Womankind appeals to the m n ,59 l'rce. P l'C5'Iî~etly îîgit îfIf ' t tor a te bc ildivorce, In tire Vander- tastes nf the great mass of people; ImTpnVed New 19 weekly ... * ay Ler Sniiboltedbut f jIly, why dne.s't Sioux Falls have &MAitv. dsll. s ouys a e e FribukSxttaîhll et lpted a bottie f la lîttietl abot at fer ilFor the Farmer armd hie Famlly. its eitrs aim to fil it with snch I11terOct"f weelîlî 1 01) 2 01) suixLtli'g guoodl îey werît to bed 1it ternis to lit the ttiînest-Chicago Record. 1 rgtsoiscce ous ne-W a odslrest <1eod.daly .. e<ai'filx) ite t liehonte of fie latter. hlîortlY sfte'î Wt'i $10,000,000 in ber own tnaine, net This rmoîthly bas gie brs sigtsktres, cl 'rpoems. ntcr W paioidaaiea ob i.dIl,, idY ay..60 rtritiag Peterptell, bisers[ magnifilent eqtablitb jmmenl;e circulation solely on its isuggestions that no vornîtri can Corpetent WorknI0M, .=d. 1 2 S01) am ui got top to look for litstelnmeurs, Mrn. VandterbiltL îiay feutan tafor- is s t aibosZetang., -., -_liM 382e <dollar ill, aîîul îî<t iî,lig igot jIlioget Neiltu Neustretter.-St. Louis t-epub- cJorlfrthprc-afrd bwtou 'Snbl nî'w tob s 2110 a (Kr lic. cal farmer. Il aims to prescrit to Wear," Motherhotd," "'Bright And shall atm 10 9"s'buae. Waah. D. C 1IOn 2 461 a tidt wilah Xom.tiîpcd file suive Farne......I ou 2 e ati table river aud rtussrd Mrs The conjugal infelleILlea ut the Vander- its. readczrs sucb articles'as will be Homes" "Woe's rg . STBs8 AD*ANT Ilxi 2 mi Sex.tol, sud tlhe chakiîeuî whao weut; bilte aboulti Impresa familles lu the hum- of patcîa-'isnetohmii"CldLt" Fra,"Women ef psoe.nee Du b '. 1 it u alt ortep aiîgtî7%ir ako ie htI afotuoe'adtheircdailîx' ork on the farm. of tireDa, etc. arc a few of its BarBe~ itveu .2e mitwih îmakilliîîg Aexton- leî aacsta mk apies-\Is .ert, cdepartmount of flic farm ik nterestn c;rmns î ~R1USll Botte touvîi tl...b..thst300d Wîtîî City Journal.. .AFrs ls n- iie> î ifumaits's h towad c d tle. itlm'op en nteu oeygn t he fml rb-represente:d;orchard, ficid and sensible and practical in ail things; mm Mariner. 2 li lII ee eurmd am the Vanderblts illl paye he penalty garden; barn, graneliy and par- ~Able, BIîigbt andiUla is its lat flie. a10poseos werereurie ii ilu-dofwath and social promtinences which1 lor-it ks pre cinently the paper motto, and that's the reaso<il i s BetQ lly o Wok 5 10 )tlu'y wsnt baek t*î beL.'ieuX.dy ulbepadL esnIDocueit for the farmer and bis farnily. the favorite paper for woman. Bs u t lW rI l duite sny perlodîcal net meUoned 801(t01)gt a warr tlit agailist Smiîth> -Chicaïgo Mail 40»0 fet liaitaUOn or addreme bâti, Isswe Wîio2liC I, thlm $13-50, SmWtilS< gu) r Parie la sald ob le a wlckedsas Weillas a -___usa trial Sexhomu got orne sgaiiiust ISmithm for:1 wickednesa la attrîbutable tanuhtuthe GI'.O us a trial. t tisOffce I.euh fub"boriber choute 0from'trikitig lier.Ilai thee midst ofthtle fils& ý pleut Parie, but atu oreigners wbugo there CnacontiîMte >peîs 1 hih heIDEENI-iba be v~ letr.i.. Amterlil Farerol Saillar t,>k tie uliper rail siud let t't ulI exhibit thn vies -NywYork Panes.uet )iacut(fteepns owihteIDPNETbsb liiliiat SpriiiEleld, Ohio. as a premîulicoilitry îeaviîg ward thtat lie wouîld xtl thnt.NwYr rf&tteeppr a nyb en osbcicswopyu AD ile «»"r subscrîber who paya for theMrWila K.VnebtengheP »WDmn one ful Yeux, strict, Cash la on acf hit a ther.Tluit'âdth tinteenontofbihefthhir' n'dib: reftintit tire their-ibarrifliids one ceaThisadoffer.kThasdeftO il made0o 311 80B1 ad Blanl P lff te._______S'xtouî gut lefI. 1Ides that the public shoul ihe madie ne- and nt:%w stibscribers alike. Do flot faîl to take advantage of it. Tel bakeglvn byLIeABOU CRUP.qualiteul wiLh bis tambll>' affaira and ont- ynur frievuds about it. au thev may secure, iin addition to the be"t :à lpoessunbaegve W le^BU ROPide niatters IncidentaI thereto. Tbepnb- l or Club of Sharon, P ., the Coup a ea trror to youtig mothlîrs. l i le W K. - VP i aderl p inlt 11 . r l n onal a crircul atn)ca ub c i ti n t a g e journal o *isprmaucedeuerl t &IY ru îît len a.ohlcermiiig ltt tirî bler re reant hnsband ial lita bouse in oe #erveti. IL lias sînce tran- sy. îhas. imrîeaîeit iflic cus< ~>5t>ot d e blofen aFREE "lO I NDEPEN DENT READ ERS. u-PartIies wishing any- d lta the "'possum" was the of tiis item. TIhIe hast iicaltiuimtyahOrfw nl510,0 a year, By es ofo a Brooklllt, Ohio, sii-riiicaif. lia schîld who lis se ub- autre straîlge oversght iqhe lias ocl te ta L thing from a p-et t» o-ru'îîp uifaiî lie taîkeiu as a sure Inclutie a boix utt heopera. -Chicago Trlb~ ~.4T EVIE< silz i ftir tu îirîullit iflaattack. une, r E EViST , ~be enuItz--tl'~~~ter, Fîlliawiagaslig iius !S a p65 5 iUli' William K. 'Vanderbilt appeara te have Wetî'8 away tbe haidest tone. i t Cill.f 'Oilt'iI'ut'iii proceiededth vl bis Paa'ian love ailîir î TOA !he coubitahat gusaw of Tonser, lm'd i gve lsasii s tire clilver>' îluncb i treParialan styvloeTire 'ecîîî'sîiiîiuc r mvs'i îfii uieroraui Deatuville c.tablis obtient was likewisie con-IF L H E O T I Masticats tehretbte eontes r;i.e(reeife h olidueteti vcry muciboui the poriîtple thaliF L tE 0 1 ý! th hrdatboe. .-iiîîlias appîereîî ju sîli prevf'îuu Iie the puillio; cuuld go bang.-Ne". Yor'k Ad-00 M'e oonstant eooiig lvr tt(k Il lias iever la-eu kuiis n1 0 wPANO NOG11 Carries off rIm ilte ining maiti. all. 25> ai >l 1) rent s httlef'o ir salecc___ - 13,1t tje INiiBPEF-DENT advu'rtisei'51v it", ( IIL oveilI. Iilerlvville «ii p îrdrg tuweldefineti reports, lIte lint ...~ willfinul it te, beir ativantage te0>o aue t.e ®rnes hoget te rd. cRîîba'ihi, u Dgg.sl. Vauîdehrbllti eule uoiribau ve been watc IKO-0 tain estimiates for anid blllg '4' swho he trtie.(i. CW,îiiloitîs, u i aI4 P-us asebrn tro ii tucl foutinllanî the inu t ieappr'uîaiceut a pirodigli~llu the~i~~jl p-uîag1 h b9 seasoua o11f the Yearis1 ut baudi<lH ere's A Chance To Get A Start. fanily Lu lisslI1ate sottie of the adriî R te prîitel'wouilullike to squiare Write miFeî'-îk hîil iiuillons vili noie tic' uevelopiîuefts oftitre I1 ~ . neeult ~ nu~ omlté withî the woid "aîîd the r'L'mlrasiiirWîsiiaui(eîiîr'.lit îil PitsbnrntDspatch ...'Hom, Wnkind" anad geL a ncw bat oir roil ut ilwaiikm'e, W*is., ai'li lie wîi i lu this wickîd sund iconoclastic age <(v' >lai-sl:nlaeSoe or sunehîns0f hat int. 'ns '. utou IjuLIeîiauuîîîleîwiit'liahIneittuer a grtvat uranlîe nor 4agreat fortunier tentle remifider that if yoîa owe tll voli Iiaalul îîIel em hi> el Soi k sevras tu assulre isa possresaur ofot li i < i he wlll etiteem iL a favot ilîugaîil sages aui m c1a ehu ial ai tiîl vac>' au deur tuth ie Ierisoiwtro offends tie FR ED CROKER, - Ia Our Motto: "Live and let UÀve. a, . pi y ucur r el psy trr a failli MoolI luuit t ell rs moral seu-'r- id the K-pipe. Appaireatl>'fl UII____________the sauie rîîigar publicity wahicli attends C à âit i o it ou(outthe lapse froI vrnilleu fMn Mldtlet'loss to o ha 00tonl Notice ta Subascribera. at I. ivrr'siCu:uii î > 4 u I'~I~ D ape - ,to. Cali an i u i i lm, Ie'i isi"d tedvoc ut olwii tlaWb' khtdIy. sadtIif '>oîî îay utiuloif l' w dIa'I ili<iiliii lforcell ripou Mn Williamn K VandrbiltT silbu;scîîa tlnitm RENAS SPR^GUE ST.,AUSIio' fj li f-'he iiii liair % oi l>,iil 1 "" China s aud Japaii;iui aîxiîi ie îr> living a II 1;' I\ l' I 11 1 E . c 0 A' G H. eaîgel, I. ri u-i lail i furontleei iri very iîiîtl 'pr-Il If 'yVitii10111lit iLisk ir Le CO:3 -CA 1COPYRIIT IG IPiwlljt li ' mil' . eiiie îea lî-i, proo u-r'ranrd'an:" iirlîuii h t "-1 ' '« pa ThaPatentsttsken tl>u-îivo-l. 1uthe PUm. 'ddiffleoi t)ot, ie o f î'igtu"'lla os rautoi'."' eaî' r.tii 1îail lîlia iiiivs wta>tbi sorat <re. A .0 àesuig«:z ailm* or 1 t 7 ens V n nfr ht n- o he I"i-litiîi-'il ,"i, t>l fri l (.14 no M ru n osrî T Ci rn MtionàC0% f<17 gr aebssrasige rim9Ii1 i-is Xa 'lt-- oe ha.ur t ihe top iîie airt-se h., r. bd.rro)uvr -. i e i.- .hiir ma aerra.. peette u r n tuli-4 a ig i b b-ii1 h peopi e vI l ,$ttsh-aveti hei'c aelia c' hu hi1w li i t asre broiiauiitc.i,iur s oris. publie ca on thuir gaive i' - i ("i l t]saslg S.-O nwatee ,. v iýr . Th l irndid. tt tiiiug n ttles bel"g 1iarbond 14 M: ...tI,. tiet se, se rntiec w" ' la h s~11g cr t-a-sii-i I 1 arber i r>om wîîit (îI yoo lîîfer lR' *î licicultioiof'u' liiiriiwm t t "mIl- t' cent. 53 rear. . ,iîii ns.a etrie. The tenctrsereportler-yTheof rite, vithstir rt-hurt t, sir*. Bu id i an 5~î.iiv lO e' Jill'htllhreaý o-g iuisIali)it illi .s irN' 'qic" îà74"'u% %0- eeIl 'ry boulotterliiiathe I t~~~~~~~~~~~~int il>. kii f tKiro-a ia axl iisoi-' ur"î'Lthe bos.ctipau.eiung atea ~.ey'e 'P*- liil - pret'iî'i .,rîi utt Aua llîirel""" i~ i :' s t allrams sud se Cnre ditUas. Adt ey-,are listia-'said(] make i a "u h'y>iu o'.c tfi ' latiîcr iii', ul cu.. 55w Yoas.. 3of51 DauràluwAT.ttie wri fa.ili-te -aof har-i arIl. :moulli. N. Y. lleral'l. phi Rci'îî __- s ." Io r'. i-*i.,-irîîud h Jauiuui1 Li t-t t riitlligi1liiouid ialil ec Il i Ob il ýgWk