CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Nov 1894, p. 2

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- consticlla, Itla gi9uu1i*41111 Iuv@li .*,pvsuahiOt Pola -- A Washingtonuie"ptnb ëas'.tisawhea Captain Howgoto a-as brought bock froin New York a few weeke agu the opinion was ver>' fred>' etaprescin latie depwrt- - ment, as a-cii asthmougi the cil>' genou-- ail>', liatHua-gale uvoultutneveu- b. * hniught te triai. Il uves kuown tint au>' --action b>' tie courts lookioz ho tie pun- lobhient ufthle defaulter would certaln][Y mlv. a great nian>' peupe who were - A A prmmneut eu on fittecu yeans ago, andl Il a-as beiieved uhéil nu egai atone wouhd b. - lftI utomne-i tu preveol a tu-liof the wiiy caplain. Now itlai anuuunresh thal te-Thon- flauva have bren founut lu lie indietment -..-ores wh-un wibU b. important enough t10 pue- -Ocisemc vent a trial. And lins anolicru obai- anceut accoant uvli b. crrieut on thie books of uet-uthle Treaun>' Dcparlnieot fou- scars lu corne. In Ibis counnectlon a ver>' internaI- POt5.irig piece ut sachent histor>' cropped utt. utrouiz prescu- Il wa-sreporteut b>'a gentemian Wiho au ofthle tiecea- lot iaI. knowtedge et lhc affair tintt(ho tof a number ot acquittai uit Andnew Juhnson waassecur- a proiinhies cd b>' thc puchose outhie votes ut Unitedt thlenov>' ne>' Stet eaolos ai $40.000 oaci, anduthlaI Wa the vasl inter- tiepuchose price ot onr ut these Seno- a-iere if i8 un tors was furnisieu b>' a promineul Feut- mère important ral officiai inthie North,a-hle thie bal- bobd ot ils disposai nuiof t hiemoue>' aas rouf ribolutdb>'an -~ seiboma. îbrlit-i- eqtuati>' proilueul officiai in tic Suti.* -tcda servie. wiîltiThe aller, houever, concindeut he nitgit à4îélfflàte oppurunuit>'1tasa.n-oit maire a litble aunicîhîng for hlm- tulabief la ton thc self, andut ltstead ut sleating $40000 i. da lange tniber of numpped $240,000. Hie defalcalion n-as to- 0lenu thbeni bu the k ovnndjle record ou t ileisstill lu lie Trasr> rDpmnent, but nu tep a-as tu e mla oay ver laken toward 1ils prosetition be- M" on. o vn aiaicause sc cin uouli have reaulted u -ffay foonu. lu>navi ntd nrlving Ioman>' peope igb Up ln lie ffl rty fen- States whître coniclîs outhle nation. bo&ts Ibis kiuud nia>' ot____ -- tu a vigaîr. andI niti KILLED WIITH *52,000 INSURZANCE. et l tf-es-use (if suri »o douut thal naval milli- Man Takes Ont f4,000 of Thistheii , e forticuimiuig un States Nlight He Loies RHis Life. l--baoe licu- mentis utfdrill- The occident insunance rompanUes et -4[lçepetent engilîrers anîd ord- the country'are lnékatigating tii. utn wonid héiedt-te-ýd ut Albert G. Mitchell, o proufineut huai- - -ilitiain etic usecofuthies.uessanofutMemphis, Tenu. The nigit the le men uvîîuhd ho trehii)ut Noveniber 8 Mr. Mitchell lef t SI. Louis mIres oft fheuu fîr srjl?ci andt for Meniphis oven the Chesapeake, Ohi-, -e rsionus. uihlie îuderstnmd-andt Souliwestcu-u Ra-nwy. He hauta t toey ahoulut cmîlipu.y noîuoutuile beri onthiesleenping car. Wheu hi woti1d 1entuni evtry oflitî on arose tie fllouiaz mornlug h. walaked - - su- el iltg- i-<ia S e ontton tic plattoni. Whifle standing li ngus.teu-rie r ac ud u M lb. enitues.Michelln-as linownofront lie tan. The b 1b1.G 0 FIS IIUNTIES. tranir nas tnppe.t andt Mr. Mitchell' ih sat iai bout>' as taken ou board. Since bis iaun he ain Tucalentut ealhit is Icarnord tiataI lieUie h. had au -- asManufacttimerg.$5,0 acietisrn. Ofts ïý- h. opetlas iii -t. î'ontiofut hie $52,0<nt;$42,000 w îa akncui0t iSt > , jîornuing sct--oîluithOe Trans- Louislaon tic evî-niug uitNovnberF !!Conigresli. eCalifuiruiuisîe- hn-b-nbc purchaed bis mirond ticket -uîder a splt"iimunulîn ushitinug tlo Tiie insuroance xn-os dietrihulutd more te la discnussion ( if t u.iîle agriculîl clgbt companice.____ giued a det-lipoîîmu a truqasi Ionn mor a o it %iiiihu -lon uipri<-<iagni- Great Brîtain le h)lghted. Mflpuouucta. nich oiuîînot le aiuIcd Tic nuniomevilci bave reacieut Loi *'iffltctivC lumirif. ami lis iiinuîsuuu don fnorn Washington te tie effecl lii iXtwt5 reCeivu- uiii 1roluii-hu. 'lh.etGrent Bilein lis supporting or c-operat *»Iation îu-va iniihu.-inu(if ae iirituuy iug n-lithbbeUnitied States in the at rtl trou> lthe Ci uîuiit uonuu lb-u li-tenîPtl îiuîg made toenmédiate bel i- h ie njriyuuuviuig vuileuf ire- China aul 30<00 u-credeclared lu officia placecsuu ul ui nm-mhuiuun drules there bu b.alogethincoerrect r orllubei iuuu.- i t. Tic Unitedl States tiovemoment ileun mI-aou ubocîcldciin'îpon it 'ACKING PLANT INJUREDi. uuuu iniiative andl nlth counpetc ndE - - Roer sutKonse Cil>'Par- o.f the 1owrs. Oui tic contraty ýW1« Hose t Knsýa, Cty ar-Enîglaid bas nolcd Ihe rehuf suetailu- * tilIy Deetu-ed tib>-Fire. b hile UniteciStates witb positive d 9 Kansas (',it 11 Mm. tire liruke oulitiniligit. Tic Engisi tureigli office lastil f bouce. iue Fol'uIsr Parking iipleused ta scec tic UnibedutatIefa 1 pan. uiî .u-tlirulouithfe atten rtinlBitin'asennbbing lun a ii w onltetel>' gîmicî.'us le aha. Theiproseli attitudeTh rihin 'thie lîuîteriuue, es-u Englanut lu regard lu lie uar betvee .mêti. eprlmeuileta.îîlles. n-li China uand Japonis mue utfconiplete i --materiail>lybt-el ii ii con- lion. Shei l ava itiumg developrnuuts,e uof lielaIe.. 're tuas niilnul peeialaos advices have hseui eccluf -#W0.000. Fulslo suneut At <mn rtnîîJapiun îniciashouw fiat aie a is ýbjoked as thoigi uicetîntimt-plientl likets ho itentlu nul> ueuce trerburesj 1 o0np i n ioke. ticelprecrit inie. as see lapreliareut .The Fol-Bail Scores. caronawte mpi. twiversity of Muicigan i utiteiîtî tic Lau-gem Enuiffuoîncntf etLebor. MVersitY- ut (hi'-11gu mlt fotouiiuuuhY a ut IL. G. I um & (uu eet-ki>' evien- bM 'f ut b,4.utet C'ictago. 'l'-i( uiiesieTnumie s511 -i'[ieeis amouechange for t bthir Assciatlu ionu elu-vî-m uitfinie-Ibeitur. 1T-e gauinils low aîîn li nsonie( erttiolii tu ohiegu fueuîîhuvîîauurî f 4 ret-m- i iu. 11v lr>'diic-t.- buithlie Sig 1 O1. iat-rui gaies nt-auhtei-mb uta ait i uu tIlenmnre mu-liiii lien lh aug>-ivouliin18 liiiruvalrd 'uuîl 4,hiic Ti. muuîfhuri <lt ouithi ic I*Hb<: ui vt-nit.y uitf'irgi 1110 Mfh gi ,ulîl iut ,of labrelîuun iWt-riuu ortl Carolmin i0. West-tern guineu: îî î - iluiettu- n iu-înd o uucn e hlufor tien -tgty ut Ilinoiuuils l0. 1tiiatiuiilc AihuitIi. rturm euf lroducta M iueifthfisuisl ahi, of St.Lusl. b0; Illisois I ',lls-guî.X, ututetuial rai ilîn' îof îers foirt iacis Normail 6; Albionui tuihhige 2 \u imter îvlulrlîreKutheil trou> îrumogs-du uIt. Doms-12; Ilusah -iil18-. liia- u-rtaiuit3-, ltoi i ieaius ados1 it-rei enli 6:; Adelbenf 24, (ase o0;î<uîrduuu'4, 1lu arîiuungsandcoul îunbsing PO OPau 0; Shaufoii .Univcrsity' tf roi-- r uttheî îmillions, au(d au gives promise *%MO; 0University' ut Nebraska 36,<Vin-îa hrger ilu-iauinluthe fture. Priceu gsily ut Iowa 10; Unive-rsity' utKanisas ftîîn îîtur hus in tic aggregilci(Io uol li University' ut Missoutri 12; Knox Col- lruue,btnthbus prevîtiliîîg lutpefuhuiess ke 0, si. AlbaînsI0; D1s<-o ines Y. iM .C. t-lt in eouuewhtilangertransanctionus. ii b, IowaaColhie t4; Kentîucky' Sts- Tmcaurr'a Report. Wlîege a8, Central lViivt-nity 10. The animluta repornt tfUniltedh St. B.E Sf. John Resîgna. Treesir Il. D. Morgan shows-at i 1. 8. s. Jou, îuhîuîfor an utmlien ot yu-ura uet oruiuary revenues fou- tic lat fit Ms itou tiheioitintf gens-nul iuîîuuuer enwenc $294,722,00, andecetase 9th l.Chicago, lRoek hi and nP hacificef88n7,(k9 Tic mo-ar>' cxjusthy j,0 leetd iculîre crs lu 'tf t-goS --e$367,525.279, n decrease ut $15,1Z "@dA i elee vi îesiueîl utfluve sea-n 114. lnchuding thie public debt,thie th ~'thinore,a-ih upositionl i. bas aeit- utPt 538 an llcciuncs e$74,90(,5 1 ila resiguablin as anuoffien uofthe5 n leicndtrs$e8W,5 L I Islandt Itonut bas iirsei tfu-nau-uedIH téeaFrue IW PReideut L .R. Catît.. andl a siseial - HTue Nu-n Y anFrtunue. o wsUng ofthlicdiu-ctors wilI î.u-ulîbls Thei- Newmu Yrk iNaioal u obe t »Oon tu Inke action tuu its arts-lit- 1<'i the 'tankm s beueul is eti 1 1 l>' Fun fTh irtnas eul>'aue Levi Hlcka la Beaten. [plge Dallas filëd iantîpnion l inte1 #W 4Btatee Circuit ('ou-I olPhilaîlu b. dlemîseliz tic Petihlnouftut[<cif W4 and ter enmbnhrs of thie Bruther-E 0of Roailuva>-Traiîîmîîî, n-ho d.-slueda ~eI lbtheeceivene ut tic Philaell- As" and lleainlg 'oumpany' buetin Ma In tbelr caîllo>' and e inite ÏW »Rw tent ho nunuiin m-benesut IWBerna Beef for Olil Englunil. Alozander, a Paris, K>., banker anud jaléet. bas; sold to1 M. Goldsmith Mbed of grade shontitîmu ratte, aven- oft1r 1,900 pounde, lie lot bringiag $W>.00 'li->' aill bc sii1uumsd io Fanc4; Lonidon sait Liverpoul, -for te Christmas market. Tis-> tie fineal cvrn hîlpeut tu-un 10 Blaee t Toledo. - Mafactutng Ci.. ot To- 500,000 oas ir ie Wei- lite U#bndreut empinyegré m-adîîue j5ýM O0bicycles lu -outrs- ouftgtii- Vere ueehu-ye.l. nuuîî-t I'r lasnueul Weutuicslny 1 ilu,. tbe"fluenles et Nimur rwb pila. This will intike 'MIe. Thc tru-st dlaims t,, tins At a ]ou., but il la = s9la intendecul luprou-uiîu ga, atutbus fores ni bhc woi tbat au ,I imuateul btokkeetin lthinstitut: l'un iliums thotu ne ys-ens. il lm now ts-geti, i. bas bs-eu slenîing tic bai fondsmiametuumuicall>'anti îemsiatentl>', e-Iy lu'one «fthbtauk*s deluositors.E mnus-il nîuisahuug. Cannot Recover Moue>' Lool. A Tuileimu.Oiuo, mail nanîcul Miller1 nal> ilinuvhî-nbspeCîulatiuuî onthe1 îluvue Exu-hatuge. Heo bat $38110 brumuglît cuill ugeinsb bis irokerson gru-mud ul iuum ueaulng iin options Iosi bling and boume cruuta-y lutite lan. Tii jury bmungit !ii overdit tir defendittot. Port Art hum Fatie. Diapatelies have bt-n neceivdt a l-'iiu tatiiig thîiit Iflc.1mauiese ctnp Port IArthuinu- iiWeduetsday, aflen fel cci uurs' fihiting. The Jauîaruîcs dul lt Itae.part lu tiie engagen thouîgh bbcluu-iedo lIioata attache-It( fis-et dld. Tic Jepauicse arnlon- Ica P'orthArthur. Fri ilifui Metor Accident. A mnuiiy ulltor car, jumping tu-nik at cruokeut Ounnha etree. lereetioii, fttl>'lijureu thle in iman andutwio oftheii paaenlgems ani ouîaiy inj<ire fouu- mhens Fride>'i mug. 'l,i-ocr n-as ou a stecp grndu, defecmue brakles entised thle accidenl 4 New- Minister 10 Waahlngtor TIie lunuderahm has alpuointed l'ioda von Locarne 10tu e Sa-las mir lu Wasinugton. He la non- conne:i thle Sa-las legathun lit Romne. 1<01e>'", kiterOto w wr1 __________Proçeeà witb Caution. An eiroueous Imprssion bas 401ont O BSDB El FHSLE IL OIN P C ENGLAND'8 SUPPL.Y US NEARLY iait the lerk of the Hrieou f Repriebnt- R v YDATM F MI 0 Wi.LOPDIE PEACir GONE. atives bas prepared au officiai tint et nml-VOE WF.TOSDRC YWI4lA bers of the ,lVthb Contre"s. This hoboas net due, soirs a Wauhington dispatcb.Ieu xrs obesLne nCi &l oIeW ' grà Ireanary Nets a Big Paoaiam for thp and would nlot he be t do If so dispos- tasRpeaRbCsLnc .Cia51 .B ila 0W~ New Boîd-Probiuii the Ricke Eut- cdte for, the reolson tient officiai returfiS Ploa-IKIlled lu a Coal liiae-elaifl Indaeiity or one a Mmdràa ingsResrretio of n Od Pnn-have no far been received f rom oniy two nt Rie »csk-Trcasury Raid Fruin- la e oi4oAUl JSaiîaa' ingsResurectoa o su id ~ districts of the. 3Wi, tbose being the two sylvanla Law-Turks Indignant. Orondsics tsnt expected tieat troted-Lbsu of the Falcon. -S9Ci5erla ao!ir aoutCol". Iron Mere and lu England. niumber be piaced wlth tde lerk before Denth of His Devoted Wife. is retauis Uve gu Secretary Morton le couinceld, as a the convening of the short session, sied Pritnce<e< Bismarck, wife of prince Bis- »s iNns. the chiai ofrThe importi rçouit of his vieit "U 'Europe, tient the the proboebilitien are thst nit the cortifi- marck, dieid at Varzin at 5 o'ciock Tue@- teins Lt TienI Tila, who was nomtly seat of empire lu the World of iron and cntes wili nlot bc on fileo for soine tie cdairnoring. P'rinces@ Bismiarck (Duch- inad to Pokia la ordor to aunfs steel lesttolbe transferrd front, England arterlthat date. But even if certlficates rats of Lauenburg), wlfe of Prince Bis- lb. govorament as tawayu and to the. United States ln the riear future. ahould lm filed represeuting ail thé dis- ,narck, bia beenii lie or beaith for a long raisins moer for the. war, bslt He iearned whie IL London tieat the tricts of the elaire country, the clerk tume. lier ilinest bect-anie ronouienfi lp5ic aorder to aamns Itrfp supply otfbenatile ore ln Spalin on which wouid not il> Ibis Instance probabiy be two miolette ago. Shi, was deeply nffected Thé. departur. of the Chians the Englisb have been drawing in neuriY dlsposed te Issue an officiai rol cail Of ni receiî-ed e sev-re. shock when the chiot for lapiLas laregarded by offiolil exhaustedl. At btien the ore la oniy 40 the next Congrea before thie expiration dcath offlier life-Io..g friend, Fruit En- Washington an the resuit of JSPI<pJI5 pe cnt preonanavrae min the of the prescut. ilt-uvîrrreafîi«Stijm- mand for a diret ofet feron china. haulto the Brtish biast fureiacea ls a CIRCULABB SENT TO WOMEN. Alte for l'itinerrîcîl uî, wasaial- Do Tlnq' msadoned la the cabis i long une. In the United States we have îmnnri-cd. Tiiree weeksaego iDr. Sehiweul- te be Dienng era.W - lui the Lake Superlor region a practl- Green Gonds Men Seekinir for Buycrs luger nus caiied te)i"ritcdri(clisriahc 1t pre- the position et comm sléieofo t S. call Inxhastîbe sppl of emailoAmong the Fair Sex. scribe foîr e serions attnî-kof neuraign OL Ta ogoI .Ut5 ores averaging i60 per cent., and Ibis cau Baltimore ins aguin bcing tooded with Milice that tintes i as e en îccu ist ec,,- pue « Svoy leiaoSuated for byo l b. dlilvered ta the Iron and steel milla green gooda circulera. oni, iiot men, tiiinaliitier the ilire o uit iyiî-iî.Ait 111D* lb ufld 1hâL1 anl Idfe"itY V5 of Chicago, Clevelr.ed and other lake are now given an oppo tuity b>' elle stick the furiiy ivere IL astily suinmoned te prebabil b. esoed on the. cuitons se. citles by a short al-water haut. For gentry to gel mieuc for itlte. Wihili er 1hcdsitlc>. 'oint Hlerbert Blismarck coipte. It bau beooeetu. of la 0s bM resonts Seeretar>' Morton believes lie at few dayé euy nunîher of tireur nrrived Mndyeveiig, nuinec i<p<'s-tealii tht lm wOUld spee t 10c the United States wili galon pas Great have recelved hie imitation lype1writteii e!îî wheîn lisiiither li.nsed away. Ai- the Ciiitom rte o f the bit Chi11»W Britain lu the Output of irun and steel, paper directing tliien hoîv te) geltue court- tiionili it in feuedthuit the effect tflus Portà la case au ladomnit7 wasaraid andAwe nia>'satin oulbid our rivailu l erfeit bills. Investigaltionl shows tint wilts de:îth tilleul the Prince %vili lie #cen- I - mltht the chine.oYYW tbe markets of the worid. business wonien, dressaîkers tenud others Ou. it e ti.sfteî'tory lu add thiett hie probabie tb ti uent of United Stati 5 RICS' NQUET. are those tusuaiiy chosenl as viclints. The et~îreo~îo ue1-i l eirbnh iltrDna Toklo, Jajanes oSd JUDOE ICKI tUIY fl illanes oft hec parties 10 iviionia men- îateiy. 11,11, Iit he hbhas lacii utie tel r- hb, o..accordaid every courtesr. CouresinalBuconatte Bgia ion la siven eioear oit the adiiressed en- am i liy<rva ru jiîîn Aitheugb Japan shows Do aluns or ai Il. nvesigatOn a Ciu ein velope. The circulaetii iiaded "confl<len- s-one Bicn aek druis.ueFauiter ofhe haustion. fisca or miitary, ber Qovsuj - It IvetiatonetClvean iai," and the recipient is addressed asuîvon Bisaî r wasiher iulieriofhevonment anld people oughl to b. ntsa d The.lionne Sub-committee on Judiciar>', 'friend." Pneaingiieltizrlenihvnpo u appointed to investigate lhe charge - - %itkmiser. who <ied imînediatuiy attcr with the mag b«ndrorasartntl1 brougit by the Central Labor Union Indiana Doctors Oct lu Trouble. lhc Frnnceo-i'rtnain waîr. The Putkni- aced la humblijis a powersto lu aganut United States Judge Auguatus J. Dr. Samuel Kïllîner, Ilarry Mci>onald m<-r tainil>' huiongit teovhnt la kuoîvn iiimore fOri~idble as toen..b1i n siI Rlcks, began ils iniquiry lu the Federal and Flirer Stro>t-r, of SouthhBend. lui., PIiecsia as rte iilîetigt seet, who»e failli wlt theb.ment s.sgro.sivoii>iiis building et Cleveland Monda>'. Tic sub- have hceîî arrented oui grand jury war- nuiiîri<ti.-e <-d'1ià re<eibile theffle o~f th..î erelgallea of Europe ad Âl~E ifcommtte consista of Representalive Jo- rmots isaned aon indictîmenla nrharging Quakiers. Tiie irinv-csc buil a ver>' iliou ns iaut erest5 are liplicillied VIlS Uf i seph W. Balley of Texas, as chairman, îhcm Witetimnîg the mnillfor traudui- disposition. jidoljzed Lrbîlau, nula'& aa usi ar angom p uce OdWibCl. et Edwand Lane of Illinois aud Case Broder- lent purposes. The>' are eîgagcd l nink- watt ontlof t e huaI inothers inî Geniany. a.[lpicaaragpoaVse, [@ ick of Kansas. The Central Labor Un- Ing anîd seling juionîts for elle imuroi-r- Il i. kiotniet Ileie iieî-t rcî-ins fîtrnallait cosaplefel! detach Cotres f11; ion was represented before the commnittee nient utof upex4<isof nuinci<. The>' elwiy-< îxisteu] l-tue i..leîuniol 1china; whlci, g.coudly, @hall ire o a b>' Arnold Oree, whitue Judge Ricke warepresent «boult 0ftraise. %ife. Lnulif the-l'i jou-' iila-cii sprl I 0w footing te Rusain, on th. uortiea represented b>' Vingil P. Kiloe, Judge S. o-ii et sj<rii<g ii-' t ,ulileu< .1-e or te Engiand la the bortz alkd mi E.Wllamon udeSanders and A- Fatally Hurt Def<.eidig a Daiughter. bratee-il icîir c.ldelîi wbavelîet of oreai Japanrwlll provo hersait u@ý kg drew Squire. The charge madle b>' the Eluier Stouit, i<ged 17. ittemipted ta ordiya wai power of distlnguuuhed rak.l - -L1ubor Union. aegnirnet Judge asseul a daiighter utf.J. L. Keith. a tamei- GET SVNBNIS notwlthgtandlng ber Intiuar iualgniA-i e Iieks l, lu brief, tint w-hile actinig lu er living ei5t <of (Giiiirie, 0. T., ass@lhe I ance sud ber comparativeil amraiti suu ta ti aai> !aeca xmnrl ne vso irli ho -iul. Mr. Keith Posew of Texans Capture thtc Lootera bersbut tho wili iayq outwittesl th ,la foty patent cases hie failid tlu brutirer sauv bien sied railuais dentghtcra ires- of lhe Express office ut Candlsn calmre array cf Enropean diplomatit id about $1,5inlufera hrblonging tu the Gov- rite, but n-ils lîlînceif L dîl o<wii, kick- Ai ttfemht %vii- iîu<- iiadte,<id te ît l'O wiiobave been ioveriau over the ces-I las crament. Il la tlueged tiat afler ticIs cd tnd beatn t o 1110lgîseisiiliit>'. M r. Golif, Colorado ied ««ila iîF: I- uls-ist and test1k alr. xetn 0prey7 0 t. nesanppionted UnitecdlStates jug.-bc nie font is linjes. < er I eî ci i ~ll irr -pee nli< itaîului. b~irue~ s 8 pruved bhis sîlveaccueillts as special exam- n«mbisini.ris lri<iayilih. ive packages of1 wtclu U 5i lie css iii> e, <-<îisigi<ed froîtte I.irg.ýI-ai eî lit-s cina *u ar lu tsau mt ier ilu these cse, onetfor Tien-Tain. Kiiîis Umity .,tlu George Imsîtaaitt 7f a à . est Oi.4pnBr l SYNDICATIE BlD ACCEPTED. Shîanghati asîvices sa<y (Juijt Oyama'@ (Xîiî:«inn. Ti, .. alo , îî<î.rtii<tir e lui té,libbarljla th .r U erîlu>' latnîarchi<îg nî,nîhu rd lhrîîngh the taini $25,t)(9), urriued La<lt Cailliiltient wlis= -suc eu Walycvli Entio Isue o 550000,00 BndaLie<î Tung 1rî<i<ît<ry i llei.-dirction out niglit, îtend uviili < try huve minutîes ntîr hb forco. bier diplomnateWit net beatite Taken by flihe Baiks. Niti,-iin îîig. île bih eflef 10(5)0tr)opg lth- traîî in caineil e and«iuof«trobbeuri t - I10acirateven their own agent lu tie ae- atI Secretar>- Carlile asu decidcd telaceelult hhini<lfor <the iîveu.tminel f Po<rt Arthiur.en. <îiis<-tedtohîlîl uit iîriff gollationa. it. lie Stewart ayxidien< lofutllsîiefor telueei- A ftî-n reanil i N iuih wang il iun seudl ttnt Mu 1 me of it iffleui l C.oi! - 'i i, î%%as 1 it tie e oifueua$ perJ,(~ icent lvai iiosdestintion 1 thie ilil iti- I her-rt nui. ii i tem i-il saedilhie KIhLLED -LU KE B EASTS. en bonda. The figure ifered b>- rie v ndu K <i lu.itle teriinuis out icrairond t< iauT î-î i-u uhi îlîîiill ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~er cafia 1.7.Tetuîuii flili ii su.< uîuîi.yiîig ut ic Nvuu uuuu l' ie rOi>- Two Thovisaifet o lb.heUnprotect5uf e e. stalement coî<erni!ig theticeuptte of0 Ertqo nConnclu. iei<i-lutilirt. A liuss<e iiiîd.%0P. tu >Ob. en- the syîidicîte's proposai was mode ai t. îgî l<uao rtîuuinetuerl, ute ndla s-ielu tir ellic roiîhu.rc iibel. A dispolci tu the London Times frami it Treasury: poricd trout tuwua adjacenlt te Ni-w Ion- Word bushIe-ii ti ent iîut h<- Is<es Vienna sa's tieat a letten bas bren e c- "The ilecreti<ry utfelie Treasury bas (don. Coliîn., -ridey nuurnuig Iicwecn 8 siîrruii<ld lilie udits ili the Aiiclop<e ceived titre front Smyrno neioting that -y.~~~~~~~ aceîdl.îrîue i li .Stewart, a etîd9 oî-iîîk. repiorts co,înîg friu Cro- ble iiuc 'ieniue reiiuiuîrY, andiiifterZeiPhaaTuka nra.u-t& td 1reidenl ufthIle United States Trust Co'ni-ton. 'Mystic. îjynn Lnîu Niuniiii, uv erc ulie an ilicrati tiglî iet ii-ui ,i,-v,-n ofthue delicimeut of Nizams and anfiedtbat-ý le- pany, and bis aescae e)lupurchale the eouud wn- ans ofdut ilnlert tlîuîîuuercoul ic pari>' A rt-lief-ty unI'iîtaiiiiîg surge-una tery. masacred 2,000 Arnieius ai Sas- ut ctire issue ofu-)5lpur cent bonds, wanunt- vibration î.ronuuîîîcîî. Nu deniagé ila c e ft fier lii- sîs-ulu- Tîte rilleri n î-r<- fun Tii. bodies outhle dend! vure leotI on« aiIi iîîg l t 0,aiO0,ai 117071, and ne- portcd las fer as kîuown. lut-ieuil>' ari1 uîali li wi-u l oos i, Abu;"eand thinrrenershas eau"edau un- crurd litercat fronNovemben 1. The rcuî in,î «t $4.9r) us lies n îfftrj for outrak of chimer. Man>' chrlslimai ut iîru-eculs ut the bonda under tuis bld will "iîpper" Once o. thiir capturenî. are reponted te bore fled by secret pahtita ru- wo l c a nacronsalhe Iussian toutier. S iho 4951702grelsthon fiwe>' nd Acrnt'wounn tunl)( .-rsni Sni fr t<cvcnge- ufnte a rnu liicn c- A i-ry imlortnit advanltage ta el1h. < wtane]. deuilinaid Vilueedtui uab o fica c es he lp- fre eu lillad *iie%4rod. ondn.cilg<i, uii. 1'.iut a il aialiratîiuif'telfra ie b. o ths ne u tfil la re oa Vei eremeut lu aece-ptiug thile bi< L; dtIt 11.r thruýlt wn- utm, iiuiiesoulue ofuthetic gklecai î iv hi- n d lirlPsitat iig llusl imthe>' l eral.lurenfnte rte 61 î<î 1hen1 aiie g.,id uuilb. tunuiihd Oubèlde.newsu<nî<cra intiîuente îîuîuîit isniinotierkle yluyChlsHatnsi[isbly ti.rfluetanoc rtle6 aI uu hnedruvî tlui ueirîîuiry. Il in crimie out h".kth hiî-"orîlîr. rýÀt;!) <~.>Ihiokîn> Buildling. li ofthle Berlin lreaty, ei-ici impose* on 10 alan nmarc couveuicut, andl lest;s epensive 2îi ,-,u-k rccl:uy afieniuicîi.Iliat- themn lie duly oftgerlng liaI lie Port. lu the depariniînt, tlu %illel 1ee ry Car Barnas >ef >t-i1e. ics ired il îuly oune clii ilTii.- iuurîcnr,I takes mensures ta proteel Antuensa. rutier ttbanu uith lman>-' Vire trke outl îîie theuuriu el lue AI-.n bu.i-i eîtiilk dieir. i luerru--il lriglit 'Tii. later decinre tien (bey hopte tor lieglieny, l'n., Trcnîuluî toiuîîiipy. Fort>'- a fisner siiellie g.lit- leluis to lhavi- ohn rn Erpbtten hyi ut ofLARGE DEBTS AND NO> ASSETS. nliai,,.hrs-s, cci ci îhorsec rsniedîu 5<-t-n l-et i î-iiu fut îiu.- iuîîrs aiiriin bave n Enebttittc> li he haeconfidence luntGrent Bitiaiz. Npî- , i alr fNa Bohro otadelectri-i(-i rs e ure t.u niid. Tli r-4- e d il- iractiic. h>, lis luboulue ei n i tii < neros ppeaishbave bren madllI)v tié di Alureus ent of thmezzl, u t ot n jge edjoiîîitig nu-ne n8i1,-so c.Thue tlle dui ih:ig see.-acii r3 ilns îuk. Armeu@ans 1tathe. British toreigu <-111e.. gels tcor fEecztmŽf uire luntaouit $754. '[i T-e iuinulre, i îuu<il %liiih- ,suoit f Iinî i . as 1threeîrved xalys ltitthle last 'lueruiuirse einiug ee nalici c Iî enîi<ri mThet u<-îgtestl-s -i la1r'.il Ililad oeoihcaos 1ttt -Armenlanu ou not wlsh tbu are mure o i robofNeel Brie. & CO.. ellenuzrest Svntl-ncilîul i-s iel-î - uîuu n iilil1,. heUr territor>' anucîrd b>'Ruaciiia,but 1g a uuilliig hiinn liEasterlin in. pruî cd Seveu fi reîuu-iv i re iîu i ,.tibrreuOfa girl.ifO alnta hunbeoilptha lot- truc. Il l ee N 1-iil lie dî-lui cil iirien (hem seriuus1 y, wulîle îvrkî uug ai itilireifGetrtaeineabetbli lns tue front $(5>) 1()tii$154.4tX)0 uithiuit t cuilt Friîîîy iitin th îî ea luiuîr is-r us xpect (bld Io Flgw Buck. tb.>' wil b.ecompelîrd lu look tho ilîsaîa. th. ofgtrassetlu ait. The cn<rehila mrsil <iCtict.'T'le iiinii uin euulue illie>' sulr- Treiuem ,hiu l leIht huit iii < A tenuder wiom yokoe hey uuld lb. boter net- ever>' grain de-aler lunhPortland rend int (le roui îuueîl y hkzIî i ng1pi les wiiun of thcte Ou,- i uilieiritn u ufrniît ihe-suul îruîr>'off ttaitnenthie yoke oet'Xunküy. esce caler, .Bertue, lidgev ilîe. au nlet lier placles, ii p iilcui-oer 01oui î u. nt New York luiriuug tIi,-liti iuv ueukq A dlspatch lu the Lendon Dail>' New« )oîv beides burudreils o u mierurs uîho uuîired b>' irtsmend îîuîi le<k, iggreztguiii$. f8, reiniCoutanlhioilc soya tint lb.enter- ce uft Ieir craint ut wlucat. Plil ot uhiîh le iow Fouind Goid in e 'Mounil. fiS>, uu,uv iiîuîithe,- lilini- issue - ,iuondsgpitc action of Sir Phiiip Conie, tie Brit. t ut galle. ,iiong these tarec eer ci viions. Bs dire-ctioîn ouit lii iiuinolian Jui b en hîe îc ardce,îmllte).ellue Stewartlin~iili- 1lai Anbaseodon te Tnrkey, iacansei min W'allace and BurtoniuNeul the iieîibrs Mi-Cnlpbeil, uu-lo livems lui <-it>' toile- cette, iilil e- rs-îuiie-ilet. the fr.casry. consterntiou aning lie nienbens (if lhe §a la of riie fin, uvire errestii oui the charge front '%I.idileMxiro,. Ky'.ubuug li t nîîîoldThese linos andbl es uiîuuu lruîleu gouh.Tunkisi tiovermnent. Ever>'thinghina utfcnîbezzheiientul. irtrred b>'),I rs, Sareh ou bis fom> nuidt fuîuîl $1.045) lu guuld. lu aulîntiipaiuon lluuîtiluuy wuuiiflis-euu- bren doue lu keep secret the tacts ut the Fr> c. ot West Clhet-r,. n ltid lber (Great excileen-t pruvils, as othitr coins et saful biduiers fuir part uitetle uewu-bonduus. outrages. Informathon front viarions uuet croitpilu arge. Tic Neala uene are îhuugitta ob. buricd Ilîcre. sources tends te prove tint lhe Sassua ates plaicd uuîlcr a bond clt $1,000 ecr. Steamer Faucon Said te Be Lenat. affalen wasmontl serios.. the WiVIt Accept Ceveland'a (lier. A correslicndent et Port 'Murii-n.Il. B., A dispalci froni Constnthinople± ho the !lu Muet SelI IBrend by Wclgit. A disptch test, becu received trointn-rites tinet oiAnîcriceju flsliiug au-hismoer iStandard sanyatint lu responar lu the uto Ticenmanket cominiissioOnrlias ceueed Tuîkio sna iig the tientpn ias iutinnied îlent lu lucre rtue uuher mfîy tend.)rupurteil pi-tent mode b>' Sir Piip Currie, British Year quile o ltrry amorlg the bekers utfttead-tlitas os atin as(ChinauîPlue> mîakle pen<ch tie teste-amer Falco,îretiinug trîîu Anibassadon le Tîîrkcy, lie Porte bas ores iîîg, Pa., b>' ieeiing a notice tlîut on aied prouosaitsJupion null neîlît thîe gîîîd ot- 1hiiadelphia tahoSt. Johnus. îîters-n sve>'- nreservedi> wlhhdranotle i-barge 9152.- afler Januar>' 1, 1895, tic>' will Ise m- flues out(ie United States il% bbeni-goula- ig PneM e ar>'a rtuule euîxiliîur>'againat Mn. Haiiward, the BritisUh Consul ttlquincd tlu sdi ail hread b>' neight. This lions ,wiîi Peking. cp!e~gpatts, wn-îl eskî-îl<n elle at Van, ut lucitlus lie Armenians at otol~~In bo____rneroc boff oient ifa <tNewfond- Bannian od elsewiere lu revoit. The 00,- action la taken unuler au oid acl uft he ki oc s0 2. Assenibl>' passeit lu 1797. which directs Mime Stevenson Improviog. tonîd letîuîîrihi<uring a bîig tori arîd change gnew ontut li te investigation tint ait bread shall bc gld b> tic poutele, Miss Stevensoni. ditughter outrte \Vure- %Il on bourdl wcnc drowtied. made b>' Mn. Hatiward lnothle Annea- and imposes a penalty ut $10 for ever>' President. passe-d a resîful de>' Soudhe>'Ian massacres and hils report lu the Brit- and viotion. As tic 10w ia brn a dcad tnt Asieville, N. C, anuitlaelighbl>' line- Three Men Fataliy mmmcd. ish Ambassador. Tice(leveruon ut Bitlis, 354,- btter for geucratione lits couuccmeut in proving. At 8 o<dock Tîîesday mrung a terrible Who le aerloushy invoived lu lie outrage. LC. lkel>' ta wurk a revolullun lu the bakiuîg explosion occurreil ai lie Jerk Oak <-ai mado lie charge, il le said, for the pur,- bren business ui thti cil>'. MAKXT QuoTA IIoN& mnies, titrcer miles frntn AltualIowut, pose of revente. tion. ______ bmnobeluor falal>'lYijuredI. Tic>' The Sultan has dccldeci to send a com- %ai- Anicricafl Paiero Shut Ont, hcz--Ctlcmont rm.ail liveutLocamr the mines. The exploshinmission cumpoaed out iermu-o embers oy4 înkgs Tic recent edict ealing fon thc seizure tîîcai. Catîbts,, ipis raes $(4 re8ulted frotte a commun powAder Mlle, is ralihan>' ionehobd and une cIvilIa te ,nid- nI lie trontier of foneigmi îewspapens cote- 475; sîuccp, tain to <hoice. $«3.50-whichigiolîd lbegases. Tic longeto the Basanafotonle pu-pose utfniakug anu lune Boti telning arenuts gofthti Armeoino rmase- wet o c,5«55e;crn, No. 2, mine property wuili be beavy. partIlailaiquir! mb hie out.rages on Art. cres pruibitm tic etn> utf ever>' Ameni- 4StC49ec;auo, No. 2, 2Qfali29c; r>-e, No. New Platuinl Brazi1.moaa.Titaatnw latlioI con ewsaPerint Tukey.Thi acton 2,47@4W; utte, coic amog C - e et that:mn>' too lihve Armenians Wb* 01autheuvpaeof theTuks er Tms at in , 4@7c utucîiecreamer>', A plagne hin apaîiend augCî u be borakilled flel .look 24w( prtu rTrksîgveunet se egs, tresie, 20fl<2î%c coles in varions parts of bbc states out MMtron ry and are uuw retunning. îo-sîîîpoacd 1ta bc duc bu tic altitude assure- potatitescar lots, peu- bumiel, 00(oJlSc. Rio deJausiro and Sao Paulo. Tic dîseaste__________ eandt cd b>' ticAnierîcan press on tic Arme- hdianopolia - Catle, ahiPPing. $3@fl causes dealhinl a tcw bursannd daco-isLnoo lb.itan questii. __4__)1.; linge, choie lugut l(-47 aep[ are undecided uviethen il la choiera or a Judge J. T. Terrill was ahot and kîllied gain- Chicago Man DouaI.. 050,000. clOtioui buta pime, $2W2.50; wieat. N., new type of yctiow teven. ah Jorneshonro, Au-k., b>' Amo>' Seymour. à Sate The Board ut Trusees utf Cargo, N. D. 2 red, 5fflie11crni. No. 1 whilte, 431Y @stock raisn. Befonu faWaig a corps. Ter-. etc naM.2a-ie i3~4 hr. Cleveland Ia RelIer. ri nc eI ton Cotiege accepted a cash donsatieunof $0, 4W;t§,oul-a2twhi$te,0 bos, 34- ; Tccbne etn usuo'ws~s- nl akd Se>'mouir dowu Witte o cîtibi 000 toward au etîdon-nient tond 'ofIl$200)- StlufiliatteWd; og, $ 4.5; on 00 foi r.D K Pasuao ci- uvest. No. 2 ed, 50Scartou-. No. 2, poord for lie tliu-utlimre, owing bticheah-ifitigsron on c000 o ltud uo n ilsD. . Pasio sro h- 4vi 4c ae N.2 03c >. snuu i 'eIdo.Hspyîin Mms. Blanche Kautnan, a French se- Cie ooin dditin. Te insiltuion4l3nou l4Nu h2, 5 oatsoyaNia. 2bleIhefrZs1dnt l mîîb bel tu-sa, thesehence ah lucluatî.0h1L cig i basn buidingand Cncinati-Ctlle $3.5@5.2; bog, he- ilsrieuatie uiota-ornswhln smn lu ire. oati' Cincinnati.atand o pa

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