CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Nov 1894, p. 7

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b*m" ilaWi mut.-PI vby Pli [eg-'~OI dlvefl tue OR .itber. Plu"S ehd ruID hem W8uiI Lite. "- rîthin Ma B 10 kffl uf - luc >a tise W* 7 livtaWB4 de ytuexpet speechifli ,U?* iu cotui um7 vatcb. TsS ho case.-NOW ght Iead L1T-- Tb* utck lan crIi, W LP. mammal :Mercy, wbaft be poor ca le ews, an unkini -1- 'dl ta MMiT27 M, He sald ei a yon and ho e ,-Lite. s quit mkl? ranodier.*I bas oi' 11e04b F," tias the, a Recend. ood raet tvingapit% mtie red rye t il@ JouruaL stock la tr9AOu 'MpathetC ar bill, but lt don WooIl, cd hlm IL mini 7eU ThtaIs thém g Iba hi a uttoib", of tbe Ibis mide yatu eus the lutI le feu nuthe mti eel a Uite r, but It wa'l'tt bem be 3ext >wr dii OM ~1&um JT~L~SAM'S CASH BOX »tan ek dhfteet aedi- rTREASURER MORGAN 8UBMITS xealiz. relief froni auy of IS ANNUAL REPORT. suffersd terribhi, Total Flac&, Receipt@ on AIl Accounte and ànUsIy cave up Wero *0724,06,538 snd the Total discours" ti oo Empendituren 689852lafi linath. ecod od d' denut Revenues imspair G(ld Reserve. complsbhing, I pur- Bond Issueca Neces.ity. Chanltal à tupply. The Treasurer of tht United States. iWhou 1 bad Isien a Hon. H. D. Morgan, bas submitted ta 'sfoarth cf a bttit i Secretary Carifisle the annual report of notied decdedthe operations and condition of the treas- urY. The net ordinary revenues for the change cf feiling lu fiscal >ear ending Joue 30, cents omit- my,'bhnds. 1 contin- ted, were, $297,722,019, a decrease ot ued fatâfufly with $8,007,609 as compared with the year SOOW4 BapiiU-hetore. The net ordinary expenditures oupis f thnaighbora "J mere$372579 a decrease of $15,- îamy ffetiewua soca pofecstly éaed. 952,674. 'The total receipts on ail ac- 16M 1I bar.skmSuEoda isrsapsrWacounts mere $724,006,M38, and the ex- qeliftkeemsstelagsdoder xpeuditures $098.908.552. tle M7 11dm s. mth benfit ta thei At the close of butinets on Jue 0, XI&. I II .w st, ed AIOdO 1811M, there stood on the books of the deliartmeut chargcd ta tht treasurer a balance ot $738,467,5M5. Addlng ta this an> Cures receipts on ail accouots gaves $1.402.474,- 093 as total to be accounted for, and de- Pille an punul,' vegtable. me. docliug theexpenditnres leaves a balance ____________of $7615,540 on Jue 80, 1894. In e, l Aiisnaddition le the"e balances, however, Pawttmetand Yeu cant prentt there were otbc-rlilabiliiies, arising from UsInyen mcm Ait thoeamheati- the postal revenues, fromn disborsing offi- tAi ehilil la blleus andt sonithiait cens and trom other sources. which be d«& Use Ripant I abuies. a rem- hrought the total to $776.01.808 aet tht * isl standard for loch troubles. former date, and to $804.854.753 at the Oheetnat Fleur,. latter. Atter settiug aside the amounts .14 ercau.treated as unavailalale, tht principal of 0-IdC eman bo recently came which are tht deposits made with the contury trous the faherland, States under the iaw of 1)161, there re- a novel industry ID a litte mine the suin of $746,538,655 l1 1893 l-egg street, 1 hîladeiphi a mnl1tn gotîr moe nn lst hanthtand the suin of $775,310,55iJ lU 94reh,- bur ot"chsînt fur'the reaeu±ed hy live BIsets lu thtevera liqq f- tired omd e s bot- ofices of the treasory and mi.t,togethen lorman yersbee lu'rat mth dettosits lu national banke. 0f e many yeArseu iois sret the~ balances the toms of $584,593,9W0 ...rAii a A e mit osetsud $616,155,820, res,ectiveljy. were on 6-0 amillar mith the oid-faah- deposit for tht redemption oft utstand- malhoil et preparng 1the dougb. lui; certîficates and treasury notes, leav- Uci of the old Cermant9 et- lac $161,994,735 end $15q,15,739 as the ment ls Very iuuch cought afler balances ou account of the genenal tond. Germaus lu the noîgli orbo d, Isupsinuent of the (bld iReer. Ob upply la far below the de- Ttteaue rmna htth mr- ment of the goid reservp renîlering necea- sany tht Issue ai bonds iu February. wasq iL. ME WUcaused chielly by the detletion of the tres.sury resuitiuîg f rom insufficîtrît rev- enues. Even wheu thet supply of paper &a become so r-dureil thal the treasiuryq ws.s obliged te psY out large suosof gold1 %inl the ondinary diuroernents the coin1 was treeiy returned lu tht revenues. Tht proceeds ut this bran were 8,.1000lu gold coin and certiir'aleR, lut duriug thet moth of l.'elruary lucre %%ere redeerned ai notes iii piîî, presumatily1 iftil*Ipilt. to meet subscriptious to the lban, 50 Ihat1 tht net goil procteeda aere about $39,- 500,01)0. Thils, wiiih a gain of 150 000 lu golil tr or.lînury sources, 'Qbrouglît up tht eer-re lurirîg the mouth tron W$IM.(JOA%0lu tI:7t)t00 while **V m a ~UVae R %! LI, he net assets of 0- îrea.ory. uith an ex- o- cms ot $7,000.x, , f exiw.ritures over Bilio snessreceips for the nî,nth, îîcrensed tfrom ~ ~.h. ~ 525.00,0<) e $77,liMl<t5. luriug tht th @ur tomah brt-socceeding rucnths titi the end of the first 5ae..I.~i.COOSAIiS CD. wcek ln uAgîist tht reserve wns affected I's igsinby deficient revenues and wtdaaso itfbs. pain sud b«ioug ln th- gold for export. the nioveent abroad ~to brth. pain intheheuart. havlng been stiruulaîed hy the necessiry k~a r AWaUtS* Ie uvich thetlreasury was uniier et turulsh- nax ~ lng to exporternnomftlil raeight atter the beng t.Ayand a dePremdned ms upply ai aId pitres bat] hec,,me exhanat- . auc<his-testtate soed, tisdee Tht lowest point touche,] ty tht rc- bu" utïp quiclyJa run dowu 'no t ].uy, 1892, tht gold reserve deil ahustht erni aronff." ot ZKO ot and 01.00 si»e. was but luotile aàffected hy the withdraw ais camet eibeau«t-ODtlsh- etaicoin. there liever having been aur con- Kiu&Co,. fison, soi. N. Y. siderahie demaud for the Ademtion o! _____ nots. Evtu wheni gold exporta wene hearythie netal was turnished hy hauk- rsfromn their vauits, or was obfained trom the treasury for goid eertificales, eft course witbout inîlîirmnt of tht reserve.t During tht lasi twe years. lîowetr, the treasury has heen i-lled npiln le uruîsh Lydla uearly the whohcetftht reqirements for exportation, and there have recently ben E. ouilerable withdrawals for other uses. To the end ai September last tht total re- . Plflkham's demptionîs et United States notes lu gold tiiwt tht reaumpîlan ai specie paymeuts Vegetable were $18'1,3)0,000, and thettal redemp- lions of the treasury notes lu gold tram Comipounid their first issue were $6S.500,000. Tht tva important eveuts of tht yean affect- CURES ALL lus the~ condition ot tht public debt were the issue of $M,.000,000 o! 5 per cent ente of Women. bonds ta replcnish tht gold neserve an% Mtirl clns, 6 a the stoppage ot tht purchase of silven sela n rs thtlvat frma of Cep tae lOvra tobce, bullion hy the issue ai treasury notes. su kleration, Filng and oftbtWomb, sud cansequent Retirtisent uf Treasury Notes.. guuem, aud it pec.aly sdapted M'ith reference ta tht retirement ai e.e oosstf L eacrnee treasury notes tht Treasurer says that y m h ore ti as even orhm pior te August, 1893. tht treasury had Infallible lu sacb cases.. 1 dis- been able te previde for tht redem1îliîn eeiTumore from, the Utenus et treasury notes ln silver dollars ont ut oêCf developmelîtand checks thtelholdinugs aifret tilt-en, 80 that there mcrona humons. Th"t hnd nul been, Up ta thal time, any lm. own F eling painent ai thettîal anaunt ut tht Isilver OWf .-C g fond accumulated under the art. Ou anî.sd beoa ,lnlu-the 3(l et that monlh, bowevtr, the ilver sud ermasaly cret bydollars andi buiion lu the treasury bati ai eseunisoo i atalabecame reduced le tht amounulreuie libe aws ts n "mthe by i îw te ho retained for the psyment ai A"m in *0utstanding lreasury notes and certifi-a ift. cm>, tat, mas. rales, sud tht .demand fon tht redemp-f pin%25 ote. lion a! notes continuuiug lu conseaquencec ot the scarct,' of tht smailldenomina-t - Vraw upon tht dollars eointd cspeciallya BAKER& CON for Ihat purpose. The silven tond heingf UrgutMa~tactisre thon Impaineti, the notes se redeemeti ftW , HONCRAE enu canceled ln orden ta hreserve tht e qîtireti equaity betmeen the oliver lu the INO CHOCOL treasury and the notes outstandingý. e c te~C~bastasdvtt total amount cf the notes retiradinlult a HIUE8TAWAOS waY, uP 10 Oct 31, was $4,790,434. T h I I aidamduntof th er mas$350.59o10, ha and fracthonal eurremey detecttol at diâ Office of thetreaanry diulng the y«r regest Of SE in Leavenzng P oe-Latemt U. S. Gov't Report ws$10,500, an increasaetf$90 over the rear before. There was an Increase durlng the year0 owlea of $1,552,250 In the face value of the bond» held on account of the sinkng fonds of the Pacifiec railroado%, which amounted, on June 30, to $18,9W0,000. Notwith8tanding a change in thte rg- ulations, whereby tenders of national t wè to bear the charges for transportation, B o . T Y PlBE the redemptions were the heavet since ______ 1888, amounting to $105,000,000, or A Catesplllar Caunptgn. Benlevolence lu the Factory. more than hait of the average circulation. 1T%@ Rochester Doe, rat and Chron- A prince &mont advertisers, Willam L ilells hohw the schoat oidren of Douglas. Prosldont of tbe W. L Douglas ST. LOUIS' NEW STATION. Rochester killied SO f0 ,l terpillars, So Co,. Monteilo. Mass. le not lest cmi- Inspredby he romie oýbont onfor Practical klndnesto the bost ort Mo. Beuti ailtal.ay uiling inaire b th prmis ota buy by pee mployed by hMsin tha production TheDt Bat iRAwyBidn athe Genoute Valiey F rsi ry Associa- cf the celebratsd 5lashos , We bah natur- the country. 'lion. It ayâ: "80 thorouighly clone va. ally tg a man of bis enterprlie fur cou pre- Probably the moet oostly railway the wOr.< of gatherirg thenoocena that bensire and noble bocevoience. and-as are station In the country li that which the caterpililare ha-,e pr jotieai1y been onot dappotntiL. Adding attili anotlier has been lately built at St. LouIs. It exterminated for tbe season, exproeton of bitia ly 9o0d feeling to- i. the largest station In the world- and the tree, of the City have been in vard people who d.rend on hlm for a lire- The train shed covers 424,'-00 sa O t ull and vigorous fol age. Theamount phyaîtiho as ntta otbealîb oi ui feet of ground: there arc 301 tesedkî pald In prizes tbi& 3ea - w ow e6.0,.and worlc people. Bevry person enîployed at capable of holding y asudr1.nmeo oon etoed vas thé factany commandi tLt doctor'Ai er- rhelter and the uhole place la l- e.O,000. This la but a trifli ng ex- vicet. elther wlthin lils atis. or, if xeed lîîmlnated by 126 arc lighte. The ta.s pense for result.e ovalnabie, and the b., ut bit or ber own home; andîtit wlthln tion building proper envers an area of momber.i of the Féoesr; Amssitn tht phraîlausa province. ort course. te pre- F806 square feed have earned the gratitude of the con- scrib, Ibsoute.rett when tht. shah at pan This station bas the turther dl-tinc- munity for bearing the rost af a Cam. noeýary or deslabl& l' b.Douglas doc- tr exacts no tees froju bis Dtient,. bis tion uf being the most beautiful lu the paign vhich any City might proitarly entaas'nsnî bimng br urrangtmnt .lth country. The floors are for the mi ut ane properly maire a Dublia charge. a Douxlas. whoçe cdaims on tb. loyal There lo no wav of de.3roy ing cocoons good-fooliag of bts employez are empba- that vili compare In eflectivenega wltbslsd by tbis expresion of h4s hounîy. settinz an army of echool chUldren lu Iol ought Io bo generally known that pursuit of them. iel.0December. 1888. the principle ofaiar ___________________bitratton u areognlsed by formai 1%* lac etTorentagreement cf the W. L Douglas Eho" Ca. ThtilinsPis... lf obletulatere fwlth It employe% svsny man la the em- 0f bllos popl lacblfiylu htrgfo cfPlaYneu cOf theflras signlnw an agreement i >~'~n the lver, but wIth the extreusedioomioyt tu submittanydlarre.menîthbat ni arise locstedthsrtarM soeatdsnour sternachyel- andl not otherwse b. settled te tht 9State lowues. c09lthe ebt snd tytia. Dl, oTERitgoard of Arbftratlon for a decision 1tobnd nause&. an ipleasan brouh.. feurei tougu., bath parties, alck headathe. sud l rcguisigy ef th. bowels. Heathons Llks, Duck%. FPor escba"d aulof tisse ýphia ai'mmudconums or Rostt.tees omacb Bitters ta a sylfI santduCthna any couandrcolumthsmoreid agreeabie reuîedy. lb la greatly x>vfrahle teo u tme ducontars in0taheawr are anir vegttable purgative or drastie mineraiO oedc ara u00aya r catbartio. Sncb poeudo-speoiftos uuaiy do rai ed. mions harmn than good. iu malaria esmplshnts a x» t our fuil noaindiaditre,. to flb- - the lAver it always invoived.For tuoh- dison- der, seviWallenfor r absute d kdus,' - trouble. nmervouaenes sund cehit,', Blotln Stouaeh Bitters in a beuigu eel' b'i clans 'trougi,' omnunnuilt ton Ita prouc îut und tbortugbuess. and prot"shonst oppncval NEm UNIONSTeArTON T ST.LOUI ie fuit y lustildedit ypabrlo ssxpenienct dartng more tuat a chr f a century. part compo-eti of nosalc bricks in- vortet f rom H-llanti, and ornamcnted A oRowrit b ;aInesa mhich tht Eugz- vrith hleur-de-lis or tome si ch dainty llah dalry fariner oug ht te vlew vith dasigu. The aides are elther of .rîm- tom. dlimay is thteImpori t ofmllk, elnd brick, scargltoa or tillug. Tht coudensed or prestrved. smys a Loudan ceilings are o ualiy cruamented b excbange. Iu six menthe vo have re- faIgaeudesiwrnorether, a wrealli ceived r'l',r:i cmL., worth £669 02i se a7Il ros r a grsup ut cheruba lin that v. are paYiugat tht rat a1 ahve tact. tht ornamentatlon, under lhe di- a million sterlinZ a year nov for Ibis rerîl' n of J. 11. Millet, vhome mark at commodflty whieh oould ju as tasily tht fair vas ta hlgbly prai td, bas tut ho prepareidhore ai ,breÀL servedl to empha'aizt more strougly lb.. talentseo hli luanti t. XHow's This? In tht ritunda oruamneutatiou Is ab W. offer ont Hundreit Dollar@ flévard for Itebegh. A ccbana stof mar Ia" oth" o t lb u red b,' Its ~ ~ ~ ~ e 1egi.A c u, gnouped uin U'Cabaarb Cure the tornu of a terni ci le. a e sevtu F. J. CESPCIl» & CO.. Prupe. Toledo, 0. we. tht undeslgned, bars kuowu F. j. obsue, for the letfiftem eans, a.ýnd beiluvehi l .e- ftentyihonable In au business transactons, an atwal ble o tery out ay ohig&tion maI&tOby té,arim. Wsst à Trou.a. Wholse" Druggsts.,Toedo, 0. Watuiaugiaunau & marvtnt .boialé D)ro- - .ii~tthes trsteni. Prie. 75 e ebottA.s. toMb, aiu Drglu.Tostimtssiai ts. Not Worth muoh. Fine1 Percheron hanes sel for $12 a bond lu tht farn orthve#t. isao't cure for Consurmption la sn ts- Prclally good medicise fer croup, iiMnp& N Soc iety 'rHO otl RTH AiDE5 OCICA19DHALL voman aoflan tact -'ike - ~the geto o nalac ikefi ,ures delicatly inter- nMuch grayet,'- maou n îth ltedesign, whaae exteni- bllt~,hatres, snd eda! mg Icr t-inuhta glowlng vith tas lu Ta id (rnmenitail ectrl ights. Aliîng tlitsutcssion n southide, hi,t from tht gront. ex- thasm noi on o tond Battu n ai-laaiie 1glaewindows - "rua down" b,' thal. egpos ily ina tht hale a'ttruoon, th en. oftht'ser îast a mîlti orange lig;it (<ver the hall, tram Tnesufea t'.armoniztng perfect y wih th.thlir al alessuesa aud ernamtintatiou, and innpintiag a dcli- reulsrltles. Tht [al.t nichucas tof etlcct that one mlght a mala andi good exPet t fid inan a3trn osqu, ïrit tak ilght Itla ttue te accept ____________ 'e belp effered lu Dorit nPierre's Fa- vorite Prescription. ita, a nedîcine vhhci vasdiscoveneti anti used b,'àa rominent physician for man,' ytans i n ail casiesio -, 0 ernait complaint "anti(lie nenvou, dis- ondens vhich arise tram IL.Tht PrPe- - cription'" in a 'pavaiful uterne boulceanti nervine, especialiy adapttita omtans delicate vanta for il &itesand prenmntes - I aIl the natural fmnctsozu4budaup, lnsig. orales anti cures. Man,' vousen suifer trousnet-vous pros- tration, or exhsassion, ovin g tucongestion - or toidisorden oftheb pciai fonctions. Tht vaste pm-aductt abouldhlisquickty got nid of, the local source afIirritation nalleveti andi tht systein invigotuteti vith the$-Pte- à cniptioni' Do nul take thc ta-called LÀum98'As I ani'ij- mioueoiÉ. F atGAhND HALL ce-ler,' compounids, and 1arvinea Whlich ont,' pub the nerves te steep; but gel a bol net lu tht railway station ai an lasting cure vith Dr. Pierce s Favorite Americau city. Prescription- NUMBER OF ARRESTS MADE, 687 ««FEMALE WEAlCNESS."' lIns. WILLIAMlcHOOVER, eof.Sdh.nle, Work Donc by thie Secret Fervîce De, Richland Co., Ohio, partisent of tht' Treeeury. vnstes: " 1 ied beau William 1'.iIla7tn, thie Chie! ai tht Se- sireataufféerrerai cret Servit-c a! the Treasury Departinet, vral esnes ;1 n bis anuai report shiavs Ihiat during tos; hea di c-u the year thettali înmbî'r ofai rreste no god; 1 thoughit made mas 1687, neariy ail oaihb er, I vus an Auvaiti W- fon violations of the statutes relatlug to aven. But 1 heard couuterieitiug Uniited States moue,'. Of af Dr. Pierce's Fa- thase arested ahboutl2(K) w*re eithen con- vorite Prescription, victd o pladedguityandti len 1 vraIe te cicet orpiudei uilyandi 120 are'uaw hlm and ha 101d m. amailingthe actiou etgrand jorin-s.The tout boy betaire It fiues coilecteti itniîaunited la $5,047. The 1 took alght botettil amonit ofaltereti or caurtenieti ue nvt atI anirely M captured dnuring tht rear ws$21=300; vel. 1 could =tan coins, $10,755. Tîjere Nwereuat. cpto on ~m,' fart ouI,'a a 511.54 tita.»a »wvldo 134 plates front whiqr1 counlerfeit notes us,' mrk for ,' hlyof Uvp." hadt been printeil, 33 dits, 1561 muIds, anti M .0e* *.b .. .«b.« alarge quaulily o! misceliaucous mai- ter, consisling ai bolis, meiling pots, etc. AIMOLE CITY WAS IN DANGER. W a Sheibyvitie, Ind., Ha@ a Narrow Et- cape tram Borning Damu. At Shelhyville, Ind., by mistake bhe and aill omen who are urin aturaI gas was git-eu iigh pressure lu ceivable benefits from the fleuri the low pressure mains, and ti B iduigbt tl mas diacovereti that oeen500 slave and hecaters, lu ail parts et tht cil,' menu neitingentier theiteuse lieat, anti huilti- &c o ut,à lugs were lguiling ln et-mn, direction. Tht fire alarin mas burnet inl, hels were ung, mhisties soundîed anti tht citîzensi This in the mont nourishing foc wert arouseti rmutheir siombera ta dis- cover themscia-es lu tie mitist of a gen- riches the mether's milk and rai conflagration. The flow of gas mas rresteti andtioui,' three hoosea more Qmûres babies fat and givea m burned. Tht destruction ot these buldt- S iIdren thau all the rest of the ings ainounteti te considenable loge te thte munens. If tht tlana lhatbeen Iventy BetaEmnialnbau beenl amuies later notbing ceuiti have nmved V iow.iy rs for Eko4I.,mr. the cil,' freimdestruction.- -bins' OOsP Mg ('u, PbJlad6lPhls Ps.,by rreturn mail. andl pet, fret of ou toit,. 8 oupon eorth seenal1 dollar,,if n.ed by "ou tu its fou ladvantage6 Don't delay. Thie la uortby attention. Thote Wliqe Portuguese.. The Portuguese tay that no man can b. a good hushaut W ho doei not est a good breakfast. * Avas Exper, AS? i taît pallia- tIre sud curative 11, a Il Long Couîplainta. Brnincbltis, etr. hIta'aàa&ntanti n emcdy ion (aOu;thiandt 01ds, and noeets oniy a trial ta Prove lia wortb. TrtEORit atht chillthood ai tact, FaaCE.r, " tan ast&ailbeauiy-niarnin bien,lshes ,antib fronM the face wbcn Glenn'.s uiphur soap la useii morSE ]KNOWLF1D4E Bninge comfart and lmprvmet tends ta prsonal enjayment rigbily usi The manjy vho live ter than aIliers and enjoy fle more, letupnditunt, by marei-v-~ V -aatigtht marld's best pcub$ th eetof physical beiiig, vil)aiS tht value la health ai the pure 1qu laxative pnincipies embraced. An t*ii remedy, Sý'rup of Fige. Ita exce lence ls due ta its pieset~ lu the tarin mait acceptable a= =p1 sut to tht taste, tht reircshiugadbt beneficial propertita ot a perfect Ian..1 ative; cffectuaily cleansing the systeu, dispclliug raids, headaches and fevmg and perinanently curing constipation. It bas Fiven satimfiaction te millions ma)i met with tht approval of the mediMi profession, beras'il act8 ou theRkl- neya, Liver and Bowels mithont weak-ý ening liieniand t i llperiectly ire.eboni every objecîiinablt substance. Syrup of Figs je for malt by ail drug- giats in 50c and $1 hbItles, but il la mia- ufactured hy the California Fig Syrup Co. onl y, whose naine la printed ou ever package, alto tht naine, Syrup oftFIg, and heing meillinformaddi. DOW accept any substitute il ffe iAai there 1. one rkeumatic, tieralgic, sciatic, and ail-pain remiedy, as harmnles8 as vater, and sure as taoea-it ta & Jacobs Oil-uoed by everybody,-sold everywhere. F3LORI DA Ad the Sunny Soutbài -v4 BIG FOUR ROUTE. the Mun b ia aà »ucshasnd e ngi în o foilsv) hum te lnd %humne t l unisimen 'as A en ousoeg uSouth Ibis itr Thmeomp-nt vaimuoîtetwoucas, Ibo "'hiFos io.s th. bout une fremincl. la bemis tu mont prensn, s ic ei t. ita0. . isLClmuu.14a. . nit.. Bcnt,e a-ur adarsu aiislaa l'h.y 111utrirse uh.t graitn quanîi, t la lstu'oiu shli ana uftWsIg Net .1-ms tIte ho dssaimd. n~aes ~nDa5siri.u Thas- are-. o t. bis . tliqu. Ripons e Tabules tA»- d -tiardmthasuy previos,' kuu.a. DYSPEPELe. CURE. tipaos Tubait: Pries, So cets&sbox, Of drugglote, an by mail. Yen aï-n; sve mavbi Wet Mr hg Lb.h- W. L. D.sgia3.00 lies. Deauoo. W* tW* the t lreimanulsr,.cf" ltpdor iotsltbworoadu"taut. beL stia by apl.thet nnsaudlneon tilt Y= et~OSO 7uaat 10gbprions mi htadimaprefliaOur abcot equautoin au inayle , eAtt t n ai =srigqualte Wob"etb*M e ilowb«e losfoe 00____________r _ wermmk . enom. EYODRSELF exJ~qjmfi7 OgaitsAU"a exor ~a,,so ~ TA' L Drugam. u a lo'thers g bahies, derive almost inoon- rishing propee of 'nmulsion >d known to science. It en- dgives her strengtl. It also more nonrishinent to growing efood they eat. preacribed by physicians for B.a4 WuaInmg DWm o. f Ohim, "M Md OoMUspFL Cm,.teîsprinit- aid ilmifonbInViri.ei. . mmahetiss Aines.. AuRiAl ha,-,.naiitr insda uNew ldeans and aIlit riýeacM Teuigt .'aner adPulls a i,.ltcuig Cars dm11, b S-nett Luiis an isa, beng s'.-the "AinsI ,o"padthle Picteu-iu - . J& O. Alilwas,. i usrist rate,. li l.' -i tff-t Ca11i- o-r or edilr"YtaiAu'n01'ttht BRu F0, r tSlt1 r i ls c o n n t r i U it b . . o n ur isý E. 0. UcCORMICK. O. a. MAIITI%. Pa"Secr TnalSt mgr., Gesvi PamàIît.ô hAfL. Dig Four butCinnlnusti, Ohm. Vos, wan suORGANV Of cmr»s Yenvs the l1 .The las von HIGHEST-_ N y. tri ets to uf.l"la 1*w S'yl t uPspifflaPm" Ashou& elit onu our Easy Payiment Plan or &Yabd V Phrrcbaéd.Catalogues PP'M& MASON à HAMLIN OIlOAN AND PIANO CO4j les WABASI4 AVE.. ONIOAGO. W tus tabli esg ton nor2mthV% toaiuy Man. lU.8S or=- OC t t Mntuii' apply I147 t qiý IMPERIAL WASHINQ COUPOUNS SC. PNSON .1 x n 1- t W , 1v a djs a s 5 'i r T O T H- A mw u o m 1 AnduqýL mna

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