est Flou r, per sack, $1.00 a*barrel 3.90 ssack .95 barrel 3.60 f.D. Battersha1, rays Lake Cash Store. Ifyou want a ath and a nice Mrnaent in ýurroom, buy ie ofthe I>choff Sheet t»e BathTubs rives $1400. ,ne~ and see , 'or write for Fred F. Bischoâv, Libertyville. LOW TARIFF PRICES PREVAIL AT DEINLEIN & i \'.N\-STlIUS. Dr. FI.,P. EWING. spetia attention gwoon te thle enliri atting or giui'Pes. Untll0 . M.-l té2P- . op end alter 0eP. M. ROCKEFELLER. Peter Litelèfleld llm hauliaîîg sWt-ofoi ttie l'uîiîîialioi 11nials lu. Mr. anid Mî'î. Tiios. McBricle are the haappiy parenitsfi f a itti glu. 'Mi&.% aattie Yaw, out JaînpLake, was t-ie guest uf Mis Fanie Cooper the, patteek. Miss Grace Crotîkiite st-tiited Tues day tîr Vrîiparaisu. ltoit., a-lere ie wili atIeîîd aiclîioliio wiiter. Mr McC(,ut,eieii lt mîîvilag llis tblack. swuili Lisila toi Prairie View wiere [lie expectti to nake biot floture hlies. lteê watit Mfar. DeLiong riîltd <off,, Wpopfr delét in fooùi "g ottiert. Vie IrtI>PN!DMFWbg*a ni) urne fur liurs. Dt,'l wute yor brat-la. Items ieft wlth AI. R. Fiche or ai thie postoflio wiil ho foarwarded to tiho [!4DrnBNDRUiT fOr PuIbllcatiiîiî. Lot ail thle People give AI the newi. miuo li-'il tilsit it up iii good shape. Keep Lake Zuîîii befîire tie worli. Hlello. Ait Wilere lire you. trteig We suppose ytu are quite lauy takliig petres, a idi paya thoUetr tiien gatt~i- iiriiig neati. but dount dikapoiit yîair towi agai. DEERFIELD. 1The Aislip Brick n)o. restiiîîed worlc, Ttlimriay. Itreo. Paîséoîs. il; V-iitiiilz ler mo-i, Station Agenit, Geit. S. parso,,iis MimseAs artîli mni Atilite A lites have rtc«îeretl fromt Làel[ receliiliiim. Dildl*i tht' we-it mille 1Itreslit a iltsp i ~~el lie 'ait ii'h,',aller leit'? Fi it-is ilew hîlci. tîî 14î-y r iré- pteed. it 1-4 a îîîtrkitied pîî'-îei over the old omie. last S.îiiîrday evmtblig was WuîllhY Tt.purimo teltrr'st-l XViliIKîîigge, wiîu î1iew te hcky ftir îîext ,iigtlrtav liitliiîî u îîuîujlitrý the tusînî letre to attiti. WNe îî luIt-i-st aît-i uurlaba-rrMr. E E . 3îleîsil .iif.isi- naj nf [lie DeLîîîîg. ilitelitis t4 liiave utistislmw4dek sectiuji 6 anîti i Of elli. liasitleii'. eli Ile wil oitcte ait Rivei' View a litrt.lie. to i lwitn ville. Lelet-ii'tuker,-.siti-r loItilatt ior a littLer t lattis1Qf a Section. Mr. Geiotge \i!e ofte t aîriia The siii-st si-p, OuthinCiririîîtrîa l Wi.. wls t1re glirea-f 1N" etit- Mis di-ty î,g ut-ar. is i lit.eit'pd-it;i'i-rt W. L Ififl. iat Satitrrî,t% .a:l iitirlîx î&'îî'iIllit,- e'. -.î.V h lit. isa h lî-tr ii-ls iof M rs itîrî. ' lina luit <t~a <t'.t'it! li r sll-î Mi-,,. Wt. I.. RIt-r. -l t îik at ' î -t t, ilr.n- i e I 'lîî,-r for hétiti lit- i lîî -t t il i- i t' il i t, %%- irr tir rt n'i. \V r %is. Ml,;itil(.i ietrftHtt htt.-t f îîrî!,ti ie'rf . i fini, rtetii--i fi- i t.ltri-.mEVERETT. r' . i i r, l-r .itît aarr 'it t' i fV. 1.Z. taî r %r I f(t- pcut i'1midî i aii e . ati watt iirritrg itiri-l E. li' rha>rltitîr î'l tri rh; >riiii tii n' of la-i iek Vit :lt' rlie r ii Mr,. U rî . ' rtrr.. r. Sti r 'itli ,'-ei-'t, une tîtîti-ablefi 111i --ik ltý Dr Er %) i 'ig <i a e d - lit rit tf att'. li' r -.lilii b, i a ' 1 , i i, ""'-'- 't r't ~'til 1i l I fîiv,îjtîs i n iî' l ln 1, ii~î Ia 'bo. Graîîulsted Stîgar- *_1.00( 'r Frti, tft ilibts - .-70c< r i o' . 1 "<F C il, litan., tni itt. l41b'uia'ti ig.1l------------ýItl.Oo tiirrgilit iii s trt(r ....- .. t-.. i c 'y an ,nul h îtt iî iîi l acrl:e "rrr'g n~ r it l ii ' r-71, Ftfi Soggar 1-ty 111r,..2.5c' -t'rgail. f3t'adr- in itSriflltpi bofrit rt- l iritinii k."-r rr'-î",toidril' 'k FUt-drsîîîige i(t iti- X 4boaî'd 17, Litirri, .......-- 4, p(ntbtit rit N iptx lîi'r't W. ic 5rr' uul k-% tllertui'a . 6,14 L . ... .... ... . an-" il t.'.rr. .rs.t.f . slrr ,rî I-,i rfd .if i iit-. 'l'fiirî a tid i s- )lr..' !lr lfir. î ('fît i.iv go, tît .... ....'..........îi ont fittbn.rf' î'ttl it-r ~rî lîtî: luit tri-l lit-ilt lIta'i l-%v. ir %i i i il ir tille p r ruri 'arlit %r,'uk Si to Pir t îll . . . . ý. 4-' ) t ii it id .iitvlii rtc t Ilif iii i-s n i n lie ;1(.(i'rl'ilîi if Itle uî. is ti- c" f.î ir i a- 1niî eXîî' 1% Ite it('.ol1f ie . .. .. . 11f orlii*tii l e d ,I;;r'(.'p i' 1 ii'.2 NtrI- ' rirai 'faut tîri 1W r1 Ir. S'iRfitr1l ti11 i. 'o - f . , li lil t - ~$A 4h,4e. Gloïs Staicit 4'.-yI 11î i l 1t tf ilkitidi Filt u I tn if l;. ' t'iirt i i i g s ti al turg i' tr ti s- ' ie i.î t111it tt - ~ pîu.Jtiaîî riat 27o petîIlit Futllit- ofntail kîtîts nou (tr-'11 ~ ii~f iri r î-t. iEIf,-- te-itttià% it-f Milie, Meat.. l for 25c de ilîti îdMu lriu, ilt-tat i 4utt C i rra ~c pert' iii' at-l ii Uin ttr- tut iirr' tr-iNtfî.- Xtttt' 'ii.r i t- 'tftt .ît-tti rîîîrreî liflI "ît în- ' i iitl T irîb i ... .... . . *223i' r Illilîf irslt s lu ifi li ii r nti,top Lake-. -î'rî'.î --erIrî arii lit r 1.rwî1& aisitîta re - rlie-t tale OH (-'lth ..... I0. T-ttf- "'el %(Iri ai l ti l ie-u i Iri rf ir i tif n itt mtt ýýàtorii, of liakiiîg Powîit-.. 7e f i ieý Cttonr1tlose 5c ttpîtt 'îrrr ( l-t iidel'ilt in r t h ,tii. omfd h li . 'ft o lg .. . . . 3 T fo r ti2 ) c Niitîtîi ea' Stittu-ei 'Fr' l .. 4;c ii'(i-per - ;t-i rriti'r lte.- q~litf îtk 5i-Ltftralt-i s- iîîf.rîtiniinu itr i -IItu DIA.IiIOND LAKE.- Scouqî îîîttt~ ) - rI hîSETIS: rflieltdil I i iis jltt'e Ilatt urilav. *1111 iBroon) a (le Il 1-il- ti- 'ires---------lt ~ vs - 12( lit --.7 l't .-il gir-ilt ý,l e t 11 1 i.4ftirtl o r sp e t - i - ji-i~t-' 5o, - ite Eiil'a tr 'ilitisiluir eiîtg. Niov. 1.5, > âàiet (CIild's <Crquet.- 24c j îii.îisDre4 i-as t-iii Co'irst.f 75Se prîgraini, tlti wviiutlti-tiai- tatd effte . CrI Misses' ...2MC, ialf's ('<îsi-ts 7 l- rered..- 'l'rlie vii-"tiiig éitiivy- ~ ïu ~ i~tîu ~ ~~ 'Wun...... 33e:î.1.S.(tri-a -- - 7-'uc e& Ii3iail. O 4,7 zes " -- el4e But $-t2.50 A Di>s'OUN r OF 2.5 lPER C(EN'T'1Auction Sales. f1 .NE W S c OQ"0 fver.u fi r FeIL1 tIos. 1 2.5 <011 illîr Ofttis tiut Mt-îllîi: Avtrot iflr.--n'r-C--ti i-lieéra, -3 .......-... .. 3c: Dr.FierXs DrChar;niierlai's Dit I fl- iiRattki- fzinm.itirtýrminlt'Thiis 1W eek? i 1, 1l"I eîtu l it-î îtiîîrîîîi. iritiyN, NON 23, "d utlher seconds li tlibbt.r Dr WurtDr~ r. lios is IlOt"'lw iitr toa~m tie. Fnley & ('î's L. M. Greenis 1 I'rt initiiittli4fiieuoit tippi-osl I rnotes eri 6 i-r i-i-t. 2 pi-e t-,-li ntC and sce us~ at the old stand in lvanhoe, Ill, and get the benefit a- the L09W PR lUES wc wiIl make you on ail Goods in our Store. :XL~EIN & PFANNESTIEL, Ivanhoe. ~Weekly Ipter Oceap, Price: $1.00, per Vear; SFariers' JVopthly, of Itockford, 111. Price: 50 cents; ake Coupty Ipdepepdept, 'm. $1.50; published at Liberty-ville, 4is ail the County News, Supervisors' dings, Real Estate Trarnsfers, Court etc., etc. i~ g~ tese3 Fîrst-class Papers, :forý oply $2. Cash. t ,ou Money on ail 1our i1eg&'ngý 'tIýLC.P Xi0I3 ùb 1 W. I Appui-v Alittiolfier. Afteil-Ntov. teL, 1wili sell Fltur ad Sîigir f(ir cash ouîy, attîl Wili git-e flv (à5) per celit diitomiLtfo iti' ca i lii t lir gisais. Liok oout lor LAiw Prites. 86() A. A.t>PAYNE, t'ilie Feed Crînding and Settiement. t wîli ha at Myv uilll, even> satuiîîay pi telît'iecd lu sieli corni tuttigrîtîtifeed for ail a-ho coule. 1I liai-e 0i My bunkâ iiaii>u aceulits for grîiiiulg tta have ri-tii tatîî lon lLmue aliîl am1S."uthtitle noey tiw, I[ieref-y reqiuest allgo eaui atti set-le up. (3-6) FRANKr DOLPI, IvaiahOb. PRAIRIE VIEW. T. J.- Lytich spetat ttîurdav eveniaîg witii olai îents lheme Boys froi Lake Villa couic down t-o play whist. blust be soime attraction) tiere. We underst-atîtiIL. Elgletery la go. ing Lu4enet a barn anti ice-Itouse back of mlat maurket. Gridiey &Uridley stipped ila carload of stock, M<iîiay îîtgit. 'rîey seena to he o iig quit-e a Iisiiesd. Wm. A. Bock is buildinîg a hlaek- smit hau ttiWagona ai tip Wori tutui wit mur-e ini as s t us tbililitîg liinplet- ed. Qitite au gnîup ot cuuupeîs intved ilii ttî tait Moit-ils. Nve iiiilintaitd tLaey ti re gonhig LULiI ini a bridge tiortit of Titee laI Day Social Club a-ill give a gruand dîantce inuTo"wn [[ail fi'aaîks- giviuig uight, Nov. 214. '94. 'Mtisic aii furitiimlintb>' a Cliicuîgo urcittatra Corne, boys amti gitls. atdihlive ua gond time. Who doeit your prlntluag? p)oes It look nut and artlstlc? Io t-he paper wbaji yen wantl 1)oes lt-orne up t-o [vo#îipéOtatl0JI? Cau ft b. ioeproved BUFFALO GROVE. W.ati ted: A Ciirre.4a)Iîlqt M14)t a ila-i seilia18the le tw.,? 'l'lite peopijle ai-e tai i ai t, a'liai lia txie f th' ie .ptîîkisiC reporteir. HALF DAY. rsf. Ilertel la verv mit-k. Fi-ara ut -, nt, i-iii -lfi-r bl-r itcît' . t A,,tst 1,11r)ipandîlwife are tits3' Tîtigl y ii iglie is a erownîed kitm ai %ustiiii ttIju-sie are loyal Suihjects. W. hear tht. merry rattle of titi gravel wagons niiiisrled withthLe boust uf thue iuivî-rs. Ali là lagIss wiii. Eveut thoehitrses semtuito eîjîîy tîir wîrk. perllitpethley are iuoiiii utntiie future as wehl as tîteir masters. Thee raL meetiig tl(liCe Litfrary and debatitiw club wtts heid Moîaday evoîîing- 'The queitiîn iRi»siolved tht ttDeeelitii iBleever lithaie wtt ilecldt.d Iii theti fflitniitive. 'The club will nittigain Mîiîiday eveniilg 1>t.i. 3. The n int'ittpe have arraîigeil at lrottar, wlicîî la carried out, a Il ho well Woirt'lh goi ug tali)"ai; reci tatîntîs. soilo nuî tainistriumenit alinutgile -illI te Riven. Tite-quiestiontfo-tr uetate, iiliestîlved thit tFtahirîîî tulie [praie Miser>' Ibaîtu tiiiieiîc Tis club w-i lie a gru-at liîelp tii tte volt tig people. IL <ives t-hein practice ini slîeitkiîîg litfi re an a iid iet-ae aiso i n exîtremslig tut r tipi nitn i gotss laiguitîge. Te i ld folik w iii ihave tii iinsh ip Lueur faculties or tlaey a-Il geL left. Wedding Carde. lorWeddlag stationeryot the ftm t»U.tyaudworkfllaDhip alwalu o0e io t*i. Imm»»RT Prit"g- OMm. iatih- a Sige' Iiù. a Ufk Temperanco. T«mll- Bld r the Trade of #4 BiEconomical People Anxious to Save M ney ... Our This Weck's Purchases Contai Ne-w Unes of W inter Clothing for Miý Boys, which we are able to seli at prict Note can Beat.: -AMO(Nt; TIIENM-- *11' E "r -~ -, r -~ 200 Boys' Suits ranging Iront $1 to, (uri-ttest vaIîie for thie M*îîîey ever giveni ty anybndy. 150 Boys' Overcoats and Ulsters, 99C to $4., Wv -caît tsave t ...iî itmtai Miii ie~îutlils aièe tfgonds. 300 Siits for Men at * . $5 to i ~Tritm a ti trit-il.S 'à lt it al oiia0 î~tf tis ti l '2 0 vurcats and Ulsters for Men, $5 to 15" i m ir - i T îî 'ni ;Ii '10î f. d irt- ,it l tI îiom m 1- .KF l .i) d'Xl; andi' Cas. The"Mdl CIoth n ie Temperance Temple, - Waukegan. v k '- e - tri-'I, mys A COMPLETE STOCK Lime, Drain Tule. Farm Wagons, Buggies. Agricultural Implements, Etc. NVe ha-ve a ncew Stock of the Fapious Weber Wagons ____Andithc Bioomnington- Harber Bros. Buggies n, Carrnages. Caillend See Thm--.d -"Wrîght A Sons, Aýeare always readv tb supply your %wants in' Our -ine Libertyville. fI. PREPARE FOR COLD WEATHER!I When You Want to BUY YOUR HAR DWARE Stoves, Ranges, and FURNACES. CD=, H. B. EGER, We are Agents for t-he ,WiPtera rrPllsbury' Bt Washburn's>. . Il- "Il. --- -- -- 1 Ir ýl *Ir 'q